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Posted: 26 days ago

look forward to it.

I hope more than jealousy that Angad can potentially tease her about or get angry about, he realizes how insecure it can make a person feel to know your partner is more experienced than you and has had casual flings etc. whereas you are a novice. she is already anxious, underconfident, shy and tensed. 

Simiyy thumbnail
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Team #SaHan

Posted: 25 days ago

Love, love, love it!
I love how your showing the bond that Sahiba and Seerat share the sisterly bond that was missing in the show!

Poojajain36 thumbnail
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Posted: 25 days ago
Your new updated story was very interesting really love it by your update and eagerly waiting for your next chapter.u r truly very well writer alway engage us when u will update and we r going to read.
anushka87 thumbnail
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Posted: 24 days ago

Finally I read all the chapters, Love love love this FF. Your writing skills just amazing.... 😍🙌

Excited for the next chap!! 

Reader17 thumbnail
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Team #SaHan

Posted: 23 days ago

Please update 🔜 We are waitingsmiley42

Edited by Reader17 - 23 days ago
Reader1419 thumbnail
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Posted: 23 days ago

Chapter 38

Angad and Sahiba reached the venue. As Sahiba got out, Angad wound her hand through his and held it till they reached the lounge. Mr.  Bhatia had booked the entire lounge and the party was already in full swing. Mr. Bhatia greeted them as soon as they reached and began introducing them to others, Angad had done business with many of them in the past, being from the same jewellery circle, and knew many of them. 

Sahiba did not know anyone there but Angad made it a point to keep her with him most of the time. 

"You guys have not had a drink yet! What can I order for you" asked Mr. Bhatia

Angad ordered his drink and looked at Sahiba and was not surprised when she ordered for something non-alcoholic. He had no issues if she did drink but he had never seen her drink .... but still he looked at her questioninly 

"Umm, I don't drink well, it hits me very quickly" She told him about how once she had tried something from Param's hidden stash at home and how it had almost got them into trouble and how she had mistakenly had couple of cocktails in Garry-seerat di wedding and then Amrit veerji had to take her to rest....

Angad remembered all too well, but had then not known the reason for it, past memories and his behaviour dampened his mood but he shook it off. He did not want to dwell on the past. The thought of a drunk Sahiba was so cute....

"What are you smiling about" asked Sahiba...

"Oh am wondering how you must have troubled Param all drunk and all" 

"Oh hello, I did not trouble him at all, it was his mistake for hiding it in the house" she said cheesed off....

"Ok, ok I believe you" Angad said, his expressions clear that he did not believe her....

Before she could retort Mr. Bhatia approached Angad and said "Angad I wanted to introduce you to someone, please come" 

Angad hesitated and looked at Sahiba, he did not want to leave her alone....

"Carry on, I am all good" Sahiba urged him to carry on, after all this was a business party, she did not want him to worry about her all the time. 

She grabbed a barstool and watched everyone around, enjoying her juice and the music. There were people dancing on the dance floor and Sahiba itched to dance as well but did not dare ask Angad so she just enjoyed her drink and the music....

"Hi" said someone next to her. It was some stranger

With no other option she said "Hi" 

"Hi I am Aman, a family friend of Mr. Bhatia" 

"Hi, Sahiba" She offered her name as courtesy

"So how do you know Mr. Bhatia", he started making small talk, which Sahiba was unable to avoid....she was looking for ways to escape when after few minutes he asked "Do you want to dance"

Angad had been busy speaking to some of his business acquaintances and others Mr. Bhatia introduced him to but his thoughts were on Sahiba only, he should not have left her alone he thought. He kept glancing in her direction to ensure she was fine. After few minutes when he looked at her, he saw some stranger talking to her.....his irrational possessiveness kicked in and he excused himself from the conversation as soon as he could....he did not like the way that guy was looking at her! 

As he neared, he heard the man asking her for a dance and before Sahiba could respond he reached and answered "NO" 

He wedged himself in between Sahiba and that guy and stood with a hand around her waist. Sahiba was about to refuse Aman but was surprised at Angad's outrageous display of possessiveness and her rebellious streak awakened...

"But Angad, I want to dance" She said pouting, "And as you are busy....." She trailed off, looking at Aman. 

Angad's body almost clenched in anger and he looked ready to throw a fit. Sahiba had her fun, teasing him, Angad was quick with his temper but somewhere deep down she felt amazing that he was so possessive about her.....she thought she will put him out of his misery.....

"Aman, I will be dancing with Angad" She said and pulled Angad to the dance floor. Angad was too upset but he let Sahiba lead him to the dance floor and stood there stiffly,  not dancing.

"Dance na Angad" 

He did not respond, looking away

"Aree stop being such a khadoos, I really want to dance, music is so good na." He still did not respond 

"Ok, if you don't want to dance I will ask Aman..." Sahiba could not finish her sentence, he put his hand around her waist and pulled her against him, glaring at her.....

"I was only joking. I would have never danced with him....I was only teasing you" She whispered, staring into his eyes....and slowly the anger drained away from Angad.

"Chalo, let's go, I was only teasing you" Saying that Sahiba turned to leave but was stopped again ...Angad held her hands and put them on his shoulders and wound his hands on her waist and started swaing to the music.....her heart lifted

They danced to the music, enjoying each other's company, oblivious to others. They danced for sometime before Angad was called by Mr. Bhatia to meet someone. This time, he did not let go of her hand and took her with him. Sahiba kept gazing at his profile, her hand tightly held in his. She was feeling amazing, he kept holding her hand, touching her now and then, putting his hand around her waist or shoulder when introducing her to others.....she had never realised how much she woukd enjoy Angad's attention....he had never been so familiar with her before.....

After sometime she excused herself to goto the restroom. She gazed at herself in the restroom mirror, her face was flushed and looked as if she had a permanent blush on her face. She was lost in her thoughts of how the night may unfold as she walked back into the party when she suddenly stopped, shocked.....

Angad was standing with a girl, wearing a short tight party wear dress, with her hands around his neck, hugging him tightly and he had his hands on arms. He was facing her and looked like he was saying something to that girl. His eyes widened when he saw Sahiba staring at him with shock and anger on her face and tried to dislodge the girls hands from his neck. 

Sahiba neared them as Angad managed to dislodge the girls hands away from him....."Sahiba.." he started speaking but stopped when she glared at him....this time, Sahiba went next to Angad and almost wedged herself between him and the girl, and put her hands around his arm...the girl completely ignored Sahiba and continued to speak to Angad...

"It's so good to see you again Angad, what a coincidence that we met here....why did you not give me a call saying that you were in town" She said...."for how long are you here, let's catch up" she said, giving him a look

Angad, ever so confident, looked extremely uncomfortable.....

"Angad won't you introduce us" asked Sahiba softly

"Oh ya Angad, do introduce" said the girl

"I think Mr. Bhatia is calling us" Angad said trying to pull Sahiba away

"No he is not" whispered Sahiba "Hi, I am Angad's wife, Sahiba Kaur Brar" She said, emphasizing on the brar, "Are you Angad's friend"

"I am Naina and Oh I am someone a little more than a friend" said the girl, looking down upon Sahiba....Sahiba clenched her hands around Angad's arms. 

"I had read the news about your wedding Angad, you broke so many hearts you know, but i can understand why you did it, you are such a nice guy" She looked at Shaiba as if she was judging her...

Before anyone could say anything a waiter offered cocktails to them and the girl picked up a glass  When Sahiba did not pick up a drink the girl said "Oh you don't drink most probably, must be from a very conservative background hmmm" implying something else. 

Before Angad could retort and put her in her place, Sahiba picked up a glass and gulped it down. She picked up one more and finished that too before she turned and left, shocking Angad. 

Angad turned to go after her but found his arm held by Naina, holding him back...."Let her go, come dance with me". Angad flung her hand away and went to go after Sahiba but before he could catch her Mr. Bhatia and some others caught him to discuss something. In the precious two minutes that it took him to disengage himself, he lost complete trace of Sahiba....she was no where to be seen. 

Anagad had been shocked to see Naina here and when she flung her hands around him, he had been trying to mover her away when Sahiba saw them. His heart clenched as he remembered her expression when she noticed them.....he had wanted to avoid making them two meet but had not succeeded.....he could make out Sahiba was angry .... he felt a urgent need to find her and try to pacify her....though what would he say he was not sure......he searched for her everywhere in the lounge but he did not find her, he paid a waitress to check the restroom also but she was not there too.....she had had couple of cocktails and she told him sometime back that her alcohol tolerance limits were very low.....he was getting very worried now....

He went and asked the security at the entrance of the lounge, which was on the top most floor of a five star hotel, they said they saw her taking the lift and going down.....he rushed down and started asking the hotel staff if they had seen his wife....after five minutes of frantic searching they found one waiter who had seen her go towards the garden area of the hotel....he sped there and his breath wooshed out in relief when he saw her sitting in the gazebo, staring at the sea and the moonlit sky beyond.....

His heart in his throat....he said "Sahiba...." She did not respond...."Sahiba...."

She turned..."Oh Angad, what are you doing here...." it was as he feared, she was drunk! 

"Come let's go"

"Go where, why are you here by the way, why are you not busy dancing with your More than friend" She said, air quoting "more than friend" 

Angad did not know how to respond....."You know you always told me I am Angad Singh Brar, girls throw themselves on me....blah some girl actually threw herself on were right!" 

Sahiba looked really cute drunk, if it were any other circumstances, Angad would have really enjoyed seeing her all drunk but in the given circumstances....his tounge became tied and her tounge became sharper....

He tried to hold her but she flung his hand away in anger, her eyes flashing......"So tell me, how many such "more than friends" am I going to meet.....Will they be there in every city that we visit ... hmmm" 

"You are such a hypocrite! During and after Seerat di's wedding, you made my life miserable in your jealousy.....and look at you! Don't touch me!" She yelled at him

Angad knew what she was saying was true, he had always been quick to get jealous, never realising that she had more reasons to get jealous than he did. if he could undo his past, he would undo every encounter he had with any other girl before her.....but ....

"You must be so diasapointed getting married to someone like me, from my kind of background when you had options like that....poor angad" her eyes brimmed with tears and she swayed.....

Despite her protests, he caught her and called his driver. She was very angry with him but very drunk too, he ignored her protests and steered her towards the entrance and into their waiting car. He messaged Mr. Bhatia that Sahiba was not feeling too good so they left to rest up for the big day tomorrow. 

She was quiet in the short journey to their hotel and he held her close as he helped her into the lift. She swayed again and Angad picked her up in his arms, ignoring her "put me down command".

He managed to open the door of their room like that, took her to the bedroom and put her on the bed

"Why did you come here with me, you should have gone dancing with your Naina" She said again, angrily, a tear slipping out of her eyes. 

He could not help himself, he held her face in- between his palms, looked into her eyes and said quiet passionately " I don't want to go anywhere with anyone else....I am right here where I belong, with you!" 

"Sahiba, I can't change the past, if I could I would, believe me, all I can say now is I is sorry. I am sorry for being who I was and how I treated you initially. I am sorry.....but belive me, marrying you was the best thing I did in my life. I don't know how much you are processing in your state but please believe me when I say this. I am proud of you and so very lucky that you agreed to marry me. I don't want to dance with anyone ever other than you" 

He was not sure how much she understood but she calmed down a bit and he got up to get her a Glass of water from the table. Just as he turned back with a glass of water in his hand, he was surprised to find her standing in front of him, rather than lying on the bed where he had left her....

"Sahiba..." his words cut off as she suddenly held on to the lapels of his shirt with both her hands and pulled him close with force.....surprising him....

"Angad singh brar, you think you are the only jealous and possessive one in this relationship! No! I Sahiba Kaur Brar, M telling you, if I ever ever find another girl throwing herself at you, or touching you it won't be good for you" She shouted at him....

Angad was shocked....he had never seen this side of Sahiba, this possessive, this jealous, looks like Alcohol had loosened her Inhibitions. He wanted to laugh..but despite her bravado, he saw the uncertainty and hurt in her eyes, it was weird how he could read her emotions....he did not want his SS to feel threatened by his past....he realised how much she was hurting, how much his past was hurting her......

"It will never happen again, I promise" he tried to assure her....

"And you can't dance with anyone else other than me ever!!....ok...maybe only with family...but no one else!" She said swaying, still holding on to his shirt and galring at him....

"No, I will never dance with anyone else" he said softly. 

" GOOD"! Her hold loosened on his shirt and she almost fainted. He quickly scooped her up and lay her down on the bed gently.....she was out. He removed her sandals and tried to make her as comfortable as he could before he pulled the comforter over her. Maybe she was not comfortable in her dress he thought, but he did not dare to do anything about it, least she got upset with him! 

He reflected on what happened as he freshened up.....just as their relationship was progressing his past confronted them....he could feel her hurt and her insecurities......but he hoped he had managed to assure her of his feelings for her.....what were his feelings for her....he really liked her,  would not have given up his bachelorhood for anyone else, he was extremely attracted to her, if he had any doubts in that department then this trip said it all, he could barely manage to keep his hands to himself since that first day in Mumbai, she was.....she meant too much to him and he hoped he had assured her that she was the only one for him....and if not then he had to make constant efforts for that......

Her head was aching like crazy and she could feel the pounding in her head, she felt extremely disoriented as she woke up....she was on the bed in their sweet room, still in her clothes from the did she come here....she groaned as she sat straight and put her head on the headboard, holding her head.....when Angad walked in....

"Good you are awake, here take some medicine" he said bringing her a Glass of water and some medicine.

Suddenly the events of last night rushed through her mind, Naina....Angad....and she got upset. She turned her head away and refused to look at him....

"Sahiba..." She ignored him

"Sahiba....please take the medicine, you have a hangover, you will feel better if you take this" he said pleadingly 

She remembered getting drunk and their conversation flashed before her eyes....she took the medicine and still refused to look at him...upset

Angad knew she was still upset but he did not want to let her dwell on it. 

"Do you want to sleep some more, if not get up and freshen up" he urged

As she came out of the bathroom she smelled food and her stomach rumbled, she realised she had not eaten anything yesterday night....

"I ordered breakfast in the room, come eat" he said

"Once you are done, get ready, we have to go" he ignored her mood and kept on talking, filling in the silence....

Sahiba got ready listlessly and got into the car. They stopped at a mall....she looked at Angad questioningly

"I told Mr. Bhatia that we needed a break to be ready for the big night so canceled all our meetings, I thought we could shop for gifts for everyone. This is the first time we have come out alone..."

Sahiba still did not display any enthusiasm.....Angad clasped her hand and started roaming around the mall with her....she was not going to talk to him she decided and he was he'll bent on manaoing her...

He went into some stores and started selecting obnoxious gifts for everyone, absolutely ridiculous ones....and Sahiba finally gave up....she could not let him buy such nonsensical stuff and took over the shopping....buying some perfumes and cosmetics for the girls, video games for Prince, latest speakers for Veer and so on and so forth....

Angad finally managed to make her speak to him, if not for himself, for his family. 

"Are we done" She asked after couple of hours

"No, we have one more stop...." Saying that, to her surprise he pulled her to an ice cream parlour 

"They serve some of the best sundaes in Mumbai I heard" he said and ordered one big sundae 

As their order came, Sahiba pulled the ice cream towards her and said "Where is yours"

Angad's face fell, he wanted to share it with her, but she seemed in no mood..."I don't want any" 

Sahiba let him stew for some time before she finally pushed the bowl towards him.....he immediately scooped some and surprise surprise....fed her first....before eating with the same spoon

"Sahiba....I don't like you like this, I am sorry. I already promised you that I will never ever dance with anyone other than you, I promise I will never ever share an icecream with anyone other than you too, please don't be angry" 

Sahiba looked into his eyes and something there must have convinced her, she nodded and was rewarded with a blinding smile from Angad....

Angad was absolutely relieved, he had never been on the other end of a jealous temper and it was not a nice place to be! They casually strolled around for sometime, hand in hand, before heading back to the hotel for the finale. 

Sahiba was feeling a bit woozy so decided to take a nap before getting ready for the evening. She had forgiven Angad but was still a little upset somewhere at the back of her mind. But once she woke up, she was full of energy. She knew this night meant a lot and was a culmination of lot of hard work, she had to be on her best footing. 

She dressed in a saree tonight, golden shimmer, with a matching self blouse. She adorned a beautiful kundan set from Brar jewellery collection. She looked very beautiful, simple and elegant. 

Angad and Sahiba made a dashing couple as they entered the launch party. Angad ensured that Sahiba remained at his side at all times, not only as his wife but also as his partner on the project. Finally Mr. Bhatia and Angad announced the launch of their brand, which would go live in a month or so, to a thunderous round of applause and a barrage of questions from the media. 

Angad kept answering various questions from the press, with Sahiba by his side. Finally some reporter asked him how they came about this idea and after a brief pause, he looked at Sahiba and said:

"Actually you should address this question to my wife, Sahiba, cause the idea was hers, Mr. Bhatia and I aren just implementing it" 

Sahiba was shocked, she had not expected him to give her the entire credit so publicly but she did not have anytime to overthink as there were too many questions to answer. 

After the press was done, various guests appeared and congratulated them. One of them told Angad, "Mr. Brar, your wife is so talented" 

Angad paused, he looked deep into Sahiba's eyes and said "Yes, she is extremely talented, beautiful and caring. I am very lucky to have her as my wife" and whatever lingering doubts Sahiba had, vanished.....they kept attending their guests for a long time that night....together! 

Reader1419 thumbnail
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Posted: 23 days ago

Posted chapter 38

Pinecone thumbnail
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Posted: 23 days ago

It was really well written! 

Thank you. 

Simiyy thumbnail
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Team #SaHan

Posted: 23 days ago

Loving a jealous Angad and Sahiba!

Can't wait for the next part!

Thanks for the regular updates!

anushka87 thumbnail
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Posted: 23 days ago

Amazing update, loved it 😍❤️