Smitar's: Saving Khushi#1 Part 7 Pg 122 Link to # 2 on Pg 1 - Page 39


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manikka thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
for part 2...

superb part with major twist Smita di...its quite interesting...

khushi's mind working with its full speed but she failed to see the evilness in shyam...and he kidnapped everything depends on arnav weather he continue to believe on shyam and think tht khushi run away or he start to believe his love and khushi and save her frm tht bas**rd...

manikka thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: rulama



Here is the interpretation for Part 2.


This update is about sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety, it is about PANIC.


As Khushi rushed out of the house frantically looking around for an empty rickshaw, the security guard ran after her offering his help. He asked her whether he could get her a rickshaw or call Mohan from the office to take her out. Khushi in her anxiety to reach Arnav, waved wildly at a rickshaw that was speeding towards her as she told the guard, Biharilal, that she was in a hurry and she needed to get a rickshaw. The rickshaw came to a sudden halt by her and the screech of the brakes and tyres were deafeningly grating. Out came the familiar beaming face of Happy Singh from the driver's seat exclaiming, Khushiji! He asked her was she looking for a rickshaw. He had been on a test drive and was on his way back to Laxmi Nagar. Was she going there? Khushi, thanking her lucky stars, got into the rickshaw requesting him, could he take her to Arnavji's office as it is imperative that she reaches there as quickly as possible. Happy Singh was only too happy to oblige and told her, of course, he would, he would take her wherever she wanted to go and started the vehicle chattering ten to the dozen. He sped towards the centre of the city his usual reckless frenzy way, darting in and out, weaving through the traffic with utter ease. As he stopped reluctantly at a traffic light, Khushi noted a small shop with a photocopier. With the flash of an idea along with the change in the signal lights, she asked Happyji could he stop for a moment in front of the shop. Happyji complied and parked near the shop. Khushi jumped out and ran in to get two sets of copies made of the documents that Shyam had given her. Paying for it she hopped into the auto with the copies and asked Happyji to take her to Laxmi Nagar as she needed to go to Buaji's house and from there she would later go to Arnavji's office after meeting Buaji. Khushi was panting out of her breath with all the dashing around and being on pins and needles about Arnavji's safety and well being  she broke in a cold sweat. Happy Singh with a bright smile put the pedal on the metal and the auto like a greased lightning headed off to Laxmi Nagar.


As Khushi ran into Buaji's house, Buaji was surprised and she exclaimed, Titliyaa! and asked her What was she doing? Khushi breezing past her with trepidation, hoping that they would not stop her, explained that she needed something from her room and as soon as she was inside shut the door behind her and rolled one copy of the document and pushed it under her clothes in her wardrobe. And the other into the small drawer that was exclusively hers, that was in the table that housed her Devi Maiyya idol. It was a drawer where all her trinkets like her collection of stars, lamps for Diwali, some old bangles, the wrappers of some gifts she had received, and others were kept. Khushi pushed the second copy under her stars and an old dupatta. Hugging Devi Maiyya and seeking her blessings and strength she ran out of her bedroom in a state of nerves, holding the file with the original documents safely.


Seeing Buaji, Amma and Babuji in the drawing room, staring at her extreme disarray and wondering what was happening, Khushi looked at the file in her hand and the astonishment on her family members' faces. She knew that she needed to get the file to Arnavji in a hurry but she also needed to explain to her family the reason for her breezing in and out. But Arnav's safety took precedence and with a stuttered brief rushed on explanation that she needed to hand over a file to Arnavji, she was in a hurry and would see them later, she hugged her Babuji and crushed her Amma and Buaji in a hug, she rushed out and jumped in to Happyji's waiting auto. Buaji, Garima and Shashi were at a loss as to what happened. They were left floundering. Buaji thought out aloud, that Arnav Bitwaa must have forgotten to take his file to the office! Amma consoled herself saying that he must have needed it urgently otherwise Khussi would never run off like that! Both Buaji and Shashi nodded.  With this thought they calmed themselves. As Khushi ran in through the main entrance of the huge office site, she heaved a sigh of relief knowing that she had finally reached her destination. She thought with apprehension, that now all she had to do was walk in to the building and ask for Arnavji. She beseeched her Devi Maiyya to let Arnavji be free and not in a meeting. She was dreading of Arnav being tied up with work and unable to meet him.


Khushi took a step towards the office to hear a screech of tyres of a car, coming to a stop right behind her, scaring the daylights out of her. The bumper was just inches from her and as she glared at the general direction of the driver all set to give him her piece of mind for reckless driving and endangering the life of a pedestrian, the door opened and out stepped Shyam Manohar Jha with a glint of determination in his eyes and a smile plastered on his lips. Her breath stopped, her heart skipped a beat and made her blood run cold to see the very man that she wanted to avoid. Panic washed over in waves to see the object of the abject fear stand right in front of her and she tightened her hold on the file. Heaving a huge sigh of relief to see the file still in her hand, Shyam deduced that she had just reached and had not yet been able to meet Arnav. Taking advantage of her shock, he walked up to her casually, to her horror; he caught hold of her arm and ordered softly to go with him. Though a smile was on his lips, his serpentine eyes were spitting balls of fire at her. Khushi stood rooted to the ground in fear but managed to whisper a no. Shyam looked around and seeing that no one was watching them, pushed her towards the car and bundled her into the passenger seat with a vice like grip bruising her arm with his brute strength. As she opened her mouth to scream and seek help he twisted her arm so hard, putting in fear in her that she had to quell her shout within her throat and it came out as a low whimper. Shyam, excessively irritated by Khushi's attempts to slacken his hold on her, frightenedof attracting attention covered her from being visible to the casual observers with his huge body such that the use of his brute strength on her and her pain filled face was not visible. Once she was pushed in to the seat, he bent over her, blocked her vision and pressed a handkerchief drenched in chloroform over her nose. Despite her struggle, Khushi was out in a second and sagged against the seat. Shyam took the file from her limp fingers, fastened her seat belt, and scuttled behind the wheel and drove off from the scene, with the belief that he was unobserved.


When a weary Arnav arrived home late in the evening after worrying over Khushi all day long and attending back to back meetings, it was HP who attended the door and the ladies of the family sans Khushi were seated in the living room. He felt uneasy not seeing her. His query, where was Khushi had four perplexed faces turn towards him. Mami rising to the occasion to tease him countered, where is Khussi? He was asking them? After calling her to the office and keeping her with him all day long? Turning towards her mother-in-law, chuckling heartily she told that the cat that stole the milk and drank it was pretending as not to know how the vessel was broken! Anjali, Payal and Nani smiled at her wit. Akash and NK who were coming down the stairs heard the last bit and NK exclaimed, cat stole the milk! He asked his Maasi to show the culprit and he would teach a lesson never to be forgotten before driving it away. It had all in giggles but Arnav frowned. As he was about to utter, to his dismay Mami spoke up saying, that she would show NK and pointing towards Arnav she told, that the cat was six footer with a black coat and without whiskers. NK scratched his head to understand what was going on and asked, Nannav stole the milk and as he was about to ask further, out came the shout, enough, from an excessively irritated Arnav and told them that he had not called Khushi to his office. It silenced all. Payal paled realizing the implication. Anjali told her brother that Khushiji had left at noon and had told them that she was going to his office to see him. She was even carrying a file with her and all the ladies nodded in agreement. Arnav emphatically stated that she had not turned up at his office and he had not seen her. His heart started to beat quicker and he saw anxiety written on all the faces.


He made a quick call to her number, seeing that it was not being picked up even though it was ringing, Nani in a wobbly voice suggested that she may have gone to Laxmi Nagar. Arnav was already trying to get connected to Buaji's number. Hearing Arnav's voice so late at night, Buaji got worried and asked was Nani alright? He told her, that she was fine and with an unholy dread asked her whether he could speak to Khushi, while his instincts were shouting out that something was absolutely wrong with her. Buaji was puzzled and much to his consternation repeated Khussi?  She was with him was she not? She had come earlier in the day in Happyji's auto, went away immediately telling them that she had to reach him, as it was urgent, would visit them another time and she was carrying a file. Arnav's heart sank to the bottom and could not say anything. Buaji, with an anxiety ridden voice making it thin reed like queried, did she not come to his office? When a confounded Arnav managed to croak a no, Buaji with a trembling voice asked, whether she was not in his house. His answer, no, had Buaji tremble and whisper, Titliyaa was also not there, where could she be? It was dark and so late and she was all alone... Arnav reassuring a panic-stricken and distressed Buaji swore that he would find her. As he cut the call Buaji nodded, sinking in to a chair. Nani, Mami, Payal, Akash and NK stared at each other in horror and Mami held on to Nani's hand tightly. Arnav informed his family that he was going to look out for Khushi and as he moved towards the door NK and Akash too moved with him to lend a helping hand in search of Khushiji. But Arnav stopped them asking them to stay back with the family and to let him know if she gets back. The stress he was under could be heard in his strained voice. Saying so, he skedaddled out to his car. As he took his seat in the car, he called Buaji again and asked was Happy Singh in his workshop? Buaji hurried off to the window to find out. As she peeked out she saw Happy Singh tinkering a vehicle and she reported so to Arnav. He told her that he would be there in ten minutes to talk to Happy Singh and cut the call. Soon he stepped on the gas making his car zip towards Laxmi Nagar.


At Laxmi Nagar, a confused Happy Singh told him, that he had dropped Khushiji outside his office as she had said that she wanted to meet him. Arnav was alarmed and felt helpless. Happy Singh too added that she was carrying a file with her. Happy Singh, who was very fond of Khushi, looked at Arnav with tears filled in his eyes, hoping she was fine, wondered, where could she be? Much to his astonishment, Arnav asked him not to tell anyone that he gave a lift to Khushi as he may put himself in danger. At his look of bewilderment, Arnav informed in a hushed voice that may be Khushi was kidnapped for a ransom. Happy Singh appalled by this thought gulped and agreed to keep silent. 


Arnav raced back to the office, and summoned the security guards on duty at the gates during the day. One guard revealed that Khushiji had entered the gates and he had seen her heading towards the office entrance. He questioned them with a cold face but stormy eyes then how it was she did not come in and what happened. The guards were at a loss to explain. At that time, Aman rushed in to the office with his tie askew, a clear sign of hurriedly changing into office wear as soon as he got a call from ASR to hurry back to the office. Arnav, dismissing the guards explained the situation. He told Aman that Khushi had come to their car park but had not entered the building. Where could she have gone? Arnav was worried as to know what happened and rubbed the back of his neck feeling weary, disturbed and worried. Aman told him that he thinks that he saw Khushiji, that is if she was wearing a bright blue suit and faltered for confirmation from his boss. A startled Arnav perked up, sat upright, as he confirmed that she was wearing that particular colour dress that morning. Aman told him that he had gone to car park for a smoke and there in the car park he saw a lady dressed in blue heading towards the office building... Arnav asked him and..., in a voice that was a mere whisper conveying to Aman the gravity of his answer. He had turned walked towards the dustbin to discard the butt. When he turned back a white car was leaving the spot, with the lady in blue, most probably Khushiji, in the passenger seat. All he could see was a flash of blue. Arnav stared at him flabbergasted. He could only move his lips but words would not come out. Aman told him that he had not noticed the number plate but it was a white luxury model of a particular make. Hearing the description of the car, Arnav felt as though somebody had twisted a knife in his heart. To his horror the description fitted the one he had gifted to Shyam a week before Payal and Akash's wedding!


As soon as Aman left the room Arnav felt all his sap drained out and collapsed in to his chair. In an attack of nerves, he wondered had Khushi and Shyam run away together? Shyam had been suggesting that and more on the terrace, and had informed him many times on that fateful night of his desire to live with Khushi after abandoning his Rani Sahiba! But his logical thinking asserted why would they meet in his office car park, that too right under his nose, if they had planned to runaway? Why would Khushi carry a file if she was planning to abandon him for Shyam? Why would she inform all their relations his as well as hers that she was going to meet her husband if she was planning to elope with her lover? Her supposed lover? All these did not make sense and did not add up to her behavior too. Khushi would not do that. Her sense of righteousness would not allow it to happen. She would neither hurt his Di nor shame her family in an immoral manner. She would never dishonor the mangal sutra and the sindoor that she reveres upon, even though it was forced on her by him with Devi Maiyya as the sole witness. He rubbed his chest to ease out the uneasiness he felt.


His anxiety made it impossible for him to sit still. He called his Di and asked whether Jijaji was there to confirm his presence. When she confirmed that he was very much there in the house and followed it with a plethora of questions, did he need Shyamji's help? Should she call him? Did he find Khushiji? Hearing that Shyam was with his Di, he drew in a breath of relief. That meant eloping could be ruled outrightly. His discomfit eased out to an extent. With a sense of relief he told his Di that he would manage and there was no need to involve his Jeejaji.


Sitting alone in the dark in his office he wondered about Khushi... Where was she? Aman had told that he had seen her in a car that was similar to the one he had purchased for Shyam. If she had runaway with Shyam, then what was Shyam doing at home and where was Khushi? His heart went out to her. It was constantly murmuring her name. As he looked around it registered in his mind that it was getting very dark and Khushi was scared of darkness. He clenched his fists feeling helpless for he was certain that in darkness Khushi would be shelled by the attacks of panic and wished wherever she was, there was light and she was not alone or hungry. He hoped she could see stars that at least would make her feel warm and protected of being with her parents and under their eyes. These thoughts made him realize that she could be terrified and feel that she might be all alone and in dark without being able to see the stars and feeling hungry. Feeling apprehensive he picked up his phone as he knew he would not be able to trace her out alone and he needed help that too urgently.



In this update we see Khushi getting agitated and changing her decision to go straight to Arnav. She gets the file copied in two sets and hides the copies in her cupboard and drawer at Gupta House. She is in a state of nerves all along and when Shyam blocks her from reaching Arnav she is terrified.

Shyam is terrified that Khushi has handed over the file to Arnav and breathes out in relief as he finds her just outside the office building. In his nervousness to get the file from her, he makes her unconscious and takes her away in his car. In his agitation he does not realize that there was a witness to his actions, watching from a distance.

For Arnav it was a premonition since morning that something was amiss and he was on a nervous stomach all through the day. When he reaches home and does not find Khushi he fidgets. When he comes to know she was not at Gupta House too he is startled as to where she was after telling all that she was going to meet him at his office. The confirmation from Happy Singh that she had entered his office premises and later corroborated by his guards on duty at that time, makes him a bundle of nerves filled with trepidations. Aman's narration as to witnessing Khushi in the car park brings on panic fear in him for her safety. When Aman describes her to have gone in a particular car resembling that of Shyam the one he had gifted sometime back, it was a nerve-racking ordeal. But his own logical thoughts that substantiated, Khushi could never stoop so low and cause unhappiness to both the families, soothed him. Di assuring that Shyam was at RM beside her too went a long way in soothing his fragged nerves. When he realized that Khushi might be in dark, and her darkness phobia and how it affects her spurred him into seeking help knowing very well that immediate action was imperative.

That is why this update is titled PANIC.


"It is a strange thing, but when you are dreading something, and would give anything to slow down time, it has a disobliging habit of speeding up"

                                 ~ J.K. Rowling,                                                                                      Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire


That's it from me. Hope you enjoy it.

wonderful interpretation Rashmi di...

tht was awesome...arnav is dreading the things tht happened with khushi...her where being and well being...and even thinking about the point of her running away with shyam...
khushi has thought well about hiding the papers duplicated in her buaji's house...

loved it di...
thnks for the Pm...
lilakumariacnw thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Nice interpretation...Rashmi dear...
Loved it...
IPKlover thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Today's update??? 😳
manikka thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
for part 3...

aww...arnav got khushi safe...hope they will be out safely frm those goons reach...

shyam's over-confidence sank in ship of lies...poor he will get his share frm ARNAV SINGH RAIZADA...and thnks GOD arnav's eyes opens before its too late to repair the damages...
it was awesome part...

manikka thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: rulama


Here is the interpretation for Part 3.


This update is about an intrigue, the act of devising plots or schemes, and a crafty plot to achieve your ends, in a word, MACHINATION.


Shyam was like a cat on hot bricks. He was pacing his room and was breaking out in cold sweat as he thought how the day had proceeded. His intention was to trick Khushi and relieve her of the file and had never been to kidnap Khushi. The chloroform was meant to disorient her, just enough to get his hands on the file without any resistance from her. But how was he to know that she would be out like a light with just a whiff of few seconds! What he had thought to be a simple maneuver turned all his plans upside down and had to think quickly on his feet. Once she became unconscious how could he leave her in the car park amidst heat and expose her to the danger of being run over by other cars. He could not put her on the side walk without attracting attention towards him and all knew him at Arnav's office and if seen it would definitely intrigue the bystander. He had been forced to drive away with Khushi and it had been necessary to save his skin. A necessary but a dangerous step and as a result of an impulsive reaction to seeing Khushi approach Arnav's office with the dangerous file, he had got his knickers in a twist!! Like a rat with its back against the wall he had reacted wildly! Nothing seemed to be under control or as per the plan. He had neither planned it nor was prepared for it! But he had been lucky to be able to escape without being noticed. It was a day when the office premises were crowded and with the traffic heavy at that particular moment in Arnav's building he was able to camouflage the kidnapping of Khushi. The lax security as well as car park having many exits had helped him dodge any prying eyes. Taking a deep breath he thought now onwards he needed to be careful and he needed a proper game plan. Shyam mussed his hair with his fingers as his nose twitched nervously.


He thought now that the papers were part of cooling cinders he was safe. He was safe from discovery, but what about Khushi? What was he to do with her now? What were his options? He stopped pacing and caught hold of the back of his chair. He thought would Khushi abandon Arnav and go away with him? Would she listen to him? That was highly improbable. Leaving Delhi with Khushi meant living without the pot of gold and his personal ATM in RM, Anjali. That would be like he himself shooting his two feet. A sure way for financial ruin and to live without the luxuries and the good life, that was unpalatable... He wondered what if he released Khushi. She would definitely not keep her mouth shut. She was one blabber mouth. She would prattle around that he had tried to kidnap her, that he has his eyes on Arnav's wealth. Then he would not only lose his money and Khushi but also Rani Sahiba. He could neither afford to get into the wrong books of his wife as she was his goose that laid the golden eggs nor could he awaken the sleeping tigress in her to keep an eye on the debits of their joint account! He wondered was there not a way to keep Rani Sahiba and Khushi with him? Khushi could not be persuaded. So force was the only option. He would have to physically force Khushi to accept him as her husband. For that he needed time, to think and plan carefully, a foolproof plan that would let him keep both Anjali and Khushi. One for his purse and other for his heart. One to adore him and the other for him to adore! With a smile that he patted his own back, wah! Shyam, wah! What an idea! After all he possessed a legal brain and was intelligent, more intelligent that all the idiots in RM. He was the one who had the ability to maneuver unfavourable situations in his favour. All he needed was some time to think and plan to have cake and eat it too... those nincompoops in RM would start missing Khushi soon and making enquiries would be set in motion. Shyam smiling like a cat that got its fill of cream smiled thinking that they could enquire all they wanted, but he was safe. There was nothing to link him with Khushi's disappearance nor could anyone be privy to his secret plans as there was no proof. He called Rocky to ensure that Khushi was unconscious. As he cut the call, came floating in the air, the whine, Shyamji. Asking him to come downstairs she said all had assembled there and were very worried for Khushiji. Shyam was cheesed off. She was driving him up the wall with her whining and he wondered if ever he could get rid of this whining hag without losing out on the money! If he succeeded then he would be on cloud nine without taking the flak for the situation!


When Arnav returned home that night, after making a detour to Laxmi Nagar reassuring the Guptas' that he would find Khushi soon, the whole family was wide awake, gathered in the living room. Payal looked exhausted after weeping for hours together wondering what her sister would be going through. Shyam sat in a chair behind Nani with his arms crossed, his eyes observing each and everyone, but his face displayed a false concern, a ruse he resorted to that easily hoodwinked the family. Seeing Arnav, Mami exclaimed, Arnav Bitwaa, did you get any news? All the members of the family sans Shyam flocked around Arnav. Arnav observing Shyam from the corner of his eyes, in a soft voice said, that the Police Commissioner thinks Khushi has been kidnapped. As he saw Shyam's face ashen, Arnav was a relieved man and heaved a sigh of relief. His ploy to catch Shyam unaware by mentioning the Police Commissioner confirmed that Shyam was behind the kidnap. Arnav now focused his attention towards the tearful faces looking at him with a feeling of doom written on them. Continuing to gauge Shyam's reaction, Arnav said that, the Commissioner was of thought that a ransom note could be expected soon and she must have been kidnapped as she was Arnav Singh Raizada's wife. Arnav's strategy to feed Shyam with information and egg him to react was succeeding beyond belief.


Hearing this note of caution given by the Police Commissioner, Shyam who was quaking in his boots, jumped up and questioned his Saale Sahib, why did he have to bring in the Commissioner. The words came out of him with unconscious volition taking the family by surprise. He strove to gain control of the situation by explaining his artifice and outright fakery of concern under the guise of Khushi's safety, what if the kidnappers kill Khushiji just because he had approached the police for help. Shyam tried to look like a very concerned member of the family but one with utmost common sense and concern for the safety of Khushi. Anjali who was confused with the conflicting statements asked Shyam what else could Chotey do otherwise. When he would not be able to do house to house search, seeking police help as reasonable approach.  Mami too added her bit saying, that is the job of the police force to find the missing people. Nani nodded. NK and Akash sided with Arnav. Arnav calmly explained to Shyam, that he had neither received any call from the kidnappers nor had been asked not to seek the help of the police to trace his missing wife, and added, so far. All nodded and Shyam's was the lone voice against the step taken. Arnav had dropped the first of his hints of what he needed Shyam to adopt on his own volition. To make Shyam commit mistakes unknowingly was a part of his secret plan.


Arnav sat on the recliner with his face buried in his hands. He wondered where was Khushi. Was she safe? Was she scared? Was she hungry? His heart called out to Khushi and asked her not to be scared and he would reach her as quickly as humanly possible. He would leave no stone unturned to trace out and reach her. He felt helpless at being tied up with unknown facts while not knowing how she was. He had to wait patiently for The Commissioner and the sleuth he had hired privately to give him her location and information on what had happened that day. While he was wallowing in the misery, Laxmi who was missing Khushi, walked in and sat down at his feet. He promised her that he would bring her back. As he was saying so, his phone rang and it was from the sleuth he had hired. As he barked out Arnav Singh Raizada, the low voice of the PI (Private Investigator) informed that a cloth and a bottle with chloroform was found in the car belonging to Shyam Manohar Jha parked in his drive. Arnav shut his eyes feeling every nerve, every sinew stretch in alertness, ready to squeeze the life out of Shyam Manohar Jha, the worm. He was baying for Shyam's blood and would have gladly had Shyam's head in a platter if it had not any repercussion on the captive Khushi. He now realized that Khushi's intention was to meet him, and Shyam had used force on her to carry her off. Why did Shyam have to use chloroform on Khushi to make her accompany him if they were lovers as he had time and again insinuated? The sharp Harvard trained mind of Arnav set to work. Shyam had lied to him on his relationship with Khushi on Payal and Akash's wedding night. He had taken advantage of the situation and an overwrought Arnav had fallen for his tricks. Arnav clenched his jaw hard realizing Shyam had a twisted him around with his act of subterfuge so far and swore that he would make Shyam pay for hurting Khushi, for cheating his Di, for lying about Khushi and making him shed tears of blood. Filled with pain, with the knowledge of putting an innocent on the guillotine he whispered, Khushi... and with a cry from his heart he swore, that he would reach her soon and asked her not to lose her courage. Hearing his cry of pain, Laxmi turned her head and her beady eyes giving him the much needed assurance that he could find her Khushiji.


Shyam, who was proud of his ability to twist situations to his advantage, strutted across his room jubilant thinking Arnav had solved his problem. He thought Arnav with his logical reasoning had unwittingly shown him the way ahead, the path to tread.  He was shown many options and all were profitable. Arnav's thoughts intrigued him. All that was necessary now was to make a ransom call and then he could rip crores off Arnav and take away Khushi too! Or he could take the ransom off Arnav and dupe him to sign a document making Shyam the beneficiary of his property on his death. He could then finish Arnav, and carry Khushi off. It was a win-win situation all the way. He was like a dog with two tails. Feeling as happy as a flea in a doghouse, he laughed and his madness reflected in his wild guffaws. He thought now Arnav was trapped. He and he alone held all the aces. He would make Arnav jump through the hoops, dance like a puppet to his tune. No one else would be privy to the skullduggery behind his actions. Thrilled to bits at that very thought Shyam patted himself on his back. With the thought that he deserved a good night's sleep so that his brilliant brain could come up with a plan that would help him swindle Arnav's of his money and his girl, he retired for the night!


A few minutes after midnight, Arnav received another call. It was the call he had tempted and prompted Shyam to arrange. The gloating peacock had fallen into the trap. As he announced, Arnav Singh Raizada here, he heard a voice saying that, they had his wife with them as captive and if he wishes to see her alive, he needed to bring five crores in a box that day in the evening. It was Rocky, Shyam's right hand man who was doing Shyam's bidding. As Arnav stuttered, what, how, he was told, that the details would be given later as to where he had to bring the money. Arnav countered how was he to know that the call was genuine and Khushi was with him? Rocky gave a boisterous laugh and asked him to check his cell as he would receive a picture soon. Arnav swallowed hard wondering in what state Khushi would be. He was further instructed that if he wanted to see her alive, he better not involve the police and he needed to go alone. And if he tried any dirty tricks his wife would pay for his smartness. Threatening Arnav so, Rocky cut the call without giving him a chance to talk anymore. When Arnav checked his phone, there was a photo of Khushi who lay crumpled in a heap in one corner of some dingy room, unconscious, gagged, with her hands were tied behind, and her feet were tied together. Seeing her state his heart missed its beat. His pain filled whisper, Khushi... made Laxmi turn her head to look at him. Soon, the Police Commissioner contacted Arnav with what they believed was Khushi's location traced from the call made by Rocky. They also had Shyam's phone records to substantiate their claim. The trickster was tricked to take a false step. Shyam had fallen prey to Arnav's well-planned scheme.


Next, Arnav called Akash and NK to his room. He made them sit down and told everything, right from seeing Shyam hug Khushi on the terrace to the information that the Police Commissioner had given him. He told them that he wanted this episode to be kept under wraps as he did not want the media to get wind of it. He was going to fetch Khushi. After she was rescued they could tackle Shyam with the help of the police. Akash and NK could not believe their ears. They just could not comprehend that their Jeejaji was a scoundrel and had an eye on Khushiji. He had even resorted to kidnapping her and extort a ransom was too much for them to digest. They just could not believe that they had a fox in sheepskin amidst them and their Di was not only married to him but was also besotted with him. She worshipped him and he was strutting around like a peacock trying to attract other women! But both knew that if Bhai/Nannav said so, then it would be nothing but the truth and they need not question it as he would not make such allegations against Di's husband without proof. Arnav asked them to stay there at RM and take care of Di and the rest and also keep a close watch on Shyam and his activities. Akash catching hold of Arnav's arm told him that he will not let him go alone. He would accompany him as they will have guns and he would be in danger. NK who was always goofing was for once serious when he told he too would join them and it was not really safe to go alone. But Arnav shook his head and asked them to stay there.  He told them the strategy was to keep Shyam is under the impression that he has no idea of what was going on and he could easily be taken for a ride. It would be of advantage to let him feel that he had the upper hand. He instructed that when others wake up and ask after him, to tell them that he had got a ransom call, and has gone to arrange the cash. They agreed to do as per his bidding. He asked both to keep a close eye on Shyam and once he has something substantial to tell he would call them. They nodded. Finally Arnav asked Akash to go to Gupta House in the morning and ask them not to come to RM as he doesn't want anyone to know that Happy Singh had driven Khushi to Laxmi Nagar before dropping her at his office. He didn't want it to be slipped out in conversation lest Shyam be alarmed. He wanted Shyam to be complacent and laid back. Stringing Shyam along would enable them to easily trap him. Akash assured him that would be done first thing in the morning.


When Arnav drove his rental car to the outskirts of Delhi to the location that had been zeroed in on, dawn was breaking and the dark sky was lightening with the diffused light, the twilight between night and sunrise. Leaving the car in a secluded spot a bit away from the warehouse where Khushi was being held captive, he stealthily walked towards the building. It was located in an isolated patch of land away from the town. The building though huge was in a dilapidated condition. It looked unoccupied and walking on soft foot he started to inspect the exits, the door and dirty windows, some with missing panels and some panels hanging by just one hinge. A decrepit shack placed a bit away looked like a washroom. He peeked through one window of the main building and found broken chairs and tables with cartons and other packaging material strewn about in the room. As he peeked through another, he found two men dozing, their heads resting on their arms on the table, where two guns, three empty bottle of alcohol, and 5 used glasses littered. When Arnav moved to the next window, three men were slumped in their chairs with their heads lolling, while a lone woman was sitting away from them and only a part of her body was visible. Leaning forward a bit and straining his neck he tried to assess how many were guarding Khushi. He found six, five men and a woman on guard. As he tried the next window, he saw Khushi laying the same way as she had been in the picture that was sent to him. She was trussed up tightly, gagged with a bind but was alive and safe! His heart thumped with joy, while his limbs trembled with relief. As he watched moving closer to see her clearly, she stirred.


When Khushi opened her eyes, her head was hurting as though someone had slammed it with a boulder. She was disoriented and wondered where was she? Where was Arnavji? This was neither their room nor RM... As she looked around confused in the dim light, all she was conscious was that her head and her body hurt. She tried to move her arms, but they were tied behind her back. Her legs were bound together and her mouth gagged! Then she remembered Shyamji! The blackguard! He had caught her before she could enter Arnavji's office. He had hurt her arm and pushed her in to the car... She looked around. And realized that must have brought her here. As her eyes became accustomed to the light she saw the five men and the woman guarding her asleep. As she squirmed to wriggle out of the bind she realized that her limbs were tied tight and the gag was cutting into her mouth. She twisted and turned on the ground to loosen them. Her attempts woke the female guard who looking at the helpless girl, came near her and bit out maliciously, so the sleeping beauty has finally come out of her stupor. As Khushi tried to speak her gag choked her words and the woman asked does she need to answer the call of nature? As Khushi bobbed her head in answer, the woman picked up her gun and aimed it at Khushi. Arnav who was watching had his heart in his mouth. The woman warned Khushi not to try to be smart and attempt an escape as she would not hesitate to shoot. As a wide-eyed Khushi nodded, she emphasized her point saying that they were far away from Delhi and no one would be able to rescue her. If she tries to high tail it out of there she would shoot her mercilessly like a dog or she would die of thirst and hunger in the adjoining jungles and she would never reach the city alive. Did she follow what was being said, Khushi was asked. The tactic was to scare the daylight out of Khushi. Khushi nodded all through her warning. She was tired, weak and hungry. The woman untied the ropes that bound her legs and wrists and seeing Khushi sag against the wall writhing in pain at the feel of blood flowing through the numb parts, Arnav who was watching silently, winced. The woman dragged Khushi up, and led her to the door of the building. She opened it and pushed Khushi out. Held up by the strong woman, Khushi made her way to the rest room. The door was pushed open and Khushi was nudged inside and locked in. She was told to knock when ready to come out. Though Khushi agreed to comply the female guard was not the one to believe her and kept a vigil.


The woman waited a while and then she stretched her arms flexing her muscles. As she dropped her arms and relaxed, Arnav decided that now was the right time, caught her from behind in a wrestler's tackle. As she tried to grapple he trapped her neck in his strong arms and twisted it, leaving her unconscious on the ground. It was a silent move with just a gasp that could be heard. When Khushi tapped the door, Arnav unlocked it and both stood staring at each other for a moment, unable to believe their eyes. Khushi threw herself in to his open arms and he hugged her tight for a long moment before he held her a bit away from him to remove the gag. Her stuttering raspy whisper through a dry throat Arnavji, you came had him cup her face and tell her that they needed to move fast and there was no time to waste. The plan was to get away before the rest of the kidnapping gang woke up and the sunlight filtered through.


In this update we saw how Shyam was unable to keep up to his original plan and had to change the strategy and play by the ear. Nothing seemed to be as per his chalked out plan.

We saw Arnav cleverly able to check every move of Shyam's and under the guise of ignorance he cleverly manipulated Shyam to commit the mistakes that he had not done till now. He made him call Rocky and instruct to make a ransom call while through Shyam's call they traced the number and when Rocky called Arnav through that number they were able to locate the place where Khushi was held captive. Arnav seeking the help of the Police Commissioner was strategic and gained access to Shyam's call sheet. He even enlisted his brothers' help to tackle the issue. Keeping Shyam under scrutiny, under the cover of darkness he was able to reach out to Khushi and try to make a getaway. It was indeed a crafty and an involved plot to achieve his end by Arnav Singh Raizada, hoodwinking the con man Shyam Manohar Jha.


That is why this is titled MACHINATION.


"It does not do to leave a live dragon out of your calculations, if you live near him"

                             ~ J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit


That's it from me. Hope you enjoy it.

superb interpretation...

arnav has let shyam live in the pride world for some more time before he get khsuhi safe and collect more evidences against him...and after tht he will burst tht beautiful bubble of his dream tht he is watch frm long...a jackpot of arnav and arnav's lady love...

thnks for the Pm RASHMI DI...
alicia212 thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Wow great story plz update soon
It's awesome
Thanks for the pm
Arshipriya16 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Aaj update milanewala hai ke nahi? Ya phir raviwar ki chhutti liye ho nandkisore?
Arshi.Sugi.IPK thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Superb update & finally Arnav rescued Khushi
smitar thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago

Originally posted by: Arshipriya16

Aaj update milanewala hai ke nahi? Ya phir raviwar ki chhutti liye ho nandkisore?

Sunday morning milte he, putri! Ek sulagti😉 updatewaa ke saath!
