Blast from the Past Thread #28 ~*~Purane moments@300~*~ P 140 Epi 330 - Page 37


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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: cinthiann1758

For Indi

Episode 300 


Don't you love receiving gifts on your birthday? 

All wrapped in shiny green paper and placed so nicely on the middle of the bed. 

She must see it now. 

What the?

 She walks past it AGAIN and he has had ENOUGH!

 He grabs it and in his gussa says to her as she walks in, "see it, it's for you, take it!"  She doesn't want it.  Khushi is behaving quite childish right now.  Bas, Khushi, bas.  We know you just wanted a simple wish.  We know you didn't consider the 2 lakh bag a gift personally from him.


What about the cake? He personally ordered.

What about the fairy lights?  He carefully placed.

And now?

The beautifully shiny green wrapped present laying in the middle of the bed that is now in his angry hands.

Come on Khushi!

She has been blinded.

Take it he says.  She takes it and opens it without even a care.  Hurtful.  He looks on with a slight grin on his face; I sense he is proud of himself.  And she hands it back, "I don't want it."  Hurtful again.  Now don't misunderstand me, I understand with my whole heart her hurt.  He has hurt her many times but sometimes you got to give in when you know how hard it is for him. He had ordered it to her specifications, specially made for her in the color that he loves to see her in. And she doesn't want it.

He asks her almost desperately, why, Khushi, why? His frustration has brought his inner ASR out.  He aggressively walks forward and the usual dance takes place, she moves backwards as he is angrily asking her why and says he has left her no other option than to accept.  He has followed all that she has requested, he made the call, he picked the sari and the color and now she doesn't want it, he asks angrily.  She has been backed up to another wall yet again and he remembers NK's words to speak lovingly.  He reiterates what he has said in a softer tone and then asks her to wear it because he wants to see her in the sari.  He backs away handing her the dress, head down like a puppy that has surrendered to his master.  It was quite sweet and I loved to see our very vulnerable and in love hero.

I nearly fell off my chair when she said she wouldn't wear it.  He asks her why?  Why won't she wear it and why won't she smile?  He questions her and sternly asks her to look at him when he talks with her, his pet peeve.  She knows better but even now she can't seem to look into his eyes.  Neither of them can.  Why?  What has happened?  Why all this hidden pain?

He can buy her anything but not a smile.  The sari gets thrown to the side and he walks out.  Sometimes, the depth of hurt that has been portrayed in this show by both our characters surprises me, each one's hurt justified, although sometimes misguided and misinterpreted.

Angrily Arnav enters NK's room blaming him for the advice he gave.  It didn't work and if NK says relax and take a breath one more time this angry young man that is now in his ASR mode will remove his breaths!  He has tried so much and he is upset!  He asked Nani to make her favorite meal and she didn't even eat it.  He bought her a sari personally and she didn't even wear it. Arnav has tried to make her happy and smile but nothing and he is so frustrated!  NK has an idea and he furiously says he doesn't want anymore of his ideas he will do it himself and walks out the door.

We come to the point in the show where Khushi is talking with her confidante DM.  Now we will learn what is behind her bizarre behavior.  It seems that Khushi feels that everything that has happened is her fault.  Her Di is upset with her, and she feels she has caused the problem between her jiji and jijaji, so how can she be happy?  She continues that she isn't upset with Arnav... fooled me! But with everything that happened and what he said how can she forget?  Something must be done.

Akash has come home and Khushi is there with his water.  What is going through this SankaDevi's mind?  She Makes small talk and then suggests that since he has worked so hard since Atnav was away that maybe Payal and him should take a small getaway.  Akash leaves there and angrily walks in his room, okay so here is when I get angry.  He is angry at Payal for what Khushi did and he is still angry at Payal for keeping everything a secret from him.  I know he is hurt because she did not share this information but didn't both sisters stay quiet for the sake of the family?  I think they were stupid to withhold this information but then there wouldn't be a story. 

Now Payal is upset with her sister for interfering in her marital affairs and although Khushi thinks her idea was great her sister asks her to stay out of her relationship with her husband further pushing Khushi to a state of unhappiness and guilt.

Nani and Anjali are having a nice moment with Nani combing Anjali's hair.  Nani says that when she was pregnant her plait was so thick indicating she was going to have a girl.  Anjali says no, she wants a son just like Shyam.  Man, I didn't remember this,; I only remember her wanting a Rajkumari.  Interesting, since Shyam is gone, the child should be a boy to remind her of his father. Oh, how she idolizes him!  She cries on Naniji's shoulder, not understanding what has happened, how it happened? She thinks Arnav must be wrong her husband could never do those things.  Oh wait Anjali for worse things to come and yes take another pill during your pregnancy!

The next scene was one of my favorites.  Arnav is coming down the stairs thinking about all that has happened with Khushi and Khushi is at the other end of the room thinking all that has happened with her sister and Arnav.  They are on either end of the room.  They slowly walk up to each other, reminds me of a duel at the OK Corral, slowly walking to each other not knowing who is going to draw their pistol first but he turns as he gets close to her seeing her eyes saddened, Dammit! He mutters.  Her hurt too much for him to bear and she too turns but she mutters that even she doesn't want to look at him. Both of them turn and Arnav bumps into NK and she bumps into Payal.  They are both scolded but NK realizs that he has been looking at Khushi and says to him love is blind.  Arnav grabs his computer bag and goes back up the stairs. (That was kind of weird I thought he would go out the door, where was he going anyway?  Another Shantivan puzzle)

 Khushi has just been scolded by her sister and thinks she must do something now.

NK and Arnav are in Arnav's room.  It is funny how NK sees the pair as falling in love and even though they are maybe the two just don't see it right now.  Afterall, we have only had the "Khushi, I love you" phone call but not the "Because, I love you dammit!"  Even that confuses me.  I guess Arnav is still figuring out how to express his love for her and how to keep her happy since his outburst and reminder of the contract.  Nk is rambling to Arnav trying to figure a plan of winning Khushi over, as well as giving him the facts of Arnav and Khushi's relationship that points to love.  He says the great Arnav Singh Raizada has fallen to his knees from his love.  NK asks Arnav to recreate all the memories in which they had fallen in love and he asks Arnav to tell him about them.

Arnav remembers his meeting with Khushi, his eyes glaze with the memory of a mesmerizing beauty in his arms as she fell from the runway, her lips lusciously pink, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and the memory of the anger he felt at this beauty who was trying to destroy his show.  Conflicted he was, angry for this conspiracy but moved at the same time by this beauty. He held her against his body, which became hard as steel, threatening her with his batameezi attitude breaking her pearl dori...she entranced him.  His look far away to a time of nafrat, gussa and enthrallment...

NK shouts, "That's it! That look!!!"

 Arnav looks at him like he's mad.

NK asks him to tell their love story. 

He begins...

She fell in his arms during his runway show and he locked her in a room and he was responsible for Payal's wedding breaking and he was responsible for having the footage of her in his arms played on every channel, over and over again. And then she came to work for him and he caught her as she almost fell and they argued and he let go of her and she fell from his office window and then he put her in the rain parking cars and when she didn't give in he sent her to a building that was just about to collapse.  He made her life so difficult...

STOP!!!! NK screams. Stop, Pause, he says it's you Arnav so it figures.  But Khushi, lovely Khushi she must have some romantic moments with you.

He starts with," she calls me Laad Govenor.  She threw scalding hot tea at me, she came at me with a knife, she lit a mosquito coil and I couldn't speak for days.  She kept me hungry and I fainted..."

"WAIT!!! I asked you for romantic moments, a love story and all you tell me is horror and thrill." 

He asks G-d to help him and runs away.

Arnav is left with a silly grin on his face as he thinks of his crazy, zany Kushi and the madness that ensues around her. All of a sudden the light bulb goes off, that's it, he will relive their old moments!

 * I named this episode Blinded for a number of reasons.  Khushi has been blinded by the events that have happened and so she is not appreciating his love. She has taken all the blame for everything and is blind to the fact that others are involved too. Akash has been blinded by those same events and his feelings have been hurt; has he forgotten his love for Payal?  Anjali has been blinded to Shyam's truth. Arnav has been blindsided by his love for Khushi by all the events leading up to their contract marriage and now he wants to fight for her. NK says you are all blinded by these crazy things that you do to each other you just love each other and the great ASR has fallen to his knees for this crazy girl!

Great to see you around Cynthia. blinded were everyone indeed.

So right you are about asr feeling pride at convincing khushi to open that gift pack. rarely did he show any intermediary emotions apart from intense anger or love, this was one of those..
we are all very much puzzled to saddened to irked by khushi's reactions to his heart felt gestures.. . seemed to have her way of venting frustration at her husband for everyone around being not happy!
For me akash's anger seemed justified both with khushi and payal as he is always very much approachable to Payal to share matters.

NK, the seemingly craziest guy, is the perfect antidote to the craziness that goes on in Shantivan..

misguided/ misinterpreted hurt.. perfect Cynthia.. enjoyed..

cineraria thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: BHAVII

@ Indi - epi 299 beautiful analysis. I did say before responding to Sohara this man did not stop trying. And that scene was one hell of the scene. Such emotions are not portrayed easily and is not seen daily on shows.

The last pic - His expressions, his love, his feelings uff... were killer. 

Side Note: I do not usually peek a boo in the actor's personal life so had no idea that Sanaya and Barun are in a relation and just watching the show i actually asked a question to one of my friend who happens to be on IF if this two people are in real relation and if not how can they portray so much intensity. 
Later when I watched one of the BTS videos i was like😲 😲 😲 It was a 180 degree turn. There was so much masti, and all.  

To me just questioning to myself or others is the success of both the actors👏 👏. Their equation, chemistry, history what ever you want to say was intense and real to life/.

Haha, you know what, I was showing random pics of them to my AD friend who in general is much averse to desi sabuns and absolutely no amount of pleading could convince her to watch, but looking at just the stills she said, "Are these guys like dating in real life?" 😆  😆

I agree with you Bhavi behen, this proves how tremendously successful they have been. They kind of spoiled me for any other couple. I can barely connect with others. 
cineraria thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: indi52


hi bhavii,

thanks for reading 299 and liking it.

you are right, those two together were something else. i remember my husband being blown away and asking if they were together in real life...
i was so engrossed in the love and romance of khushi and asr, i forgot to think about barun and sanaya and i have to say when i'd see them horsing around together, that felt natural and just the kind of relationship you needed to be able to get that comfortable with portraying romance with each other. no holds barred, they just went for it.

i loved the way asr's character and its basic traits kept coming through. and asr's love.

Spot on Indi behen. That they shared such a comfort level offscreen and are close friends was pivotal in setting our screens on fire. However they would often joke, how awkward they felt while giving intimate scenes and how one would burst out laughing while the camera was focussing on the other. 😆
cineraria thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Horizon

🤣  @bold: This bit totally cracked me. 🤣 

Oh wow, the man is indeed a wafting ghazal.

The line that I would often recall while watching ASR and his silence was from a ghazal in serial Neem ka pedh...

"Muh ki baat sune har koi... dil ke dard ko jaane kaun
     Aawazon ke bazaaron mein, khaamoshi pehchaane kaun"

(All hear what's spoken from mouth but no one recognizes the heart's ache, amid markets of voices, no one recognizes silence)

Edited by cineraria - 9 years ago

cineraria thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Horizon


For your guileless abs Khushi query Bhavii ,😊

Aunty ho ya twenty

A madness unparalleled

We all have in plenty

What if we turned a few yrs

More than asr and khushi

We are all here to celebrate

The one and only tv show

That makes us all super senti...

Samjhi aap...😊

Here is to my bakwas poetry... 😆

on a serious note, I do think that's the supreme quality of IPK, the script, characters, enacting, music.. that the so called many jaded cynical middle aged working women (me one among them) who were never into desi soaps are vortexed into this love story from all corners of globe. To immensely like something one among the many you watch is one thing.. but to pull people into stuff that they thoroughly written off and never really cared is altogether another...

that's why IPK is a trendsetter.. a phenomenon...
oh well.. again you are talking to a... an IPK jaded..yes yes...
 hormonal aunty...😆
Ria, yes, that term was coined by hedge saab.. you didn't read his (in) famous letter?

🤣  Indu Di, lauued your poetry. 👏 

Precisely, we had all simply written of these blase dramas, but this show was a phenomenon. Women (and even some men) of all ages, all walks of life and different corners of the world were brought together on its behest. 
Even the ones who didn't understand the Hindi language were allured by its charm. 

And holy HVZ, I know there was some letter, but hell no, I don't know what the contents were. Anybody who can help me there? 😳
Edited by cineraria - 9 years ago
supriya.arshi thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Episode 307


First Telecast Friday, 27th July 2012

Full episode links
Thanks, Katelyn, for all the links. 

Edited by supriya.arshi - 9 years ago
bhavis thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: cineraria

Haha, you know what, I was showing random pics of them to my AD friend who in general is much averse to desi sabuns and absolutely no amount of pleading could convince her to watch, but looking at just the stills she said, "Are these guys like dating in real life?" 😆  😆

I agree with you Bhavi behen, this proves how tremendously successful they have been. They kind of spoiled me for any other couple. I can barely connect with others. 

So true Ria as a matter of fact IPK as a whole has spoiled me. Can not connect to any shows as now i have a bench mark.  
This was the main reason that IPK was very famous outside India. Imagine if with  inhibitions they put fire on the screen on the screen what if they did not have inhibitions  ☺️ 

And did they make faces while shooting intimate scenes😲 😆 😆 

@ Ria - another hi 5 you too seem to be in love with Ghazals😃 
Edited by BHAVII - 9 years ago
Horizon thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

An ode to ...

the man who weaves endless magic...the girl who willingly gives into it...Not to forget those perfect red roses that descended as magically...
bhavis thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: Horizon

An ode to ...

the man who weaves endless magic...the girl who willingly gives into it...Not to forget those perfect red roses that descended as magically...

how do you do this? Black and white with color roses. 
Looks beautiful