17.09.2015 When LOVE challenges GOD * Updated about IshRa * - Page 2


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-Silencia- thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: -Atii-



I had so much to write, but then I decided words aren't enough to justify the masterpiece of an episode which, btw, I watched around five times. So, I decided I'd let gifs do the talking instead. Even then, they aren't enough of a justification on a beautiful episode. On 5th right now πŸ˜†

  • About the episode...

  • About IshRa...

  • My overall state right now..

Had to just mention this, because I think it deserves the all the accolades...that is Raman's love for Ishita. I'm not trying to be an advocate for Raman here but I guess everyone can see how transparent his love for Ishita is. I genuinely believe, after all the get outs, all the taunts, and everything, the person he loves the most is her. He was a goner after Shagun left him, his heart was cold, Ishita brought him back to life and gave his life a meaning and for that, he will love her forever. Some people crave and wait for unconditional love their whole life..but these two, what Ishita and Raman have is not unconditional..it's much more beyond that. I don't think there ever was or ever will be a couple on TV whose love is so pure, so passionate, so intense, so powerful...so perfect, ever. 

So perfectly worded Atii! πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ Especially the part in bold. Its like he forgets to breathe if she's not with him, and it is so powerful to watch.

They leave me breathless, wanting for more each and every time. 

  • Karan Patel and Divyanka Tripathi..there is a reason why they seem to be winning all the best actor/actress awards..

That's it for now I guess, might be back later because I can gush about this episode till I die, which will probably be any minute now..πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Amazing review Nids! Agree with everything you said, especially about why Raman still gets affected by what Ashok says.. because he took Shagun from him, someone he loved..and now Ishita, someone her loves more than he ever loved Shagun and that scares him...if he shattered because of Shagun, he could downright die because of Ishita, literally.. So yea, as long as Ashok is there, he knows Ishita will never be safe. 

Awesome GIFs Atii! πŸ‘ πŸ˜ƒ I understand why you couldn't put it in words, but pictures helped to portray you felt, was going through the same 😳 Ohh and may you be reborn again πŸ˜†

And thank you 😳
-Silencia- thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: s_kavya

First of all Hi Nidoo... missed you at LU dear πŸ€— Missed it more, but had urgent work πŸ˜”

Now coming to Epi.. well I will just and just talk about ishra as the entire episode belongs to them only... 😳

Today's ishra scen is definitely one of the most most Beautiful and intense scen till now in YHM... The way Raman was shouting at God... was questioning him why he always punish him... what has he done to get such cruel punishment... why he always snatch his happiness... he was asking God to gave him the same strength which God has given to ishu... he was asking God why ishu getting punishment being with him.. because of him... he was so broken.. so miserable...so guilty for not able to protect his wife his unborn... though its not at all his fault whatever happened was there destiny but he is just blaming himself... really really felt bad for him ...

Ishra scen was beautiful... intense the love Raman and ishita have for each other can't be described in words... loved loved how ishita console Raman... how she told him not to blame himself for whatever happened... they are together and they are enough for each other... he is the man who gave her love.. family... children... loved how ishu told Raman that never think that he don't deserve her... she told him that they both deserve each other and made for each other... she loves and respects her husband Raman Kumar bhalla and she knows he loves her... and that love is enough for them... very beautiful scen ... ❀️  @bold - The best lines she spoke ❀️

Loved how ishu soothed Raman's pain... that kiss on his head.. those hugs...loved loved it... from today's Epi there should be NO doubt about ishra's love for each other... they love each other intensely... passionately... madly... deeply.. and NO one can ever come between them ever... ❀️

And last but not the least... once again DT... KP nailed it they were OUTSTANDING... Take a bow DivAn πŸ‘ πŸ‘

Beautiful write up Nidoo... thanks for this gushing post πŸ˜ƒ   πŸ˜³

I have already written so much, that I have nothing more to add now πŸ˜†
Thank you Kavya πŸ€—
-Silencia- thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: mreshma

πŸ‘...U know what...I wanna hug u for ur take on Raman-Ashok today bcoz this is exactly what I was saying in the LU thread though not as elaborate n in perfect words as u said...

Aww here's the hug πŸ€—
-Silencia- thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: Badtameez_Dil_1

I saw your post JUST NOW & the first thing that struck me was "Gosh... I just KNEW that Nidoo will post today!"

Yay! So excited!


Haha... It was such an episode, I couldn't stay away πŸ˜› Waiting for your comments πŸ˜ƒ
-Silencia- thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: mayasundar

Hi Nidhi,

Nice review

Initially I was upset too that they have made Raman to feel guilty and Ishita not to care about the baby still I am angry at them at least for Raman they have given valid reason for him to be guilty but with Ishita they have made her look like the baby was a burden to her so I am hoping they give at least a monologue of her thinking about the baby it doesn't even have to be in tears just a happy thought will also do because then at least we will come to know she cares for the baby. Me too, but I'm not sure they'll do that πŸ˜”

I wanted Ishita to breakdown and Raman handling her but YHM have been always breaking the norm of  the society  has in its place so when I saw today episode I felt yeah just like Param track where the family accepted the DIL and threw out the SIL which is not common practice because no matter what they always support the SIL even if it his mistake here also they are breaking the tradition of why does the husband always have to be an emotional anchor in cases of family crisis why cannot the wife be husband emotional anchor and the husband can leave his maccho image and break down in front of his wife during an emotional crisis in the world. Word, Maya! πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘ It is not that men are not vulnerable, it is not that they do not break down, it is not that they're always emotionally strong. They're human beings too, they feel pained too, they have a right to cry too. And that is where YHM steps in. It is OK for a husband to show his helplessness to the only person who knows him inside out, his wife. And the wife then steps up to hold him strongly in her arms.

In this crisis Ishita become the  emotional anchor to Raman and Raman became the person who needed support breaking the norm it was brilliantly done.

On a side note this is SEP 17 exactly one year before on the same day Ishita was feeling miserable because of Shagun taunts and Raman was comforting Ishita in the rain which is the ever best dance of IshRa and one year later on the same date we have Raman feeling miserable because of Ashok taunts and Ishita comforting him in the rain saying to him that they deserve each other and they love each in contrast to that day when even though they loved each other they could not express but today all the emotions were visible for each other to see.

You know, I was remembering the exact same thing just now 😳 How far have they come in this one year

This was brilliantly portrayed by KP and DT superb actingπŸ‘πŸ‘ All compliments fail when it comes to these 2 😳

Having said that  I don't like Raman coming into Ashok words time and again Ishita was correct in telling him that if you want to punish him ignore his words that would be the biggest punishment for him because after that he want be able to manipulate Raman. Have shared my thoughts about that in the main post 😳

I don't like Raman talking about surrogacy at all mainly because this IshRa baby track was many fans dream track and they have royally butchered it I am still watching the show because it is just a build up only but the day they have confirmed that surrogacy is going to happen via Shagun that would be the last day I would be watching even this powerful IshRa magic cannot make me watch that crap.

I don't like Raman talking about it either, but today's outburst kind of explains his obsession in the days to come. Also, my belief that Shagun will NOT be the surrogate is getting stronger day-by-day. 

I am hoping this talk of surrogacy will lead to finally Ishita pouring out her pain. Fingers crossed!

Coming to today episode 

It was sheer brilliance of KP and DT acting abilities.

The only gripe I have with this episode is Ishita kissed Raman but they didn't show it properly instead it looked like a hug I found out that was kiss from the picture posted then went and watched the episode for that particular scene. We're not satisfied with anything πŸ˜† But yeah, would have loved to see it properly 😳

They way Raman was fighting with god for her happiness and asking him to leave when Ishita slapped him and he literally falling at her feet she bends to hug him and comfort him and repeating numerous times that she loves him and she deserves him there hug was so beautiful. It indeed was! Goosebumps! Their love was oozing out, and I was collecting it all

I just wish the surrogacy drama was not hanging on top of the head making me wondering how long will I be able to watch my favorite show. You know Maya, right now, I'm just not thinking about it. This intense scene is a forewarning, that something sinister is brewing up. Until it really becomes in my face, I'm just going to enjoy as much as I can 😳

Finally my review after my gushing.

I am still waiting for the continuation of Raman/ Mihika talk and Ishita listening in the precap the next day we didn't even get what happened to that pre cap I thought after his talk with Mihika Ishita would either show her pain or talk to Raman 

I understand why Ishita wants Ashok to be punished because he puts his whole family in danger I am kind of liking this part of Ishita post C she has become some what vindictive and not always forgiving the person who are hurting her family first she went in search of Shagun to give it back to her for all the taunts she gave her now she is going after Ashok now I feel Ishita is becoming human and not some Jahan Mata who keeps forgiving everyone this shows that Ishita is becoming possessive of her family and is will turn into a sher if something threatens her life. True that. She's finally show-casing authority on her family, marking her territory. Anyone who threatens her family or her relationships, she'll take him / her down.

I was okay till Ishita found out about the factory and told Abhischek but I was not happy when she said she would be accompanying him what is with her let the police do their work. I was happy when ACP she cannot come otherwise I would have been mad. She did not tell Ashok about the constable who is in Ashok pocket revealed to him that she was the source of the information. I know yaar! She knows what can Ashok do. The least she should do is keep her involvement hidden πŸ˜”

I also felt that  Rinki was talking to her ex-boyfriend because when her stupid friend commented that her boyfriend was some super rich boy-friend and her husband is nothing that is when all the misunderstanding with the family started and Simmi found a expensive shirt so my first thought was also probably he has come back and it is going to be repeat cycle of Mihir-Rinki-Raman instead of Raman-Shagun-Mihir waiting to see how the track unfolds I guess this is going to test Mihir/Raman  relationship I want that to be intact that is only relationship they haven't butchered so far and I hope they keep it same and not run behind trp by butchering that relationship it is one of the strongest bond in yhm of nature Vs nurturer I hope not! It'd be really interesting to watch Mihir go through the same that Raman went through, and Raman trying to bring him out of the state, cutting all ties with his sister. It'd be much more difficult for Raman coz she's his baby sister. Plus when Rinky fought with Mihir with respect to Mihika, Raman sided with her and bashed Mihir left, right and center. Lets see what the mystery is and how this unfolds.

After my rant about above as to why Raman is so getting affected still by Ashok I get where he is coming from even though I feel Raman should ignore him that would be the greatest revenge Raman can take against Ashok.

Raman was already feeling guilty that he left her alone in the bus for the last minute he somehow feels that if he was with her in the bus instead of the ground somehow he could have saved her and the baby together but when Ashok announced to the world that his wife is called Baanj a word which he hates most it bothers him more than Ishita because now it has become his pain rather than Ishita He pours so much love on her she doesn't even bother about other  or whatever name they are calling her she feels complete because of his love but on the other hand Raman cannot take any insult on his beloved because he knows she doesn't deserve the tag because he know how good a mother she is so when Ashok taunted him about his manhood even though he was angry he said he doesn't have to give him any explanation and when Ashok taunted about saying that he could not protect his family he got angry and said to him see who is going to protect you from me but when Ashok said Ishita is baanj all control flew of puttar and he grabbed Ashok collar.

I don't have words to describe Ishita/Raman scene it was so intense, powerful and beautifully enacted but the editing wise I am not happy because I couldn't see the kiss properly

Ishita was angry while taking him back she ranted that he behaved like a teenager and should have left him the police station and Raman being RKB took it literally and got out of the car and told her leave him here to die because that is what he deserves immediately Ishita anger vanished and she started consoling him saying sorry to him and trying to console him.

Raman was fighting with god for her happiness when he said he loves her so much and immediately asked her to leave him begging her as he knows fully well that she would not leave him in any circumstances and Ishita slapping him for even him suggesting her to go away from their lives and he falling at her feet and she holding him and telling him that she loves him was such a powerful scene I got connected with the scene more than the hug.

When Raman picked up the bottle her face fell which was noticed by Raman even in that stupor and threw the bottle away to see her smile which she did and hugged him and even while hugging her it was nice to see that he was fighting with god for her happiness and for Ishita to feel blissful in his love was a nice scene.

I am hoping at least tomorrow we will get to see how Ishita really felt about the baby

About this scene - My thoughts in the main post 😳 Cannot write anything more, couldn't have said it any better than you 😳

Fab analysis Maya! πŸ‘ πŸ‘
SA1234 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Great post Nidoo!
And please take a bow for the below lines..

The intensity of their love is so strong that anyone who comes near them will get burnt. This is not the kind of love you would find in fairy-tales, or in romantic novels. This is the kind of love that is born out of pain, that hurts and heals at the same time. There are no words that could describe the vehemence with which these two love each other. Just being a spectator to this ferocity makes you go delirious.

There is just no other way you could have defined IshRa..I could just eat these words..because as u have rightly mentioned, they make us go delirious!!
mayasun thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 8 years ago

Fab analysis Maya! πŸ‘ πŸ‘

Thanks Nidhi
Mdwst thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
He is a man, so irrevocably in love with his wife, that her acceptance of the adversity pierces through his heart, as if asking what is the pain threshold of this woman? How much has she endured in her life to remain this unaffected, even now? And this stings him so much so as to make him lose control over his surroundings.

The intensity of their love is so strong that anyone who comes near them will get burnt. This is not the kind of love you would find in fairy-tales, or in romantic novels. This is the kind of love that is born out of pain, that hurts and heals at the same time. There are no words that could describe the vehemence with which these two love each other. Just being a spectator to this ferocity makes you go

πŸ‘  Simply beautiful and perfect 
-HoneyDukes- thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Finally managed to actually get my hands on one of the episode reviews by you!

Even if I come across, I am never able to comment. Lazy! πŸ˜† Moreover i am not good with words, specially with scenes such as today because more than anything, I am only gushing which is nothing new ! πŸ˜†

But i really want to comment day! 😳😳
-HoneyDukes- thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 8 years ago
Nids, please take a bow. This review deserves it.
It couldn't have been any more perfect than what you wrote. Word to word. πŸ‘β­οΈ

The intensity of their love is so strong that anyone who comes near them will get burnt. This is not the kind of love you would find in fairy-tales, or in romantic novels. This is the kind of love that is born out of pain, that hurts and heals at the same time. There are no words that could describe the vehemence with which these two love each other. Just being a spectator to this ferocity makes you go delirious.

These few lines. Truly no one has ever described IshRa this perfectly in just a matter of few lines. Their undying love for each other truly amazes me. It could be the hurt of loosing love from the past, the happiness of finding love again, whatever it is, its sooo PALPABLE. You just cannot have it not touch you if you are watching. They are perfect for each other, both equally flawed in their own ways which is what makes them all the more perfect for each other.Today it was one such episode where you see their emotions RAW through the screen.

Raman, his pain, his guilt, his shattered dreams to give her that one happiness which she always craved for, it was all so heart wrenching. From the moment he was taunted by Ashok to the moment she soothed him, it was all about him not being able to give her the one thing he dearly wanted to. Their baby. When he was fighting with GOD today, his emotions were so intense and raw. He wants nothing but her happiness. That one dialogue where he says he loves her enough to give her all the happiness without the GOD, it just melts your heart. It melted mine. 😭😭 He may be impulsive, rude and harsh at time to her or to anyone, but his love for her cannot be doubted even an ounce. He loves her more than himself, probably to death if we put it on our fangirling language. If it was her who made him to vulnerable, it as again her who soothed him. That's his safe heaven. God knows what's about to happen in the upcoming track or there is surrogacy, Raman may behave foolishly too but in the end, its all about her for him. JUST HER.

Ishita, she was his pillar today. The way she reached out to her husband who was broken to bits, comforted him with her words assuring him of her love for him, getting him out of the belief that he was not deserving of her was beautiful. She stated it out and straight that there can be nothing more perfect for them than each other. They are what they are, made for each other. Many times it has been said she doesn't voice her feelings for him much, I was happy to see today that it was stated clear and proper that he means the world to her, of how much she loves him and respects him. " Main aapse bohat pyar karti hoon " Those words were the relief for the pain he would be going through. thinking about all the times he failed to protect her, and they were. She just took him in her arms and he melted. Like you said she can be his friend, his mother, his wife and his lover. Today she was the lover, who from the beginning to the end only comforted him, assuring him of her love which is not conditional.

Also one part about her and Ashok, I really don't mind a not so forgiving ishita. Many times she has been questioned for being too forgiving to people, its a good change to see her being on the retorting end. Ashok has always been the man to be hurting her and her family, so her giving it back to him doesn't seem wrong to me! 😳 Yes he is the ass in the story who falls to all lows, but that's what villains are for. He would do the same even if Raman gives it back, only that Ashok loves Raman and hates Ishita for taking him away..🀣 LOL! But, yeah, that's just one point I have been reading a lot..so just said about it too! 😳

IshRa, these 2 characters are just beyond what i have seen on TV. I won't claim to have watched many shows but the little I know of a few, I have never seen characters this raw and intense. As a couple, they are MAGIC. Only if that word could do the justice. They fight, they break promises, they behave unreasonably, they may be the most weird couple to be on TV BUT, they are the best of whatever they are. IMPERFECTLY PERFECT. There just cannot be another IshRa, their love is divine. So much, that it hurts ( in a good way ) now. 😳😳

Lastly, coming to Divan. What am i supposed to say. My hands may drop off, this thread would be done and dusted and time would fly away if I start talking about their perfection as IshRa. They make them real. You just believe its them, not actors who are doing their job. Its them playing IshRa which can never drive me off this show. I will rant,be angry everything but I can never let them go. 😳 just too much in love to have it all back now!

My one reaction to the episode and IshRa after all the gushing..

Only this, BUT a hundred times more. THEY ARE LIFE! ❀️

Coming to the PS. I am truly so pissed off at the CVs for doing this to her character, a woman who has craved for nothing but to be a mother herself all her life, atleast of the years she knew. And now.?? Yes its a beautiful fact that she found completeness in her husband and both the kids who came into her life, she loves them dearly, maybe beyond anything but how can they just show her not shedding a tear for the child who was inside her.?? Even if for a week, but still. 😭😭 Yes, she really never wanted the baby, it was for her husband, her daughter and her family but still then, it was inside her. She lost a part of herself. After showing her breaking down on the wedding day learning her uterus is weak, how could they just show her so not reacting to the loss of her baby.?? I really hope they show her breaking down, sometime. Doesn't matter if its along, but once. They should and need to. Otherwise, Ishita's infertility issue would all turn out to be less meaningful. Its been woven beautifully, but they are just ruining it with a very sour note. DT as Ishita is fabulous! I am still hoping they will give us one scene of her with her unborn baby..

That's the rant..and OMG..I have never written this much. NEVER. All thanks to you, you made me write a review of my own.🀣 Now you bear with it..🀣 Lovely post again N..πŸ€—

PS : Sorry, didnt make any gifs, I made collages if you want those! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Edited by Anu_IshraDivan - 8 years ago