AnyaFF:PehlaPyar:Chap:22(pg145)(dont comment here) - Page 26


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.m.a.r.y.s.i.o. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago
Navya had a new happiness in receiving the new phone' meant that now she didn't need to depend on cafes or office net to chat with anant''.this feeling made her dance with joy'..Mukesh had already bought Sims and recharged it with internet so she immediately logged into the site and saw nearly 30 messages'..anant would daily send one message''it all had one content'.

Anant_Bajpai: I miss u Pari'.study well''.good nite'.bye

Navya smiled reading them all and replied'..

MeinEkPari: hmm'.it might have taken a lot of effort to copy paste the same message for 30 days''right anant? lol''how r u?

MeinEkPari: congrats for the success of ur'I mean'..our album anant'''u deserved this appreciation''..bye'.good night''

MeinEkPari: btw anant'..won't u ask me how I can send u messages at night? Keep wondering''if ur online now I can say otherwise im not gonna tell u forever''.

It was impossible that anant was offline''.especially when he was counting each day and kept a record that on which day her exams may end''.

Anant_Bajpai: Pari! what a pleasant surprise''I waited for u in evening but u didn't respond so I thought u may join office tomorrow' ur boss makes u to work at night too? Well thanks for the wishes and don't pull my legs ya''I didn't copy paste the text''

MeinEkPari: lol...i was joking anant' what do u think so? i have a strict boss?

Anant_Bajpai: u seem so happy and in good mood today' it coze ur exams r over?

MeinEkPari: no coze now I can chat with u whenever I want''my mamaji gifted me a blackberry phone''my sister also has a similar one'.he gifted it in advance saying that he predicts that my sis and I will be in the college's merit list'''

Anant_Bajpai: that's a brilliant news yaar'.im so happy'..we can chat anytime without this time barriers''how cool''hey so ur a studious kid unlike me'..i wasted all my college days rehearsing songs'..and somehow managed to pass'.anyways im happy for u

The convo proceeded like this and they did not realize that it was almost 1am at night'..ritika had come to the room and already slept without disturbing navya'..she knew navya needed a break from the exams'.

Navya and anant chatted quite late and they never realized that time flew quickly with each other'..this went for nearly 3 weeks''and finally one night''..

MeinEkPari: anant''s too late we need some sleep'..i have got an important mission tomorrow'..pls wish me luck and pray that I get to find the truth''.it's something about my past'''pls pray for me''.

Anant_Bajpai: mission? Pari u appear really serious''.I'll surely pray for u''..all the best n im sure u'll find the truth'..good night''

  Soon both of them set off to sleep''Devika gupta ran her clinic outside Kanpur so calling her to a convenient place was hard''.they took 3 weeks to set a time to meet''and finally navya and ritika was gonna meet her the enxt day''

Kanpur'.Morning 10.30 pm''.

Maya: navya'..ritika''..take care of urselves'.I know bhaisab is there but still'.that lady'..she can say and do anything' it''

Navya and ritika: yes'.

Soon they set off to meet Devika along with Mukesh''.they had called her to an isolated area''there were only long trees and bushes with no sign of any inhabitants in the nearest kilometer

Mukesh: that lady gets mad seeing me so I'll stay with my bodyguards a few meters away from u two'..but don't worry my eyes will always be on u''.   

Navya: ok mamaji

They both move forward and see Devika already waiting for them''.seeing her, navya starts recollecting the words spoken by maya, about meetha and how careless Devika was about saving her mother''.

Devika: oh finally u girls are here' I shall not waste any more time''it's very important for u girls to realize who is ur own and who is pretending to be ur own''

Ritika sarcastically: what do u mean?

Devika: I mean that what u think is not the fact''.ritika u think ur father died of an accident but he was actually murdered''and navya'..u think ur mother was accidently murdered by goons but the fact is that they knew who she was''..she was the exact target of them'..and u know who did all this? ur own and honest mamaji Mukesh'.pls believe me'..he is not how he looks'..he is a fake from top to bottom''in fact he is responsible for ur parents separation navya''ur mother told me this b4 she was dying'..and she''

Navya: that's enough Mrs. Devika gupta'.I can't stand any more lies of urs''how can u stoop to this low even after being a doctor? U killed my mother by injecting her with the wrong medicine? After doing this entire how could u stand b4 us and try to defend urself?

Devika: navya pls'..not again'..Mukesh had narrated the same story to u kids also''.i knew he is an evil man but he will play this wicked'..i didn't realize

Ritika: stop it''we don't want to listen anything more about our mamaji''we r leaving''..we know everything about u and we just wanted to know what else u could act in front of us''bye forever''

Navya and ritika walk back when they hear the sound of revolver and a loud shriek''they turn to check and find Devika lying on the floor''she was actually shot by the bodyguards of Mukesh''

Mukesh: navya''ritika''this lady was about to hit u from behind' b4 she could do anything'.my bodyguards shot her'.don't get scared'..

Navya: but mamaji''u could stop her'.why did u shoot her''pls take her to hospital'..we will also accompany''.

Mukesh: navya don't be so concerned about the lady who took the life of ur mother''.

Navya: I know that but I want to help her''.to make her realize that we r not like her''pls lets take her to hospital''

Ritika agreed to her and finally Mukesh helped them to get Devika to hospital''.there she was kept in ICU while Mukesh advised them to return home''

Ritika: no mamaji'..navya and im gonna stay here''pls inform ma and tell her not to worry'..

Mukesh: why do u want to stay here''

Ritika: mamaji? u see navya? She wants to meet Devika when she gains consciousness'' remind her something''

Mukesh gets confused but then allows them to stay there and leaves the area'''time passes as the doctors announce that Devika is out of danger'..

Navya: I wish Devika would have made my mom alright and the doctors would the same to maasi years back''.she killed my mom but still she is out of danger'..

Ritika: navya don't stress urself''and forgot? Tomorrow our results will come out'..we have to think about it'..

Navya: OMG'..amongst all this''.it just slipped out of my mind'..ritika'..lets go coze Devika is not gonna gain consciousness now''we will meet her tomorrow after returning from college''..

Ritika: ok''

Both leave the hospital door when Mukesh comes in and gets happy that they r going home to rest''..

Mukesh: u both might be so tired na? go home as im here to take care of everything''..i mean to look after Devika''

Navya and ritika finally leaves and Mukesh goes in''however navya realizes that she had left her bag in the hospital''.

Navya: where is my bag?

Ritika: navya I think u left in the ICU when u went to check if Devika is conscious'.remember?

Navya: yeah'.I'll go get it'.u stay here ok?

Leaving ritika outside, navya goes to the ICU where Devika is unconscious while her bag is not seen'..after searching a lot she finds it behind the curtains'..possibly some nurse had kept it there'..away from the patient''she took it from there and bent a bit to check if everything is present in the bag when she hears the ICU door being opened'..she gets scared and hides behind the curtains thinking that it might be a doctor and he may get mad at navya for entering without permission''she hears a familiar voice but doesn't dare to see who it is''.

Voice: get up Devika''b4 navya and Ritika come back tomorrow'..i have serious discussions with u'..get up I said''

Navya wonders why that person is shouting at the seriously ill lady and how did he know her name and ritika's''she gets up slowly and looks at the man'..she is delighted to discover that its none other than "Mukesh"''.

Navya in mind: mamaji is still furious at her''I can understand his pain'..

She is about to come out when she sees Devika opening her eyes and tears rolling down them'..navya is surprised as the doctor had told them that she wouldn't gain consciousness b4 tomorrow''soon the doctor who treated Devika enters and tells Mukesh that he succeeded in making his nieces believe that she is unconscious''navya is shocked''.

Devika: why r u doing all this to those poor girls'.Mukesh if u want to kill me then do it'..don't torture those girls with all those lies u have told'.

Mukesh: u started all this'..when u met them in market why did u tell them u are from their past? I told u years back that no one is going to believe what ur saying''.

Devika: but I am telling the truth''.at least confess it now'..there is no one here whom u should fake ur identity'..

Mukesh: shut up'..I don't need ur advice'''and if u want to hear''yes' the culprit of my sisters''.i destroyed their happy families''I killed Dilip and meetha''I separated meetha from Deepak'..

Navya couldn't believe what she was hearing'..she felt as if her whole world is turning upside down''.her own mamaji who was their life'.how could he do this? Was she dreaming or what?

Devika: why Mukesh''u loved ur family a lot'.then why?

Mukesh: I loved them but they never bothered to find if im happy or not' the struggle to become successful and wealthy'..I took up many wrong paths to success''smuggling, hoarding and many other illegal acts' this fight, I never thought of my own family''I was happy seeing my sisters and their children happy''but when I decided to start my family, no one was ready to marry me coze I was a wrong person for them'..I was frustrated with my life''I started feeling jealous of my own sisters''I know I was wrong but that time I did what came to my mind'..I wanted Dilip to be jailed for cheating his boss but he ended up losing his life coze he overheard my plans''.i had no other option but to kill him'..and u, Devika''.u came up with the original postmortem reports claiming that he was murdered''but all other staff in the hospital were in my side so they succeeded in proving u wrong''after that I thought that Deepak's desire to go to Mumbai and start his business would create problems between Deepak and meetha'..and I was right''I made meetha feel that she will lose Deepak if he goes to Mumbai coze it was a dangerous city'..this feeling made meetha to object Deepak's dreams and they often argued on this'..i kept on adding fuel and one day Deepak decided to leave without meetha and navya with him''he didn't even turn up for meetha's funeral coze I didn't inform him''.i told maya that he refused to come'I knew that Deepak would come and take navya with him''I didn't want to lose navya''.she was my little princess'..

Devika: why did u kill meetha? Dilip was ur brother-in-law but she was ur own blood''why? And u ended up putting its blame on me'.

Mukesh: yes I killed meetha coze she came to know my truth'.she came to know about my illegal businesses and the truth that I killed Dilip and I caused the fight between her and her husband'..i didn't have any other option''

Devika: u never had any other option but to kill Mukesh''u didn't even see that ur ruining the happiness of ur own family''ur nieces are orphans due to u''

Mukesh: I know but now don't u dare defend urself again in front of them'..accept that u r guilty otherwise my bodyguards will shoot u to death next time''this bullet was just a trailer to scare u'.

Saying this Mukesh leaves the ICU'..for the first time navya saw the fierce and evil side of her mamaji''she was shattered into pieces and tears rolled so much that they dried up on her fair complexioned face'..she wished that someone would pinch her and she would get up from a nightmare''


Navya is confused whether to confront mamaji first or tell ritika and maya first about mamaji truth'..

Hey guys''finally I have come to the real track of the story'..this is the turning point of the story so I hope u enjoyed reading it beyond it being so long''..thanks'..



Edited by Sio_AngeL - 11 years ago
Seenavas thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
atlast the truth reveald . great update dear lovd it. lovd the convo b/w anya superb.
.m.a.r.y.s.i.o. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago
@seenavas-thanks dear...
@rashi di-thanks di...
Edited by Sio_AngeL - 11 years ago
JaSmInE- thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
nice update dear keep it up πŸ˜Š
sifarah thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
It was a wonderful update... At least now Navya knows reality..awaiting to read how Navya & Anant would meet eachother and how their relationship would build up.. 
I know this story is focusing on Navya, I wish you could give a bit of added space to Anant as well
Edited by sifarah - 11 years ago
rashvin thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
That was a wonderful update Siona...
Loved Anant & Paris's unconscious chat late ny8s... The way Pari mocking Anant & her words about BB Cell..
So This Mukesh turned a culprit... Poor Devika...
Hope Navya wont confront Mukesh directly without informing to Rithika n Maya..
smivas thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Engager 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
wow what a writing ...hats off to you... now what will navya whom she is going to say it ..? really eager to read your next update... keep it up..πŸ‘πŸ‘
Adr_Rush thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
OMG πŸ˜Š what a twist and turn πŸ˜›

.m.a.r.y.s.i.o. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago
@rano @sifarah - thanks guys for liking the update
.m.a.r.y.s.i.o. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: rashvin

That was a wonderful update Siona...

Loved Anant & Paris's unconscious chat late ny8s... The way Pari mocking Anant & her words about BB Cell..
So This Mukesh turned a culprit... Poor Devika...
Hope Navya wont confront Mukesh directly without informing to Rithika n Maya..

yeah mukesh is the culprit di...and lets see what navya does...thanks for likingt he update and anya can i miss them even amid such high voltage dramaπŸ˜†