tuli_jayee thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago
Helllos dearies, here I present another of my experimental story. You might want to kill me after this. But, please , it's a request, just imagine the situation

If interested, read my other stories too

OS- It's FIFA World Cup 2014 -https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/4096860

OS- When two scarred sould met -  https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/4105410

OS-Arranged for her, Love for him - https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/4482874

OS- Budding Love - https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/4566369

SS- Pyaar Overloaded - https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/post/129379200

 SS- It's Time to Move On https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/4596914

SS - 3 Letters & a short story https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/post/133339507


After completing her Masters in Computer Science & working for 2 years as a web developer in a company, Khushi  joined AR Corp . In her previous company, she has to prepare websites for her clients. Whereas , the company she joined is an Indian MNC  . This company already had an efficient team that looks after the development of their company's website. Khushi was happy as a part of this team as she gets to learn many things in her field from her experienced team members. Besides her colleagues, work environment, everything is just perfect for Khushi's liking & she loves working here.

After working in this company for 2 years, a new problem has developed in Khushi's life. The problem being the boss himself. Well not the main boss , but boss nonetheless. AR corp. was founded by Abhinav Singh Raizada & now passed on to his son Mr Manohar Singh Raizada . Manohar's three children also assisted him. The twins - Aakash & Anjali & the youngest Arnav. Aakash looks after the AR Constructions , Anjali looks after the entire AR Fashions, whereas Arnav looks after AR chain of  Hotels. Initially Khushi was allotted the job of writing contents of AR construction. She along with her few colleagues have done a splendid job indeed impressing Aakash a lot. The way Aakash wanted , Khushi has done the same if not more. Seeing her work, Anjali allotted her to create few pages under AR Fashions for the launch of her next show.   Now, after her show was a great hit, Khushi  along with her team created the page under AR Fashions with the highlights of shows . Anjali was extremely happy with all the development. Now Khushi was allotted to do the same work for AR Chain of hotels. She was also told that since, two heritage hotels was coming up in Bikaner, she should visit these places to have a feel, so that she could write the contents accordingly.  

Previously, when she was allotted this work by Aakash or Anjali, she has to sit with them, as both of them are quite particular about what they want & how they want it. Moreover, both are quite serious when it comes to work. Khushi used to get tired following their instructions. But since, she is quite a dedicated one, the outcome was awesome making both her bosses happy. But, Arnav is quite different than them. He is extremely charming, friendly with all his subordinates, passionate about food & cooking , no doubt extremely handsome, & a big flirt. But, he is neither rude nor malicious. & in no way he is scary.

So, he couldn't figure out why Khushi stays uncomfortable or appeared scared infront of him. Ignoring them, he carried out his flirtatious behavior with her . She hardly sits with him, but carries out the work given to her, perfectly. Finally the time came, when Khushi was to leave for Bikaner to visit their heritage hotels. To her horror , Arnav accompanied her. Initially, Arnav flirted with her out of habbit. But, he didn't realized , when deep down, his feelings started changing. Yes, he still didn't know many things about Khushi . But he wanted to know. He has no idea what is there in their future. But want to explore. He didn't want to scare Khushi more than what she already was, with all his feelings, but knew in his heart that this trip is going to change many things between them. He has got a gut feeling.

As usual, Khushi avoided him as much as possible, but it was making Arnav more annoyed. One day he successfully cornered Khushi , but before he could say anything , an agitated Khushi shouted at him ,' I hate you from the bottom of my heart. Your face disgusts me. Your touch disgusts me. Your presence disgusts me. Your overall being disgusts me'. He pushed Arnav back & run away.

Arnav was too shock to react. Initially, he was angry with Khushi's outburst without any reason. But, slowly anger gives way to confusion then slowly he felt of loosing something . He was always adored by all. Not only his looks, his behavior, nature , everything is being appreciated by all. Girls usually drool over his looks. Whereas , the way Khushi reacted , has hurt Arnav a lot. He didn't misbehaved with Khushi, then why did she reacted in that way. He didn't know why his looks' which everybody considers as a blessing turned into a curse' in his love life.

Next day everybody including Khushi left for Delhi. But Arnav stayed back. He didn't want to see Khushi after last night. He was hurt. He didn't know how to react. After seeing Khushi's reaction, he realized the intensity of his own feelings. The way Khushi reacted , Arnav could have shouted on her too or insulted her. But he doesn't feel like doing anything.

He decided to spend few days alone in one of his hotel. On his way to hotel, Arnav met with an accident. Luckily, his eyes were safe, but the glass pieces has injured his face badly. Arnav instructed his assistant Aman, not to mention anything to his family. He continues staying in his hotel. But refused to put medicine on his face. His anger at Khushi is directed towards himself. In addition to that, his continuous pain made him more cranky & irritated towards everybody, so avoided meeting other employees. He limited his interaction with Aman only.

Khushi was feeling extremely miserable. She realized, she was wrong in saying such harsh words to Arnav. She hates herself for that. Though she had her own reasons . But still, that doesn't justify her actions. She knew Arnav is the best boss, one can ask for. He always encourages his employees & supported them. He is equally loved & respected by all his employees. She wanted to meet him & appologise. But never got a chance.

Ultimately tired of Arnav's disappearance act, Khushi asked Aman about his whereabouts & after lot of insistence, Aman finally spilled out the truth. She requested him & finally convinced him to let her meet Arnav. Though, Aman was skeptical about it, but still allowed her.

Khushi gathered enough courage & visited his room on the top floor of his hotel. Arnav was standing with his back towards her. He was shocked to see Khushi over there. But still refused to look at her. He asked in a cold voice ,'Why are you here Khushi? Did you came here to confirm whether my disgusting face is completely damaged or whether my disgusting being is still alive'.

Unable to control her tears anymore , she started crying, I am so so so sorry. I know I am wrong. I shouldn't have said such words.I know I hurt you a lot. Please believe me , I didn't mean them'.

Seeing her breaking into tears Arnav run towards her to console her. But seeing Arnav's face, a loud gasp escaped from her mouth. Sensing Khushi's uneasiness, Arnav stood up. I don't want to scare you khushi. Please leave'.

Khushi protested ,'No. Please just listen to me once. I promise, I'll leave then. Just, please give me a chance to explain'. Seeing no objection from Arnav's side, Khushi narrated him her horrible past which continues to hurt her still now.


During the time of her graduation, Khushi met an extremely handsome, charming , friendly senior - Shyam Jha . But what started with just a mere acquaintance , turns into quite a serious relationship within a span of six months. Shyam was  in final year when Khushi joined college. The day Shyam's final year results were out, he invited Khushi to his apartment. Shyam used to stay there alone, as his parents were staying with his elder brother , who was permanently settled in Madrid. Shyam was feeling very low , as he was supposed to leave for Madrid , leaving Khushi behind the very next day . Khushi thought it was a matter of few days or rather months, as Shyam promised her to get settled in India only.

But, that night was about to change many things. Khushi was so absorbed with Shyam, that she didn't even realize, that theywere on the verge of taking their relation to next level. A phone call interrupted them , & Shyam , left her kissing her forehead, to attend the call in the balcony. A highly flushed Khushi, arranged her dress properly & walked towards the study table. While going through the contents on the table, she saw Shyam's flight ticket , but it was only a one-way ticket to Madrid. A little confused Khushi opened Shyam's laptop & luckily found his mail ID  was already open. Thinking that he must be working before she arrived, she was about to close the lid, when one particular mail caught her attention. It was a job confirmation from a company from Madrid. Khushi realized Shyam was planning to shift with his family permanently.

A few moments later, Shyam entered the room. Seeing Khushi sitting at the corner of the bed absent-mindedly, he tried to indulge her into the activity from where he has left. But Khushi stopped his advances & confronted him about his job in Madrid. Initially Shyam tried to make her understand patiently, but few moments later , he lost his faade & show his true colours. He confessed Khushi, that he was never really interested in this relationship. Khushi has just been, one of his casual fling. & since he was leaving India permanently , so thought of having atleast some positive outcome for the time, he has invested on Khushi. He was just interested in having some fun' with Khushi.

A heartbroken Khushi pushed Shyam backwards & was about to leave his apartment. Ut the last words of Shyam broke her more . What do you think, Khushi Gupta , that  always-on-demand person like me will fall for a geek like you? You should consider yourself to be lucky that The Great Shyam Jha has decided to give you so much attention. Otherwise, who would have looked at you'. Shyam was saying many things more, but Khushi didn't wait to hear those things.


After a long pause, Arnav spoke, What is my fault in all these? You can't consider every man to be Shyam . Even after knowing me for last six months, you think I am just another Shyam'?

No', I didn't think so', Khushi continued,'my problem is your face .

What about my face'?

You share an uncanny resemblance with Shyam'.

With that , she sat down on the floor. Tears were running down from her eyes.

Part - 2 - Scroll down (next post)

Edited by tuli_jayee - 8 years ago


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tuli_jayee thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 8 years ago
PART - 2

Arnav stood rooted to the spot. Destiny has for the first time in his life has brought a person, with whom he felt connected , with whom, he wanted to explore his feelings, with whom, he definitely envisioned a future. But this same destiny has taken her away from him , long time before anything between them started.

"Khushi, please go home. I need to stay alone for some time. Please leave.'.

Khushi herself didn't know, where they stand after this confession. She herself is hurting too. She was about to leave, but stood momentarily at the door & said, "I know, I have hurt you & may be hurting you still now. But don't punish yourself . Please have you medicines. I am not worth the pain you are suffering from' & then she finally left. Arnav sighed not knowing what to do. Unknown to both of them Aman witnessed the entire scenario , & their conversation.

Next day Aman met Khushi during lunch time.

For how long are you going to hurt yourself & Arnav sir'?

H.h.how did you know' ?

that is not important. You answer my question'.

But Khushi sat silent. Aman dragged a chair near her & sat on it. He confessed Khushi that he heard everything last night.

See Khusi, I know , it is very difficult. Moreso, because, the face you wanted to forget, is adamant on being your future. But still, you can't ignore the genuine feeling or heart that goes behind that face.

I know. But ...'

Aman interrupted her ,' Let me finish dear. See, I know it's not easy. But you can take a chance. You can make too many beautiful memories with this face that will overshadow your painful memories. I know, when sir flirted with you, it reminds you of Shyam, followed by the way he used to show his love for you, followed by the painful memories.So, the walk with Arnav sir will be quite a long one to overcome your fears. But, trust me, at the end , it will be worth it. If , you want , you can consult a counselor too. You simply just can't live in past & as for any other person - we both know, nobody can love you or help you the way Arnav sir can. So, please think about it & give it a try.

After meeting Khushi, Aman met Arnav too. He told him about his & Khushi's conversation. If Khushi, decides to take a chance, then Arnav will have to have lots of patience & extra cautious in dealing her.

Khushi went to meet Arnav on his insistence. He assured her, if she is not sure about them, then he will wait. He wanted Khushi to be comfortable around him, to be able to look at him & not get scared. Feelings & their future - everything can wait. But bringing Khushi to a friendly term with him is more important.

With Arnav's effort khushi falls into a friendly routine with him. Initially Aman also used to keep them company as khushi used to feel uncomfortable around Arnav alone. But later, Khushi used to hangout with Arnav alone. As time goes by , she started enjoying rnav's company. His sense of humor , his depth of knowledge , his ability to make any subject interesting - everything started attracting Khushi. Subconsciously, she still compares Arnav & Shyam , but Arnav's positive attitude make her push those painful memories at the extreme corner of her brain. She goes for long walk, sitting in absolute silence, talking about everything & nothing under the sun with Arnav. She met Arnav's actual friends (who doesn't belong to his business circle) & started understanding Arnav on a different level altogether. It is truly said ,' To understand a person better, one should travel with that person'. She used to go on roadtrips with Arnav & his friend's group. Yes, her fears sometime came alive, when Arnav tries to get a little intimate , but his presence also soothes her a lot. She indeed is enjoying this side of her life too.

Eight months already passed , but they are still stuck in the Friendzone'. There was no moving forward. Arnav has started become unsure of his plans recently. Moreover, he is loosing his patience too. He understands everything, but his heart is refusing to accept this being only friends'. So, he decided to take a break, lest he looses his cool & lashes out on Khushi.

The time away from each other becomes miserable both for Arnav & khushi. Arnav being Arnav missed Khushi a lot, whereas Khushi missed the times spent with Arnav. But, this break has started making her realize many things. She has long back stopped comparing Arnav & Shyam. Because, there can be no comparison. She decided to atleast admit her feelings to herself. In all these months, the beautiful memories they created , are too precious to loose. Life with Arnav can be difficult, but, it will be worth living with Arnav. She can never be this much happy with anybody else. It's time, that , she takes the next step.

Khushi came to know from Aman that Arnav is returning & decided to receive him from airport. Arnav was too shocked to react seeing Khushi at airport. He rushed towards her, but surprising him, Khushi met him midway & hugged him. Arnav was extremely happy to be back, but when he realized that, it was Khushi who hugged him first, he felt relieved. Slowly , pulling apart , he looked down at her smiling face.

Am I missing something? You looked ... changed, Arnav said in an amused tone.

I missed you.

WHAT ? seriously? I ...

I really missed you.

Oh god, Khushi. I too missed you a lot , baby.

Both of them hugged each other tightly. After sometime, they pulled apart with Khushi animatedly sharing him the details how' much she missed him. Arnav was already on cloud nine & seems like, he has no intention to come back.

I realized, life with you can be a little difficult, but without you ... it will be no life at all.

Arnav hugged her & lifted her off the ground. I am so so happy that you atleast decided to give us a chance . So, after all the detail description, will it be right to assume that you too love me'< Arnav asked arching his eyebrows but got a shy smile from Khushi in return only.

Oh no, but there is a problem'.

Now what? Khusi asked tensed.

I heard that there are total 7 doppeleganger for every person. You already met Shyam & me. There are still 5 look alikes of me around the world. What if, you met somebody among them & falls in love with him? What will happen to me? After all the effort, I put , to make you love me, what if, somebody else came & take you away from me?

Khushi stared at him unblinkingly , totally shocked. Out of everything, you have to say this ? Don't you have any nice thing to say ? You are simply pathetic'.

As soon as Khushi finished, Arnav started laughing maniacly. He so loves this person in his arms. Yes, she didn't admit her feelings directly. But, whatever, she said is no less than a confession. Ye, he also knows their life can be difficult at times, but Khushi herself said, it will not be a life' without him. They still have a long way to go. But he can see them as a very happy couple in near future.

SaiSreePN thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
new and lovely concept loved it
abivicky86 thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
it was great something totally extraordinary and refreshing concept truly loved it
Aishu136 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Lovely TS!!
It was nice to see a different Arnav here!
ranogill thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
awesome concept ..loved it
Breath-Mark thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 8 years ago
This is one unique TS.

Both Arnav and Shyam lookalike.

I just discovered some of your older OS/TS. You write well. Do continue more.
Downhill thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
simply superb
loved it
rk2127 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Nice one.

I hope shyam only fot resemblance in looks and not the heart and nature as you put it.
Mysticaldivine thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Beautiful and on a different turf ,but as u know me , I like things out of norm

This one I enjoyed so much.

😆 I know what u mean by killing u ,but Shyam and Arnav ,both were similar in many ways.
Loved the part when she surprised him by telling him her reasons and regardless he got hurt , he didn't disturb her and stayed calm.

Aman proved his worthiness.

Distance always bring you closer and that is where these two ppl came along.

Love the concept and display of emotions.

7  DG, really I didn't know that.😆 just kidding!

Edited by Mysticaldivine - 8 years ago