MG FF: A Twisted Fate #2 - Pt.21 Pg. 11

..Naina.. thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 12 years ago
Hi Everyone! ๐Ÿค—

So, this is the second thread for my FF: A Twisted Fate on Maan and Geet from the show Geet-Hui Sabse Parayi.

It's a story about the development of the relationship between Maan and Geet, once he finds out that Geet is pregnant with his brother, Dev's baby. Dev does not want to be responsible for this baby, ultimately, when Maan finds out, he kicks Dev out of the house in anger. Maan's Dadi ends up hearing an incomplete version, and coming to the conclusion that Geet is pregnant with Maan's baby, orders him to marry her. And well, that's what happens.

Where does the couple go from there? Who's the one that may have attempted to kill Dadi? Well, that's the story!

A big Thank You to all my readers, who have been with me throughout the course of this story. I couldn't have come this far without you, your patience with my horrendous skills at updating quickly, and your amazing comments which always motivate me to write more. Thank you all soso much! ๐Ÿค—

Edited by Naina2127 - 12 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

..Naina.. thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 12 years ago

Thread One:


Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Thread Two:

Chapter 20

Chapter 21


For PMs, everyone add .Naina. to your buddy list :) I will probably NOT be PMing anyone from this account, so everyone who wants to be notified whenever I update, add

Edited by Naina2127 - 12 years ago
..Naina.. thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 12 years ago
Recap (Of the entire story because it's been so long since I've updated ๐Ÿ˜†)

Geet storms into Maan's office one day, telling him that she's pregnant with his brother's baby. When he refuses to believe this, they go to get a paternity test, which in fact proves this statement to be true, and Maan demands that his brother do the right thing. Dev absolutely refuses and suggests to Geet that she should abort the baby, to which she responds, Hell No! Maan angrily kicks Dev out of the house, after which Dadi hears an incomplete version of Geet's pregnancy and jumps to the conclusion that Geet is pregnant with Maan's baby. Thus, she forces them to get married.

Maan's friends, Angad/Kripa and Armaan/Riddhima, provide for the much needed entertainment on occasion, and ultimately force this reluctant couple to head off on a honeymoon to Switzerland. Of course, they still continue to fight like cats and dogs throughout, even when Geet comes out in the lingerie that Kripa and Riddhima secretly packed, and when Maan tries to find the edible body paint that Armaan promised was hidden in their room ๐Ÿ˜†. The couple wander around, slightly getting to know each other, and Maan proves his concern for the first time when he freaks out over Geet having morning sickness!

Anywho, soon after, Maan gets a call from Angad who informs him that Dadi was in an accident, and there were suspicions that it wasn't simply a hit and run but was actually preplanned and Dadi was the intended target. Maan and Geet immediately rush back to India after hearing this news, and they find that Dadi is in a coma. Geet faints upon entering the hospital, and that's when Armaan and Riddhima discover that Geet is pregnant, and Maan is forced to reveal the entire truth to his friends. Riddhima then performs an ultrasound, revealing to the nervous couple that they are in fact expecting twins.

Chapter 20:


Maan stepped out of the ultrasound room with Geet, only to bump into the two couples who were still pacing outside.


"So we heard the good news guys. Congratulations on the twins!" squealed Kripa as she rushed over to hug Geet. Angad followed his wife, slapping his best friend on the back "Wow Maan. Not one but two! Can't wait to see how you'll deal with both of them!"


Armaan and Riddhima followed, pulling Maan and Geet into a hug as they wished them.


While Geet accepted everyone's good wishes happily, Maan stood there, reeling from shock. "So'.so everything's all good guys?" he asked, looking at each of the four individuals standing before him, his eyes finally landing on Armaan who was the one who reacted the worst before.


"Of course we are Maan! Yes, it definitely would have been nicer if you had thought to tell us the truth about Geet and her pregnancy before, but at least we know now." Armaan smiled reassuringly, and Maan heaved a sigh of relief. Phew.


One problem solved.


Now to pray for Dadi. Hopefully she would wake up soon, get out of the coma.


Maybe then they would find out who had been targeting her, maybe she noticed something that the driver hadn't.


Maan sighed, sitting in Dadi's hospital room, holding the pale fragile white hand as he willed her to wake up.  Who would even do such a thing? What was going on that he clearly had no clue about? Who could possibly want to harm Dadi? Or was it not Dadi they were targeting? Could it have been a case of a mistaken identity? Maan was completely lost in his own thoughts.


"Maan, chalein? The doctor said that they would let us know about any change in Dadi's condition. And you need to get refreshed. We've been at the hospital for over 12 hours now." Geet spoke softly, placing a hand on his shoulder as she waited for his response.


Although he wanted to say no, wanted to say that he would remain with Dadi for a little while longer, Maan also knew there was nothing else he could do there. He might as well go home and help get Geet settled in. After all, this was the first time she would actually be staying at his house and getting used to everything.


And with one last glance at Dadi, promising her that he would return as soon as he could, Maan and Geet made their way back home.



"So you're saying that Dadi can come home soon?" Maan grinned, looking at Armaan as if he had just  given him a million dollars.


"Of course! She's obviously still very weak, and it would be a really good idea to have a nurse of some sort around to help out, but otherwise, Dadi is good enough to go home. You all just have to make sure she takes care of herself, doesn't stress herself, and so on" Armaan smiled back, knowing how big a relief this would be to his best friend.


"Good good then. Geet and I will be in in a few days to pick her up. And as for the nurses, do you know where I can go about hiring one?" Maan added quickly, knowing that he could and would get the best available care for his grandmother. Nothing in the world was more important than her at the moment, absolutely nothing.


"Yeah yeah. Of course I would Maan, I work at a hospital. I'll run through some of the nurses profiles later today and suggest one" Armaan smiled, reassuringly.


"Sure. Thanks a lot for all your help Armaan."


"Hey! No thanks necessary! After all, what are friends for?" he responded before heading away to look after his other patients.


Maan was smiling as he left the hospital and made his way back to the office. After all it had been a few days since he'd been at Khurana Constructions. Time to check how the company managed to do without his presence.


The ringing of his phone brought him out of his thoughts. Geet!




"Maan! What happened!? Is Dadi ok?" came the anxious words from his wife, the concern and worry for his grandmother's state of being evident in her voice.


A small smile appeared on his face as he imagined Geet worrying. "Shh Geet, she's fine, and good news for us. Armaan said Dadi can be --" Maan began to inform her, but he was interrupted by her squealing loudly, and the clattering of pots and pans on the floor.




"Geet! Are you ok? Did you hurt yourself?!" Maan slammed the brakes onto the car, and pulled over quickly.


"Humph. What am I, five? Of course I'm fine" she retorted grumpily. And, unable to resist the opportunity to annoy him, she further added, "By the way Mr. Khurana, why do you care so much about me"


Maan let out a low growl, as he gripped the steering wheel harder, and instead of actually responding to Geet, just hung up the phone, knowing that if he allowed her to keep talking, he wouldn't be able to control his temper and would quickly begin to lash out at her. But his worry about her hurting himself still didn't go away, and before he knew it, he was heading back home, the urge to check up on Geet eating at him.


What was it about this girl? She made him behave like a maniac, go stark raving mad on occasion, but at other times, his heart just melted at the thought of her. Her concern for his Dadi, the way she listened to him the previous day. For every negative thing he found in her, he found infinitely many more positive things. His thoughts slowly wandered to the night before'




Angad and Kripa had dropped off Maan and Geet at the Khurana mansion the night before, and although Kripa had offered to drive over some food because the couple had had such a hectic day and weren't even settled back in at the house, Geet calmly refused, and smiled at Kripa, telling her that she had to get used to the ways of Khurana household at some point. What better time than now? Angad had thrown a look at Maan, one that said See! Look at what a nice girl she is!


"Maan, I'll get refreshed really quick and then I'll make dinner for the both of us?" Geet told him with a bright smile, and he couldn't help but smile back, despite the tension filled day, and the dreary mood he was in.


Thirty minutes later, a completely refereshed Geet headed to the kitchen, thinking to herself that she should prepare something quickly, as both of them were hungry, and needed their sleep after such a long day. And she set about to do her work. Unbeknowest to her though, Maan stood in the kitchen door, watching her familiarize herself with everything, working efficiently to prepare the simple meal of sambar and rice.


"Need any help?" he questioned, sauntering into the kitchen and directly heading to the refrigerator to grab something to eat. But Geet quickly caught hold of his shirt collar and pulled him back, "Nuh 'uh Mr. Khurana. Nope. First go shower. You were sitting in an airplane before, and then went to the hospital. Who knows how many germs and bacteria you must have picked up?" And with that, she shoved a laughing Maan out of the kitchen, and ordered him to come down quickly. Her babies were hungry, and her stomach was already grumbling, she informed him grumpily.


But an hour went by and there was no sign of Maan. If he's in the study, I'm going to kill him, she mumbled to herself, grabbing a belan as she headed out of the kitchen.


But nope, no sign of him in the study.


Living room, watching TV? Nope, not there either.


She proceeded upstairs to their bedroom, only to find him sprawled on the bed, asleep. As she quietly inched closer, she saw the lines of tension in his forehead, a picture frame clutched in his hand, and dried up tears on his cheeks.


The man had been crying! What could have possibly made him cry? She thought with confusion, as she quickly hurried over and cautiously took the picture frame out of his hands. And the picture that was in it?


A smiling Dadi flanked on either side by two very happy, very good looking men ' Maan and Dev. A single tear fell from her cheek as she saw the cheerful Dev, hugging his grandmother tightly, looking so young, so carefree, devoid of any actual responsibilities, and her thoughts immediately went back to how he had wooed her, the innocent girl from Hoshiarpur, how he had promised her the whole world, how he had declared his love for her, how she had given herself to him. She quickly wiped away the tear, closing her eyes in an attempt to calm herself down. The man she thought she had loved, her baby's father had now completely deserted her, and in his place, the man who stood as her husband, who made the promise to take care of her and her baby, regardless of why he did so, was the only man that would ever prevail in her thoughts.


She slowly opened her eyes again, this time her attention immediately darting to the picture of her husband, and she trailed her fingers over his face, over that smile. The poor man had been crying, and had gone to bed without any food.


Carefully putting the picture frame aside, she called out Maan's name softly, shaking him lightly in an effort to wake him up. Groaning, he turned away from her, and settled himself more comfortably into bed.


Sigh, this would be a task indeed, Geet thought to herself, when she quickly realized something and headed downstairs. Ten minutes later, she was back in the bedroom, a tray of food in her hand, which she set aside, and this time she woke up Maan a bit more forcefully.


"Woah! What?!" He shot up from the bed, a bewildered look in his eyes as he turned to his wife, and Geet just chuckled looked at his rumpled clothes, his tired eyes, his messy hair.


"Looks like you fell asleep immediately after that shower Maan"


He looked away from her, his eyes falling on his Dadi's picture as hesuddenly remembered what had happened. "'just got distracted" he stuttered slowly. "Have you eaten your dinner yet?" he quickly changed the subject, and Geet decided to hold off on the questioning as she crossed her hands over her chest, and gave a huff.


"Kya? You thought I would eat without you? Without my pati parmeshwar? I'm a dutiful Indian wife, Maan, as you already know. Of course I haven't eaten yet!" she chided. "I brought your food upstairs though," she continued more calmly "I thought you might like to have dinner here and then just get some rest." She turned away from him to get the tray of food that she had prepared, and a small smile began to form on Maan's face.


What was it about this girl?


Before she could say anything though, Maan took the tray out of her hands, and seated her on the bed. "Geet, you're the one that's pregnant! And you said you were hungry before! I don't care if you remain hungry, but my poor bachas, don't starve them because of me" And with those words, he picked up a spoonful of rice and directed it towards her mouth. When Maan was about feed her another spoonful though, she captured his writst and redirected the spoon towards his mouth. "Oy mister, you haven't eaten other" she frowned.

And so the two sat eating the dinner that Geet had prepared, when Maan suddenly paused, and looked at her with confusion, "Geet.  I have a question."


She quirked up an eyebrow, "Hm?"


"Why are you being so nice to me?" he asked, dumbfounded at the way she was behaving. "We've been arguing since the second we've met, so why are the two of us actually behaving cordially to each other?"


Geet merely shrugged in response, "A lot has happened to us in this past day. Finding out about Dadi's accident, abruptly leaving our honeymoon, seeing the twins for the first time. I don't think I'm really in the mood to fight today." She sighed.


Maan's face fell once more as he was reminded of Dadi, and he lapsed into silence, not responding to Geet's words. And this time Geet took the plate and put it aside, scooting over closer to him on the bed to gently place her hand over his own.


"Do you want to talk about it Maan?" she asked softly, quietly.


"I'" he began hesitantly, before he pulled his hand away from her and waved it dismissively, "It's nothing Geet. Just thinking about my Dadi that's all." He closed his eyes and turned away from her, not wanting her to see the tears that were threatening to fall from his eyes.


"Maan, she'll be fine. Armaan and the other doctors there will take care of her, and she'll definitely be back with us soon" Geet liefted her hand up to his cheek, caressing it softly before turning his head back towards her.


"But if it doesn't Geet? What If she doesn't get up from that coma?" he asked sadly, and Geet wanted to just pull him into a hug. The expression on his face mirrored that of a sad young child, and her heart just ached for him. "Did..did you know Geet," Maan began hesitantly, "that Dadi's been the one to take care of us since we were little kids? My parents never had any time for me, and it was Dadi who would read us the bed time stories, sing us the lullabies, bake cookies for us, cheer us on at our school sports games. It's been Dadi who has been everything to me, and I'I can't bear to see her like this"


And in response, she had said a few simple words, wrapping her arms around him in a comforting gesture,"Trust me, everything will work out."


And, oddly enough, he did trust her, Maan thought to himself on his drive home.  Everything had worked out, to an extent. Dadi had been sleeping when he went to visit, but Armaan had given him the news that she came out of her coma and would be coming home soon. Unfortunately though, they hadn't wanted to question her about the accident immediately and would do that only after she was completely fit and fine. No need to worry her unnecessarily.




"Geet! Geet, where are you?!" Maan yelled out, as he hurried inside the door. His heart rate grew faster as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. Not a peep.


"Geet!!" he called out, more forcefully, as he ran upstairs towards their bedroom.


"Gosh Maan, stopyelling so much. I'm right here," came her annoyed response as she walked out of the closet nonchalantly, holding a dress against herself, completely unaware of the tension that ws seeping through him.


Maan's temper shot up instantly, as he rushed over and grabbed her by the shoulders, "What's wrong with you Geet? Did you know how worried I was, wondering what could have possible gone wrong."


"Relax, my dear patidev. Everything's fine,"  she grinned, leading him over to the sofa and sitting him down before she reached for a glass of water and offered it to him. While he gulped the water down, Geet set about to explain what had actually happened.


"The babies kicked Maan! That's why I was so shocked when I was talking to you, and then dropped all the pots that I was holding directly onto my feet" she exclaimed ecstatically, rubbing a hand over her belly.


Maan's attention dropped to her stomach, as the anger and annoyance dissipated immediately, and his eyes widened in shock. Reaching out, he carefully placed his own hand over her own, as he whispered softly, "Are they kicking now? Does it hurt? Is everything ok?"


A smile appeared on Geet's face as she saw his concern, and she shook her head, "Not now, but they will again soon. They've been playing football in there all morning, and are taking a little break now" she giggled at the thought of her babies actually kicking around a football inside of her.


"Is there anything I can do then?"


"Maan, I still have 4 and half months left of this. Trust me, there will be a lot you will have to do later, but anyhow, you didn't tell me about Dadi! What did Armaan say?"


She eased herself down next to him on the sofa, as Maan placed a supporting hand on her back. "Dadi's coming home tomorrow Geet! Armaan said she' s still really weak and will need lots of rest to be able to recover completely, and probably won't be able to communicate with us much, but we can hire a nurse and everything should be fine."


Geet, who had been smilling brightly on hearing Maan's words, suddenly peered at him angrily. "Nurse? But why? I can take care of Dadi! What else will I have to do at home?"


These mood swings were sure to drive him crazy, Maan thought to himself. Let's hope it's only for the duration of the pregnancy and not the rest of my life.


"Geet, darling, calm down," Maan told her to breath in and out deeply, "I have more than enough faith in you, but it's just that you're pregnant, and I don't want to add the stress of taking care of Dadi. You just take care of yourself and the two babies for the next few months, ok?" Maan said calmly, pleading with her to calm down and accept what he said. Inwardly though, Yeah right, as much as I trust you to give me advice, taking care of my grandma? I don't trust you not to mess up Geet. Who knows what pregnancy hormones can do to people?


Tears began to stream down Geet's eyes, as she let out a loud squeal and threw her arms around Maan, "Aww! You care about me Maan! That's so sweet!"  she sobbed, and Maan? He put his arms around her and patted her back awkwardly, "There there, no need to get so emotional" Why did I marry a pregnant woman? What was I thinking?


Precap: She nodded stiffly at Geet, before turning to Maan with a bright smile appearing on her face. "Naintara Rathore, Mr. Khurana. I'm looking forward to working with you."




Some people are heard before they're seen, Maan thought to himself as he heard his wife yelling at someone. He carefully knocked on the bedroom door, but not hearing her say anything, opened it, only to find her sitting cross legged on the middle of the floor, yelling at someone on the phone. Well, it sounded like she was yelling.


"Bauji! You can't come now!"  Geet was pleaded with her dad. "Maan's Dadi was in the hospital and is just coming home. We need to help her get adjusted before you all descend on the house!" She sighed as she heard her dad refute this, Why couldn't they understand? In fact, she hadn't even noticed Maan's presence in the room, so busy was she in attempting to convince her dad not to come visit them.


And Maan was shocked at her words, quickly rushing over to grab the phone from her hand, "Namaste Bauji, main Maan hoon. Don't pay attention to what Geet was saying! You can definitely come over anytime to see your daughter."


Geet groaned, burying her head in her hands, as she heard Maan's words. Did the idiot know what he was getting himself into? The madness of the Handa family would have him running for the hills!

Hi Everyone!

Hope you enjoyed this update! I'm so sorry for not responding to all the comments individually, but I really really appreciate each and ever single one of them :)

Do hit the LIKE button and leave your comments on this update! I'll definitely be responding to them individually, I promise๐Ÿ˜ณ



Edited by Naina2127 - 12 years ago
abinash079 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
congrats for the new thread
abinash079 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
awesome update loved it
kooliio thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 12 years ago
Congrats on the new thread!
And loved the update...!
It was really cute and amazing!
Glad that dadi will be coming back home!
Loved all the cute MaanEet scenes!
And the precap sounds interesting...!
Cant wait for the next update!
Please continue soon!
punjabi.princes thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
great update!
con't soon
hindu4lyf thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
OMG Naina you have no idea how glad I am to see you've updated this FF! Where have you been?! Lol

As usual a lovely update! Can't wait to read about the madness of the Handa family! Lol the pregnancy track is so damn cute! Update soon please..I miss this FF!
malluangel thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
*wipes away tear* my baby has come so far along *sniff sniff*
ohhh the joyyy

i loved it!
and darling?! WIN! buahahah i love your maneet :D [:p]
cue1 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Ok just read this from start to now... It's awesome!!!!!
I can't wait for more!!!!