Aftermath reaction of family on Omi's actions

CherryKavya thumbnail
Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

Upon coming to know that the hidden truth of him being impotent has come out, Omi takes a drastic step to harm himself by slitting his wrists. Meanwhile entire family including Malini blame Kavya, why she interfered in the personal matters of Omi n Alka and it is because of her Omi's life is in danger. How will the family treat Kavya now. Will she be able to get back the trust of Malini and Alka. 

One thing brings relief to see Adi stand by Kavya as a rock in support of her. True love lasts forever when husband n wife stand by each other in good times and bad times. 


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Spykie thumbnail
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Posted: 5 months ago

The only aftermath I could see in todays episode was the irritating monty nkt letting kavya explain her story instead making her fear of losing her family her Adhi.. 

I know Adhi will go back to Kavya but I feel as of now as Malini is more concerned about Omi may kasam to Adhi to not let out the Angel pharma truth.. and Adhi will feel guilty for it living the trauma in upcoming episodes

Spykie thumbnail
Anniversary 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

I believe Kavya will get to know about Monty being the main culprit and fight against him and save Omi from the mess.. but it will take time

Aruna0103 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

One thing brings relief to see Adi stand by Kavya as a rock in support of her. True love lasts forever when husband n wife stand by each other in good times and bad times

Tej0707 thumbnail
Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

I didn't like Malini behaviour towards Anjali today.

 she didn't speak 1 word when Omi was fine was blaming alka, kavya for everything.but Blaming anjali about upbringing of kavya and What upbringing Malini has given to omi he just abuses his wife, involved in navya cases, murder case where adi was arrested, illegal activities .I want Anjali to reply about this upbringing when the navya case truth is revealed.

Pradhan family doesn't deserve bahu like kavya 😞

Rohan20025555 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

Kavya is just having a bad time. Once her mindset is back, no one will even dare to touch her! She's a hero!

Rohan20025555 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 months ago

Kavya should have never interfered in their matters. Pradhan family is full of negative ppl toh kyu muh lagna?? 

rakeshopg thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 5 months ago

I think, all reactions were expected except Malini. She was a big let down considering she is an IAS Officer and strong lady...

Even if the reaction from Omi was unexpected, and she was concerned about him, but the way she spoke to Anjali and blaming Kavya without knowing the truth was totally uncalled for..

rakeshopg thumbnail
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Posted: 5 months ago

Glad that Monty showed his true colors to Kavya at earliest. It would have been more dangerous had he acted nice to her while doing all this behind her back. 

Now, that she knows his intentions clearly, she can fight with him accordingly..

Aakujaannnnn thumbnail
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Posted: 5 months ago

That was so down grade of Malini ji character she can't see what's happening in her family her husband and son behaviour and she was blaming anjali ji without fault 
