Anmol Jodi (Epilogue in pg 43 updated) - Page 28


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coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Stephen played dirty and locked up any help Bondita had.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Stephen thinks he can insult Bondita and she will cower?

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

How is Stephen allowed to tear the report and behave unprofessionally?

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Bondita is being brave and holding her own, remembering all the lessons from Anirudh.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Stephen would have many secrets. Wise move.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Stephen is sweating by now. He has no idea what is revealed.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Stephen confessed and showed his true colors.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

All the students who taunted Bondita should now realize what she accomplished.

coderlady thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Anirudh was getting shot but Bondita was more scared.

mprvn36 thumbnail
Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Part 44 FF: Bondita's final exams, Anirudh's honeymoon plans

Friends, this part is completely about Anirudh Bondita personal life. After struggling alot some time for their enjoyments...

The next 4 days after Bondita submitted her report Binoy is too busy with his auditing work of their companies and didn't get time to know what's happening about Kishorilal case or any matters related to family. 

Catherine tried to talk to him about Stephen that she wants to talk about an important matter but he firmly told that he was striving hard with auditing works and other important matters, he can only discuss anything after 4days. 

Catherine felt very sad that she couldn't tell him anything, first she wants to take his opinion and consent before filing case against Stephen but Binoy couldn't find time and told her dilemma to Anirudh. 

Anirudh pacified her that time is running short we will discuss the matter later with baba you don't worry. She with heavy heart agreed to give her statement in court without consulting Binoy. 

Meanwhile Bondita started preparing for her final exams and Anirudh asked her to focus only on exams as soon as she finishes it she will be joining him in work. She felt very excited and strictly focused on her studies. 

Anirudh also submitted all the evidences in Calcutta court (as case shifted from Deenpur to Calcutta on Anirudh's request because VG and Stephen belongs to Calcutta and Kishorilal despite of being a convict still require treatment which is available in Calcutta and magistrate agreed as per his request) against Kishorilal, VG and Dean Stephen. It became a sensational case in entire country because it had shaken everyone as human values, morals and ethics are crossed (Kishorilal and Shyamala being cousins getting married, and again pretending as brother sister to outside world and being husband and wife in dark). Many national party leaders and other freedom fighters have been appreciating and sending flowers, appreciation letters to Anirudh and Bondita from these last few days for finding about Britishers secret conspiracy. Bangal Khabar had become top newspaper in entire state. 

Dean tried to argue about the case that he is purposefully framed but it is of no use. Catherine came and also filed a case against him and gave her confession in court for abusing her.

Coincidentally on that day only Bangal khabar competitor paper Anglo Indian times which is in favour of Britishers had published an article on Stephen and Catherine first marriage and written a fake story that Binoy came in between them and now using Catherine past in this case. Opponent lawyer favourable to Stephen raised this point and questioned Catherine.

But Catherine boldly answered him filed a case against Stephen and Anirudh brought peon of college, junior faculty of Stephen as witnesses who also told that they many times saw Stephen using abusive words to Catherine and confessed in court. 

Anirudh made sure that final verdict is given in that day only .. Kishorilal was given a judgement to be hanged soon, VG job is taken away and heavy fine is imposed and imprisoned for nearly 5 years for spoling Kumuda's life. Dean Stephen is not allowed to do his barristry practice and he too was sentenced to jail for 10 years because he misleaded the court, indirectly involved and encouraged him to do all the crimes and took bribes for him, also for misbehaving with his student.  

Mukund and his family with Upendra, Biren thanked Anirudh and told that they will be leaving to Berhampur and will start a fresh life. Anirudh asked Mukund to be in contact with them and not to forget their friendship. Mukund felt very emotional and hugged his friend and left with heavy heart. 

In Calcutta home, Trilochan and Binoy are highly irritated with the Anglo Indian newspaper article and the fact that Catherine gave her confession in court without taking his / their opinion, without considering family prestige and discussing it in prior. In Binoy business circle this has became a hot topic and he got taunted in meeting, he left the meeting and came home. 

When Anirudh and Catherine returned from court they saw Trilochan who came from Tulsipur and Binoy in the hall with serious expressions on their faces. Bondita went to Library at that time she already informed Anirudh earlier. Catherine felt painful by seeing their frowning faces, but Anirudh held her hand and looked at her assuringly. He took her inside and before they are about to burst shouting 'Anirudh, Catherine', Catherine almost on the verge of tears but Anirudh only started in his dj voice raising his finger to them before they say anything : 'Not a word against Catherine maa, baba aur kaka. Not a word at all. She had silently endured harrasment without informing you or any of us. If you both shout or rebuke on her means she will think that we are not considering her as our family member. Don't do this to her. 

Binoy: Before going to court can't she and you discuss with me.

Anirudh: Haa, it is the truth that she went and filed a case without taking your opinion but there is also another truth that she tried to discuss with you in last 4 days but you didn't get time, then I only encouraged her to take this step. I only assured her that I will discuss with you after giving statement in court and after filing case against Stephen.

Baba! I know it is not right on my side to involve in your husband and wife matters. But she alone facing harrasment from outside and anyone of us especially you not knowing about it is no less than a shame or insult to you (Binoy looked at him sternly),....yes baba! It's an insult to your love. Let us change our thinking baba, let us change it. Raising voice against injustice is human right we should not show gender descrimination in it. 

Baba! Catherine maa had found solace in your and our family members company. If we shatter her trust will it increase glory to our Roy Chowdhary family?Let us change our thinking baba, let us change our thinking kaka! Don't show your cold shoulder to her when she is in need of you.'

Trilochan: Anirudh, your baba got humiliated and insulted in his business circle 

Anirudh: Baba someone had told something and you got ready to accept it and showing frustration in home and especially on woman. Rather than this why can't you proudly say to outsiders that our RC house bahu had got enough guts to raise voice against injustice. Till how long women should feel and carry unnecessary guilty burden even if mistake is not her's. 

Trilochan bent his head in shame. Catherine took courage and asked forgiveness from Binoy and Trilochan. She told that she will leave the house as Binoy can't take this insult and she too was not ready to listen his displeasure words, it's better she should leave them forever. 

Anirudh is looking at her and Binoy helplessly because this time it has to be stopped by Binoy, as she expects it from her husband. 

She started to leave without any of her luggage, Binoy felt guilty, realised his mistake and stopped her, asked her not to go . He went near her and held her hands and looking into her eyes he asked to forget anything, it is my mistake for not understanding you. You have lived me more than anything, despite knowing your past I should not have done this tonyou. Sorry once again. His tears fell in her wrists and made her to move. She nodded silently with tears as excusing him. He told that if you have told me earlier even I would have made his.condition worse and have made leave India forever. Why didn't you tell me earlier Catherine? 

Catherine replied 'After many years of longing for love I found my soulmate in you and got mingled in this family Binoy, That's why my thinking became so sensitive and delicate relating to respect of Roy Chowdhary family matters .'.

Trilochan also silently came and asked Anirudh 'Has that Stephen got punished right, Anirudh?'

Anirudh: Yes kaka, he already got punished and sentenced to jail.

Trilochan went to Catherine and told by folding hands 'I am sorry Catherine behen. Sorry for misunderstanding you. Today you have proved your worth as Roy Chowdhury bahu and I can proudly say that you belong to our family ' She folded hands infront of him as respect. He told that he need to make call and slipped from there to give space to his brother and his wife.

Binoy also asked her to forgive him once again. Catherine said : On one condition Binoy. You should not reject it any cost. 

Binoy: what's that?Do you want pearls necklace or take outside 

Anirudh is about to leave to give them privacy but Catherine stopped him purposefully asked where are you going Anirudh?

Anirudh embarrassingly mumbled 'maa, I will leave ...I mean I will go and Change'

Catherine interrupted and told that 'In fact I want gift from you only especially, Will you give it to me?'

Anirudh said sure, whatever you ask

Binoy also nodded. She told that I want Anirudh and Bondita to go for their honeymoon after Bondita completing her exams. Atleast 10 days you both should not return back to your routine life and have complete privacy. This is not my request but order for you. I want to utilise my maa and saas position by commanding you both - my beta and bahu (and laughed)

Trilochan just came and listened what catherine asked Anirudh to do.

Anirudh is highly embarrassed and about to say something that ' Catherine maa, 10 days..'

Catherine raised her finger and said: Not any word Anirudh. Now this time I am ordering you both. Isn't it Binoy? What do you say Trilochan jethji?

Trilochan and Binoy also agreed with her.

Anirudh: Maa I mean Bondita had really worked hard in this year, 10 days are less for us. I wish we should take nearly 20 days to get relaxed.

Catherine teased him by pulling his cheeks. Trilochan and Binoy also felt happy. But he requested them to keep it as a top secret as he wanted to take her on a long holiday as a surprise on the last day of her exams. They all agreed. 

 Meanwhile Anirudh took Catherine help and sent a lady tailor to take Bondita's measurements for her new dresses. Catherine and tailor went into her room and Catherine asked lady tailor to take her bahu measurements. 

Bondita confusedly asked why now maa? I already have lots of sarees .

Catherine: Bondita, soon I am planning for a grand party for your upcoming success after your results are out. Now I am your saas and I want you to give your measurements. Do you have any problem? (She tried to maintain seriousness but laughed immediately)

Bondita also laughed and gave measurements. 

On the of her last exam Anirudh packed her suitcase secretly without her knowledge. 


Bondita gave her final exam of her law course successfully. Lecturers told that results will be coming in next month. Bhatuk and Tapur also gave their exams and finished 3 days before Bondita and left to Bombay on an office work for opening their new branch.

She felt nostalgia by looking at her college atmosphere, surroundings after writing her last exam and wished her classmates, juniors all the best. She wished all the peons and other administrative staff. Faculty are busy in their invigilation and she thought that she will wish them on convocation day. She came from college with utmost happiness and planning to ask her Patibabu to take her for outing and enjoy that day completely. 

But he had sent driver to pick her up and he told that Anirudh is busy in clients meeting and she said ok and reached home. She straightly went to his study room and he got (pretending) busy with his files thinking about his plan. 

She called him and he said her immediately that ' Bondita, you came let us take lunch. I am feeling too hungry come fast' he rushed to dining table.

He started serving dishes in a single plate when she came to their dining room. It had become their regular habit after marriage that whenever they find free time they take their food in single plate feeding eachother. 

Bondita came with a little disappointment and sat: Won't you ask me how did I write my exam. 

He started feeding her and she too fed a morsel to him. He replied 'I very well know my Bondita will rock in her exams. Then what's the point of asking..Come on make it fast I need to tell you an important thing.'

When they both are feeding Servant came and kept suitcases outside and asked Anirudh 'Is it 2 suitcases right Malik?'

Bondita saw two big suitcases and shocked if he is going out of station for many days. Anirudh asked the servant to keep in car and train is at 4 pm. 

She became highly upset and also felt tears in her throat. He looked at her and raised his eyebrows asking what's the matter. 

She can't stop her anger and asked 'Are you going out of station for many days.'

Anirudh without any expression said 'First eat Bondita, I will tell you everything.'

She sat silently neither feeding him nor eating he asked softly 'Dont you believe me' she silently nodded. Then he said 'Without asking questions finish it. It is getting time for train.'

She silently fed and didn't take much from his hands. He forcefully fed her and said 'I will tell you everything when I catch train. (Hiding his smile and blush) It's important and most urgent work which I have been postponing for long time..please.. Don't get disappointed or angry on me.'

They finished lunch and asked her to get ready to accompany her to railway station. She silently changed her saree, but had seen some of her sarees and missing in cupboard. 

She asked servant to which Anirudh signaling not to tell her. Catherine covered it and said 'Dhobi had not washed your clothes for many days. I will scold him. He will do it by tomorrow.'

She is about to raise doubt that when did she give it for washing but Anirudh immediately interrupted and said that he is getting late, come fast..

He took Binoy Catherine and Trilochan blessings. He asked her also to take. She too silently took her blessings. 

When they both left in car Trilochan Binoy and Catherine bursted into laugh seeing their bahu disturbed face.


She sat in car puffing her cheeks. Anirudh intentionally teased Tell me why are you upset Bondita. Don't you like that I am going on important work. 

She didn't reply. 

Anirudh : Just what's bothering you and then puff your cheeks again. 

Bondita: I thought that we will be going out and roam in city go for shopping and have kulfi, puchka But now you..

Anirudh interrupted and said ..'Now I am going on important work and you sat here puffing cheeks disappointed on me. right?'

She nodded her head . He said 'Okay I think...I...

 have .....some .....surprise ......planned ...for' 

Bondita eyes got widened and with huge smile and excitement what is my surprise? Will you cancel your trip? You are kidding me right? Those are blank I right?

Anirudh with serious expression : No, when did I say that I am.not going out? Those are heavy suitcases.Isn't it Shyam ( Anirudh asked Driver shyam)

Driver Shyam smilingly replied yes Malik..seems like you will be going out for nearly 2 weeks or more. 

Anirudh raised his eyebrows to Bondita and signaled like see, now you understand. 

Bondita again turned face and huffed. Just then station reached and Anirudh asked driver to keep luggage in platform. He nodded and kept the luggage and Anirudh asked him to leave. 

They sat on platform bench and she asked then what could be the surprise if he leaves and go for more than 2 weeks. 

Anirudh again started teasing 'If I stay what will we do? What gift will you give me?'

Bondita with a blush and bending her head with shy said 'Whatever you ask.'

Anirudh: Shotti 

Bondita: Shotti.

Anirudh: What if you break your promise..

Bondita: I will never break it.

Anirudh: Ok,..then I want you...I want you.... to...I want you to..

Bondita is getting irritated and asked him to tell fast Just then train arrived and he asked her to come fast. She is shouting not to go ..I am ready to do anything you ask. I will agree all your terms. I will sit and prepare case notes for you complete night and..

Anirudh is hardly controlling his smile by pressing his lips , gave luggage to porter and asked him to keep in 1st class compartment. Bondita is asking holding his hand and not to to go.

Anirudh asked her to get in we will discuss it inside and do as per your wish..she told that she will wait near window. But he strictly ordered her to get in.

She went in compartment and sat silently wondering why is he teasing her this much. Why is he not bothering her displeasure for the first time. What is all this? Wait,... What is the thing I am Missing in this? 

Before she could proceed , Anirudh asked after sitting in compartment ' Ok Bondita, tell me when did we kiss last time?'

Bondita felt annoyed for asking these type of questions and said Why does it matter now , when you are going out for a long trip?.

Anirudh: Tell me Bondita, when did we kiss last time? 


Anirudh: Ok you told na you will do anything now. He saw ticket collector approaching their compartment he asked her to close her eyes and wait for my next command. If you succeed then I will completely listen to you.

Bondita decided not to lose, cancel his trip and closed her eyes. Train is given signal and about to move. He silently showed both of their tickets and asked him to leave. The ticket collector left and train started.

Bondita sensing that train is moving said : Patibabu train started, I understood that you are not going to listen me. I should leave else I will be late in reaching home. I am opening my eyes.

Anirudh: No Bondita, it's your illusion. Train on the opposite compartment is starting. You should not open your eyes now. If you open it you have to listen to me. 

He closed their compartment door and locked and closed their windows with curtains and slowly approached near her and encircled his arms around her , made her turn towards her and started kissing her cheeks.  

She suddenly started feeling goosebumps erupt in her and couldn't process anything. He said whispering in her ears 'Bondita , my surprise to you is we are going on a long holiday trip for nearly 20 days. We are going on honeymoon.'

She opened her eyes and asked with her shining eyes 'Shotti' He too said shotti. 

She asked where are we going first? 

He said : 'First we will be going to Siliguri and then we will go to Dalhousie , it's surrounding areas and spend nearly 20 days.'

She felt very happy and suddenly realised that she didn't get her luggage. She nervously said My luggage, I didn't get my clothes.

Anirudh (by maintaining the same proximity) told 'Budhu Bondita, do you really think I didn't get your luggage. The other suitcase is yours only.'

She recollected how some of her sarees are Missing, how catherine maa had taken measurements and asked him if everyone knows about it. He said yes. 

She felt blushed. He started his teasing again so you broke your word by opening your eyes so should I punish you? 

She blushed and with this cute nok jhok and cute romance they enjoyed their train journey and reached Siliguri by next day morning. Their beautiful journey as couple in all means is going to start in this trip and they both are very happy, thrilled and excited.