Blast from the Past Thread #22 !Main Hamesha Hamesha Tumse! p33 ep 224 - Page 74


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samin6 thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago

Lovely post Horizon! ASR is such a well written character. In a world of television where men specially don't seem to have backbones or anything that shows a real person and not just a goddy goody boy ASR is refreshing. He didn't let Khushi go from his arms even while dadi was staring but let her fall from his office top floor when he wanted to teach her a lesson. Never did he compromise on his point of view to be good unless he wanted to for some one else's is sake. And he had so much conviction, resourcefulness , perception and humour .. 

I have recently been reading a few articles written by Gul and really liked them. She seems like a person who could create a character like ASR.

 I think I agree with you two too. Guess ASR was decent and at the same time strong. Yes he was respectful to Nani and Dadi but not intimidated by them. He respected them none the less. Speaking of generation- I think our generations now a days are more decent then those twenty years back. In those days people thought nothing about extramarital affairs, public showing of affection etc, Now a days it is better- at least people know what can not be done in public places.
samin6 thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: indi52

asr talk on.

have i ever felt and fallen for a character more.

indeed a thesis can be written on him. especially given the unreal men populating our other serials.

no human being can be 100 percent perfect or all you want them to be. if we are to be honest that is. within us lie our flaws and our beauties.

i was blown away by what was beautiful in him, till his flaws did not matter.

passion, conscience, innocence, courage, boldness, extreme intelligence/quick wittedness, endearing straightforwardness, generosity, gratitude, belief in himself they were all defining characteristics.

it is not easy not to believe in god, stars, whatever, and make yourself solely responsible for your life.

sometimes it is downright scary.

easier to believe if you trust someone outside of yourself, if you pray and give prashad, if you put your faith in the eternal in some way obvious or evolved, things will happen the right way, the bad things will be allayed and good things come as blessings.

asr did not take that path... the terrible letting down by life triggered in him an aggressive defense position. he put up a hard, impregnable barrier all around and got ready to take it all on himself. and he did everything he could by it. worked like a maniac, shouldered the responsibility of his entire family, hardly gave himself any time for fun and games

he did almost everything for others, especially for the sister he loved more than himself in many ways.

to me this is a man praying his way.

and he was a survivor. with the scars of one.

those who loved him, his family, and maybe op (😳) and aman, knew exactly what a lovely man he was. yes he was stubborn and prone to crazy gussa, but inside him a pure beauty, an absolute giving caring person. oh i can quite quite understand why la felt that funny love for him and was willing to eat even stuff that gave her allergy just to make him happy, she was not just excited about his money and position... she was excited by his fearless, towering personality, and she sensed his tenderness, the combination has me passing out as i even think of it.

and what i loved hugely was that khushi fell in love with this man... who was not exactly the man she had imagined she'd love. but this one, with all his strange weird awful ways. there is an inherent excitement in this man, which almost anyone would feel, even those who disapprove of his ways. rakshas and laad governor is the one whom she got tired of hating and felt stirrings of a passion for that would not be abated, not even when he raved and ranted, not even when he forced her to do terrible stuff and constantly berated her. not even when he accused her of being a home breaker, a woman having an affair with his creepy bro in law. not. even. then.

all she wanted to do was prove to him that was not the case. she could tell how hurt he felt because of that misunderstanding... she needed to assuage his pain because he had become important to her, part of her...

that is the force of this character.

one of the most touching and telling things was his relationship with mami. the lady who gave her jewellery for his business, who loved him like her own and respected him. the crass woman whom the established raizada khandan might have found hard to accept. he felt her love, he somewhere understood her. completely. her need for power. her need for love. her essentially caring nature. he loved her dammit. uff that scene where without a word he buys the necklace she wants and sends it through di... he can't bear to see mami upset or feeling like she is not respected. whatever she might be, she is his aunt who loves him, he has a funny love for her too. lovely.

just like his nani is he in this astute understanding of character. in 211, he handles mami's hysteria, tells her to go relax... when she mumbles, "tumre liye," a curt really cute, "haan! mere liye," he knows she needs an out and gives it to her.

i have often wondered how this astute, perceptive man made such a mistake when it came to khushi on the terrace. was that trigger enough, did the story tellers choose their reason for his blinding rage well?

othello came to mind. the word "credulous" from eng lit classes. yes credulous, the opposite of astute/smart/thinking he became suddenly only for two reasons: because he loved her madly and because he was so insecure about loving, almost believing betrayal was around the corner.

his father's philandering and his belief that his mother killed herself because of that, undid many things in him, leaving a damaged part that had never been healed. he did not want to love. he did not trust love. and yet he did love. and then, suddenly like a self fulfilling prophecy his worst nightmare seemed to come true... there stood betrayal... the one he loved in another's arms... and while he watched, she exhorted this man to leave his sister.

when he saw her with shyam, chhap gaya hai dimaag mein... the mind stopped functioning, the heart broke, he went crazy.

gussa was his gear, his weapon always, this time he wore it like an armour, covered everything with it, body, head, eyes, lips, ears, and acted with full asr might.

only his heart, kambakht refused to be covered.

now this nuance, anyone might have written in, gul, gautam, whoever, but could anyone other than barun communicated it it with such poignancy, such presence? i know my answer ðŸ˜³, asr ultimately was given life by barun... not the writers.

yes, they presented an interesting framework... but we must remember, the character had hardly any dialogues that revealed him. that job... to present the complexity, to feel the taciturn character and express him as he is, that was left to the actor finally.

i can't imagine forgiving anyone else that dragging to the temple, that laying down of ultimatums. and here, not only did i not want to hold khushi's hand and take her away from him and tell her "no need to love that brute," i wanted her to be near him... because i could sense he needed her desperately at that moment. i also felt bad for asr, really bad... not only for kkg. that was really the actor's doing.

i also believe barun made asr much more complex, nuanced, and unutterably sexy by playing him the way he did, he made asr more than what was written. okay, barun is naturally an attractive man who has that turn on factor... i am glad he used it to the hilt to make asr lovely. saw 347 where he proposes... will you marry me, a silly hackneyed line, how he used barun's sexiness and asr's keen mind to make it heartstoppingly real.

in plays and books, characters are told by their words and action. here there was action and silence, just things in the eyes, the jaws, the turn of head, a little smirk, a little darkening of chocolate... what the, dammit, bas, khushi, tum theek ho? seatbelt, get out, toh tum khush ho? became memorable quotes, say them and dhak dhak sure to unleash. because i love you dammit. can that ever be said without feeling ears flame, pulse race, a picture of angry eyes and voice flashing in the head.

years ago salim javed assessed the mind of the audience and wrote the angry young man... but if amitabh b had not brought that man to life and made him more with his interpretation, his intensity, hi voice, his droopy piercing unblinking eyes, his tall unyielding presence, his way of speaking, his way of pausing, and so much more would that angry young man become the concept he became? an actor's contribution in creating a character that is performed is invaluable, crucial. not everything is written in, the actor fills in the gaps and makes the character what it is. shakespeare's othello is beautifully written... but it is not enough to be a big dark man and mouth the lines to get the man.

on that terrace doorway, his heart broke to smithereens. he resorted to aggressive defence. sab kuch mere control mein hai. and again he learned... uh huh, everything is not in your control, especially your heart.

there was a destructive anger, an insecurity and vulnerability about loved ones that played hell into his and her lives, a certain "cut off" from the world around that interfered with empathy... and an extreme stroke of that belief in himself thing combined with a sense terrible chaos ignited the day of his parents' death... he believed everything was in his control.

life would of course go out of its way to show him otherwise.

and yet, he did not succumb, instead intelligently assessed and learned and tried to grow within that experience.

within him is the inherent mark of a larger than life, striding, extraordinary character. he reminds me of great individualistic heroes. i accept him as he is, with his every flaw.

that anger i would love to know more about, and if he could learn to control that a bit i'd be happy for him. but don't control it too much, i'd say, then it would come out in some other ugly way... i hope love will heal him somewhat, and there will come a day when he would have his nightmare less frequently. i am quite happy to hear him talk the way he did on karwa chauth and then try and respect his wife's point of view but not become her clone. i have a feeling his wife likes him exactly as he is. the way he likes her as she is.

there will be fights between them no doubt, parts of him will remain unresolved... but he will add texture i know, and who knows
exactly as she'd predicted, maybe one day he'll come home with two young women on his arms and tell kkgsr, get out, you're too old for me.  ha ha just kidding.

he would grow old fabulously, remaining sexy beyond belief at even 95 i believe.

i thought i would write two lines on that man of few words. look what he made me do. yeh asr bhi na... i hate you, dammit.

 Hi Indi Loved your ASR Analysis and made a rainbow of it. Guess I was also missing ASR. I too believe Barun gave life to ASR. It was not looks because - more then 80% of actors are good looking but we could not even imagine someone in ASR place other then Barun. The fact remained that ASR was angry and yes he was not perfect. I think a major charm in IPKKND was the chemistry and palpable love that ARSHI portrayed. We all have been in love and have seen people in love- but even in real life have never felt that love could be as palpable as SARUN did when they portrayed ARSHI. Like you said- a simple word- Tum Theek ho ( Are you OK). This is a normal polite line we have frequently used - however never thought it carried so much intensity and meaning until we saw that when Arnav said that to Khushi.
PutijaChalhov thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago


Edited by chalhov - 10 years ago
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: samin6

 Hi Indi Loved your ASR Analysis and made a rainbow of it. Guess I was also missing ASR. I too believe Barun gave life to ASR. It was not looks because - more then 80% of actors are good looking but we could not even imagine someone in ASR place other then Barun. The fact remained that ASR was angry and yes he was not perfect. I think a major charm in IPKKND was the chemistry and palpable love that ARSHI portrayed. We all have been in love and have seen people in love- but even in real life have never felt that love could be as palpable as SARUN did when they portrayed ARSHI. Like you said- a simple word- Tum Theek ho ( Are you OK). This is a normal polite line we have frequently used - however never thought it carried so much intensity and meaning until we saw that when Arnav said that to Khushi.


first, welcome back... it's been too long since you could drop in... and i am so happy you are doing so now. saat rang ke answer for you too 😳.

in red, thank you so much for your rainbow. it is always looked forward to.
in green, yes that chemistry, called "khatarnak" by one of the actors... it really took things to another level. every once in a while to actors come along who are so "it" onscreen together. uttam suchitra is on my mind as i sift through some suchitra films. 30 odd movie together, almost all successful, many memorable with unforgettable moments. i have often felt that barun and sanaya perhaps had even more in them as a jodi, something explosive even when they look at each other, interestingly, even when they are shooting separately and sometimes with double. palpable is what it is.

in blue, i laugh at myself sometimes when i hear my heart rumble at words like tum theek ho... but a year on, it still does. as ami said to me, it's because barun played asr so non-fiction. i think he did. and sanaya played khushi non-fiction too as long as she could.

samin6 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: sohara

thanks samin for sharing Suchitra sen's video. Plz don't get me wrong. the hero looks like a nanaji. Gosh his tummy is so big, like my nanaji.😆

It was ashok Kumar
samin6 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: sohara


thanks for posting Suchitra Sen's pics. Omg she was so beautiful and so elegant! I will watch some of her movies in this weekend for sure. Plz suggest me some.


In hindi you should watch Aandhi of course if you have not watched till now. In bengali if you understand you should watch Indrani, Harano Sur and of course Saath pakhe Badha which won her the best award in moscow film festival
samin6 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: Horizon

Samin, good to see you. Respect Suchitra a lot. Not seen much of her though. Thanks for that song. As much as I heard and loved that song since I came to senses, never knew Suchitra was the actress in it.

Thanks Horizon

samin6 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: DurgaS


Not good times for friends, families and fans of renowned actors. A few weeks back we lost Farooq Shaikh, a down to earth actor, well known for his good nature.
Earlier this week, we lost the legendary South Indian actress of yesteryears, Anjali Devi who was renowned for her powerful acting in various mythological and social movies.
Now, we lose Suchitra Sen. A beautiful actress. I haven't seen many movies of her, but the few were enough for her to leave a mark.

 It is true Durga that it is a sad time for the friends and families of Indian actors. How are you. For some reason I think  JAysree ji as Nani in IPKKND imitated Suchitra sen and the way she delivered her punchlines did some times remind me of Suchitra sen.
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: samin6

In hindi you should watch Aandhi of course if you have not watched till now. In bengali if you understand you should watch Indrani, Harano Sur and of course Saath pakhe Badha which won her the best award in moscow film festival


i am bengali... and i have seen andhi. was trying to see sade chuattor yesterday, the fisrt uttam suchitra film. i have seen saat pake bandha and forgotten a lot of it... indrani too... need to see them all.
Edited by indi52 - 10 years ago
samin6 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Commentator 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: indi52


i am bengali... and i have seen andhi. twas trying to see sade chuattor yesterday, the fisrt uttam suchitra fiklm. i have seen saat pake bandha and forgotten a lot of it... indrani too... need to see them all.

then chawa pawa is another intense movie