Blast from the Past Thread #26 ** Talk to me ** P 132, Ep 299 - Page 107


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cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: indi52

hi cyn,

nice thoughtful and fairly irritated take... i really failed to understand the significance of these bday episodes... ultimately both anjali and khushi end up looking bizarre. and really apart from the fact that asr looked hot shoving cake down wife's throat, me left unmoved, eyebrows raised.

who wrote this nonsense.

post kidnap, utter mayhem to crate this idea of the ideal daughter in law and constantly prune down the striding large asr character.

and the silliness with anjali.

but i still watch and i still enjoy reading the takes... great to read you after so long.

and really, no one comes between husband and wife, not even in the sort of homes we see in ipk... this everything for the sake of the family daughter in law is really a whole patriarchal nation's disgusting fantasy of turning women into little more than cattle... just to serve their needs. pathetic.

i will watch soon and will hope that asr really did not enjoy giving the roses to his flake pot sis. he so loves his mad girl... this is hellish... ugh.

i am sounding lunatic but what the.

Yes I agree so crazy.  Didn't understand the whole thing.  I did understand that Khushi wanted the simple wish but she knows her husband and he does not do anything simply...afterall he is Arnav Singh Raizada.  So he orders people about.  he asks Aman to get her a bag AFTER seeing her little cloth bag was torn.  Why couldn't she sees his sweetness in that gesture?  I really understood but just didn't agree.
As for Anjaliji, come on.  She wants Chote to love but then if he does he hurts her feelings because Shyam loves the same girl which she choose to ignore Shyam's indiscretion? COME ON!!!!  
It just blew me away the ridiculousness of those scenes from the misconstrued roses til the forced cake cut/ kheer tearful exit. drove me crazy too.  
I thought Arnav was sweet and Khushi was strange.
cinthiann1758 thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: sohara

Enjoyed your thought.
Yes I am with you that Anjali was selfish and unreasonable.
Khushi's anger for Arnav not wishing happy birthday to her by words was also seemed too much.
It's true that in our Indian society family is as important as wife. But wives are not least important. But Anjali's thought was ridiculous.

I marked the lines red what I loved most.
And my comments are in purple.

Soha thanks for reading and commenting.  It was such a crazy episode for me.  I was frustrated by all of the events.  Khushi not understanding Arnav and how uncomfortable it would be to express his feelings.  She should know better.   We know that by the way he told her "I love you...DAMMIT"  So frustrating for him! Coming later.
Anjali so selfish, self centered at this point and yes walking into her brother's room UGGGHHH.  She deserved what she perceived she saw...intimacy althoug we know it was a fight.
In any culture husband, wife and family are important!
I loved Arnav in this episode.
Horizon thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Good to see you. Here is that farq confrontation by the pool side, love scene 144 on Daily motion. Youtube removed most of this content!
Horizon thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: sohara



Gradually Khushi steps into a slumber, comforted by the reassuring warmth of Arnav's finger against her cheek. While Arnav gazes at her innocent face rendered almost angelic in repose, the leaden weight upon his heart gets heavier and heavier. Her face beholds a perfect mirror of tranquility. He slowly removes his hand from under her cheek and leaves the room.

Khushi actually didn't sleep, as soon as he removed his hand, she also opens her eyes. How can she sleep when her Arnavji is so much in pain!


Arnav comes out, Anjali's words are echoing in his ear drum, 
Arnav, leave me alone."...her pain is piercing his heart severely and can't find succor.

He comes to Anjali's room to see and gets worried not to see her there. "where is di?" he checks nani's room and relieved to find her sleeping on nani's lap peacefully. Nani is lulling her beloved grand daughter, she gestures him not to worry.

Nani comes out with him after laying her down. She gave Anjali medicine, so she fell asleep. She is very anxious for whatever happened today, because of that Anjali got a deep shock. nani tells him to take rest as well.


Akash enters his room, looks livid. He is trying to be reticent with Payal. She asks him where did he go, she was worried. He replies sternly, that he went outside to spend some time alone. Payal tries to comfort him by holding his hand. She thinks, it's a bad phase is going on in their life and everything will be fine soon. Akash also knows this, but he doesn't want to be amiable to her, so he gets up. Payal asks him, why he is behaving like this? Akash reminds her the promise what she did with him just one day before their marriage; they promised not to keep a single secret from each other. Since then he has been fulfilling his promise, but she didn't. She kept such a big secret that now he just can't rely on her. Payal tries to make him understand the situation, what was different that time. But Akash is impervious, how can he believe her! His mind will be more doubtful now assuming what more secret she might keep from him! He accuses Payal for the unpleasant circumstance what happened today. If she would've told him before, then the situation would be different.

Again I'm saying, I really can't blame Akash for being so incorrigible and obstinate. It can not be easy for any husband to behave normally after hearing such a big secret.

 Arnav is fluttering inside the house like a stranded ship. His anxious face is devoid of all traces of sleep. His mind flits back to the snippets of all the sweet days of him and Anjali. How she used to poke him and also took care of him. He recalls how she became upset with him and left the house went to the mandir. When he cried telling her, whether she also leave him like his mom, she tried to make him understand that she will not leave him ever. The precious memories of their last raksha bandhan pervade his thought and so many more. Her words reverberates in his mind...we should live our life to the fullest, cause we don't know what is the last day of our lives. And we should never let go our beloved person from our lives.

Her mother like advice, care and love what made him sane till Khushi came to his life.

His mind swarms with the thought of Anjali what makes him melancholic.

When he was immersed in avalanche of memory, Khushi comes there and sit beside him on the stairs. She looks at him; her eyes swirling with emotions too deep for him, as if asking is he fine? She keeps her hand on his shoulder and Arnav also looks back at her with a thoughtful expression in his eyes and her luminescent eyes trying to read his somber expression. Without uttering a single word he replies her with an assuring twinkle . That beckon is supremely superfluous and her heart encompasses with fresh reservation. Time stood still as both stare at each other for some moment. Khushi lays down her head on his shoulder and Arnav keeps his hand on her hand what is encircling his arm, the silent gesture to comfort each other. leaning on each other, both stays there for some moment, as if they found solace in each other's proximity.

I don't know does soul mate exist in real world or not. But to see the silent communication and understanding between Arnav and Khsuhi, I can guess what soul mates are!

Anajli is sleeping in her room. Nani again comes to check her. Nnai is just too worried for her weak grand daughter. nanis are like mothers. My nanijaan also takes care of me so much when she used to visit us in the US or whenever I visit her in Pakistan. She told me once that grandchildren is no less lovable than own children. 

Khushi also comes there. She came to talk to her, but seeing her asleep she feels good, that she is taking rest, what is necessary for her. She leaves the room and Anjali opens her eyes as soon as she left. She pretended to sleep, she was actually awake. how can she sleep after what happened to her! Her whole world has tumbled down, shattered completely. She hides her face. Her heart and soul are stricken by devastating pain that wracks her whole body. The pain of agonizing loss threatened to break down the wall of restraint that she had built around it since after the horrible incident of that night.

I felt a terrible pang in my heart for Anjali. She lost so much in her life. her parents died an unpleasant death when she was young, her marriage broke on the very day; their uncle threw them out from their house, whereas they used to live in profusion Another unfortunate thing is she had to live her life with a limp. Though Arnav loved her more than a brother and protected her like a father, and her nani's family also loved her immensely, but still deception from the husband whom she loves so much is not easy to accept.


Arnav is still sitting on the stairs, when Nani comes there along with Khushi. She wants s to talk to him. 


Nani tells Arnav and Khushi, that she still can't understand what just happened today,

So many things happened and she is not aware of any! She speaks in agitated voice,

"Till today, what damadji did for the family, thought of the family's well being, took care of the family, but he actually deceived Anjali, by feigning all this!"

She can't believe this. They heard so much today, so many allegations from all sides, all are deranging her, what she will think, what she will decide! She is in quandary; there are mlange of doubt crackling in her mind's cauldron.

"But I don't have any doubt in my mind. Lots of thing about shyam, I already knew."  Arnav says softly with his huskier tone.

"What are you saying?"   Nanii is in disbelief.

"Since Akash got married, Since I've been married to Khushi." his look veers to Khushi with compassion,  "Haa nani, since then I came to know what a filthy man he is."

 He recalls the wedding night when he found Khushi in shyam's embrace. He continues that the biggest mistake of his life he made on that night by not trusting Khushi's words, but asked him instead. He says nani emphatically about Shyam's disdain for anjali and what his filthy thought about khushi, that he was crazy in love with her.

Nani is having difficulty to believe their beloved SIL's true face. Arnav casts his look down and says with remorse that he made the mistake by misunderstanding that Khushi was also with him. But it was all his misunderstanding.

"The mistakes were all shyam's. Till now what he had been doing was just to win our heart to deceive us."

Pause: By saying all this to nani he actually confessed his guilt to Khushi and indirectly apologized to her. That's why when later he directly begged sorry to her she didn't want him to apologize. Arnav's measured words; his positive and supportive gesture towards Khushi, above all his sensibility amused me. This is the real Arnav who was lost for some episodes. And I'm happy now he is back. Although I became mad at him again,, for saying Khushi why she came to his life. But I also forgave him as I know some times people say the word in the spur of the moment what they don't mean.


Nani breaks down in tears for anjali, what she had to see! He broke her baby's heart.

Khushi dithers to see her in so much pain, she holds her, tries to comfort her. nani adds,

"She is physically here, but her heart is somewhere else. My baby literally died."  

She starts to sob in pain again. Suddenly she gets afraid in anticipation, if it affects on her unborn baby! She will not be able to bear it.

"in this moment of family crisis we all have to take care of Anjali and for this we have to give her some time, whatever time is needed we have to give her."

 She tells Khushi that her presence will remind her bad incident what happened to her. so it's better for Anjali if she stays away from her for some time. She feels bad to say all this to Khushi. Khushi is a very sensible girl, she understands the situation well. She says she will try to stay away from her. Nani caresses her face lovingly.

pause: I always say nani is a nemesis and a connoisseur as well. I absolutely agree with her, that Khushi's presence will bother Anjali, because it's bitter reality that Khushi is somehow responsible for what happened today. Albeit, if not Khushi, a characterless man like Shyam could be involved with anybody else. Unfortunately Khushi became the victim. This is such a weird sentiment of our Indian society that always women have to endure the wrath of any unpleasant circumstance.  


A new morning arrived after a tumultuous day. In Anjali's room, she draws the curtain aside to welcome the sunny morning. But her face is pensive; she is not in her usual diaphanous expensive saree and jewelry. 

Arnav comes there with breakfast. there is a rueful expression on his face. To alleviate her gloomy mood, he starts to recite their childhood poem,

"Toffee se mithi hai

Imli se Khatti hai.

Khatti meethi hai humari kahani

Anjali di hai sabse sayani."


Anajli looks reluctant. But she actually is convulsing inwardly, so to control her agony she shuts her eyes.

Arnav says meekly that now her turn. But she is still reticent. So aAnav says her words,

'papar ka tukda,

Jaab dekho ukhda

dete hai apni di ko asoo mote mote.

woh hai gussewale humare chottey.

 Anjali is still taciturn. Arnav can't bear her reticence any more, so he comes to her and gives her a morsel,

"di thoda sa khalo humare liye."

Anjali walks across him and sits down on her bed, tries to avoid him.

Arnav can't continue manaooing his sister as he has to leave to answer the phone, what always rings at the wrong moment.


Khushi comes in their room with Arnav's medicine. She is looking beautiful and glowing in love as Arnav returned after a long time and as her husband in true sense.

Already started doing wifey duty!

I just loved her to see as a caring wife. Arnav really needs this care now, because his mental and physical condition must not be good after facing so many turbulent events what happened in last 15 days.

By the poolside, Arnav is talking on the phone with his lawyer Roy. Khushi comes there and he says her that he needs to go to office for some time. He doesn't want to but he has to go as he needs to change the will a bit, some clarification is needed.

What change man! Last time he willed all his property to Anjali. This time shayad he thought to give some in Khushi's name.

He turns to Khushi and to see her anxious face he asks her is she alright? She says she is fine, but what about him? If he doesn't take care of him then how he will manage! He didn't take his medicine also. Arnav says, his di also didn't have breakfast yet.

pause:Very bad Arnav, don't forget you have diabetes, so you have to take food at the right time. Cum on, you are a pragmatic man, why you are becoming so Anjali like emotional Look at Khushi, when she is sad she eats more.

 Khushi tries to make him understand, If he doesn't take care of himself then how he will take care of anjali! HP told her that he didn't eat anything. She gives him medicine, until he is not taking his medicine, she will not let him go anywhere.

How can he say no to such caring order. He takes the medicine. Khushi wants to go now. But every times she goes Arnav blocks her way. Every step she takes, he also sways in that direction and also smiles mischievously. To see his mischief, her gaze falters a little and her cheek becomes a rosy hue as she blushes. A sweet smile glints on her face. Though he says sorry, but intentionally starts to flirt with her and she gets demur in coy. And smirks mischievously.

hunzahhayat:Oh god the way he looks at her omgg  *faints*and this is for Sanaya, as ASR..imagine how he must look at Pashmeen…such a lucky woman!



Beautiful writing.  one may be able to cope with a tragedy but the heart ache of the next few passing days will freeze in memory for ever! Last couple of episodes were all  tranquil with the heaviness of the transition moments of any major trauma..and that tranquility reflected smoothly in your writing too, your word choice and special highlights all perfect. That comfort of each other by the steps as the night passed was picture perfect so were all your edits and gifs.

That last pool side interaction is such light trying to come back to life sweet moment..
and thanks for that vm.. sajde me is such a nice song.. beautifully done vm.. with all apt frames. this forum had such super talents and such pros in all these crafts, .. anything like IPK and all the commotion it created may never come back to Indian is said history repeats itself... but it seems otherwise!

Thank you for liking my Silence poem.

Thanks Sohara.

Edited by Horizon - 9 years ago
Crazy4IPK thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 9 years ago
Thank you so much for reading my 293.
It's always a pleasure to get compliments from a thoughtful person like you.
I also wrote 294 and gonna post 295 tonight.
These phase is too heavy and I absolutely agree, IPK forum is just filled with immensely talented women. And you are one of them.
loved this comment.

Last couple of episodes were all  tranquil with the heaviness of the transition moments of any major trauma..
Edited by sohara - 9 years ago
divsarunfan thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: DurgaS

Disclaimer: Please do not copy my work anywhere. If you do, please give credit.

Episode 258
Khushi, I love you
I had called to say that I was ok
Remove all worries in the hearts that lay
Your thought, your name touched a deep core
Unbridled emotions brought forth ashore
I had left you alone like a heartless beast
To my own heart never paid any heed
Strenuous it became going away far
Doors of the heart finally broke ajar
Every moment thereon I have thought of you
Every time I feared if I'd ever see you
Something I wished to tell you long before
Every day wondered if I'd ever tell you
As life hangs in balance on treacherous hands
Uncertain of the phase where our future stands
Overwhelmed to get this single chance
My heart leaps out to an uncanny prance
As I hold the line I can sense it's you
The breeze brings in the breath of you
I can feel the state in which you are 
I can't help but say, Khushi ... I love you

awesome di๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
very well written๐Ÿ‘

divsarunfan thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: DurgaS

Disclaimer: Please do not copy my work anywhere. If you do, please give credit.

Episode 288
Ek dooje ke liye
Picture credit: ArshiHamesha
Zehnaseeb mere Faiqa, iss tohfe ke liye shukriya. ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Mohabbat ki ho rahi hai imtihaan
Ek ki saanson mein atki hai dooje ki jaan
Ek dooje se chupayi thi dilon ki dastaan
Jazbaaton se ab ho rahi hai bayaan
Jise door karna chaha, jisse nafrat jatayi
Besudh hokar wo ab, baahon mein samayi
Jis khone ke dar se, kayi baar guzre
Wohi dar ab na ban jaye sacchai
Tadapte huye dil ki, dhadkan bani dawa
Ek dil ne phir sunli dooje ki iltija
Rote huye aasoon, bangaye Khushi ke
Aisa pyaar ka nazara pehle kabhi na hua
Uljhanon mein simti thi mohabbat ke lamhe
Ab khulkar ek dooje se laga li gale
Na koyi baat ab chipi, na kuch kehna hai baaki
Donon bane hain ek dooje ke liye
Love is going through a test  
In one's breath is trapped another's life  
They hid their heart's saga from one another
Now it is being conveyed through their emotions
Whom he wanted to keep far, to whom he showed hate  
Now unconscious, she lies in his arms  
The fear of losing, which he went through many times earlier
The same fear may not come true this time
The heartbeat became the medicine for the restless heart
A heart heard the other's plea
The crying tears became that of happiness
A sight such as this love was never seen before  
The moments of love was wrapped by complications  
Now openly they are embracing one another
Nothing  is now hidden, nor anything left to be told
Both are made for each other  

superb akka๐Ÿ‘
this is so beautiful๐Ÿ‘
divsarunfan thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: DurgaS

Disclaimer: Please do not copy my work anywhere. If you do, please give credit.

Episode 259
Wo baat!
Chupke se kaanon mein aayi ek awaaz
Ubharne lage dil ke jazbaat
Awaaz ne di, dil ki saugaat
Kya sach mein kahi hai unhone wo baat?
Har kyun ki vajah aaj milgayi
Har adhuri baat poori ho gayi
Jaise sunli kisine ek arse ki fariyaad
Yakeen nahi hota ki kahi hai unhone wo baat
Yun achanak se kaise bahaar aa gayi?  
Unke katu kathan mein mithaas aa gayi?
Jaane bangaye wahaan kaise halaat
Itni asaani se kaise kehdi unhone wo baat?
Quietly in my ears a voice came in
Emotions of the heart came forth
The voice gave the gift of heart
Did he really say those words?
Today got the reason for every why
Every unfinished talk got completed
As if someone heard the long due plea
Can't believe that he said those words
How did the spring arrive suddenly?
Sweetness came into his bitter utterances?
Wonder what the situation became there
How did he say so easily those words? 

very nice akka๐Ÿ‘
divsarunfan thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: DurgaS

Hi girls, 

Interesting discussions. Wanna jump in, hopefully soon. 

Meanwhile, sharing a VM I made on a song that was suggested by Sohara a long time ago. It is a semi classical song called 'Sakhi piya' from the movie 'Khoya khoya chand'. Subtitles are given. Do take a look. Hope you like it. ๐Ÿ˜Š 



so so beautiful di๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
loved the subtitles also๐Ÿ‘
IssK. thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago


I loved reading your 293 as well...just saw Horizon's comment on it and remembered! Arnav fluttering around the house like a stranded ship is just superb reading of his state in the moment... I wrote you a note, soon after you posted 293 i remember, a few days ago, but i don't think you saw it...possibly cos i didn't quote your take...thanks anyway - it made me feel the feels, ladki ๐Ÿ˜Š


Thank you SO MUCH for 144 on Daily M...How i love it!!

And i really do miss my Iram Nasir and Ismailvegamze on YT...Kya din thhe woh...Iram's uploads were the best visual quality too. I owe her my obsession with this show, really.

Great seeing you too!