Blast from the Past Thread #24 ** Golgappa Times ** p 113, ep 246 - Page 33


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Mysticaldivine thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
this is one of a kind writing from you... πŸ‘ felt as if I am listening to a mujra..
she is so beautiful... chalte.. chalte.. yun hi koi mil gaya tha...
The last edit just stole my heart.. stunning surfing waters blue..
Loved everything immensely..

Horizon πŸ˜Š

mujra ...I  am blushing here ...What the ..Where did u feel that? Shame on me then.
I was just describing his inner feelings how does he feel ...When he said with his husky and desirous and intoxicated  tone..She is beauuutifulll...

My mind stirred in his voice right there and I was watching it last week and the words just started flowing in my mind...

Really happy you liked it immensely.😊

I like the way that edit turned out too...My mind was picturing like this ...colors are spreading  around as distracting circumstances and slowly toning down in those moments and his LOVE as ocean stirs in him and around them...

Thank You😊
aarwen thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: indi52

episode 233

the long take
i am looking at the edits and a song hums in my head, don't know if you've heard it...

a one and a two and a i love you
  i love you, i love you
  i hope and i hope that you love me too
let's play the game of love

a three and a four couldn't want you more
  i want you more, i want you more
  a hug and a kiss and i knew for sure
let's play the game of love

that's how it goes in the books i've read
where the rules are written down
when a boy meets girl not a word is said
but the heart goes round and round

it's a song from a long long back, sung by tony brent and written by oliver jones and lavern baker. very sweet lyrics..

ever since khushi has gone into her "occupy" frame of mind... take over the raizada empire's sanctum sanctorum, the master's den, demand squatting rights, be 50 percent stakeholder and certainly not sleeping partner, hire lakshmi ji as chief consultant, launch swami missile, and identify several strategies to make the raizada go ballistic... the story has taken on this mien of a game, a sport. two lovers are playing their game and the playing field is anything but level. also "ramanchi" is the naturally preferred tactic of one party, while the other one is depending heavily on the "get out shut up" tactic which has been used effectively earlier. πŸ€£ ..the smiley is for the last line in pink.. But love the analogy to a game.. raas lila if you will with a healthy does of hatred, sanka, what the mixed in for good measure..

in that mood we reach an elaborate rangoli. for some reason, bua ji has gone to town and her entire backyard is now a bright flourescent rangoli. the damad ji and bitiya who are coming to stay with them for the first time post strange wedding, are entering the home not through the front door as they always do, but this way. πŸ˜†

ok, since this is a game, i will "shaat up, indi", be sporting and enjoy the moves.

"arre wah, dekhiye aapke swagat mein kitni sundar rangoli banayen hain," khushi exclaims as she sees the colours... seems the rangoli has been made to welcome the son in law. we all know how big a deal it is to have the damad visiting the wife's home in india.  And in case some of us did not know it before we would definitely know after watching these episodes and the Gupta women going hyper excited!

there's a tussle over the right way to tackle the rangoli so one doesn't spoil it while walking in. irritated with khushi's not this way, not that way, he comes up with a good solution... if it's so difficult, let's not enter at all, let's go back.

"koi mushkil nahin hai!" not difficult, asserts khushi, seeing where getting after him could lead to... and skips swift and sure over the rangoli touching only the empty spots.

Love this shot Indi di!

and so starts the baiting of her husband as she instructs him on how to get to where she is at the door.  go left, go right, no no no not there, okay now raise your hands and go round once... she is not going to miss a single opportunity to get after him.

carrying almost all the bags, rather uneasy about this stay in sasural, asr does as she bids without realising she is taking him for a ride.

while visually the scene is nutty and fun, one wonders if the man forgot to pack his brain while leaving shantivan. πŸ˜† I said this to you earlier but am repeating.. ASR is off on a holiday and Arnav on his own isn't doing too well at this game.

then comes the beautiful moment when she reaches out and holds his hands. should i let them go and let you fall, she teases... and as asr looks at her all awkward and bent, she relents. only for the sake of the rangoli, she avers.

but when the banter pauses for a second, there starts the real game... of a feeling neither can keep a check on. a rabba ve of longing plays, she tries to go back into the offensive, but he falls forward and close... it's very hard to ignore this wanting. he frowns as he stares as if looking for something, she is disturbed... two people in a world of their own, nothing else does matter.  beautifully written..
Looking at Barun's expression in the cap below am going to end up writing a paragraph here so bear with me.. What is apparent is the rabba ve and longing and then underneath is his eyes that seem to be searching for a sign.. the curved eye brow.. shy yet a frown.. gauging Khushi's reaction.. I will never know if  1) the director wanted this or 2) if it is just really really clever acting or 3) if just a viewer's overactive imagination.. I am betting on the 2nd explanation.. Barun interprets Arnav with so much subcontext .. The scene with his finger on Khushi's lips..a delayed reaction but once he felt it, again he looked at her to see her reaction.. Seeing her affected he moved away giving them space.. the swami tika scene.. he lost all control yet his voice held the solemn timbre of a question.. like he was insistently wanting Khushi to figure out what just happened.. and I could go on and on.. There is always something beneath the surface with this guy..

alas we must return to reality and the game. having enjoyed herself immensely at his expense, she refers to the rangoli naach, the dance she has led him as it were.

was the rangoli nach a metaphor for something? a difficult tricky path maybe? the days ahead will not be easy to negotiate, he will have to learn new tricks but at the end of it he will find something worthwhile.

a while ago, as aarwen has already noted, a rangoli brought them close to each other. that time he fell, and the two tumbled together to the floor, he protecting her the best he could... sublime moments of connection as colour touched both, the early tremors of attraction. πŸ€— you mentioned me again! yeaa!

I absolutely love this collage.. How do you get such a crisp clear photo Indi di?

today, a different colour shades their feelings for each other, a hue of hate. it adds a note that is disorienting yet funnily it seems to accentuate the love. in a rangoli so many colours are brought together and balanced to complete the picture/pattern... a bit like love maybe, with all its different colours?

the episode starts with another kind of nach, the dance shyam is led to get to his soap. here there's no kkgsr giving directions, waiting to hold his hands and pull him across, instead a series of partners for the sabun dance... first thanks to anjali and her fountain of desire, he almost loses the soap, then along comes babli and takes it away, the hassled villain goes to hp looking for his lost treasure, finally it is with babli that he sights the delightful lifebuoy bar... a decidedly lakshminagar soap this is in the raizada mansion. perhaps the soap also lost its way. πŸ€£

at last the maker of weird plans grabs the red one with his filthy hands.

he says something to babli about how he can get her the transparent soap, where you can see "aar paar" through it. is that a contrast to his completely non transparent, essentially opaque and dark character? 
much later during kidnap, i think we see him again with his red fetish. was this by chance or a clever way of showing how he remained of a certain socio-economic group in his mind despite his wife's wealth which he happily consumed and craved.

back at gh, the entire neighbourhood came to watch when they arrived, nice touch.

"nand kissore ai gaye...!" krishna is here, with these words bua ji greeted the damad whose gussa she frets about.

i see asr's face and am perplexed. he is looking all uncomfortable and a bit cutesy pie. huh? is that you, asr? you have walked into this house several times before and always been in top form. even when you came and slapped money on the table in one of your rudest visits. this is the house where you brought her back from disaster that night of the guesthouse... the first time you had called her by her name and carried her in your arms... agree

whoever wrote for asr at this point was suffering from severe amnesia. i realise, we are here to see a more intimate tender side of the man, which he will get in touch with living with humble simple loving folk away from the wealth and formalities of rm. also he will develop this special sort of rapport with the two ladies of the house, becoming a bit of a babua even... but there must be a better way to lead this track than goofy asr.

he looks a little filmi in the "kahan phas gaye way," then he showed his discomfort plainly and not at all classily, wiping his perspiration and looking around without a smile and again that oh heck what have i got into look, his body double did not help at all by looking nothing like the back and side of asr... yes and actually nothing much had even happened at this point to make him this nervous. But then who knows what goes inside that shatir dimag. maybe he is extremely uncomfortable with all this attention and isn't even thinking of keeping up appearances. Not ASR sure but then who had thought we would see him become a waiter for Miss Gupta. Maybe today he just feels like a new damad with overenthusiastic in-laws. I know.. I know am trying to side with Arnav here ☺️ 
. Ab ka kare nand kishore! Since Khushi seems to have left his side for now I am filling in.. 

asr sat fidgeting while two women lugged a huge contraption. so not only brain, he had left all his manners behind as well. I just did not understand this. And also him not even attempting to mask the dislike for the food.

the ladies rushed at him with food. all made oil free and bland thanks to khushi's strict instructions. for his health apparently. while i think it is in real bad form to mess someone's meal, okay, i'll accept it since the games are on and kkgsr is really really angry with him. she is beginning to remind me a bit of a capricious kali now... out to teach him a lesson, no matter what limits are getting crossed.

he was again not quite polished in the way he handled the food hurdle. but thank g he did wish his father in law.

a difficult yet poignant moment came when khushi asked him to call garima ji, "amma" not aunty. he was very disturbed you could tell. and since writers had decided khsuhi would lose all her sensitivity where he was concerned, she didn't even realise this bothered him deeply... garima ji picked on it and later she'd be the one to shush her daughter. garima seems to sense her son in law at a deeper level. she fusses over him in her sweet non agressive way, while her rambunctious sis in law charges around doing the same thing in her characteriscally loud manner. very nicely written Indi di!

in the middle of the long scene there were bits where i liked what i felt was a sweet openness to asr. he kind of likes food, i think... not that he fusses over it but a simple well made meal he enjoys. so when the food arrives he seems to feel disappointment... he is behaving a bit like a kid, i remember thinking at one point...sullen but not rude... interesting observation.. whenever food is involved I always feel Barun peeping out of Arnav..

however, this is perhaps because i like barun and enjoy his interpretation, but really i did miss the essential asr here.

"babua..." the aunt calls.

helpless look from asr.

"tanik utho..." get up a bit.

she is taking pyaasa, the thirsty to kuan, the well...

perhaps this line hints at what's to come, is thirsty for love and here he will discover a place which will assuage this thirst.

he looks on with that save me look, kkg is meanly asmile.

and a whole table is pulled by the three women... zor lagake...

"aaye rahi hai hawa?" is the breeze reaching you, comes buaji's desperate question.

he perspires and tries to eat, garima admonishes jiji, and jiji pulls the knob off the cooler in her frenzy.

this is all getting ready for that offensive aircon order no doubt.

he hiccups... khushi runs and starts patting his back... paani, paani...three women at it...this can feel a bit suffocating if you are sort of normal.

the broken mirror at the basin, i wonder what it means beyond bad luck of course. we also consider a cracked mirror to be inauspicious, so why would the gupotas leave such a mirror out there?

the soap used by all unnerves him...he is not stand offish, he is naturally particular, plus years of having your own space and amenities really makes it hard to do this community thing. happens to me... till i talk to myself and just go for it.

she comes to check if all is well, and then starts off about eating aloo poori. really? that is pretty thoughtless but what the, madam ji is playing playing. This just felt wrong. Maybe Khushi could have shown some inner struggle or something..

he gets irritated and i realise, it's at this point that he decides to call home and get his own stuff over. dark brown and navy blue boy has had it... plus he wasn't keeping too well.

in the meantime, ganga and krishna and perhaps godavari, narmada and kaveri too are at the door with strange excuses and neighbourly requests...

clearly all are eagre to see damad ji. mooh dikhai coming up. and i need a break from all this sport for a bit.

the short take
thankfully the man looked super hot in the opening scene of the episode and the last angry asr scene. his antics on the rangoli, that precarious balancing with the bags, arms and legs all over the place, oh just made my day. when i first saw 233, i thought i'd just write that and do edits. because honestly, that is all that i really truly absolutely enjoyed.

Indi di an episode you don't like and you still manage to make me laugh quite a few times while reading your review.. Now that confirms how great you are at this.. πŸ‘ And a mention of my name again .. thank you.. you don't know how that makes my day! sach..

Since I already have lots of comments above am going to talk about your take on episode 22.. the first rabba ve.. "16 minutes into episode 22, as she turned and he saw her in a sheath of intoxicating crimson, the delicate notes of rabba vey... hey hey, hey hey hey... the yearning, upward reaching melody which became part of our lives was heard for the very first time. 

would he ever be able to look away?
You know I actually got people I know who don't even watch the show to read this just to show them how captivating your reviews are and why I spend so much time reading them.. πŸ˜Š
Edited by aarwen - 10 years ago
aarwen thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: cinthiann1758

She shouted out from her dreams!  Happy Holi!!!

Thinking about all the colors she would have to buy for everyone and... his color hmmm...


Yes that's it, black...

 the color of the darkness of his heart and soul, she thought.  

As the day went on she had to figure a way for Naniji to participate in the games of Holi and there she goes again her pagal self dressed like Nani husband and danced her heart out until Naniji gave in!

Happy Holi!

Let the games begin!

Her family comes and forgiveness occurs!  They all hug and accept her as Arnav's wife...but what about him?

Happy Holi!

A snake tries to place color on her cheek but her husband stops him and they both exchange colors...eyes fixed on each other!

 Everyone is dancing and having a grand time!

Her Di slips her some bhang secretly!

Now it's time to make the bhang!

She sits and makes the best bhang a girl from Lucknow can make!  Now all are to drink and be merry!

Happy Holi!

She sneaks bhang into a glass which is marked NO bhang and she gets Arnav to drink not once but twice!

Happy Holiii!

Everyone dances and he watches her and blurts out how beautiful she is to his Nani and Di!

He looks at her with those puppy dog eyes...lopsided grin on his face and dances with her! 

Happy Holi!

She runs away and is caught by Shyam wanting to know did Arnav force her to marry him.

She escapes and Arnav is looking for her!

Happy Holi!  

He finds her in the gazebo and she asks him what is on her heart with no inhibitions.  The bhang has allowed her to drop them and just ask him.


Why when I come near you my heart races and my breath gets shallow and I breathe rapidly.  

What is it?


And just then she passes out.

Arnav is deeply touched by these words she has spoken and wipes a tear from his eye.

He picks her up and carries her to poolside.  

Their oasis of love.

Happy Holi!

He gently places her on the lounge chair and gently wipes the color off her cheeks.

Her eyes open and she questions him again.  He didn't answer her question.  


Happy Holi!

Because our hearts unite and they beat together, faster when we come together.  We are united.

His walls for just a moment have come tumbling down and he has admitted his love for her.

Happy Holi!

If only they were willing to admit their feelings!  

Instead Holi left us hanging and back again to...


Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon?


Happy Holi everyone!!! 

We all celebrate Holi today no matter what our religion and background!!


❀️ Cynthia this is so sweet. I loved the post. Am not able to pick favourite parts because each line you wrote seems to be chosen with so much care and is essential in the tale.. very very nice β€οΈ

Oh and happy holi to you too!

indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago

Indi di an episode you don't like and you still manage to make me laugh quite a few times while reading your review.. Now that confirms how great you are at this.. πŸ‘ And a mention of my name again .. thank you.. you don't know how that makes my day! sach..

Since I already have lots of comments above am going to talk about your take on episode 22.. the first rabba ve.. "16 minutes into episode 22, as she turned and he saw her in a sheath of intoxicating crimson, the delicate notes of rabba vey... hey hey, hey hey hey... the yearning, upward reaching melody which became part of our lives was heard for the very first time. 

would he ever be able to look away?
You know I actually got people I know who don't even watch the show to read this just to show them how captivating your reviews are and why I spend so much time reading them.. πŸ˜Š


first... thank you so much. can't believe you actually read my bakbak and like srttuff so much... you actually made someone else read?

me speechless. (an that, my hubs will ell you is a blessing that comes very rarely.)

that first rabba ve... still in my aorta and jugular. how beautiful that episode was... i must make some proper edits. 

raas leela. fantastic spin on the game analogy. there was krishna rushing around the canvas in his many names all the time, even the villain was somewhere part of him as everything is i guess, so yeah, raas leela it was, and the arrogant asr was in his way nand kissor, while sanka devi his own radha. suddenly crazy image flash of la as gopi, behind her all of us... πŸ˜†

of course i will mention you, madam, you reminded me of that rangoli.. i had not thought of it at all... a certain distance i did feel from this episode. 

the caps are clear because i must have got an hd version to edit from, i use star player often, not too bad. way back one could get a lot of hd videos on youtube. make such a difference.

made you laugh, did i? good.

confession: in my head he is always asr. arnav, arnav ji, chhotey, bhai, everything is melded into that. there is no separation. his several sides flow into one another and essentially to this lover of the character, he is asr. that spiffy, striding, slightly aloof man walking in briskly in a sharp waistcoat and jacket, completely unreadable... that's my man. i want to get to know him and touch his core... i want to see the layers peel away and see how deep is he really... or is he a mirage, shallow, nonexistent... if you ask me, the not all layers have been peeled as yet... season 2?

that long para is lovely.

and about never knowing... i find a certain beauty and excitement now in knowing i'll never know... my aunt makes fun of those who pretend to be "intellectuals" ploughing through indecipherable books and saying, "oh the joy of not knowing..." but in a funny sort of way, i am aware there are many bits of ipk which i will never know the exact cause and rationale and stuff behind... seems to add to the whole thing... knowledge of the five senses is perhaps given too much credence... maybe the heart has its own knowledge and the truth is somewhere there. 

okay must see 22 now. πŸ˜ƒ have i told you, it's been absolutely delightful getting to know you and i really like your takes... only thing, yet another sauten on the thread.
BarunDiwani thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
sorry for late entry, hope all is well, i've been dropping in now and then but never enough time to comment. feels good to be home...

Horizon thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Kaun aaya hamare thread ke ye dware drool ki jhankaar liye...
BarunDiwani thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
hogi koi deewani...πŸ˜‰ barun ki
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: BarunDiwani

sorry for late entry, hope all is well, i've been dropping in now and then but never enough time to comment. feels good to be home...

bhelcomes, balikey,

bhery good to see you... i see nand kissore ji is ready for some big time rang action... got pichkari and me in total gopi fom... frame of mind, since this is beyond just the body hyuk hyuk.

happy holi, ami... come back come back... 

otherwise bui might disappear with babua as in titu toni... she threatened to kiss him too.

hai re...
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: Horizon

Kaun aaya hamare thread ke ye dware drool ki jhankaar liye...


if metaphors must be mixed make 'em all like this. 
BarunDiwani thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
πŸ˜† thank you for bhelcome back...first things first...ho threatens to kiss the boy...buaji? i'm confuuused
second... me tooo! so ready fr balams pichkaari and my tumkas in my jeans...