SOJI FF ~ "30 days to make you stay" part 33-34-35!!! - Page 10


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Aishaarani thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Amazing. πŸ‘ πŸ‘
I just loved it πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ
.Rajji. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: sojifan

Amazing. πŸ‘ πŸ‘
I just loved it πŸ˜ƒ πŸ˜ƒ

thank you !! πŸ˜³πŸ˜³
soji123 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: nami9j

wow all updates r amazing..

in part 8 .. loved the way soham quickly returned to take his lunchbox.. it seems as if now his mind has become very attentive for rajji.. and he is thinking about even the smallest thing so that it doesn't hurts rajji. 😊
part 9 was amazing yaar.. I loved it the most... bike scene was so touching.. πŸ˜›.. wen soham looked at rajji and she understood wat he meant to say.. πŸ˜‰...the scene wen soham was ready to fight with the boys who were troubling rajji .. and the scene were he decides to giv her a mobile were awesome.. I had always wanted to see such a scene in the show.. just like u have wrote like both are not able to communicate bcoz rajji doesnt have a phone and soham gets worried for her.. then he gifts her a mobile.. i had always thought abt such a scene n wanted to see it.. thanks to u for writing it πŸ˜ƒ... and also during the initial days of soji marriage wenever bani had to talk to rajji she would cal on soham's mobile most of the times.. and he would go in thinking mode with a sad music in background looking at bani's name flashing on the mobile n then go n give the phone to rajji .. I would think why such a long process. use acha rajji ko ek mobile dila do na πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†... ye sad music toh suna nai padega πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
loved ur story .. continue soon πŸ˜ƒ

rajji.soham thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Wow its amazing, its getting better and better with each part, I just love it and enjoy thoroughly and I must say this you are really very talented. And I love the way you are giving attention to even the minute detail of sojji moments unlike the BIDK CV's, like you said there were a lot of potential to Sojji story line but they just ignored it, I am not going there anymore.
.Rajji. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: rajji.soham

Wow its amazing, its getting better and better with each part, I just love it and enjoy thoroughly and I must say this you are really very talented. And I love the way you are giving attention to even the minute detail of sojji moments unlike the BIDK CV's, like you said there were a lot of potential to Sojji story line but they just ignored it, I am not going there anymore.


Thank you ! I tried my best to  really focus on Sojji and not pay attention to any other kind of drama as they do in indian soap,  and even before i started the work, i had a goal of 50k words so i knew i had to really focus on Soji and pay attention to them only. 

I really appreciate your kind words ! 

Yep, let's not talk about the cv's cause i'm still bitter over it so i should try to move on instead !
.Rajji. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: soji123

very nice updateπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

thank you very much dear ! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜³
.Rajji. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

PART 13 - Day5 ~ part1

Rajji is sleeping on her side, her back towards sohum, when she wakes up, she feels a weight on her arm. As she looks it up, she sees sohum's hand over her. She is stunned; she turns her head slowly but sees that sohum is still asleep. She wants to get up to get breakfast ready and such so she puts the tips of her fingers on top of sohum's hand to push it away (she brings her hand on his in a slow movement and she keeps checking if sohum isn't awake) but as soon as she touch him, sohum opens his eyes id a dizzy way. Rajji takes her hand back. The first thing he sees is her eyes, then he looks down at his hand on her. He looks at it confused, still a bit sleepy, but then he realizes and jerks off his hand and sits up straight. Rajji gets up and says hesitantly that she is going to put on breakfast. Sohum nods, he is uncomfortable. When she closes the door behind her, he rubs his face and try to recompose. He thinks to himself "Was my arm around her? How did that happen! Sohum, you'll have to be more careful!"

As rajji is making tea, she thinks of sohum's reaction this morning. She is thinking that things are going too fast and in the wrong way : they can't keep getting close physically to each other when there is no emotion connection at all, and anyways neither of them is ready to be so close to the other at the moment since they are still not fully accepting the way their destiny collided and made them stuck with each other against their will. She is also warning herself to not let herself fall again for him, just because he is being nice to her doesn't mean he feels anything for her. He made that very clear. She decides to distant herself from him for now.

When Rajji is serving breakfast to everyone, her eyes meet sohum's one but she blushes and turns her head. He is a bit startled by it. After that she tries her best to not meet his eyes and he doesn't understand why. When she goes back to the kitchen, he clears his throat and says "I'll be right back" and goes after her. Angad and simreen looks at each other smiling. In the kitchen rajji is trying to reach a frying pan that is put to high for her. Sohum gets behind her and reaches it over her and gives it to her. She is embarrassed, takes it, stammers a "thanks" and turns her back to him.

Sohum : "rajji?"

Rajji doesn't look at him "Haa?"

Sohum doesn't like talking to her back, so he puts his hand on her shoulder. She stiffens. He makes her face him by taking her by both of the shoulders. He takes the pan out of her hand and puts it on the counter. Then he says "Rajji. Did something happen?" Rajji looks at him confused. Sohum continues "I mean... Did... I do something wrong?"

Rajji looks away "No... Nothing." She starts to turn her back to him again.

Sohum doesn't like that she is being stubborn when he can obviously see that something is wrong. He grabs her by the arm and make her turn around again, "Rajji, don't think I don't notice. I may not be a perfect husband but I'm not blind either." Rajji pushes him away. Sohum is shocked. 

Rajji notices the shock expression on his face so she tries to explain herself, she says that she isn't comfortable being so close to him, sohum realizes his mistake so nods and he takes a step back.

Sohum "So tell... what is going on? You've been acting a bit... weird since this morning. What is it?" he waits for her to explain what is wrong.

Rajji ignores his question but since sohum is waiting she takes a deep breath and speak up. Rajji : "it's just that... it feels like everything is being forced between us... it's all so fake... and i can't be at peace with this type of situation even if I try to..."

Sohum remember the discussion they had when he went to her house to get her back : he asked her for 30 days and now he has only 25 days left. Rajji just told him that she wasn't comfortable with their situation, it stresses him out. He thinks that maybe it was too big of a challenge because from what he understands, rajji is still very unhappy with her situation.

Rajji starts to leave the kitchen (for her the discussion ends here) but sohum put his arms across the way. He put his hands on the side of her arms. She looks uncomfortable but he doesn't let go. 

He says "We're not used to each other yet and I'm aware of that. But it will work. It can only work. We can't allow ourselves to be afraid now, if not for ourselves, at least for our families and for the child that is coming."

Rajji looks at him, defeated "But how do we make it work sohum? How?"

Sohum stays still for a second, trying to think of a solution. He remembers this morning when they both avoided each other's eyes, then say "We have to communicate more, it's what is lacking now."

They both look at each other.  Sohum says "It will work Rajji. Promise me to think about it." Rajji nods looking down and takes off her hands, this time sohum lets her go then he says "We'll see each other at dinner time, I need to go to the keth now" 

and Rajji says, without realizing it "I'll wait for you" and she gets back her chores. Sohum looks at her, thinking of the words she just said. It sinks in him that he has a wife, a dutiful wife who waits for her husband to come home for dinner. It gives him a weird feeling that he never felt before, he is starting to realizes that he is in a couple, he is not a single guy : there is no "him" anymore, from now on it will be "them". Rajji realizes he is still in the kitchen, so she looks at him wondering if he needs something. Under her stare, sohum gets back to his senses and he nods before he gets out of the kitchen. 

Edited by rajji-cutest - 9 years ago
.Rajji. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

PART 14 - day 5 ~ part2

During the day, rajji is sitting silently in the living room. Simren notices that Rajji is a bit gloomy. She asks her what is wrong but Rajji says it's nothing. Simren decided to occupies rajji's mind : "Rajji, come help me! Angad and I going to visit buwajee tomorrow and I need your help to pack my things up." Rajji follows her to help.

At work there is a big discussion going on about the keth business. It's getting late in the afternoon but they are waiting for a call so they can't leave yet. Sohum realize that he'll be a bit late for dinner. He thinks about rajji saying "I'll wait for you". He gets tensed about it. 

He says to himself "I really shouldn't come home late today. Rajji is waiting for me. Also she seemed really down today... I can't afford to hurt her today when she is already down... What should I do... I can't leave the discussion too". He decides to call Rajji to tell her that he will be late for dinner.

Rajji is helping simreen put simren's clothes in her suitcase when her mobile phone rings. Rajji to go and pick up the phone and sees Sohum name's on it.

"hello Sohum?"

"Haan Rajji? Wo mein aaj keth se todda sa late nikloon gah so mera intezaar na karna khane khe liye accha?"

Rajji turns around and see Simreen struggling to zip up the suitcase, quickly she says "... thik hai Sohum. Rakti hoon abhi."

"Aur Rajji...?" He starts to say but he hears that she has already hang up. He looks at his phone a bit confused "She cut the phone so fast... Is she still mad at me?"



Rajji to simren "Sohum. He said that he wouldn't be back for dinner so we will eat without him." "This boy... He doesn't realize that by coming home late, it also makes you wait for dinner..." They shake their head knowingly and get back to work.

When sohum comes home, he sees a suitcase and a bag in the living room. He gets really anxious as he thinks that rajji is going to leave again (it's not really because he has feelings for her but because he doesn't want to go through the whole drama again. Also if she leaves, it means that he has failed to his "30 days challenge" and his pride is a bit hurt.) 

He runs into his room and stares at rajji  from the door, she has clothes in her hands and the closet door is open. He rushes towards her, take the clothes out of her hands and throw them on the bed. He grabs her arm and shouts "What is it now?! I thought we had agreed on 30 days. You can't leave just after 5 days!" 

Rajji is scared "But sohum..." 

He let go of her and points his finger at her "I am not going to listen to anything you have to say. I am not letting you go so you can put all of your clothes back in here." (he takes the clothes on the bed and throw them inside the closet. 

Rajji is flabbergasted and starts to get angry at him but before she can say anything, they hear a knock at the door. 

Sohum glares at rajji and considers she is composed enough so he says "come in!". 

Simreen enters the room and sees the shock on Rajji's face. "Sohum, Rajji? Did something happen?" 

Sohum tries to smile and says "kuch nahi babhi. Whasai hi am discuss kar rahai tai." 

"Accha. Good thing you're back before I went to sleep. Rajji probably already told you but I wanted to tell you myself that tomorrow angad and I are going to see buwhajee. We're leaving early so we won't get to tell you goodbye in the morning. Angad wanted to wait for you to come back from the keth but he was too tired and fell asleep already." 

Sohum doesn't responds because his brain is putting the pieces back together : the suitcase he saw wasn't rajji's one but simren's . 

Simren then says. "Well, I'm going to sleep now. Both of you go eat now."  As she closes the door, sohum looks at rajji but she avoids his eyes, she has a stern face. She closes the closet door and says, "I'm going to re-heat your dinner."  and she leaves the room. Sohum feels guilty for losing his temper again.

He goes to sit in the living room. Rajji arrives from the kitchen with a plate of food a bit later and gives it him to him. She is very quiet and sits beside him even if she doesn't actually want to be near him right now. She pours him a glass of water and put it next to him. He is about to start to eat when he notices that she doesn't have a plate of her own even though simreen said that they both have to eat yet. 

He says "You're not going to eat anyghing?" 

"No. I'm not hungry" rajji says coldly, not looking at him.

Sohum insists : "But you must be hungry, you didn't have dinner yet..." Rajji turns her head the other way with a frown, trying to ignore him.

Sohum is silent and doesn't touch his food either, he doesn't feel like eating knowing that she is mad at him. Rajji notices that he is not eating, she wants to ask him why but she is too mad so she pretends like she doesn't care.

Then sohum says "... Rajji. I'm... I'm sorry for getting angry at you." Rajji listens to him, still looking away, but her frown disappears. Sohum reaches and take her hand. Rajji is surprised, she looks at him now. "Rajji... I'm sorry I shouted at you. I thought that it was your suitcase" He pauses "I thought you were leaving me". Rajji feels bad when looking at him because she can see that he is genuinely sorry. In a second she forgives him.

Rajji pouts and says "aapne menu kuch bolne ka moka hi ni diya."

Sohum is relieved that she is talking to him, he starts "Wo..."

Rajji's mood is getting better "Haan menu pataa hai, aap bohot jaldi gusse mein hajathe hain."

Sohum is embarrassed and doesn't know what to say but he smiles very slightly because he knows she is making fun of him. 

Rajji continues "But I'm such a nice wife, I'll bear it all." saying that, she makes a burkhi of food and brings him to his mouth. T

heir eyes lock in as he takes her hand into his and says "that you are indeed" then he brings the food closer to his mouth and eats it. Rajji blushes and we can see that sohum is a tiny bit proud of making her blush.  

Edited by rajji-cutest - 9 years ago
pinki123 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Amazing updates
I really love them sooo much.last scene was soo cute
Love it
Please coutinue soon
soji123 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
both parts are so nice ..i love the last parts of both parts ...when rajji said that she will wait  without realising ..and soham he was trying all his efforts to come home early ..but he was late ...and he feel bad for itπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
and their eating scene..and rajji telling ki mainu pata hain aap bahut jaldi gusse mein aa jaate hoo and soham blushes πŸ˜³πŸ˜³πŸ˜³