Smitar's: Saving Khushi#3 Last Part Part 17(1)(2) Pg 1, 28 (15/10)

rulama thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago

Smita's Index of words

 1: Knowing Khushi    76799574 
 2: Finding Khushi      77825839
 3: Loving Khushi           87865257
 4: Saving Khushi           91864923
 5: Marrying Khushi    94305002
 6: I Love You, Khushi  98843109



Part 1                     Page 1                             91864942
Part 2                     Page 29                           92012502 
Part 3                     Page 44                           92057497 
Part 4                     Page 62                           92166353 
Part 5                     Page 83                           92302288 
Part 6:Section 1:   Page 101                         92395058 
Part 6:Section 2:   Page 101                         92395299  
Part 7                     Page  122                        92500252


Part 8                     Page  1                             92578666     
Part 9                     Page  1                             92579087
Part 10                   Page  49                           92892179
Part 11                   Page  49                           92892219  
Part 12                   Page  84                           93201300       
Part 13                   Page  84                           93201360
Part 14                   Page  111                         93463377  
Part 15                   Page  111                         93463425     


Part 16                   Page  1                            93741077      
Part 17 Section 1  Page  1                            93741131 
Part 17  Section 2   Page  28                            94025459




To all the New Readers,

For technical reasons, Smita is unable to post her FF. Hence I am posting it for her, in order to get our daily ration of her stories.

Edited by rulama - 10 years ago


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Nidsubh007 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 10 years ago
Sorry I didn't realize you needed 4 spots. 
Edited by Nidsubh007 - 10 years ago
rulama thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago

The Author of this post have chosen to restrict the content of this Post to members only.

rulama thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago



Here is the interpretation for Part 16.


This update is about private conversation between two persons, tete-a-tete.


After the laughter-filled dinner that was part of the simple and laid-back life of the Guptas', Khushi dragged the charpoy to the open yard and sat with her Arnavji watching the stars. It was a pleasant night and as Arnav looked around he found the streets deserted. The dim glow of the streetlights was falling on the hand pump and his car, parked in Happyji's garage. Arnav, reminiscing the time Khushi made him bathe outside in full view of the public, in a voice that was filled with mirth he asked her, whether she remembers the bath she gave him? Not comprehending what he meant or that it was light teasing banter, with her eyes wide open she parroted, bath? Wondering when she had given him one. As Arnav laughed and told her at the hand pump, in full vision of the ladies present there to collect water, Khushi's cheeks were suffused with colours, with the memories of her actions when she had pulled a fast one on him. Arnav caught hold of her hand and entwined his fingers with hers. This conversation reminded her how she had tried her utmost to break his will power in her home turf as a way of getting back at him. Khushi whispered that she was sorry for putting him through that drill and asked, he had taken offence, had he not? She had been so angry at him that... Khushi was not allowed to complete her sentence by Arnav admitting, that it was fine, for he deserved that and much more for all that he had put her through and what she did amounted to nothing in comparison. They sat inhaling the cool night air in a companionable silence, each savoring the presence of the other with their hands held in a warm clasp and enjoying the joys of huddling together. The stars were sparkling bright over them as they felt happiness and contentment wash over them.


Arnav took care of the pesky mosquitoes, swatting them with the racket, an attack that caused absolute carnage, bringing expertly their untimely demise. Khushi came in and shut the door; she asked him whether they could go to bed. Arnav told her that he would switch on the AC that would not only cool the room but also keep mosquitoes at bay and went on to do so. Khushi getting the bed readied, pumped the pillows soft. She took a sheet and folded it lengthwise into a long narrow strip and placed it at the centre as a divider, marking the space, his and hers. Arnav looked at the bed with shocked eyes and asked her what was that! Khushi's cheeky riposte, that it was the Raizada Rekha aka Arnav Rekha, had Arnav exclaim, Khushi, in exasperation. Khushi trying to look disarmingly innocent, beguilingly explained to Arnav that her Pati Parmeshwar is always scared with the thought that she might pounce on him in her sleep and subject him to her insolent and ill-mannered behavior. So to save himself from such ignominy, he places this rekha to warn her not to cross over... Her saucy teasing remark was not allowed to be completed by Arnav. He grabbed the sheet and flung it aside. In a quick move, sweeping  her off her feet, unmindful of her natter, he had her ensconced in his arms and carried her to bed. He held her delicately as though she was fragile and extremely precious. Lowering her gently on the bed, he slid in besides her resting on his one arm he leaned over her, to study her lovely face in great detail. As he whispered that he has a lovely wife who despite all the precautions that he takes, makes it a point to crawl over him at night, Khushi pouted in defiance. Though his words were chin music, teasing her with objections, that she sleeps in taekwondo poses all night, wrestles with the covers, winds her legs around him, climbs all over him, and grips him by his collar, his eyes were telling a different story altogether. They were engaged in backchat sending scorching heat in to hers like pulsars, making her cheeks glow red as tomatoes. He continued to say that, she fears he would fly away, out through the window if she lets go of him. As he smirked, his eyes were glued on her pouting lips. An irate Khushi not liking to be at the receiving end all the time, growled who was it who said that he hated to share a room with her? Arnav, pretending to be unaware asked her, who was it who said so? That one must have been a fool. Khushi making her opinion on the matter clear, endorsed, that the person was indeed a fool, an arrogant fool, full of anger, full of hatred. Arnav peppering his words with lots of sweet kisses on her lips said, that the fool was also full of love, more love than he knew what to do with. He was filled with, love that just would not die whatever happened, love that could not be forgotten, killed, or ignored. That very love had made, spending each night with her in the same room, a refined self inflicted torture.


His loving ministrations to her lips, along with the soft and husky voice were making wondrous things inside her, shooting frissons of thrills and making her moan. With a tint of wicked glint dancing in his laughing eyes he asked, what happened, Khushi? Khushi trying not to break her composure, and act dignified told him, nothing. He repeated nothing? Then, it was fine and it was time to turn in. Wishing her good night, he turned away pretending to go to sleep. Khushi stared at him, her mouth wide open with shocking disbelief. She lay waiting for him to turn around, hoping he would gather her in his arms and make her forget everything but him and his love all through the night. She could hear the ticking of seconds. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six... Seeing no movement from him, she could not withstand the distance, she called softly, Arnavji! She attempted to parley but he was dumb to it. There was no response for he lay still. The only indication of his devilry was the triumphant smile, that he could not resist showing out, hearing the pleading note in her voice. It served only to fuel her anger that was all ready to be kindled with just a soft strike. She was miffed by his attitude as she relished these pillow talks when she had his undivided time and attention in the confines of their room, their very own Eden. She reveled in the rapport and intimacy, being close emotionally and physically as it helped both to have their ego stroked by the other who loves you and wants to be with you. With an ungainly, Hhmmmpppfff! Khushi fumed and turned away to face the door.


Her heart beat went tick tock, tick tock in tandem with the clock as she counted one, two, three, four... Slowly his hand came to rest on her shoulder and as Khushi tried to shrug it off, he held her firm. His fingers trailed down her arm intimately leaving a trail of shivers and tremors, heating the skin it touched. Khushi was filled with helpless pleasure as his fingers moved up her arm, her shoulder, and to her nape that made her feel floating on the soft clouds. His dexterous fingers expertly undid the hook and pulled the zip of her kameez down to her waist. Heat seared up her body as his hot gaze drifted across her. Silently, his gentle fingers eased the kameez off her shoulders, making her shut her eyes tight. He caught hold of her shoulder and gently made her to flip on to her back. He looked down in to her hazel dazed eyes that had golden speckles reflecting his needy, passionate, hot eyes. He whispered his view that, he does not need her words, for her eyes tell him everything she feels, and went on to demonstrate the usefulness of her silent lips, kissing her into oblivion. It was a statement that said, the mouth was made for communication and nothing was more articulate than a kiss.😉


That is why it is titled, tete-a-tete.


"The best things in life can never be kept; they must be given away. A smile, a Kiss and Love"

                                    ~ Tony Farrar


That's it from me. Hope you enjoy it.

Edited by rulama - 10 years ago
rulama thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago

The Author of this post have chosen to restrict the content of this Post to members only.

rulama thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago



Here is the interpretation for Section 1 of Part 17.


This update is about defense or protection, BULWARK.


On the Diwali day Arnav and Khushi, both were very busy, with Arnav trying to wind up his work as quickly as possible to return home to join the festivities, his and Khushi's first Diwali together, and Khushi running after the caterers and the decorators to get the house all decked up to look gorgeous, with festoons of flowers, greens and fairy lights. The house needed to be all spruced up by the time the guests arrived. The diyas she had made had dried just fine and were hand-painted in glowing colors each colorful than the other that would bring in a colourful, lyrical, dramatic quality into a vast, unquenchable litany of lights when lit. They were stacked in trays, waiting to be lit. She ran from one part of the house to the next, making sure that everything was done and ready by evening. At RM she was the mainstay, moving quickly like the mercury looking into various things that needed to be done.


When it was the time for the festivities to begin, at dusk, Arnav and Akash entered in to the house, and saw Nani, Payal, Di and Mami in the hall, all immersed in giving the last minute touch to the already decorated room and Devi Maiyya's idol for the evening pooja and festivities. Arnav saw all the ladies of his family there sans Khushi. Leaving Akash to join the family, Arnav walked away in search of his wife. He found her in a corner, sitting all alone by a huge rangoli design. She looked extraordinarily beautiful to his eyes, in an ordinary purple suit with her hair plaited as not to hinder her in her work. Her face was a picture of focus and concentration as she sieved the colours evenly filling it into the design. As he watched, she finished her work and heaving a sigh of relief stretched her back. His face was filled with happiness to see her beautiful art of rangoli. Arnav eagerly smiling took an eager step towards her, but the smile died away and his feet halted at the look on her face in an unguarded moment. She looked lost, scared as she looked around the dimly-lit hall, for she was haunted by the images of last Diwali. In her mind's eye, she clearly saw the guests milling around, she in her red sari that was actually meant for Lavanyaji, the sugar-free sweets she had lovingly made for Arnavji, the very sweet with which she had fed him while congratulating him on his decision to get engaged to Lavanyaji, the abyss of pain she had sunk into as he had held Lavanyaji close to him and looked at her with a triumphant gleam in his eyes as she stood by the pool, her visage a picture of devastation, feeling like the lone survivor after the devastating typhoon, left alone again, adrift in a strange no-man zone, rudderless, abandoned, pain feeding on her mercilessly as she had submitted to a ruthless fate and a puppet in the hands of a cruel man who had played with her feelings and humiliated and all torn up inside. For her RM was like a fortress, that held both bitter as well as sweet memories, the memories that protected as well as had slayed her through.


Seeing the haunted and persecuted expression on Khushi, Arnav swallowed hard, cursing himself and his thoughtless behaviour at the time of the previous Diwali, which was purely despicable. He had behaved abominably selfish and then had stood tall making her congratulate him, lording over her hurt with a challenge thrown silently with his eyes. He had been under the misconception that he was safeguarding his heart and his deed on that day was a justifiable part of defense. He had hurt Khushi first and then Lavanya for no fault of theirs. His cowardice, his prejudice, and his blindness had set all three of them on the path to destruction. If only he had enough sense then to give in to his love for Khushi, acknowledged his love for her at least to himself, he could have spared all three of them much anguish rather than going through the whole rigmarole. But, he knew he cannot unring a bell.


Khushi heaved a sigh, feeling herself tremble after her short visit to the ghastly incidents and the harrowing past. She had pushed the memories under the carpet for months, suppressing them each time they came to the fore. But a year back on this day, the day when it was the festival of lights, that was meant as a celebration of the going from the tunnel of darkness to towards the light; she had plunged into darkness, for she could not find a source of light that could lead her out of the nebulous darkness that enveloped her. Amidst the circles of light all she could see was the shadow being cast that was sucking her into it. These bitter memories were proving very hard to control, were very adamant in raising their heads to destroy her peace. For her it was like standing on the parapet. One side it was the bitter memories of the past that were trying her to pull down into the precipice and on the other side, Arnavji's face and his care of the present pulling her towards his ocean of love. She knew where she wanted to be, in the present and not the past. Khushi shut her eye, as though she could shut them out with her eyes closed and willed herself to come out of those melancholic thoughts. Arnav stood watching her with his heart in his mouth. She pepped herself that it was over. Clenching her coloured fingers into a tight fist, as an outwork against the onslaught of these memories, she repeated to herself that it was over, it was a bad phase that will not visit her, it was finished. When she accepted Arnavji as her husband she had accepted his past too. She could not hold it against him. She could not judge him by his past record for he too was in the present just like her. She reminded herself that Arnavji had changed; he now loved her very much and was her husband. Lavanyaji was settled in London now and with Devi Maiyya's blessings hopefully she was leading a happy life. Last Diwali was in the past, a nightmare that had to be forgotten if she had to go on. She wondered why let the sadness of the past ruin the happiness of the present, why rake over the ashes when they now had a new life together, new experiences to share, many joys waiting in the wings. Khushi looked around. Everything was ready, for the pooja and the guests invited to the evening's function. Now all she had to do was shower and dress. Arnavji would return from office soon, and as a precaution against him coming to know of the feelings she was undergoing, she had to present a cheerful face to him, somehow, even if it meant that she had to dig on her reserves. She needed to get through this night, somehow.


Arnav watched her as she stood up, gathered the paraphernalia needed for making the rangoli design, and walked to the kitchen to hand them over to HP to stash away till the next Diwali or discard as he saw fit. Taking a diya she began lighting them all over the hall. As she was immersed in her work, she heard a beaming Nani, extremely happy with her handiwork, calling out to her to come over and check on the decorations she had done on the Devi Maiyya's idol. Arnav watched her give a wooden smile as she walked up to Nani, inspected the idol in great detail and hug Nani, praising her for her efforts. Nani seeing Khushi wan asked her, whether she was alright? She thought Khushi looked a bit pale. Khushi threw her off the track saying that, it was due to her feeling tired after all the running around throughout the day. The incorrigible Mami, who was particular about how they look, told her that they could not have a Raizada bahu looking wan and tired. She advised her in a loud whisper to take a nap before pooja just like her Mami does to look as fresh as a daisy when the guests arrive. For Khushi her family was the protection that would help her to withstand the assault of those bitter memories. Khushi giving her a smile nodded at her pearl of wisdom and turned to walk up the steps, not seeing Arnav standing in the shadows of the dimly-lit corner.


When Khushi came out of the bathroom after her shower, she saw her Arnavji lying on their bed, his arms crossed beneath his head, looking pensively at the ceiling as though he was mulling over some things that were distasteful. Khushi seeing him was utterly surprised and trilled, when did he come home? She had not even been aware of it! She had hoped for some moments of respite, to dwell on her thoughts all alone and set her mind into a good frame, erect her shield, to enable her to pass through the day filled with bitter unwanted memories. She did not want to treat herself as a victim of the past but as a confident survivor. She wanted to be able to tackle anything that was thrown at her but she needed those few moments to recover from the mental assault and school her face. But luck was not on her side. As she asked, Arnav turned his eyes to rest on her animated face and asked her softly, what was she wearing that night? She told him that Di had given her a sari last week and she was planning to wear it. As she told her voice faded away. His continued silence prompted her to add that, it was a beautiful piece embellished with lots of crystals and bead work. As Arnav looked at her silently, she skittered her gaze away from him, took out the packet and showed it to him. It was a beautiful sari, with elaborate work done along its borders and body, a vivid midnight blue, a colour from the other end of the spectrum, from her red of the previous Diwali. She was buttressing herself from the unwanted thoughts.


Not wanting him to comment on the sari or suggest that she exchange it for a red one, Khushi changing the topic asked him, whether he had his tea. Getting a negative in reply, she smiled and rushed out saying, that she will get it for him and in the meantime why not he change, as there was just an hour before the guests arrive. She hurried to be away from his all-seeing eyes, making the preparation of his tea as her shield. As she entered the bedroom with his tea, she found it to be empty. Khushi stood looking around and confirmed that he was not there. Looking at the tea and the nibbles she had brought for him she wondered, where he was. As her thoughtful gaze wandered around the room, it met with a sari laid on bed, her blanched face told a story of its own. She had decided on the blue sari as her redoubt, her stronghold, fortifying herself with it. She wondered how did the red sari turn up, when she had left the midnight blue one over there.


Placing the tray on the low table, Khushi walked to the bed on shaky legs and plonked down touching the folds of the sari with quivering fingers. The colour red, that too bright red just like the blood flowing through her veins, red like the blood her heart had wept last Diwali. As she was feeling the texture of the sari immersed in her unpalatable thoughts, the dusk had set in. As it was twilight the fairy lights were switched on that lit the entire house with its dainty lights making the mansion look like a bit of the Milky Way filled with red, yellow and blue stars. The pool side was lit up with the twinkling fairy lights, sparkling and shining, glistening on the leaves and flowers, lending a veneer of festivity. The red sari held in her fingers took on an intense hue and grandeur that was fascinating to her like a snake to a mesmerized mouse it had cornered and was going to swallow whole. While she was immersed in the sari, she heard a soft call, Khushi, from behind and as she turned, she saw Arnavji standing near the door to the poolside. His voice had gone gravelly and huskier than usual as he asked her, did she like the sari. His poser filled Khushi with terrible dilemma. She could not find words to express her anguish at his choice or have the heart to disappoint him with the truth of how she felt. Taking her usual route of suppressing her emotions and feelings, not wanting to disappoint him, seeking the strength and support from her belief, faith and trust in her love, she just nodded, lowering her lashes to hood her eyes.


In a low tone, as though he were making a promise, as though he were whispering of his love for her in her ears, he told her, that he loves her in red. Khushi, murmuring her assent to wear it, rushed into the bathroom to change. As she entered the room wearing the sari, there were two jewel boxes on the bed. She opened them to find a diamond and ruby necklace, a pair of earrings, and bangles that made brilliant accessories to the sari. The sari was in brilliant red with crystal bead work done like spiral chandeliers twinkling and glittering when the light fell on them, looking just like a strip of group of stars being placed on her sari. The choli at the back was like a crystal chandelier, the bright red making her fair skin glow. The accessories were just perfect. She looked around for Arnavji, but it looked as though he had gone down. She wore them, and went to join the family.


The house looked beautiful, as it had done on Diwali a year back. Lights and diya, colourful floral festoons emanating their fragrance and the grand dressing of all the Raizada ladies showing them as belonging to the opulent elite added to the charm and grandeur of the evening. The family members dressed to the nines were welcoming the guests. The Guptas' alone were not present, for it was the time scheduled for Babuji's treatment. Garima and Buaji had taken Babuji to the Ayurveda hospital for a week's treatment. As Khushi looked around her eyes seeking her husband, her guardian, she saw Arnavji standing with Akash Jiju and Nanheji at the entrance, greeting their colleagues. Feeling Khushi's presence and her eyes riveted on him, he looked around and seeing the vision in red, his breath hitched. She looked beautiful, just like a fairy in red, like a dream, like a blessing, the folds of her sari clinging lovingly to the full lines of her figure, his mother's necklace, earrings, and bangles adorning her enchanting figure. Her silky hair was left unbound just as he preferred it. Her smile added to her allure. She was smiling at Payal. Only the fear and uncertainty in her eyes betrayed her uneasiness. Sensing her emotional upheaval wanting to be her protector, calling out, Khushi..., he held out his hand. Khushi with a grateful smile on her slightly pale face walked up to him and placed her hand in his. He could feel her fingers trembling. He held on to them, tight knowing he had to lay many a ghost tonight.


As guests began to stream in large numbers, Arnav made it a point to introduce Khushi as his wife to everyone, putting his arm around her shoulders or holding her arm as and when he could. Some of the ladies gave her a quick once-over, and went away smirking. After a while, three ladies came up to Khushi, Mrs. Dubey, Mrs. Mishra and Mrs. Rastogi. Mrs. Dubey, raising her one eyebrow in an exaggerated arch queried, was she not the Raizada bahu, Khushi. When Khushi replied that, she was, with a smile, Mrs. Mishra asked her, can she get them something long and cool to drink as it was a very hot evening. The rotund lady fanned herself with her plump fingers, her painted nails flashing with its brilliant gaudy colour and her face faking a smile. Khushi moving to the tables set against the wall brought three long glasses of chilled orange juice on a silver tray, to serve the guests. With thanks, murmured, Mrs. Rastogi took a deep sip while eyeing Khushi speculatively she mused, that she had seen her somewhere before, looked quite familiar, just unable to place exactly where... Her big, cold eyes raked Khushi up and down as though she was looking at a horse in an auction before bidding for it. Mrs. Dubey spoke out feeding her the needed information that, she may have seen Khushi, for she used to be a maid there before she trapped the scion of the Raizadas'. Her malicious smile was twisting on her lips and the rest had an ugly sneer on their faces, at the remark while Khushi paled hearing it. Mrs. Mishra added her two bit saying that, last Diwali, Arnav Singh Raizada was all set to marry a girl from London, his girlfriend. He had announced their decision to marry at the party. But wonders never cease, for this Diwali, the London girl was nowhere in the picture, and in her place was this low-class waif who has made it good. The lady smiled, flashing her bleached teeth. Mrs. Dubey, addressing Khushi added that, she must let them in to the secret behind her success. After all, it would not have been easy to move up the ladder from being a street waif to being maid then to the position of mistress of the house, all within a span of a year. It would have involved intense machinations and they would love to acquire this valuable know-how. She smiled, her eyes glinting in pleasure at the pain on Khushi's face, for she thought the three had been successful in storming the citadel and churning things with their venomous sharp tongues.


But it was not to shine for long. Her smile froze hearing, an outraged, shut up, a hiss from clenched jaws of the Lion, the defender of his Pride and his territory. They were told that they were his Nani's guests, but that did not empower them to insult or hurt his wife. If they were incapable of being civil or having a civil thought in their head, then the only thing left for them to do was let themselves out through the open front door. The doors were wide open awaiting their exit. Seeing Arnav's face tightened with anger, annoyance and determination, Mami, Di, and Nani, Khushi's guardian angels' joined them. Khushi stood in their midst, feeling like a sacrificial lamb with her limbs quivering. Nani asked her grandson, what happened Chotey. But it was Mrs. Dubey who jumped in to answer saying, nothing much. It was just that her grandson was asking them to leave. As Nani, Mami and Di stared at Arnav, he explained to them that, the three were badmouthing Khushi... He stated that, no one insults his wife and gets away with it. His eyes were spitting fire, balls of fury. Mrs. Mishra offended by his usage of word asked, badmouthing? How can speaking the truth be called badmouthing? Mrs. Rastogi told that, they were just asking her new bahu how she changed her status from maid to malkin here. That's all and of course, how she usurped the place of Arnav's girlfriend from London after he announced his plans to marry her last Diwali at a similar party. How can that be termed as badmouthing Khushi? Mami who was listening to this fumed and told them without mincing words, that they do not have to worry about their Arnav Bitwaa's girlfriend or his wife. They were there to do it, and signed off her statement with a, Hello Hi Bye Bye! Nani with her eyes gone cold as icicles, and voice, firm and cutting as a sword, told them that, her Chotey was right to chide them. She asked them to kindly leave the house if they cannot be polite to her bahu. Anjali unequivocally told them that Khushiji is their Chotey's wife, and they were proud of her. They, the outsiders, need not have to concern themselves with her antecedents or their Chotey's past. Anjali's eyes were like rotary cannon launching an attack and shelling fire at the three ladies along with her words. Mami and Nani nodded their support. Nani declared that it was way too high for them to ever understand how she won Chotey's heart, because they were incapable of seeing goodness and kindness in others. Not one to be out beaten, Mami, with an evil look on her face asked them, what if she started to ask after their sons and daughters, and their deeds, for there were no barriers to stop her from carrying out her words. If ever that comes out, they will not be having a place to hide their face. So she asked them to leave the house, addressing them as, you walking-talking vendors of gossip. Arnav, Nani, Anjali and Mami stood as a solid bulwark against the malicious attack on Khushi. The three ladies, unable to withstand the assault, with humiliated ego, walked off in a huff. Nani called out to Khussi bitiyaa and asked her to ignore such nonsense. It was nothing but just their jealousy talking. She told Khushi that it was time for the pooja and led her away. Arnav followed hoping to get a moment alone with his wife, but it was just a wishful thinking on his part that was doomed for disappointment.


In this update Khushi herself erects certain shields to protect herself from the bitter thoughts and also protect Arnav from getting an inkling of her thoughts. Against the outsiders, Arnav, Nani, Anjali and Mami come to Khushi's defense and successfully do so. That is what family is all about, to be there when you need them the most. That is why it is titled BULWARK.


"This is part of what a family is about, not just love. It's knowing that your family will be there watching out for you. Nothing else will give you that. Not money. Not fame. Not work"

                                      ~ Mitch Albom,                                                                         Tuesdays With Morrie


That's it from me. Hope you enjoy it.

Edited by rulama - 10 years ago
Arshi.Sugi.IPK thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Congo on new thread 🥳
KtotheM thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
Congrats for the new thread
Amazing story :)
RizArshi thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
Congrats on the new thread 🥳
khareshelley thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 10 years ago
congrats on new thread..!!!!!!!
loved last two updates..!!!!!!1 arnav can't live single day without came to stay with her.. soo sweet..!!!!!!!!1