Arjun 25th Aug WU *Arvind killed or got killed**

MakhannMalaai thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
Heeeyyy heeeyyy.. what happens if you gotta start work at freakin 10:45 in the morning and get off at 6?? Update gets late.. yeaaahhh.. so the update would be late.. I would come home and do it ASAP.. intezaar kijye.. πŸ˜†

Backkk... Update be here in some time..πŸ˜›

!~ Arjun Written Update ~!

  • A maid is knocking on the door and calls out to certain Arvind numerous times.. Nobody answers she then look the entire house and nobody is present.. she gets happy and frees herself (something says in hindi I guess her name or something I can't read it) she calls her bf and asks him to come over while she is talking she sees a shadow of a person she looks closely and finds three people standing altogether she turns to see a person right behind her none of their faces are shown (Gosh that was so damn creepy ) She goes into the washroom and sees it's blood everywhere in the washroom.. the people follow her and she says bathroom and blood on the phone to her bf.. The people come and stand right in front of her.. she passes away...The ETF team is coming to Jaipur..they reach the house where they find the maid dead (I thought she just fainted 😲) Riya says name of the deceased was Rama bai and she was 30 years old.. on duty doctor tells them that she died due ti shock.. her bf is a peon in a bank and he is very simple.. Riya says whatever the peon told them about how the maid was reacting.. Riya tells them the house belongs to a business man called Arvind who is now on a business trip and his wife with her sister have not been questioned yet..riya asks Arjun if he wants to talk to them.. Arjun ignores her and Riya gets sad..Riya and Rathore see Arvind's when her sister is on the phone.. they question her to which she says her husband left for the trip in the morning..Rathore asks if Arvind ever had an affair with the maid? the wife says no.. she says the husband is starting a new business so he's been to bhandarpur.. and his phone is switched off.. she says she had a fight with her husband when he was leaving Riya asks the reason and the sister barges in saying they should do a post postpartum of the maid and not ask silly question πŸ˜• (Behen main kuch jhol hai baba) Riya still asks about the reason of the fight.. she says because Arvind wanted to fire Rama because she had a psychiatric issue.. Wife says that Rama used to imagine people and voices..Arjun is looking though the whole house when he looks into the washroom and finds something weird (where did all the blood go? πŸ˜• His expressions are soo good 😳) Rathore comes to Arjun and says this is a local police case and not ETT material..Arjun says this is a murder case and Riya intervenes saying the maid died due to shock and starts giving her statistics Arjun totally ignores her and Rathore asks him to stop giving attitude πŸ˜† Arjun says there's two bathroom in the house while the bathroom Rama was found in has a very strong smell of the cleaner.. somebody has done something in the washroom after they had to clean it..he notices a big knife is missing from the knife set he shows it to everybody.. They go back to the washroom and Shree sprays a blood detecting spray.. they then see all the blood spots and a big hand/arm print on the shower glass..and rest of the blood where it was before..Rathore says Arvind has done all this.. Arjun goes to the doctor and finds about all the details of the disorder Rama had.. Rathore gets the news that Arvind's friend is still waiting for him in Bhandarpur and he never reached there 😲 Chotu says 3 people have seen Arvind leaving in the morning with two big suitcases.. Arjun says Arvind never reached where he was supposed to.. he says there was also blood in the washroom and if Arvind was going only for a night why did he take 2 big suitcases? Arjun says all the evidences come to a conclusion that Arvind killed someone in the washroom took the body away in the bags and left.. His wife's sister gets all hyper saying Arvind could never do that.. she says if they didn;t stop their nonsense she will ask her husband to do something as he has some big contacts (wowww Behen main pakka gadbad hai)
  • Riya takes over the situation when the sister gets a call and she says she has to leave as her husband's flight has landed..Riya asks her some questions she says Arvind was not doing good in business so Shweta -his wife had to work..last time when they came over to her house her husband offered financial help to Arvind but he took offence.. Shweta says Arvind had animosity with Mohammad Khan becausethey took some debt from him and he was threatening her husband.. Arjun asks chotu to look for M Khan..Riya-Arjun question a neighbour who says Arvind was very weird today and they were very unusual people.. a rogue used to visit them.. she says only Payal Shweta's sister is sane among them..she says her dog was very friendly with Arvind but today he barked at him..Riya says maybe the dig sniffed the dead body's smell and that's why he barked.. Arjun royally ignores her again (LOL.. Arjun is hilarious.. poor poor Riya πŸ˜†) Chotu gets hold of M Khan but when he questions him M Khan runs away..Shree and Chotu are looking for him..Arjun and Rathore question the cab driver who says Arvind even gave him his card.. Arjun says either Arvind was trying to say anything..Shree calls out to chotu and chotu finds him hanging on a tree.. The cab driver says Arvind asked him to stop at a food joint in Saharanpur.. after that he took his stuff out and went away.. Rathore says they have to go to Saharanpur..Chotu is fighting with the wrestlers to get Shree free πŸ˜† (he looks so funny) Arjun, Riya and Rathore reach Saharanpur.. Chotu gets hold of M Khan and he says Arvind was giving him the money back so he didn't have any problem with him.. The restaurant guy tells Arjun that Arvind came there ate and went to the washroom and then vanished..Another person says Arvind came off the taxi and took the bags to a black honda.. Arjun wonders why Arvind was giving them all these hints..Arjun still says a link is missing..the man in the restaurant says someother person took the car..Arjun goes out of the washroom fron the rear exit and looks in the garbage.. he finds a black coat, hat and fake beard..Arjun says the person in the suitcases was Arvind himself and someone else was just disposing his body 😲 he says somebody knew quite well that Arvind was going to travel so they went to his house, killed him, slashed his body and came here to dispose..Rathore wonders who can that be? Shree says Arvind had a 40 lakh life policy but Arjun says his wife didn't kill him.. Shree says that every 15 days 5 lakh was withdrawn from Payal's account 😲 (Maine kaha tha behen main jhol hai πŸ˜†) Rathore says which means Payal and Arvind were having an affair.. Riya says someone among Shweta or Payal's husband must have killed Arvind because both of them have a motive.. Arjun is silent thinking all to himself..Rathore is convinced that Payal's husband killed him.. Riya goes to Arjun and says sorry and says she just had curiosity in his life as normal human nature.. she says sorry again Ajun just walks away (hawww I'm really looking forward for their track to start)
  • Arjun says there's another possibility that Payal had an affair with someone else.. she used to meet him at Arvind's residence and when Arvind caught him he started blackmailing her for money.. Rathore doesn't believe him and says how would be prove it? Arjun asks how would Rathore prove that Payal's husband killed Arvind? Arjun says there's one way.. It's morning and Arjun Rathore are having a tiff again πŸ˜†.. Riya is on phone and says she will come..She asks Rathore a persmission for a day off because of some personal problem and she looks sad.. Rathore says okay..Arjun walks past Riya while she's standing all teary eyed.. he turns back looks at her and then moves away.. Riya cries (He has some feelings but he is so damn stiff.. awww Arjun be a little soft hun 😳) They go to Payal's house and say that Arvind's killer was driving a black honda and people will recognise him.. Payal's husband says he can ask CM to help them have a better team.. Rathore says no thanks..ETF is taping their calls and they get two weird calls who Payal's husband cuts asking to call another time..Rathore still doubts that Payal is involved just then an auto comes out of the house and ETF follows it Arjun says Payal must have used her maid's phone to warn the killer..they overtake the rickshaw and asks the maid to get out..the take Maid's phone and find an unknown number to which Payal had called from her own phone too.. Shree says the number is switched off so they can't do anything..Shree finds the number which is only 5 kms away from the place they were.. Rathore aska Riya and chotu to keep an eye on Payal's family..An unknown man takes out two bags from his trunk and is dragging them into the jungle (Same bags the Arvind onesss πŸ˜•) and he is in the black honda too.. We see a flashback of Arvind catching Payal with a different man then she gives him money.. he asks for another installment and she says it will take time..Arvind blackmails her..cut to the present Payal's man is still dragging the bags into the jungle..flashback again when Arvind asks the man if he brought the money.. He kills him and then the maid rings the bell she dies and then the man cleans the whole washroom.. he is then showed doing all the activities Arjun predicted (Arjun mahaaan πŸ‘πŸ˜†) cut to present the man throws the bags away in a grave kinda thing..ETF team reaches there and fires on the man.. he fires back.. run and chase is going on..the man goes away into a truck..Arjun is standing right in front and the man keeps driving as if he would run Arjun over... Arjun moves away in time and runs into the jungle to get a short way to catch the person..Arjun hops onto the truck (hamara heroo..*whistle whistle*) Arjun hits him hard.. Police comes and takes him away.. we find out that Payal's man is her husband's manager 😲..Shweta curses her sister, Payal says sorry..Rathore and Arjun are standing side by side.. Rathore says good job.. Arjun nods his head (awww potential bromance πŸ˜†) ends on his face

Precap: a boy is running away.. a man says he is a very simple and sensible boy that's why they are more worried..Rathore is inquiring about Kapil..

Pretty good episode.. the last part was so gripping.. like a movie.. Arjun is maha intelligent πŸ˜† Poor ETF's team it's either Arjun or Rathore they are always getting a daant from.. Riya is missing tomorrow.. what will be Arjun's reaction..??

see you guys next saturday.. -Pulwasha-

Edited by -ChillMahaul- - 11 years ago


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pratsy thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
thanks 4  dupd...d epi ws mast..full of suspense,drama,emotions😳
Edited by pratsy - 11 years ago
-JollyJabeen- thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Thank you for the update! Really appreciate it!πŸ˜›

HAHA Chotu looked like Hrcules in the fight scene! πŸ˜†πŸ˜³
mushiroxx thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
tfs for the dthe epi...shree-chotu were a blast n yes riya was treated real bad by our hero...hope he forgives her soon...:)
rechus thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Thanks for update..good episode
Spot thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Thank you very much for the update today
Roark thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Thanks for the update.
I watched this and this was a very nice episode.