MT: Excess of anything is bad

mintyblue thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 months ago

I was surviving on black coffee + cigarettes. I lost weight, but was too much attached to these 2 substances. I have to cut down on both these things now.

Feeling withdrawal symtoms because I was addicted, but I am committed to imporving my health.

It's going to be tough, but I'll make it.

My doctor has advised me to have only 2 cups of coffee per day and only 5 cigarettes per day.

I don't know how I'll do it, but I have to.

u guys ever faced similiar situation?


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Ahana_Sehgal21 thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 9 months ago

Quora / Reddit  is a better forum for such important questions .

Besides being bad for health , Smoking accelerates the aging process ..

DivineAngel thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3

Fantasy Force

Posted: 9 months ago

Strong willpower. I don't think there is any other way. 

Posted: 9 months ago

Glad to read you are committed to improve your health.. Keep it up. You can do it dear. Physical and Mental health is the most precious thing in the world.. 

Just checked my weight again today, i lost 5 kgs in these 3 months.. 15 days back when I checked it was 4 kgs I lost.. Seems like I'm losing a kg in 15 days span... I feel like I'm melting like a candle looking at the loss of weight.. Gosh it's a Red sign... I seriously need to do something too.. Excess of ANYTHING is too too bad.. Even if we think it is good.. I feel like half dead right now when I am finally on the bed after slogging for whole day.. especially Sunday duties are too bad


Gul_bahar thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 months ago

Potato chips are my poison.

Gul_bahar thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 months ago

Originally posted by: Newbird

Glad to read you are committed to improve your health.. Keep it up. You can do it dear. Physical and Mental health is the most precious thing in the world.. 

Just checked my weight again today, i lost 5 kgs in these 3 months.. 15 days back when I checked it was 4 kgs I lost.. Seems like I'm losing a kg in 15 days span... I feel like I'm melting like a candle looking at the loss of weight.. Gosh it's a Red sign... I seriously need to do something too.. Excess of ANYTHING is too too bad.. Even if we think it is good.. I feel like half dead right now when I am finally on the bed after slogging for whole day.. especially Sunday duties are too bad



..I think you should consider taking a break from work of you're feeling overwhelmed. Take care. 

Posted: 9 months ago

Originally posted by: Gul_bahar


..I think you should consider taking a break from work of you're feeling overwhelmed. Take care. 

In November, Apart from  4 week offs(ie., 4 days) , I'm getting 5 leaves as I couldnt get casual leaves in last 3 months (except one I got on thursday..) Hopefully I get some breather from work in November but have some family commitments toh those 5 days will spend with family.  I'm trying to make changes in my diet to cope up with the work load.. Half of the culprit is my diet too where I can modify it and is in my control.. So I will work on that. Work load is not much in my control atleast for next 5 months. 

Thanks for dropping in for the suggestion dear. 

Edited by Newbird - 9 months ago
Posted: 9 months ago

Originally posted by: Gul_bahar

Potato chips are my poison.

Everything related to Aloo is my weakness. Aloo chips, Aloo curry, Aloo Samosa...Alooo etc., etc.,... Even Aloo bhatt. 

Gul_bahar thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 9 months ago

Originally posted by: Newbird

Everything related to Aloo is my weakness. Aloo chips, Aloo curry, Aloo Samosa...Alooo etc., etc.,... Even Aloo bhatt. 

Aloo is the love of my life. smiley36

Glad to have found a fellow potato lover like me. smiley36

Petrichor80 thumbnail
Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 months ago

Minty you can do it! Think of bad habits you have quit before, if you can do that, then you can do anything! Look up resources from people who have done it. I will DM you about coffee. I don't smoke but perhaps you can look up books on people who have quit smoking and read them. 


Earlier this year I switched jobs, as my previous job was very stressful. I applied to so many jobs when I was in that role, because I was so stressed, and I knew things would get better after I left that place, and they did get better after I left. I quit coffee and tea a few months back. I quit things on a Friday before long weekend. I find the days off do help when you have withdrawal symtoms.
