Mifra_14 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
Ok so today's epi wasnt much good
Prerna is just getting on my nerves, how could she just say that u ppl give birth like an animal and then stick ur child to us i mean like srsly???huh??
Gauri gud insult 👏 hatts of to u
And did u guyzz notice prerna got shocked when gauri spoke english?? She just thinks only rich ppl have right to accquire studies and poor should work for them
Really an enducated but worse than an illeterate person
Aarti u also insulted her ..very very gud..only u know the pain of staying away from one owns child and u dont want other to go thorough this pain..really an embodiment 👏
Yawlll i was waiting for shivri meeting but they dint meet 😭
Hope they will meet tomo 😳
And ofcourse how can i forget Ahaan ,he too was thinking about gauri
And then shvin poem was a treat to watch
Btw today we got kia free episode 😃
Edited by Mifra_14 - 8 years ago


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SelahJoy thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago
whenever prena ,arti,ahan father and inder scene come i use my mouse and forward the scenes
Mifra_14 thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 8 years ago

Originally posted by: SelahJoy

whenever prena ,arti,ahan father and inder scene come i use my mouse and forward the scenes

haha i used to do the same thing before but few days back i watched all their scene separetely just bcz so that i do not miss anything imp