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LizzieBennet thumbnail

Narrative Ninjas

Posted: 11 months ago

Originally posted by: Quantum-Dot

Hi Sup Di, can you please make a list of characters so far and their relationships with the main leads? It will be easier for the next writers to continue the upcoming segments properly without messing them up.

I made a timeline already and tbh that was super hard šŸ˜†.

I'll make a rough character sketch this time for y'all to refer to but new characters keep getting added all the time, & I may not be able to keep up.

The best thing would be if each writer puts in a small summary of their segment below it when they write (kinda like how I did for mine), and add whatever new characters they have introduced so that WD or me or Madhu can update it in the Master post (which can be the one I create like I did for Timeline). Sound good to everyone?

Edited by LizzieBennet - 11 months ago
LizzieBennet thumbnail

Narrative Ninjas

Posted: 11 months ago


 Summary  (as of Segment # 16)


Segment # 1 (WildestDreams)

  • Samarth is trying to make amends, telling Nica not to compare him with Abhay - telling her 'not to keep him out of this'.  
  • His family is also involved in some way (Nica telling him she doesn't want him or his family, calls them hypocrites) 
  • She realizes she has been deceived by someone she trusted ..again (i.e. Samarth)

Segment # 2  (Quantum-Dot)  Flashback 

  • Veronica & Abhay Mehta have been married for 3 years
  • Nica is an orphan who lives with her uncle, Ashutosh Gupta and her cousin, Shweta. He paid for the wedding
  • Abhay is a Micro student, a topper and from a rich, business family
  • Samarth is Shweta's friend and knew of Nica by reputation only (as Abhay, the topper's gf)
  • Abhay & Veronica dated in college and they were a popular couple

Segment # 3  (DreamofEndless): Flashback

  • Post-marriage Nica starts to notice a lack of interest from Abhay
  • He leaves on a business trip & she finds out he's cheating
  • She also hears him arguing with his parents
  • She decides to leave and go to her uncle's house with no explanation
  • After 7 days of being in her uncle's house Sam comes to visit her  (brings papers that Abhay sent)

Segment #4 (Oh_Nakhrewaali): Flashback (diary entries)

  • Samarth is seeing a therapist whoā€™s asked him to maintain a diary
  • Sam & Nica began to know each other in 2013 (they volunteered together), the first time they had any sort of interaction
  • He had a girlfriend in college  
  • After college, he decided to stay away from her
  •  Abhay & Nica married in 2019  
  • Sam saw Abhay kissing another woman in 2021
  • In Dec 2022, he meets her  (7 days after she leaves Abhay)
  • Nica gets a note from a doc telling her she's pregnant 

Segment # 5 (Bee222)

  • Nica had left pregnancy test results at home for Abhay (he sends it back with Sam)
  • Abhay & Nica had been together for 8 years  
  • She finds something else (a blue note) in the envelope with the results

Segment # 6 (QD)

  • Abhay has written a note saying he wants nothing to do with the baby or Nica.
  • Flash forward to 6 months later when Nica & Abhay are now divorced (May 2023)
  • Saikat comes to meet her and she cries on his shoulder
  • She moved out of her uncle's place and is renting a flat

Segment # 7  (DreamofEndless)

Present-day timeline (July 2023)

  • Nica overhears Sam telling Shweta that he loves Nica and that he saw Abhay with another woman
  • She slaps him and refuses to trust him

Segment # 8 (oh_nakhrewaali) 

Flashback to Jan 2023 

  • Veronica listens to baby's heartbeat on the Ultrasound, decides to terminate
  • Runs into Samarth and asks him to accompany her for the procedure
  • It was traumatic for her - she's thinking about the day in present timeline

Segment # 9 (Bee222)

  • Samarth recalls his grandfather and Abhay's grandfather's friendship & how the two boys would tag along with them on morning walks
  • The idea that Abhay is competitive and used to winning and Sam enables him by deliberately losing is introduced here
  • Sam's dad was transferred to Dehradun, where he died in an accident
  • He & his mom returned to Kolkata, his mom was clinically depressed and his grandfather was dying
  • Abhay's grandfather, Abhinav Naanu helped out a lot
  • To repay him Sam begins to work for the Mehtas (Abhay's family) as a chauffeur
  • Sam does have some fond memories of Abhay but the grown-up Abhay has changed, & only wants the best
  • Sam admires Abhay
  • He had told Mrs. Mehta about Abhay cheating on Veronica
  • Sam wants to feel wanted, needed and valued

Segment # 10 (Quantum-Dot)

Present day July 2023

  • Shweta and Saikat are honeymooning in Maldives 8 months after their marriage
  • Saikat sees Abhay in the hotel lobby and gets into a scuffle with him
  • Shweta realizes that Saikat will always put Nica first & also that Sam befriended her because he wanted to get close to Nica
  • Shweta & Saikat argue about this

Segment # 11 (ExoticDisaster)

  • Samarth's desire for Nica reveals itself  
  • Abhay's grandfather talks to his mother about Abhay and Samarth being fraternal twins
  • Abhinav worries about Abhay's feelings if the truth was revealed whereas Kangana is worried for Samarth.

Segment # 12 (oh_nakhrewaali)

  • Samarth's seduction of Nica is revealed to be a dream
  • He decides to confront her (after the slap incident)
  • We get a snippet of Abhay & his girlfriend Jiya in the hotel in Maldives.
  • Abhay drifted away from Veronica because she had become too possessive.
  • He loves Jiya but his family won't accept her
  • His family wanted him to stay with Nica; he is tired of pretending for the sake of his family's reputation
  • Samarth goes to Nica's place. Nica has come to rely on him during the months before her divorce. She is also attracted to him.
  • She asks him if he truly loves her and he admits it again

Segment # 13 (DreamofEndless)

  • Veronica and Samarth kiss
  • Shweta leaves the hotel at night. Saikat goes after her
  • While arguing, they are run over by a truck
  • Abhay is told about it since the hotel staff has seen him arguing with Saikat

Segment # 14 (WildestDreams)

  • Veronica and Sam go on a date
  • Next day, Kangana- Abhay's mother comes to give her the news that Shweta & Saikat have passed away.

Segment #15 (Quantum-Dot)

  • Veronica is grieving the loss of both Saikat & Shweta
  • Samarth arrives and begins to doubt the truth of the news since it was delivered by Abhay
  • He too grieves Shweta
  • A scene at the hospital in Maldives tells us that Shweta and Saikat are still alive but critical
  • Jiya goes to the hospital to visit them, it is revealed that she and Saikat were engaged but it was broken off before marriage because of Veronica. Jiya decided to destroy Veronica and Abhay's marriage as revenge.

Segment #16 (LizzieBennet)

  • Abhay relays the news about Shweta and Saikat being alive
  • Abhinav naanu visits Samarth and asks him to come back to work for the Mehtas
  • Samarth had quit that job when Veronica had terminated her pregnancy. 
  • He used to moonlight as a chauffeur but in reality was their bodyguard. He has trained in jiu-jitsu.
  • Abhinav tells Sam that Abhay's life is in danger because of Jiya who is a dangerous druglord, Vikrant Chaddha's ex-girlfriend. Saikat may have been attacked by him too.
  • He also reveals the truth about Samarth and Abhay being twins- they are Kangana Basu and Vishwas Varma's children.
  • Samarth agrees to go to Maldives when he learns Nica is also going.

Segment #17 (DreamofEndless)

The remaining segments can be summarized by quoting this post each time and adding your own.

Edited by LizzieBennet - 11 months ago
LizzieBennet thumbnail

Narrative Ninjas

Posted: 11 months ago

List of characters;

Samarth Varma: 29 years old, Micro graduate, currently works in a biotech lab. He lost his father, Vishwas when he was 14, his mom, Prerna is clinically depressed and his grandfather, Jairaj has also passed away due to illness. He has had jiu-jitsu training and used to work for Abhay's family as a chauffeur cum bodyguard. Has silently loved Veronica for years but did not admit it. He and Abhay are acquainted through their grandfathers who are best friends. Later it is revealed that Abhay and Samarth are fraternal twins. Samarth has self-esteem issues and briefly saw a therapist, he may also be suicidal. He wants to feel valued. He may have enabled Abhay by 'giving in' to him, & felt unworthy of Veronica. He has the idea that Abhay is a prince. He used to admire Abhay but now after Veronica's termination is deeply angry at him.

He supports Veronica through her divorce & abortion, & they are currently dating. He has been told the truth of his parentage by Abhinav and is set to go to Maldives to 'protect' his brother, Abhay.

Veronica (last name unknown): 29-year-old computer science graduate. Was orphaned at Age 10 and went to live with her uncle, Ashutosh Gupta. She meets Abhay in college and equates him to the prince of her dreams. They get married and in 2 years she discovers he is cheating on her. She walks out & after learning that he doesn't want their child, she decides to terminate. She has been hurt, deceived too many times and is shattered when she realizes Samarth too had lied to her. Eventually, she forgives him and they begin to date. She is close to her cousin, Shweta and her friend, Saikat. She's on her way to Maldives with her family to support them after Shweta and Saikat's accident.

Abhay Mehta (Varma): 29 year old rich, entitled, bratty young man. He thought Veronica was clingy and began an affair with Jiya whom he loves. Told Veronica he did not want anything to do with her baby that prompted her to terminate. He is in Maldives when Shweta & Saikat are fatally injured and relays the news to people back home. He may now be in danger because of Chhada, a druglord's erstwhile relationship with Jiya. He seems to be protected by his grandfather and does not know the truth about his birth.

Other characters:

 Veronica's family and friends

Shweta Gupta/ Dutta: 27 years old, Veronica's cousin and Saikat's wife currently battling for her life in Maldives. Sheā€™s also friends with Samarth.

Saikat Dutta: 29 years old, Computer Science graduate, Veronica's friend, and Shweta's husband. He and Jiya were engaged and about to marry, he called it off. He has been in an accident in Maldives and it is implied that Jiya's ex, a druglord may have had something to do with it.

Ashutosh Gupta: Veronica's maternal uncle. He raised her after her parents' death and paid for her marriage as well.

Abhay's family

Abhinav Basu:  Abhay's maternal grandfather. He owns Basu Finance. He forcefully got his daughter married to a business man instead of the man she loved, and lied about her pregnancy, responsible for separating Abhay and Samarth at birth. Has now revealed the truth to Sam and asked him to protect Abhay. Sam respects him deeply. He is generous (has helped Samā€™a family) but also dotes on his grandson (implied many times in the narrative) and may be blind to Abhayā€™s faults (yet to be established but Sam thinks he will not believe him over Abhay)

Kangana Basu/Mehta: Abhinav's daughter, Manav's wife and Abhay and Samarth's mother. She was in love with Vishwas Varma and the children are his.

Manav Mehta: Owns Mehta Enterprises, Abhay's father, Kangana's husband very particular about maintaining appearances and respectability. Hasn't appeared in a scene yet.

Jiya (last name?): Abhay's girlfriend, Saikat's ex-fiance, and Vikrant Chaddha,aka The Panther's ex-girlfriend

Samarth's family 

Jairaj Varma (deceased): Samarth paternal grandfather, close friends with Abhinav Basu,  

Vishwas Varma (deceased): Abhay and Samarth's father. Was in love with Kangana but agreed to give her up and married Prerna. Raised one of the twins, Samarth. Died in an accident in Dehradun.

Prerna Varma: Samarth's mother. Is clinically depressed.

Samarth's ex-girlfriend: He dated her in college, no name given

Other characters:

Vikrant Chhada aka The Panther: A dangerous druglord with a crime ring in Maldives. Is obsessed with Jiya and maybe trying to kill all the men in her life i.e Saikat and Abhay.

Dr. Malhotra: A doctor at the Maldives hospital where Shweta and Samarth are being treated.

Inspector Mehra: The inspector investigating Shweta and Saikat's accident in Maldives.

I hope I've covered all the characters

Edited by LizzieBennet - 11 months ago
oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 11 months ago

He doesn't see a therapist coz of explicitly Ver. He because of all the issues he has. His insecurities make him feel that no one would care about him, least of all, Ver, and the inner lying feelings lead him to address the diary entries to her

Quantum-Dot thumbnail

Plot Pundits

Posted: 11 months ago

Originally posted by: ExoticDisaster

Segment #11


ā€œYou know we cannot do this, itā€™ll break our family apart,ā€ Abhay's grandfather Mr. Abhinav looked at his daughter in law helplessly. 

ā€œMy family was broken apart when you took a decision years ago for the sake of your friendship,ā€ she said in anger as tears rolled from her eyes. 

ā€œI understand,ā€ he said in guilt. ā€œBut we canā€™t reveal this truth to anyone after so many years. Have you thought how would Abhay feel about this?ā€

ā€œAnd have you thought, how Samarth would feel when he will know, that the family he is serving as a chauffeur, is his own family? That Abhay and him are twin brothers, separated at birth?ā€


@Bold : Abhinav was introduced as Kangana's FIL, just now I remember. 

And how come Abhinav have so much influence in his daughter's family after marriage, so much that even he separated the twins and noone is even aware of the fact that twins were born, plus he has the power to appoint someone like Samarth at the Mehtas' too. Apart from that, to repay Abhinav, Samarth should work for the Basus, not the Mehtas in that case.

Please throw light on this writers.

Edited by Quantum-Dot - 11 months ago
LizzieBennet thumbnail

Narrative Ninjas

Posted: 11 months ago

Originally posted by: Quantum-Dot

@Bold : Abhinav was introduced as Kangana's FIL, just now I remember. 

And how come Abhinav have so much influence in his daughter's family after marriage, so much that even he separated the twins and noone is even aware of the fact that twins were born, plus he has the power to appoint someone like Samarth at the Mehtas' too. Apart from that, to repay Abhinav, Samarth should work for the Basus, not the Mehtas in that case.

Please throw light on this writers.

 šŸ¤£ I missed that. I went by the fact that Abhinav is called Naanu - Naanu means Motherā€™s father right? Abhinav was first introduced in Beeā€™s segment btw. I donā€™t know what she had in mind for him but Samarth wouldnā€™t call him Naanu unless Abhay also did.

My entire retconning of this twin backstory hinged on the fact that Kangana is Abhinavā€™s daughter. If she was the daughter-in-law, the plot just wonā€™t work. Shiri - ye tune kya kiya? šŸ¤Ŗ Now either Shiri can change that part in her segment, or I delete my entire segment. And someone else can write that part. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø You all decide. 

As for the other question- itā€™s established that Abhinav is a powerful businessman of some influence. And heā€™s also  alone apart from his daughter and her family, itā€™s natural heā€™ll be connected to her family after marriage - lots of parents are. I donā€™t see anything unusual in Abhinav being this involved in the whole twin exchange, especially since heā€™s also connected to Samarthā€™s family. No one knows again because Abhinav has the power to keep it quiet. He also arranged the marriage between Kangana and Manav right? If he can do that, he can also be involved in her life post-marriage. Weā€™re in an urban location in present times. 

His son-in-law has cutthroat business rivals - Iā€™ve mentioned this in my segment, hence it made more sense that heā€™d need a bodyguard and not Abhinav and since Samarth owed a favor to Abhinav he had to go where Abhinav asked him to and he asked him to protect the Mehtas. 

Itā€™s up to you all what you want to do. 

Edited by LizzieBennet - 11 months ago
Quantum-Dot thumbnail

Plot Pundits

Posted: 11 months ago

Originally posted by: LizzieBennet

 šŸ¤£ I missed that. I went by the fact that Abhinav is called Naanu - Naanu means Motherā€™s father right? 

My entire retconning of this twin backstory hinged on the fact that Kangana is Abhinavā€™s daughter. If she was the daughter-in-law, the plot just wonā€™t work. Shiri - ye tune kya kiya? šŸ¤Ŗ Now either Shiri can change that part in her segment, or I delete my entire segment. And someone else can write that part. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø You all decide. 

As for the other question- itā€™s established that Abhinav is a powerful businessman of some influence. And heā€™s also  alone apart from his daughter and her family, itā€™s natural heā€™ll be connected to her family after marriage - lots of parents are. I donā€™t see anything unusual in Abhinav being this involved in the whole twin exchange, especially since heā€™s also connected to Samarthā€™s family. No one knows again because Abhinav has the power to keep it quiet. He also arranged the marriage between Kangana and Manav right? If he can do that, he can also be involved in her life post-marriage! Weā€™re in an urban location in present times not in the Dark ages. 

His son-in-law has cutthroat business rivals - Iā€™ve mentioned this in my segment, hence it made more sense that heā€™d need a bodyguard and not Abhinav. 

Itā€™s up to you all what you want to do. 

My second question was basically based on the fact that Mr. Mehta was a famous business tycoon of the city, so in such families, FIL may get less opportunity to get involved in their matters...otherwise I completely agree, believe and support that daughter's parents should have influence in their daughter's lives after marriage too. We need one segment more to explain how Abhinav covered this twins birth; I just pointed it out to make the story free from any plotholes for the readers. 

And I think, Shiri can change it to daughter since the background storyline which you came up with, is really very interesting.

LizzieBennet thumbnail

Narrative Ninjas

Posted: 11 months ago

Shiri, thanks babe! šŸ¤—

oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 11 months ago

Originally posted by: WildestDreams

Segment 2 by Quantum-Dot

Segment 3 by DreamOfEndless 

Segment 4 by Shibani 

Segment 5 by Bee222

Segment 6 by  Quantum-Dot 

Segment 7 by DreamOfEndless

segment 8 by Shibani

Segment 9 by Bee

Segment 10 by Simi

Segment 11 by Shiri

Segment 12 by Shibani

Segment 13 by Tia

Segment 14 by WD 

Segment 15 by Simi

Segment 16 by Riya

Segment 17 by Tia

Segment 18 by Simi

Is this up to date?

DreamOfEndless thumbnail

Dream Weavers

Posted: 11 months ago

Yup, it's up to date.

I am gonna post by today evening.