Mythological Fan Fictions

The Lost Flute Thumbnail

Summary: Balarama's visit to Vrindavan, a couple of decades after Krishna and ...

A Lot of Bridges Cross Sarayu Thumbnail

Summary: After Seeta's departure, Rama finds himself in a strange bind with his ...

Ehi Murare Thumbnail

Summary: An ode to Sri Krishna's eight principal wives. This piece outlines their ...

Tomorrow Thumbnail

Summary: Krishna introspects before the fourteenth day of the Kurukshetra war.

Shikhandini Thumbnail

Summary: She is always valued but never respected. She struggles with her identity, ...

Kauravi Thumbnail

Summary: This story is an attempt to understand the sole Kaurava sister: ...

Shrutakirti Thumbnail

Summary: A humble attempt to better understand Shrutakirti, the youngest of four ...

Tyaga Thumbnail

Summary: The OS follows the last voyage of Arjun, into the snowy trail atop the ...

Poorva Musings Thumbnail

Summary: A collection of poems inspired by Indian mythology.

Misso missetum icchati Isisiṅgam Alambusā Thumbnail

Summary: Ṛṡyaśṛṅga guesses that his visitor Alambusā is a woman, a human dimorphic ...

Shattered Thumbnail

Summary: A collection of stories from Draupadi's perspective following some ...

The Burning Queen Thumbnail

Summary: Kaikeyi believes that life has been unfair to her, and when she tries to ...

Mohana Murali Thumbnail

Summary: Why, Radha, why are my lips always chanting your name as it reverberates in ...

Kīrtis Te Vyucchinnā Thumbnail

Summary: On earth, only the turtle Akūpāra still remembered Indradyumna's glorious ...
