Blast from the Past Thread #22 !Main Hamesha Hamesha Tumse! p33 ep 224 - Page 23


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cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago


Episode 212

The Takeover

There's a rush to the bathroom.  The couple, arguing, who will go first; it's a planned argument on Khushi's part.  Step one in her takeover plan and the 2nd or 3rdstep in her journal

"100 Ways to Irritate Arnav Singh Raizada"

1.      Spoil his sleep.  Achoo

2.      "La La ...mausum a ..."  Achoo

3.      Takeover the bathroom as Mrs. Khushi Kumari Gupta...Singh Raizada.  Achoo, achoo, achoo.


With the help of the poolside becoming her personal washing machine, she has convinced Arnav to letting her go before him to the bathroom.  After all she has right to half of everything as his wife and the family will talk if husband and wife aren't sharing the same bathroom and she would have to explain that their marriage is...


"Alright, go." 

She has the upper hand right now.

She comes out of the bathroom with her head wet and as she is drying her hand, he is lost in the vision of his wife drying her hair.  His mouth hangs open a little and he forgets his words.  She is his wife, crazy and all and stunningly beautiful.  He forgot that, with all their arguing but just sometimes he is stopped dead by her beauty.  Lost, as his chocolate eyes just gaze, silently longing for his woman when he allows his walls to tumble.

Achoo.  "Okay and from now on I will get up earlier to bathe."    Achoo.

"Okay, if you wish." She says.

 The family is at the breakfast table and Khushi starts her sneezing antics again. They left the poolside window open and she has caught a cold.  Di comes and sneezes, everyone concerned with her welfare.

Mami is not feeling so well and Payal has brought her breakfast.  Mami says she tried to kill her so she should taste her food first.  Payal feels bad but will do what Mami says and as she is doing her will, Akash stops her, tastes the food and supports his wife. 

Anjali comes to Arnav and Khushi's room looking for the ingredients to use to oil her hair.  Khushi says she will get them for her and uses this situation again to her advantage.  She bangs into her clothes bag and Di wants to know why she hasn't put her clothes away in the closet as of yet.  Di takes over and pushes Arnav's things aside and makes room in the closet for HIS WIFE!  After all she will be there forever! 

 They put all of Khushi's things in the closet to his chagrin.

 The Takeover plot continues.

 "100 Ways to Irritate Arnav Singh Raizada"

4.      Takeover his wardrobe. 

As she is writing in her journal he tells her she will sleep inside tonight.  He cares not about her but he cares so much for his Di...she shouldn't get sick.  Good excuse, Arnav.

Khushi makes the oil for Di and Shyam comes to bother her.  His attempt to win over Khushi fails as she "accidently" drops the pestle on his foot.  While she is applying oil to Anjali's hair, Di closes her eyes in bliss and Shyam tries to make his move in fron to fhis wife.  He offers Khushi a tissue but she will not take anything or give him anything for he will use every opportunity to touch her.  She frantically says to Di to "open her eyes" and in my humble opinion it means more than just in the physical sense.

Khushi has now taken on her roles as wife, sister, and bahu ...the takeover has begun.  Moveover Arnav Singh Raizada because there is a new boss in Shantivan,


 Kushi Kumari Gupta...

 Singh Raizada.


Edited by cinthiann1758 - 10 years ago
..Anita.. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
credit to the maker

Wondering how i will ever catch up

Episode 179

Khushi is trying on the bangles when Arnav said that NK does not know Khushi's wrist size. Khushi is struggling wearing the bangles when she breaks it causing it to pierce her skin. Arnav gets worried and stops the car. He screams at her for being careless and cutting herself and asks her "What could have happened. Khushi answers back saying "So What" but Arnav just gets out of car and goes to Khushi and warns her to never speak to him like that again (like that's going to happen)

  credit to the maker

Garima and Bua ji are worried about what happened with Mami regarding Payal's truth. Akash comes and assures them that he will never let Payal go through any trouble and will take care of her (LIES). He said this would not have happened if he only told his mom earlier or she would not have created a scene (I am pretty sure he was never going to tell her until after they are married, but what's done is done. About mami creating a scene, she can make one over nothing). He also says that everyone has opinions in the house but Arnav makes the final decisions in the house and no one will say a word against him since he supports the family. Garima and Bua ji bless him.

Arnav grabs Khushi's hand. She tries to take it away (she is so stubborn) but Arnav screams at her and forces her to let me see her wrist. He examines the cut and RABBA VEY.  Arnav take her wrist and takes the piece of bangle out with his mouth (He could have taken it out with his hand but it would seem less intense and romantic). Khushi winces in pain and her eyes shut tightly. Arnav tells her it's done. She opens her eyes and Arnav bandages her wrist and she looks at Arnav in shock and awe. When he is done, he goes back to the driver's seat and drives away.

           credit to the makers

Everyone sits for the havan. Payal asks Garima if she is still worried about the marriage and Garima says she was worried but Akash has taken away all her worries away. They both agree that Akash is gem of a person and Payal is very lucky to have him (yeah he is sweet but he is spineless). Garima wishes that Khushi should also get such a guy (Oh she will and even better one at that). Bua ji says this news shouldn't reach Khushi otherwise she'll get upset. Anjali tells Shyam and Nani that NK is getting his car repaired and ArSji are coming home together. Anjali and Nani are happy that they are together and talking about how they argue and make up and it is like they look for reasons to fight so they can see each other (they are sure right about that). Shyam is sitting there like Oh Hell No, Khushi is mine (gross).

ArShi reaches home. Arnav asks Khushi to carry on, he'll just join them in a bit (what does he have planned). Khushi gets out the car and leaves. Everyone is sitting for the havan and Shyam keeps looking at the door. He asks Anjali if Arnav is back (Anjali must be thinking that he cares for her brother but it is his way of indirectly asking about Khushi). Pandit puts teeka on AnjAm and then Mami -Mama does the pooja next. Shyam says they should call Khushi but Anjali asks him to relax, they'll come. Khushi walks in and Shyam is happy. Everyone is puzzled seeing Khushi wearing other shoes and bandaged wrist. Khushi says she's fine and gives Payal the ghee. Shyam asks for Khushi to be taken care of since her wounds seem serious (Arnav already did that, she was well taken care of). Anjali says she will herself tend to her wounds. Anjali also tells Khushi that she will arrange for some shoes and juice for her as well.

Arnav comes home and Khushi realizes she left her phone. She turns around and almost bumps into Arnav. He asks her if she is fine. Before she can answer, NK comes and asks what happened to her and he notices the bag in Arnav's hand and asks what's in it. NK notices Khushi's wrists and Arnav told him to go and sit in the havan. Nk was like Okay Ravan (that was funny, and Arnav's face was priceless). Before going, he asks Khushi to come fast as he'll save a seat next to him. When he leaves, ArShi share an awkward silence and Khushi just walks away from there to avoid further interaction.


In the room, Khushi sees a bag addressed to her. She opens it and finds bangles inside. She happily wears them. Arnav is looks at her fondly as she is playing around with the bangles but Khushi spots him looking at her in the mirror. He immediately leaves (he was caught red handed).

    credit to the maker

She recalls their argument in the car and NK asking about what was there in the bag. Anjali comes with juice for Khushi and tells her she has to drink it. Before Anjali could say more Khushi faints from the shock.

Khushi is lying on the bed. Everyone is around her, worried. Arnav asks her if she can hear him (I love how he is sitting the closest to her, like he is already her husband). NK is wondering why Khushi is not regaining her josh' and in her unconscious state, Khushi corrects him and says hosh'. Then she regains her consciousness and looks at Arnav first (aaawww). She asks him about the bangles and Arnav gets tensed and looks away (Nani- Anjali are wondering what is all this about).

 credit to the maker

Mami says that she's probably imagining things and has gone crazy. Arnav asks Khushi if she's fine. Then he asks for a pillow for her to sit and water and calls the doctor. Nani and Anjali are happy seeing Arnav's care for her and Khushi is touched (He is taking his rightful place as her man/husband). She assures Arnav that she is fine. Garima says that they should take Khushi home now but Nani says she shouldn't go out in this condition. Arnav also says that there is no need for her to go anywhere, she should take rest. Nani and Anjali are amused. Khushi once again says she is fine and they can continue with the havan. Everyone leaves. Arnav is still sitting on the bed. Khushi asks Arnav once again about the bangles. Payal is still in the room, Arnav politely requests her to leave. Payal goes and the episode freezes on Khushi's face. Will Arnav tell her that he bought the bangles???


Edited by ..Anita.. - 10 years ago
Posted: 10 years ago
Hi Blasters! My family and I are on another camping trip. This time is a beach scene and the other time was a desert. Will share some pictures later.

Yah, Anita is back! 🤗 Edited by Katelyn - 10 years ago
..Anita.. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

credit to the maker

Episode 180

Everyone is sitting for the havan but Arnav is pacing back and forth waiting to see a glimpse of his Khushi, well her wrists. Anjali asks him how he came for the havan with no complaints and asked if he is sick like Khushi too. Arnav gets annoyed and says he's fine. He sees Khushi coming down with Payal and stares at her as she goes to sit for the havan. She looks at him but he avoids eye contact. The priest starts reading the mantras for the havan and Arnav keeps looking at Khushi, seeing if she wore the bangles (Poor Arnav is dying to know, but his lady love's arms are covered by her dupatta). Shyam sees this and he starts twitching with disgust that his brother in law is look at his lady (If looks can kill Arnav would totally be a goner). Khushi notices Arnav looking but does not pay any heed to him.

    credit to the maker

The havan ends, Arnav and Khushi are still stealing glances with each other while Anjali is giving prasad to Arnav. The baati in Arnav's head goes off and grabs the thaali and goes to khushi. Anjali is like WHAT THE. Arnav gives the prasad to Khushi, and everyone is shocked (He is one smart boy). Khushi puts her hand out with her dupatta covering her hand (She is not going to give up so easily). Bua ji asks Khushi to remove the dupatta or there will be a stain of it (poor Khushi has to give up). She is forced to take her dupatta off her arms and Arnav smiles seeing that Khushi is wearing the bangles he got for her. RABBA VEY. 

       credit to the maker

Arnav gives the thaali back (He is like Mission Accomplished) to Anjali and she gives the prasad to everyone else.

ArShi steal another eye lock and Anjali and Nani signal each other knowingly like look how cute they are/we are totally right about them (I am like it is about time you noticed). Akash comes to Arnav, who is still lost in the thought that Khushi wore his bangles, and says he wants to use his car to drop the Guptas home. Arnav readily gives him the keys. When Akash leaves, Khushi asks Arnav about the bangles. He denies buying them for her but Khushi is determined to have him admit it.

Everyone is posing for family photos. Khushi stands next to Garima. NK tells Khushi to move to her left and this makes her next to Arnav (Even Khushi's #1 Fanboy wants her to be with Arnav). She takes this opportunity and asks him again if he'd bought the bangles for her, making various hand movements to make her bangles noticeable. He just goes away and Khushi is disappointed. 

      credit to the maker

NK comes and apologizes for gifting her wrong size bangles and praises the bangles she is wearing. NK asks her where she got them from. She says Arnav Ji, and he stops. Then Khushi tells him that they just came from the sky and NK is amazed saying that anything happens in India (Normal I would do a face palm to that comment, but NK is just do adorable).

 Credit to the maker

NK is showing Arnav the photos he took and Khushi is packing up everything. Anjali comes and praises her bangles as well but Khushi says that they are not that special. Arnav is offended. Anjali asks why she didn't take them off. Khushi says that wearing bangles because it is better than having her wrists empty. During this whole conversation Anjali is looking at Arnav's face and gauging his reaction and plays along with Khushi. Anjali asks Khushi if she can get Thaali with flowers for her from the poolside and Khushi agrees. Anjali counts (tick tick 1, tick tick 2) looking at Arnav and he follows Khushi. Anjali was so happy with what all is going on.

Khushi is looking for the thaali. Arnav comes behind her and asks her why she doesn't throw the bangles away if she doesn't like them. Khushi says he shouldn't worry so much about other people's bangles. Khushi reminds him about the bet saying that he has to do anything she wants him to do. So she asks him if he bought the bangles or not (really you waste your bet on bangles...I would have waited to a better opportunity).

    credit to the maker

Bua ji is wondering where Khushi disappeared to when they have to leave. Anjali says she sent her for some work and she must be coming. Then, Anjali tells Payal how happy she is that tomorrow Payal will be a member of the family. Akash says he will wait for them outside.

Khushi asks Arnav if he'd bought bangles for her and this time, Arnav says yes he did. Khushi asks why and he just walks away. She says she is asking something. Arnav says that she could only get him to do one thing which was to answer that one question, which he already did. Khushi confesses that she likes the bangles and that she'd just wanted him to admit that he'd bought them. She feels awkward after this revelation and both turn away.

      credit to the maker

Mami is preparing for the wedding. Anjali says she's already done all this but Mami says they need a confirmation. She then taunts the Guptas and Nani shuts her up. But Mami continues with her rants thus embarassing the Guptas but NK kind of takes her case unknowingly. Mama assures Garima that the wedding will be superb and she needn't worry.

After an awkward silence, Khushi once again asks Arnav why he bought the bangles for her. Arnav softens a bit and looks back at Khushi. He is about to say something but finally says that he does not need to answer all her questions and goes from there. Khushi looks at her bangles again and smiles admiring them. 
         credit to the maker

Arnav smiles at her and walks out and bumps into Shyam and he apologizes (That creep was watching their moment, he needs a life).  Shyam was twitching again (Seriously if looks can kill...). Shyam sees Khushi admiring the bangles and she does not look so thrilled. 
 credit to the maker

Will Arnav catch Shyam eyeing his lady???
Edited by ..Anita.. - 10 years ago
Crazy4IPK thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
Hey friends, How was the first day of new year?
Did you party hard, last night?
I am having a gala time with my cousins and khalas and my two little niece and nephew.
yesterday we have a party in one of our relative's house. And we enjoyed so much, danced till 4 in the morning. Today whole day we had lot of fun. So couldn't come to IF. Tomorrow I'm going to New york and will be back by Sunday. So won't be able to come in IF that much. But i'll try to sneak whenever I'll get a chance.

Watched episode-223.
Mostly a filler episode.
Nothing much happened.
..Anita.. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: sohara

Hey friends, How was the first day of new year?

Did you party hard, last night?
I am having a gala time with my cousins and khalas and my two little niece and nephew.
yesterday we have a party in one of our relative's house. And we enjoyed so much, danced till 4 in the morning. Today whole day we had lot of fun. So couldn't come to IF. Tomorrow I'm going to New york and will be back by Sunday. So won't be able to come in IF that much. But i'll try to sneak whenever I'll get a chance.

Watched episode-223.
Mostly a filler episode.
Nothing much happened.

i hope you have a fun and save trip!
Crazy4IPK thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
Hey Anita, great to see you.
Happy new year.
After a long time!
How have you been? I just saw your analysis. Will read if I get a chance.
Thanks for the good wish.
Javeria3991 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
wow another camping trip and that too at beach. I wish you have a gala time with your family.😃
@ Sohara 
Have a safe journey. ðŸ˜ƒ

Javeria3991 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
welcom back.
i read your analysis n i enjoy going through them. they brought back beautiful memories of Arnav in which he was falling in love with khushi. He was following her everywhere because it was getting hard for him to spend time without khushi or her presence. He was jealous of the frankness NK and khushi was sharing.
He just couldn't see her in pain and to cheer and smile he brought bangles for her. its was obvious that this act of Arnav was shocking n khushi fainted.😆
His statement that why Khushi presence hold importance in his life ( Kyun Farak padhta hai) was on the verge of completion.
Edited by Javeria3991 - 10 years ago
Motif_Soul thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Your 223 and 212 interesting, as both are talking about winning.
In 223 they both have won but she is saying "it is a fake victory"  as he is denying it,but in 212 they both have each other for real because he accepted it and she is the WINNER in both cases  for cracking the code of ASR.She is at her right place in HIS heart , in his room and in his mind where only one thing is stirring and that is KHUSHI.She has made a room in her closet a long time ago by hiding in it and after this much time now she has the whole closet ...meaning whole ARNAV.Either as a KHUSHI or HEER , all about her WINNING, isn't it.

Good one
Edited by MehreenB - 10 years ago