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SeerialLoops thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Hi All,
I tried to incorporate changes in my writing style, based on the feedback I got.  I may not have been successful yet, but beleive me, the below looks 100% different thatn how I had penned it earlier (in terms of writing style).
I hope the MU in my story is not as toothless as the MU in IPK world.
Chapter 4: One Blow - Two Love Birds Down. 

Kushi promptly turns around and starts walking.  But Shyam jumps in front of her forcing her to take several steps back.  As per his plan, Shyam grabs Kushi's arms and spins her around, so her back is to the entrance of the terrace.  Kushi instinctively slaps Shyam and shouts at him not to touch her.

Before Kushi could turn around to leave, Shyam blocks her.
"I will announce that I am leaving Anjali and I will do that in front of all guests, and will declare my love for you, so I can prove my love to you.  It will create havoc and Paayal marriage might get stopped or postponed and you know that is not a good thing.  So, if you do not want me to do that, you need to just hear me out.  All I want is a chance to explain to you that, what I did was wrong, but I did not do it out of spite, but out of love.  Please let me explain my reasons.  Even after that, if you think, I still hurt you on purpose, and you do not want to have anything to do with me, I will try and forget you."
Kushi's instincts were telling her to run from there.  All her senses were screaming at her to not trust him.  But for some reason, she believed Shyam will create havoc if she doesn't listen to him.  She had already slapped him and she can easily take care of herself if he misbehaves.  So, against her own better judgment, she decides to hear out Shyam.
Arnav by this time has reached the study and does not find anyone there.  He walks back searching for Kushi in the main hall filled with guests.  He comes across HariPrakash.
"HP.  Have you seen Kushi."
HP is usually scared of Arnav and hence tries to run away as fast as possible.
"Yes, Arnav Babu.  I asked her to go to the terrace".
"Why did you do that HP."
"Because Shyam Babu asked me to tell her to go there."
Before Arnav could ask anything else, HP bolted from there.  Arnav makes his way to the terrace, still practicing in his mind how he was going to propose to Kushi.  The smile on his face made him look radiant and he never felt happier.  He felt light on his feet.  He felt happy and peaceful.  As he reached the terrace, he stopped in his tracks as he saw Kushi's back and Shyam standing in front of her.  He could hear what Shyam was saying clearly.
"Kushi, it was my mistake to fall in love with you.  I know I shouldn't have done anything with you as I am married.  As I said earlier, I will not go in front of everyone and tell anyone I am leaving Anjali for you. Instead, I want explain the situation in detail.  I take the full blame for what ever happened between us.  I should not have crossed my boundaries of my marriage and I should not have crossed my boundaries with you.
I do not know why I did what I did.  Call it a lapse of judgment.  I know you think, I should leave Anjali because of my deceit and cheating behavior.  But, I just came to know, that Anjali is pregnant.  Yes.  Kushi.  Anjali is pregnant.  We have not told anyone.  I could not be happier.  This is the blessing I have been waiting for.
That is why, you will have to trust me when I say, I do not have any more dreams of being with you.  I can never dream of leaving Anjali.  Especially, now that our family will be complete.  This baby is going to bring so much joy to me.  But it also scares me a lot.
It is scaring me a lot, because, I am always afraid that you will someday spill the truth.  And everything will be finished.  I will not be able to tolerate that.  Can you please promise me you will never force me to tell Anjali the truth and you will never tell Anjali or anyone else the truth?  Please promise me Kushi.
If not, I will be forever having this guilt for what happened between us and I will go insane and might blurt out the truth in front of anyone.  If you forgive me and promise me, I will be at peace and I will move on to eagerly plan for the arrival of my child and forget everything that happened in the past.  Can you please, Kushi."
Shyam grabs Kushi's hands (palms) and holds them in his and looks at her pleadingly and begs her again., "Please Kushi."
Kushi was stunned.  Stunned at what came out of Shyam's mouth.  Stunned to hear Anjali is pregnant.  Stunned no one knows this.  Stunned that Shyam actually sounds genuine.  Little did she know, Arnav was watching all this and hearing all this, and what he heard puts her in the worst possible light.
Kushi in her stunned silence has not realized Shyam holding onto her hands, practically in a loving way. 
Shyam catches Arnav's angry and hurt face from the corner of his eye.
"I need you to promise me Kushi.  I know I hurt you.  But Kushi, if you truly love me, you will make this promise.  You will not jeopardize a sweet innocent child's future because deep in your heart, you believe I shouldn't be with Anjali. Will you Kushi?"
Arnav heard enough.  His heart just had a million needles pierced into it one by one.  He could hardly breathe.  His rage and his anger increased his blood pressure.  He felt like he was suffocating, hallucinating and fainting.  He wanted to scream a blood curdling scream at Kushi.  But nothing came out.  All that came out were long streams of tears.  He felt he would die any moment.  He catches Shyam looking at him and unable to feel the hurt, which was intense and deep and debilitating, Arnav goes from there and goes into his room.
Kushi realizes she was right all along, and should have run from there, especially when Shyam said, "if you truly love me."  That was not sitting well with her and before she could open her mouth, Shyam seeing Arnav leaving from there, let's go of Kushi's arms and grabs Kushi and forcibly hugs her.
"I will never stop loving you or wanting you,  Kushi."
Kushi is beyond livid and with all her might she pushes Shyam and slaps him across his face twice.
Shyam looks at her lecherously.
"This entire drama was to teach you how easy it is for me to manipulate anyone.  See how easily you almost  believed I wanted bygones to be bygones, Kushi.  I can manipulate you, Anjali, Nani, Buaji, everyone.  You have witnessed that many times and yet fell for it again.
Hell, I can even manipulate the great Arnav by threatening to leave his precious Di.  You better think twice, before you ever raise your voice like you did in the kitchen or you raise your hand to slap me. 
From today, you will show me respect, you will address me respectfully and you will treat me the same way you treat Anjali.  If you treat me differently so as to raise any suspicions in anyone about me, just remember this terrace scene.  Let this play in your head repeatedly, so you never forget the fact that, crossing me, equates to multiple ruined lives - Yours, Anjali's, Arnav's, and an Innocent Kid who is still to come into this world."
Saying that he takes the 3 steps separating them and Kushi stumbles back and trips and falls down.  Kushi is at a loss for words.  Kushi felt like her gut has been punched and kicked and she wanted to scream but all that happened were tears streaming down her cheeks.  She looks up at the sky as if to ask Devi Mayya, How can this happen to her.  How can she be so gullible and so stupid?
Shyam takes a picture on his phone.
"Ah!  This picture will come in handy for me to remind you of what I am capable of, if any when you cross me.  Beware!"
Shyam leaves Kushi and goes away hoping against hope that when angry, Arnav forgets logic.  He could see glimpses of the angry Arnav coming out.  He has taken a big gamble on trying to bring that side of Arnav out.  He wanted Arnav to go into such a rage and in that anger  will throw Kushi out forever and never think of her again.  Shyam hopes and prays, his plan, which is the only thing he could come up with, in this short amount of time, gets him the results he wants.
He hoped, Arnav will develop immense hatred for Kushi. That is why like a lawyer, he chose his words carefully.  He needed to fool Kushi and Arnav at the same time.  It was a big gamble.  It did cross his mind that the powerful Arnav might make his life hell.  But Anjali is pregnant and he can easily threaten Arnav that he will leave his precious Di.
For such a powerful man, like Arnav, his weakest spot is his Di.  Shyam's face registers an evil satisfaction.
Edited by stafhtad - 11 years ago
SeerialLoops thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Chapter 5: When Dreams Become Ashes
A lean frame, with hazel eyes spewing venom was walking the length of the room.  As soon as Arnav entered the room, he bolted it shut. He kicked his dresser, chaise, smashes his knuckles into the wall, and rips his sherwani.

He tries to scream but he is unable to.  He was breaking into million pieces.  The hurt was so unbearable.  It did not hurt this fiercely, even on the day he lost his parents or any day since then.
Arnav felt violated physically, mentally. Kushi with Shyam.  The thought paralyzed him.  Emotions  of rage, anger, revenge, and utter terror were enveloping him.  All the spiraling negative emotions spun him and stripped him naked of the good Arnav.  Arnav died a million deaths at what he saw and heard.  It hurt like hell.
Arnav defenses quickly sprang into action locking his heart and his love and creating an impenetrable wall. So many thoughts swirled in his head.  While changing into a suit, Arnav was furiously thinking on how to handle this situation.  He was not going to let a disgusting wh**e like Kushi ruin his Di's marriage.
He was angry at both Kushi and Shyam.  He abhorred the thought that he was actually going to propose to Kushi.  He wanted to put a bullet in Shyam's head.
Di has not told him that she is pregnant.  The first thing he needs to do is verify that.  Then, he will handle Shyam in his own way.  He will make sure, Shyam regrets ever being born.  He also needs to do something about Kushi.  There was no place for giving her benefit of doubt.  He needs to teach her a lesson. And he will.
Arnav darts out of his room and goes to his Di's room.  His Di was taking medicine and Arnav asks her what it is for.  Anjali being the absent minded person she is, blurts out "prenatal vitamins."
Then seeing Arnav in a suit, Anjali pouts and asks him why he changed back into suit and states she will not come out of this room, unless Arnav promises to change.  Arnav was in no mood to comply.
"Di, you are pregnant and you did not think it was important enough to tell me?"
Anjali realizes her tongue slip.
"I purposefully did not tell anyone and made Shyam promise not to tell anyone, because otherwise, entire family will pamper me and not let me do anything.  I wanted these festivities to be about my other darling brother Akash.  I am  going to announce the good news after everyone comes back home after the reception."
"I understand Di.  Have you seen a doctor.  What did he say.  Is everything ok.  Should you be working this much?"
"Chotey.  Don't worry.  Everything is fine.  I am already 35 and it is my first pregnancy. Doctor asked me to eat healthy and stay active but not to stress too much.  I am so happy with taking part in all these marriage festivities and I am over the moon, knowing, even you may get married soon Chotey. I will reveal this good news to everyone, at the right time.  Just be happy for me and please don't tell anyone else Chotey."
Arnav stands there looking at the joyful face of his Di.  He thinks about telling her everything.  But then decides, today is not the right time.  He knew how long Di was praying for a child.  She has been married 5 years and he knew, he needs to handle her wayward husband differently, now that there is a child coming into the world.
He takes leave and comes out of his Di's room.  His heart was still racing and his mind was still filled with rage and disgust.  While walking towards his room, across and down from the balcony, he sees Shyam looking at him and giving a wicked smile.
Arnav goes to Shyam who was standing near the study and angrily pushes him into the study and closes the door.
"Saaley Saab.  What is this.  Is this any way to treat your brother-in-law."
"Shut Up"  and Arnav punches Shyam in the jaw.
Syam grabs Arnav's collar.
"You better watch before you hit me again.  I will ruin Anjali's life in a second."
"Don't you threaten me.  I saw you and Kushi on the terrace, and I heard everything you said to her."
"I know you saw me ASR.  I don't care."
"How could you cheat on my sister.  How could you have an affair with Kushi."
"Because she is the most beautiful thing I ever saw and I wanted her. I still want her."
Arnav is puzzled and shocked at those words.
"I heard you telling he you wanted to change because of the baby."
Shyam Laughs evilly.
"I lied to her.  I still want her.  I lied to her, because,  I need to first ensure, my child is born in the lap of luxury.  So I cannot let Kushi demand me to tell everyone about our truth.  I needed to shut her up for the time being.  I will figure out something in the next 7-8 months, on how I can win her back."
"I will kill you, you bas***d."
"Go ahead Mister Arnav Sing Raizada.  Make your Di a pregnant widow."
"I will tell her everything and we as a family will throw you out.  Just wait until the wedding happens."
"Saaley Saab!.  This is your problem.  You do not think when you are angry.  Do you have any proof I had an affair with Kushi?  The only people who know is you, me and Kushi.  And I know Kushi much more intimately than you do.  She will not open her mouth.  So what proof do you have?"
"I do not need to prove anything.  Di will believe me."
"Saaley Saab. You know as well as I do, that I am as important as you are to Anjali.  She will never go against me unless you have solid proof.  You are welcome to try.  In fact, I will challenge you. Let us test, if your Di kicks me out based on just words from you."
"I will torture your lover, Kushi.  I will make her life living hell until she confesses to everything.  She will regret for ever coming into your life.  Just like you think you can do anything to my sister, make no mistake, I can do even worse things to Kushi."
"Arnav.  You can kill me.  I don't care.  But, if you do anything to Kushi, I swear to God, I will do the same thing to Anjali.  If you torture her, I will torture Anjali.  I will ruin your sisters life.  Kushi is mine and I will not let you punish her."
Arnav grabs Shyam by the throat and slams him into a pillar and chokes him.
"I can handle a widowed Di very easily.  I will kill you."
Shyam's breathing is shut off and he struggles to come out of Arnavs grip but noticing the murderous rage in Arnavs face, realizes he has pushed it too far and continues to struggle to get free.
Arnav lets go just in the nick of time and Shyam falls to his knees gasping and coughing for air.
Arnav pulls him up by his collar.
"Let that be a reminder to you that I am the mighty ASR.  I can wipe you off the face of the earth very easily and make it look like an accident.  If you ever cheat on my sister again, do it because you want to be dead.  And as to Kushi, mark my words, she will suffer both for what you did and what she did."
Leaving Shyam in the study, Arnav goes to his room and closes the door.  He goes to the pool side.  Being unable to do anything to Shyam or even scare him, Arnav was feeling helpless and suffocated.
Arnav, tries to calm down.  But hee was getting more angry, because, he could not teach a lesson to Shyam.  Instead Shyam threatened him.
Arnav thinks back about the terrace scene.
Why did Shyam ask Kushi to forgive him?
Why did Shyam ask Kushi to forget about what happened?
He is claiming he still loves her.

Then,  why did he tell Kushi, that all he wants is to raise a kid with Anjali?
Something was not right.  Something was definitely not right.
Arnav thinks out aloud.
"Did Shyam say those words, because he could see me standing there.  If he did not see me, would he have said different things.  And why was Kushi not responding."
His phone rings indicating a message with a picture from unknown number.  Arnav opens and it has the photo, where Kushi is on the terrace looking up at the sky and crying.
Arnav rewinds his confrontation with Shyam.
Shyam himself said he had lied to Kushi about not wanting to be with her anymore.  Is that why Kushi was crying her eyes out.  Because Shyam told her he did not want to be with Kushi.  What will happen if Kushi knows Shyam lied to her?  What will happen if Kushi comes to know that Shyam still loves her and wants her?
Arnav comes to a decision.
"I cannot take that risk.  I need to punish Kushi.  Punish Kushi in such a way that, no one will ever touch her or even want to marry her."
Lot of evil ideas and sinister plans came to Arnav's mind.  Arnav continues to think.
"I need to be careful.  I need to plan something, where I get to see her suffer, see her in pain.  A plan where I can torture her, but the world, especially Shyam, will not be able to do anything.

What is it that I can do, which will break Kushi and I can get my revenge and also stop Shyam in his tracks.  What was it going to be."
Arnav sits on the lounge chair by the pool.  He puts pressure on himself to come up with a plan.  A plan which will get all that he wants in terms of revenge.  And then, the idea came to him.  Arnav slowly raises his head.  The only emotion in his eyes were revenge.  He found a way to punish Kushi, for everything, including seducing him.  His evilness sent chills down his own spine.
Edited by stafhtad - 11 years ago
Tia.0 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago
God, what an evil guy both of them... I hope Khushi foils both their plans. First by calling all her neighbors from her locality to expose Shyam and then by not giving in to Arnav's plan. But if Khushi does fall into the trap set by Arnav, I hope there is no forgiveness for him from her side... Ever...
SeerialLoops thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: tia.o

God, what an evil guy both of them... I hope Khushi foils both their plans. First by calling all her neighbors from her locality to expose Shyam and then by not giving in to Arnav's plan. But if Khushi does fall into the trap set by Arnav, I hope there is no forgiveness for him from her side... Ever...

Well, yes and no.  Kushi will undergo turmoil, but she will not be a door mat and will not stay quite for too long. 
The other characters are going to be silent either.
As to whether Arnav gets forgiveness or not is yet to be seen.  :-)
asha... thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

Eeeks... both of them are crazy ! Ones a Phsyco and the other one is lost in rage on what isn't even true, Shaym played him good

For a moment I thought shaatir dimaag ASR would emerge, but he's too lost burning in his own anger which is going to be his downfall where Khushi is concerned... Can't wait to read what his plan is... !

Khushi is going to get hurt in this... ;( . I'd like to think Shaym made a big mistake in telling Khushi he knows how to manipulate well, in the hope that she'll try and use it against him..Maybe ? Look forward to reading more...

I can see the changes 👍🏼 !

This time I didn't reserve... I deserve a BIG pat on the back 😛
SeerialLoops thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: asha...

Eeeks... both of them are crazy ! Ones a Phsyco and the other one is lost in rage on what isn't even true, Shaym played him good

For a moment I thought shaatir dimaag ASR would emerge, but he's too lost burning in his own anger which is going to be his downfall where Khushi is concerned... Can't wait to read what his plan is... !

Khushi is going to get hurt in this... ;( . I'd like to think Shaym made a big mistake in telling Khushi he knows how to manipulate well, in the hope that she'll try and use it against him..Maybe ? Look forward to reading more...

I can see the changes 👍🏼 !

This time I didn't reserve... I deserve a BIG pat on the back 😛

Thanks Aisha..
Yes you deserve a big pat on the back.
I will send Ian to pat your back and Jensen to give you a forehead kisss, platonic one.
Well, ASR is thinking.  He went and checked with Anjali if she indeed is pregnant.  He is thinking there is something more to it than meets the eye.
ASR will continue in this path.  He will first burn and then look for balm.  Eventually, hopefully, depending on my mood, he may learn not to get burnt at all.  :-)
Thanks you so much Aisha.  Glad you can see the changes.  I hate proof reading.  I am lazy that way.  I let the word do the spell check and that itself, is a chore for me.
Edited by stafhtad - 11 years ago
CDlove thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Oh god! the last two chapters were difficult to read...I cant believe I still get emotionally vulnerable when it comes to Khushi and Arnav 😭 
I hate Shyam more than ever 😡 And well ASR is ASR, he'll always be the typical bas***d.
Great going Sudha ji, looking forward to the progression of the story.
Edited by CDlove - 11 years ago
Fuzzbucket thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Fascinator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
sudhaa, i read the first 2 chapters and i am really enjoying it:) no trace of loopy in there;)  you are brilliant when it comes to writing and i am sure you will master the art of story writing as well. i was just slightly confused by your writing style going from second to third person, but it doesn't bother me. how i wish people like yourself or meera would take up jobs as IPK Cv's:) please continue and i will leave a comment once i am done with chapters 3 and 4. 
boreddamsel thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
res.. will read and comment soon!!!
Happy-go-lucky thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
res (I will edit by tomorrow... Have to catch up on so many chapters... And thanks for this, I mean inviting me to read your story, HGL feels so happy and lucky 😊)