Bahara(The spring of love)RoShiv(RiVanya as a supporting jodi)

jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 7 months ago

Bahara(The spring of love)Part 1

This FS is slightly inspired by the fairy tale 'Beauty and the beast'.

 Thank you  ingenuity_phoenix for the lovely cover pages.

 Shivangi and her parents Ritik-Shivanya live in a small rented house owned by Rocky.They are so poor that they could not pay the rent for many months.The angry Rocky barged into the house.

They were shocked.

Ritik:Rocky Sir...

Rocky:Don't utter my name sweetly.I am not going to melt.You have not paid the rent for many months.I want it now.

Ritik-Shivanya and Shivangi became upset.

Ritik:If I had money,I would have paid you.

Shivanya:Yes Rocky.Ritik is very sick.He can't work.So whatever money I earn is spent on his treatment.

Rocky:I don't want to hear any excuse.

Shivangi:Rocky Sir,I just finished my college.I will start giving job interviews.The moment I get my salary I will give it to you.

Rocky:I can't wait till then.I need it now.

Rocky:We don't have money to give you Sir.Then how will we give you?

Suddenly Rocky's eyes fell on Shivangi.He smirked.

Rocky:If you have no money,give you daughter to me.

They were shocked.

Ritik:What nonsense are you saying?

Rocky:Don't misunderstand me.I did not ask you to sell your daughter to me.I just asked you to get her married to me.

They were stunned.

Shivangi:Sorry Sir,I can't marry you.

Rocky got irritated:But why?

Shivangi:Because I don't love you.My dream man is not you.

Rocky:But sorry Shivangi.You have to marry me.That's my order.Otherwise I will throw you all out of this house.

They became upset.

Shivanya:Please don't do this.Where will I go with my sick husband and unmarried young daughter?

Rocky:Don't talk like a 60's movies mother.Just leave.

They were in tears.

Shivangi:Please don't make us homeless.I will marry you.

Rocky smirked.Ritik and Shivanya looked at Shivangi in shock.

Rocky:I will come later after making arrangements for the wedding.

Rocky left from there.

Shivanya:Shivangi,why did you agree to marry Rocky?You don't like him.Right?

Shivangi:I hate him after he pressurized me to marry him.He took advantage of our financial condition.

Ritik:Shivangi don't need to marry the person you don't like.

Shivangi:If I don't marry him,he will snatch our home.Right now we need shelter papa.We have to be practical.

Ritik felt very upset.

Ritik:I am the most unfortunate father who is helpless when my own daughter is forced to marry a heartless person.

Shivanya and Shivangi hugged him crying.

Shivanya and Ritik were sitting in their room.

Ritik:Years back you sacrificed everything to live with me.If you had not done that, this situation would not have taken place.Shivangi would not have been weak like this if you had not done that.It's my fault.

Shivanya became upset.

Shivanya:Don't blame yourself Ritik.I don't regret what I did.Shivangi would have been powerful if I had not taken that decision.But now also she is not weak.She is very strong.She will overcome this situation also.I trust her.

Ritik:I am also praying for that.

Ritik laid his head on Shivanya's lap emotionally.

Rocky and Shivangi got married.

Rocky smiled at Shivangi while Shivangi looked at him bitterly.

Shivangi turned off her face.Rocky became dull seeing her attitude towards him.

The nuptial night...

Shivangi sat on the bed.

Rocky came and sat near her.

Shivangi looked at him angrily:Stay away from me.I hate you.Don't touch me.

Rocky:Don't over react.I am not desperate to touch you.I married you only to snatch something precious from your parents as because of them I lost a lot of money,not to fulfil my physical needs.

Shivangi:You are heartless.

Rocky:I am heartless.But you are arrogant.

Shivangi stared at him angrily.

Rocky walked out of the room banging the door angrily.

Shivangi remembered Rocky saying that he married her to snatch a precious thing from her parets.Her blood boiled due to anger.

Shivangi gritted her teeth.

Shivangi:I will not leave you Rocky.

Shivangi changed her wedding attire and went to the kitchen.She took a knife.

Rocky was standing at the terrace.Shivangi went behind him with a knife to stab him.

Edited by jasminerahul - 7 months ago


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Frequent Posters

salley145 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 7 months ago

Cover pages are cute and name of the ff is very nice. Woah soRocky’s house is rented by Shivanya’s family, poor them, they can’t pay. Omg, Rockyasked them to get him and Shivangi married. Poor Shivangi agreed for marriage forthe sake of her family. Wonder what Shivanya did. Shivangi would be like this onlywith Rocky, what was he expecting at marriage, haha. Rocky saying that he marriedher to snatch Shivangi from her parents was sad, he’s truly a beast. Now Shjvangiwants to stab Rocky to death, guess he would guess it easily but will make her emotionalby his life’s emotional story. Perfect pics. 

kavitha_r thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 7 months ago

Shockingly, Ritik is in bad health, and the family doesn't have money to pay rent to Rocky. It is sad that Rocky never considered the family's financial condition and told them to get Shivangi married to him to save their shelter. Unfortunately, Shivangi agreed to marry Rocky forcefully. Rocky is so cheap that he tells Shivangi he married her only to recover their precious thing from her parents as he incurred a loss. I wonder what illness Ritik has got. Waiting for the next part.

Gold.Abrol thumbnail
Posted: 7 months ago

Loved it dear 😍

Cover page was really beautiful ❤️

Amazing start

Thanks for the PM

Keep writing ✍️

taahir004 thumbnail
Posted: 7 months ago

Part 1 

Vibrant Start 

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 7 months ago

Shivangi is being forced to marry Rocky to keep her family from becoming homeless.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 7 months ago

What did Rocky lose that he is trying to recover?

jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 7 months ago

Thanks a lot.Rocky did'nt get rent for many months from Rivanya. So he feels that he lost that much of money.

Originally posted by: coderlady

What did Rocky lose that he is trying to recover?

Edited by jasminerahul - 7 months ago
khwaishfan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 7 months ago

Part 1

Intense update.... well written 

jasminerahul thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 7 months ago

Thank you very much 







Bahara(The spring of love) Part 2

 I dedicate this FS to my dear friend Salley145 who wants a story where the bad demon turns good because of a nice girl.

Rocky was standing at the terrace.Shivangi went behind him with a knife to stab him.

Suddenly Rocky's size started becoming huge.His eyes were glowing.His fangs started sticking out.

Shivangi got scared.Her knife fell down from her hand.

She started running away.Suddenly Rocky called her:Shivangi...look here.

Shivangi turned back and looked at him fearfully.

Rocky:You wanted to kill me.Right?Can you kill me with your tiny knife now?

(Thank you Salley for the edit).

Rocky laughed.

Shivangi was sweating.

Rocky turned into his human form.

Shivangi:You are a demon.That's why you are heartless.

Rocky:Yes...I am heartless demon.I drink human and animal blood.I could have drunk your blood.I could have drunk your parents' blood too.But I did not do that.Because I have no intention to kill you or your family.Then why are you trying to kill me?

Shivangi:Because you the happiness of my family.Because of you,my dreams are shattered.

Rocky:But you can never kill me Shivangi.An ordinary human being like you cannot kill a powerful demon like me.

Shivangi became upset.

Shivangi was doing puja.Rocky felt discomfort.

Rocky:This is a demon's house.You can't do puja.We demons do not pray to God.

Shivangi:But I am not a demon.So I worship God.You can't stop me Rocky.Youare not praying to God.That's why you are so bad.If you had worshipped God,you would have had a heart atleast.

Rocky became dull.

Shivangi was struggling hard to tie the dhori of her blouse behind.Rocky saw it.

Rocky:You are wasting time.

He went near her and tied the dhori of her blouse.

Rocky:I did it easily which you could not do.

She moved away from him angrily.

Shivangi:Stay away from me.I don't need your help.

Rocky replied in a cool manner:Ok.No problem.

Shivangi was irritated.

Shivangi was enjoying in the garden.Rocky came there.

Rocky:Why are you in the garden?

Shivangi:I am bored of seeing your ugly face.So to refresh myself I wanted to see something beautiful.

Rocky did not mind it.

He smiled seeing Shivangi enjoying there.

He saw her stepping on a stone.


Shivangi began to fall down.Suddenly Rocky caught her.

They shared an eye lock.

Suddenly Shivangi turned off her face.

She pushed him.

Shivangi:Don't touch me.

Rocky:I am not desperate to touch you.I saved you from falling down.

Shivangi:I don't need your help.Get lost.

Shivangi walked away.

After some days....

Shivangi noticed changes on her skin.Her skin colour started changing.

She turned into a serpent shocking herself.

She herself got scared seeing herself as a serpent.

Shivangi visited her parents.

Ritik:Shivangi,are you alright there?

Shivanya:Did Rocky hurt you?

Shivangi:No,he did'nt hurt me.I am alright there.It's just that I can't tolerate him.

They were relieved.

Shivangi:I want to tell you an important matter.Papa...maa...I am a serpent.Yesterday night I turned into a serpent.

Ritik and Shivanya were surprised.

Shivangi:How come I am a serpent?I feel scared.

Shivanya:You don't need to be scared Shivangi.I was also a serpent like you.But I was asked to sacrifice my serpent powers to live with a human being.Since I loved your father I sacrificed my powers and became an ordinary human being.

Ritik:I was feeling guilty for that.I was thinking that if your mother had not become a human being,you would have also become a serpent and could have easily defeated Rocky.

But God is kind enough to turn you into a serpent though your mother is a human being now.

Shivangi smiled:God blessed me with serpent powers to defeat the demon Rocky.

Shivanya:Demon Rocky?

Shivangi:Yes.Rocky is a demon who lives in human form.

They were scared.

Ritik:How are you living with a demon?It's so dangerous.

Shivangi:Don't worry papa.He won't harm me.Before that I will kill him.

Ritik and Shivanya were relieved.

Shivangi turned into a serpent infront of Rocky.Rocky was shocked.

Shivangi:You said that being an ordinary human being I cannot kill you.Now you see what I can do.

Shivangi started beating Rocky with her tail.

Edited by jasminerahul - 7 months ago