Kīrtis Te Vyucchinnā Thumbnail

Kīrtis Te Vyucchinnā
Completed M

Wednesday,Dec 07, 2022 11:12 AM GMT-07:00

BrhannadaArmour Thumbnail



Summary: On earth, only the turtle Akūpāra still remembered Indradyumna's glorious deeds. While being unforgotten allowed Indradyumna to stay in heaven for now, he developed athazagoraphobia, an overpowering fear of being forgotten.

Many characters and incidents from Mahābhārata would be totally forgotten today if not for vestiges in the text that are dramatized in the next six chapters:
(1) the battle of Dauḥśāsani with Prativindhya Draupadeya;
(2) Bhojyā's reaction to her husband Yuyudhāna Sātyaki's battle with his childhood playmate Duryodhana;
(3) Śikhaṇḍin's wife Dāśārṇī meeting Sthūṇa Yakṣa whose manhood her husband had borrowed;
(4) Bhīṣma shooting at Śikhaṇḍin;
(5) the battle of Śikhaṇḍin's son Kṣatradeva and Duryodhana's son Lakṣmaṇa;
(6) blind Dhṛtarāṣṭra's interest in coloured horses.

The eighth chapter sketches the lost story of Vidurā and her son Saṃjaya based on clues from their dialogue quoted by Kuntī.
Author's Note: The title is Saṃskṛta and means "Your fame is torn up."

The first chapter was a twenty-word story entry in the MicroPhobia contest.

The next six chapters were fifty-word Nano Drama entries in the Dharmakshetra contest.

The eighth chapter was an entry in Astraea1306's "OS on short stories contained in Mahabharat" series. Trigger Warning: Extent of Trigger Warnings : moderate ; Trigger Warnings : violent deaths of several characters, dead bodies, dismemberment, mental health issue, mention of forcible marriage.

No Content Warnings.

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