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Deepi20 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Wow! Awesome updates! Abhay-Piya are engaged! Loved the scene where Abhay was jealous and possessive, and I'm wondering who that supermodel is who came at the end of the last chapter! And the Abhay-Piya kissing scenes were so hot! 😳Looking forward to how Abhay and Piya eventually fall in love and agree to marry each other! Eagerly waiting for the next update!  And thanks for updating 4 chapters in one go! It was an awesome treat! 😛 Continue soon!Edited by Deepi20 - 12 years ago
--Tia-- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

part 8:- Enjoy!!! -- tia --

Abhay was not happy. He had barely slept. Now that his vacation had been unpleasantly and unexpectedly extended he had to rearrange things back in Mumbai, he needed to go over important project details with his Director of Finance. Details he should be going over in person but instead he was going to be gallavanting to Goa because Princess Pia wants to go on vacation. Isn't she already on vacation?? Hasn't she been on vacation for the last 4 months?! But ofcourse what Pia wants Pia gets and now he's going to have to put up with her demands for the next 6 months too. Abhay had finally gotten everything organized and had hurriedly packed and after saying bye to his family he had the driver drop him off at the airport. Once at the airport what greeted him was the whole Gupta Clan. They were acting like they were leaving for 4 months not 4 days! Shaking his head he walked over to Sid uncle who welcomed him with a big smile. Abhay looked around and zeroed in on his nemesis. She was texting something rapidly on her I phone and hadn't noticed him yet. This gave him a chance to have a good look. She looked so pretty he couldn't help thinking. She was wearing a pair of skinny jeans with a long thin blue shirt. The shirt fell over one shoulder leaving it exposed. She wore a belt that hung low over the shirt and jeans with ballet flats on her feet. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail. Large sunglasses covered her eyes. She was completely engrossed in her texting and every once in a while would smile at something she read. Abhay wondered who she was texting so rapidly, was it a guy he thought. As soon as the thought entered his head he pushed it out. Why would he care if she was texting some guy. Actually he wanted her to, maybe then she'll run off and get married to him and this 6 month prison sentence Abhay has been handed down would be shortened.

Goodbyes were said and the group boarded their flight. Pia found her seat and went back to texting her best friend Aria in Vancouver. Aria's boyfriend had finally proposed to her last night and Aria was sharing the details of the proposal. Pia was so excited for her. Looking up she saw Abhay walking down the aisle and she couldn't help but remember her own supposed engagement or rather business proposal. How sad she thought. When she was actually proposed to she wanted it to be extemely romantic. Seeing the little smile playing on Pia's face Abhay wondered what she was thinking about. Shaking his head he went back to looking for his seat 27, 28, 29B. 29B right next to 29A which at present was taken by Pia Gupta. Just wonderful he thought looking down at her. As Abhay made a move to sit down Pia looked up at him, "what are you doing?" " This is not your seat." "Riya is sitting here." Pia quickly said. "No Riya is already seated next to your cousin Arhan." "This is my seat" Abhay responded. "No there has been a mistake, I can't sit with you for 3 hours." "Nope not going to happen." Abhay on the other hand made himself more comfortable in his seat. "Feel free to move" was his response as he buckled up and then closed his eyes. Pia stared at him for a minute with disbelief. Did he just blow her off...HOW RUDE! Pia got up and squeezed her way by him, shoving him as she went. The loser didn't even open his eyes. None of her cousin's would trade seats with her because they were either listening to music together or playing cards or as in the case of her cousin Priya "Abhay was too HOT" she'd be too nervous to sit next to him. At that answer Pia just rolled her eyes and threw her hands up in the air. USELESS! Her family was useless! Pia looked around and saw the flight was full expect for a man who was sitting by himself picking his nose...EEEW! Pia walked back to her seat. "EXCUSE ME" she said as she tried to get by. But Abhay's legs were too long and taking up too much space. "EXCUSE ME"!!! She practically screamed at him. Again no answer. Frustrated she started shoving his legs aside and trying to get by Abhay when she lost her balance and fell into his lap. Abhay opened his eyes and Pia was in his arms. They stared at eachother until the air hostess told them to get their seat belts on..but not before giving Abhay a once over and a sly smile. HELLO Pia thought I'm sitting in his lap and you're checking him out you besharm girl! With that thought Pia pushed away from him and fell back into her own chair. Abhay just looked at her, shook his head and promptly closed his eyes again. Pia spent the first hour shoving Abhay's head from her shoulder. Everyime he'd fall asleep, his head would somehow fall onto her shoulder. Pia would with great pleasure take her hand and push his face away from her. Waking him up everytime. 

Abhay was getting irritated now. "Pia what is your problem" he snapped. "You" Pia said without looking up from her magazine. "Oh really well the feeling is mutual but what is your problem now." "Because of you I have not slept properly in two days." "I thought I might get some rest on this flight but ofcourse you're making that impossible too." "You can sleep but the second your sleep interferes with my personal space I will not tolerate it" she said nonchalantly. "How is my sleep interfering with your personal space" Abhay practically yelled at her. " I don't want you touching me Abhay" Pia responded. "Oh, I see... Pia does my touching you make you nervous?" Abhay questioned. Pia quickly looked up. "In your dreams, your touching me has no effect on me." "Alright Pia let's test that theory of yours." Pia stared at Abhay for a few seconds before responding. "What do you mean "test" she said. Well like this, and Abhay touched her lightly on the arm, "Anything" he asked? "Nothing but repulsion" she answered back. Hmm...then Abhay trailed his finger down her arm to her hand giving her goosebumps. Anything now he asked huskily. "Nope" Pia responded slowly. Then he brought her hand up to his mouth and lightly ran his finger on her wrist and then kissed her pulse point. "Anything now Pia" he said his deep sexy voice. Pia just stared at him and then slowly shook her head. Her pulse was racing she was sure he could feel it holding her wrist. Then he bought his face so close to hers and blew on the side of her neck, just as he was about to kiss her neck they were interrupted by the airhostess. "Would you two like a drink?" she asked. Pia and Abhay both looked at her dazed but Abhay snapped out of it first. "I'll have a vodka no ice" he said. Pia looked at him and was tempted to say the same for me. "I'll have a glass of white wine please". Something to calm her nerves she thought.

What had almost happened there Abhay thought. What started out as a lesson for Pia had become something else entirely. He's been with other girls but for some reason Pia could just get under his skin. Pia quickly put her earplugs on and closed her eyes she didn't even want to think about what they were doing and almost did in the middle of a full airplane.
The rest of the flight passed without Abhay and Pia speaking again. It was safest that way they both thought.

Goa was beautiful. Paradise Pia thought as she looked outside at the beach from the Villa they were renting. She couldn't wait to get onto the beach. The next 4 days were going to be all about relaxing, and partying. She ran up to her room and opened up her suitcase and found her swimsuit . Once she had changed she tied a sarong around herself, grabbed her flip flops and her beach bag and told everyone to meet her on the beach when they were ready. Abhay couldn't wait to get out there too, but ofcourse he'd stay on the opposite side of the beach that Pia would be on. Now that he was in Goa he could appreciate all that it had to offer, including the gorgeous women. Abhay too got ready and headed for the beach but with one stop first, the beach bar. He ordered a drink and as he looked out at the beach he saw what can only be described as a goddess coming out of the water. She was wearing a white bathing suit that was a one piece .  The sun shone down on her as she was walking out of the water and her long wet hair hung down her back. All Abhay could do was stare, and then he paused, took off his sunglasses and could not belive who it was.. Pia! Then he noticed that there were other guys that had stopped to stare at her too. What the hell was she wearing he thought angrily and what were these guys looking at. He quickly walked over to her. "Pia everyone is looking at you, cover yourself up" he said. Pia was shocked. "Are you kidding me Abhay, look around you most girls are wearing bikini's here." "And this is a beach what else would I wear?" "I don't care" Abhay said. "Look at the leach staring at you? " "Wait a second let me go give him something to stare at" Abhay said as he headed in the guys direction. Pia caught Abhay's hand and pulled him back. "Stop it Abhay" "Who looks at me is none of your business." "So lay off." "I'm here to have a good time I don't need you babysitting me" Pia said angrily. Pia and Abhay both stared at eachother for a minute before Abhay stomped away. What the hell are you doing Abhay he asked himself as he pounded back his drink. But he didn't leave until he saw that Pia's other cousins had joined her. Then he headed over to the far side of the beach. 

The afternoon passed too quickly and the group headed back to their Villa to get ready for the evening. They were going out for dinner to a nice seafood restaurant and then out for a night of dancing and drinking. Pia was feeling pretty mellow from the sun and from the drinks she'd already consumed. The fact that she hadn't seen Abhay all afternoon helped too even though she had found herself looking for him more then once and wondering where he went. Just as they got back to the villa Pia noticed Abhay talking to someone. He wore shorts and no shirt and just like last time she couldn't help but stare. He looked incredibly hot and so did the female he was laughing with. OH Pia thought who was that. The girl was very attractive and she was wearing a bikini. My swimsuit needed to be covered up but look at Mr.Malhotrah flirting with bikini models Pia thought angerily Then Pia saw the girl write something on a piece of paper and put it in Abhay's hand and then reach over and give him a kiss on the cheek. Abhay gave her this boyish crooked half smile before he walked away from her. Pia saw red, he was such a hypocrite. Everything was okay for him, but no one was even allowed to look at her. Oh she was going to give him a piece of her mind alright. Abhay had already gone into his room and was getting ready to take a shower when he head banging on his door. He opened his door to find Pia looking fit to be tied. She pushed her way into his room. Abhay shook his head. Now what, he thought. He closed the door knowing that there would probably be shouting and there was no need for everyone else to hear. "Yes Pia what can I do for you" he said. "What you can do for me is stay the hell away from me" she practically screamed. " I thought I already did that this afternoon" he reponded. "Yes, but not before you came over and almost embarrased yourself and me!" "If that guy was checking me out that's my problem." "I want him to check me out." "And you're such a hypocrite." "The way you were flirting with that scantily clad bikini model." "It was disgusting." Now Abhay was mad, Pia was always just running her mouth and half the time she didn't know what she was saying. "Pia I wasn't flirting with that girl, we were talking." "Talking my foot" Pia snapped. "If you two were any closer you'd need to get a room." At this point Pia and Abhay were standing so close and both were very angry. "Except if you two did get a room, you'd probably not know what to do in it" Pia taunted. Abhay saw red and at the moment he reached over and grabbed Pia's hair and brought her face close to his. "Pia I'll show you what I know and don't know" and with that he pressed his lips against hers. The kiss was supposed to be a hard punishing lesson but the second their lips touched everything changed. Pia melted into his arms and Abhay deepened the kiss. Abhay pulled Pia tighter against his chest and before Pia could think about it she was kissing him back. A warm shiver ran up her spine. The kiss could have lasted seconds or minutes of even hours Pia didn't know, what she did know was that she didn't want it to stop. Abhay could feel Pia's hands in his hair. Even if he wanted to he couldn't pull away, infact he pulled her even closer applying even more pressure making him want her even more. When at last they pulled away they were both panting and staring at eachother not saying anything. The ringing of a cell phone is what brought them back to reality. Pia quickly grabbed her phone and ran out of the room. She couldn't believe what just happened between her and the monster and worse she couldn't believe what she wanted to happen. She needed to clear her head and fast. This would not do, not do at all. If she started any type of relationship with Abhay she knew her dad would have her married to him before she knew what hit her.

enjoy part 8 as well part 9 :)

--Tia-- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

paart 9: enjoy!!! cheer's --tia--

Pia came out of her room and she heard someone whistle. "Wow di" her cousin Priya said "you look HOT!" Pia smiled at her and said "you look pretty hot yourself Payal." Payal giggled happily being the youngest it was nice getting compliments from her older cousins. But Pia did look hot. She wore a deep purple sleeveless satin dress that fell to mid thigh. The dress v-d at the front with a thin purple belt tucking the dress in so it fit like a glove. Pia had her hair all pinned so that they fell over her left shoulder in waves. Her eyes were done to create a smokey look and her lips were painted a pale pink. Pia had pushed the whole Abhay incident out of her mind. She had decided she was going to pretend it never happened. Never happened, Never happened she repeated in her mind but as she glanced at the staircase she lost her train of thought. Abhay was walking down with her cousin Arhan and the two were laughing at something, atleast Pia thought Arhan was laughing because she never did look at him, she couldn't take her eyes off of Abhay. WOW he looked gorgeous. He wore a charcoal colored suit fitted perfectly to him with a light bue shirt, the top 3 buttons undone. He looked dashing she thought. Abhay caught Pia looking at him and gave her a smirk. She quickly looked away and started talking to her cousin.

They had hired a driver for the evening and apparently Abhay had rented a vehicle for himself aswell. He preferred to drive himself he had said. Pia had just rolled her eyes at this. Everyone had headed outside when Pia decided to grab a shawl, just incase in got chilly at night. When Pia came back everyone had left except Abhay. "Where's everyone?" she asked in a panic. 'There was no room for you in the vehicle so they asked me to bring you' Abhay replied. "What?!" Pia was so pissed off. They could have atleast waited for her, then she would have made one of the others go with Abhay instead. Now she was stuck. Pia stop being a child she said to herself. He has no effect on you. Get into that car and keep your mouth shut! Pia got into the car without saying a word. Abhay was shocked he had been expecting an Pia tantrum. He got in and pulled out on to the main road. A few minutes went by and he noticed Pia hadn't said one word. Very unPia like. He atleast expected her to say something about the kiss..something about him forcing himself on her and how much she hated the kiss when they both know she had loved it. But nope not a word.

Pia was remembering the damned kiss! She was so mad at herself. She had made the mistake of looking at his lips and then she had remembered those lips on hers. And it had been all downhill from there. She could feel herself turning red. Oh my god what's happening to me she thought. Abhay glanced at Pia and saw that she was blushing. A slow smile appeared on his lips. Finally a reaction he thought. "Pia everything okay" he asked. "You look a little warm' "What? No I'm fine" she stuttered. "Really, are you sure you're not thinking about the kiss we shared" he taunted. "Kiss, what kiss?" Pia asked slowly. "Sorry I don't remember any kiss." "Oh Abhay said with a smile would you like me to refresh your memory then." "NO" Pia shouted. "I mean not necessary I kinda remember it now" she said nervously. He laughed to himself this girl was too much. He decided to goad her a little more "Well I know you enjoyed it but just to let you know there can't be a repeat." "No matter how much you may want me to kiss you, I can't." "If we start any type of relationship our dad's are going to have us married next week." "They're just looking for any sign of consent from us." Pia just stared at him with a horrified expression "Want to kiss you?!" she asked slowly shaking her head. "Enjoyed kissing you?" she said angrily. "Abhay let me refresh your memory." "You kissed me, not the other way around you.. you JERK!" "I didn't enjoy the kiss, it was repulsive...I... before Pia could say anything else Abhay looked at her with his gorgeous smoldering eyes, they were so intense they looked amber in color. "Pia I think we both know that we both enjoyed that kiss and that it probably won't be our last kiss."

Pia stared at him in shock and watched him turn back and stare determinedly infront of him as he drove. Pia opened her mouth and then shut it. She turned back towards the car window and stared mindlessly outside. Things were getting completely out of control.

As Abhay pulled up to the restaurant and gave the keys to the valet, he went to the passenger side and opened the door for Pia. Pia gave him a surprised look at she got out. "Abhay malhotrah and manners I'm surprised" she said. "Pia there's a lot about me that would surprise you" was Abhay's reply. They walked up to the restaurant that overlooked a beach. It was beautiful. The night was warm, and the waves were hitting the beach. Everyone was seated at the table already. Two seats remained side by side. Great Pia thought, so much for keeping her distance from Abhay.

Dinner ended up being very enjoyable Abhay found himself thinking. Pia seemed to be back to her old self, laughing and talking. Her stories kept everyone entertained throughout dinner. But Abhay noticed that she gave each one of her cousin's special attention talking about something each one is really good at or is involved in. Making each one feel special. You could tell how much she loved them and how much they loved her. Dinner had been delicious and the wine had loosened everyone up. Some people more then others as he looked over at Pia giggling with her cousin Riya. "Okay everyone let's get going." "We've gotta a night of dancing infront of us" Arhan announced. Abhay handed the waiter his Visa and said he'd pay for dinner as a thank you to everyone for letting him tag along. Pia looked at him with a surprised half smile. Now it was Abhay's turn to be surprised. Pia had never genuinely smiled at him before. Never had one of her killer smiles been directed at him. It wasn't a full smile but still something he thought.

This time Arhan drove with Abhay. Abhay had laughed when he saw Pia push Arhan out of the way as she got into their car. Ms. Pia Gupta that was afraid of nothing was suddenly scared to be alone with Abhay. Interesting, he thought to himself. As they walked into the club, Abhay noticed a few familiar faces from Mumbai. Seeing a business associate Abhay excused himself to go meet him. Pia and her cousins headed for the dance floor. The club was packed and the music was pumping. As usual the music took control and Pia spent the better part of the evening on the dance floor, only stopping for a drink here and there. Abhay spent most of his evening off the dance floor, watching Pia. Damn he thought she could move. She was having a great time with her cousins. She ofcourse was rejecting any guy that asked her to dance. This time Abhay was happy about that, he didn't really want to analyze exactly why he was happy though. Abhay himself had been approached to dance many times but tonight he wasn't interested in dancing with any other girl. Abhay watched Pia walk off the dance floor and walk over to him. "The music is awesome why aren't you dancing she asked". "Don't feel like it" he answered back. "You want a drink?" he asked. "Yeah I'll have a vodka and 7" was her answer.. As he returned with her drink he noticed she was talking to some guy. And she wasn't telling him off, she was infact laughing at something he was saying. Abhay handed Pia her drink and Pia introduced the two. "Abhay this is Sunny and guess what he's from Vancouver too". "Hi" Abhay said. "What's up" Sunny responded. With that Sunny went back to talking to Pia, they were comparing people they might both know in Vancouver. Abhay watched them talk for 5 minutes before he cut in and asked Pia to dance. Pia looked surprised but hesitantly said okay.

As the two were walking to the dance floor the DJ put on a slow song. All the couples started getting close for the song. Pia looked at Abhay questioningly and Abhay put his hands on Pia's hips. She stepped in close to him and put her arm around his neck. Instantly Pia felt the electricity vibrating between them. Abhay unconsciously pulled her alittle closer. He could feel her soft hair on his face. Smell that light flowery scent that was all Pia. Pia was looking up at him as they swayed to the music. The moment was perfect until he felt a tap on his shoulder. 'Hey Abhay mind if I step in?" Sunny asked. Pia smiled at Sunny and nodded. Abhay let go of Pia but as he walked away he felt something that strangely felt like jealousy. He pushed it back but it kept rising back up. Looking back at them on the dance floor laughing and dancing Abhay felt something that he wasn't ready to analyze. As he stood with Arhan and Raj, a group of girls walked over and started talking to them. Abhay let himself be distracted. He didn't want to think about Pia anymore.

The group got home around 3:30 in the morning and everyone was tired and rushed off to bed. Pia took a quick shower and changed into a pair of blue shorts and a black ribbed tank top. Her hair was tied up in a loose bun. Pia heard her stomach growl and decided to grab a snack. They had picked up some essentials from a local grocery store earlier and she knew exactly what she was craving...strawberry ice cream.. yummy she thought. She grabbed a bowl and scooped some in, then grabbed a light shawl and headed out on to the deck. She made herself comfy and listened to the sound of the surf. It was so peaceful. Just as she was feeling herself drift to sleep. She heard footsteps. "Abhay what are still doing up?" she asked yawning. "I couldn't sleep" was his answer. Pia nodded her head and the two of them stared out at the ocean for a few minutes not saying anything. "It's so beauitful" Pia said softly. Abhay looked at her and nodded in agreement. "Beautiful" he repeated but he wasn't looking at the water he was staring instead at her. The two stared at eachother and Abhay shook his head as if to clear it. "What are you eating?" he said. "Strawberry icecream" she answered back and took a bite. "Here let me have some" he said reaching for the bowl. Pia held the bowl out of his reach. "No, get your own this one's mine." Abhay reached for the bowl again but Pia got up and took a few steps back. "Nope" she said laughing. Abhay made another move for the bowl and she sidestepped him laughing. Oh we're going to play that game Abhay thought. Just as Pia was about to make a run for it he grabbed her, and as she squirmed and giggled he pulled her closer. Pia stopped laughing, and looked up at him. "Pia you have some icecream on your face' he said huskily. " Let me get it for you." Abhay took his thumb and rubbed it on the corner of Pia's mouth and then took the thumb and sucked on it as if he was tasting something. "Delicious" he said softly looking at her with those intense eyes. "Let's have another taste" and he bent down and put his lips on hers and Pia was lost. The kiss was intense, they couldn't get close enough to eachother. He deepened the kiss and she kissed him back with everything she had. His hands were on her hips pulling her even closer and her hands were in his hair pulling his head closer to her. They couldn't get enough of eachother. The sound of honking pulled them slowly out of their trance. Pia couldn't quite clear her head, but she thought she now heard banging on her front door. Abhay still had his hands on Pia's hips. He shook his head to as if to clear it. They both walked to the front door, who could it be at this hour. Pia opened the door to find what could only be a super model. She was tall and gorgeous and looking to done up for 4 in the morning. "Who was she" "Hi, can I help you" Pia asked. The "super model" looked past Pia and screamed with joy. " Baby I missed you" she said as she pushed past Pia and ran into Abhay's arms. Leaving both Pia and Abhay shocked

so how was the 4 part's plss share ur view's and if u liked it plss press the like tab and comment must !!!!! do u like the way story is going????



--Tia-- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
thnx deepi for liking my update comment Asap!! after reading !!!
Deepi20 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Updated my comment on page 7 (it's between chapter 7 and 8).
..tora.tangled. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
its awesome!!luvd it!plz continue fast..m impatient!thanx 4 da pm.
minibsp2007 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

wow dear, next part seems to have quite fun with cat fight of abhay piya

update soon
PM me when u update
sunu123 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
-Sonia- thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

All the updates were awesome!
OMG! Abhiya kissed. .u have written the moment of passion. . So beautifully!
I'm speechless. . U gave a full dose of abhiya romance! Superb
eagerly waiting for abhiya love confession. .
Continue soon. . Tc
Peehu24 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 12 years ago
hey...loved ur ff...its beautiful...can u plz pm me next time...its ausum...