ShiVi SS: Love Letter Part 5 Updated 29/5 Page 9 - Page 7


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Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: ananyakhetarpal

Congrats on passing your first year!! 🥳

Loved this update ❤️ 

It was so adorable  loved reading Shiva's POV! 

His anger towards Raavi is so disproportionate 😆 

Update soooon 

Thank you!! It's a major relief now that I'm done 😊

And Shiva's anger towards Raavi will always be disproportionate. Can't wait until you read the subsequent parts and see more of Shiva's actions behind the scenes!

milkcakejamun thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: katheriene

Amazing update, it was adorable

Shiva's anger was so misplaced😆

Shiva's anger on Raavi's smile was so cute 😆

The parallel between childhood and present memory was beautifully explained

Congratulations on passing 1st year of medical 🎉

Thank you! I'm so glad I'm done with school for the moment.

And there's a few more childhood to present day memory scenes until the epilogue shows a glimpse into their married life!

milkcakejamun thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: GrilledCheese

This was adorable! ❤️

I can't believe Shiva ate 60 gulab jamuns in one sitting 😆

So he already saw her behind the pillar and agreed to grant her wish, but was just irritating her as usual with the shirt size thing and all 😆

Waiting for how they behave with each other after the love letter saga! 

Thank you!! And yes, Shiva is doing what he does best: Irritate Raavi for his pure pleasure 🤣 I wish we saw some of that in the show, would be ridiculously funny to watch 😆

milkcakejamun thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: CheerlessIM

Beautiful update 💯😍

Cont soon❤

Thank you! Hopefully the next part should come in another 2 days!

Foxii thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

This was soo good❤️

Congratulations on completing your first Year🥳👍🏼

chinnu_kaku thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: SlytherInMe.

omg res res res 


yay I'm first 🥳

I was waiting eagerly for you to update, I'm so glad you're done with M1 🤗 congrats jaan <3

This update was so cute  

Shiva and his irritation with Raavi's smile is so funny 🤣

60 gulab jamuns 😲 does he have a stomach or garbage disposal lmaooo

and omg he knew that Raavi had made those gulab jamuns for him 😆

it was really nice to read his pov 😳

update soonish  

aww gulaab fav one..i remember,when no one was serious about the jamuns made by my mom,i gobbled it all..may be 20 jamuns minimum...

raindropsroses thumbnail
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Posted: 3 years ago

Ooohh! Something so personal about him wanting to eat every last bit of the food she’s cooked! ♥️♥️ 

Your writing was amazing as always! 🤗 

milkcakejamun thumbnail
Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Love Letter: Post-Script Part II

Summary: Hate, obsession, love... they were all the same emotions for Shiva, and there was only one person in his little world who fit all three criteria. 

Notes: In this chapter, you will find out exactly why Shiva is not too fond of Raavi's lipstick...


When Hate Transitions to Interest...

Shiva, Age 16, Raavi, Age 15

"Don't you think Raavi is the prettiest girl in all of Somanth?"

Shiva snapped his pencil when he heard those words. Those boys were deluded if they thought Raavi was pretty. She looked like a puffer blowfish that hid in the depths of the sea. Or... what was the ugliest animal on Earth? The something fish... the blobfish? Oh yes, the blobfish... she was uglier than that. The judges just hadn't seen her picture, that's why they couldn't vote on her.


Shiva's eyes closed as he tried to focus on stocking the shelves. This girl had been irritating him by no means. Ever since she learned that Dev was coming to the store to help in his free time, she had been passing by, making sure to spend hours if she could (but he kicked her out before she could spend seconds). 

"Dev, how do you like my new lipstick?"

Shiva's fingers dug into the dal packet. That had been something new Raavi had been doing over the past several weeks. As if annoying Dev wasn't enough, this girl seemed bent on dressing in new fashions, putting on new makeup, changing her hairstyle in whatever way she can...

He really wanted to intervene and tell her that she looked like a clown. But, he was afraid that if he did that, she would stop providing him with his daily dose of entertainment...

"It's nice, Raavi."

Shiva couldn't help but roll his eyes. There Dev went again. Being the nice brother. He glared at the back of Dev's head. There really was a limit to being nice. How could he tell the bechari ladki she looked nice when she looked like an absolute clown each and every time?

He leaned to the side to catch the latest look of Clown Raavi, but he nearly tripped when he saw her.

W-what was that?

He glanced up again at Raavi. She wore her usual uniform, but kept the first button unbuttoned. It wasn't revealing or anything, but it still... Even her skirt... she rolled it up so instead of coming mid-calf, it brushed the tops of her knees. He'd seen many of the girls in his school do such a thing, and he didn't even care for it. Even seeing Raavi dress like this wasn't too hard for him to digest.

But what was hard to stomach was the deep red that colored her lips.

He turned his glance and noticed some stares. There were teens, young men, middle-aged men, and some older men staring at Raavi a little longer than comfort. Shiva swallowed his anger as best he could. Those imbeciles... who do they think they are, staring at her in such a leery manner. Don't they know how to respect girls?

All this time, he was aware he and Raavi were growing up. It was hard not to believe when he shot up two inches in just the past three months. He also wasn't that unaware to not notice the body changes Raavi was going through.

But he was fine with it all. Because at the end of the day, Raavi dressed and acted like a kid. She had no appeal whatsoever.

But today, in her deep red lipstick, she took on a new, more mature persona.

And he didn't like it one bit.

He tossed the dal packet down and stormed towards Raavi, "Ey chipkali, nikal jao!"

He desperately wanted to rip open one of the towels they sold to wipe her lipstick off. When he noticed the leery stares linger on her, his hand clenched into a fist. If he didn't have a reputation to keep up, he would've busted a couple of skulls. Those stares were too disgusting for comfort.

Raavi rolled her eyes and leaned towards the counter, "Dev, look, this is the lipstick brand. Apparently Kajol uses this lipstick too!" she uncapped the lipstick tube, revealing the deep red hue. "And it is completely water resistant too!"

"Samajh nahi tum?" Shiva grabbed her wrist. The stupid lipstick tube dropped on the ground, breaking from the bottle. Raavi cried out when she noticed. "Nikal jao!"

She grabbed the tube from the ground and and piece that broke off, "Bewakoof Shiva!" she shouted as she stood up to him. For a brief period of time, she had been taller than him, only by a few centimeters. And did she gloat back then. Ever since he shot up, he used his height to his advantage.

He straightened his back to appear even taller, just to scare her away, but it seemed as though she was not willing to have his nonsense today. She stood up taller too, with a frown adorning her face.

Now that he was this close, he realized she wasn't just wearing red lipstick. She was also wearing mascara and her face appeared to be sparkly. This was a vast difference from the idiotic girl he was looking at yesterday. Just yesterday, he saw everything on her face. Her pimples, her scars. Now, all of that was gone. And he did NOT like it one bit.

He took a step back just as she took a step forward. Now their bodies were pressed against one another. But there was no attraction between them. Sirf aur sirf napharat. That was all.

"That lipstick cost me 2,500 rupees!" she shouted. Her light brown eyes were trained on him, and for a second, he couldn't help but feel lost. "I waited four weeks for that lipstick!" she came even closer to him if humanly possible and now he had the opportunity to notice how long her eyelashes were.

"Don't know why you would waste that much money," he placed his palms on her shoulders, wanting to push her away. The proximity caused him to feel a strange sort of tingling where the tips of his nerves were on fire. He didn't like it one bit. But instead of tumbling backwards, Raavi stood strong. Guess he would need to hurt her a little more, "Especially since you look like an electrically burnt roti-faced chudail."

Raavi blinked as her brows came together, "Electrically burnt roti-faced..."

It gave him enough time to push her away. He ran his fingers through his hair as he watched her with the corner of his eyes. She bit her bottom lip causing him to frown even more. Since when did that chudail have such... lips? She had to have done something to make them this... plump. It was most certainly that red lipstick.

Raavi suddenly grinned and turned to Shiva. She leaned forward she pinched his cheeks. He tried to swat her hands away. This chipkali didn't seem to understand personal space. He was fine when she invaded his personal space previously. That's who they were. They were enemies who only cared about bringing each other down. But now, every time she came close, he felt a prickly sensation extending all over his body.

"Thank you, Shiva!" Raavi cooed as she brought Shiva's face closer to hers. Shiva's eyes widened momentarily as their faces were now closer than before. "I especially like rotis, and I know you like them too, so I'll take it that you're complimenting me on how delicious I look right now."

Shiva's eyes screwed shut as he ignored the implications of her words. This is what he feared. This idiot was too idiotic. She had no sense of what her words meant or how someone could mistakenly misinterpret her words. He pushed her away and immediately checked his surroundings. If that idiot girl left looking like this... he feared for her safety.

No one could hurt his chipkali. Only he could.

Just like she was the only one in the world who could hurt him and still get away with it.

Shiva reached for a paper napkin. Turning to Raavi, he immediately wiped the lipstick from her lips, maybe even purposely lingering on her bottom lip for a moment too long. But this chudail ruined the moment. The second she opened her mouth to squeal, he lost all interest to be with her and stepped back.

She gingerly touched her mouth before screaming, "IDIOT Shiva!" she glanced up and Shiva couldn't help but snort with laughter.

This was the Raavi he knew and enjoyed so well. The one that looked like an absolute bandhar but still claimed to be the most "beautiful" girl in all of Somnath.

Raavi stepped towards him as Shiva's gaze turned to Dev. Raavi immediately stopped and turned to Dev with mortification. Luckily Dev was busily scribbling something down on paper. She turned to Shiva and immediately began to wrestle him. He tried to push her off, not understanding her sudden change in action. 

But every time he tried to push her off, she could grab onto his shirt. And pretty quickly, he understood that she wasn't fighting him. She was just grabbing his shirt. Once she successfully removed the shirt from him, she placed the shirt over her head and wrinkled her nose, "Ugh... this smells like oils and spices."

Anger flared in him, "Chipkali," he muttered as he tried to grab his shirt back. But she took a step back and tried to cover her face as best as possible with his shirt. He could only see her eyes lined with mascara. "Why'd you take my shirt?" it was one of his favorite shirts. Dark blue with a lighter blue.

"Why'd you ruin my lipstick?" Raavi retorted. She took another step back, "Dekh Shiva, your stupid 300 rupee shirt is nothing compared to my 2,500 rupee lipstick! You should be lucky I'm not calling a panchayat to get my money back!"

Shiva rolled his eyes. As if he was poor to not afford a measly 2,500 rupees. This girl was getting on his last nerves. 

She released her grip on his shirt so he now had a good look at her face. A good amount of the red was washed off, but her lips still appeared rosier than normal. Only a streak of red ran down her right chin. 

Shiva blinked.

His blue shirt seemed to highlight the natural beauty that Raavi had. Those expressive eyes, full cheeks, plump lips. She was already interesting at fifteen... and he couldn't even begin to imagine how much more she would change in just a few short years...

"And I'm never giving you back your shirt either!" she yelled, bringing Shiva back to the much needed reality.

Swallowing, he turned away, "I don't need my shirt, just get lost!" he tried to express his hate just as before, but it came out half-heartedly.

"I will!" she pointed towards him, "But don't think I'll forget about this Shiva!"

Shiva nodded his head distractedly, "Whatever, drama queen."

As Raavi walked away with his shirt over her head, he couldn't help but notice his heart beat was a little quicker. His favorite shirt... and that chipkali took it away from him...

"Are you sure you hate her, Shiva?"

Shiva's eyes widened as he turned to his brother who continued to diligently do work at the table. Dev glanced up, "She's nice isn't she?" he smiled before turning back to his work.

"She insults me every time, Dev," Shiva angrily went back to the shelves to re-stock. Every time he thought about Raavi, his blood boiled just a little bit. 

"Well you insult her, too," Dev commented. He glanced down at the papers in front of him, "So she's just giving it to you back."

Shiva's glare deepened. He tried to distract himself by stocking the rest of the supplies in the shop, but every time he reached for a product, he thought back of Raavi's red lips. Seeing her "grow" up like that just made him ticked him off. He glanced at Dev wondering why Dev wasn't so much affected by Raavi.

He turned to Dev, "Did you really like Raavi's red lipstick? Or was that just one of your many fake compliments?"

He was never too sure with Dev as he always gave the most diplomatic of answers to outsiders. Sometimes, he even used those diplomatic strategies with family members. As much as he liked Dev for being nice, Shiva just wished for Dev to be a little bit more upfront. Particularly to that chipkali girl. If he said the lipstick was bad, the chipkali wouldn't even think twice about tossing it away. Which was honestly for the better.

Dev frowned and glanced up at him, finally taking his eyes off the paper he was working on, "Raavi was wearing lipstick?" he glanced down at his paper before turning back to Shiva, "Are you sure?"

"Are you blind?"

Those red lips could be spotted from a kilometer away. He was surprised his Maami allowed the chipkali to play dress up. It was bad enough his Maami stole his mother's bangles, now she was actively ruining Raavi's life by giving her red lipstick... disgusting...

"I was too busy finishing up my homework," Dev picked up the stack of papers as some of Shiva's tension eased. 

He didn't know why, but knowing Dev hadn't actually seen Raavi wear the red lipstick made him feel somewhat happy. It was certainly because his brother was saved from seeing such a horrid sight... the things I do for my family. Dev will never be cursed like me. He let out a shiver as he thought about the ways he could be cursed in the future from seeing that chipkali dressed up like a clown.

"But she probably looked cute in that lipstick," Dev tossed his notebook to the side and came over to Shiva to help him out with the stocking.

While Dev was busy stocking the shampoos, Shiva stared at him incredulously. Raavi... cute? He couldn't think of a single time when Raavi was even okay looking. She always seemed like a buffoon dressed in a clown costume. She was a whiny brat who only knew to irritate him. There was no version of Raavi that could be even remotely cute.

Dev must've sensed Shiva's thoughts because he rolled his eyes and ruffled his brother's hair, "Shiva, she's just growing up. Everyone grows up. Even you someday," he glanced down at Shiva's non-existent beard. "So what if she wears lipstick? She can do whatever makes her happy. That's her right. Just like it's your right to do what makes you happy." Dev affectionately patted Shiva's head before going back to re-stocking.

Normally those words would calm him. Though it wasn't coming from his Dhara bhabi, it did come from Dev who was very much like his bhabi in terms of personality. But today, it didn't. He still felt as though he was being burnt by some type of emotion. Raavi wasn't allowed to grow up. She wasn't allowed to have other guys stare at her because she spread red "paint" on her lips. She wasn't allowed to make him feel this way.

"But--," he began.

He was immediately stopped by Dev, "You know, if I didn't know you any better, I would've thought you were obsessed with Raavi."

Shiva frowned and shut his mouth. He'd been hearing those words a lot lately. First from Gaumbi, then from Dhara Bhabi, Krish spoke those words a couple of times... and now even Dev. Dev who was so absent about all other matters expect school.

Stupid Raavi... I'm not obsessed with you...


Shiva, Age 17, Raavi, Age 16

Shiva sighed as he glanced down at the book in his hands. Despite not caring to get the best marks in the class, he was still worried when it came to exams. He opened the textbook, hoping to soak up any last material he could during his lunch break.


He glanced up, wondering who would disturb him in his peace. His eyes widened when he saw Raavi sit down next to him on the bench. She gave him a vibrant smile as she ran her fingers through her curls. Since becoming the "Prettiest Girl of Somnath" the smile never left from Raavi's face. And he unfortunately had to hear her gushing about her "victory" to every last person on their street last night.

He hoped he wouldn't have to see her so soon, but luck unfortunately wasn't on his side today.

Raavi's twirled a strand of hair on her index finger as she shyly looked away from him, confusing him all the more. When he didn't say anything, she frowned for a brief moment and cleared her throat, "Do you notice anything different?"

He didn't want to spend too long looking at Raavi. Especially since she made him feel all sorts of emotions from confusion, anger, and something he couldn't entirely pinpoint. He definitely was not willing to feel any of these emotions with him impending doom of an exam. His Dhara bhabi would be so disappointed if he didn't get passing marks.

When he didn't say anything, Raavi sighed and slowly scooted closer to him. His eyes widened as he scooted away from her, but eventually, he didn't have anywhere to go than the ground. She noticed his predicament and merely smiled her mockingly "innocent" smile.

"Don't you notice anything different, Shiva?" she slowly asked.

He turned away from her before he could become spellbound by her chudaili ways. He shook his head, "No, now leave before I kick you--,"

Raavi grabbed his ear and pulled on it so he faced her once again. Once his eyes were on her face, she cupped his head so he wouldn't be able to turn his head away, "Look at my beautiful face, Shiva!"

As he was trapped, he couldn't help but lower his gaze. Ever since his father's death, he prided himself in being a master of emotions. He didn't like others noticing his vulnerabilities, especially others such as Raavi. But, all the training he had done was for naught. His eyes widened and he couldn't help but slightly drop his mouth open.

For the past year, the chipkali smeared all those colored paints on her face. It made him forget just who she was underneath. But today, her face appeared a lot more clear. Instead of the deep red lipstick, she chose to wear lip gloss with no other shade underneath. Even her face was without the "blush" or "shadows" or whatever the girls called it. 

He had his answer. Her lips were seemingly "plump" without the lipstick.

He swallowed. Though no one could hold a candle to his bhabi, Raavi came awfully close as a distant second. It's a sin to be this pretty and still be related to Maami... she must be drinking blood from poor unsuspecting boys...

A teasing smile spread across Raavi's face. She let out an airy laugh, "Main janti hoon," she spread her arms out and wide, "Somnath ke sabse khoobsurat ladki main hoon."

Not knowing what to say, especially since he didn't have the heart to refute her claims today, he closed his textbook and stood up. If not in this classroom, the library should still be open. He quickly slipped his backpack over his shoulder and rushed out of the room, completely ignoring Raavi's, "Shiva!"

Once he was safely away from her, he brought his palm up to his face, while hiding the smile he tried so hard to suppress. This was probably the first time the chipkali had listened to his words without fighting back.


He stiffened and immediately hid the smile. Raavi came up to him and held his hand, interlocking their fingers together, "Let's go! I'm so happy today that I've decided to buy lunch for you!"

"I don't need lunch!" he tried to remove his hand from her hawk-like grip without any success.

"Arrey bhoothnath, if a girl is willing to buy lunch for you, take her offer and eat like a good boy!" Raavi pinched his cheeks with excitement. She grabbed his bicep and pulled him close, "Besides, I have a lot to ask you about."

"Oh yeah?"

"Mhmm," Raavi nodded her head. "For the first time, so many boys in the class said I looked pretty! Miheeka was burning with jealousy!" her voice was brimming with pure happiness. She glanced up at him, "So, I decided I would hire you as my personal advisor. Tell me what other ways I can entice Dev!"

It was as if Raavi poured a basin of ice cold water over him. He immediately pushed her off. To think I expected her to change!

Preview for Next Chapter: Pre-Love Letter Scene, Raavi confesses her love for Dev to Shiva first. Love Letter Scene in Shiva's POV, Shiva helps the boys in his class write some love letters. 

Notes: Next chapter should be up by Monday, or Tuesday at the latest considering Monday is a national holiday where I live.

Edited by milkcakejamun - 3 years ago
milkcakejamun thumbnail
Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Foxii

This was soo good❤️

Congratulations on completing your first Year🥳👍🏼

Aww, thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the chapter! It's been such a relief to be finally done with first year!

milkcakejamun thumbnail
Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: chinnu_kaku

aww gulaab fav one..i remember,when no one was serious about the jamuns made by my mom,i gobbled it all..may be 20 jamuns minimum...

Agreed. Gulab jamuns are the best! Can't ever go wrong with them!