Maharani Ajabde Fan Fictions

PrAja/RoSal OS - Chaahat! (Completed) Thumbnail

Summary: What happens when you speak at the wrong time? And more importantly, what ...

Coincidentally Yours! Thumbnail

Summary: When somethings happen in life is incidence and keep on happening in a way ...

Shakti Thumbnail

Summary: Staying away from your love, makes you stronger or weaker? Is it always ...

Sangini Thumbnail

Summary: A historical fiction on the Yuvraj Pratap Singh Sisodiya of Mevar and Baisa ...

Surprises Thumbnail

Summary: Truth in fantasy are so beautiful! Dreams in reality, that enchanted! To ...

The Journey Thumbnail

Summary: The destination can be reached only by taking step by step! When you ...

A Perfect Team...!? Thumbnail

Summary: Pratap Singh Sisodiya and Ajabde Punwar...the different yet alike ...

Soulmates Thumbnail

Summary: Meet the beautiful, vivacious Ajabde and the charming, handsome ...
