Fichain #4: [Start date 18 July 2023] - Page 21


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MochaQueen thumbnail

Plot Pundits

Posted: 9 months ago

segment 10...omg I wonder if Gaurav is gonna be killed or survive? 😭

i know im slow af, ill try to read more parts tomorrow🥺🥺

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail

Dialogue Dynamos

Posted: 9 months ago

Originally posted by: MochaQueen

segment 10...omg I wonder if Gaurav is gonna be killed or survive? 😭

i know im slow af, ill try to read more parts tomorrow🥺🥺

take a wild guess. 

Ha, by tomorrow, we're probably gonna end the show ðŸ˜†

MochaQueen thumbnail

Plot Pundits

Posted: 9 months ago

Originally posted by: Satrangi_Curls

take a wild guess. 

Ha, by tomorrow, we're probably gonna end the show ðŸ˜†

He will probably survive, but kaise, wo to dekhna parega😆

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail

Dialogue Dynamos

Posted: 9 months ago

Originally posted by: MochaQueen

He will probably survive, but kaise, wo to dekhna parega😆

take another wild guess ðŸ˜†

oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 9 months ago

*tw: violence (death), description of dead body*

Segment #35

Ishaan turned to look at Darshan, and Darshan's heart broke. He looked so tired, so angry, and so sad at the same time, that all the questions swarming in his head just died down. He left from there, not turning back to look at Ishaan once more. He wasn't even sure if he could look at him one last time.

Ishaan went into the house and packed his things. He left the burner phone and sent Ravi a text, asking him for a break. He didn't know if he would get that break, but he didn't care, it was as if his brain had snapped off from reality.

*A week later*

Darshan woke up to his phone alarm. It had been seven days since he has spoken to Ishaan. He wasn't even sure where the other man was. 

He had managed to collect everything Manohar's lawyers would need to save Aarav. He knew that Nadia's confession about killing Gaurav wasn't enough, so he decided to be on the case. Bissa was dead, Simba was underground, and no one knew where, but Ayesha and Nadia were still out there.

I'll do it.

He smiled as he read the text from Manohar. He wished he could tell Ishaan that Juneja would finally lose the political backing he had, but he knew he couldn't. 

He sent the drafted email to Ghanwals and Palkar Associates, Aarav's layers; a video and a simple text reading "Rest of it when Juneja is behind bars"

Nushrat nodded at Darshan who entered the office.

"Day 7 and still alive."

"They are still in India. Ishaan too." Nushrat and Darshan shrugged.

"I don't care, just alert me when Nadia and Ayesha are at the door so that I can be prepared to die."

Nushrat sighed and looked at him.

"Stop pretending to be ok, you aren't. You should go search for him."

"Why? He said he doesn't want to do this anymore. He said he wants to be alone."

"You don't even want to tell him this?"

She passed him the photocopied papers. Darshan shrugged.

"I doubt he cares if the CBI is taking over the case. He doesn't care about anything anymore." Darshan sighed. He hated the way Nushrat was looking at him, with pity, as if he would burst out crying or something.

"What's going on the Walia's case? Did you find anything?" 

Nushrat looked at him for a second and then started theorizing about the new cheating husband she was following. Darshan looked at her, but his brain wasn't registering. He was just wondering how Ishaan was. And a small part of him was wondering where Ayesha and Nadia were.


Nadia looked down at the body as blood spluttered around it. She had done major damage to the organs, and she hoped it was just like how Indra's was mutilated. As she looked at Ayesha's body, she remembered Indra's, the same look of shock and betrayal, the same brown eyes, now without any life in them.

"I am sorry, Nadia. It was me." The words rang in her ears as she spat at the body.


Ishaan stared at the note. Each day, he would look at the note, put it in his bag and continue with his day, that is, doing nothing.

He had never felt like this before, without any purpose, any motive, and even though he had tried telling himself he was done with the whole thing, he knew he wasn't. 

"To bringing Simba down" Raunak's voice rang in the back of his head followed by Gaurav's "Let's get this son of a gun!"

Ishaan sat straight and looked at the mirror in the hotel room.  A tired image stared back at him.

"Let's get this son of a gun!" He whispered to himself.

He dialled the number that he didn't even know he had managed to by heart. 


"Ishaan?" Darshan asked in surprise.

"Any updates?"

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail

Dialogue Dynamos

Posted: 9 months ago

Loved the way this happened!! ðŸ¤—

Ishaan rn 

Edited by Satrangi_Curls - 9 months ago
Satrangi_Curls thumbnail

Dialogue Dynamos

Posted: 9 months ago

Segment #36

"Aisha was found dead, Nadia is still missing and nothing on Simba so far."

"I'm coming over." Ishaan came in after an hour. He looked barely alive. Darshan walked up to him and embraced him, "Good to see you back." He was relieved.

They had a silent dinner. Darshan tried striking a conversation and got nods and hums in response. 

Two days later. Darshan waited for Ishan to pick up his phone.  

"Yes I am alive."

"I got something, meet me." Ishan reached the location mentioned by Darshan. 

" Hi there!" Darshan tapped his shoulder. "Birdie has it, Nadia was seen here an hour ago. She rode a boat and we are going after her." 

"You think we can find her again?"

"Yes, I know she is around the corner and he may also be there."

After a short boat trip, the duo reached a mansion. It looked deserted. both prepared their weapons and walked in. The house was a mess. They heard someone shouting. Following the direction, they reached a wall. After a few tries they managed to open the room. Nadia and Simba were both badly injured, probably in a fight.

"I will kill you !" Nadia screamed at Simba.

Darshan hit Nadia, holding her down while Ishaan went on a rampage seeing Simba. Before Darshan could react he heard a scream. Simba fell on the ground and Ishan let out another scream. All his pain and anger was out. Ishan leaned on the wall and pulled out his gun and shot Simba's multiple times. He had done it, finally.

"Ishaan!" Darshan pulled him away, "He is dead, stop shooting him."

Nadia tried to hit Ishaan but Darshan slashed his knife across her throat and she fell down. Blood oozing rapidly. Darshan dropped the knife; he couldn't believe he had just killed someone with his own hands. He turned towards Ishaan who had called Ravi to inform him of Simba and Nadia's death. Ishaan grabbed Darshan by his arm and walked out of the mansion. 

The local police arrived shortly.


A few days later.

Darshan's phone rang multiple times. 

"Darsh, your phone is ringing."

"I know then pick it up."

"I don't want to."

"It'st your mom. There's been 3 missed calls. Maybe you should just talk to her." Ishaan handed over the phone.

The phone rang again and Darshan picked up. "Darshan, beta your papa is in the hospital and he wants to see you."

"Are you sure he wants to see me? What happened to all the I will never accept you as my son and everything that you two said to me all those years ago?" Darshan answered bitterly.

"Just come and meet us." His mom pleaded.

Darshan put his phone aside without answering.

"What happened?"

"Not sure. My parents want to meet me."


"I don't want to."

oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 9 months ago

Segment #37

Ishaan leaned against the hospital wall. He hated hospitals, especially after losing Gaurav. The memory of seeing Gaurav on the bed, surrounded by machines was etched on his mind. The three hour flight to Chandigarh and the commute from the airport only added to his fatigue.

He smiled awkwardly as Darshan's mom stepped out of the room. 

"I am Ishaan, Darshan's... colleague."

She nodded.

"How is uncle?"

"He is ok. His BP has always been high, and the last few months have been tough. It's good to have Darshan home, I always worry for him and I know his father does too." Kavita Rathore said, but Ishaan knew it was just her talking to herself to stop her mind from wandering to darker places. His mom did that a lot too.

"Thank you for making him come here. My Darshu is very stubborn, only someone more stubborn than him could have convinced him to come here."

Ishaan blinked in surprise. All it had taken him to get Darshan to Chandigarh was a "Please, come on, it won't be that bad." He simply nodded at the older woman.

Darshan stepped out of the room after some time when the doctors came to check on Pradeep Rathore. Ishaan tried to study his face, but he looked like he was exhausted.

"I should go now," Ishaan said.

"Maa, I have to go." 

"Can I...Ishaan, can you give us a minute?"

Ishaan nodded at Darshan and walked the long corridor. Darshan stared at his retreating figure.

"I am sorry, I never understood you."

"Maa, not right now, please. Your husband has given me enough, just leave me alone."

"No, listen to me. I used to think there is something wrong with you when your father told me why you left home,"

"Just what I wanted to hear."

"But I was wrong," She ignored him pointedly and continued. "In this one month, as I watched your father become weak, I realized that I was giving our ignorance more importance than you. So, I read and tried to understand you, and I don't know if I have gotten there, but that man there, he understands you, and it's rare to find someone who does."

"Maa, it's nothing like that,"

"Darsh, come on, you had told your father that you cannot lie when you came out to him, so stop lying. I can see it, the way you are with him, it's different."

Darshan looked down at his mother, his first best friend. She smiled at him.

"Have you told him?"

"He...we... It's complicated."

"If I know a thing or two about love, it's supposed to be complicated and only becomes easier with the right person." She patted his chest and went inside the room.

"Is everything ok?" Ishaan asked as he changed the gear of the car, driving through the streets of Chandigarh back to the airport.

"Yeah, my mother... She thinks she knows me too well."

"How was it with your dad?"

"Same old. Maa... She might be coming around. I never really came out to her, I did tell my father after a fight and he just told me to get out of the house. I think I should have told her though, she seems to be trying, you know what I mean?"

"Lucky, my mother is trying to dig into the part where I like women and hopes that I'll have amnesia and forget I like men too."

"I could hit you on your head and you could go all Bollywood and lose your memory."

Ishaan snorted.

"Or, You should pull off an Aman," Darshan said.

"What's an Aman?"

"We were in college together. When he come out to his parents as gay, they went all crazy on him and tried to get him married. So he did the next big thing, took me to a family function and kissed me infront of the whole family."

"What the..." Ishaan asked in surprise as Darshan broke into laughter.

"True story. The faces, man! It was one of the best days of my life. I imagined my father in the crowd, the satisfaction,  Ishaan, I can never express it." 

Ishaan looked out of the window for a few seconds, his heart thudding.

"How would you like to piss off some more homophobes?"

Darshan raised his eyebrows.

"I think it's a bit overkill now, but sure, as soon as we land in Mumbai, we'll go to your parent's house and kiss infront of them."

"Want to practice?" Ishaan asked. Darshan pressed the brakes so hard that they lurched forward, the seat belt safeguarding them.

"Are you flirting with me?"

"What do you think?" Ishaan asked he leaned over, his breath fanning the other man's lips.

"Want to take the beast for a ride?" He asked and cringed. Darshan laughed and kissed him, a soft peck on the lips. 

"I have been waiting to do this for so long." He sighed as he moved a little away from Ishaan. Ishaan smiled as he gave him another small peck on the lips.

As the aeroplane flew through the clouds, Darshan didn't focus on them, this time, he focused on the man who had entered his life and had brought along tons of drama, action and more. He had never imagined that his quest for a big case would give him something more, a quest to be real to himself, a quest to be himself, a quest to fall in love.


If you want to write an epilogue, go ahead, else it's a wrap😅

I have a cliche of ending stories with kisses, I know, but I have waited for this moment for a month now.

Also, my fav gay man from BW finally makes an entry🙈

I hope you (and Noetic) had fun with this one, cause I did, it was great writing with such talented people.

Idk if anyone ever read this, but if you did, I hope you liked the story.

Edited by oh_nakhrewaali - 8 months ago
Satrangi_Curls thumbnail

Dialogue Dynamos

Posted: 9 months ago

Loved it! Will give an epilogue by EOD :) 💖💖

Why did it have to end!! This was so much fun. Also, most I've written in a week/month continuously!💖💖🥰🥰🥰 

oh_nakhrewaali thumbnail
Posted: 9 months ago

Got 10 title suggestions from ChatGPT, if you have anything better, drop it down

  1. Lost in the Labyrinth of Hearts
  2. Crimes and Love in the Shadows
  3. Abyss of Hearts 
  4. Investigating Love and Crime
  5. Love's Covert Affair
  6. Chasing Shadows, Embracing Hearts
  7. Fugitive Hearts
  8. Beneath the Surface: Love's Depths in the Shadows
  9. Stuck in Maze
  10. Amidst Crooked Hearts: Love's Uncharted Territory