mahabharat Fan Fictions

The Lost Flute Thumbnail

Summary: Balarama's visit to Vrindavan, a couple of decades after Krishna and ...

Tomorrow Thumbnail

Summary: Krishna introspects before the fourteenth day of the Kurukshetra war.

Shikhandini Thumbnail

Summary: She is always valued but never respected. She struggles with her identity, ...

Poorva Musings Thumbnail

Summary: A collection of poems inspired by Indian mythology.

Shattered Thumbnail

Summary: A collection of stories from Draupadi's perspective following some ...

Time Travel to Dwapar Yug Thumbnail

Summary: It is a devotional shot based on time travel.. i have written this for a ...

Dollhouse for Dushala Thumbnail

Summary: Kunti, the mother of the Pandavas is tired of trying to tame her sons and ...

And Then There Was Love Thumbnail

Summary: At her Swayamvara, Kunti doesn't quite know who would be a good match for ...

The Last Gift Thumbnail

Summary: Draupadi is torn between her heart and her fate. What is in store for her ...

Vrushketu Thumbnail

Summary: This is a conversation between Arjun and the only remained son of the great ...

Love and Beauty Thumbnail

Summary: Capturing a few moments of bliss and love Bheema and Hidimbaa shared.

His Generous Brother Thumbnail

Summary: Arjun depicting generosity of his brother Karn to the Upapandavas.

Soch Na Sake Thumbnail

Summary: Small snippets of the journey of two people who loved and were married to ...

Her Reason to Smile (unedited) Thumbnail

Summary: She's broken and he will help her heal. He will become her reason to smile.

Love of Passion Thumbnail

Summary: The story of Arjuna, the Pandava and Uloopi, the Naga princess.
