Smitar's: Saving Khushi#2 Part 14 Pg 111 (9/10) - Page 31


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msmarple thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago
Just caught up with this story.
Loving it!
nishu_shorna thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
BEAUTIFUL perfect...thanks for the pm...
rulama thumbnail
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Posted: 10 years ago

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rulama thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago



Here is the interpretation for Part 10.


This update is about being forced into a place or situation from which it is hard to escape, summed up by the word CORNERED.


Hearing Arnav explaining the document to Anjali that was pointing an accusatory finger at him, all his moves and hard work of the past four years under attack, Shyam stood up and like a fox at bay howling at the moon, shouted that all that was being uttered was nothing but rubbish; Arnav was trying to blacken his name and defame his character. He in turn, pointed an accusatory finger at the calm and collected Arnav. The family members turned their head from one to the other, noting Shyam's vehement face and Arnav's stolid expression. Their eyes went wide unable to believe that everything they had believed in for three years was crumbling before them; the world they had created for themselves was tumbling into ruins right before them. In her predicament, Anjali fell back against her chair, feeling her limbs give away. Mr. Singhal who was witnessing Shyam's impassioned plea asked him softly, then, what was the necessity to possess a bottle of chloroform that was found in his car along with a used cloth on the night of the kidnapping? That query put him in a tight spot. But Shyam, a master conniver, looked as though he was spewing venom with his eyes, at the man with long hair locks, for posing impertinent questions. Riled beyond reason Shyam shouted at him asking, who the hell was he to poke his nose? Who was he to interfere in family matters? What was he doing in his house? And who gave him the permission to 'go sniffing' his car and now hound him unnecessarily? Arnav, who was an epitome of calmness said to Shyam, in a soft voice that belied the firmness in it, that Mr. Singhal, was a leading private investigator who was invited by him. Raizada Mansion was not Shyam's house, but it was his, Arnav Singh Raizada's house. And it was he who had given permission to 'go sniffing' as he so succinctly put it; in the car he bought paying his hard-earned money. This assertion landed Shyam in hot water and had to uncomfortably answer a lot of questions in front of the family gathered.


Nani, who was concerned of the impact of this exchange on her pregnant grand daughter looked anxiously at Anjali, and parted her lips to express her astonishment at the path the proceedings seem to treading on. Mami taking one look at the dead-set looks on the faces of Arnav, Akash and NK, caught hold of Nani's hand and patted it, placating her to calm down and keep silent. She, who had realized that there were more to things than they appear, now felt that it had advanced more than what she had thought off and knew for sure, that Shyam had gotten himself into a pickle. As Shyam bellowed, trying to sway the opinion of his wife as the way of getting out of spot saying, that Arnav was lying, he was trying to split them! Anjali whispered, Chotey, not really able to believe either one could be lying. She was tormented as to whom to believe, for she knew her Chotey, whatever be his faults, was a man of integrity, his love for her was unsurpassed, while her husband who doted on her, always soft spoken, whispering sweet nothings into her ear was the father of her unborn angel, her rajkumari. She was torn between the two. Pitting one against the other made Anjali a confused soul. Arnav looked at his Di, with soft eyes that held deep pity and told her that Shyam Manohar Jha married her for her money. He neither loves her, nor does he have it in him to respect their family or value the love and trust they reposed on him over the years. He had been successful in hoodwinking not just her but all of them too.


Anjali listened to his calm and eloquent description of her husband, as he primed her of Shyam's deeds and activities. She was mesmerized by the calm demeanour of Chotey without succumbing into his usual fits of anger. He told her that, Shyam Manohar Jha met Khushi in Lucknow, when he helped her as goons tried to humiliate her on the street, all because of him. Shyam had followed her to Delhi, found out where Buaji lived, approached Buaji and secured from her a room to rent. All the Raizadas' were stunned and gasped. This was news to NK and Akash too, but Payal, who was in the know, looked at the Guptas' and Khushi, scared of the consequences of the disclosures to come. Mami's 007 brains began to work overtime and started to connect the dots. She quickly deciphered the tricky situation for what it meant and stated that he was Madhumatiji's PG then. Its implication made her eyes widen and utter that, then, he was the one that Khussi was engaged to. She turned to look at Anjali and Nani with her heavily made-up eyes widened saucer-like with realization and said that, when they had gone to ask Payaliyaa's hand for Akass Bitwaa, as Madhumatiji had tried to introduce Khushi's betrothed to them, he had gone missing. It was because he was put on the spot as he was the one Khussi was betrothed to! Nani who was really pained to hear the revelation whimpered, Manorama, Anjali Bitiyaa! Her heart went out to her Bitiyaa who had found some happiness after a long time, who had thought that she had found gold, only to be told that it was nothing but fools' gold. Anjali looked at Shyam and at Arnav, shell shocked. Shyam, now up a tree, who till that day was ever smiling had shed his mask was seen shouting, that Arnav was lying through his teeth, and tried to reason out with his Rani Sahiba asking, whether he would do something like the one he was being accused off? He tried to appeal to her through the soft spot that Anjali had for him.


Arnav disregarding Shyam's wail, corroborated his Mami's findings saying, that she had hit a bull's eye and Shyam's objective was to snare Khushi. He had told Buaji the sorry tale of he being an orphan with no relatives to talk about, and had endeared to them by helping them, going out of his way to please them, and acting like a part of their family. When Babuji fell ill, he had utilized the chance to propose marriage to Khushi through Buaji, while Khushi had no idea that the Shyam married to Di, was the Shyam who was hankering to get engaged to her. This revelation made NK grit his teeth, Akash clench his fists. By the time the day was done, he vowed to level a facer to the cheap trickster with bigamous tendencies. Anjali who could not believe that the very foundation of her Paradise was being shaken asked her Chotey, what was he really saying and tried to confirm, whatever he said was true? Saw-toothed by this revelation to the family, Shyam jumped in protesting that, Arnav was lying and he was falsely being accused of such dirty deeds with the sole aim of throwing him out of RM and separating him from his rajkumari! All that he has been accused off was nothing but fictitious, the product of an overactive imagination. Anjali looked at Arnav and Shyam, pulled between the two of them. Buaji, with her eyes clear and full of pity for Anjali asserted that, Arnav Bitwaa was speaking the truth. At that time, they had no idea that he was not a bachelor let alone of the fact that he was her husband. They came to know about it when she had invited Titliyaa to the Satyanarayan pooja that she had arranged. It was then Titliyaa had seen her husband for the first time and realised the truth. Her words, were like a cold douche to Anjali and had her staring in confusion. Garima explained to Anjali that, Khussi had slapped him and thrown the ring at his face. The next day, she had come over to RM to inform her, the truth about Shyam, but seeing her getting hysterical and agitated over the broken mangalsutra she had felt could not add to her panic and unhappiness and had kept silent.


Buaji heaving a deep sigh, hitting her head with her palm and holding it admitted that, they too were at fault for not letting her know the truth, for they had imperiled the lives of so many with their silence. They should have stuck to revealing it come what may. But they were always at loggerheads with the thought of not wanting to rock her boat and destroy her peace and happiness. Her words were given a nodding assent by Babuji with great difficulty, with tears pooled in his eyes. Garima sighing at the foolish thought of theirs, that Shyam had mended his ways told, that it had looked as though he had learnt a lesson and had stopped running after Khussi. They had thought he had repented but he was a slinky customer and had thrown dust in their eyes by his act of a very concerned husband! Arnav continued from there enlightening the rest, that Shyam had continued with his harassment of Khushi putting her in extremis, till they got married. He had found out about him, had seen him for what he was on Akash and Payal's wedding night. He had accused Shyam of cheating on his Di, and Shyam had looked into his eyes and with a swagger had gloated, that he was going to leave his Di for Khushi. The pale faces turned to him and listened silently. Mami's sharp intake of breath sounded loud in the room. Nani and Mami caught hold of Anjali's hands to give her the strength and courage. The family started to get glimpse of the real Shyam Manohar Jha who was endowed with a crooked bent of mind.


Arnav, with a weary sigh told his Di that, he had put up with him for her sake. He had realized that Shyam had to be kept around, at least till the safe delivery of her child. He had come to know him for the immoral scoundrel he is, but did not realize that he was capable of kidnapping Khushi or planning his death after getting his signature on the documents, just to get his grubby hands on money. Anjali looked at Shyam with budding fear and absolute loathing in her eyes, making Shyam jump up in panic and try to persuade her saying that, they were all lying and each one was hell bent on breaking their loving family and he whimpered, his rajkumari... He was at his persuasive best, projecting himself to be as pure and chaste as the falling snow. Khushi who till now had kept her silence went to Anjali and swore softly to her, in the name of her Devi Maiyya that, every word that Arnavji said till then, was the truth and nothing but the truth. It was a bombardment of facts, caught between two fires, and boggled by it, Anjali felt her head spin, for her house had turned out to be a house of cards and the domino effect to be ricocheting off!


Shyam, who was at the end of his tether by being treed, with Arnav, Mr.Singhal, Buaji and now Khushi joining forces against him accused Khushi of lying. Pointing his finger, he scorned at her saying that, she being shameless had been trying to lure him, seduce him since long and when she had not been successful has resorted to lying to take revenge on him  just because he had been a faithful husband, a devoted father and one who was a family man first. Mr.Sharma, who was the other stranger present there, asked him softly, had he not contacted the thug, Lallan and asked him to supply with five men and a woman to guard the kidnapped Khushiji. The hoodlums headed by a small-timer named Rocky had held the victim in a dilapidated house in an isolated, godforsaken area in the vicinity of Pahadganj. Giving the details, he told the others that, Khushiji escaped from there, while Rocky and others had chased her. A serrated Shyam coming to know the details of Khushi's escape in brief that was like rubbing salt to the injury, thundered, what rubbish was he spouting? What a cock and bull story it was! It was unbelievably ridiculous! With names like Lallan, Rocky it looked like he had let his imagination run overtime by watching some third-rate Bollywood movie for inspiration! But Mr. Sharma was all smiles and asked, whether he did not know those people? Shyam who was the very picture of affront, innocence under pressure, told that, of course, he had no knowledge of what he was being asked about and who were they? Mr. Sharma in a pleasant tone told, that was something that he had knowledge of and they were just getting to know them. His words had Shyam frown deeply and Mr. Sharma explained that, right now they were the guests of the police. That was a sharp-cornered jolt and a bolt out of blue to Shyam making blood drain out of his face. Mr. Sharma told him that, right now they were singing like a canary. Addressing Shyam as Mr.Jha, he said that, they, the police are in possession of his phone records that was connecting him to have placed quite a few calls to Rocky's and Lallan's phones. The timing and duration logged match with that of killers' stories after their arrest. When the trapped Shyam, began to refute it sputtering like a leaky faucet, that they were lying outrightly, the plain clothes police officer asked him, why should they lie about a man, they do not even know, who does not know them? Their ransom call to ASR's phone too when investigated yielded the same and all pointed towards one and the only one, Shyam Manohar Jha. And above all, policemen have witnessed his meeting with Lallan in the dilapidated house in Pahadganj after they had picked up the kidnappers. Shyam Manohar Jha, the brilliant lawyer who could charm himself out of any situation so far, had fallen hook, line and sinker into the trap master-minded by Arnav Singh Raizada. Now up a stump, he was clearly at a loss and was in a deep hole. With that, Shyam knew that he was being cornered and the end of his stay at RM was just around the corner before being apprehended by the enforcement officer.


Unable to bear, either the accusations hurled back and forth or the pain it brought to her, Anjali shut her eyes and closed her ears with her palms, her face wound like a ball in pain. Mami and Nani supported her on either side and held her up. Arnav looked at his Di, his heart weeping bitterly for her, for having to make her face such a tricky situation. Arnav looked once at Nani and Mami, and then addressing his Di told her in a soft and soothing voice that, when she met Shyam at a temple, fell in love with him, and told them that she wanted to marry him, none of them had objected or raised it as an issue about the fact that he was a penniless lawyer, an orphan with no known relations. All nodded in agreement. He continued and stated, that was because they wanted her happiness and seeing Shyam through her eyes as a noble being and a man of integrity and character, they had accepted him. He had taken her for a ride along with them too.  As Anjali, run to earth, wept and uttered a heart wrenching cry, Chotey... It was a cry that was a means to reach out to him. It was a cry that was a plea to set things right as he always did. It was a cry that told him that his sister needed him now more than ever. But Arnav knew, that in order to help her he had to make her accept the bitter truth, for at times, one needed to be cruel to be kind and he could not afford to handle her with kid gloves right at that moment. So he gave out his opinion that was clear-cut, that was as clear as a crystal, leaving no room to think otherwise, that he was sorry to tell that the bland, bitter and unvarnished truth was, Shyam Manohar Jha was an immoral felon as well as a filcher, an avaricious man with a rapacious appetite on the prowl. And such a person had no place there anymore. His opinion given out so openly had jeopardized any chances of Shyam recovering the lost ground.


Shyam Manohar Jha, who was now blinded by anger, in desperation, spewed out his hatred just like fire from a dragon saying, is that so Arnav Singh Raizada! He does not have the right to stay there? Well, who was he to declare so? His hatred and his anger that had always been simmering and masked under the cover of care and concern, told Arnav openly, that he had been extremely voluble and dramatic in his insults but who was he really? He was the immoral son of an amoral father! After all, when he was the progeny of such a rotten fruit what else could be expected? Turning to the Raizadas' and Guptas' gathered there, with his arms akimbo, he asked them, do they have any idea of what their blue-eyed boy, Chotey had done? And what kind of girl their Khussi Bitiyaa was?


When all eyes were glued to Shyam wanting to know what drama he would unfold next, Arnav gently touched Khushi's knee with his, indicating her to be calm for the next few minutes, for they would turn the corner, pass the crisis together and intact. Shyam lifted his office bag that he had left on the floor and placed it on his lap. As soon as he touched it, a frown appeared on his face. He wondered how it was open. The zip had been torn away, leaving the bag gaping. He put his hand in to his bag to pull out the contract marriage document, but in a zigzag, his fingers touched only his journal, and could find no papers. It was devoid of not only the contract marriage document, but also the legal papers he had stored in his bag. All his papers had gone missing. In utter desperation, when he upturned the bag, the contents fell on to the low table in front of him. It consisted of just his diary, his pen, his keys, but the papers had gone awol. Was it Devi Maiyya who had bestowed her Benevolent eyes on her daughter, Khushi...? Meh be...!😉


That is why it is titled CORNERED.


"Things are never as they seem. A person. A Mark. A               statement. They are always deeper than we perceive, like       walking in the  ocean and suddenly dipping under the               surface because the  bottom has disappeared beneath your   feet. The water appears  shallow until you are suddenly           flailing around beneath the surface,  desperately searching for stable ground once again"

                                               ~ Kelseyleigh Reber



That's it from me. Hope you enjoy it.







Edited by rulama - 10 years ago
rulama thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago

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rulama thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 10 years ago



Here is the interpretation for Part 11.


This update is about the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. It is also being or manifesting the proof. In a word, EVIDENCE.


A panic stricken Shyam frantically looked around for the missing papers. For those papers were the proof, his trump card, based on which he was about to accuse Arnav and Khushi and pull them down from the moral high ground that they had taken up. The sight that met his gaze made his heart miss a beat and his blood run cold. Seeing his expression, all followed his gaze to the corner of the room only to see that Laxmi chewing on those papers. She was chewing the last of his papers with gusto for she had found it to make a delicious snack. As Shyam tossing his bag aside, ran up to her giving a loud yelp of alarm to pull out the remnants of the papers from her mouth, Laxmi realizing that she was soon to be deprived of her snack by the pursuer, quickly rolled it into a ball with her tongue and gobbled it up. Shyam came to a stop by her, his footwear making a squeaky squishy sound leaving the skid marks on the surface of the floor. Pulling his hair out in frustration, he shouted, at it as dumb goat and he just managed to stammer you... you... in anger that had reached it pinnacle! Laxmi bared her teeth wide demonstrating as though she was admonishing him for trying to steal its food! Addressing her, Shyam stuttered, she ate his papers, repeatedly, unable to believe what he witnessed with his own two eyes. But as the saying goes, ignorance is bliss, she with her doleful eyes looked at the ghar jamai as though saying et tu Brute, And you, Brutus, you are betraying and backstabbing, there is no end to your stupidity. Duh!


NK asked him softly, was he asking Laxmi about his papers? The very same papers, the one he stole from Nannav's cabinet after opening it with a duplicate key that he has got it done for that very purpose? His words had all gasp with shock! It was like an obvious slap on Shyam's face but Shyam was shameless and tried to ignore NK. As Mr.Singhal's phone beeped and went out to take his call in peace, Shyam who broke out in cold sweat time and again was asked by a smiling Mr.Sharma, so he was even adept at stealing too! NK, with a slight shrug and his lips curled in derision, responded that he breaks in and steals, there was no doubt about that but he is definitely not adept. That part was debatable as the key he used had got stuck and it is still there itself was a testimony. Shaking his head at the blunder Shyam had committed, thinking that even while thieving he was like a cat that licks the prohibited cream with its eyes closed thinking nobody would see it doing so, he said, Jijaji was not even aware that his moves were being recorded. Sharma who was looking at Shyam with pseudo-pity for his hotch-potch work till then, had to look away to hide his laughter. It was a sign that showed how inept they felt Shyam was! Shyam saw red and directed his anger on the only one who would not answer him back, may be just meh..., saying that their stupid dunce of a goat ate his evidence but the truth of the matter was... giving it a dramatic pause as he saw Mr.Singhal come in and take his seat, while Arnav clasped Khushi's hand. As though he was in a court room after deposing, placing his closing argument, he continued to suggest by repeating, that the truth of the matter was that the wedding between their Star Arnav and their Sainted Khushi was only a contract marriage, not a real one. Shyam pompously declared, and looked around for exclamations and scandalized expressions from the family.


But for Shyam it was a day of pit-falls and disappointments, and it continued to be so. It turned out to be a dud failing to detonate as the Raizadas' were too exhausted after the revelation of the true face of their jamai raja to react violently to the new piece of news. Anjali was too broken about the state of her own marriage to weep over somebody else's marriage or the lack of it.  For Guptas' with their simplicity and lack of education were unable to understand what a contract marriage meant. Their look at Arnav and Khushi was filled with mild curiosity. Finally, Nani not reposing her faith on Shyam's words asked Chotey, was he speaking the truth? Or was it another of his rigmarole adding to the rest of his rambling stories? It was an indication of how the information even if it was the truth when uttered by a man of stained character with tainted motives was difficult to believe. Only when it comes from the horse's mouth would it have any standing. Arnav in a soft voice that held utmost respect to his Nani who had taken the place of their mother after her daughter's untimely demise, told her that, Shyam had caught hold of Khushi on their terrace on the night of Akash's marriage. He was a witness, and had heard from the side lines Shyam declare his love to her, telling her that he was willing to leave Di for her. When he had cornered Shyam later, and asked him about the state of affairs, he had admitted with a swagger that, he and Khushi loved each other and that he meant to leave Di. It was a clear indicator for all that Shyam was playing Anjali for a fool while he was trying to sow wild oats.  All faces except for those of Mr. Singhal and Mr. Sharma that had turned towards him had lost its pallor. For Mr. Singhal and Mr. Sharma it was just a routine hearing as it was more or less similar to quite a few cases in their line of work, and were used to this. For them it was corroboration to the facts of many of his misdeeds that were apparent now.


Arnav continued to tell his Nani that he had gone to inform Di about it and as luck would have it she fainted and it was found that she was carrying. Hearing it, Nani buried her head in her hand. So he was not able to tell her anything and he had felt that it was his responsibility to keep her happy till she gave birth to a healthy baby. This was a clincher that made him take drastic decision. He admitted to being taken for a ride as he was foolish enough to believe Shyam's words of lies that Khushi was in love with him. This had Guptas' gasping at the mammoth misconception that Arnav had on Khushi. He conceded that he made a mistake in assuming that both of them were planning to destroy Di's life. In order to keep Khushi away from Shyam, for the next six months that it would take Di to deliver, he had forced Khushi in to a contract marriage for the same period with the sword on her head that, if not complied Payal's wedding with Akash would break-off. The Raizadas' and the Guptas' just stared with their mouth wide agape in shock at what they heard. He told them, that was how they had turned up married on the same night as Akash and Payal's wedding. After the marriage, he had slowly realized that things were not as they seemed. Reality was not what he had perceived it to be. He started getting and seeing indicators that Shyam had lied, it was only Shyam who had amorous intentions and Khushi was as much a victim as his Di was and she had hated even his shadow falling nearby. As Arnav paused, all looked silently at Arnav and Khushi. But Shyam, who was cheesed off, came down upon them like a ton of bricks, bursting out that when no one saw their marriage how could it be assumed that they had really married? They had been living together like a husband and wife in one room. He thought, now with no documentation of their marriage, he had them in a loop and could swing things his way. His legal brain had caught on that it was a hurried marriage with no witnesses to testify and the families who held moral high ground were bound to turn their back on the two love-birds. With these thoughts, he let out his mad laughter, lauding himself for his excellent work of exposing Arnav and Khushi on their perch.


His statement elicited a whispered query, Chotey..? from two people, Nani and Anjali, at the same time, their voice filled with pain and disbelief. Pain, they felt at the injustice meted to Khushi, and disbelief, at him following his father's footsteps which they could not comprehend as Arnav abhorring even to be under the shade of his father's surname, Malik, had changed into his mother's, Raizada. That being the testimony for his loathing towards his father and anything connected to him, they were at a loss to listen to him being accused of following his father's footsteps. Arnav asked his Nani softly yet confidently, does she consider him as just Aravind Malik's son? Does Ratna Raizada's blood too not run in his veins? Nani and Mami with tears welled eyes concurred, that he had more of his mother's traits than his father's. He turned to the Guptas' and addressing them as Amma, Babuji and Buaji, he told that he was brought up by his Di, Nani, and Mami. So that should be the cue to them for the upbringing he had irrespective of what was trying to be proved. He had been angry with Khushi, cruel to her at times too, but had never forced himself on her or exercised his conjugal rights. They had lived like two strangers under one roof.  The Raizadas' and the Guptas' nodded at this significant statement for they could hear the ring of sincerity in his voice. But  Shyam burst out laughing, fury making it sound like the cackles of a maniac and shrieked who would believe him, Saale Sahab? It was Khushi who gave him the fitting reply that, anybody who knows Arnavji will not have any problem with it. They would not seek any testimonial. Arnavji was not a cheap scoundrel like him and it was not fair to be tarred with the same brush. Turning towards the family she substantiated Arnav's statement by asserting that, Arnavji married her that way due to a misunderstanding, but by giving her the protection of his name, he had saved her from the attacks of this... this cheap, atrocious bummer, from a fate worse than death. All looked at each other while Anjali cried a river silently as her entire world and its beauty had come to an end and all she could see were the broken visages and dreams. She was made to face with the dissimilarity indices of her dream world with that of reality.


It was then, Buaji came up with a query that everyone wanted to ask, when does the contract end? The reason was that, Khussi would not be able to stay with him after that period as it would be inappropriate without being his legal wife. It was a clear sign that all had taken Arnav's words as truthful while Shyam's claims were brushed aside. Arnav in a soft voice asked Buaji, not to fret over the contract wedding as they had got married last evening at Devi Maiyya's temple and their marriage was already registered. He gave them the details and as proof, passed on the pictures taken then of all the rituals. All were stumped and in awe of how Arnav has got things done smoothly and corrected a folly. Shyam was left foaming at the mouth, at the turn of events that he least expected. Arnav explained that, he was really sorry to deprive them of a chance to be present at the wedding as desperate times called for desperate measures. When NK called and said that Shyam had ransacked his room and taken away a certain document from his filing cabinet, he knew that it must be the contract marriage papers making it a necessity to act quickly. Buaji addressing her Titliyaa asked, did she marry Arnav Bitwaa because she wanted to marry him, Nandkisore? Or did she do it to defeat this... this vile man? pointing to Shyam, who was seen quivering fitfully with anger. Buaji wanted confirmation from Khushi that she was not coerced once again. Khushi with conviction that was obvious to all in the room in her demeanor, her voice and her eyes told her that it was because she wanted to marry Arnavji and though embarrassed to say aloud, yet declared that she likes him very much and looked down at her lap. The rosy tints on her cheeks that were spreading its glow spoke how much she cared for her husband and were by themselves an affirmation of her feelings. Buaji convinced with her answer asked Arnav, why was it he married Khussi? Buaji's thorough investigation to assure herself and the rest that they were bound for the lifetime and not another contractual bond or to throw dust into Shyam's eyes, had Arnav answering her truthfully with confidence that he married her because he loved her very much and he does not have any inclination to spend a moment of his life without her by his side. He had planned to propose to her on Akash and Payal's wedding day, manifesting that his intentions all along had been pure and sincere, but everything had gone awry and things had taken a wrong turn. The Raizadas' and the Guptas' were a relieved lot.

As Mr. Sharma, the police officer stood up and told them that it was time to take Shyam Manohar Jha into their custody, Arnav, Akash and NK too stood up with him with Mr. Singhal standing behind them. When Mr. Sharma approached Shyam, with quick reflex and an unexpected move Shyam pulled out a gun from his pocket and rushed to Anjali. Pulling her up from her seat, locking his beefy arm around her neck, he held her at gunpoint. This act of his evinced an intention that he had harbored all along. It demonstrated the fact, he cared tuppence to his wife and she was his Rani Sahiba only till she could provide him all that he needed. As Arnav, NK and Akash leapt forward, they were held in check by Shyam who pressed the muzzle of his gun against Anjali's temple. This sudden act of deviousness had Nani, Amma, Mami and Buaji jump out of their skin and gasp Anjali Bitiyaa..., while Anjali scared stiff, stared at her family with wide, shocked eyes. Her mind started to swirl with the question as to who was this man with whom she had shared her life for the past 3 years. The man she had known seemed to be just a figment of her imagination. His insane laughter was accompanied by an equally insane babbling asking them, will they arrest him. With his eyes gone glassy, he taunted Arnav, he would kill his precious Di, the witch, who was always whining, always complaining, always calling him to check where he was! She had the audacity to keep checking on him! Mimicking Anjali to perfection he said, Shyamji, why is the balance in our account so low? Chotey credited two lakhs just yesterday, did not he? Shyamji, why are the credit card bills so high? Shyamji, where are you? Shyamji, Shyamji, Shyamji, her chanting was getting on his nerves! Saying so he tightened his arm around Anjali's neck making her gasp out for breath while the older ladies whimpered, Anjali Bitiyaa...Khushi called out Di... as she looked helplessly at the scene that was unfolding in front of her eyes. She noted that she was in direct view of the rascal, and could not move a finger without drawing his attention to her. The same was the case with Arnavji, Nanheji and Akash Jiju. Mr. Singhal and Mr. Sharma too were stuck right in front of the devil.


Shyam, who started to erupt like a volcano and spew out all the bitter venom that he had stored inside him muttered, that she was the spawn of the devil that would not die even after he cut the brake cables... All stared at him in shock, had their hearts in their mouths. From his demeanour, it was apparent that he was on a roll. Unmindful of the audience and taken in by insanity at the face of defeat of his entire well laid out devilish plans he babbled out, that neither the scorpion would bite her, nor the ether in the perfume bottle would set her aflame... It was like a smoking gun, a self attestation to his crime deeds statement. Shyam like a demented fool barked madly his complaints to the sky just like a coyote howling at the moon. He rammed the gun against Anjali's temple, hurting her. Arnav tried to reason out and appeal to his non-existent paternal instincts saying, his child, his rajkumari... But all he got for his attempt was a loopy laughter and a spat on the ground saying, who wanted that tyke? He laughed out loud looking at all and thinking how he had fooled them all. His insane laughter filled every nook and cranny of the house. As his eyes fell on Babuji in his wheelchair, he began to spew his hatred, calling him an old fool! He was the culprit who was responsible for all this. Boring him with his stare he spat out, you! He should have killed the old man when he had the chance instead of just causing a stroke. He should have sent him packing off the face of this earth, should have strangled him. But for the cunning old codger, he would have been married to Khushi with no one being any wiser. It was a testament on how much Shyam had pre-planned things and he was not averse to trampling others to gain his end. All stared at the evil man in their midst.


Payal, who was standing to the left of Shyam, slightly behind him looked at the small urn on a stand next to her and then at Akash. He was intently looking at her. Understanding what he was trying to convey that she better go for it without a care of it being a priceless artifact an indicator for he was with her. With trembling hands, she lifted the urn and smashed it on the floor. The noise was something that made all turn towards it and as Shyam turned his head to look at her, Arnav, NK and Akash pounced on him and knocked the gun out of Shyam's hand. It all happened within a fraction of a second before Shyam could even bat his eyelids. Quickly Khushi retrieved the gun from the ground and that heralded the free for all brawl. Arnav freeing his Di from the clutches of the thug, shoved her aside away from Shyam's reach making her land in the open arms of Nani and Mami. While Arnav took care of Anjali, Akash and NK who were pumped up by anger and derision, started a slug-fest with a difference. They made Shyam their punching bag, jabbing him left and right, tossing him to and fro showing their boxing prowess with utmost glee. Shyam who was first shocked recovered quickly to defend himself, making use of all his muscles and his experience in the street brawls, but even his beefy body and defense were not enough in front of the spirited punches of the brothers, driven by the need to punish the skunk who had tried his utmost to charm and to harm their Di and Khushiji. This testified the fact that Shyam had committed the unthinkable and had crossed his limits and the boundaries of their tolerance. Buaji and Mami were quite vociferous in their support, egging on the boys to go full zoom. Anjali collapsed on the sofa sobbing, hugging her Nani.


Arnav comforted her, making sure that she was fine. Khushi and Payal sat by her, rubbing her back, consoling her and showing their solidarity with her. Once his Di had been consoled a bit and the boys had exhausted themselves, Arnav took over. He treated Shyam to knuckle sandwiches, fist of fives, gave a thumper and topped it with a near throttle, for playing with the lives of two women in his life. That was an illustration he gave Shyam, the low scum, for messing the lives of his Di and his Khushi.  Once the men were finished with Shyam, Mr. Sharma summoned the police men waiting outside the house. They led away a Shyam, who was left with a bloody face, a broken nose, a black eye, a broken arm, a few crushed ribs, looking like a street bum involved in a bloody street brawl, an epitome of an unkempt tramp with no name, no one to claim, as soiled outside as he was inside.


Arnav carried Anjali up to her bedroom with all the family members trailing her, except Amma and Babuji. As Anjali wept, tears like liquid silver trickled and soon fell over her cheeks like a fretful stream, and Arnav hugged her close, telling her without words that whatever happens, he would always be there with her. It was apparent that even after all the turmoil Anjali still held the trophy, a proof that she was indeed a winner, with her family closing in on her, for blood is thicker than water and family is about faith, loyalty and who you love.


That is why this is titled EVIDENCE.

"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our  wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion,  they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence"

                                          ~ John Adams


That's it from me. Hope you enjoy it.







Edited by rulama - 10 years ago
BS.ILoveYou thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 10 years ago
Loved the interpretation Rashmi Di.. 👏
Dawn as perfectly described... 😳
Oye...updatewa coming.. 😲 
OMG...ME 1st... 😲     🥳

First of all.. 
I am first on my fav FF ka update... 
Celebration to kare ka padi.. 

Bahot hua...aab update par aati hu... before i am.. 

Expressions in Shantivan...

Snakewa in the beginning...  

Mr. Singhal  


Anjali ji... 

Naniji & Mamiji... 

Aakashji & NK Bhaiya.. 




Snakewa in the end...

For Rashmi Di & Smita di...

Loved the interpretation as always...
Snakwa izz finally cornerned... aab bada maza aayega.. 

Edited by B.S.I_Love_You - 10 years ago
ma-nishada thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 10 years ago
part 9 was nice.. raizada mansion il yudha kahalam muzhangiyallo..?
MeenuCrazyPanda thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 10 years ago
Nice Interpretation Rashmi ji👏
joe4joe thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 10 years ago
updt sn.
Waiting 4 ur updt.
Thamasipikkathe chechi.