OS - Ishaan and Savi - A call of destiny called WEDDING - Page 20


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Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: adsays

wow!!!!!! please continue updating <3 what a nice, heartwarming story also I love your writing style !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks a lot dear 😊 😘 

ssm97 thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: adsays

wow!!!!!! please continue updating <3 what a nice, heartwarming story also I love your writing style !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks dear, means a lot ❤️ 

SamiO05 thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

loved it 🥰🥰

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Posted: 1 months ago

Episode 47: ISHVI Gets Romantic

As Savi introduced each and every corner of her home to Ishaan, they came to the hall and sat on the swing belonging to her Azooba, and she continuously reminisced about her family memories, sharing all the tiny tidbits of how siblings and cousins used to fight and then patch up.

The clock strikes 9 AM. Ishaan says, “Savi, let's visit the temple and pray for “my in-laws”, Baba, and Aai?”

Savi, filled with immense emotion and gratefulness upon hearing him refer to her parents as Baba and Aai, nods positively and says, “Wait, let's freshen up before we go to the temple. We were on the roads overnight. The taps might not be working properly, so I need to fetch water with buckets from the backside hodge.”

Ishaan responds, “It's okay, we will manage.”

It's the first time for Ishaan to experience this lifestyle, but Savi effortlessly handles everything. Together, they pour in 4-5 buckets of water.

Savi retrieves her old chudidaar from her cupboard. Like how every girl flaunts her pre-wedding routine clothes after visiting her maayka, she also feels a sense of pride in wearing those old clothes. She asks, “Ishaan Sir, shall I give you Vinu Dada’s clothes?”

Ishaan smiles, “Thank you, Mrs. Bhosle, but I have a habit of keeping an extra pair of clothes in my car. So it should suffice for today.”

Both get ready and head to the nearby temple to seek blessings in her old yellow scooty, she wanted him to ride it and her to sit behind him hugging him tightly.

They perform Pooja for the peace of her parents. Then she takes him to the roads and lanes where her memories were woven, showing him her college and other places where she used to spend her time. 

They have lunch at her favorite dhaba and then return home by noon.


It was a little hot weather and Ishaan was sweating heavily. Savi hesitantly asks, “Sir, we have a cooler, not AC here, will you be comfortable?”

Ishaan” “Of course, this is my home too, right? Why would I not be comfortable here? This is serene and has lots of neem trees around your home. I am just loving this sight”. He pulls her hand and lets her sit beside him, “Trust me, I am more comfortable here than you are right now.”

Savi insists that Ishaan take some rest, knowing they have another night of driving ahead to reach Pune. Ishaan, feeling the fatigue, lets out a yawn and shrugs his shoulders in agreement. Savi guides him to their room, sets up the cooler, and draws the curtains to create a dimmer, more soothing ambiance. She carefully adjusts the pillows and retrieves a cotton blanket from the cupboard, ensuring his comfort.

"Please, do get some rest, Sir," Savi urges him, concern evident in her voice. But Ishaan insists that she also take some rest, reminding her of the uncomfortable position she endured while sleeping in the car during their journey.

"Savi remarks, “The bed isn't that big; we can't have two people sleeping comfortably with a pillow wall in between.”

Ishaan teasingly responds, “Oh, come on! Don't you trust me? Or can't you control yourself?”

Savi playfully hits him with her fist before lying down beside him. It's the first time they're so close in bed with no obstacle between them. They face each other, their eyes locked in a silent exchange. Savi signals with her eyes for Ishaan to close his, but he shakes his head in response. Undeterred, she gently covers his eyes with her palms and plants a kiss on his forehead, murmuring in his ear, “Now sleep, okay?”

Both slip into a deep sleep, their hands still clasped together. 

Despite the cooler, Ishaan feels a little hot. 

He quietly gets up, removes his shirt, increases the fan speed, and then settles back into bed. 

Savi is already deeply asleep and doesn't notice his movements.

Suddenly, an insect lands on the bed and bites Savi's neck. In her deep sleep, she instinctively pushes it away with her hand which pushes the insect under her top. However, the itch and burn persist, and she half-awakens, attempting to shake her top and neck to alleviate the discomfort. Frustrated, she eventually sits up, the itching beneath her neck becoming unbearable.

Her exclamations of "Ouch!" and "Oomph!" wake Ishaan, who groggily asks, "What happened? Did you dream of a ghost or something? Why are you shouting and jumping?

Savi, still half-awake and flustered, saw him shirtless for the first time and blushed deeply as she stammered, "I-I think there's something on me, something bit me on my neck and chest!"

Feeling a rush of embarrassment, Savi hesitates as Ishaan, understanding the urgency, gently stands up and walks towards her to help her out. He helps her jerking her kurta and with fumbling fingers, he starts to unbutton her top, her cheeks burning with heat.

Ishaan, sensing Savi's discomfort, averts his gaze to give her some privacy. He feels a pang of awkwardness, realizing the intimacy of the situation. Yet, his concern for Savi overrides any discomfort he may feel. Finally, he manages to remove her top, revealing the irritated area below her neck. 

She quickly covers herself with her arms, trying to shield her exposed skin from Ishaan's view. 

With a careful eye, Ishaan scans the kurta, searching for the culprit. He spots the insect and carefully captures it between his fingers, all the while maintaining a respectful distance from Savi.

As he deals with the insect, Savi, still feeling self-conscious, wraps her arms around herself, feeling exposed in front of Ishaan. 

She avoids making eye contact, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment.

Savi mumbles a quiet "thank you", feeling a mix of relief and lingering embarrassment.

Ishaan, sensing Savi's discomfort, gives her some space, allowing her to compose herself. He busies himself with tidying up the bed, trying to give her privacy and respect her boundaries. 

An unexpected encounter happens - as Savi turns back, Ishaan does the same, and accidentally both of them find themselves standing face to face. 

At that moment, the most embarrassing moment unfolds, leaving them both clueless about what to see and what to hide.

Finally, as emotions overpower the embarrassment, Ishaan pulls her closer to him, locking eyes with Savi who tries hard to look down but feels warmth in his bare arms. Her body starts shivering, and he instinctively pulls her even closer by grabbing her waist. 

Her shivering intensifies, her heart racing faster with each passing moment.

He takes two steps back lifting her from her waist and sits on the bed, settling her onto his lap. Savi closes her eyes as soon as she finds herself in his lap, savoring the sensation of their skin touching. 

With her eyes shut, she feels his hand caressing her bare back and another hand exploring her bare front. Each touch sends waves of pleasure through her, and she immerses herself in the experience, feeling a newfound intimacy with Ishaan (Sir).

Slowly, Savi opens her eyes, meeting Ishaan's gaze with a mixture of desire and anticipation. 

With a bold move, she gently pushes him onto the bed and positions herself on top of him. Their lips meet in a passionate kiss, each moment filled with the intensity of their emotions. As they kiss, they both recall their first accidental soft kiss, now replaced by a sensual and passionate embrace. Soft, feather-like touches caress each other's bodies, conveying a deep sense of love and affection. Both Savi and Ishaan are prepared to take their marital relationship to the next level. 

However, Ishaan interrupts the moment with a tender declaration, “Savi, I don't want to break the promise I made to myself before I made it to you. I will always wait for you to be my bride, but I don't want your dreams to face any obstacles because of our marriage. We can wait until you've started walking the path toward your dream career.”

Savi forgets her shyness, her eyes now filled with respect and pride as she nods in agreement. “You have full rights to my body and soul. I will never stop you from exercising your rights.” 

Hearing this, Ishaan gives her a passionate kiss on her lips, neck, and below her neck, playfully adding in her ear, “No, not now, my darling. Let's consider this my punishment for marrying such a brilliant, young, beautiful, and sexy wife. I hope the day we both desire comes soon.”

They embrace in a hug before preparing themselves for the ride back to Pune.

To be Continued... (Exams and Challenges)

Originally posted by: ssm97

Episode 46: ISHVI Reached Ramtek

The excitement, curiosity, and surprise changed her jawlines and lip curves, She instinctively reached out, gripping Ishaan's shoulder, and breathlessly confirmed, “Please pinch me, I am not dreaming.”

Ishaan responds by placing his hand on her thigh, offering reassurance, “Not at all.” He stifles a yawn, adding, “Now it's high time, Madam. You've slept for 7 hours, and I've been driving constantly. I badly need some hot tea or coffee.”

Savi's excitement is palpable as she almost jumps, exclaiming, “There’s an excellent tea stall at the entrance of Ramtek. Ramu kaka makes kadak chai. Let's make a halt there.”

As Ishaan and Savi's car slows to a stop near the quaint tea stall on the outskirts of Ramtek, they notice a few people already sipping tea from paper cups. The plastic tables and chairs, though not neatly arranged, are almost usable.

Stepping out of the car, the atmosphere is tinged with a mix of anticipation and solemnity. The sun hangs low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the surrounding countryside.

Savi warmly greets Ramu kaka, “Kaka, two cups of kadak Savi special tea, please.”

Ramu kaka's face lights up upon seeing her, “Savi Bala, how are you? You never turned up in these past 2-3 months? Good to see you today.” He glances at Ishaan, raising his brows in curiosity, and thinks in his mind, "Who is this gentleman? I feel like I've seen him somewhere."

Savi introduces Ishaan, “Kaka, he is my husband, Ishaan Sir.”

Ramu kaka folds his hands in respect and gestures for them to sit. He quickly wipes down the chair with a cloth before serving fresh tea to both of them.

Expressing gratitude, Ishaan takes a seat and promptly sips his tea in one go.

During their tea session, Savi takes a moment to make a call to their neighbor, Auntie, requesting her to open their house and arrange for some basic cleaning.


After finishing their tea, Ishaan and Savi eagerly make their way to Savi's childhood home. Seeing the smile and excitement on her face brings a sense of happiness and contentment to Ishaan. He reflects, “At least I could do something right on her parents’ death anniversary. Instead of simply joining her in mourning, I have the opportunity to help her revisit those memories in a cherished way.”

Lost in her own thoughts of college, friends, family, and neighbors, Savi counts down each second, eager to reach her home. With each turn and road, she guides Ishaan with the precision of a GPS, her excitement palpable with every instruction to take a left, then a right, then go straight.


Finally, they reached the doors of her home, which were half left open by the servant after cleaning. Savi trembling hands with emotions takes Ishaan’s hands in her own and leads him inside.

Savi’s eyes fill with emotion as tears well up, a flood of memories rushing back to her mind. Though the house is vacant, it seems to echo with her name from every corner.

She gestures toward the Tulsi standing in the entrance and bows down her head, its leaves slightly dried up. She then points out Azooba’s wooden swing, the first thing that catches her eye.

They walk hand in hand towards the large hall, where a small 4-seater dining table, four wooden chairs, and a teapoy stand are kept. That's the only furniture they had.

Savi can vividly imagine her Badi aaji and aaji sitting there on chairs and chopping vegetables. While her imagination stopped for a while on Vinu Dada sipping tea and Harini tai serving him pakodas on the dining table.

As they move further into the house, Savi's grip on Ishaan's hand tightens. They enter her own room, a small 10x10 space with a bed in the center, a study table in the right corner, a single-door cupboard on the left, and a large photo of her parents placed above the study table.

Savi turns to Ishaan, tears shimmering in her eyes. “Ishaan Sir, this is my house, and this is my room. There are two more similar small rooms on the other hand where my Azooba and Ajji lived. My room was shared by me, Tai, and Vinu dada. It's not as big as yours; we lived a very simple life with heavy financial constraints. But the one thing that kept me strong was the promise I made to my parents, that one day I would become an IAS officer. My aim when I reached Pune was the same: that one day I will reclaim their old house in Nagpur.”

Ishaan gazes at her with deep emotion, love, and respect. “Savi! Your dream hasn't gone anywhere, but now it's not just yours; it's mine too.” He kisses her hand gently and continues, “It's just the beginning. Let the exams come; you're going to ace them, and then nobody can stop you. I promise, the day you sit in the Govt car with a red light on top, the first person to open and close the door of that car will be Dr. Ishaan Bhosle!”

They both bow down to her parents' picture, a silent acknowledgment of their presence and influence in their lives. Savi looks at him with gratitude and love, her heart filled with determination.

Ishaan, with a playful intention to lighten the mood, says, “Savi, I really love your house. It reminds me of my Nana’s home. My Aai also lived in Ramtek, and when I was a kid, I used to come here for summer vacations. But my memories are quite hazy as things took a drastic turn there.”

He pauses, a soft smile playing on his lips. “But this cute home is indeed charming, and once I retire, I'd love to come and stay here with you, with our 4-5 kids playing in the front yard.”

Savi playfully pinches him, “Come out of your dreams, Mr. Bhosle,” and they both share a laughter-filled moment.

To be Continued… (Romance to bloom between IshVi)

Dhirajmehta375 thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago


Episode 47: ISHVI Gets Romantic

As Savi introduced each and every corner of her home to Ishaan, they came to the hall and sat on the swing belonging to her Azooba, and she continuously reminisced about her family memories, sharing all the tiny tidbits of how siblings and cousins used to fight and then patch up.

The clock strikes 9 AM. Ishaan says, “Savi, let's visit the temple and pray for “my in-laws”, Baba, and Aai?”

Savi, filled with immense emotion and gratefulness upon hearing him refer to her parents as Baba and Aai, nods positively and says, “Wait, let's freshen up before we go to the temple. We were on the roads overnight. The taps might not be working properly, so I need to fetch water with buckets from the backside hodge.”

Ishaan responds, “It's okay, we will manage.”

It's the first time for Ishaan to experience this lifestyle, but Savi effortlessly handles everything. Together, they pour in 4-5 buckets of water.

Savi retrieves her old chudidaar from her cupboard. Like how every girl flaunts her pre-wedding routine clothes after visiting her maayka, she also feels a sense of pride in wearing those old clothes. She asks, “Ishaan Sir, shall I give you Vinu Dada’s clothes?”

Ishaan smiles, “Thank you, Mrs. Bhosle, but I have a habit of keeping an extra pair of clothes in my car. So it should suffice for today.”

Both get ready and head to the nearby temple to seek blessings in her old yellow scooty, she wanted him to ride it and her to sit behind him hugging him tightly.

They perform Pooja for the peace of her parents. Then she takes him to the roads and lanes where her memories were woven, showing him her college and other places where she used to spend her time. 

They have lunch at her favorite dhaba and then return home by noon.


It was a little hot weather and Ishaan was sweating heavily. Savi hesitantly asks, “Sir, we have a cooler, not AC here, will you be comfortable?”

Ishaan” “Of course, this is my home too, right? Why would I not be comfortable here? This is serene and has lots of neem trees around your home. I am just loving this sight”. He pulls her hand and lets her sit beside him, “Trust me, I am more comfortable here than you are right now.”

Savi insists that Ishaan take some rest, knowing they have another night of driving ahead to reach Pune. Ishaan, feeling the fatigue, lets out a yawn and shrugs his shoulders in agreement. Savi guides him to their room, sets up the cooler, and draws the curtains to create a dimmer, more soothing ambiance. She carefully adjusts the pillows and retrieves a cotton blanket from the cupboard, ensuring his comfort.

"Please, do get some rest, Sir," Savi urges him, concern evident in her voice. But Ishaan insists that she also take some rest, reminding her of the uncomfortable position she endured while sleeping in the car during their journey.

"Savi remarks, “The bed isn't that big; we can't have two people sleeping comfortably with a pillow wall in between.”

Ishaan teasingly responds, “Oh, come on! Don't you trust me? Or can't you control yourself?”

Savi playfully hits him with her fist before lying down beside him. It's the first time they're so close in bed with no obstacle between them. They face each other, their eyes locked in a silent exchange. Savi signals with her eyes for Ishaan to close his, but he shakes his head in response. Undeterred, she gently covers his eyes with her palms and plants a kiss on his forehead, murmuring in his ear, “Now sleep, okay?”

Both slip into a deep sleep, their hands still clasped together. 

Despite the cooler, Ishaan feels a little hot. 

He quietly gets up, removes his shirt, increases the fan speed, and then settles back into bed. 

Savi is already deeply asleep and doesn't notice his movements.

Suddenly, an insect lands on the bed and bites Savi's neck. In her deep sleep, she instinctively pushes it away with her hand which pushes the insect under her top. However, the itch and burn persist, and she half-awakens, attempting to shake her top and neck to alleviate the discomfort. Frustrated, she eventually sits up, the itching beneath her neck becoming unbearable.

Her exclamations of "Ouch!" and "Oomph!" wake Ishaan, who groggily asks, "What happened? Did you dream of a ghost or something? Why are you shouting and jumping?

Savi, still half-awake and flustered, saw him shirtless for the first time and blushed deeply as she stammered, "I-I think there's something on me, something bit me on my neck and chest!"

Feeling a rush of embarrassment, Savi hesitates as Ishaan, understanding the urgency, gently stands up and walks towards her to help her out. He helps her jerking her kurta and with fumbling fingers, he starts to unbutton her top, her cheeks burning with heat.

Ishaan, sensing Savi's discomfort, averts his gaze to give her some privacy. He feels a pang of awkwardness, realizing the intimacy of the situation. Yet, his concern for Savi overrides any discomfort he may feel. Finally, he manages to remove her top, revealing the irritated area below her neck. 

She quickly covers herself with her arms, trying to shield her exposed skin from Ishaan's view. 

With a careful eye, Ishaan scans the kurta, searching for the culprit. He spots the insect and carefully captures it between his fingers, all the while maintaining a respectful distance from Savi.

As he deals with the insect, Savi, still feeling self-conscious, wraps her arms around herself, feeling exposed in front of Ishaan. 

She avoids making eye contact, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment.

Savi mumbles a quiet "thank you", feeling a mix of relief and lingering embarrassment.

Ishaan, sensing Savi's discomfort, gives her some space, allowing her to compose herself. He busies himself with tidying up the bed, trying to give her privacy and respect her boundaries. 

An unexpected encounter happens - as Savi turns back, Ishaan does the same, and accidentally both of them find themselves standing face to face. 

At that moment, the most embarrassing moment unfolds, leaving them both clueless about what to see and what to hide.

Finally, as emotions overpower the embarrassment, Ishaan pulls her closer to him, locking eyes with Savi who tries hard to look down but feels warmth in his bare arms. Her body starts shivering, and he instinctively pulls her even closer by grabbing her waist. 

Her shivering intensifies, her heart racing faster with each passing moment.

He takes two steps back lifting her from her waist and sits on the bed, settling her onto his lap. Savi closes her eyes as soon as she finds herself in his lap, savoring the sensation of their skin touching. 

With her eyes shut, she feels his hand caressing her bare back and another hand exploring her bare front. Each touch sends waves of pleasure through her, and she immerses herself in the experience, feeling a newfound intimacy with Ishaan (Sir).

Slowly, Savi opens her eyes, meeting Ishaan's gaze with a mixture of desire and anticipation. 

With a bold move, she gently pushes him onto the bed and positions herself on top of him. Their lips meet in a passionate kiss, each moment filled with the intensity of their emotions. As they kiss, they both recall their first accidental soft kiss, now replaced by a sensual and passionate embrace. Soft, feather-like touches caress each other's bodies, conveying a deep sense of love and affection. Both Savi and Ishaan are prepared to take their marital relationship to the next level. 

However, Ishaan interrupts the moment with a tender declaration, “Savi, I don't want to break the promise I made to myself before I made it to you. I will always wait for you to be my bride, but I don't want your dreams to face any obstacles because of our marriage. We can wait until you've started walking the path toward your dream career.”

Savi forgets her shyness, her eyes now filled with respect and pride as she nods in agreement. “You have full rights to my body and soul. I will never stop you from exercising your rights.” 

Hearing this, Ishaan gives her a passionate kiss on her lips, neck, and below her neck, playfully adding in her ear, “No, not now, my darling. Let's consider this my punishment for marrying such a brilliant, young, beautiful, and sexy wife. I hope the day we both desire comes soon.”

They embrace in a hug before preparing themselves for the ride back to Pune.

To be Continued... (Exams and Challenges)

[I hope Ishvi serve this a day and it Ganja gets this idea in their head.]

SamiO05 thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Amazing 😍😍

showbuzz28 thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

This is so beautiful.

ssm97 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Episode 48: Return Journey With Playful Teases

Ishaan and Savi, setting aside their awareness/shyness, get ready and start for Pune.

In the car, she chews her nails and intermittently looks at him. He is conscious of night driving but notices her staring at him.

Accidentally, at the same time, both touch the switch to turn on the songs; their fingers collide, and they exchange a sweet smile. Ishaan signals her to play her choice of songs.

She connects her phone via Bluetooth and taps on her favorite playlist.

The song starts playing, 'Zara Zara behekta hai mehekta hai aaj to mera tan badan me pyaasi hu mujhe bhar le apni baahon me…' She starts murmuring the lyrics along with the tune.

After a while, Ishaan plans to tease her. He coughs to get her attention. She looks at him in question.

He winks and asks, 'You're still not satisfied it seems, are you hungry?'

She replies, 'Shut up, Mr. Naughty Bhosle. Looks like you left hungry and now regretting.'

He says, 'Hmm, what to do if we only get to see the menu but not the meals? But see, I am still fine, but your cheeks are blushing and have turned into red tomatoes.'

She replies, “Had I stopped you? You lacked the courage.' And shows her thumb with her tongue out.

Ishaan teases further, 'So you are saying you are not affected and all normal, right?'

Savi, with confidence, straightens her back and says, 'Yes, why not! I am Savi Chavan… umm… Savi Ishaan Bhosle, but kadakk. Nothing can affect me.'

Ishaan raises his brows and says, 'Ok let's test. Give me your phone. I want to change the song and put one specially dedicated to you, with the TV on.'

Savi looks at him suspiciously but doesn't want to back down so she hands over her phone.

He slows down the car, pulls over, types out the song, and keeps the TV screen on. He then puts her phone in the box and starts driving.

The song plays and scenes air on the screen, 'Aashiq banaya aapne… tere bin suni suni hi raahein.' And the romantic topless scenes of Emraan Hashmi & Tanushree Dutta play there.

She feels extremely shy and unable to face her husband, remembering those feather touches on her upper body and his intoxicating glares on her lips and face. She pulls on her scarf and hides her face.

He, with his left hand, pulls her scarf and throws it on the back seat. And aska, 'So, what about your challenge, Mrs. Bhosle?'

She retorts, "Oh, just hush! You're outrageously mischievous."

He lovingly looks at her  & changes the song, and says, 'I love you, I will wait for you, forever, but don't ever run away, leaving me alone!' 

She puts her fingers on his lips and shakes her head NO, indicating she could never think of getting separated from him.

The journey continues until Bhosle Mansion, unaware of their future challenges!


One week later!

The week at Bhosle Institute was very hectic for Ishaan and the same week at Bhosle Mansion was very refreshing for Savi, she was slowly getting adjusted to her new mindset of “bahu” of this family.

At times, Akka Saheb and Durva kept taunting her but she was always been able to find solace and peace in Asmita Kaku, Shikha Vahini, and Anvi.

Ishaan had given her enough study materials, pamphlets, and past exam papers to solve and revise.

As Savi prepared to leave for college one morning, she carefully selected her attire, pink kurta and lavender leggings opting for a simple yet sophisticated look that exuded professionalism.

She straightened her stole and adjusted her bind, mangal sutra with meticulous care, ensuring every detail was just right.

That day she was supposed to reach college quite early.

While on her way to college, Savi took a deep breath before approaching Ishaan's home library, she knocked softly and entered, finding him engrossed in paperwork.

"Sir," she began, her voice tinged with determination, "I have a mountain of work to tackle today. I'll be in the library from dawn till dusk, burying myself in books and notes. Lunch might have to wait, as the most boring paper is on the very first day of exams. Your relentless advice has drilled the importance of pushing harder into my mind for that boring subject."

Ishaan glanced up, concern flickering in his eyes at the weariness evident in Savi's voice. "Savi," he said gently, setting aside his pen, "I understand the weight you carry, but remember, even the strongest shoulders need rest. Your health is as crucial as your studies. Allow me to arrange for Jitubhai to deliver your lunch there. Nourish your body as you nourish your mind, but do not lose sight of your goals. You have a target to meet, and I have every confidence you'll surpass it."

Savi nodded, her eyes shining with gratitude as a warm smile graced her lips. "Thank you, Mr Chidkiya," she murmured, her voice filled with sincerity and determination. "Your unwavering support means everything to me. I am blessed."

Ishaan's expression softened as if he heard her murmuring, "Wait a minute, baby," he said, rising from his chair and crossing the room towards her. With a tender gesture, he comforted her in a side hug, his arms offering reassurance and warmth. As he pressed a soft kiss to her cheeks, he felt the tension melt from her shoulders, replaced by a sense of comfort and security.

"Remember," he whispered, his voice a soothing balm to her weary spirit, "I have every confidence in you. You're not just a student to me or Bhosle Institute, but my beloved wife and an aspirant daughter of proud parents. And believe me, my wife never disappoints."

Savi's heart swelled with warmth at his words, she straightened her posture, ready to face the challenges ahead. "Thank you, Ishaan Sir," she said, her voice steady with newfound confidence. "I won't let you down, my husband should and must feel proud of me."

To be Continued… (Durva and Savi loggerheads in canteen)

Originally posted by: ssm97

Episode 47: ISHVI Gets Romantic

As Savi introduced each and every corner of her home to Ishaan, they came to the hall and sat on the swing belonging to her Azooba, and she continuously reminisced about her family memories, sharing all the tiny tidbits of how siblings and cousins used to fight and then patch up.

The clock strikes 9 AM. Ishaan says, “Savi, let's visit the temple and pray for “my in-laws”, Baba, and Aai?”

Savi, filled with immense emotion and gratefulness upon hearing him refer to her parents as Baba and Aai, nods positively and says, “Wait, let's freshen up before we go to the temple. We were on the roads overnight. The taps might not be working properly, so I need to fetch water with buckets from the backside hodge.”

Ishaan responds, “It's okay, we will manage.”

It's the first time for Ishaan to experience this lifestyle, but Savi effortlessly handles everything. Together, they pour in 4-5 buckets of water.

Savi retrieves her old chudidaar from her cupboard. Like how every girl flaunts her pre-wedding routine clothes after visiting her maayka, she also feels a sense of pride in wearing those old clothes. She asks, “Ishaan Sir, shall I give you Vinu Dada’s clothes?”

Ishaan smiles, “Thank you, Mrs. Bhosle, but I have a habit of keeping an extra pair of clothes in my car. So it should suffice for today.”

Both get ready and head to the nearby temple to seek blessings in her old yellow scooty, she wanted him to ride it and her to sit behind him hugging him tightly.

They perform Pooja for the peace of her parents. Then she takes him to the roads and lanes where her memories were woven, showing him her college and other places where she used to spend her time. 

They have lunch at her favorite dhaba and then return home by noon.


It was a little hot weather and Ishaan was sweating heavily. Savi hesitantly asks, “Sir, we have a cooler, not AC here, will you be comfortable?”

Ishaan” “Of course, this is my home too, right? Why would I not be comfortable here? This is serene and has lots of neem trees around your home. I am just loving this sight”. He pulls her hand and lets her sit beside him, “Trust me, I am more comfortable here than you are right now.”

Savi insists that Ishaan take some rest, knowing they have another night of driving ahead to reach Pune. Ishaan, feeling the fatigue, lets out a yawn and shrugs his shoulders in agreement. Savi guides him to their room, sets up the cooler, and draws the curtains to create a dimmer, more soothing ambiance. She carefully adjusts the pillows and retrieves a cotton blanket from the cupboard, ensuring his comfort.

"Please, do get some rest, Sir," Savi urges him, concern evident in her voice. But Ishaan insists that she also take some rest, reminding her of the uncomfortable position she endured while sleeping in the car during their journey.

"Savi remarks, “The bed isn't that big; we can't have two people sleeping comfortably with a pillow wall in between.”

Ishaan teasingly responds, “Oh, come on! Don't you trust me? Or can't you control yourself?”

Savi playfully hits him with her fist before lying down beside him. It's the first time they're so close in bed with no obstacle between them. They face each other, their eyes locked in a silent exchange. Savi signals with her eyes for Ishaan to close his, but he shakes his head in response. Undeterred, she gently covers his eyes with her palms and plants a kiss on his forehead, murmuring in his ear, “Now sleep, okay?”

Both slip into a deep sleep, their hands still clasped together. 

Despite the cooler, Ishaan feels a little hot. 

He quietly gets up, removes his shirt, increases the fan speed, and then settles back into bed. 

Savi is already deeply asleep and doesn't notice his movements.

Suddenly, an insect lands on the bed and bites Savi's neck. In her deep sleep, she instinctively pushes it away with her hand which pushes the insect under her top. However, the itch and burn persist, and she half-awakens, attempting to shake her top and neck to alleviate the discomfort. Frustrated, she eventually sits up, the itching beneath her neck becoming unbearable.

Her exclamations of "Ouch!" and "Oomph!" wake Ishaan, who groggily asks, "What happened? Did you dream of a ghost or something? Why are you shouting and jumping?

Savi, still half-awake and flustered, saw him shirtless for the first time and blushed deeply as she stammered, "I-I think there's something on me, something bit me on my neck and chest!"

Feeling a rush of embarrassment, Savi hesitates as Ishaan, understanding the urgency, gently stands up and walks towards her to help her out. He helps her jerking her kurta and with fumbling fingers, he starts to unbutton her top, her cheeks burning with heat.

Ishaan, sensing Savi's discomfort, averts his gaze to give her some privacy. He feels a pang of awkwardness, realizing the intimacy of the situation. Yet, his concern for Savi overrides any discomfort he may feel. Finally, he manages to remove her top, revealing the irritated area below her neck. 

She quickly covers herself with her arms, trying to shield her exposed skin from Ishaan's view. 

With a careful eye, Ishaan scans the kurta, searching for the culprit. He spots the insect and carefully captures it between his fingers, all the while maintaining a respectful distance from Savi.

As he deals with the insect, Savi, still feeling self-conscious, wraps her arms around herself, feeling exposed in front of Ishaan. 

She avoids making eye contact, her cheeks still flushed with embarrassment.

Savi mumbles a quiet "thank you", feeling a mix of relief and lingering embarrassment.

Ishaan, sensing Savi's discomfort, gives her some space, allowing her to compose herself. He busies himself with tidying up the bed, trying to give her privacy and respect her boundaries. 

An unexpected encounter happens - as Savi turns back, Ishaan does the same, and accidentally both of them find themselves standing face to face. 

At that moment, the most embarrassing moment unfolds, leaving them both clueless about what to see and what to hide.

Finally, as emotions overpower the embarrassment, Ishaan pulls her closer to him, locking eyes with Savi who tries hard to look down but feels warmth in his bare arms. Her body starts shivering, and he instinctively pulls her even closer by grabbing her waist. 

Her shivering intensifies, her heart racing faster with each passing moment.

He takes two steps back lifting her from her waist and sits on the bed, settling her onto his lap. Savi closes her eyes as soon as she finds herself in his lap, savoring the sensation of their skin touching. 

With her eyes shut, she feels his hand caressing her bare back and another hand exploring her bare front. Each touch sends waves of pleasure through her, and she immerses herself in the experience, feeling a newfound intimacy with Ishaan (Sir).

Slowly, Savi opens her eyes, meeting Ishaan's gaze with a mixture of desire and anticipation. 

With a bold move, she gently pushes him onto the bed and positions herself on top of him. Their lips meet in a passionate kiss, each moment filled with the intensity of their emotions. As they kiss, they both recall their first accidental soft kiss, now replaced by a sensual and passionate embrace. Soft, feather-like touches caress each other's bodies, conveying a deep sense of love and affection. Both Savi and Ishaan are prepared to take their marital relationship to the next level. 

However, Ishaan interrupts the moment with a tender declaration, “Savi, I don't want to break the promise I made to myself before I made it to you. I will always wait for you to be my bride, but I don't want your dreams to face any obstacles because of our marriage. We can wait until you've started walking the path toward your dream career.”

Savi forgets her shyness, her eyes now filled with respect and pride as she nods in agreement. “You have full rights to my body and soul. I will never stop you from exercising your rights.” 

Hearing this, Ishaan gives her a passionate kiss on her lips, neck, and below her neck, playfully adding in her ear, “No, not now, my darling. Let's consider this my punishment for marrying such a brilliant, young, beautiful, and sexy wife. I hope the day we both desire comes soon.”

They embrace in a hug before preparing themselves for the ride back to Pune.

To be Continued... (Exams and Challenges)

PoojaaNair thumbnail
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Posted: 1 months ago

Wow pls update 

SamiO05 thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

WOW 👏👏