Tamil actresses on not feeling free to express their hindu identity

blahhhh thumbnail
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Posted: 6 months ago


"We keep our religion to ourselves because we don't want to hurt others"...just very unfair.But if people expect so much from you in the name of respect and sensitivity and give nothing back in terms of that "respect" then you need to recognize what's going wrong...or may be like the quoted tweet says,it's a kind of political pressure too..idk...I don't live in such socio-political environment so may be it's tougher to break free than I am making it sound..


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apoorvajin3 thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

TN government is against Hindus.

It's shameful.

It is the land of Hindus, of Chola dynasty, one of the most powerful Hindu kings. 

There is so much Sanatana Dharma history in TN.

I am glad ordinary people celebrated the Historical event and glad celebs are speaking out.

Jai Shree Ram 🙏🏽 🌺 

SanchiIndu thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 months ago

Originally posted by: apoorvajin3

TN government is against Hindus.

It's shameful.

It is the land of Hindus, of Chola dynasty, one of the most powerful Hindu kings. 

There is so much Sanatana Dharma history in TN.

I am glad ordinary people celebrated the Historical event and glad celebs are speaking out.

Jai Shree Ram 🙏🏽 🌺 

Jai shree Ram 
