Who is RealIy In Jail In India??? - Page 37


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uknaik99 thumbnail
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Posted: 15 years ago

Confused Bureau of investigation

CBI fails to charge anyone with murder in the Aarushi-Hemraj case, announces Rs 1 lakh for clues leading to missing weapon, cellphones

The accused: Krishna, Rajkumar and Vijay Mandal

New Delhi:
Conceding its failure to investigate the murders of teenager Aarushi Talwar and her family help Hemraj, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Tuesday said it was not charging anybody with the sensational crime and announced a reward of Rs 1 lakh for clues leading to evidence.

Almost four months after Aarushi was found murdered in her Noida home on May 16 - Hemraj's body was found a day later - the CBI said it would not file a chargesheet in the case anytime soon and would not oppose bail for the accused.

The investigating agency was to submit its chargesheet before September 10, to meet the 90-day deadline since the first arrest in the case - that of Aarushi's father Rajesh Talwar on May 23. "The investigation in the case would continue…. Section 167 CrPC gives right to every person in custody to be released on bail if no chargesheet is filed against him within 90 days of his custody," DIG of Police Neeraja Gotru said.

Gotru just fell short of saying that the agency had no material evidence to press charges against Krishna, medical assistant of Aarushi's dentist father Rajesh Talwar, and Rajkumar, the domestic help of the Talwars' family friends. The third accused in the case, Vijay Mandal, who also worked as a domestic help in the Noida neighbourhood of the Talwars, was granted bail by a CBI court in Ghaziabad last week.

Murder weapons remain untraced

The CBI, which has been unable to trace the murder weapon and the mobile phones of Aarushi and Hemraj, has now declared a reward of Rs 1 lakh for anybody helping find them. "An award of Rs 1 lakh is announced to anyone giving further clue in this case, leading to recovery of the weapon of offence or mobile phones," Kotru said.

Nepal links being investigated

The investigating agency is also probing the Nepal links of the accused to get to crucial evidence. "A letters rogatory, a letter of request, is being sent to Nepal, seeking assistance in locating some witnesses and mobile phones of the deceased," Kotru added.

The CBI, which took over the case on May 31 this year, has accused Krishna, Rajkumar and Vijay Mandal in the double murders on the basis of narco-analysis tests - the only basis of the CBI's probe that is not admissible as evidence in court.

On Tuesday, a special CBI court in Ghaziabad rejected the bail plea of Raj Kumar. Krishna's bail plea has been deferred to September 19 by the court.

 Who killed aarushi, hemraj?

Fifteen-year-old Aarushi (left) was found murdered in her Noida home on May 16. The Noida police initially blamed family help Hemraj (right) but backtracked after his body was found a day later on the terrace of the apartment. Aarushi's dentist father was then named the prime suspect and arrested, but let off for lack of evidence

bunbutt_too thumbnail
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Posted: 15 years ago
The CBI should have named the idiots from the U.P. and the Noida Police in it's charge sheet in the Aarushi Hemraj murders. They should serve a few years in the same jails where they send the people they wrongfully accuse resulting from shoddy and sloppy policework.  This once again begs the question Who is RealIy In Jail In India??? The Indian Supreme Court needs to address this question in real ernest.
uknaik99 thumbnail
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Posted: 15 years ago
A well written Blog...

Arushi mocks us

Cap and bells, cap and bells. And also a red nose.  We should sport these accessories, now that the CBI has made a clown out of us. After months of investigations, it says it has no evidence which can lead it to the killers of Arushi. Nothing, not a shred.

Of course there is no evidence. We watched it getting trampled upon in Arushi's bedroom, soak into the rain and burn under the hot afternoon sun on the terrace of her apartment, and then fade away slowly- like the dying screams of a 14-year-old schoolgirl.

The lack of evidence is not a testimony to the professional manner in which the killers worked. To the contrary, the butchers who slit the throats of Arushi and her servant Hemraj bathed the house in blood, leaving fingerprints all over the place. They even chased a hapless Hemraj all the way up to the terrace- silently we are told as Arushi's parents never heard a thing. Not only fingerprints, the killers also left a full imprint of a blood-soaked palm on a terrace wall.

That mocking mark, so like and unlike the crimson handprint which a bride leaves next to the door of her new house, was there when I went to the terrace with a colleague a couple of days after the crime. The discovery of Hemraj's body from behind a cooler there had not spurred the cops to look for other clues on the terrace. Instead, someone had dragged Arushi's bloodsoaked bed sheet and blanket to the roof. It gaped at us, wet from last night's rain. So much for evidence…

There were heaps of garbage everywhere- poly bags stuffed with old clothes and junk; piles of wood shavings; left-overs of a paint job. The murder weapon could have been hidden anywhere and blood-stained clothes stuffed out of sight in the countless drains which dot the terrace.

It was all unexplored, untouched. If there was something hidden there, a clue to the murder, nobody wanted to find it out. We tried our luck, poking the little heaps which we thought could have been used as a hiding place by Arushi's murderers. It was a gargantuan task and we gave up.

At least we tried… unlike the cops

and a reply

Arushi mocks us
Arushi mocks us? Who says so? We are Indians and we have no value for life. Who cares for the character of the little girl or her parents? End of the day we atleast have a good story to make a masala film off. We will never question? We will never fight for our rights? Will will never even open our eyes, till another Arushi is sacrificed to our ways of life and then we will begin the circle again. NO LESSONS LEARNT , after all we are Indians. May your soul rest in peace Arushi. Don't hope for justice in this country.
TallyHo thumbnail
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Posted: 15 years ago
 I  just want Aarushi to get justice: Rajesh Talwar
11 Sep 2008, 0000 hrs IST, Rustam Roy,TIMESOFINDIA.COM

He has always been a quiet person, but after his daughter's murder and the trauma that followed, Dr Rajesh Talwar has become very withdrawn. It was not easy to speak with him. Rustam Roy of timesofindia.com could meet him after a lot of persuasion. Rajesh Talwar called in his wife, Nupur , as the interview started - his first to any newspaper. Excerpts:

Q : After the CBI said it hasn't found any evidence , where do you think the case is headed?

Rajesh : The CBI has been doing their investigation and they will find out something.

Q : But are you bitter they haven't as yet?

Rajesh : Sometimes these things take time. We just have to be patient. What else can do?

Q : Do you feel there is no justice for Aarushi ?

Rajesh : Well, at the moment it looks like that, but I am sure we will get justice.

Q : What makes you believe you will get justice when for three months the case has gone nowhere?

Rajesh : You see they didn't have anything to begin with. Right now they are doing whatever they can, they know who the people are so they are just trying to get evidence and we hope they will get it.

Q : If Krishna is allowed to go free, what would be your next step?

Rajesh : You tell me what can the next step be? What am I supposed to do? I am not the CBI. I am not the police...I am not anything. I am just a victim. The person who is guilty should not go free, that's all I can say. I am nobody. So my next step has no meaning actually. The court has to decide. How can I tell the court to take a decision in my favour? I can only say Aarushi should get justice.

Q : The CBI had made tall claims that it had got the case stitched up. Now they say they have nothing. Do you think they are playing games?

Rajesh : See I don't know anything. I don't understand whether it's a game. May be it was a game for someone else but for us this is not a game. I just want to know who the persons are and they should be caught. It won't get Aarushi back but that's what we want.

Q : When you were in prison it was almost as if everyone had forgotten Aarushi, The focus was on you. What was she like?

Rajesh : (choking) I find it difficult to talk about her like this...she was our life, whatever we were doing, we were doing for her...she used to love us a lot...we were a normal, happy family. She was an extraordinary girl, she had lots of ambitions, lots of hopes.

Q : How are you coping with the loss? Has the passage of time helped?

Rajesh : No, it does not get better with passage of time...it just becomes worse.

Q : What kept you going in prison?

Rajesh : You just keep going...what are you supposed to do? If you are in such a situation what can you do? You can't do anything...you pray, you become more spiritual. Nothing can be done; it's a completely helpless feeling. For us everything is over. Aarushi was our life...we were doing everything for her...

Q : Were you a spiritual person before?

Rajesh : I was. But this has made me more spiritual because you need that support and strength from somewhere. No human being can give you that support. The family has been with us but you know the loss is ultimately of the parents. Parents are the ones who are close...it was our life...just have to carry on.

Q : The circumstances in which you were taken to jail, it was so confusing...what was going through your mind?

Rajesh : I just shut my mind to everything. It was unreal for me, like it wasn't happening to me. I thought it would stop now. How can anyone believe such a thing? It was difficult, no doubt. Any self respecting person pushed into that kind of situation wouldn't have a choice...just that how people can do this to each other I don't understand.
Q : When everything is over, would you be suing the UP police ?

Rajesh : I don't want to think about it all that. I just want Aarushi to get justice, nothing else matters.

Q : Do you think the CBI is on the right track?

Rajesh : Yes, I think so.

Q : What made the UP police become so hostile towards you?

Rajesh : I really don't know... whether it was the media ... I just can't say. If I thought the police would question our integrity I would have definitely spoken out. That is the most difficult thing - when everyone knows it's a difficult situation, and yet people want to take advantage of the situation... that is the worst part. It could be lack of education.

Nupur : It was perhaps lack of sensibility, of sensitivity, people are ready to digest everything without giving it a thought.

Q : Are you very angry with the media? It's role...

Rajesh : That is for you to decide. I mean what wrong have I done? It's not just an apology that matters. It's like I am a doctor and I kill a patient and then say sorry... would you be satisfied with the explanation? That is what an apology means to us at the moment. I don't think anybody can do anything about it...you know I really don't care now. My daughter meant everything to me, she is not there now. I don't know whether I can get my life back. It is very easy to bring someone down but you must have the power to bring him up also. Of course, the media did good things also that we got the premier investigating agency to look into the case, but at the same time, it was also very bad.

Nupur : See the media has gone back and forth. They need to come with the right answers instead of just swaying. Once something is said on TV channels or in print it is like a seed planted there. Everywhere in the media it was there that Aarushi wasn't our biological daughter. People still ask me about it. How am I supposed to explain?

Q : Nupur, how did you manage? There was your husband in jail and Aarushi's death to cope with.

Nupur : It was about both of them... my only child was gone in such a manner... it was unbearable for me. Rajesh said I was in a kind of unreal situation for 50 days. I would just mechanically get up, eat and sleep. I used to think whether it was real or would I have to pinch myself to wake up? I cried for Aarushi all the time but my back was against the wall. It was the day Rajesh came back that I started crying much more for Aarushi... her memories are there, she is everywhere...Aarushi and me use to go to the malls but now I don't go there now. I hope there is justice for us, if the system doesn't give us justice, it would be the worst nightmare anyone can go through.

Q : And then Fortis said it didn't want you. What happened there?

Rajesh : When I read it in the paper I was in custody at that time, I thought there was a mistake. It is disturbing. We did so much for them, we brought up (the dental department) from scratch, people were coming in, income was growing. They never gave us a thought; anyone can go through a tragedy anytime... our name was removed from the board. There were no complaints against us. I asked them but they had no answer.

Nupur : I think they owed us some kind of thought at least. We expected them to stand by us. We spoke to them but nothing came of it. They agreed that they had jumped the gun but nothing came of it. Then they are just like anyone else.

Q : What kind of relationship did you have with Krishna ? You had ticked him off...

Rajesh : That was the first time and it wasn't harsh, that was about it.

Q : You knew it put him off?

Rajesh : You know human beings are unpredictable, I don't know what happened, I really can't say...

Q : Were they friendly with Aarushi?

Nupur : They knew Aarushi since Hemraj and Krishna worked in the clinic beyond that we really don't know.

Q : If they let him off, do you think there will be threat to your life?

Rajesh : I don't know. I can't do anything with that, I have to live with it.

Q : The whole situation has left you bitter...

Rajesh : It would leave anyone bitter. I don't know how other societies work but this is the way our system works. In our system I think everyone know the best way (to deal with the system) is not be involved with it. If by some bad luck you get involved everyone knows you are in trouble. I never had a challan in my life, we never thought this would happen...

Q : One last question - what was your last exchange with Aarushi?

Rajesh : I gave her a gift, a camera. She was posing in front of the camera.

Nupur : She took pictures of ours, next day was school so we just packed up, she kept the camera on the bedside and went to sleep. The Sunday before that we had gone to get a camera for her, she saw it and then said it is too expensive... so don't buy this. She settled for a lesser camera. We came home and Rajesh said I can make out she liked the other one. So we got that one for her... she was jumping up and down in bed with joy...
uknaik99 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 years ago
Aarushi's parents give CBI a surprise visit

New Delhi: 

Desperate: Aarushi's parents Rajesh and Nupur Talwar

A day after the CBI said it would not file the chargesheet for the time being in the Noida double murder case, Aarushi Talwar's parents yesterday met senior officials of the investigating agency on the progress in the probe. Rajesh and Nupur Talwar arrived at the CBI headquarters for discussions with senior CBI officials, including Joint Director Arun Kumar. The CBI officials appeared surprised by the sudden appearance of the couple at the agency office and started checking whether any summons had been issued.

The Talwars voiced apprehensions over their security and whether releasing of some of the accused could hamper the investigation process. Krishna, Talwar's  compounder, is likely to get a bail on September 13, as the CBI has said that it would not be filing its chargesheet as of now. 
"We were hopeful that the CBI would file a charge sheet on time," said Rajesh on Tuesday, after the probe agency admitted it had no proof against the three men - Krishna, Rajkumar and Vijay Mandal - who were accused of involvement in the double murder.
shefali_123 thumbnail
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Posted: 15 years ago

Aarushi case: Krishna; Raj Kumar released on bail

Ghaziabad (PTI): Krishna and Raj Kumar,the two remaining suspects in the Aarushi murder case, were on Thursday granted bail by a designated court after the CBI failed to file a chargesheet within the mandatory 90-day period. Special CBI Judge Rama Jain granted bail to Krishna, compounder of Aarushi's father Rajesh Talwar, on furnishing two sureties of Rs 25,000 each and a personal bond of the same amount. Raj Kumar, domestic help of Talwar's family friend, was also granted bail on submitting two sureties of Rs 25,000 each. Both Krishna and Raj Kumar were arrested by the CBI on June 13 and June 27 respectively in connection with the murder of 14-year-old Aarushi, a class IX student of DPS Noida, and her domestic help Hemraj. The double murders took place on the intervening night of May 15 and 16.

While there was no hearing on Krishna's bail application which was moved by senior counsel R K Anand and F C Sharma, CBI had opposed the bail plea of Raj Kumar contending that his release would be detrimental to the ongoing investigations.

Raj Kumar's counsel contended that there was no evidence against his client, but the CBI informed the court that it had telephonic records suggesting that the accused was constantly in touch with Hemraj.

raj5000 thumbnail
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Posted: 15 years ago
Thanks for sharing Shefali.
That means as expected case closed due ot lack of evidence. This is one case that will always remind me of Inefficiencies of law enforcement agencies in our country. Very sad!
uknaik99 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 years ago
Rajkumar's allegations baseless: CBI

The CBI has refuted the allegations made by Rajkumar, one of the accused in the Arushi-Hemraj murder case, that he was tortured to give a fabricated statement.

Rajkumar, a domestic help of the Duranis family friends of the Talwars had alleged that the CBI sleuths lured him with money as well as threatened to kill him "in return of help".

"They offered me a flat and a car for confessing before the camera that Krishna and Vijay Mandal killed both Arushi and Hemraj," Rajkumar said.

A CBI official said that there was nothing to comment on such frivolous allegations.

bunbutt_too thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 15 years ago

Originally posted by: uknaik99

Rajkumar's allegations baseless: CBI

The CBI has refuted the allegations made by Rajkumar, one of the accused in the Arushi-Hemraj murder case, that he was tortured to give a fabricated statement.

Rajkumar, a domestic help of the Duranis family friends of the Talwars had alleged that the CBI sleuths lured him with money as well as threatened to kill him "in return of help".

"They offered me a flat and a car for confessing before the camera that Krishna and Vijay Mandal killed both Arushi and Hemraj," Rajkumar said.

A CBI official said that there was nothing to comment on such frivolous allegations.

CBI aagar yeh Janta janardhan jiskeh paisah lehkurr app kaam kartay hoh woh saboot maangey toh kya aap saafai mein yahi kahohgey?? Obviously there are two separate laws operating in India. One for the Janta one for the High and Mighty CBI. Time has come to conduct a public lynching of the Politicians and the entire Police in India. I am sorry that I criticized the late Indira Gandhi about exrecising the emergency back in 1975!!! 
Edited by bunbutt_too - 15 years ago
uknaik99 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 15 years ago

Aarushi case: Rajkumar in Nepal, CBI clueless

Rajkumar, one of the three suspects in the murder of teenager Aarushi Talwar and her domestic help Hemraj, has been in Nepal for the last week, his lawyer said. But the CBI maintained it was unaware of his whereabouts.

Rajkumar is an accused in the case along with fellow Nepali Krishna and Vijay Mandal. While Rajkumar worked as a domestic help with a friend of the Talwar famly, Krishna was assistant to Aarushi's dentist father Rajesh Talwar and Vijay Mandal worked in the neighbourhood. All three are out on bail.

Rajkumar's lawyer Naresh Yadav confirmed that he had left for Nepal on Sep 16 to visit his family.

"He had left Delhi on Sep 16 and gone to Lucknow with his uncle; from there he went to Nepal. He has been in Nepal since last week," Yadav said.

"The court has his address and the address of his relatives in the city. They even have all details of his guarantors. He has just gone back home to meet his relatives and has not run away," Yadav added.

"He will return whenever the CBI (Central Bureau of Investigation) requires him to."

The CBI, however, said it did not know that Rajkumar had left for Nepal.

"We do not know as of now whether Rajkumar has left for Nepal. It has to be verified. If his departure is in violation of bail terms, we will take necessary action against him as per law," CBI's Press Information Officer R.K. Gaur told IANS.

Krishna's family denied media reports that he also had returned to Nepal.

Krishna's sister-in-law Pooja said: "He is not in Nepal. He is in the city."

Aarushi was found killed with her throat slit in her Noida home May 16. Police initially blamed the Talwar's domestic help Hemraj but backtracked after his body was found a day later on the terrace of the apartment.