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ami_princess thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
MINDBLOWING part yaar....raj is so romantic..i wish i can have a boyfriend like that.. 😆 plz conitnue soon...
andreamcl thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
What guys, only one reply??? I'm so disappointed!!! But thanks Ami! Anyways, I hope that at least you'll all reply to the next one!

Chapter 45:

Since it was already dark by the time they left the Taj Mahal, Raj decided it would be best to drive back to Delhi as soon as possible. After all, Naina had college in the morning and he had a flight in the early afternoon. However when he reached the highway, Raj frowned seeing the massive build up of traffic in front of them. With traffic like this, they would be lucky to reach Delhi before the morning. Asking one of the policeman who was trying to direct traffic, Raj found out that there had been an accident involving several trucks and cars, and that traffic was unlikely to be cleared for several hours at least.

"What do we do now?" he asked Naina, "We could always stay in Agra for the night, but you have class in the morning."

"Raj, I'm currently topping my class," Naina told him, "I don't think that skipping one morning is going to make that much difference. But what about your flight?"

"If we leave early tomorrow then we'll definitely make it back in time for my flight." Raj informed her, "It doesn't leave until 2pm."

"Then maybe we should try to find a hotel." Naina told him, "Otherwise we'll be sitting in the car all night waiting for this traffic to clear."

Turning the car around quickly, Raj headed back towards the city, noticing that many other people were doing the same thing. For the next hour, they searched for a hotel but every single place they went to was full. It was the high tourist season, and many people who had been heading back to Delhi had been stuck in the traffic jam and decided to stay as well.

Finally, deciding to try his luck, Raj stopped the car at a five star hotel, figuring that most people would probably prefer not to stay in such an expensive hotel if they had the choice so there might be some rooms empty.

As he went to walk towards the entrance to ask, Naina stopped him with a hand on his arm, "Raj, we can't afford to stay in a place like this." She whispered.

"Of course we can, Naina." He told her, "It's only for one night and I have enough money."

"But it's…"

"No buts, for the past few years I haven't had anybody to spend my money on, therefore I have quite a bit saved up. And besides," he took her hands as he said this, "I would much rather that you stay somewhere like this than in some very cheap hotel."

Naina tried to protest again but Raj held up a hand to silence her and led her towards the hotel foyer, holding her hand.

"I was wondering if you have any rooms free," he asked the person at the desk, "We got stuck in the traffic jam due to accident and need somewhere to stay for the night."

"You're very lucky, Sir." The clerk told him, "We have only one room left and that's because the occupant cancelled their reservation an hour ago."

Raj looked uncomfortable and was about to tell him that they would go somewhere else, when Naina suddenly spoke.

"We'll take it," she told the clerk, "Thank you very much."

Raj stared at her as if to say 'What are you doing?' But Naina just indicated that she would explain to him once they reached the room.

"We could've found another hotel with two rooms," Raj told her, once they were in the room and the door was closed "We didn't have to accept this one."

"Raj, it's okay," Naina reassured him, "We might have had to search all night for a hotel with two rooms available or we might not have found one at all. This will be fine for us."

Despite the confidence in her voice, Raj couldn't help but notice that she kept adjusting her dupatta nervously. He was very aware of the fact that they were alone together in a hotel room where nobody could disturb them, not friends or house mates or party guests. By the way Naina was avoiding meeting his gaze, he guessed that she must have realized this too.

Noticing that she was wrapping and unwrapping the edge of her dupatta around her fingers again and again, Raj gently took Naina's hand in his and made her sit down on the bed.

"Naina, just because we're alone together in a hotel room, it doesn't mean that anything actually has to happen." He reassured her. "We'll just go to sleep and then tomorrow morning we'll get up early and head back to Delhi. You don't need to be so nervous."

Naina nodded silently, still not looking up. She held on tightly on Raj's hand, and he had the feeling that she was trying to say something but failing. Naina sat like that for awhile, neither speaking nor moving, until finally she looked up to meet Raj's eyes. He was stunned by the expression in them, that along with a nervousness and a shyness there was also desire, desire which he knew was for him.

"But what if…" Naina tries to say it and fails, then tries again, "What if I don't mind if something happens?"

At her words, heat began to build up in Raj's body, suddenly the room was too warm and he felt an urge to loosen his shirt. He thought about his decision yesterday morning that they should wait until they'd had a chance to date properly, he thought about the fact that her parents still hadn't accepted him. And then he thought about how much he really, really wanted Naina, and for how long he'd wanted her.

"Naina," he breathed her name, "Naina, you don't know how much I…"

There was a battle going on inside him, as he tried to choose what was right and wrong in this situation. Raj was struggling with himself, struggling to control his own feelings and to deny what it was that he truly wanted. There were so many reasons why he shouldn't allow himself to do this, why he should wait, but with Naina sitting on the bed in front of him, he really didn't want to pay attention to any of them.

"I've told you before, Raj." She says, only slightly shyly, "You don't need to be so good all the time. We've waited for quite a long time already."

"Naina," he whispers, "Naina…" and he kisses her, long and sweetly, as she entwines her fingers with his and he moves even closer to her on the bed. When Naina's lips part beneath his, he deepens the kiss, holding her hands even tighter in his. Naina's head tilts back under the pressure of his lips, and he places one hand on her neck in order to support her head.

Breaking the kiss reluctantly, he cradles her face between both of his hands. "Naina, any time you're uncomfortable just tell me to stop and I'll stop straight away." He tells her sincerely. Naina nods and the trust in her eyes throws him off balance. In so many ways she is his anchor, his shore. He needs her for his life to make any sense at all.   

He has no words to tell her how much he loves her or how much she really means to him. All he can do is to try and show her, so he does. A little shyly, Naina removes her dupatta, placing it to the side. Then slowly, with slightly shaking fingers, she begins to undo the buttons on his shirt.

Raj can't think of any word to say except her name, so he whispers it again, his mouth next to her ear as she slips the shirt off his shoulders. Leaning forward, Naina bends to kiss him once on the neck, and Raj shivers, pulling her closer so that they're barely centimetres apart, bringing his arms to rest at the back of her waist. Naina clings to him, resting her head on his bare shoulder, her hands clutching the his back. She's still shivering slightly but he has no idea whether it's from cold, nervousness or desire, or some strange combination of all three.

Slowly he starts from her jaw, kissing down her neck and across one of her shoulders. He moves his hands so that they're under her kameez, lifting it slightly to expose her bare waist. Raj tilts Naina's head up, searching her eyes for permission before he lifts her top off her completely.

For a moment he is completely speechless, taking in the creamy curves of her body, the swell of her breasts underneath her bra. Raj notices that Naina is looking downwards as if embarrassed and he takes her face in his hands again.

"Naina, have I ever told you that you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen?" Raj asks her.

"This is the third time." Naina tells him with a small smile, momentarily forgetting her nervousness.

Raj looks down at her, still with his hands cupped around her face. "We can stop right now." He tells her, "We don't need to do anything else tonight."

But Naina leans forward and kisses him, pressing herself to him so closely that Raj can feel in minute detail the softness of her skin against the tautness of his muscles. He knows that Naina isn't going to tell him to stop, and he can't help but be grateful. Because it's been difficult to resist her all these months and if he's honest, then there's nothing he wants more in the world right now than to take their relationship to the next step. He aches for her, he burns for her, he feels like he might burst into flames at any moment with the effort of controlling his desire.

Finally breaking the kiss, Naina pulls herself back slightly so that she can look into Raj's eyes. With an expression of incredible love on her face, she runs her fingers through his hair, and Raj inclines his head slightly, leaning into her touch.

"We don't need to stop." She tells him finally, her expression completely serious. "Now is exactly the right time."

Leaning back in to kiss her again, Raj can't help but completely agree.


Afterwards she lies in his arms with her head resting on his chest, their legs entangled and one of her arms around his waist. One of Raj's arms is around her shoulders, his hand rubbing her back in continuous circles.

"What about Rajasthan?" he asks her.

"For what?" Naina mumbles into his chest sleepily.

"For our honeymoon," Raj tells her, the thought had suddenly come into his head a few moments ago and he wanted to see how she felt about it. "We could go to Jaipur, Udaipur, Jodhpur… Maybe even Pushkar and Jaisalmer if there's time."

Raj isn't sure, but he thinks he can feel her smiling where her face leans against his chest. "I know you'd like Rajasthan," he tells her, "But we can go somewhere else if you prefer."

Naina still hasn't raised her head, but Raj is now quite sure that she's giggling against his chest. Finally she looks up, locking eyes with him by the light of the one lamp they have on in the room.

"Raj, we haven't even gotten married yet and you're already planning the honeymoon." She tells him, "Don't you think that we should tackle the first part first?"

"If you like then we'll go and get married right now," Raj tells her sincerely, "I'm sure there must be a temple here somewhere, we can be officially husband and wife within an hour."

"No," Naina tells him, "I would prefer it if we could get married properly with all of our friends there." He notices that she doesn't mention family and wonders whether she's already given up on her parents.

"Naina, next time I get leave I'll come to your house." Raj promises her, "It's time, I don't think that we should wait any longer. I'll confess everything to your parents and ask them for your hand."

Naina nods, leaning her head back down against her chest again, even she thinks they've waited long enough. She sick of being scared of what her parents will think, she just wants to know once and for all. If they reject her then she's ready for that, but surely they can't stay angry forever.

"It will all be okay." She tells him, "Whatever happens, we'll face it together." Without meaning to, she tightens her grip around his waist. She's made her decision, she made it a long time ago. Now all that remains is to find out what the consequences are.


They leave early in the morning for the drive back to Delhi, spending it mainly in silence as each one is still absorbed in thoughts of the night before. Raj can't help but feel a little guilty about breaking his earlier promises, now all he wants to do is to marry Naina as soon as possible. The more time he spends apart from her, the more he realises how hard it is to live without her. They briefing stop in at the apartment so that Naina can change her clothes and grab her books and Raj can put on his uniform then Raj drives her to the college. Stepping out of the car, he walks Naina to the steps where she puts down the books and steps into his arms. Cradling her to him, Raj savours her warmth, knowing that it will be at least three months before he's able to feel it again.

"I'll find out when I'm eligible for leave next," he tells her, "And then we'll talk to your parents."

Naina nods silently, then reaches up to touch his face. "Be safe," she tells him, "Look after yourself." She doesn't trust herself to say anything else, so she just hugs him again, trying not to cry now that he's actually leaving.

Raj smoothes her hair gently, also trying to stop the tears in his eyes from flowing out. "I'll be back before you know it," he promises her, "Just keep concentrating on your studies and don't worry about anything."

He kisses her very briefly and then after one long last hug, walks back to the car where he stands watching her until she's walked to the top of the steps. Naina turns back to the wave and he returns the gesture before she enters the college and Raj drives to the airport.


Pooja has been dying all day to ask Naina where she was the night before and why she was so late to college that day, but they're never alone together for a moment until they leave college and return to the apartment. Neelu is already home, and both girls immediately corner her, intending to find out all the gossip.

"So Ms Ahluwalia, where were you last night?" Neelu asked her in a mock serious tone, "Come on and confess everything or I'll make sure that Alekh knows you didn't come home!"

Naina tries to stop herself blushing and glares at Neelu instead, pretending to be angry. "We went to Agra." She tells her, "Raj wanted to take me to see the Taj Mahal and it looks best at sunset."

"Oh does it?" Pooja asked, exchanging a knowing smile with Neelu, "So did you stay at the Taj Mahal for the entire night looking at the stars that you didn't come home?"

"We were going to come home," Naina tells them defensively, "But there was a huge accident on the Delhi-Agra highway and it was impossible to get back. So we were forced to stay in a hotel."

"Ohhhh, you were 'forced' to stay in a hotel?" Neelu asked teasingly.

"Stop it guys," Naina told them, now unable to stop herself from blushing.

Noticing the blush on Naina's face and the way she keeps trying to leave the kitchen where they've got her cornered, Neelu laughs. "Something happened didn't it?" she asks Naina, and then seeing the look of utter embarrassment on Naina's face she claps her hands in delight "Something definitely happened!"

Pooja looks partially shocked and partially pleased, "Naina, you didn't…"

Naina cuts her off before she can say anything else. "We've made a decision." She informs them. "Next time Raj gets leave, we'll be telling my parents the truth. Then we'll be getting married."

"Oh Naina, that's such good news!" Pooja exclaims and both of the girls hug her.

Despite their nosiness, Naina is glad she has them with her. She doesn't know what will happen but one thing is for certain.

She'll need the support of her friends in the days to come.

RJOpal thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
This was the perfect timing, perfect description, perfect situation and of course, with the perfect couple! Honestly, it wasn't uncomfortable or too... you know... it was just perfect! No more words to be said... except for - I'm dying for the next chapter! =D
ami_princess thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
awesome part yaar...cant belive that happened..plz continue soonnnnnnnnnnnn
liquidfantasy thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
cogrtas dear... 😊 😊 ...for writting such a b'ful ws a bold one but decent... 😊

amazing...seriousl no words!!

wat RN did ws both right n wrong...
wrong coz they still dnt have convinced naina's parents 😕
n right coz they plan to marry soon 😊 😊

i m very happy fr them.... 😊
updt soon!
yoginisahakari thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
hey dear

just backfrom the sickness ist day in office

well greatr FF

i am really happy for Rn finally they are together

great going
pl continue soon
andreamcl thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Hey guys, glad that you liked the last part, hope that it wasn't a bit too much! Here's your next one:

Chapter 46:

The news that Raj and Naina were finally going to tell her parents the truth and that they would soon be getting married, spread quickly through all of Naina's friends, and their responses were varied. Pooja and Neelu were just trying to support Naina, knowing how difficult it was for her when she didn't know how her family would react. Huda immediately went out and ordered laddoos before distributing them to the whole regiment. Ali went to the local dargah to offer a chador and some flowers and to pray for their future happiness, Yudi immediately started telling anybody who would listen about how he always knew it would turn out like this, and for once Alekh couldn't stop smiling. The moment he heard the news he went to see Raj, and immediately hugged him.

Raj was a little taken aback, Alekh wasn't usually the most emotional of the cadets and didn't display affect very often.

"What's this for, Alekh?" he asked him, a bit confused.

"Just keep her happy, Sir." Alekh told him, "You both deserve some happiness after everything. As long as you keep my Naina happy, I'll follow you into any battle, no matter how dangerous."

Hearing this, Raj's eyes almost filled with tears. He was glad that Naina had such true and loyal friends, and he knew that Alekh would always be there for her, no matter what.

"And besides," Alekh added, after he'd stopped hugging Raj, "It was about time. I kept wondering when you would finally get around to doing it."

Raj just thanked god that Alekh didn't know all of the reason behind why he and Naina had finally decided that it was time to tell her parents, otherwise he would be a dead man.

"What about you?" Raj asked him, "When are you going to propose to Neelu?"

Alekh just shrugged, "It's a brother's duty to get his sister married first. Hurry up and have the wedding and then we'll see about me."


Barely a day after Raj had arrived back, he got a call on his phone, recognising the number as being from KMA but not knowing who it was, he picked it up curiously.


"Now I know that you must have been just about to call me and tell me the happy news, but since I already found out, I thought I might as well call you instead."

Raj laughed, incredibly happy to hear the voice on the other end of the line.

"Shalini, I swear that I was going to call you tonight." He told her, "How did you find out so quickly and who spoiled my surprise?"

"I'll give you three guesses." She told him.

"Yudi." Raj replied immediately, knowing that he was the one among the group of friends that was most likely to be in contact with Shalini.

"Exactly," she replied, "So how did this all happen? I thought you were going to wait until they forgave you. Why now instead?"

Raj had to think very carefully before he spoke, despite the fact that Naina was officially no longer his student, it was always possible that Shalini still might murder him as well.

"Shalini, being apart from Naina for six months has taught me that it's incredibly hard to live without her." Raj said very simply. "And I don't know if I can stand to wait until her parents eventually give in. We made the decision together and we think it's the right one."

"I'm very proud of you, Raj." Shalini tells him, "Have you thought about exactly how you're going to break the news to them yet?"

Raj sighed, "That's exactly what I'm worried about, I'm fairly sure that they're not going to take the news well and I really don't want Naina's heart broken." He paused, feeling slightly guilty, "Shalini, sometimes I wonder whether I'm doing the right thing by making Naina choose between me and her parents."

"Raj, if I know Naina well then I know that she made that choice a long time ago, the moment that she chose to have a relationship with you." Shalini reassured him. "Now let's talk tactics to try and work out how we can break the news to them without them throwing you out of the house."

Raj was grateful, he knew he could use all the help he could get.


As the time drew closer to telling her parents, Naina became more and more nervous. She had already arranged with them that she would come home that weekend to visit, which was nothing unusual because she did visit her parents about once a month.

Neelu and Pooja tried to keep her distracted and Naina concentrated even more on her studies, glad to be doing something that kept her from thinking about the confrontation that was going to happen. The only thing she was happy about was that Alekh would be arriving on leave the day after they planned to tell her family. Whatever happened, at least he would be there to support her.

Finally one night before she was due to leave for Nainital, Pooja and Neelu were trying to convince her to eat something while Naina kept refusing.

"I just can't," she told them, "I think it I eat anything right now then I'll just vomit it right back up."

"Oh god," Neelu said with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "You're not pregnant are you?"

Naina just gaped at her, her face turning red. "Neelu, of course not!" she exclaimed, "I mean we…" and then she abruptly stopped, far too embarrassed to say anything else.

"You what? Used precautions?" Neelu said with an eyebrow raised, "Or were you about to lie to me that nothing happened between the two of you that night?"

Naina just kept silent, but by the way that her face kept turning red it was obvious that it was the first option she had been about to say.

Pooja cleared her throat to try and lessen Naina's embarrassment, "It's been three months, I think she'd have figured out if she was pregnant by now, Neelu." She added, trying to be helpful. Naina just groaned and hid her face in her hands.

"Are you two trying to make me feel better or worse?" she asked.

"Well, didn't you forget about your parents for a moment there?" Neelu asked her in reply.

Naina realised that she had, and gave her friend a small smile, knowing that no matter how embarrassing Neelu's methods were, at least she meant well.


When Naina arrived at her parents' house the next day, she hugged them both as closely as she could. If things went badly then she didn't know when she might be able to see them again or when they might forgive her. If they hadn't forgiven Raj until now, then would they really forgive her for what they would see as her betrayal? She had a day left with them until Raj arrived and she tried to make the best of it. She helped her mother with cooking, played chess with her father and had long talks with them about her college and her friends. Never once did she mention Raj, or try to figure out whether they had forgiven him yet. She was too scared to. That night Naina went to bed fearing the worst and she could barely sleep all night. She tossed and turned, thinking about all of the possibilities for the next day.

Raj was due to arrive at 2pm the next day, and from 10am onwards she looked at the clock at least every fifteen minutes and sometimes more often.

"Are you waiting for something?" her mother finally asked her, confused, when Naina looked up from the potatoes she was preparing for lunch for about the tenth time.

"No Ma, not at all." Naina replied guiltily, and promised herself that she wouldn't look at the clock for at least another half an hour.

She tried to treasure the time she had left with her parents knowing that from 2pm, everything would change forever. She didn't know whether it would change for better or worse but she knew that nothing would ever be the same.

As soon as the clock struck two she started counting, she didn't even get to one hundred before there was a knock on the door.

Noticing the panicked look on Naina's face, her mother stared at her curiously. It was obvious from Naina's expression that she had been waiting for somebody to arrive, but who? Naina had turned so white that her mother was afraid she was about to faint, and quickly hurried over to her. "Are you alright, Beti?" she asked her.

It was at this moment that Mr Ahluwalia opened the door.


Raj doesn't think he's felt this nervous before in his entire life. Even confessing to Naina's parents that he was the one to kill Navin was nothing compared to this. His heart is hammering against his ribs so hard that he can barely even think, and its beats are practically drowning out any other noise. Then Mr Ahluwalia opens the door and for a moment, everything goes still.

"Major Rajveer," he greets him coldly, "What are you doing here?"

"I need to speak with you about something important, Sir." Raj told him, glad that he was actually able to speak.

"I can't think of anything that we might have to say to each other," Mr Ahluwalia tells him, "Everything that needs to be said has been said already."

"There's something that hasn't been said yet, Sir." Raj tells him, "And it's very important that I say it to you today."

Mr Ahluwalia thinks about it for a moment, and then reluctantly steps aside to let Raj in before leading him to the lounge room where Mrs Ahluwalia is bent over Naina.

"Meera, we have a guest." Naina's father announces in a very unhappy tone, and Mrs Ahluwalia turns around. Suddenly she thinks that she understands everything, and she turns back to stare at Naina. But Naina isn't looking at her, instead her eyes are fixed squarely on Raj, as his are on hers.

Finally, Raj sits down and Naina's parents sit on the couch facing him.

"Aren't you going to say hello to Major Rajveer?" Mr Ahluwalia asks Naina, growing more suspicious by the minute.

"Hi Raj," Naina says, her voice barely above a whisper. If nothing else, Naina's use of his first name confirms what Mrs Ahluwalia has been suspecting ever since he walked in the door. Naina's hands are clenched tightly in her lap because she can't stop them shaking, and looking at her in such as state, Raj decides it's best to get it over with as quickly as possible.

"Mr and Mrs Ahluwalia, we haven't seen each other since Naina's graduation, which was more than six months ago." Raj tells them, "I had hoped," he glances at Naina then, "We had both hoped, that eventually you would understand why I had to do what I did, and that you would forgive me. It was then that we were going to tell you the truth."

He takes a deep breath, trying to remember exactly how he practiced saying it, and how Shalini had coached him. "I can see clearly that you still haven't forgiven me, and I can't blame you for that, but I have to talk to you today because it concerns both mine and Naina's futures."

Mr Ahluwalia looks as if he has finally figured out what this is all about, Raj can see a muscle twitching in his jaw.

"I've come here today," Raj tells them, "Because I love Naina and I want to marry her. I know I can't expect you to accept me happily but please for your daughter's sake, at least think about it."

He stops then, knowing that he's said enough and that he should give them an opportunity to speak.

"If I'd known that this was what you wanted to say," Mr Ahluwalia tells him, "Then I would never have let you inside." Then he turns to Naina, "Naina, you're an adult and you can make your own choices, but if you choose to go with him today then we'll think that we never had a daughter at all."

Raj stares at Mr Ahluwalia in shock, he can see Naina looking to her mother for support, but Mrs Ahluwalia is stony faced, she's not going to challenge her husband.

Raj can feel his heart breaking for Naina and for the choice that she's being forced to make. Tears appear in her eyes as she struggles to speak. She wants to beg them not to do this, because when they've already lost one child, why are they so keen to lose another one?

"Ma, Baba, please don't…" she begins to say, but Mr Ahluwalia holds up a hand to cut her off.

"Just make your decision, Naina." He tells her.

Naina takes a deep breath, she has been preparing herself for this moment for more than one and a half years now, always aware of the possibility.

"I love Raj," she tells them, "And I can't live without him. And I know, that Navin Bhaiyya would support my decision, and if you think about it, then you'll also realise that he would." She knows that her tone is practically begging but she can't help it.

"Then you've made your decision." Her father tells her, "You can go and pack up the rest of your things. After today there's no reason to come back here."

"Baba, please, I…" Naina tries to say.

"Don't call me Baba," he tells her, "Just get your things and go." Then he leaves the room.

Naina looks at her mother, begging her silently to say something, anything to let her know that she has her support, but Mrs Ahluwalia turns her face away and follows her husband out.

"I'm so sorry, Naina." Raj tells her, "I hoped that it would turn out alright, that maybe they would…."

"It's okay, Raj." Naina replies so quietly that he can barely hear her, "Let's go to my room and pack my things."

They pack quickly, Naina chooses to take only the things that are really important to her, some family photos and mementoes, things that can't be replaced.

As soon as it's done, she looks around the house for her parents but they're both gone. She knows they won't come back until she and Raj have left.

They both climb into the car along with her bag and Raj starts it, they manage to get two streets away before Naina starts sobbing, crying so hard that she's practically in hysterics, breathing in huge gulps. Raj stops the car by the side of the road and pulls her to him, rubbing her back while she cries into his shoulder, murmuring soothing words into her ear and kissing her hair repeatedly. He knows that there's nothing he can do to make the pain better and he worries that this will haunt Naina throughout her life.

It takes awhile but eventually Naina calms down, and he starts the car again. They drive back to Delhi in silence, Naina still crying, but quietly now, less hysterical. When they arrive, instead of taking her home, Raj drives her to his apartment, leads her upstairs and then once she's sitting on the couch with a hot cup of tea, he calls Pooja.

She picks up at the first ring, obviously having been waiting to find out what happened.

"Pooja I've brought Naina back to my place," Raj tells her, "I think she'll stay here tonight with me."

From his tone of voice, Pooja can guess that it didn't go well. Neelu is sitting nearby her, and realises that something has gone wrong by the changed expression on Pooja's face.

"Is there anything we can do?" she asks him.

"Nothing at the moment," Raj says, "I'll bring her back tomorrow, she'll need you both then." And he hangs up.

For the rest of the afternoon, Naina keeps crying while Raj keeps soothing her. He barely keeps hugging her, she's in such a state and occasionally he cries with her, unable to stop himself when he sees her in such pain. He convinces her to take a shower and put on some fresh clothes, hoping it will make her feel better, and then gives her some herbal tea before bed hoping it will help her sleep. Eventually he puts Naina into bed and climbs in beside her, putting his arms around her, telling her to go to sleep and that it will be better in the morning. He doesn't sleep himself until he hears her stop crying and her breathing become more even, knowing that she's finally gone to sleep.

Raj is still asleep the next morning when he hears the doorbell, removing his arms from around Naina, and getting up as quietly as possible, he sneaks out of the room, trying not to wake her up. Rubbing his eyes tiredly he opens the door, not really knowing who to expect.

"Where's Naina?" is the first thing Alekh says to him, barging in impatiently. Raj thanks god that at least he's properly dressed.

"She's still asleep," Raj tells him, "She was up crying until late last night, I don't want to wake her up just yet."

Alekh nods, and Raj gestures that they should go into the kitchen. Once there he makes them both some coffee, knowing that even if Alekh doesn't need it, he definitely does.

"It's done now." Alekh tells him, "You don't need to feel guilty about it, Sir. If they don't accept it then it's their problem."

Raj still feels guilty, but Alekh's words do make him feel a little better. At least somebody understands how he feels.

"Now that it's done," Alekh continues, "There's no way to undo it. You two should still get married as planned, as quickly as possible."

Raj nods, he's been thinking the same thing. Now that Naina is separated from her parents, she's going to need him even more. "I agree," he tells Alekh, "We'll arrange it for as soon as everybody can get leave together at the same time. However that might be some months away…"

"You don't worry about that, Sir." Alekh tells him, "We'll make sure that we get leave, you just concentrate on looking after Naina."

Suddenly the door to the bedroom opens and Naina wanders out, looking pale and tired. "Raj I thought I heard…." She says, and then suddenly spots Alekh.

Quickly Alekh stands, and then quickly crosses the room to hug Naina, as she begins to cry again, he pats her back and her head soothingly. "Shhhh baba," he tells her, "It will all be alright now, we're all with you. Everything will be fine."

Watching Alekh with Naina, Raj feels an immense sense of relief. They'll all get through this together, soon, they'll make it perfectly alright.

amritafan thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
awesome yaar.i loooooooooooooooove aalekh and raj.
namelesssr thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
I haven't seen or know the story of this TV series, but, I'm really liking your ff. I just finished reading this one over the last couple of days and I was transported back to my own college days when you were describing the college ragging scenes. Well written, and thanks!
yoginisahakari thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 16 years ago
Excellent update

u have really present the emotional part well

Raj-Naina, ALekh-Naina, Raj-alekh, then
with Naina's parents too good.

keep going pl continue soon