FF: Jaane Tu... |Ch 3 -Pg 12, Mar 19|

-Jwalamukhi- thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Engager 4 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 15 years ago

Hello members,

At this moment I have more then enough Fan Fics going around:
Tujh Mein Rab Dikhta Hai
Kismat Konnection
Tera Woh Pyaar
And this will be my 6th! I know how much you all hate me for not continuing my FFs but I need breathers aswell, so please bare with me.
This FF is called:
Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na/ Jaane Tu...
I know, this this inspired by the 2008 movie with the same name but here, this story is much..more me.
Let me tell you, if I was asked a question of which story is closest to my heart, I would name Jaane Tu... immediataly, please this story is ME. This is who I am...and I sometimes, I feel that this story represents the type of love story, or -friendship I'd want. As if I can imagine myself in the character of Heer.
But if I was asked the question, pick 3 of your own FF's that you like, I would pick, Kismat Konnection, Guzarish and Jaane Tu... I am not saying that Tujh Mein and Maahi are bad, they are good but those 3 FF's, reflect on a certain part of me. If the FF shows that I am caring, that is who I am. If it says that Heer is being sarcastic, that is who I am.
This FF is a tribute to Nandini90 because it was her that I had originally discussed the idea with and it is because of her, I could come up with the name Jaane Tu...
Thanks Nandz...miss you!πŸ€—
Before you guys leave to read Part 1. Please watch this VM by Indiandoll89 and DO NOT FORGET TO LEAVE A COMMENT IN THE THREAD!!.
Part 1 is posted below, do comment.
Chapter 1 - Pg 1
Chapter 2 - Pg 5
Chapter 3 - Pg 12
Edited by *Shifali* - 15 years ago


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-Jwalamukhi- thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Engager 4 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 15 years ago

Chapter 1

I hurried towards Sanjana di's room balancing her breakfast in one hand and her ironed dress in the other. As I tossed, tumbled, fumbled and walked upto her room, I kept reminding myself that I had 2 more weeks with these people and then I would be in Mumbai, away from all this. Just 2 more weeks and I will be free to go...Free.... That word sounded so easy to say but hard to go through. Hard to live that word. Gently I pushed open Sanjana's door and heard loud ear brusting music. I was even suprised that she hadn't put the TV on yet...on full volume.
Here we go again. Her "You-think-you-are-a-princess- talks". Sanjana walks upto me and takes the glass of juice of my breakfast tray. She takes one sip and puts it back on the tray.
"So princess Heer FINALLY got the chance to come here, is it?"
Nahi nahi, if I even had 1 % human rights in this house, I would NEVER come to her room. I sighed imagining my life without Sanjana or her mom.
I tried to reason with her to tell her that it took a little longer to iron her dress..."PERFECTLY" but no, she was not ready to listen to me. At that moment I wanted to question her if she ever tried ironing her own dresses for once and there I was, ironing 3 people's wardrobe's.
"Di, why do you need the dress? Don't you know it is Prem's basketball game today and he considers you his lucky charm?"
Sanjana rolled her eyes and I felt like punching her in the face. If I had to, I could even murder her for rolling eyes on something that meant ALOT to Prem.
"Uff Heer. Don't act like a baby. You know that I have no interest in basketball plus, I can't spend 3 hours for something that is important to Prem. There is a huge sale in this new clothing store today and I am going shopping, then getting a manucare and a pedicare so don't bother even waiting for me at the game."
I crunched my fingers up in a ball ready to fight. But I stayed calm.
"OK. But for once please do something that means alot to Prem. Seeing you at his champion ships means alot to him and I am sure it won't cost you much" I said disgustingly.
"Shut up Heer! And stay out of this!" Sanjana growled at me and I left without saying another word.
Once inside my room, I checked the messages on my iPhone.
"Ashlesha, Preet...Khushi...Meera...Nandini...Ravz...Asma...Shabo...Prem....Prem....Prem...Prem..."
Holy crap! I was too busy talking to Sanjana trying to convince her to come to Prem's basketball game that I almost forgot that I had to wake Prem up for his game!...Crap! I hurried to my closet and took out the most regular pair of jeans and  t-shirt. After looking as regular as I looked, I hurried down to my car, not even bothering to eat breakfast.
"Crap I am late"
I check my watch and start driving as fast as possible. I drove as fast as possible, driving past cars, and even jumping signals. Everyone in Ludhiana were pretty nice people and knew that when I was in a hurry, it was best not to come in my way and I appreciated it. As I reached huge mansion, the guard opened the tall iron gate by himself. I gave him a huge smile which he knew as an indication that I was saying 'Thank You'. As I parked my car beside Prem's lexsus, I rapidly opened the door to my seat, and got off, not even bothering to lock it. As I ran towards Prem's car, I kept praying that hopefully Prem was awake by now and dressed up ready to go but I also knew that all my prayers would go down in vain because as much as I knew Prem, he never woke up until 2pm.
"Please be ready...please" I muttered as I closed my eyes, praying. As I reached Prem's house, I shoved open the front door and quickly ran inside. As I ran towards the stairs, Taurus, Prem's golden retriver comes running upto me and sits down on my feet, indicating that he wanted me to pet him. I stop in order to take some deep breaths and give Taurus what he demanded for.
"Good boy Taurus. Now tell me where Late Langoor is."
Taurus looks up at me as if I had offended him by calling Prem a late langoor and then goes back to his 'pet-me' mode. He knows this happens daily, very ishmart he is. But don't they say that "Animals are smarter and well-behaved then most humans", this can also be said about Prem and Taurus. On one side, there is Prem who doesn't even care about anything and who is totally dependant on his friends to help him around life and there is Taurus, who cares about everything and everyone...including me. Sigh.
"Woof woof!" Taurus looks up at me and starts barking. I then remember about late langoor and walk up to his room.
I don't bother knocking and instead just barge in. Once inside, I turn on the lights and slowly walk towards Prem's bed. Making lound thud thud noises as a ray of hope to waking Prem up. As I stand beside his bed, I take the large rich cream blanket off his forehead. Prem lay there with a bare back with his head titled in the other direction.
I sighed. "Prem!...Gadha kahin ka! Roz roz, same pose!" I mumbled.
I start shaking Prem to wake him up. "Wake up Prem!" I give him some more pushes and suddenly his 2 hands grab my 2 arms, tightly and flip me over on the bed. I didn't even get a chance to scream when he lays me down on the bed beside him and pins me down on the bed. I try to break away from his tight grip, fighting away. He stared straight into my eyes, I did too. His face so close to mine. His grip tightened around my hands. They were starting to pain but I didn't complain because my pain was nothing compared to the happiness...to the warmth I was recieveing now. My hands ached but I was too lost in his dreams to remember anything. Prem then suddenly lets go off my hands and pulls his face away from mine as if he had just witnessed something shocking. He then gets off me and stands beside the bed, with no words to describe what had just happened. His face...expressionless. Akward as I was feeling, I get up and stand beside him. I look at his face and start laughing. He looks at me with a "Is-she-out-of-her-mind expression".
"Late langoor, mujhe nahi pata tha that you were this strong..."
"What do you think Tennis, why did they choose me for the basketball team?"
"Oh, they were meaning to choose me but accidently, they chose you. Accidently"
"Haha haha, very funny"
"You don't worry, I won't tell di. I know how much you love di, and trust me, I won't tell her anything that happened here...Darpok kahin ka!"
I stick my tongue out at him and wiggle my fingers pretending to be a 'witch'. He starts laughing...and I start laughing aswell. I start laughing harder and harder and tears start escaping my eyes. Tears roll down my eyes as I continued to laugh louder and louder making it harder to know if I was really crying or laughing. I didn't know how I was doing with my acting but putting a pretense of being happy was much harder and painful then I had imagined. I was packed with bad luck. The day I was born, my mom died, and then my millionire dad remarried with a woman who already had a daughter named Sanjana. 2 months after I turned 10, my dad died leaving all the property on my step-mom Padma and her daughter, Sanjana's name. I don't complain about it because I don't want property, money or business. I don't care if I am still the 'servant' of the house at age 19. I don't care about anything. They can take it. They can take the property, the house, the money...EVERYTHING except for one thing...PREM. He is the only true friend that I had since I started kindergarten but now even he was going away. After all these years of friendship, suddenly Sanjana comes in and he starts liking her. I am not going to think bad about Prem because I want him to be happy, even if it means seeing him with Sanjana because I want him to be happy, and his happiness lies in Sanjana and mine lies in him. Waise bhi, they say that "Love in all about giving and not taking". As I continued to cry over my destiny, Prem calls out to me.
"Woohoo!. Heer to planet Earth. Heer to planet Earth"
Prem snaps his fingers across my face, making me come out of my train of thoughts.
"Exactly. What are you doing here Heer?"
"Oh. I just came to wake you up for your basketball championship game"
He looks at me as if a cat had bit his tongue.
Of course Prem. Why wouldn't I remember anything that was so close to you?
"Er ya. I checked di's calendar"
I smiled at him to make him feel better. One side of my mind echoed..."Jhoot Heer. Sanjana doesn't even have a calendar in her room. She doesn't even care about Prem's feelings - and you are defending her?" My heart replied back saying 'NO Heer. He loves her. Don't tell him the truth. He will be heartbroken'. I didn't know who to support and instead kept answering Prem's questions.
"Oh....then why didn't she come?"
Because Prem, she doesn't care about you and cares more about shopping. Thats why. I told you, it doesn't make a difference to her if you win or loose!
"Erm, oh she told me that she has a surprise waiting for you after you win the championships and she had to make last minute adjusments to it."
A huge smile occurred on Prem's face and seeing him smile, I smiled aswell, even if it meant 5 gallons of sorrow for me and even if the smile was taken out of a thousand pile of lies.
-End of Ch 1~
Edited by *Shifali* - 15 years ago
rainydays. thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 15 years ago
I'll reserve this till you post ch.1 =)

First off, another FF? Yay! *does a little dance*

Did I ever tell you how much I love reading your FFs? Btw you'll continue this one yes?😊

Wait! Sanjana's being mean to Heer?! 😲😑 Can I hit her with a danda? Please? And how dare she roll her eyes. And how come she's Prem's lucky charm? Maybe if I continued reading I would knowπŸ˜†

Ooh I see my name! I'm sorry I just got a bit excitedπŸ˜† I love the name Tauras for the dog. Btw are you getting a dog?😳 I remembered you telling me you were. Hope you do *fingers crossed*

Late langoor?🀣 Wait would she call me that too since i woke up at 2 pm. today as well?πŸ€”
Aww poor Heer. I can some what undesrtand what she's going through. Poro thing had to go hrough so much. Losing her mom, then her dad (in the sense of him not being there) and then losing Prem to Sanjana.
Sanjana doesn't care about him at all does she? Why is she even with Prem then? And I can't believe Prem doesn't know it either. I feel even worse for Heer cuz she's hurting herself by trying to keep Prem happy...
Can't wait to read the next update and see what you'll write next😊
Edited by ravioli_11 - 15 years ago
indiandoll89 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 15 years ago
I'm reserving this spot while laughing that you're advertising my vm's! πŸ˜† πŸ˜› (I knew there was a reason you wanted it on that song! πŸ˜‰)

Sanjana and Heer are sisters/cousins?πŸ˜• Not so sure I like that!πŸ˜† awww Prem think's Sanjana's his lucky charm? how shweet...and how mean is she? Ugh! I really don't like her...not like I ever did anyways!πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

Awww Heer's so sweet, trying to convince stupid Sanjana to go!πŸ˜³πŸ˜†πŸ˜† YAY! we get to be Heer's friends!πŸ˜†

He has a golden reteriver???? how awesome...and love the name!πŸ˜†

Okay so my breath caught in my throat as I read the part with her waking him up!!!😳 Why can't that happen on the show??/😳 It was fabulous Shifs!!!😍 He calls her Tennis? I wanna know the story behind that!πŸ˜†

This part was fantastically written Shifu: "  They can take it. They can take the property, the house, the money...EVERYTHING except for one thing...PREM. He is the only true friend that I had since I started kindergarten but now even he was going away. After all these years of friendship, suddenly Sanjana comes in and he starts liking her. I am not going to think bad about Prem because I want him to be happy, even if it means seeing him with Sanjana because I want him to be happy, and his happiness lies in Sanjana and mine lies in him. Waise bhi, they say that "Love in all about giving and not taking". As I continued to cry over my destiny, Prem calls out to me.   " you could totally imagine her pain through it!😳😳😳

Heer is totally amazing!😳😳😳 What a sweet sister, and a sweet friend....lying to save stupid Sanjana!πŸ˜†

Continue super soon, can't wait to see what happens next!!

Love you loads,

Edited by indiandoll89 - 15 years ago
P.Kamaljit.Sean thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 15 years ago
hey shifs
awesum chap 1
loved the names
heer is sooo sweet
congratz for ur 6th ff
-Garima- thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
Shifuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hai Ram!!! 6 fanfictions??? itne saare kaise likhe gi yaar??? LOL but now worries, I love reading your FF's, they're totally awesome!!!😳😳😳

This one is Shoooo Shweeettt!!!! I love Heer's character!!! She's so like me!! sarcastic and sweet at the same time lolz πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

But poor her...she has to act like servant for her stupid step-mom and sanjana 🀒 I feel really bad for her 😭

On the bright side, she has her best friend PREM!! yay!!!!! awww....that little hand-grabbing scene was shooo cuttee!! lolz I was so blushing when I read it!! I wonder how Heer would've handled it *scratches head* LOLπŸ˜†
But she covered up her nervousness quite well...hehe..aww but she has to lie to Prem just to see him happy...poor her...anyway, Great start!! I loved it as always!!πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Do continue soon whenever you have time!!!πŸ˜‰

Bye!! luv ya!!!
Garima 😊

HCDeewani thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago
hi, w-o-w, ur an amazing writer, this is just so beautifully written, i have no word to describe it.
heer's character is sooo sweet, and considerate, giving her self pain, but giving other happiness!!! i wonder wen prem will figure out that sanjana is just.. so mean, and selfish? cant wait till u update next, do so wen u get the chance. and till then take care..
ashmii thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

Firstly another FFπŸ˜† haha dnt matta the more the merrrierπŸ˜‰πŸ˜†!

ooh me lubed the title reminds me of the movie which ive watched i dno how many timesπŸ˜³πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

prem likes sanjana not heerπŸ˜† bit of a change haha me lieks it unique!πŸ˜†

I like the name late langoor and tennis!πŸ˜†πŸ˜† and awwww the dog sounds so cutee hehe he cares about evry1πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜†

Prem pulled Heer onto the bed😍 haiii why did he come bak to his sensesπŸ˜†πŸ˜†and heer quetly enjoying it hahaπŸ˜†πŸ˜†

ooooh im heers freind too hahaπŸ˜†

great start!πŸ˜ƒ me LOVED it!!πŸ˜ƒ youve described heers feeling really well!πŸ˜†πŸ˜† do upodate soon! =D

love Asma =D

Edited by ashmii - 15 years ago
flowers4u thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 years ago
hey luved ur new ff plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz continue wiv da others aswell
luved da concept cant w8 to read more do continue
-Jwalamukhi- thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Engager 4 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: ravioli_11

I'll reserve this till you post ch.1 =)


First off, another FF? Yay! *does a little dance*

Dances with RavzπŸ˜†πŸ˜†
Did I ever tell you how much I love reading your FFs? Btw you'll continue this one yes?😊
Thanks Ravz and yes, I am continuing this FF...close to my heart it is...waise bhi, promised NandzπŸ˜†

Wait! Sanjana's being mean to Heer?! 😲😑 Can I hit her with a danda? Please? And how dare she roll her eyes. And how come she's Prem's lucky charm? Maybe if I continued reading I would knowπŸ˜†

Don't worry, she will get her share of getting hit with a danda soonπŸ˜†πŸ˜† Yes, if you keep reading, you will knowπŸ˜†
Ooh I see my name! I'm sorry I just got a bit excitedπŸ˜† I love the name Tauras for the dog. Btw are you getting a dog?😳 I remembered you telling me you were. Hope you do *fingers crossed*
Late langoor?🀣 Wait would she call me that too since i woke up at 2 pm. today as well?πŸ€”
Yes, I had all the names of avid readers of my FF...and who never forget to commentoπŸ˜† Taurus is Harshad's zodiac...seeing he was born in May 15th. I might get a dog, but chances are not so bright at the momentπŸ˜† She will call you Late Langoor squared.πŸ˜†
Aww poor Heer. I can some what undesrtand what she's going through. Poro thing had to go hrough so much. Losing her mom, then her dad (in the sense of him not being there) and then losing Prem to Sanjana.
Yes, so you can see why she hates her life so much, and the only thing that keeps her alive is Prem and if he goes away...?
Sanjana doesn't care about him at all does she? Why is she even with Prem then? And I can't believe Prem doesn't know it either. I feel even worse for Heer cuz she's hurting herself by trying to keep Prem happy...
No. She wants Prem bcs she knows Heer loves him and otherwise, no, she doesn't care about Prem. Hey, she just wants to give Heer more pain and the best way to do it is to press her weakest cord, which is Prem. I know...that part hurts me aswell.
Can't wait to read the next update and see what you'll write next😊
I will try to write something good...πŸ˜†