SOJI FF ~ "30 days to make you stay" part 33-34-35!!! - Page 17


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rajji.soham thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
All the parts were very nice, I really like the way you are developing the story and feelings of Sojji for each other. I got very excited and was happy for rajji when soham gifted her the lovebirds, I didn't expect that from soham that was a total surprise. I loved the last scene very much when rajji was feeding soham.
.Rajji. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Part 26- Day 15

In the morning, Rajji wakes up first and goes to prepare the breakfast. When sohum get dressed, he opens the closet door and takes out the red sweater Rajji knitted for him earlier. He holds it in his hands for some moments, thinking about the time he said to rajji that she shouldn't even think about doing it but then he had put it on and it was perfect. He decides that today he will wear it. He puts it on and looks at himself in the mirror.

Rajji enters the room, saying "Sohum, are you up yet-..." She stops in the middle of the sentence seeing sohum in her sweater.

He turns toward her and says "I thought... This sweater might come in handy, it's getting a bit cold now." He is a bit embarrassed now.

Rajji nods, still looking at him.

Sohum says "Tell me, does it look good on me?"

Rajji snaps out of her awe and says jokingly. "Good? It looks perfect! Whoever knitted it did an amazing job. Hats off to her!" Sohum laughs. They come out of the room and simreen smiles when she sees that he is wearing the red sweater but she doesn't say anything.

They are all taking their breakfast together with cuggie. [Sohum is explaining everything about the keth business. He says all the good points of the job offer but doesn't talk much about getting settled in Canada.] then sohum and cuggi goes to the keth.


Later that day (in the afternoon), when sohum comes back, he calls for Rajji. She's not responding, he thinks she must be in the bedroom.

Rajji is in the bedroom kneeling on the floor, unpacking sohum's suitcase and putting away his clothes. She takes the vest and looks at it remembering how good sohum looked in it when he came out the car last night. She blushes. Then she notices a white piece of paper sticking out of one of the pocket. She takes it out and read it. It reads "I'll miss you Sohum. Call me XXX-XXX-XXX. ---Priya." Rajji freezes.

Sohum enters the room, in a good mood, he says "Rajji-..." but stops when he sees her in state shock. He says "Rajji? Are you alright?" She gets up, puts the vest on the suitcase, and holds out the piece of paper. He takes it saying "what is it?" looking at her. She doesn't say anything and gets out of the room. Sohum looks at Rajji leaving, wondering what is happening and then looks at the piece of paper. He reads it and his face loses its colors.

He looks at the vest, trying to figure out where the note is from, and remembers the time priya hugged him. He concludes this is when she put the piece of paper in his pocket. He gets angry, he crunches the paper and throws it on the ground. He gets out of the room and look around. Simreen asks "sohum? Are you looking for something?"

"Rajji. Where is she?" Simreen is confused

"She just went on the roof, is everything alright?" Sohum doesn't responds and go on the roof. Simreen is worried.

When sohum gets on the roof, rajji is sitting on a bench, her back facing him. He comes closer slowly and says gently "rajji?" She gets out of her thoughts and dries her tears. He calls again "Rajji..." She gets up and turns around. He can see that she has been crying but now she is more angry than sad or hurt.

She says "I guess there was more to see in Canada than keths and tractors."

He says "Rajji. Listen to me."

"I don't want to listen to anything you have to say." She tries to pass him to go downstairs but he holds her arm. She stops.

He faces her and says "Priya is the daughter of the pdg offering me the job. She is spoiled and thinks she can have her way with anything and... anyone."

Rajji looks up at him angrily.

Sohum continues "You have to believe me when I tell you I spent the 3 days I was there, trying to avoid her. I didn't even know she put that note in my pocket. And if I knew, I would have thrown it right away. I don't intend to call her. Ever."

Rajji hearing this words calms down . She pouts "Kookie told me that every girl you meet starts swooning over you..."

Sohum is confused, rajji looks at him half pouting, half joking "Oh don't act like you don't notice."

"I don't! I only ever noticed Ban-..." He stops. Rajji understands what he was about to say. She is deeply hurt. Sohum tries to laugh "Well I never noticed anything." But Rajji isn't laughing anymore. She says "Let's go back downstairs, Simreen babhi will get worried" Sohum agrees mentally slapping himself.


Later in the evening, Binder calls Rajji: Binder says they have news from bani : bani went to delhi to meet parmeet but in the end, they stayed a few weeks into delhi and went back to Bhuller's mansion where bani have been accepted back in her saasural. It's a good thing because now bani will be able to come at jas's wedding. Rajji is at the same time happy but worried because she doesn't understand why parmeet didn't bring bani in Canada with her. Rajji asks binder if desho isn't too sad that the NRI dream isn't happening but binder says that desho doesn't mind because it's only delayed and she have full trust that at some point bani will live her life in Canada.

Rajji hangs up and looks shocked. Sohum who was around asks her what is happening. Rajji says that it's nothing, she turns around and leaves.


When Rajji and sohum goes to sleep, they are avoiding each other eyes because there is an awkward vibe since their discussion on the roof. They're both very quiet. Rajji doesn't fall asleep and spends a moment looking at the love birds sculpture on her night stand. She is remembering what happened earlier when sohum said "all I ever remembered was bani" and then she remembers desho saying that bani is back at her sassural which mean she'll probably pay them a visit. Sohum is sleeping but Rajji is worried.

.Rajji. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Part 27- Day 16

In the morning, Sohum wakes up before Rajji. After going into the shower he comes out and gets ready but rajji is still sleeping. He sits by her side and touches lightly her arm. She doesn't react. He touches her cheek calling "Rajji?" but then he notices that her face is hot. He touches her forehead: Rajji is feverish. He calls simreen. Simreen is worried and asks angad to go look for the doctor while she brings a glass of water and sohum tries to wake rajji up. The doctor (female) comes in the room. Sohum is sitting by Rajji who is sitting straight against the headboard of the bed. The doctor asks if she can have a moment with Rajji alone. Sohum is reluctant but eventually he leaves, he looks extremely worried.

After some time the doctor comes out of the room. She says that rajji surely has a cold and that there is nothing to worry too much about. She says that they'll have to give her antibiotics for a few days and then it'll all be perfect. She says to sohum that he can go back to his wife.

Sohum enters slowly the room. Rajji is looking extremely pale. He sits down next to her and says "The doctor said that you'll be fine quickly." Rajji has tears rolling down her face. Sohum says "What is it?" taking her hand. Rajji jerks her hand away. Sohum is shocked and confused. He says "talk to me rajji. What is going on?"

Rajji is still not looking at him. She says "While the doctor was here, I told her that I might be pregnant." Sohum stiffens. Rajji continues "She made me do a pregnancy test and result is... I'm not pregnant."

Sohum says "But..." (he wants to say are you sure') but rajji starts crying for real so he comes closer and holds her in his arms. When rajji calms down, Sohum asks why she is so upset about it since they didn't have any plan to have a child in the first place.

Rajji says that she wasn't thinking about it at first but then when sohum and she got back together, she thought it might happen and she started to care about this hypothetical child unconsciously.

Sohum says he is sorry because he is the one who implanted that thought of a child in her brain. Rajji shakes her head "no". After a silence sohum says "With the benediction of god, we are going to live a long life together and I'm sure if it's written in our destiny, we'll have children to care after." Rajji looks at him shocked, she didn't expect this from him. Sohum tries to make her laugh "We'll have as many as you want." Rajji starts crying again, but now it's from happiness. Sohum takes her back in his arms and says "And you'll get to name every single one of them too!" Rajji finally laughs.


A bit later Simreen comes into the room, rajji and sohum are talking and laughing lightly together, holding each other hands. Simreen puts on the night stand a bowl and she says "I thought you might be a bit hungry so I made you a bowl of soup."

Rajji thanks her and says she is sorry for being such a burden.

Simreen says "not at all". Then she goes out the room.

Rajji looks at sohum and says "I'm too tired to eat... So you'll have to feed me." She smiles sheepishly. Sohum looks at her surprised but then smiles and takes the bowl and feeds her. They both are very aware of each other and love is flowing out of their eyes.


In the evening Rajji gets out of her room. Simreen and angad get worried and says that she should rest;

she says that she is feeling already a bit better since she had such a good care taker with her. Sohum blushes and he is embarrassed.

Angad and simreen laughs. Angad says "there is nothing to be shy about sohum, she is your wife, of course you are going to take care of her."


Later on, they are all going to bed. Rajji is sitting on her bed when sohum enters the room with balm. He says that he is going to put a bit of balm on her feet and that she'll feel better after. Rajji says that there is no need for him to do so and that she can do it herself. But sohum insists : he says that he has to take good care of her so she can feel better very soon.

He starts applying the balm very gently and rajji is moved. She has been blessed with the sweetest husband. After sohum is done, rajji says thanks and tries to retract her feet but sohum says "wait a minute." Holding her feet in place, he takes something out of his shirt's pocket. Rajji is confused because she doesn't know what is going on. Finally rajji sees what sohum has taken out of his pocket : it's the anklets.

He starts putting them around rajji's feet, but she protests saying "I can't accept them"

Sohum is hurt. "why ?"

Rajji says "those are the anklet you bought for..."

but sohum interrupts her and says "No. I trade the other ones for new ones. These ones I bought for you."

Rajji is shocked. Sohum takes this as a chance to put the anklets on her feet.

She puts her hand on the anklet and says "does that mean you don't feel anything for bani anymore?"

Sohum takes his time before answering. Rajji takes his silence as a "no" so she starts taking off the anklets, saying "What's the point of it then?" but sohum puts his hand over hers and says "Rajji. I don't know what my feelings for bani are because I don't think about her anymore. It's been days now that the thought of her didn't even cross my mind. Don't you get it?" They are silent for a moment and then sohum says "Please accept them. Rajji, I ... I really care about you." They lock eyes for a moment and Rajji finally nods. Sohum is relieved and happy. He gets up to put away the balm and then they both go to sleep.

Rajji wants to believe that sohum is sincere but she is too unsecure when it comes to bani. Rajji feels bad about doubting sohum's feelings. Maybe he really doesn't care about Bani anymore? She can't fall asleep. She turns around in the bed and looks at sohum's back.

Rajji whispers "Sohum, are you asleep?"

Sohum in a sleepy voice : "Hmm. What is it?"

Rajji "... Nothing I just... I ... thank you for the anklets."

Sohum turns around, half asleep  and puts arm on her. His eyes are still closed from sleepiness. "Don't thank me. I've bought them for you so I can follow your trace from the sound of it, when you roam around the house." He jokes.

Rajji gives a light tap on his chest, pretending to be offended. They fall asleep like that, Rajji feeling better.

.Rajji. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Part 28- day 17 - part 1

Sohum wakes up before rajji. He sneaks out of the bedroom and goes in the kitchen where simren is preparing the breakfast. She says "good morning  sohum. Is rajji up yet? Is she feeling better today?" Sohum says that she is still sleeping so he thought he might as well prepare her breakfast for her and bring it to her. Simreen looks at him, smiling knowingly. Sohum is embarrassed. Simren helps him by giving instructions and he prepares a tray for rajji. Before taking the tray to the bedroom, sohum notices a bouquet of rose sitting by the window. He takes one of the rose and puts and on the tray. Simreen smiles as sohum goes back in the bedroom.

He enters the bedroom and closes the door with his feet as his hands are busy. He puts the tray on the night stand and sits next to a sleeping rajji. He brushes a few hair strays away from her face. Rajji, still sleeping, puts her hand over his. Sohum smiles at this, he takes her fingers into his hand and puts a little bit of pressure on it saying very softly "Rajji." She opens sleepily her eyes and smiles at him as she closes them back again. Sohum smiles and says "If you don't wake up now, your tea will get cold." Rajji opens her eyes again but then realizes that she wasn't dreaming and that sohum is really by her side, she is utterly embarrassed. Sohum chuckles.  She sits up straight and asks him what is going on. He says that he prepared her breakfast and he takes the tray on his knees.

Rajji is in awe and says "Sohum? Yeh saab kuch mere liye...?"

he says with a proud face "Yeah, I know I'm such a good husband. You can thank me later"

They both laugh and eat together. As they are finished with the breakfast, rajji receive a call on her mobile. It's binder. Binder asks how rajji is, then she says that she is sorry to call so late but it'd be great if rajji could spend the day with them.

Rajji is confused and asks if anything happened.

Binder says that they finally settled for jas marriage and it's happening tomorrow so there is a lot going on today and her help would be much appreciated. Also she could take part in the festivities and it'll make jas very happy.

Rajji says that of course she is coming.

Binder responds that she is very happy because after a long time, everyone will be reunited again as bani will be there too.

Rajji is very happy to hear that. She says that she'll be there soon after midday.

Binder says to greet everyone for her and that they'll meet later on.

Sohum looks at her with interrogation in his eyes, rajji explains that it's jas wedding tomorrow so that she'll go at her maike for the day, she'll probably even stay the night there.

Sohum says that it's perfectly fine, and that simreen and angad will probably have no problem with that. Sohum says "I'll go with you today too"

Rajji is extremely happy about that, she says "really sohum? You would come with me?"

Sohum  says "Yes of course" and adds "We should probably get to the bazaar and buy some gifts for jas and sweets for everyone."

Rajji gets really excited at the idea; she says, all hyped up, "I already know what I'll buy for jas. I saw some bracelets in a shop last time I went to the bazaar and I know that she'll love them. I also saw this saree that was so pretty. Oh and maybe..."

Sohum interrupts her, he says "Alright, alright. We'll buy everything you want when we'll get there but first come out of bed and dress yourself so that we can get going!"

Rajji nods and jumps out of bed, hurrying towards the bathroom to get ready. Sohum laughs.

While she is getting ready, sohum goes to talk to simreen and angad.  He explains that rajji will spend the two next days at her maike for the celebrations. Simreen and angad agree happily. They say that they are too busy today but they'll be there too tomorrow for the wedding. Sohum says that they're going out now to do some shopping. When rajji comes out of the room, sohum is smiling gently at her and say "let's go." Rajji nods smilingly.

Sohum and rajji are at the bazaar doing their shopping. Sohum says that he is going to the next shop while rajji is at another one. Rajji agrees. She continues her shopping alone and she is minding her own business when suddenly she steps back and bumps into someone. She turns around to apologize when she recognizes the person she just bumped into. It's Amreek. They are both in shock and rajji let one of her shopping bag fall. Amreek snaps out of the shock and gather everything that has fallen to give it back to her. At first she doesn't take it but eventually, she snaps out of the shock too and gets the bag back. She is frowning but there are tears in her eyes. She says thank you angrily, Amreek says "Rajji,..." but  rajji turns around and leaves.

When rajji and sohum get back together, rajji is looking lost in her thoughts. She is very quiet, her face is stern and she almost ignores sohum. Finally he asks "Rajji. Is something going on? You seem very quiet suddenly..."

She says "it's nothing".

sohum doesn't believe it so he says "I am your husband and you should know that you can talk to me, whatever there is that is bothering you."

Rajji insists that it's nothing.

Sohum understands that she doesn't want to talk about whatever it is that is bugging her. He lift up her chin so she is looking at him and he says "if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine with me but try to forget it because today should be a day full of happiness isn't it? Don't do it for me, do it for jas"

Rajji gives a small smile and nods, trying to recompose.

Sohum, trying to change the mood, says "So rajji.. What else did you want to buy for jas? Maybe we could get her some hair ornaments what do you think?" Rajji cheers up at the thought of it and they keep going. Sohum is happy that she isn't sad anymore.


.Rajji. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Part 29- day 17 - part 2

At rajji's maike : desho welcomes rajji and sohum, she takes sohum's bags and says that she is very glad to see her today but that bani, who isn't arrived yet, will be even more happy because she has missed rajji dearly. Beejee calls desho so she goes back while Sohum looks at rajji in shock.

She stammers a bit saying "I..I forgot to tell you that bani will be there too."

Sohum is confused "But wasn't she supposed to be in Canada?"

"No... they got news from her a few days ago... She met parmeet in delhi and they came back to her sassural"

Sohum is shocked, he says "But why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Rajji says "Does it make such a difference for you that she is back?"

Sohum holds his breath, he is getting angry "Rajji!." but he recomposes when Sarab and nirvail come to welcome them too.

Nirvail hugs rajji and says It's very nice to see you both. Come in!"

But sohum says "actually... today I have some work to do. I just came to drop rajji." Sarab and nirvail look at each other.

Sohum adds "but I'll definitely be there tomorrow for the wedding with veer ji and simren babhi."

Sarab says "that's all that matter then. It'll make our Jas very happy to see you all here." Nirvail and Sarab say good bye and go back. Sohum looks at Rajji angrily. She starts to say "Sohum-..." but he turns around and leaves without looking back

Rajji spends the afternoon with her family preparing the celebration; she gives some of the gift to jas and says that some of them are for tomorrow so she can't give it to her now. Jas pouts at first but then goes with it. Keerat is also taking part in all of this, he is very happy to see Rajji, also Rajji is cheerful which makes him even more happy.

In the late afternoon, bani comes in. She is sorry to be late but there were things going on at the bhullars house. Everyone says that it's nothing, the most important thing is that she finally came. Desho asks how was her time with her husband in delhi. Bani lies and says that it was great and that they met a lot of new people and made new dear friends. Desho says that she is glad that her daughter is married into such an influent house and she gets emotional. Nirvail asks his wife to stops now as this next 24hours are about jas. Desho asks bani if parmeet is coming tomorrow but bani says unfortunately not. He is extremely busy.

Jas and bani meet and gets emotional. Jas says that she is so happy that bani could be here for her wedding as it wouldn't have been the same without her. She says that she was a bit mad because bani left her and didn't give any news for what seemed like an eternity. Bani apologizes but beejee says that a married woman as a lot of things to do and care about and that in her times a bride didn't get to see or talk to her maike for a very long time after the marriage because of how busy they were adjusting to their new life.

Then bani goes inside to meet Rajji. They fall into each other arms and both of them cry. They ask how the other one is going. They both say that all is going PERFECTLY well. They  chit chat for a bit.


In the evening at sohum house, when they are dinning, sohum is being quiet. Angad jokes saying that his little brother is not used to not have his dear wife by his side. Sohum tries to laugh at his brother jokes but he has something else in mind. Simreen notices his attitude.

After dinner she goes into sohum's room. He asks if she needs anything. She sits on the bed next to him and asks him is there is anything bothering him. At first sohum plays innocent and says that he doesn't know what his babhi is talking about. Simren says that he can confide in her. Sohum breathes heavily and says that Bani is back in town, and that she'll be at jas wedding tomorrow.

Simreen is shocked. Sohum says "I was shocked too." then he adds angrily "Rajji knew but she didn't told me."

Simreen is silent for a second then says "Maybe she was right about not telling you."

Sohum looks at her confused "What is that? I was really worried about bani, she should have told me that she was safe as soon as she heard about it!"

"Would you have brought her breakfast in bed if you knew bani was back? Would you have given her the anklets? Or would you have fled to Bani's sassural to ensure with your own eyes that she was safe?"

Sohum is silent. Simreen says "Your silence is giving me the answer to my question."

Sohum says "You're right, I still care a lot about bani, but Rajji should know by now that I have put my feelings aside."

"How could she now? Every time the name of bani comes out, you get angry at her. For her, nothing has changed."

Sohum says that he didn't want to get angry at her, it's just that she should have told him earlier than bani was going to be here. He stops hesitant, simreen asks him why it was so important for him to know beforehand. Sohum says that it's because he doesn't feel strong enough to go and face her, especially now that he's really making progress with rajji. He says that even if he didn't like the idea of bani being so far, he still appreciated the distance because it helped him moving on. But now he's not sure about anything anymore.

Simreen is empathetic with him and understand his weariness but she says that he has to trust and cherish his bond with rajji even when he will be facing bani. She says that Bani has probably stopped thinking about him is this type of way (not even being sure that she ever did) and that he should do to, out of respect for her (as a married woman) and to rajji. Simreen adds that maybe god is testing his patience and that he should consider tomorrow as a test that he can't fail. Simreen says that if he was really honest when he said that he had put his feelings aside for bani, maybe it's time that he tells it to rajji too and to prove it. Sohum agrees, thanks her and she leaves his room.


pinki123 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Oh wow i loved it soo much
It os soo interesting
Fantastic update
I really liked hoe soham cares about rajji
And trying his best
Rajji is sad that she is not pergnent
But soham made her happy again really sweet
and his gifts are too sweet
But soham was really angry in last scene yaar Soham. U hurt rajji 
But hope he will make Evrything all right
Cant wait for next part
Please coutinue as soon as possible
nami9j thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
read all the remaining parts now.. loved ur writing 😃...
and amreek's entry has brought new excitement now😃.. looking forward to more scenes of rajji amreek and soham getting jealous 😉😃.. soham getting jealous is something new n fresh which we never got to see but always wanted to see.. hope to read it in ur story if u have planned it that way 😃..
Edited by nami9j - 9 years ago
soji123 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
nice update😃..finally we will get to see jas marriage ..waiting for it 😃
.Rajji. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Part 30 - Day 18 - PART 1


It's late afternoon. The family is getting ready. Rajji and bani are talking to jas about the wedding and the life after. They tell her how important it is, how nice life becomes, and good everything is. They say that it's a very great day. They are only talking for now, they are planning to dress her a bit later. The house is perfectly decorated. Keerat has done most of the decoration, he goes to see jas and tells her that he is very happy that she is getting married, he jokes and says he can't wait for her to go and live at her saasural because she's been annoying him for ever. Rajji and bani throw him out as it is not the time for joking. They all laugh anyway. Desho is very emotional, sarab comes to her and talk to her so that she can calm down and recomposes. He says that today is not a day for crying. Beejee is talking with happy while doing her chores. Binder and nirvail are back from the bazaar and they are in awe seeing how pretty the house is. Then beejee says that they all should get ready and dressed up as the invitees are soon going to come. Soon after, the defile of invites starts and they all come with gifts and greetings, there is music, people are enjoying themselves, there is a bit of dance.

Desho welcomes in the lady who did the rishtaa; she says that she is very thankful that she found 2 perfect husbands for both of her girls and now they are part of such good and rich family. Lady who did the Rishtaa says that it's nothing as bani and jas are just like her own daughters too.

Sohum, simreen and angad arrive too. Sohum looks around anxious because he doesn't really want to bump into bani. He gives his greetings to desho and asks her where rajji is. 

Desho says that rajji is helping preparing jas with bani.

Sohum freezes a bit at the name. he murmurs "so bani is here indeed". desho (who didn't hear him) says "wait, I'll bring her out " and goes back. Sohum looks anxious. Desho enters jas' room where the three sisters are. She says "sohum is outside. You go rajji, I'll stay with jas and finish preparing her out." rajji nods and goes out after hugging jas. Desho takes her place and sits by jas's side. They have a mother and daughter talk and heart to heart. Desho is in awe at how pretty her daughter looks. They get emotional.

When rajji comes out, sohum is turning his back to her. She puts her hand on his shoulder, he turns around slowly; he is shocked to see rajji but he is relieved at the same moment.

He says "rajji? you?" he is over rajji, ad if looking for someone else. Rajji darts her eyes on the side. It's an awkward moment.

She says "sohum? Is everything alright?"

He says "Yeah... that's just that desho aunty said..." he recalls what desho actually said ("I'll bring her out...") then he realizes that he didn't understand her words : she was talking about rajji and not bani.

He says "oh... that's nothing..." but rajji realizes that he was expecting to see bani coming out. She is deeply hurt. She says "well... I should get going and take care of the invites."

Sohum realizes his mistakes. He says "wait rajji..." but she pretends she didn't hear him and leaves.

The baraat arrives , beejee comes to tell desho. Desho says "I'll go. Bani you stay here with jas alright?" Bani nods. Then jas and her have an heart to heart, a sister talk and they gets emotional.

At the door everyone is here to welcome the baraat. There is nivail, desho, binder, sarab and beejee. Sohum is around too It's all smile and happiness but suddenly they notice that amreek is in the baraat. They are all shocked (keerat goes to jump on amreek but sohum block him). At first, barat's side does not notice the change in their faces. But then they realize something is wrong, they ask what is going on.

Rishta wali comes to welcome the baraat but she gasps when she sees that amreek is here. Everyone looks at her, expecting her to explain. She squeals and asks amreek what he is doing here. Barat's side doesn't understand. Rishtaa girl explain that he is the bas***d who left rajji hanging at the altar.

Groom's grandma (Old Lady) recalls the scene where they admitted that rajji had been left at the altar thus she married sohum and says that she didn't realize it was this amreek they were talking about. OL says that amreek and groom are childhood friends, it's almost like she raised him and she didn't think he could ever do such a thing. She apologizes for bringing him and she asks him to go. Amreek is defeated but he starts turning around to leave. He freezes when he sees in front of him Rajji. Rajji also is very shocked to see him here.

Groom says "wait amreek!"

OL is confused. She asks what he is doing.

Groom says "Amreek told me that this house looking familiar to him when we were coming and he explained me the whole situation. He said that he better leave but I insisted for him to stay. He's like a brother to me and I can't imagine getting married without him at my side."

Old lady gets mad and says "How do you dare?"

But groom stands by his words and says "I have never imposed any of my wish on anyone or anything but today I request that amreek stays." He turns around and joins his hands in front of jas' family. He says "I'm sorry for imposing this upon you but don't you think that today is a good day to forgive and turns a new page? Please?" They are all hesitant.

Then rajji breaks up the eye lock with amreek and comes forward. She says that he is right. If the thing were reversed she would feel devastated not to be able to assist Jas's wedding. She looks at amreek and says that she is doing this for jas and the groom, not for anyone else. Sohum is hurting for her. As Rajji goes back, she passes by amreek, and he says a quiet "thank you" in a voice that just melt her heart. She stops walking but she maintains a stern face, looking straight ahead and starts walking again without answering him. Sohum sees it.

They all gets the party going again.

Nirvail later, goes to rajji and puts his arms around her shoulder and says "I am very proud of you. I never thought I'd have a daughter so strong and good hearted." 

.Rajji. thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 years ago

Part 31 - Day 18 - Part 2 


The celebrations keep going on. Rajji is navigating between the invites with a tray of drinks, when she stumbles on something and almost drops everything. But fortunately a pair of male hands comes at her rescue.

She looks up saying "thanks..." when she notices that it's amreek. Then she is mad again. She says that she doesn't want him to come near her.

He says "rajji. can I talk to you?"

she says that if he wanted to talk to her, he could have done it before leaving in the middle of the wedding. It's too late now for any talk and chat. She leaves. Amreek let her go but he is frustrated and sad.

Later on their eyes meet. They are both looking very sad. Amreek turns away first. Rajji blinks, trying to push her tears back.

Sohum was looking around for rajji. He finds her sitting on her own. He comes near her and wants to apologize for the way he left her yesterday.

But beejee comes and says "you're sitting here rajji? would you mind coming over there, we need your help." Rajji agrees and leave without looking back at sohum.

Sohum feels frustrated because he thinks that rajji is mad at him. As he walks in the crowed he notices bani. He stops walking on spot. She is wearing a saree and her hair is loose. She looks beautiful. Bani sees him too. She starts walking towards him. They great each other. They ask how everything is going. They're both a bit shy.

Bani apologizes for letting him out the bus before going to delhi.

Sohum says that it doesn't matter anymore, he's just glad that she is safe. He asks where is parmeet. 

Bani says he was busy so he couldn't come.

Sohum says "bani... are you happy?"

bani says "yes, of course I am" but sohum can see that she is lying.

He says "Bani..." but bani says "I should be going. The invitees might need me." (she wants to avoid the discussion about parmeet because she is still hurting about what he did and she doesn't want to worry anyone else)

During the celebrations, the baraat's side is talking about Bani's sassural. Desho is very proud. Sohum was listening to the conversation and at his side, bani was here too. Bani is all smiley and looks very happy but then she leaves. A few moments later sohum excuses himself and goes to follow her. He finds her crying in an isolated corner.

He asks her what is wrong. She doesn't want to answer. He says that he knows that something is going on with parmeet and she should tell him right now. She might not want to make her family sad but she better not lie to him. They have known each other for a long time and she should trust him enough to tell him what's wrong instead of suffering all alone. She is hesitant at first but when sohum insists again, putting his hand on her shoulder, she breaks into tears and hugs him.

At this moment, Rajji who was sent by desho to look for bani, come across them. She is extremely angry at both because even though she love bani she's starting to be a bit mad at her : rajji has to work hard for having sohum's love but bani keeps coming in, she is also mad at sohum for breaking her heart every other day. Even though she is utterly hurt and seeing red, rajji doesn't interrupt as they didn't saw her and she leaves.

Bani starts explaining the situation about Parmeet not wanting her by his side.

Sohum says that they must do something about it.

Bani says that he doesn't have to worry. She is very unhappy at the moment but she is not alone in this battle (her saas in on her side) and she has faith in god that the outcome will be in her favor.

Sohum asks her to develop what she is saying as he doesn't understand.

Bani says that whatever happens between a wife and his husband, it should stay in between so she can't talk much more about it. She says that her time in Delhi was revealing concerning her own strength and weakness and now she must keep going forward. After some time bani recomposes and says that they should join everyone else.

When sohum starts going in the opposite direction, he sees simreen. She has a face on that says that she is not quite happy with what she just saw. She says "Am I wrong or was this bani you were talking with?"

Sohum says "yes it was her. But..."

Simreen doesn't want to hear anything, she says "Now I perfectly understands why rajji didn't tell you anything about bani being back. You should be ashamed of yourself."

Sohum says "babhi wait. I know what you are thinking but it's not like that. Bani is having a really hard time at her sassuraal but she doesn't have anyone to talk about it with. That is all."

Simreen doesn't say anything back and looks at him angrily

Sohum says "If anything you should be glad that I talked to her right now..."

Simreen doesn't understand, she asks him what he means by that.

Sohum looks confused himself and says "She was in my arms, just like I ever wished she would. But I didn't felt anything. It was like I was hugging Jas. Or Kookie!"  

Simreen smiles at that. She asks happily "really sohum?"

He nods, with a little smile on his own. "I should probably be devastated to say it, but in fact I am... happy. I feel like I can finally move on with my life. I don't know if it's because of the distance with bani or the fact that rajji was in front of my eyes everyday but... I don't think I'm in love with bani anymore. I guess Rajji's efforts really did win over my heart..." He is moved.

Simreen is too. She says "now make sure that rajji is aware of that." Sohum nods, he feels like a weight took off his heart.

Rajji is on the roof, thinking about sohum who said that he wouldn't make her miserable over bani anymore, then him putting the anklets at her feet saying that he didn't think about bani anymore. She starts to tear up. She says "I'm fed up of all of this" out loud.

Suddenly she hears "Rajji?" she turns around maybe thinking that it's sohum when she sees amreek. She gets up to leaves but he gets in her way. He looks at her and says "Rajji? You are crying?... look I'm very sorry I came, I should have never..."

She interrupts him angrily "Ooh Shush up ! I am not crying because of you."

He is confused "But then... why?"

Rajji looks at him angrily and starts leaving but then she hears him  "And then you're surprised I didn't want to marry you."

 She turns around at once, raging.

He turns around slowly, smiling small. "The only time you talked to me was to tell me not to marry bani. After that, talking to you was like trying to destroy a wall of bricks with a spoon."

Rajji is silent, she is angry but not raging anymore. She says "if you weren't doing mistake on mistake I would probably have talked to you more."

Amreek laughs "If you had talked to me, I probably wouldn't have made so many mistakes". They look at each other. Amreek says "Rajji. Look, I am sorry..."

Rajji interrupts him : "for leaving at our wedding day?"

Amreek says "For hurting you."

Rajji breathes deeply, trying to calm herself.

He says "all I knew was that you didn't want to marry me but that you couldn't go against your whole family. So I decided to tell my parents that we shouldn't marry but they weren't listening to me either. So I tried to go along but you were looking so miserable that I couldn't stand it. So at the wedding day, it was my last chance, I realized that if I didn't stop it now, I would ruin your life forever, so I escaped. It didn't do it because I didn't like you. I did it because I didn't want to live my life with someone who would hate me eternally. And I knew that this kind of marriage was not what you wanted. I figured you were the type of girl who wanted a love marriage. And I wasn't the one for you apparently, so I left, to set you free. And the blame was on me. Not you." He looks really hurt, and seeing him, rajji can't really be mad anymore.

She can't be angry at everyone and now she is more angry at sohum than amreek, so she mellows down to him. She goes back to sit and says "God. Why is that that every time you're trying to help, you're actually making things worse?"

he says "I don't know really..." and they both laugh. He sits next to her and after a moment, he says "So tell me. What is making you so upset?"

She looks at him in a "are you serious?" way.

He says "I couldn't be your husband but I wish you'll let me be your friend."

She sighes, but then she figures, why not try and actually talk to him. Maybe he could make a good friend.

She explains that after he left, she married sohum.

Amreek is surprised because he thought that sohum was in love with bani.

Rajji laughs nervously and says "I know, right?" she explains everything (that it was a mistake, then sohum was really mad at her for a long time, but now that things are getting better but she is unhappy because bani is still the one that live in his heart... she pauses... when she actually fall for him). She starts to tear up. But amreek takes her by the shoulders and makes her face him.

He says "Things look pretty bad right now, but you have to hang on. This is your battle and you can't just give up. You have to conquer his heart, not for your family, not for his family but for yourself. You love him right? How can you even think on given up on something like that?"

Rajji says "But bani is the only one for Sohu- ..."

"Forget about bani. She is now married to some else right? She may not even see sohum "this way" anymore. So stop being so scared! Sohum may not notice it but you are an awesome girl. (they look at each other in silence for a few seconds) Aree yaar, there is a reason for which I said I wanted to marry you after talking to you for 5 minutes!"

They both crack up. After they catch their breath from laughing,  amreek holds his hand out and says "So... Friends?" Rajji looks at him smiling, then takes his hand and says "Friends!" they both starts laughing again, rajji says "I never thought talking to you would cheer me up!"

Sohum was coming upstairs looking for rajji because he hadn't seen her downstairs for a while and he started to worry a bit. He is eager to tell her about his absence of feelings for bani because he wants to tell her that somewhere along the way, rajji has become all that he cares about. When he is climbing the stairs, he hears 2 people laugh. As his eyes gets on tops of the last stairs he freezes : he sees rajji and amreek sitting together laughing, hands joined together. He goes back down, raging.