Hit Wicket My Heart

Hit Wicket My Heart Completed G

Chapter 53 (according to the Index Out for the Stry this is Chapter 51)

Published On Wednesday,May 06, 2020 18:00 PM GMT-06:00

Comments (2)

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Jai Shri Ram @SoniRita 1 years ago Omg poor Khushi, she is in so much pain but glad ASR was with her but ASR cried for her, what a love wow.
Good that ASR n his dad n Cap n all sued the media, uff the pain they caused khushi.
bineshaa @bineshaa 3 years ago Thank you for the update .
Loved how both arnav and Khushi understand eachother so well .
And congratulations for 150 views of hit wicket my heart in wattpad and India forum .
I mean I have not read stories where each chapter is really sooo long and it's really beautiful and full of positivity and the fact that 41 different countries reading it is so amazing .
All the best and keep going
Take care and stay safe
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