BitterSweet LoveStory MG FF Thread 1 - Page 79


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Posted: 13 years ago
i have edited it but i was half sleepy while doing so... cho pweej ignore any mistakes coz probably there are many😆
here's the next chapter .... PM's later


Geet had a faint smile on her face as she realised Mr Magambo wasn't really that bad. At that moment, when she looked him in the eye she saw concern and it was genuine, she could feel it. Suddenly, she realised how wrong she had been that day in the mall. She'd accused him of manhandling a girl and here he was worried someone would take advantage of her. She knew he loathed her more than anything else, she knew she despised him; she knew they hated each other but, after all the things she did, he was concerned about her. She insulted him, slapped him, stomped his foot, made him drink salt coffee, and he was worried something would happen to her. She'd called him inhuman, how wrong she'd been. Yes, he is arrogant, he made her run after him, he made her exert beyond her capability, he left her alone on a deserted road but he came back.

She stared at him intently as Maan looked at her with anger. He wasn't really sure what she could possibly be thinking but he said it anyway "turns out I am human after all"

Geet couldn't reply to that as she silently felt guilty. They just stood there not saying anything; Geet looked at him with an expression he couldn't understand and he looked at her seething in anger, she knew it too well.

Geet saw ten well built men standing behind Maan with their jaws hardened. Geet knew four of them, they were her bodyguards. But the other six, who were they.

It was then it hit her'veju. Her dear brother had lied. She had ten body guards. TEN goddamn bodyguards to spy on her.

Geet eyes widened as she was them moving towards Maan. Maan was standing with his back facing them and hence he did not see them until'

One of the ten bodyguards held Maan's arm and howled him onto the road. Maan fell as his head hit the ground and before he could get on his feet, another man held him by the collar and yanked him on his face. As an after effect of the punch, Maan stumbled as he his back hit the car.

Geet came in between him and the bodyguards "stop". She shot a glare at the body guards as she yelled "back off". They understood they were not required and hence backed off.

Maan's hand covered his face as he felt his mouth bleed.

Maan was in immense pain as his nose bled and he was not in state of comprehending anything. But even in that state he did not miss Geet's words and he was shocked just by her saying something those goons backed off.

"Are you ok" Geet asked with concern.

Maan nodded as Geet helped him to sit in the back seat of the car.

One of the bodyguards came to their side and apologised "sir we are sorry we felt you were misbehaving with the lady"

Geet was sort of relieved that the security head controlled the situation. Otherwise there was no way she would have been able to hide her identity from Maan.

Maan did not reply just looked at him with blood shot eyes. He looked like he would blow the man's head off any second.  

Geet asked those ten men to leave them alone and they immediately obeyed.

Once in the car, Maan removed his hand from his mouth and looked at his blood filled nose. Geet saw the blood oozing out of his nose and she collapsed.

She fell to the ground as she fainted. Maan ignored the pain in his nose as he was instantly by Geet's side. He lifted her in his arms and laid her on the back seat as he repeatedly called out her name. He rubbed her hands, sprinkled water on her face but she was just not responding. He closed the door as he ran towards the driver's seat wanting to reach the hospital at the earliest. After some five minutes Geet came to her senses on her own and sat upright holding her head. Her head throbbed in pain as she closed his eyes. As soon as Maan realised she was up he pulled in by the road side and immediately got out to sit next to her.

He looked at her as he asked "you ok"

"Yes" Geet replied still feeling dizzy.

"What happened" Maan asked.

"I don't know" Geet replied as she opened her eyes and as soon as she opened them she closed them again.

"Your nose is bleeding" she said as tears streamed down her face "I can't stand the sight of blood"

Geet had been brought up in a very protective environment. She had never seen someone hit the other person so hard. The sight had terrified her. She was trembling in fear. Ever since she was a kid, she cannot stand the sight of blood.

Geet was shaking as she clung to Maan. Her hands were trembling, her lips quivering in fear. She wrapped her arms around Maan as tight as possible blocking any light passing through them.

For the initial few minutes Maan could not understand what was happening, he felt a strange sensation overcome him as Geet held onto him. Although he did not her hug her back, he kept stroking her hair, trying to pacify her "it's ok... we are just fine"

Geet shook in fear as her silent crying transformed into wailing. She sobbed against his masculine chest as her tears soaked his vest coat. Her hands clutched his collar as her breath fell on his neck. She held onto him as though she were a kid, scared to let go, lest something would hurt her.

She was scared out of her wits.

Though worried, Maan was also equally surprised by her childlike behaviour. He couldn't believe she was the same girl who had slapped him in a mall, the same girl who had the guts to stomp his foot, the same girl who had the audacity to answer him back even after her mistakes. This wild cat, Geet, was scared of a mere fight which as a matter of fact was not really a fight, but what amused him was that she did not act scared when those morons were hitting him and now, when they were all gone, she was crying like a baby.

Reality hit Geet when she heard a roaring sound as a truck whizzed past them. She instantly withdrew her hands from around his neck as she moved back "uh... sorry, I got scared"

Did he hear right or were his ears toying with him. She apologised.

 Maan felt like a fool as he smiled at her innocence. She wasn't ready to accept her defeat just, what, like an hour back. She was the same girl who would rather stand all messed up, in the middle nowhere but she wouldn't apologise. Out of all things she apologised for something that wasn't even her mistake. Sure, he wanted her to do so but not in this context.

She does after all know how to apologise.

"She wasn't that bad after all" Maan thought.

Seeing him smile at her, Geet curled her lip in anger. She was scared and he was smiling. She shouldn't have stopped those bodyguards from hitting Maan. Wait a minute. What the hell was she thinking? She couldn't even bear a few drops of blood, how on earth would she stand him totally drenched in blood. So, getting him beaten up... idea dropped.

Maan sensed her flaring up as he saw her scrunched nose and he decided to play along. He smirked as he said "so the cat is scared of blood"

Geet's was fuming, how he dare make a mockery out of her. How dare he call her a cat? She looked at him with anger and as her gaze fell on his which was still bleeding, she fainted yet again.

"Not again" that was all Maan said as he knew this wasn't anything serious.

As he got out of the car, he couldn't help but smile remembering her cute angry face.

He took out the water bottle from under the front seat and wiped his face clean. He got in the car and sat on his seat as he lifted his head and rested it against the seat facing the roof of the car. When he was sure the bleeding had stopped, he wiped clean his face with his handkerchief and switched on the ignition.


Maan frowned as he took a turn to get on the highway and the realisation dawned on him, the ease with which he had driven for the past half an hour was soon going to be replaced with double the difficulty. And he was proven right as he saw the long line of traffic ahead of his car.


Yash barged into Meera's cabin as she looked at him flabbergasted. She looked alternatively at him and then her patients.

"We have to talk"

"I am sure whatever it is can wait, I have patients to attend . . . why don't you sit in the waiting room while I wrap up my work here" Meera said rather calmly not wanting to smack Yash there and then for barging into her clinic when she had patients to attend to. One thing that Meera hated was being disturbed when working. She believed in professionalism and did not approve of any interference in job.

Personal life and professional life were two different aspects of her life which she preferred keeping independent of each other. Not that, there was anything officially personal between her and Yash in the first place, as he was just not making the move. And she did not want to make the first move. So, yes this way they have been stuck for the past five years at "Hi . . . hello . . . how have you been . . . take care . . . bye"

Yash was not in any mood to wait, he sure as hell would talk to her then and there and if she had a problem with that he wouldn't mind driving away her patients.

"We have to talk NOW" Yash barked.

"Yash I am busy, just wait for sometime" Meera replied.

"I have to talk to you now" Yash snapped.

"Yash please . . . I will be there with you in a couple of minutes till then may I work" Meera tried.

"How can you just agree to the damn proposal?" Yash roared.

"What are you talking about?" Meera asked, puzzled by Yash's strange behaviour.

"Do not pretend to be ignorant of it . . . I will not let any such thing happen" Yash barked.

"Yash trust me I have no ides whatsoever you're trying to say here" Meera said calmly.

"Oh . . . so you are telling me you did not say yes to the proposal" Yash replied rather sardonically.

"What proposal" Meera asked.

"As if you don't know what I am talking about" Yash snapped.

"Yes Yash, I DO NOT KNOW" Meera replied as she tried hard not to yell.

"I want to make it clear . . . you are not marrying anyone else" he said with finality.

"Wow . . . where did this marriage angle jump from?" Meera snapped.

"Meera I know that you said yes to Romeo's proposal" Yash frowned

"Please don't marry him . . . marry me" he said as he desperately looked at Meera.

Meera stood there dumbfounded, her jaw dropped to her knees "that's how you propose" she yelled.

"No . . . this is how I propose"

With that said Yash got down on his knees as he held Meera's hand. He looked her in the eye "I have been an idiot, I always wanted to tell you how I felt about you but I never really could and if I put in words what I fell for you I am certain words wouldn't suffice . . . I know I am late, I know it took me five years to say this . . . but . . . it nearly killed me today when I found out I might lose you forever . . . five years back, the day I saw you take care of my baby sister when grandpa scolded her for the first time, I adored you . . . the day I first saw you in a sari, I was smitten by you . . . the day you hugged me after having topped the medical examinations, I knew you were the one . . . what I want to say is . . . that . . . I am in love with you . . . so will you Meera Shergil marry me Yash Handa . . . so that I can love you forever . . . so that I can be with you forever . . . so that I can give you all the happiness in the world . . . so that I can call you forever mine"

Tears fell from her eyes as she smiled "yes . . . I Meera Shergil . . . will . . . marry . . . you . . . Yash Handa"

Yash slipped the ring in her ring finger as he kissed the back of her hand.

"I love you too" Meera said as he smiled and bit her lower lip.

Yash literally pounced on Meera and crushed her into his embrace. He kissed her full on the mouth and her eyes widened in shock. But the initial shock soon turned into a pleasant surprise. Yash kissed her with all his love as his hands explored her back. Meera closed her eyes as she slid her arms around his neck and soon her hands travelled up to his hair. All of a sudden she pushed him as she heard giggling sound and realised they were not alone, rather her patient, Rajji was in the same room as them. Rajji excused herself and she left room in a jiffy.

As soon as rajji left, Yash pulled Meera by her waist and kissed her yet again. He kissed her as he said "I can't seem to have enough of you"

Meera smiled as she hid her face in his chest and they stood there in a loving embrace.


He was getting a bit worried now, it had been more than an hour since Geet passed out and yet she wasn't getting up. He decided to take her to the nearest hospital but to his bad luck the nearest hospital was in Delhi. And he was nowhere near Delhi, thanks to the damned traffic on the highway. Maan Singh Khurana who had never been scared of anything was literally growing panicky as he saw Geet lying unconscious. He drove like a mad man, breaking all speed limits as he rashly over took the passer by vehicles.

He grew even tense as he saw the railway junction was closed and there was a huge row of vehicles lined up, waiting for the road to clear. He had to apply breaks otherwise along with Geet even he would need medical assistance because of colliding his car behind a truck. And just as a matter of fact, since he was driving and sitting on the front seat, the chances of injury were more probable for him than Geet who lay in the back seat.

To his relief Geet finally came to her senses.

"So Ms I-am-like-a-cat finally got up" Maan teased.

"Not like I chose to faint" Geet spat back.

Maan parked the car by the road side as he waited for Geet to sit on the co-driver's seat but Geet just kept looking at him with an expression 'what-now'

"Now, if you done passing out, you mind sitting in front seat . . . just for the record I am not your driver" Maan said.

"I guess I am more comfortable at the back seat" Geet smirked as a wicked smile played at her lips.

"Geet . . . do not toy with me and better come to the front seat"

"What if I say I won't" Geet smirked.

"You wouldn't want to say that" Maan replied with mischief in his eyes.

"Well then, I. Will. Not. Sit. On. The. Front. Seat" Geet said as she looked at Maan.

"That is it" saying that Maan got out of the car, opened the back door to try pulling Geet out but as he held her hand for doing that, she snapped it back and due to the sudden motion Maan lost his balance and fell over Geet.

Geet tried moving under him but he was a bit too heavy for her fragile body. Maan looked at Geet as she tried to get him off of her .He held her wrists and pinned them by her side on the car seat. He looked at her face and moved his face to her ear "so the cat is cornered"

Maan looked at her nose red in anger but otherwise brown with mud. She looked darn cute. Maan looked at those eyes and yet again he was under their spell. The spark in her eyes would make any good Maan fall flat in matter of seconds. The scent of her mild perfume was driving him to insanity. He saw a strand of her on her cheek and unmindfully he bent down closer to her face and blew at her cheeks to drive away that strand.

Geet shuddered under his breath as she blinked her eyelids repeatedly, trying to comprehend what exactly was happening.

When the strand of hair still hovered over her cheeks Maan moved his nose closed to her cheek and moved it away from her cheek towards her ear.

Suddenly reality hit Geet as she felt his nose rub against her cheek and she pushed him harder.

"Get of me" Geet yelled.

As soon as Geet said those words Maan snapped back to reality but he still did not get off of her. He was in mood of some play.

"What if I say I won't" Maan smirked.

Hearing Maan say that Geet knew what she would do.

"You wouldn't want to say that" Geet replied.

"I. Will. Not. Get. Off. You" Maan repeated.

"That is it" With that said Geet started screaming "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh'

Maan closed her mouth with his hands as he smirked "you shouldn't have done that"

Geet looked at him with wide eyes as he moved closer to her with his hand still covering her face. He moved to her ear as he whispered "you wanted to break my ear drums . . . right . . . now don't blame me"

With that said, Maan screamed in her ear.

It was then that Geet bit his palm that was covering her mouth. Maan yelped in pain as he withdrew his hands from her face and got off her.

"What was that" he barked.

"You really want to know . . . well . . . give me your hand, I'll show you what it was" Geet replied as she got out of the car and took the front seat.

Maan looked at his palm which was red and blue, as he said "you will pay for this Ms I-like-A-Cat"

"We'll see Mr Anger-On-My-Nose" Geet retorted.

The rest journey Maan and Geet did not say a word to each other. Both of them thinking about ways to irk the other.

As they entered the city Maan asked Geet her address. Geet's face went pale; she bit her lip as she felt she was definitely cornered. What was she suppose to tell him.

And then a light bulb went on'

She gave the address of the apartment she'd stayed when she first came to Delhi. Call it co-incidence just yesterday she'd told Aditya she lives just two blocks away from the office and this apartment was located right on spot.

Maan instead of dropping her at her so called house took her to the hospital. She was reluctant to go in initially but it was not like she had a choice as Maan literally pulled her out of the car and walked towards the hospital entrance pulling her behind him. As Geet saw the name of the hospital she froze, she snapped her hand "I don't need a doctor"

Geet knew Mrs Anushka Shergil, Meera's mother and a cardiologist, would be coming to Delhi to attend a medical conference in this hospital, the very day. No one except Yash, Meera, Pari and Arjun knew about Geet being in Delhi. God forbid, if Anushka aunty would see her she would definitely be in trouble. And Yash and warned her against this, she would have to go back home the moment someone found out she was in Delhi. Geet couldn't afford the risk.

"Yes you do" Maan replied.

"No I don't" Geet snapped.

"You fainted TWICE" Maan argued.

"That's nothing new . . . I always faint when I am scared" Geet replied as tried walking away.

"Bottom line, you are seeing a doctor NOW" Maan spat as he held her wrist.

"You need a doctor not me" Geet said "It's you got PUNCHED on the face"

"Chutki . . . what are you doing in Delhi" someone called from behind Maan.

"Holy crap" Geet muttered under her breath as she closed her eyes. The exact thing she feared was happening. She cursed her fate as she opened her eyes and looked at Mrs Shergil.

"Hello aunty" Geet said as she plastered a smile on her face trying her level best to mask her fear.

"Why are you in Delhi?"

"Does your brother know?"

"What happened . . . why are you dressed like that?"

Mrs Shergil threw one question after another and Geet had no answer.

Maan looked Geet and from the look of it he knew she was scared but why. Did she know this lady? He couldn't get a thing of what was happening.

"Uh . . . actually aunty . . . I . . . I'

"She came here with me" Pari came to her rescue out of the blue. Geet thanked her stars as she heaved a sigh of relief

Pari continued "Aunty you remember about the modelling assignment I sighed recently. Since, Arjun bhai could not make it, I asked nanu to let Geet accompany me and yeah . . . she came with me"

"He agreed, strange" Mrs Shergil replied.

"I know . . . but the thing is he did so it's all good" Pari smiled.

Mrs Shergil looked at her watch and realised she was getting late for the conference "see you later girls" She left for the hall as she smiled at the girls.

As soon as Pari left Geet pounced on Pari "you're life saver"

"Geez Geet . . . get of me" Pari pushed Geet with her hands as she moved back "look at you . . . did you fall in a gutter or what"

"Not exactly . . . gutter . . . it was more like a mud ditch" Geet replied with irritation.

"We got to get you out of that messy look . . . girls should never look messy"

With that said she pulled Geet by the hand and took her towards her car as Maan stood there dumbfounded.

SO guys how it was😃... if any one of u has a doubt regarding what Yash meant by Romeo proposing Meera... that will follow in the next part... What Pari was doing there.... will come in the next part...

So yes... this one is ONE LONG UPDATE so u guys better give me long comments otherwise... next update will not be up anytime soon😈... I will delay it by minimum 10 days😈... I am serious about delaying😈... so you want updates then give me comments😛😃... I am greedy😉....

Those of you who wanted Maan to fight back those body guards😆... I'll justify why he didn't... before he could even realise what was happening he got punched twice😲... and after that Geet stopped the bodyguards😳... so no fight😆... btw way all I can tell you is those 2 gustak bodyguards who hit Maan will pay a price for it, there punishment is due... how dare they blow a punch at MSK...


Edited by 7thHeaven - 13 years ago
Noori93 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 13 years ago

ohhhhh wow first of all I am first yey!

secondly i love love love your writing styleeeeee:D:D plz do continue.
Edited by Noori93 - 13 years ago
vj2102 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
nice updt...... hope u cotinue soon....
Posted: 13 years ago
Awesome CHICA! Sorry not time gotta run!
Edited by luvabbybaby - 13 years ago
Water. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 13 years ago
I loved the update.
It was mind blowing.
Loved how Maan was worried about her...
N loved how Geet felt guilty..
Hehe..Shergill aunty...too cute...😆😆
Maan being punched in the face...hehe........
I loved their bickering......
Loved the update.
How many times I have used the word Loved...
Seems like I m in love with the word ❤️Loved❤️
Edited by Water. - 13 years ago
mitzi11 thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
wow love ur threat  so
we have to give yu
long comment
wow Geet faint because
blood she was really
cared us princess
MSK got punch from
bodyguard its was so funny
thank god her identity didnt
come out Pari was her lifesaver
Maan was left alone without
goodbye ha ha ha ha ha😆😆
super fascinating
update pls cont soonnnnnnn
i hope ur happy pls less the
pushpi thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
Girl, waiting for those LONG hours for an update was definitely worth it!! :-D Cool update...drama and romance together muah!
I'll post every few hours if it will make you update faster and not make us wait 10 days for the next part....that would just be cruel! Dont make us wait okay :-)
punjabi.princes thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 13 years ago
awesome part
loved maan and geets part
maan just can't resist her lol
hope for more romance in the next part
con't soon!
preethia thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
loved ur update.......................

jo bhi sawal tha uska jawab bhi end mein de diya..............

aur phir chahthe ho ki long comment de woh kaisae?

dont u dare to delay the update....................
myedward12 thumbnail
Posted: 13 years ago
hey i just read ur all updates in one go!
it's great.........