Blast from the past thread#2! Episode 31- page 128 - Page 40


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indi52 thumbnail
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Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: BarunDiwani

@indi, your 19 & 20 analysis rocked as always.

loved the comparissions b/e Khushi and Anjali, his rigth and left different and somehow complete Arnav's beings. Loved the caps on the Gupta family. such a great bunch and reminds me of my family especially the dad, he is just like my daddy, unconditional luv and support of his daughters. if they are happy he is happy, another man with progressive thinking, if  only his character was done would've made for a great bond with Arnav.

thanks, barundiwani.

a very special dad, the sort some of us have, and all of indian girls need. that trust in his daughters. despite the televison incident, never doubting his daughter, nor caging her at home, sending her away on the advice of his wife, because he saw the sense of it. and as a result, two strong girls. so many characters got lost along the way. sometimes i wish we could rewind and restart ipk kidnap onward. 😆 
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Katelyn


I really loved your analysis as always! 👏 I know all of us here agree that you write beautifully! 👍🏼  I really love your insights!  Have you ever thought of writing Arshi fanfiction?   I've been thinking about it and wanted to know!  I think you'd be so amazing!  I highly encourage you to give it a try! 

katelyn, thanks so much, feels good to hear that. as to insights, well sometimes comes on an instinct, i wonder if i got it right or not, happy when it hits the spot. but everything is always open to deeper interpretation.

never really have thought seriously of writing fanfiction, that funny inspired drive has to assail one i guess. should that happen, will plunge right in. in khushi brand darti hai par karti hai style.
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: anita_21492

I finally finished episode 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never noticed how similar buaji's living and the gupta's living room in Lucknow look so similar
I miss shashi...he was the best dad ever even when he was bound to that wheelchair...and I liked the hold garima better she seemed like a worried mother that is worried about infamy...the new garima seemed to happy to me

And Khushi totally shut up the mighty ASR and la...since tomorrow's episode is payal's b day that means tomorrow will be the first rabba vey!!!!!

And boy did Arnav look good in that green shirt...he was delious and his hair was efwhifhewifhieuf...I am eager waiting for episode 21

in bold red, anita, i love your new word 😃. hi, i'm indi.

yes, shashi was the best dad ever. but aw i liked the new garima a lot, though must say didn't mind the old one too. living rooms alike? must see again, never noticed. see you.
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: BarunDiwani

ME TOO!!! i've been bugging Rajan Singh on twitter constantly about three things:
1. DVD of all episodes in HD blue ray
2. Bringing Sarun to a UK-like show on the east coast (or anywher in the USA!! ) dammit! we deserve them too 😒
3. CD of the IPK music. if i'm desperate enough i might make my own mix. i have the songs but the bg scores i also never get sick of...infact toward the end of the show I was missing the ASR track so much, thanks to youtube, i got my fix but would love to have playing in the car and annoy the hell out of hubb...he does like "Daiyaa Ho" though.
so far heard good news about #1, and dying to hear good news about the other two, especially #2.  if you are on twitter i encourage you to get on Rajan's last nerve, the man does listen though!  😆

ready to leap on the man's last nerve.😛

in prep, have bought blue ray dvd already hyuk hyuk.

hope they do get to the us, dammit.

i like the bug the hubb with musicwa idea. he keeps teasing with "hay hayyy hay." now in his gaddi...
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: BarunDiwani

Round 2 today after Khushi's epic win against the mighty ASR in yesterday's episode, was so  excieted but work got crazy again and then busy day all around, finally saw it, tired as hell but can't sleep without posting...or else will dream about it 😆

ASR smirks as this time he just knows he's got her, there is no way she will be able to type this letter. "Nahin kar paayegi" teehee, poor poor boy

oh i love that meanie smirk. never ever fails to get me. thanks for it 👏

Again, completlely consumed in the thought of beating her, he eagerly waits for her...VERY EAGERLY.

FInally Khushi is back, looking worried as she isn't confident...ASR so confident that he won, tells her he hopes she put a 1 lakh rs check with the letter ( hasn't learned his lesson yet). bichara, not a quick learner, our tdh super smart harvard educated tycoon. 😆

Begins to open the letter, and how quickly the smirk on his face turns into a puzzled, angry, shock  (i'm running out of verbs to describe all the expression on Sobti's face 🤣 this is known to be a common malaise on this forum, no vaccination available alas ) look.

"To tumhe English aati hai" (So you know english) he asks while still in disbelief, to which she denies. "to yeh hua kaise?" wanting to know how she managed to outsmart him yet again. Khushi, having nothing to hide, chirpily tells him she taped what he was saying since his English was too fast for her.

Maybe now ASR will get that our Khushi is not just a pretty face...she gets it done! (very. slow. learner.)

Not at all pleased, still his eyes fixated on Khushi (i kinda liked that :) ASR asks Lavanya if all the other stuff she was assigned is done. the "done" "done" and "reported" answers from Khushi left both La and ASR stunned or rather speechless...

"Aur Khucch?" Khushi asks ready to tackle the next answer
"To hum jaaye?" answer
"hum jaaten hai" answer, Khushi leaves and La had to endure a very delayed "WHAT THE!!"  totally meant for Khushi 🤣 poor La, i hope those designer handbags are worth it though! how he grunted out that "what the" 😆 you're right, totally sorry todally meant for that bratty girl.

It was a very good first day in hell for Khushi Kumaari Gupta, usne kara and aur kara, just as she said she would to her jiji. Manju (God bless this woman) represents all of us at this moment, i place my bet on Khushi too!

Khushi makes her way home in an extra good mood, so naturally when Buaji opens the door, she feels extra love and gives her a extra big hug

not a big fan of affection and defenitly not khushi's affection, she says the funniest dialogue of today in my opinion:
"Aise chipak gayee jaise gond ki dibbe ka dhakkan chipak jaat ha?" (u stick to me like a lid of a glue jar (sounds funnier in hindi LOL) ) 🤣 also kind of hints at a really funny scene to come a few months down, serendipity i am sure, couldn't have been planned.

Buaji then proceeds to tell her someone cam from the office, poor Khushi is so scared that its Arnav..immediatly puts a smile on her face so Buaji wouldn't have any doubts about her new job.  Khushi always hid her real feelings so well. poor soul doesn't want anyone to worry about her.  eventually she goes in the other room and find her "surprise" ssshyaam.

Payal tells her that Shyaam will be staying as a paying guest...Khushi is a little taken back, but then she jokes about a million dollar question
"Kahin aap hamaara peecha to nahin kar rahe?" if only she took her instincts seriously at this time 😕 so true. but clever cookie got it immediately.

Meanwhile, Arnav also make it home but not in such a great mood as khushi. Bechara wants to just sit on the sofa and unwind when naani comes with a bunch of potential Raizada bahus . 

NOT interested and NOT pleased

He decides he is just going to tell naani about La, just then Di interrupts and again Arnav doesn't go against Di's wish... though this time it took all he had not to! lovely scene and lovely take. yeah, he was so ready to let nani get the picture, enough of this get bahu madness.

It's revealed that Payals bday is coming up and Khushi is planning a surprise, Sashi and Garima call and learn about Shyaam living as a paying guest. Garima's motherly instincts kicks in a she worries about her two young's funny that Garima is more worried here and Sashi is the more laid back one...

the episode ends with ASR pacing back and forth in his office, her thoughts have totally consumed him. he waits for her arrival and accidently overhears her telling Pam that she had to leave early. more determined that ever to win at all costs, he promises to make sure that she doesn't leave early...kyun ki "haar naam ka shabt" is not in his dictionary.

ok now i'm worried for Khushi and poor Payal on her bday...


It was a very good first day in hell for Khushi Kumaari Gupta,

beautiful line.

glad i caught up with your brill epi 20 take. my comments in red. that moment when he was about to tell nani all was so interesting. so asr. he'd had enough of this marriage business, and he was a straight forward guy who lived his life the way he pleased, saw no reason to hide stuff from people. me likee.

but then his sweet sister intervenes, she who tippy toes around everything, riddled with her insecurities and fears. daljeet did a really nice job of bringing out the various sides of anjali, don't you think? she is completely loving, wants the best for everybody, understands nuance of relationship, yet she has her deep insecure side, hates confrontation, discord rattles her. typical "woman" in that sense, managing and manipulating, just what i never ever wanted to do. but when you are second sex in your culture, guess this is the only way to survive. 

your drool corner is getting to be a super brand signature. love it, kills me every day. 😳
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: ArshiHamesha



Episode started with the dictation challenge and somehow his pride is written all over that he will win this round and she will be out.Mmm He wants to defeat her or want her to be out that was the question he has no answer for that.😉 He knows she won't be able to do that.Lets see Mr ASR.

He is anxiously waiting for his win and can't have patience.Oh see the smile and pride when she  comes with the letter.

HE and Lavanya's disappointment is visible all over on their faces.Love it though.Barun is excelling day by day in delivering all the emotions flawlessly no doubt.He is ASR who is getting smacked by this small town girl.You go Khushi.😛 He wants to retaliate but how can he.The contract is binding him.😔

He is speechless and I am yes Mr ASR you are human not God,anyone with the determination of Khushi can beat you.😛 I must say even he tried his best to intimidate her with all his power and strength she is standing victorious infront of him.Khushi surely is a smart cookie and she is proving "Don't go by the looks dear"🤪

He has nothing to say but "WHAT THE" just worth watching and drooling (As Barundiwani says)
 He wants to bursts out but he is out of words.She finished his given task as well as Lavanya's.How could she 😳

She indeed has won the Round #2.Manjhu is really a good friend indeed.Wonder where did she go after these early epis?😕

On the other end a soft and new love story is gripping heart and mind.Very sweet Akshay is getting involved in those entangled emotions which is known as LOVE.❤️

Dadi really knows her grandson and trying to get his feelings out of him and he just can smile...Wow is he really living with ASR 24/7   😕 ????????

Buaji and her hillarious antics were too good today.Her expressions made me laugh no matter what Nandkishore.👏

Shyam and his creepy face has prevailed in Gupta house and YES Khushi you are right he is following you from Lukhnow to Delhi and all the way to your home.After all you are the Goal of his life.😡 Arggghhh

After getting defeat ASR has another challenge waiting for him at Home.Naniji and girls choice to get married and as usually he is annoyed by this word 'Shadi" (Wedding)😡

As usual Anjali the sweet Di is there to save her Chote.She is sweet though.😛 She is determined  to get him away until Jijaji shows up. mmm Jija JI riveting.

In Guptas Parents' love and affection for their daughters and the bonding is stupefying.😃 No doubt they are together no matter what.Lets see how do they celebrate Payal's Bday🥳

Babuji's concern over Shyam's presence is ringing the bell in his head.Why not after all he is a father of two daughters.I wish He became well enough to expose Shyam latter but sigh.My dreams are my dreams hardly come true.😭

Next day and next challenging round for ASR how to bring her down.In the office everyone is talking about it but surprisingly he is not angry he has a smirk on his lovely face and that confidence ufff just killing.😳 He is mean but at the same time I am feeling he is carried away with all the emotions inside of him which he is not aware of.Just my POV

He is upto something yes he will not let her go home today as he overheard her that she wants to go home early.Look at his face this shows how many emotions he is holding unintentionally.He wants her to be around so he can prove himself or else mmm very intriguing indeed.

Can't wait for Monday and the next challenge.Yes First "Raba Ve" is on its way next week👏


ROUND 2--WINNER is Khushi
ASR shocking face


hi arshi hamesha,

lovely take. i highlighted the parts that i really really liked. and in bold red underline, abs agree it's his emotions that are making him go nuts wanting to beat her. he is nowhere near understanding that at all at thsi point. you mention about babuji exposing shyam and how that moment never came. i waited in vain for asr to connect all the dots and tell her in the end, that he'd felt her doing things to his heart right from the very first time they met. it was love taking shape from the word go. there was a bit of that in his engaging chat with nk much later where he recalls there moments together, but so so much more the writers could have done with it.

your expression palettes are super brill 👏 👏

sorry, just caught up with all the reading.
Mysticaldivine thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
😆 who knows he may have a grandson in the show biz...fingers crossed a splitting image...then our granddaughters will be happy and we'll be happy, we can have arguements over who is cuter!

Sorry I am not ready to share him with them sorry too bad.He is Just for us
Mysticaldivine thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

lovely take. i highlighted the parts that i really really liked. and in bold red underline, abs agree it's his emotions that are making him go nuts wanting to beat her. he is nowhere near understanding that at all at thsi point. you mention about babuji exposing shyam and how that moment never came. i waited in vain for asr to connect all the dots and tell her in the end, that he'd felt her doing things to his heart right from the very first time they met. it was love taking shape from the word go. there was a bit of that in his engaging chat with nk much later where he recalls there moments together, but so so much more the writers could have done with it.

Thnx Indi.but there are so many occasions I felt like screaming because of unsatisfaction of the delivery and completion of certain things which still make me unrest.LIke contract marriage,Anjali's lies,Khushi sold her bangles for the plants etc
Your analysis for 19 and 20 just finished reading it.Standing ovation for that.Your Quotes and comparison needs no words really you are too good.I agreed with Katlyn why don't you try writing FFs and I am sure they will be worth reading.
Edited by ArshiHamesha - 11 years ago
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: ArshiHamesha


lovely take. i highlighted the parts that i really really liked. and in bold red underline, abs agree it's his emotions that are making him go nuts wanting to beat her. he is nowhere near understanding that at all at thsi point. you mention about babuji exposing shyam and how that moment never came. i waited in vain for asr to connect all the dots and tell her in the end, that he'd felt her doing things to his heart right from the very first time they met. it was love taking shape from the word go. there was a bit of that in his engaging chat with nk much later where he recalls there moments together, but so so much more the writers could have done with it.

Thnx Indi.but there are so many occasions I felt like screaming because of unsatisfaction of the delivery and completion of certain things which still make me unrest.LIke contract marriage,Anjali's lies,Khushi sold her bangles for the plants etc
Your analysis for 19 and 20 just finished reading it.Standing ovation for that.Your Quotes and comparison needs no words really you are too good.I agreed with Katlyn why don't you try writing FFs and I am sure they will be worth reading.

thanks for generous too generous compliments. i love it. 😆 but seriously, the points you raise, every time i think of them i want to run out catch gul, give her a good shake and say: can't you see what a winner you have here? this subtlety, finesse, joy, hypnotic flair has rarely, perhaps never, been there in a tv serial? don't just let such a fantastic thing go. it's simple to keep it alive, tell the story, close loops, and carry on, you can't go wrong.

alas. and alas.
indi52 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago
thank you for sharing the most fantastic year with me. we share the best thing of all. memories.

                                                 here's to a wonderful 2013.