Blast from the Past Thread #24 ** Golgappa Times ** p 113, ep 246 - Page 48


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Motif_Soul thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: ArshiHamesha



Day and Night

Symbolism and connection:Loved this scene,DM idol behind the laptop as  Truth is evading him just like DM. Yesterday  - Khushi prevented the Prasad, truth reaching him just like the way she prevented shyam's truth reaching Arnav to protect him from hurt and he refused to sweets himself too because the truth is going to be laid out but he will refute purposely because of his anger... Today the truth is in front of him but he chooses to veil it with his own hindrance and reticence... as Laptop is an escape rout for him always... the metaphor of his inner barriers... Loved it. Hats off to CVs

 Also soon Arnav will replace Salman's Khan in Khushi's life... Loved the the camera angle replacing Khan with Arnav...

The comparison of two sides is interesting.πŸ‘ But this is really well observed and very deep.His Laptop is his escape as always and I have to say , totally missed that shot of him covering the Salman's pic.Superb!!!


 ASR is sweating badly meaning he is melting due to HEAT of emotions and desires. Electricity goes away and there is nothing to prevent the ice turning to water... ASR's education on khushi and her family's values continues. As annoying as his behavior was today it simply emphasized his need to control and more importantly his fear of forming new relations.. because new relations means expectations, emotions.. and a need to be dependent on another.. irrespective of how hard he tries to fight it his love for Khushi is not deteriorating as he would like to  believe but simply strengthening with time... 

Not only he is melting in desires and heated emotions of all but he is transforming into  a person who will be taking all of these new relations as his own responsibilities.Remember he is the one who will buy this place to relieve them from every possiible pain.Yes he did it to bring Khushi back but he was the one who was ready to pay the rent but Khushi provoked him to do so and He was worried about Buaji too.Later he will send a nurse so Khushi's father so  Amma could attend the wedding.

He is melting into a perfect Damamd .

 Here comes Mun dukhaye.Such a contrast of Khushi's and Arnav .Khushi was questioned again by the society in a humiliated way with derogatory remarks .On the other hand on Arnav's mun dikhaye , the guests were interested to know about him.My grabber is he was sitting very humbly and meekly.Unlike Khushi where ppl just want to show off, Arnav was receiving BLESSINGS by heart...the biggest gift ever to protect them from envy and evil to be with each other for forever.!!!

But one thing was evident, if he stood up for her on her mun dikhaye, Khushi was there to defend his man and love is always there...

. Here comes the unexpected...both get blessed to stay together always not for this lifetime but for eternity "saat Janam..."...and that wipes off their masked beaming smile immediately The artificial smiling and hurting Khushi's heart wounded the most...Arnav who is aware of her condition, looks at her deeply.Both exchange questionable glances but unfortunately both are unable to answer any one of these rising tides. They continue on their way with their oceanic love in their hearts but can't resist the depth of it and stop in the  mid and give each other a very deep look hoping to see a waterbuoy which can show the depth of heated desires and longing residing within them and might can make them turn and hold each other for forever..hoping to stop the time  !!

 Beautiful πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Description.WATERBUOY β­οΈ Which is used to find the temperature , heat of the depth of the ocean and here is the ocean of their heated desires and LOVE which they are hiding and controlling but as Waterbuoy depends of surroundings, and the condition of location and above all the depth of water, same here THE DEPTH OF SILENCE OF ARNAV and don't  forget Silent Arnav is dangerous , silent ocean is dangerous because you don't know what is going on in it's depth.He is fine when he is angry but right now he is taking all of her nonsense because he can take it till she tip this glass of cold ice and that indicates something associated with her.Though I hate suicide mission but that is what will make him spill the beans.

Superb EditπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ colors are depicting their deep painful desires with shades on their faces.

I felt for Khushi today more than the wife or daughter I felt for a girl who has always been forced to strive for a sense of belonging.. Yes the Guptas care for her yet she is not their own has gradually shaped her the one we see before us today.. the girl who has perfected the art of deception by masking her true feelings . Today it was more deeper and clearer than ever..."aar par dikhta hai..."even if it was only for a moment we saw the emptiness and helplessness within her eyes with which she has buried the pain and pasted a smile upon her face.. a smile that conceals the wounds inflicted upon her very soul by the man she has unknowingly fell in love with... 

She needs to come out of this delusion to that by hiding truths and masking fake smiles, nothing can be solved. With time one needs to mature and learn, one cant brush of every instant by hiding pain rather they need to evolve and learn better, Things will not fix by themselves. Arnav will help her mature and give her strength to face the harsh world. Both will learn about asli zindagi through each other.She will learn about his self made nature and he will learn how she conceals her deep pains behind her smile. 

Pause here: Recalling the contrasting first day of both of them in each other's house after Amma's reminder ...There ,she was thrown out of her room and her feelings  were not respected .This is the first time a glimpse of Khushi's mind reels out the painful time which has been thrown her into this agitated hell by plastering a smile on her face.Today, on contrary  Her family bends backwards to  keep him happy, his happiness is their priority  even at the cost of their own respect while she was disrespected all across...Relationships and and their strength is important than their own pride .Arnav registered that his happiness is Very important to them...What a lesson,could this be taught in any university.absolutely not...This valuable input will actually help Arnav in the long run.

Love the deep exploration of Khushi's character here, though the way they are directing it is pathetic but the meaning of this whole scene is  described nicely , I wish they have shown more of these from her POV but her pain is laminated with smile and Arnav will understand it fully even the wrapper will brought his PAIN and angst on surface but HER innocent declaration of lies which is her deep desires for her hubby , her Arnavji will be felt deeply and marked him deeply and a new Arnav will emerge that day regardless of the future confliction.

Lessons of life come with experience .

"So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have the key."The Eagles

PONDERING CONNECTED DOTS:The darkness took me to the "black out" of the day of Payal's first wedding where neighbors were accusing her the reason of this broken marriage and family taunted her in this matter.But the main culprit was ASR...but he became a "savior" and today Payal is happily married to Akash.Today again because of Arnav's AC , The power of the town is gone..."load has increased" LOVE this dialogue..indeed Shyam's evil darkness has increased and when Buahi said earlier " the walls are strong like them" meaning they have survived through Shyam's evil darkness...Babuji is alive and Khushi is safe and indeed the sun has to rise through this darkness and Arnav is a savior here too for ALL.

Pause here: Khushi will be stigmatized but the LOAD will be taken care of Arnav and later he does everything in his power to make her HIS..

I was wishing for this from you.😊Really good one similar scenes but different locations , similar meanings with same outcome, ASR as a savior.He was the reason that day of the blackout in their lives and today he is the reason of the blackout  which came upon them in the form of Shyam but he is the savior of their both daughters and will always be.That day Buaji was scolding at the stubborn and self centerd neighbors but today she is receiving understanding for the respect of her Damad.

Loop Closed here.⭐️

Edited by MehreenB - 10 years ago
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago
Fantastic write up.πŸ‘
Love the description on the darkness.
My favorite lines are highlighted in blue and comments are up.


many thanks for reading and your comments. i agree absolutely, gh is where an intimacy was practically forced upon them, both because of the lack of space and the general loving, informal, environment. at rm, the neighbours come mainly to check out and criticise. here, a happier set up, they come to ask many questions, be a little inquisitive but are essentially well meaning and caring, look out for each other. that too creates an intimacy, not allowing one to stay aloof and be immersed in laptop for hours.

and i think he found the gentle garima and the martinet bua ji impossible to dislike or ignore.

you too did not like what khushi did after this?

i abhor it and will not be really writing about it. that was not khushi in any way or form. that was a desperate writer and producer looking to spike trp any way possible. and what they came up with was downright crass. most serials have this ridiculous attitude and writing, so i don't watch serials. i had hoped ipk would be spared.

have tried to laugh it off many times and said, let me look at hot barun, but no, i just cannot.

Crazy4IPK thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: indi52

episode 233

the long take
i am looking at the edits and a song hums in my head, don't know if you've heard it...

a one and a two and a i love you
  i love you, i love you
  i hope and i hope that you love me too
let's play the game of love

a three and a four couldn't want you more
  i want you more, i want you more
  a hug and a kiss and i knew for sure
let's play the game of love

that's how it goes in the books i've read
where the rules are written down
when a boy meets girl not a word is said
but the heart goes round and round

never heard this song, but so perfect for the situation.
it's a song from a long long back, sung by tony brent and written by oliver jones and lavern baker.

ever since khushi has gone into her "occupy" frame of mind... take over the raizada empire's sanctum sanctorum, the master's den, demand squatting rights, be 50 percent stakeholder and certainly not sleeping partner, hire lakshmi ji as chief consultant, launch swami missile, and identify several strategies to make the raizada go ballistic... the story has taken on this mien of a game, a sport. two lovers are playing their game and the playing field is anything but level. also "ramanchi" is the naturally preferred tactic of one party, while the other one is depending heavily on the "get out shut up" tactic which has been used effectively earlier.
loved your sarcastic description of Arnav and Khushi's battle.

in that mood we reach an elaborate rangoli. for some reason, bua ji has gone to town and her entire backyard is now a bright flourescent rangoli. the damad ji and bitiya who are coming to stay with them for the first time post strange wedding, are entering the home not through the front door as they always do, but this way.

ok, since this is a game, i will "shaat up, indi", be sporting and enjoy the moves.

"arre wah, dekhiye aapke swagat mein kitni sundar rangoli banayen hain," khushi exclaims as she sees the colours... seems the rangoli has been made to welcome the son in law. we all know how big a deal it is to have the damad visiting the wife's home in india.

there's a tussle over the right way to tackle the rangoli so one doesn't spoil it while walking in. irritated with khushi's not this way, not that way, he comes up with a good solution... if it's so difficult, let's not enter at all, let's go back.

"koi mushkil nahin hai!" not difficult, asserts khushi, seeing where getting after him could lead to... and skips swift and sure over the rangoli touching only the empty spots.

and so starts the baiting of her husband as she instructs him on how to get to where she is at the door.  go left, go right, no no no not there, okay now raise your hands and go round once... she is not going to miss a single opportunity to get after him.

carrying almost all the bags, rather uneasy about this stay in sasural, asr does as she bids without realising she is taking him for a ride. 
quite a roller coaster ride for him.

while visually the scene is nutty and fun, one wonders if the man forgot to pack his brain while leaving shantivan.πŸ˜†
i guess khushi has consumed his brain by all her nutty antics.

then comes the beautiful moment when she reaches out and holds his hands. should i let them go and let you fall, she teases... and as asr looks at her all awkward and bent, she relents. only for the sake of the rangoli, she avers.

but when the banter pauses for a second, there starts the real game... of a feeling neither can keep a check on. a rabba ve of longing plays, she tries to go back into the offensive, but he falls forward and close... it's very hard to ignore this wanting. he frowns as he stares as if looking for something, she is disturbed... two people in a world of their own, nothing else does matter. 
they were very much aware of their attraction to each other, don't know how they controlled it!

alas we must return to reality and the game. having enjoyed herself immensely at his expense, she refers to the rangoli naach, the dance she has led him as it were.

was the rangoli nach a metaphor for something? a difficult tricky path maybe? the days ahead will not be easy to negotiate, he will have to learn new tricks but at the end of it he will find something worthwhile.
well said. or she indirectly showed him that has to dance on her tune for a while.

a while ago, as aarwen has already noted, a rangoli brought them close to each other. that time he fell, and the two tumbled together to the floor, he protecting her the best he could... sublime moments of connection as colour touched both,the early tremors of attraction.
that rangoli scene was sensuous. I wish if they would've incorporated the scene later after their confession.

today, a different colour shades their feelings for each other, a hue of hate. it adds a note that is disorienting yet funnily it seems to accentuate the love. in a rangoli so many colours are brought together and balanced to complete the picture/pattern... a bit like love maybe, with all its different colours?

the episode starts with another kind of nach, the dance shyam is led to get to his soap. here there's no kkgsr giving directions, waiting to hold his hands and pull him across, instead a series of partners for the sabun dance... first thanks to anjali and her fountain of desire, he almost loses the soap, then along comes babli and takes it away, the hassled villain goes to hp looking for his lost treasure, finally it is with babli that he sights the delightful lifebuoy bar... a decidedly lakshminagar soap this is in the raizada mansion. perhaps the soap also lost its way.

at last the maker of weird plans grabs the red one with his filthy hands.

he says something to babli about how he can get her the transparent soap, where you can see "aar paar" through it. is that a contrast to his completely non transparent, essentially opaque and dark character? 
much later during kidnap, i think we see him again with his red fetish. was this by chance or a clever way of showing how he remained of a certain socio-economic group in his mind despite his wife's wealth which he happily consumed and craved.

back at gh, the entire neighbourhood came to watch when they arrived,πŸ˜† nice touch.

"nand kissore ai gaye...!" krishna is here, with these words bua ji greeted the damad whose gussa she frets about.

i see asr's face and am perplexed. he is looking all uncomfortable and a bit cutesy pie. huh? is that you, asr? you have walked into this house several times before and always been in top form. even when you came and slapped money on the table in one of your rudest visits. this is the house where you brought her back from disaster that night of the guesthouse... the first time you had called her by her name and carried her in your arms...

whoever wrote for asr at this point was suffering from severe amnesia. i realise, we are here to see a more intimate tender side of the man, which he will get in touch with living with humble simple loving folk away from the wealth and formalities of rm. also he will develop this special sort of rapport with the two ladies of the house, becoming a bit of a babua even... but there must be a better way to lead this track than goofy asr.

he looks a little filmi in the "kahan phas gaye way," then he showed his discomfort plainly and not at all classily, wiping his perspiration and looking around without a smile and again that oh heck what have i got into look, his body double did not help at all by looking nothing like the back and side of asr...
When that irritating BD appears I try not to look at him, just see other things around.

asr sat fidgeting while two women lugged a huge contraption. so not only brain, he had left all his manners behind as well.

the ladies rushed at him with food. all made oil free and bland thanks to khushi's strict instructions. for his health apparently. while i think it is in real bad form to mess someone's meal, okay, i'll accept it since the games are on and kkgsr is really really angry with him. she is beginning to remind me a bit of a capricious kali now... out to teach him a lesson, no matter what limits are getting crossed. 
I don't find any problem with bland food. In the hot summer weather it's better not to eat too oily and spicy food. Some times i only eat a bowl of salad or fruits for lunch and baked chicken and boiled vegetables for dinner.

he was again not quite polished in the way he handled the food hurdle. but thank g he did wish his father in law.

a difficult yet poignant moment came when khushi asked him to call garima ji, "amma" not aunty. he was very disturbed you could tell. and since writers had decided khushi would lose all her sensitivity where he was concerned, she didn't even realise this bothered him deeply... garima ji picked on it and later she'd be the one to shush her daughter. garima seems to sense her son in law at a deeper level. she fusses over him in her sweet non aggressive way, while her rambunctious sis in law charges around doing the same thing in her characteristically loud manner.
loved Garimaji here, she acted so sensibly. The writer I guess already planned to make Garima ASR's dad's girl friend. That's why Khuhsi was fretting that issue.

in the middle of the long scene there were bits where i liked what i felt was a sweet openness to asr. he kind of likes food, i think... not that he fusses over it but a simple well made meal he enjoys. so when the food arrives he seems to feel disappointment... he is behaving a bit like a kid, i remember thinking at one point...sullen but not rude... 
The grumpy little boy, I sometimes find this while he fights with Khushi for some silly reason.

however, this is perhaps because i like barun and enjoy his interpretation, but really i did miss the essential asr here.

"babua..." the aunt calls.

helpless look from asr.

"tanik utho..." get up a bit.

she is taking pyaasa, the thirsty to kuan, the well...

perhaps this line hints at what's to come, he is thirsty for love and here he will discover a place which will assuage this thirst.

he looks on with that save me look, kkg is meanly asmile.

and a whole table is pulled by the three women... zor lagake...

"aaye rahi hai hawa?" is the breeze reaching you, comes buaji's desperate question.

he perspires and tries to eat, garima admonishes jiji, and jiji pulls the knob off the cooler in her frenzy.
the scene was funny!

this is all getting ready for that offensive aircon order no doubt.

he hiccups... khushi runs and starts patting his back... paani, paani...three women at it...this can feel a bit suffocating if you are sort of normal.

the broken mirror at the basin, i wonder what it means beyond bad luck of course. we also consider a cracked mirror to be inauspicious, so why would the guptas leave such a mirror out there? 
i was feeling embarrassed to see the broken mirror. But khushi seemed enjoying.

the soap used by all unnerves him...he is not stand offish, he is naturally particular, plus years of having your own space and amenities really makes it hard to do this communal thing. happens to me... till i talk to myself and just go for it.

she comes to check if all is well, and then starts off about eating aloo poori. really? that is pretty thoughtless but what the, madam ji is playing playing.

he gets irritated and i realise, it's at this point that he decides to call home and get his own stuff over. dark brown and navy blue boy has had it... plus he wasn't keeping too well.

in the meantime, ganga and krishna and perhaps godavari, narmada and kaveri too are at the door with strange excuses and neighbourly requests...
How nosy are the neighbors. 

clearly all are eagre to see damad ji. mooh dikhai coming up. and i need a break from all this sport for a bit.

the short take
thankfully the man looked super hot in the opening scene of the episode and the last angry asr scene. his antics on the rangoli, that precarious balancing with the bags, arms and legs all over the place, oh just made my day. when i first saw 233, i thought i'd just write that and do edits. because honestly, that is all that i really truly absolutely enjoyed.
me two three four.πŸ˜ƒ

loved your sarcastic analysis. I can feel your frustration.
i agree what you said about ASR's changes of character. Don't you know the writer of IPK had Alzheimer disease. But beside that, i enjoyed the episode. 
all the blue lines grabbed my attention.
Loved my sexy boy's edits. He was looking really handsome.
My comments are everywhere in purple.
aarwen thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: indi52

episode 235

enter into blind darkness: those who delight in the true cause, enter, as it were, into greater darkness.
~~~ vagasaneyi-samhita-upanishad ~~~

darkness. episode started with that. and i was reminded of the night before janmashtami when lights went off and yet he could sense her and she him... later, as we went toward nainital, there was again a lights off scene, and he leapt to save khushi instead of his girl friend, completely attracted to her on the same day that he had berated her scathingly and bruised her arm... unspeakably stirring attraction. darkness in ipk always reveals and illuminates. leads us again and again to the heart of a feeling, the light in its core. diwali kiss was on amavasya night of course. he married her one dark night in a temple illuminated only by the havan fire... and telepathy, oh so sublimely in the night lit only by stars. I really like that scene. how instinctive was that save! 

"load bad gaya ji," the load has gone up, said the electrician. how could that have happened wondered the mausis and chachas of  lakshminagar.

that's the specialty of this place, declared the electrician, whenever  a"nayi machine" arrives, they are the first to know.

and what a nayi machine has arrived just this morning! a nice arch one on asr, rather liked the dialogue writer's tongue firmly in cheek words.

while the friendly lot living in bua ji's mohalla agreed that since he was damad, they would put up with the inconvenience and spend the night without electricity, the damad came out with biwi looking a bit fazed... what the. he had no idea this would or could happen. they actually seem to want Khushi bitya's happiness. And of course they have to be at their best behaviour in front of the handsome damaadji.

khushi is in consternation. her bua had to face the whole neighbourhood and explain thanks to her laad governor.

asr is also affected."uh main kissiko repair karne ke liye bulwa leta hoon..." let me call someone to fix the problem he says, concerned, trying to solve things as usual.

"koi zaroorat nahin hai..." there's no need says an irate khushi.

if this is not husband wife what is.

and the two older women, perfectly in law like, caught in the middle, try to pacify the warring couple. sweet

the darkness took us directly to something lovely and a little crazy like everything to do with asr khushi love.

love in the time of pink mosquito net.

rather neat the way that made its entry and coloured the whole scenario a shade more weird and dare i say wonderful.

who would have thought when they saw the man descend stylishly from a helicopter, long legs sexily unwinding, aviators coming off, that one day he'd be lying ensconced in a gulabi macchardani on an orange floral printed bedsheet getting solidly kicked and punched by a girl in a salwar kurta with an off centre choti. Hahaha well said! From the first episode you could see fireworks between these two but the laughter they brought in with the heat was something else entirely.

thanks, kate for the sbs segment, one look at the two actors and you know why they could pull this one off without it looking totally corny or just plain ha ha. oh the undercurrents of desire shooting around.
"woh chandni raat si hai" got going.

first a little you me fight. my side, your side, etc.

"lagta hai yahan ke maccharo ko bhi sugar ki bimari hai tabhi toh aapka peechha nahin chhor rahe..." seems like the mosquitoes here have diabetes too, they refuse to leave you.

as usual sanaya is in form in this angry saucy khushi mode, and asr always on cue... each expression perfect, in tandem they move, back and forth, squabbling.

just another kind of pillow talk...woman talks... man gets busy with solving yet another problem... a divider of a rolled bedcover is placed in the centre of the narrow bed... to do what exactly?

lakshman rekha set by ram ji? so that he doesn't touch sita ji who thinks he is ravan maharaj?  oh you are witty!
he seems to be barricading himself really, knows he will fall apart with her sleeping next to him.

she who has never slept with a man and certainly not him, is most easy about the whole thing... obviously has not given it any thought. khushi rarely looks at unpalatable things unless she must. I thought since it was Arnavji she had this inherent sense of security and comfort around him. In fact she was the one who told him about the rats, no sofa etc and ensured they did sleep together.. umm on the bed.

"yeh hamara pala hai..." this is my pala.



"'scuse me... yeh meri side hai," really asr, this is your side? but this ain't your bed. this whole interaction is so typically husband and wife, territory claiming, fighting over sides. πŸ˜†

they get into verbal skirmish, sounds like foreplay.

my house, my bed, my side, get up! she commands him.

he does. she is a tad cowed.

he of course says the sweetest thing, right, where do i get to sleep in my own bed even at home.

"bechare chhotey!" mocks the missus.

"shut up!" flirts the hubs.

he is utterly dishy telling his wife that he gets why her side of the bed squeaks... can't keep quiet, just like her.

finally, they lie down... on their separate sides... but soon all will change, sides will bash crash merge.on their first night together on the same bed, under a rosy haze, it turns into a battlefield.

a seriously painful one. 5:18 taekwondo starts. the attacker sleeps, the opponent is wide awake and angry and um who knows what else...
arm on you.
catch, fling.
legs on you.
push away and glare.
both legs ride you, huh!
off with your leg, you!
turn and cover your chest with one outflung lissome arm.
catch the wrist, thrust away...
but she lies against him... the rekha has been royally crossed.
turn away.
let me push against you with my body.
off the bed you...
got to cling to pink net to stay on the bed.
push back with the tush, give the girl a taste of her own med.
and roll out, kick lightly, throw hand on neck, leg on waist...
at 6:12/13 peaceful coexistence is agreed upon. Indi di when you wrote this scene on the first page I thought there could be nothing better. but here you managed to give competition to your own writing. πŸ‘

he wakes up and finds her hand lying on his neck, casually, naturally, he wants to throw her hand away but while she sleeps isn't he allowed to feel what he feels? a strange situation they find themselves in... this was the way perhaps they would have woken up every morning if everything had gone the way he thought they might... oh that is a lovely thought.. best part about marriage you don't have to say goodbye. After your busy day you get to still be together and wake up together. Arnav would have loved being close to her, holding her throughout the night. not having to let go.

special mention... barun's waking up. wipes his mouth with back of sleeve, moves around as though slowly letting the sleep go, begins to get up... brilliantly natural. good direction... worth the linger on the wake up.

he goes back for a little snooze... reaches down pushes her leg off and in one movement turns, all set to shout maybe.

but there is her innocent face, she sleeps deeply...

piano notes come quietly in... feelings that will not be denied and whacked away like a mosquito... no matter how irritating they are.

he looks at her hand on his neck... eyes travel slowly back to her face... thoughts... he holds her hand and can't really let it go...

she wakes up, awkward at their proximity, her hand on him...and she reaches for her dupatta... a telltale sign of embarrassment, feeling lost.

she has never slept next to him. tender sweet seconds. even my heart is beating fast.

then grumbles the man, seeking a return to status quo maybe?
i couldn't sleep even a minute the whole night.
"hum toh aisa hi sotey hain..." i sleep like this, said khushi. poor payal, i think."
"oh really! pahle toh tum kabhi aise nahin soyi..." you've never slept like this before, he comes back. so he watches her every night.
"aap ko kaise pata, aaj tak hum dono..." how do you know, till date we have never slept on the same bed, khushi is quick to return. she is chilli hot kkgsr till the fact she has mentioned hits her.

divine awkwardness... you captured beautiful expressions of sanaya

and piano notes enter, ascend.

if the night gave us khushi at her weirdest, and asr helplessly attracted no matter what, she was lovely mysterious moonlight like, now it was "hai dhoop sa agar woh" time, and asr was as dazzling as that sun up above, no agar magar.  πŸ‘

khushi couldn't help but stare. gawk, gape, and stare some more, her face bemused, besotted.

when he left for a morning jog (whose voice was that calling out to aunty?), khushi glanced at the clock, and seemed like a plan hit her. so out she went to get after him and delay him as much as possible.

asr music polished and western in sound with akhada music rugged and robust laid over, a man in black lopes elegantly... something is about to happen.

nice set up.

"arre namaste, beta!" calls out lakshminagar uncle ji from the little local gym by the street. early morning exercise on full swing.

"morrrning," says damad ji (stop that accent now, i can't keep dying every few seconds, samhje aap?).  the accent really worked well. made him super smart and extremely urbane.

as he tries to get on with his jog and not get waylaid into doing a routine with the dumbbells and embrace the happy lakshminagar moment, he hears his wife "translating" on his behalf.

"yeh kah rahen hain ki hum theek hain..." he is saying he is ok.

a classic asr palat to look at his taekwondo queen.

who promptly goads him, let it be, chacha ji, he can't do it.

ohhhohoho, now there is no question... he must show her what he can or cannot do. there was a slight suggestion earlier by one of the men that perhaps he was not man enough to pick up the dumbbells, he had ignored that... his ego isn't fragile and he certainly isn't into showing off. he knows how good he is with this sort of thing. but if he brings out the tigress in Khushi she brings out his wild side as well. lucky for us πŸ˜‰

she goads further, "theek se utha bhi nahin paa rahe hain," he won't be able to pick it up properly. you better jog, she tells him.

asr music enters nice and slow, a zip goes zzzip. and the teaser is trapped. eyes widen.

ooops, jacket off.

her taekwondo... his akhada number... neither knew the other had this in them.

a revelation episode surely.

my eyes are stuck on muscles rippling near shoulders now, so are khushi's.

he looks at his real challenger. gorgeous series of tracking and close up shots of the two in the challenger mode... great akhada ishtyle music. works, this desi version rather sexily too.

and an arm swings up with the dumbbell... she goes slowly googly eyed, yessir, your husband ji who jogs and clogs your arteries with dhakdhak can do weights too and how... try to remain cool if you can.

this is like a mirror of the bed scene... then he had been affected, mesmerised. and look at her now.

supreme grace, abs ease, the man is an expert at this thing.

then he lifts two of those wooden hulks and swings them around deftly, his arms swing, open, fly... it's a dance really.

girl watches mouth open now.

thanks to bad res could not get that shot where we see him from the back, his clavicle muscles and biceps etched.

fluid sinuous, sinfully beautiful fluid muscles all over his arms, back, shoulders. not bulked up but drawn it seems with extreme care.

"maje hue khiladi. yeh toh sab kuch kar sakte hain," uncle 2 says this one's an expert player, he can do everything.

um, ah... innuendo there?

wife ogles... applause from akhada mates.

khoosie bitiya is asked to give her man some aqua.

and he comes to her on beats of drum... a glass of water she waits with.

"paani pijiye..." she mumbles. it was delightful to see her attraction. i find any unnecessary awkwardness around women's sexuality or normal healthy desire almost offensive now. sanaya conveyed that even through her voice.. the right amount of hesitation..she has never been this way around Arnav before..

don't want "good" girl, give me this woman any day, eyes going almost drowsy with that jolt of awareness. wonder what she was thinking teehee.

"pakdo isse," hold this, says he. breeze blows through the grainy voice...

he hands her the dumbbell casually. he is not happy about that baiting. but even as she collapses he helps her up...

"rahne do, khushi!" let it be, khushi... a little condescending... "tum nahin pakad paogi," you won't be able to hold it. all sorts of not very innocent thoughts in my mind...but i shall be very achhi... just thinking though, if "thoda dard hoga," it'll hurt a little, triggered so much giggling... this one is lots of ahem aha. β˜ΊοΈ

instead of drinking the water, the man pours it all over his head and face... khushi is first astonished, then totally dumbstruck. lovely this onset of desire... natural, beautiful... a girl is allowed to have sexual feelings, desire, craving everything... no, kkgsr did not go shyam hunting on her suhag raat, please tell that to the birds because even trp aunties did not buy that humbug. defnitely πŸ‘πŸΌ

and just for that look on her face, i will overlook the fact that even this disrobing and muscle show of the man was meant to raise trp. it did succeed in raising my heart rate and disturbing my cholesterol and bp levels.

but it became part of story, a story of attraction, that starts who knows why and where and then grows all the way, from out to right in.

he looks at her realising he seems to be having some sort of affect on her... he was out to show her not attract her... she looks away just as he starts sensing the thing in her... lovely. the gentlest brushing of two forces. 

a little bit of his water is on her, she wipes it... intimate, a sense of touch there.

many many little details through out this scene made it rich and delicately crafted.

she starts her game again... to delay him.

back at home, the bathroom saga begins. "nand kissore!" sings bua ji as she hurtles out and he is trying to get in...

"kahan nahay, babua," where did you bathe, sonny, buaji asks looking at teh perspiration drenched man

"bua ji, yeh pasina hai, main exercise kar raha tha" this is not sweat, bua ji, i was exercising, says asr. love this matter of factness. no drama... just who he is. his dialogues are brilliant and the way barun delivered it was spot on each time. 

i never realised why she kept delaying him, when i did, i wanted to kill someone.

pass me a dumbbell.
but wait, i need to see them collar bones.

what hurts you, blesses you. darkness is your candle.
~~~ rumi ~~~

Enjoyed your take immensely.. How you related the metaphor of hai dhup sa wo agar, wo chandni raat si hai was absolutely wonderful.. and definitely no agar magar in it.. 

And amazing how you can write the same scene in such different ways and hold me spellbound each time. Lucky to be here reading what you write when you are barunstruck Indi di. Loved all the edits too.
Comments above as well.
Crazy4IPK thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: aarwen

Episode 234

A disgruntled cute ASR. I never thought I would see him in this disheveled state. Messy hair, tie askew, sleeves rolled up, salty droplets travelling down the sharp lines of his face brushed away with impatience. 
Honestly he was looking sexier in disheveled state. My gutter mind is veering to some other way. Oops can't say it in open forum. 🀬 
While we stare at him, he looks around the room. Finally the meeting with his arch nemesis.. the man he can never measure upto or so Khushi thought. One fine day she will replace the photo with a man much dearer to her. For now .. Salman khanji. Aah the eye roll.. He averts his eyes. Does he get a feeling it is personal to Khushi? But then again this is his khushi. He has all the right to see. Strange that after all that these two have been through together this is the first time he can take respite and get a glimpse of the girl and how she lived. Eyes travel to another wall and this time try as he might he can't control, the now legendary, sinful curving of those lips. Again looks away but something has registered the innocent dreams of love that this girl had. Maybe the poster on the wall in his room now holds a significance much dearer than before.
good observation. he actually enjoyed it rather than being jealous.

While the distracted tycoon struggles to turn his attention back to work, buaji and aunty peep into their daughter's room. Hesitant to approach the still distant and almost fearful son-in-law. But his insistent "buaji" ? Not sure what it is all about yet considerate or plain curious? Somewhere deep down he experiences the love these people are showing him and that brings out the politeness. It will take some eye opening words from Khushi to make his conscious self realize how hard and earnestly the Gupta family is trying to embrace him with open arms, but for now his subconscious self feels it for sure.

Carefully laid out comedy of errors in play.  Unsuspecting he walks out to meet the AC wala, but what the? The smiling women waiting for the muh dikhayi of  Khushi bitiya's extremely good looking pati. Khushi in her best loving new wife behaviour starts the introductions. He looks up at "ye humare wo hai" .. kishan kanhaiya..sakshat nand kishore.. Vimala mausi, Taiji, pata nai Lata getting to let our favourite man know what all the taiji's,  bahu's,  saheliyan all over the world feel for him. Did Arnav bitwa just get shy with all the compliments? May be awkward. Is that why he wants to leave? "ye thore sharmile kisim ke hai".. never thought i would hear these words for the dashing ruthless handsome ASR..

"Roop toh hai par parha likha hai ki nai?".. a lot like us saying, it not just the striking face but the sheer unimaginable qualities of talent that make us crazy about this actor who makes this character come alive.. oh Barun Sobti how did you manage that look? hehehe That inflection while saying, "MBA kiya hai.. Harvard se", in a voice as if he is explaining something to a 2 year old. Definitely not the usual ASR voice. Can never ever be the voice of just another guy yet somehow more down to earth. "Haridwar!". Defintiely not the reaction he was aiming for. He can't take the comparison to some nobody these ladies are talking about. A quick glance at his wife. Will she come to save the day for him today? No you are on your own Harvard boy. This whole situation hysterically funny yet the Harvard bitwa (I so love this name !) returned trying his best to sort it our with his usual common sense. "Chain of industries". Alas there are some things which even Harvard doesn't prepare you for.πŸ˜†

Neat camera trick while the happy old lady advances towards the boy whose expression borders on alarm with each passing microsecond. The super lucky old woman gets to kiss him. Are you jelly of this granny? too bad Rhea. umm on the forehead. Very real this giving of money by elder. It happens in my house all the time. And we also come to know the actual person who taught Khushi all about charming husbands with Chandni chowk ka best itr πŸ˜†. "bitiya ko khush rakhoge na?" In answer a grumbling adorable "never" or "whatever" I couldn't be sure. Khushi steps in firmly. "itna khush ki sab dekhte reh jayenge" Already a foreshadowing of the touching scene between the mother and her daughter. "satho janam" leads to beguiling panic on both faces. They had forgotten all this is temporary. When did it all become so much fun? When did it all become so easy? When did it all become perfect? When did it all become just the way they would want to live their life hamesha?
But they know it's not temporary, their deep feelings for each other, their unexpressed love sure is not so mundane, that's why that blessings stirred their heart.

Now familiar beautiful music is heard. Their steps towards each other. Crossing. Stopping. Turning. Rabba ve whirling. Their expressions talking. Essential IPK.. 
beautifully written.

Akash and Payal's scene gets me thinking.. Just one month into the marriage for both the couples.. unbelievable!  While one continues with the expected notions of gifts and smiles the other continue like they have. From the first day they set eyes on each other there were insults .. there were tears .. wild emotions .. unrestrained love .. and the unparalleled sense of belonging. 

For once IPk has a side actor who is acting well... the lucky old lady who got to pull the beloved damadji's cheek gleefully exclaims seeing the new AC.  5 year purana Cooler dev soon to be threatened by the brand new AC devi. Another new loves story in the making..hehehe

Maybe it is the feeling of owning the other person that causes Arnav the oversight. Overstepping of boundaries because there haven't been any ever between these two. On teej when his hand had risen on his own accord to wipe away the irritation. On janmashtami she would trick him to bring laad governor to nand kishore. He will pay her father's hospital bill. His boring party is where she will add her chatpata flavors. Always this disregard of personal space. A simple action as standing together and you couldn't help not notice how impossibly close they would stand. How deeply and for unnatural lengths of time would they stare at each other. There was never a question of tumhara or mera.. long back it had become humara..
absolutely loved your thought here. In spite of so much animosity the togetherness was always there in their relationship.

So when Khushi asks him about his new purchase he does not catch on why she is upset. Maybe a vague thought that they may mind him spending. But he is wilting in the heat so decided to get an AC. As simple as that. "bas karni hai" had said our man of action that day. It is just an AC whats the big deal are his thoughts today. But he forgot these are self respecting people. Not just Khushi but there are other members in this house. Buaji with her crystal clear conscience will not pretend like everything is fine when she is hurt. And Arnav immediately understands that they are upset. Asks the workers to mind their own business and stands there with an air of helplessness. He hadn't meant for things to go this way.

Amma tries to be understanding "Unka humare rehen sehen ki aadat nai hai".. But the over smart worked speaks again.. "Apke sabun aur towel." Bubua tries damage control but all three women in the room are definitely hurt by this. And then buaji with her magnanimous heart says a very very sweet line "tum jaise khush raho humko toh usmi mein khushi hoi" ..
I didn't find any problem how ASR tried to make his life adaptable in GH. I ponder garimaji's words here.  

Khushi follows her family. Feeling all their hurt not sure what to do about it. Wise Garima reminds Khushi about changes in the Raizada household for their own bahuriya. Inadvertently it opens up another much deeper hurt. The night he unceremoniously for no valid reason discernible discarded her from his life. She returns to the room still upset, deep in reverie of the awful night. All the chot she has been trying so hard to fight. The sadness which tended to throttle her had been painstakingly pushed away in the attempts to disrupt Arnav's life. And just like that I am sympathizing with Khushi again. 
loved how you expressed Khushi's feelings here. yes what Arnav did on the wedding night, was too much to bear. let's assume she was involved with shyam, but still he couldn't treat her like a doormat. 

Arnav still stands looking concerned and fretful. His ill-humor, frustration was all for his wife not her family. Again IPK depicts this very normal real life problem and depicts it with heartwarming clarity and sincerity as well. Such is the delicate relation of a new son-in-law or daughter-in-law and the in-laws that it doesn't take to much to disbalance it. The relationship when new is extremely fragile, but as you get closer the bond strengthens. As a result of all these moments we' ll see Arnav and these mother like figures in his life share an unmistakable bond. The people and the place will bring him respite and a strong sense of belonging. The gupta house will soon become his favourite vacation spot.  It is a journey in its own right worth making for Arnav bitwa.
can't agree more.

Only days earlier had the feisty girl insisted that everything belonged in equal share to her as her husband. Now the sudden realisation that the same is true vice versa as well. His toiletries, laptop, files, Ac (and somewhere the handy bluetooth) all part of her little world now. These are mere material possessions, the entire ASR aura has infiltrated Khushi's being. Even her own song has a little what the in it..

So much misunderstanding.. how can she not see he has nothing but respect for elders? And worse how can he not see the pure heart she has.. hai re nand kishore ab ka kari inka. She wants to teach the common ways of life to the boy who lost everything on one tragic night. To a boy who must have battled god knows what to provide for his only remaining family. And the boy who after all that struggle emerged victorious or did he? Doesn't every war pass on its burden to the soldiers who fought in it? Has Arnav Singh Raizada ever been free from the turmoil of that night and its repurcursions? Isn't everything he does an attempt to not fall into the mediocrity of a common man's life or maybe even worse. His insistence that paisa is everything is because he has lived a life where paisa was important because of how hard it must have been been to obtain.
very well said.

Few strings of new lively music herald the arrival of the night we have all been waiting for. Obviously he can't sleep on the same bed as his wife. Too much self control needed πŸ˜†. Funny that the boy objects and the girl still hasn't given it much thought. Uff ye comfort ko kya naam de? Never have I liked those filthy sneaky animals so much as this night. Did Khushi mention all this to have him near? Will we ever know? Can we only dream? 

Greedy mosquitoes only wanting the sweet Raizada boy's blood. Oh the cute completely baffled Arnav and the over zealous kartavya pura karne wali Khushi. Why is she trying so hard to kill the damn mosquitoes feasting on her mouth watering Arnavji. The faithful AC has been switched on and the less faithful electricity has decided to leave these two crazy ajeeb lovers alone.. can't wait for the ambrosial bedtime to arrive.. 

ambrosial bedtime!
good metaphor.
thoroughly enjoyed your take. during his stay in GH, ASR had become more down to earth and a better human being for sure. i agree with you that he always is very respectful to elders. So that he never refuted mami or said any ill words to her, in spite of her shallow behavior. Khushi also knew that he was a good human being, that's why she always hid his guilt to the family. On the other hand ASR's trust for Khushi was fragile, that's why he believed the terrace scene without giving her a benefit of doubt.
All the blue lines stood out for me.
My comments are in purple.
Edited by sohara - 10 years ago
Crazy4IPK thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
hey, i'm flying to New York tomorrow, to spend some time with my family over there. will try to sneak and read the posts. so don't forget to PM me.
aarwen thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: sohara

hey, i'm flying to New York tomorrow, to spend some time with my family over there. will try to sneak and read the posts. so don't forget to PM me.

Have a safe flight and enjoy your vacation!
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago

loved your sarcastic analysis. I can feel your frustration.
i agree what you said about ASR's changes of character. Don't you know the writer of IPK had Alzheimer disease. But beside that, i enjoyed the episode. 
all the blue lines grabbed my attention.
Loved my sexy boy's edits. He was looking really handsome.
My comments are everywhere in purple.


he was a dish in this one. but then when is he not.

ha ha maybe what you say is right, she just consumed his brain.

you think they had already decided garima ji would be the girl friend? could be. that whole thing always confounds me.

yeah, no matter what, i usually enjoy ipk... always something in it. dreading the next ine, 236, will see it now. but i knwo i will find something.

thanks so much for reading yet another long take of mine. πŸ˜ƒ

indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: aarwen

Enjoyed your take immensely.. How you related the metaphor of hai dhup sa wo agar, wo chandni raat si hai was absolutely wonderful.. and definitely no agar magar in it.. 

And amazing how you can write the same scene in such different ways and hold me spellbound each time. Lucky to be here reading what you write when you are barunstruck Indi di. Loved all the edits too.
Comments above as well.

thanks, rhea, for reading and enjoying the two takes on that taekwondo action.

i really liked the insight into neighbours in not so wealthy neighbourhoods. today at lunch, a colleague of mine who goes to the more poorer parts of philippines to visit a friend was speaking of exactly of this thing... somehow wealth and its demands make us move away from each other... get distant, often envious and judgmental... must be the sheer pressure of keeping it all going. i guess each situation has its own traits.

this interfering yet caring milieu i have lived in too. it's most interesting. that is when you are not ready to throttle some aunty or the other. and somehow grandmothers who claim to have cataract and be practically blind can see a small pimple from a mile away or if you are tying your saree below the navel, but they sort of love you so you spare them. πŸ˜†

your thoughts on why khushi never fretted about sleeping with the man may be abs true... i just found it a bit weird. the man was falling apart... cute.

love the thought of him sleeping happily with her every night, holding her tight, refusing to let go.

witty? ha ah, no one has ever called me that. thank you.

barun really  is an exceptional actor i feel. i have so enjoyed his delving into asr and making the man real.

Edited by indi52 - 10 years ago
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: aarwen

Episode 235

Cute fumble as he bangs into an edge of the table in the dark. This is while Khushi bitiya and damadji walk out of their room to figure out the cause of the commotion outside. Buaji stands at the door with a semi apologetic air and the whole Lakshmi Nagar (or atleast the lucky few) stand insinuating the electricity is gone because of the high load. Seeing the handsome owner of the chain of industries ready for bed the starstruck aunties decides its all ok. "Damaad hai" .. "hawa bhi thandi chal rahi hai.." "Uhi Uhi" agrees a clearly relieved buaji.. why wasn't i standing there with my crazy curly hair and considerable girth, very lakshminagar me too. lovely description, rhea.

Bitwa looks apologetic while bitiya is definitely angry. He wants to call someone to have it repaired. But Khushi is in a no nonsense mood. Almost an ASR mood you could say. No need to show off is what she conveys. And he bears the reproach knowing he brought this on himself. a lot of husband wife communication these days, i like. Having just heard her interview I am tempted to say Abha Parmar and not buaji eagerly grabs this opportunity to help damadji to sleep.His expression.. almost ready to bolt than get caught.. Who can forget the whole lead up to that legendary back massage some day out in the future. Sensible Garima to the rescue this time, just like she will step in later as well. Again the mention of cool breeze... Does everyone already know how much the temperature inside the mosquito net is going to soar tonight? πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† you are funny.

Well by now Khushi knows a lot about her husband. He cannot eat sweets. Likes his plants. Is allergic to Mosquito coil. Her heart knows so much more about this man which for now her mind resolutely refuses to delve into. She goes to fan babuji.. Amma goes to put the mosquito net. We get closer to the scene which I cannot think about without my mind going to Indi di's write up in the opening post of this thread.. "come here, you crazy taekwondo queen, and stay still, samjhi tum!" ❀️ πŸ€£ awww    .. can these two smileys coexist this way? If you have Barun and Sanaya in their top notch form on screen anything is possible..  best line i read today... really anything is possible. i do hope to see some of that anything and soon.

The man stands toying with the pink mosquito net. I get a weird parallel in my head.. a bride holding a garland of colorful delicate frangrant flowers which decorate the wedding bed. By the faint glow of the moonlight through the open window he stands a little lost , perhaps wondering how to tackle this situation. beautiful delve, yes, the shots had soemthing in them... a funny moment in a potent guy's head who has never slept next to the woman who excites him and touches him and he loves her though is mind knows he must not. And a chattering girl goes about around him feeling possessive . She doesn't want to share him with the greedy mosquitoes.  A typical scene plays out before us. Husband wife about to go to sleep. Husband tired, quiet, not in the mood to waste energy on a fight, wife talkative a little irritated.. His mind occupied elsewhere the brilliant Harvard bitwa has found an answer to his immediate problem.. "Na tum is taraf aaogi na main us taraf jaungi"  .. His tone tired , a little imperial but so full of love .. "Arnav Rekha" ..  I find the fact so cute that Khushi isn't the least bit bothered having to share this bed. 

The start of the year at midnight she had pushed him with so much enthusiasm that he had toppled over and she had neatly tucked him in before buaji entered. Buaji had done her valuable part of making sure titliya slept next to the supposedly sleeping form of Payaliya.. He had thrown aside the covers and sat stunned at the pretending panicked sleeping beauty before him.. How he had craved to be able to tuck that worrisome alluring lock of hair behind her ear. It had been a delightful midnight then and it is going to be a delightful night now..

"Ye humara pala hai".. "scuseme ye meri side hai".. "ok maaf kiya par main bhi isi side sota hun" .."aapko per ke neeche kabootaro ke sath sona hoga" .. have I ever witnessed such an engaging conversation? Electrifying exchange between the hero and heroine. They seem to be sparkling alive in this moment. Are they even talking about just which side to sleep on? I could write every dialogue that has just been said.They were brilliant! Intellectual conversations are overrated.. Ajeebly adorably sizzling repertoire is what is making my heart flutter madly right now.. intellectual many things are over rated... it has its place but ajeeb is where the dhak dhak is.

Khushi has surprisingly relented. The absurdly ridiculous thin roll of cloth holds the vital task of keeping these two lovers apart from each other. They lie down and creak! "what the? "  "Humari taraf wala bistar awaz karta hai.." "Of course tumhari side hai na chup kaise reh sakti hai?" The witty man with his impeccable sense of humor is in full form and am I glad.. Khushi defends the bed, and seeing that the beds in shantivan have a tendency of crashing whenever a bit of cricket is played, this bed does seem to be made of sturdier stuff. Taekwondo attack withstood.. teehee the rich people's bed collapses but the midddil kilass pippal's bedwa istanding strong.

Here Arnavji thought he had solved the problem for good.. now all that was left was to hold his own desires in check and bam lands his wife's creamy hand on his face.. he edges away trying to take as little space as possible and next her leg comes up where it is least expected.. he looks baffled.. murderously angry.. Is his gaze pleading how do I control myself now? Oh why is she testing my patience this way? She cycles, kicks, tousles completely oblivious.. At one point he actually holds onto the bed just to stop himself falling off.. this time he definitely must be thinking.."what the.. hey devi maiyya help.."  very ungracefully nudges her away but not for long.. Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada next to the man she loves is going to have the best sleep ever..  sukoon..

Brialliant body language of both the actors.

Thank god it is morning already. Neither my hyperventilating heart nor my sides aching from the laughter can bear this anymore. She clutches on to his shirt and he looks on with all that ocean of overwhelming love in those eyes. He yearns to hold her in embrace.. wind his arms around that dainty waist bringing her closer to him.. feel her heartbeat against his own.. Seeing her stirring, he pretends to look away. This time he does not remove her hand. Soon it will be part of his aadat.. Something wonderfully lovely about waking up together. Her eyes open. Slowly she moves away. He tries to salvage his image as the rough Raizada, claiming he couldn't sleep the whole night And his wife replies a bit ruefully that this is the way she always sleeps. He points out he hasn't see, her sleep like this before and she would you know since we haven't ever shared a bed before this.. finally sanka devi realizes what is happening. Both adorably awkwardly shy yet comfortable with each other. I have written too much.. just can't seem to stop.. who is asking you to istaap?

"Amma kahiye na".. All right ..our sanka devi is back with her plan..

How come our serial has suddenly got these decent side actors? actually most of the l.nagar lot were kind of nice, apt. i lub happy ji. That ustandji uncle is quite nice.. "Jog..umm excercise." Trying to talk in a language more suitable to the surrounding.. polite and a little aloof.. Feels good to have ASR back.      She knows her taunts will stall him. His ego is hurt.. alpha male ready to assert himself.. the jacket comes off.. Khushi's eyes widen..not exactly the outcome she was expecting.. We can go into if this scene is ASR or not. I already noted a while earlier I did not need this at all.. but am happy to see him in charge.. completely at ease.. he would be good .. oh so very very good at anything he takes up.. that is how I see him.. the uncles' are highly impressed and so are we.. 

Khushi can't believe her eyes. Unabashedly she stares. Well she does like salman khanji, a trendsetter in this respect. So Arnavji sans a shirt would probably have this effect. Certainly get her to notice. ASR music.. And though he doesn't have the usual suit, laptop and anything else that defines ASR.. In fact he has those ridiculous middle class weights in each hand, atleast his self assurance, splendid regal air is back with a bang. A little teasing sets the mood. Everyone watching needs some water at this point.  πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

Not a believer in subtlety, the film fan in Khushi needed her hero to be drenched in sweat shaking his dripping head while the sunlight reflects, Greek god like or rather Indian Salman like, to realize how attractive he is. Am exceptionally thankful that we get a scene where Khushi openly admires her husband. exactly, and only for that this scene was so worth it... women's sexual feelings don't need ridiculous tippytoing around it and muffling, they are all alive and well, thanks star plus and whoever the h else. i went on about it in my take teehee.

He has found her gorgeous every time and it is refreshing to have her almost wantonly acknowledge the effect it has on her seeing him in all his masculine glory. A solitary water droplet on her face has drenched her in physical awareness πŸ‘. Her trance finally broken she stands a little lost, a little embarrassed and he notices. The more experienced Arnav has caught on that his wife liked what she saw. No teasing no jokes nothing. He handles her in these moments with utmost care. Gathers the moment and tucks it away as a precious memory in his heart or so I feel.. 

Khushi is not done yet. Her first day of holiday has just started. Buaji comes out after a bath looking nice and fresh. Is Abha Parmar dressing up for Sobti? Will I ever get over that interview? hai re nand kishore! We are soon reaching the peak of all the OTT.. He gritts his teeth. She continues to invent flimsy excuses to delay him further. He is roughly rude.. and still I wonder if I have ever seen such a patient smitten husband before? Uff Iss Pyaar ko kya naam doon..

beautiful, rhea.

subtle feelings flitting in and out of these scenes. pity they did the tubewell after such a lovely episode. i loved what you said about the way he handled her attraction. gentleman this man... barun keeps on saying during thsi tarck that asr si a "sahi" man, a good man... he is. deep and beautiful, yet young and gambolling, arrogant irritating funny chaotic too. can't blame abha ji for being in such a tizzy. my blue comments everywhere.

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