Anj_01 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 3 years ago

Hii everyone,

As we know Ashnoor's new music video titled khidki is out where she is playing differently able person. I watched it and found the song as well as the video soul touching. Many mineilians were also asking ash to work with srj in a music video. So I took inspiration from it and come up with this story idea. Hope you will like it.

OS- Khidki


Neil was waiting in his balcony as usual for the window of the flat at 3rd floor in the building which was exactly in front of his bunglow to open. He looked at the time. it was 6.00 pm in the evening. Now she could come at anytime. Now it was his routine to wait for her in the early morning and at evening just to catch a glimpse of her. And there was their night game of switching lights on and off whenever she was sad and wanted to communicate but couldn’t.

After two minutes the window of the flat opened and there she came. Her long hair, almond eyes, button nose and rose petal likes lips can make any man crazy for her. But he liked her innocence the most. Mini was her name….cute just like her. Today the wind was strong but as soon as it reached her it disappeared into her thick long hairs. She was putting aside some of her hair from her face again and again. He was desperate to get a proper look as he didn’t see her in college today because he was busy submitting his assignment.

They were neighbours since forever but he noticed her for the first time when he saw her in his college's canteen one day. He inquired about her and came to know that she is a fresher in arts stream. He was mesmerized by her so much so that acting out of character he followed her to her home just to know where she lived and to his  utter surprise she turn out to be his neighbor. He was more than happy when he found out that the window of her room opened just in front of his balcony. Ever since then he started following her routine just to see her as much as he can.

For few days his parents were surprised that he started getting up and sleeping early leaving his habits of late night partying with friends but they thought may be he has become serious towards life as he has entered in final year of his college. They also noticed that now they didnt receive any complain against him from college nor he is seen with different girls every now and then. They asked him many times whats the reason behind this change but he just smiled in response. Its been months now Neil was in head over heels in love with Mini but he never communicated with her. He had chances in college but he feared she would scold him or wont prefer to talk to him as he had certain reputation in college. He was a popular guy in college..…popular for all the wrong reasons....the ultimate bad boy types. So he thought a girl so simple and studious like Mini would never talk to him or befriend him. He couldn’t also communicate with her outside college as she preferred to stay in her home always. She only came out to go to her college and then back to her home. She was very introvert. She didn’t interact with anyone in college also. He always found her sitting alone at the last bench busy in her books.

So he had to content himself by just looking at her. At first she didn’t even noticed him for few days then suddenly she caught him staring at her one evening and then slowly started understanding that he waits for her everyday in morning and evening when she comes in her window to enjoy the cool breeze.  First she was skeptical towards him but slowly she started accepting this silence between them. One night she was playing with the  night light. Switching it on and off continuously as if venting out her anger. Neil felt that she wants to communicate but don’t want to say anything out loud. Neil wanted to ask her whats wrong. Share her problems but she wont talk or even make attempt to start conversation. He wanted to take away her pain so to make her understand that he is with her  Neil also started doing the same…playing with night lights. Since then whenever she was angry, sad or agitated they played their little game and she felt that there is someone in this world who understands her.


Mini’s POV-

Mini looked at Neil. He was wearing those black t shirt and dark blue jeans. He looked hot in that. Every girl in college used to drool over him more than usual whenever he wore that. He was a college hero so Mini knew him since she took admission in college. She had also noticed him few times in his balcony when he was busy drinking beer and chatting with friends. He was handsome after all how can any sane girl could not notice such kind of guy in her vicinity. But she never dared to talk to him. How could she? Girls like her are not allowed to even dream about anything. But then something changed and one day she caught him staring at her and she couldn’t help but look back. He was looking at her so intensely that she had almost shivered. For some unknown reasons she had felt a tug at her heart. A pull towards him. Slowly she started to find him right in front of her whenever she opened her window. It was like he has memorized her routine and deliberately waited for her to show up in that 'khidki'.

Mini felt solace in his silent company so she accepted this ‘no words’ relationship with him. One day she was feeling so low because as usual her dad came home drunk and created a huge scene in the house. She couldn’t sleep whole night and was playing with the night light when she noticed that Neil is responding back by doing the same. She felt so relieved that there was someone in this whole wide world who supports her, a witness to her pain, though silently but someone was there. She didn’t know if he knew her whole truth or not as he didn’t ever tried to interact with her but she couldn’t dare ask for more. She belonged to a middle class family. Her father Ashok Khurana was abusive husband. Often he came home drunk and use to beat her mother Babita. He hated Mini, always used to curse her and shout at her for no reason as he thought she was just a burden on him which he had to look after his whole life. He believed there is no future for Mini. Nobody will marry her considering the fact she was a mute person. She couldn’t utter a single word. She was born like that only.


One day Neil was waiting for her to open her window. He kept waiting for more than one hour but today that window didn’t open. He couldn’t slept whole night wondering what could have been the reason. Next day he searched for her in the whole college but couldn’t find her anywhere. When he couldn’t take it anymore he decided to ask from her classmates. But to his utter shock nobody cared that she didn’t come to college. He found out that no one was her friend. Nobody gave a damn f**k about her whereabouts. This was not normal. He thought that she was introvert that’s why mainly stays silent but he got a bolt from the blue when one girl informed him that Mini was differently able. She couldn’t speak. Nobody knows sign language in the class so nobody bothered ever to become her friend.

His heart broke into thousand pieces. His Mini…his beautiful angel…can’t speak. Why God is so unfair? He realized why the silence hold importance in her life…its not her choice….she can’t do anything about it…its her fate. He closed his eyes as he let some tears fall from his eyes feeling her pain. He was not surprised that this fact didn’t change his feelings for her one bit. He had come to figure out from some days now that he is irrevocably fallen in love with her….with her innocence….with her beauty….with her antics….even with her silence.

He came back home and another news was waiting for him as he heard some of his servants gossiping about what happened in the neigbourhood building yesterday. “I have heard a lot of bad things about that Ashok Khurana. He is habitual drinker and beats his wife. Even if his wife is educated but don’t know why she keeps bearing every shit.” One servant said. “Yes, this way she is not only destroying her life but also her daughter’s life. Poor little thing…God has already done injustice to her and she even has to bear that abusive drunkard man in  name of father.” Another servant shared her views. “Yesterday Ashok crossed all limits. He pushed his wife and Babita got head injury as she hit her head on the wall. Some neighbours even called police. Now Ashok is in police station and Babita is admitted to city hospital.” Another servant shared his news.

Neil finally got the answer why Mini didn’t attend the college. He had rushed to the city hospital. He inquired at the reception and went in search of Mini. He finally found her waiting outside trauma centre. She was crying…silently…but Neil could feel the noise in his heart. Her silence was louder than anything. Her pain was unbearable to him. He walked towards her in long strides. Mini looked him up. Then without saying anything Neil hugged her. Mini felt like rain has graced the desert for the first time. She held him like some dying person wants to hold on to life. She sobbed and sobbed on his shoulder until his shirt become wet and he kept caressing her giving her courage….both of them not saying anything but understand each other’s heartbeats.

Then after sometime Mini came out of trance and realized what she was doing. Neil…no…she is not good enough for him….does he even know that she cant speak….what if he is supporting her considering her just as a charity case…a ‘bechari’. She pushed him as her insecurities gripped her heart. Neil looked her in shock as suddenly what happened to her.

Mini vehemently shook her head in no. She moved her hands so fast talking in sign language that Neil didn’t understand a thing. But he was sure that she was trying  to tell him to go away…but why? Mini looked here and there and found a piece of paper. She quickly jotted down something and hand it over to Neil. “I am a handicapped person. I cant speak. Thanks for your support but I am not good enough for you. yo may have been interested in me but I know you must have felt pity for me that’s why you came here but I don’t need anybody’s pity. I am fine by myself. Please go from here.” Neil read loudly.

Mini again pleaded him to go away. In response Neil closed the distance between them as he again hugged her…this time more tightly. Mini tried to push him away but he made her hold tighter. “I am not going anywhere and I am not letting you to go either. Not because I pity you…no you are wrong…I love you Mini Khurana. ” Neil whispered in her ears. Mini’s eyes went wide in surprise.

“Yes, you heard it right….I love you…I don’t know exactly that you love me or not but I am sure what we have between us….its cant be any less than love. And your silence doesn’t bothers me…in fact it has brought us closer…I understand your silence and I want you to understand my love…don’t push me away Mini…let me love you.” Neil requested. Though Mini didn’t respond but he noticed that she has stopped pushing him and not making any attempts to get free from his hold. He pulled apart and wiped her tears and she let him take care of her as she rested her head on his shoulder. She cant believe her luck. One person she couldn’t even dare to dream about has suddenly become hers. If she could have the power for once then she would have shout out her love for him to the whole world.


After that incident their relationship had progressed a lot. They knew they cant interact with each other at the home as Mini didn’t want to give any chance to her father again to create a scene. Her mom was discharged from the hospital after two days of that incident. Being the ultimate sanskari sacrificing wife that she was her mom had even requested police to free Ashok as she didn’t want to file FIR. Though Ashok was behaving normally due to the fear of police now from some days but Mini knew he hasnt change so she didn’t want to do anything to provoke him again.

So now Mini spent time with Neil in college. He didn’t leave any opportunity to express his love for her. She was his official girlfriend now. All the girls were heart broken and jealous when they come to know of it and guys were shocked that he chose a differently abled girl as his girlfriend when every hot girl is ready to do anything for him. Neil didnt spent his time with his friends now as he was tired of answering their questions regarding Mini. The social stigma that is associated with differently abled persons was making them question Neil again and again for his choice. But nothing bothered Neil. Slowly  when everyone noticed how much these two were in love and how their chemistry ozes out everytime they are together they finally stopped questioning and accepted it.  Neil always used to complain that Mini didn’t even once has confessed her feelings properly but Mini always used to avoid it and tease him. Mini wanted him to learn sign language but he always made excuses. But they didn’t need any language as their eyes, their heartbeats did all the communication for them.


They were in their blissful world when came the most difficult phase of their relationship. Since Neil was last year student he graduated and wanted to go for higher studies in abroad before he joins the family business. Mini was heartbroken thinking how will she pass these two years without him. He was not just her boyfriend. He was her everything. She didn’t want to go back to those old days when there was nothing except darkness and loneliness in her world. Though she trusted him but she couldn’t shake off the insecurity that gripped her heart again and again when she used to think that once Neil will leave her, there is a chance that he will forget her. He is going at new place. He will meet new girls there. It is possible that he will find someone else as she wont be there around him. As they say away from eye sight, away from heart.

Mini was standing in her window waiting for him the night before he was supposed to go abroad. He was late today. She was unable to pass time counting every second for his arrival. “Mini…mini…move aside…let me come in.” She heard him whispering. For once she couldn’t understand from where the voice was coming then she looked down and to her utter shock, he was standing just below her window taking support of her building’s water supply pipe. She gasped fearing for his life and frantically asked him in her sign language to get off from there. “Slow it down. Its already difficult to understand sign language and you are speaking so fast I cant understand a thing.” Neil complained.

Mini took a deep breath to calm down and tried to explain him to go down from there. “No, first you let me in. I am going tomorrow morning. I want to say goodbye.” Neil said and Mini moved backward making way for him to climb inside. She hugged him as soon as he made it safely  inside her room. He laughed looking at her expressions. She was scared for him. He caressed her face and put some of her hair behind her ears and cupped her face.

“Don’t worry, nothing is going to happen to me anytime soon.” Neil replied and Mini hit him on the shoulder expressing her anger for pulling such stunt. “Ok baba, I am sorry. I wont do anything like this again.” He held his ears and apologised. “I am leaving tomorrow. I wanted to spend some time with you before that.” Neil said and kissed on her forehead. Mini started crying thinking about tomorrow as once again her insecurities and fears started to cloud her mind.

“Shshsh….I know you will miss me but trust me these two years will pass very quickly. I have to complete MBA before joining dad’s business. And once I’ll do that I’ll talk to my parents about you then we will get married soon. I’ll take you away from here….into my world….where I’ll make sure no pain or sorrow touches you ever.” Neil said as he hugged her once again. Mini tried to tell him again something in her sign language which he didn’t understand. So giving up she brought pen and paper and wrote it down. “When will you learn sign language?” Neil read out loud what she had written and laughed that she has scolded him. “Promise me you wont give my place to anyone else in your life.” Neil read again and this time he became angry.

“You think that I’ll forget you and find someone else there….that why you are so sad? You don’t trust me enough?” He asked hurt from her  behavior. Mini shook her head in no immediately and held her ears to say sorry. Then she confessed that she is insecure about this long distance relationship….how it will work out…how they will communicate…and how they will see each other. Giving answers to all her problems he took out a gift wrapped box from inside his pocket and handed it over to Mini.

Mini looked it with surprise and opened it. It was a mobile phone. A latest model smart phone. She looked at it in wonder. Neil took her old simple phone and took out the sim. He put it into the new smart phone and taught her how to operate it. As she couldn't speak, she or no one in her family ever cared to give her a new phone. She was touched by his gesture. “I have already saved my number. We will be in constant touch through it.” Neil said putting full stop to her fears and explained all the fucntions. They spent rest of the night in each others arms as both of them wanted to secure that feeling…that warmth of each  others embrace in their heart which will help them to pass these two years. And around early morning Neil decided to leave but not before giving her another goodbye gift and a memory to cherish. He kissed her soft lips for the first time and as a promise to come back. Mini held her breath as the feeling seeped in her heart making it flutter with joy and melt in love at the same time. After few seconds she responded him slowly completing the promise from her side.


The two years passed at excruciatingly slow pace testing their patience and love for each other. Though they chatted daily on watsapp and sometimes Neil also use to make video calls but it was nothing in compare to the solace they got in each others company. Neil was at least busy in new college life and new friends but it was very difficult for Mini. Neil was her only companion. After him, again she was lonely with no friends left to share her pain. Her dad also started his old ways and he was more cruel now as he got away from police easily last time. She hated her life without Neil. She was literally counting days for his return.

Atlast the moment came when her wait was finally going to end. Neil’s final exams were over. Despite his protest since three months she had refrained herself from chatting with him as she didn’t want to disturb him during the revisions and exams. But now as his exams were over she was continuously messaging him since three days but he was not replying. At first she had thought that he was angry with her but when he kept ignoring her messages she once again fell prey to the doubts she always had regarding this long distance relationship.

She always used to stalk him on social media to see more glimpse of his new life in abroad. Whenever she used to see him with any girl she couldn’t help but feel jealous. When Neil kept ignoring her messages she thought of contacting him through social media. She couldn’t find him online anywhere but she noticed one of his friend had posted pictures of the college dance night and last day celebration at college. There was this one girl seen with him, standing too close for a normal friendship, almost in all the pictures. In one photo he was also smiling looking at her and in another one they were at the dance floor doing couple dance. Mini threw away the mobile as tears started to fall from her eyes. The nightmare she always used to fear has come true at last. Neil has found someone else. He forgot her…forgot her love. He betrayed her.

Mini was sad. She didn’t come out of her room since two days. She kept thinking about Neil. Their sweet sour moments. Their first and last kiss. She remembered how inspite of her insistence he never took the trouble to learn sign language for her. “It was a sign…a clear sign that he will eventually grow tired out of this so called love for her. May be it was not at all love. It was pity or sympathy as she had guessed it first time. When he went away from her he found someone else and must have realized that Mini was nothing but a baggage in his life.” Mini thought as more tears made their way in her eyes. She never felt helpless in her life because of her shortcoming but right now she just wished that she was a normal girl then may be she wouldn’t have to lose her love.


One whole week had passed since Mini was locked up in her room. She thought life cant be anymore miserable when her father Ashok came and dropped a bomb on her. “A marriage proposal has come for you. They are very rich people. Don’t know what they saw in you that despite of your condition they are willing to accept you in their family. They will be coming this evening to see you. Be  ready on time.” Ashok said and was about to go when Mini held his hand and tried to make him understand that she cant do this marriage. How could she? Neil has betrayed her but she loved him wholeheartedly she cant just move on like that. “Shut up! I don’t understand any of this nonsense. You and your mom are just burden on me. Main kab tak tum logo ko jhelunga? Mujhe to laga tha ki pata nahi tumse kaun shadi karega lekin kismet dekho itne bade ghar se rishta aaya aur usme bhi tum nakhre kar rahi ho…mujhe kuch nahi sunna. Be ready on time.” Ashok ordered and left.

In spite of her protest Babita made Mini alteast get dress up for the evening. The prospective groom came with his family and Babita made Mini go outside with the tray of refreshments in her hands. Mini was nervous. Her hands were shaking. She was almost sobbing remembering Neil. She didn’t notice when she bumped into the corner of table and tray fell down from her hands. She felt the sharp pain in her knee shut her eyes close to bear the pain when someone gave her support and made her stand on her legs again. She looked up to thanks him and got the happiest surprise of her life to see Neil.

Mini was looking him totally shocked and Neil had that mischievous smile on his face which was telling its own story. “Mini! how can be you so clumsy?” Ashok scolded her in front of everyone. He didn’t want this proposal to go because of her clumsiness. “Its ok Mr. Khurana…it can happen to anyone.” Neil replied with gritted teeth barely concealing his anger. He hated that man. But the fact that he was Mini’s father has always saved him from Neil’s wrath. “Once he marries Mini, he will make sure that not even the shadow of this wretched man falls on her angel.” Neil thought. “Its ok Mr. Khurana. Mini might be nervous.” Neil’s father tried to save the situation.  “I think we should give them some time alone to discuss everything.” Neil’s mother suggested and Babita asked Mini to take Neil to her room.

As soon as they were inside her room, Mini shut the door and threw herself in his arms. Crying, hitting him in between to trouble her like this. She frantically searched for the paper and pen and asked all the questions which were boiling in her heart. Neil answered all of them patiently. “I know you missed me a lot and I am sorry for ignoring your messages. But I was angry when you decided on your own that you wont talk to me until my exams are over. I was upset ….so first I deliberately avoided your messages then thought of giving you this surprise so didn’t talk to you….consider this as my revenge .” He laughed earning another slap on his shoulder from her.

“I came back here a week ago but didn’t come in front of you purposely because of this surprise. I talked to my parents about you as soon as I came back and it took some days to convince them. They were skeptical about this alliance at first when they got to know about you.” Neil answered another question what took him so long to return. He saw Mini became sad listening that his parents dont approve of her….why would they? Their son was handsome, intelligent. Any girl would be interested in marrying him then why he is settling down for her…a mute person.

Neil cupped her face, “Hey! Don’t feel bad about it. They are my parents they want the best for me. It took sometime to explain it to them that you are the bestest thing that have ever happened to me. Its because of you that I became sincere towards life. Seeing my feelings for you they finally understood how much we love each other.”

Then Neil read the last and probably the most important questions that was bugging Mini. “Who was that girl with you in dance night and other photos?” Neil laughed for sometime before answering. Then he tore the paper on which she had written the questions and threw away the pen carelessly. Mini didn’t understand anything and she begin to talk in her sign language as why he is doing that? But then she stopped, thinking he wont understand anything but to her surprise he understood everything clearly. “That girl was Eliza. She is just a good friend. She is like you…cant speak and…she helped me in learning your sign language. Now you don’t need this paper and pen to communicate with me. Earlier, I tried to learn it for you many times but those self learning books were so confusing. But when I met Eliza I told her about you and asked her to teach me. She taught me meaning of every sign. I used to spend time with her to get habituated to it and practice the sign language…that’s why you see her with me during last few months in almost every photo.” Neil explained and Mini was overwhelmed by the truth.

Mini admonished herself for doubting on his love. When she was sulking here accusing him of betrayal he was making all this efforts just for her. Neil wiped the tears from her eyes, “I love you so much Mini.” And finally having no doubt left Mini expressed her love for the first time to him in her sign language as she gestured towards him and herself and made a heart with her hands. He was overwhelmed with the sheer intensity of his own emotions which were out of control now as he saw Mini confessing her love officially for the first time. Without waiting for even a second he placed his lips over hers marking the beginning of their journey….their beautiful journey together.  Their story which was started with her ‘khidki’ ended at the wedding altar. 

The End.

Edited by Bechain_Bulbul - 2 years ago


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Krithzz thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Beautiful and emotional  👏 SouNoor in such story would have been treat to watch 

Edited by Krithzz - 3 years ago
Anj_01 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Krithzz

Beautiful and emotional  👏 SouNoor in such story would have been treat to watch 


sounoor ko aisa kuch project karna chahiye sath mein

Krithzz thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: anjali0111


sounoor ko aisa kuch project karna chahiye sath mein

YeahEven they want to do such project/ scenes  even they know and want this incomplete story of MiNeil to be completed

Edited by Krithzz - 3 years ago
N_sharmaa thumbnail
Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 3 years ago

I was imagining SouNoorits beautiful.Few paras were very so touchy . I could imagine Ash with those emotions and pain . Very well written .

Mineil_Fan thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

This is a super cute OS

Anj_01 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: N_sharmaa

I was imagining SouNoorits beautiful.Few paras were very so touchy . I could imagine Ash with those emotions and pain . Very well written .


Glad you liked it

Sounoor are not less than any magic❤️

Anj_01 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: Hannie_Fan

This is a super cute OS

Thanks you dear🤗

su_94 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 3 years ago

Simply beautiful❤️ SouNoor would have nailed it . Beautiful khidki story.❤️

Anj_01 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 3 years ago

Originally posted by: sub_94

Simply beautiful❤️ SouNoor would have nailed it . Beautiful khidki story.❤️

Thanks a lot

Sounoor aise kisi story mein kamaal hi kar dete sach mein