The Lost Ship at Sea - Indepth Analysis of Anirudh Roy Choudhary

AnVishtian thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Hullooooo BB Fam 🤗

It's been a really long time since I wrote such an in depth, long detailed analysis on a show but post leap BB has literally consumed me 😆 The characters - Anirudh Roy Choudhary and Bondita Das - are such rich characters strife with beautiful complexities and shades. These characters plus the actors and writers have enraptured my senses with their brilliant performances. 

It would be a pity for me to waste an opportunity to write an analysis on these beautiful creations. Please note, the analysis will be on the post leap story graph of the characters. I'm going to start with my favorite, ARC and then go on to Bondita. Bear with me because this will be long, so, here it goes:

Barrister Anirudh Roy Choudhary

"Oh, What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive"

- Sir Walter Scott

You might be thinking why have I chosen such a quote for Anirudh, for those who might be familiar with the poem will be more confused as the entire poem (Marmion) was about acting dishonestly.

Dishonesty is the last word that one could ever use to describe Anirudh Roy Choudhary. A man who spent his life standing by his principles, never flinching at the face of danger or imminent death for his decisions and would never bend or budge from his stand for what is right and just.

So, what makes me pick a quote that speaks about dishonesty for ARC?

Well, the tangled web began to be woven from the day that changed Anirudh.

The day he saw his father in the hospital room. His father being restrained by doctors and nurses, rambling and screaming out of fear from the torture inflicted by the hands of Krishna Nagar people.

His father, the man whom everyone admired for being the most sophisticated, intelligent and charismatic head of the Roy Choudhary family was reduced to a feeble and weak old man who was consumed by this never ending fear of the one person whom ARC cared about the most in his life.

Was this the fruit of his honesty?

Was this the gift that he received for being a man who advocated peace and love?

That was the day, this man of merely 22 years of age, stood in front of Durga Maa and swore vengeance on the people who bought hell upon his family.

Along with this oath of vengeance, Anirudh Roy Choudhary picked up the gun and a cloak of dishonesty as shield from this cruel world.

Did he gladly accept these unfortunate gifts of fate that had been thrust upon him?


He struggled, oh boy, did he struggle, endlessly.

Day and night, every living and breathing moment was a claustrophobic nightmare for him.

The only respite he found were the letters he wrote to her.


His Bondita.

The guiding light in his journey.

Because, when he sat down to write those letters to her, it became the only moment in this darkness of his life where he could put down the gun and cloak to pick up the pen and paper that once used to be a part of him.

He wrote to her.

His Bondita, the one who would always be the unwavering and steady pillar, his small and bright light house in this turbulent ocean of life.

He had forsaken family, the society, every thing that was known to him to reach her and ensure that her light would never diminish.

She was the light that guided his little ship and would guide many others in this cruel world.

Not only did she guide him, She echoed a call back to his true home.

The home he had found in her companionship, the home they built together within each other fighting the entire world, the home that was beyond the rights and wrongs of this world, the home where he truly felt free.

However, as days past, as the fire of vengeance grew bright and brighter across the horizon, the more the changing winds pushed his sails in the direction of the destructive whirlpool of hatred and further away from her light.

And in this dark journey, he carried himself, his family and every life in Tulsipur that depended upon him for protection from the hateful storm that Thakuma and her family conjured upon them.

Thus, 8 years since that tragic day, he found himself far way in the ocean with no sight of his watch tower. His only companions were the bloody gun had become a part of his body, his right hand and the dark cloak wrapped so tightly around him that it felt like a second skin.

These two objects became the vital instruments of survival and personal justice for Aniruddh Roy Choudhary.

8 years of sailing in this ocean of hate, one fateful day, his ship was pulled by the waves and a light shone  upon his being.

The warmth of that light scorched him and he pulled away immediately.

He could not bask in that familiar warmth any longer. So, he retreated, he hastened to set his sails away from the light house that called out to him. He turned his boat and forced himself to push in the opposite direction of the waves that pulled him back to her.

He could no longer go back.

Because on the shores of the light house laid awaiting their enemies, ready to strike and attack again.

He knew there was no longer any path that could lead him back to his light house, to his home because the journey towards the cesspit of hatred and enmity had changed him. If he allowed himself to be pulled back, the light would illuminate him, it would wash off the blood on his hands and remove the cloak from his body.

Going back meant he willingly gave up parts of his body that had become the shield to protect himself and his loved ones, allowing himself to be completely vulnerable to the cruelty of the raging storm between Krishna Nagar and Tulsipur.

He had already paid the price for his vulnerability and he could no longer afford to go back to being her Sakha Babu.

The light house was no longer small, it had grown to a towering monument in the time he had been away, the light shone far brighter than he had ever known.

The light beckoned him, no matter where he turned his ship, she reached out again and again to guide him back.

It frightened him.

It awoke a fear in his heart that he would be pulled back to her, to his home and he would willing give up everything for her yet again because he knew, in the deepest recesses of his mind and heart that she was the only person in this entire universe who could guide him back to being the man he was.

However, the 8 years had changed a lot around him and the Sakha Babu she called out for had been locked away, she could not realize that her Sakha Babu could no longer breathe in this air of enmity.

Mainly, he was no longer just her Sakha Babu, he had become Anirudh Roy Choudhary, the head of the Roy Choudhary family and the sole protector of his village.

Thus, began the web of dishonesty that Anirudh weaved with his own hands to create a cocoon to protect Bondita from the storm around her.  

He fed her lies that he no longer held any ties to her, there was no rishta between them, she was nothing more than a enemy and her significance in his life was nothing more than a "Zimmedari".

He reduced the joy he had always felt at encouraging her to shine bright into a dark stone of burden that he carried because of the integrity of his given word to her.

He repeated these lies over and over again, to her and to himself.

Yes, Anirudh is being dishonest.

He lied to his Bondita, he lied to his family and he lied to the world.

But, most of all, he lies to himself.

He grasps at the cloak like a drowning man to a raft.

This cloak was his unbreakable shield, the protection from the hatred in the air, the chains that would bind him to his promise of vengeance for the grievances of his people. Without this cloak, he would be nothing in front of his enemies, he would be bare once again to their attacks. The moment he sets sail in her direction, he makes the decision to sacrifice the people on his ship to the enemies awaiting at shore.

So, he began weaving a web around her, not realizing he was also weaving it around himself.

He weaves it with his dishonest words and closed off heart, There was no other way he could protect her but by ensuring he stays away from her and leaves her tangled in his web of lies. 

Because, he knows that the light house cannot uproot itself and come to the sea. He could not destroy her light in the darkness of this enmity, he was the ship that needed to sail to her and she was the light that would guide many others lost in this sea, not just him. 

The only control he has is over his own ship, he has no control over the ocean nor the winds, they are similar to his own heart, a heart that beats and yearns for her warmth.

The winds shift his sails and the waves pull him back to her, he keeps teetering at the edge of his control after every encounter with her and finds himself holding onto the cloak.

While doing so, Anirudh does not realize that he was also blinding himself to the more disastrous storm that lie waiting in his path. The storm of his true feelings.

The feelings that he could never acknowledge nor accept, the feelings that had always laid dormant in his heart.

The truth that he loved her beyond all else in this world.

The truth that she was no longer the little girl that he looked on with adoration and pride, but rather a woman who had become a guiding beacon of hope and courage that could also hold him protectively in her heart.

He keeps himself locked away in the memories of the little girl, afraid to even open his eyes to the reality of the woman he has become.

He had always loved her, their bond was not one that could be understood by this societies labels or lens, it was a pure form of love that cherished, nurtured and protected her.

He saw the potential in her light and wanted to make it bright. He kept protecting her, even if her light burnt him at times, he happily received both her warmth and her burn because all he wanted was to give her the energy to shine, even if he had to sacrifice his own life to keep her light from being scorched out.

Such a love could change the course of the universe.

What was the course of a ship towards the light house in comparison to that?

Somewhere deep in his heart, Anirudh knows that when he does untangle himself from this web of deceit, he would have no more any reasons to not set sail towards his light.

He would, himself, turn and rush towards her.

And, no hatred, no storm, nothing in this universe could stop him.

For now, he turns the wheel and directs his ship away from her light, to protect his people... but most of all, to protect himself from truth that this light would show him.

Alas, as they say, even in the most tempestuous of dark seas, the light house will always guide the lost ships back home.

His Bondita had returned after 8 long years and in these years, she had grown from a small light house that could just illuminate the shore to tall light house housing an intense and radiant rays of light that would not just brighten up his path but burn away this ocean of hate to bring him back home.

Edited by .Rinnie. - 2 years ago


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AnVishtian thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

I am very sorry for making it so long but I have no control once I start writing isliye toh likhti nahi analysis😆

I hope it was clear as I have not checked it before posting. If there are any mistakes, please do excuse me and let me know your thoughts.

The next analysis will be on Bondita Das - The Light House at shore ❤️

Edited by .Rinnie. - 2 years ago
Blackrose92 thumbnail
Anniversary 3 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

OMG you're an amazing writer ..... It's the first writing I've read of yours.... Great analysis of our beloved.. One and only Anirudh Roy Chaudhary.. I just loved it ... And then the quote it just flew my heart away.... My words are short for this post smiley19

By the way do write more like this as I love to read lengthy posts .... BTW what's your namesmiley25

Myself Snanpurna ..... You can address me as Snan❤️

AnVishtian thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Blackrose92

OMG you're an amazing writer ..... It's the first writing I've read of yours.... Great analysis of our beloved.. One and only Anirudh Roy Chaudhary.. I just loved it ... And then the quote it just flew my heart away.... My words are short for this post smiley19

By the way do write more like this as I love to read lengthy posts .... BTW what's your namesmiley25

Myself Snanpurna ..... You can address me as Snan❤️

Hi Snan 🤗

Thank you for your wonderful feedback!

You can call me Rinnie.

I rarely write analysis because I tend to go on and on and on 🤪I have too many thoughts and it is usually quite difficult for me to tie all the threads. I'm glad I could be as clear as possible with ARC's analysis because I really had so many thoughts regarding his character since yesterday's episode

It was such a beautiful episode that gave us the proper glimpse into his mind.

Harshiiii45 thumbnail
Anniversary 2 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Wow Rin you are amazing be honest no number of words can be ever enough to encompass Anirudh's can understand why the post went long😆....Anirudh can never be described in words nor his emotions....his love is like sky like ocean...endless and fulfilling.....his love can only be felt.....he can only be felt😭😭....... Anirudh is that one itv character who will always be close to my heart❤️

Ps- Again you are wonderful writer👏 ....pls write more I'd love to read anything you write

Edited by Harshiiii45 - 2 years ago
AnVishtian thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Harshiiii45

Wow Rin you are amazing be honest no number of words can be ever enough to encompass Anirudh's can understand why the post went long😆....Anirudh can never be described in words nor his emotions....his love is like sky like ocean...endless and fulfilling.....his love can only be felt.....he can only be felt😭😭....... Anirudh is that one itv character who will always be close to my heart❤️

Ps- Again you are wonderful writer👏 ....pls write more I'd love to read anything you write

Thank you so much Harshi, your words mean a lot! ❤️

Hahaha.. yes, there is so much to ARC that I can write about and I having a difficult time not to go too deep into one incident or another. I binge watched all the post leap episodes to look at his character 

I will write more tomorrow on Bondita ⭐️

Harshiiii45 thumbnail
Anniversary 2 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: .Rinnie.

Thank you so much Harshi, your words mean a lot! ❤️

Hahaha.. yes, there is so much to ARC that I can write about and I having a difficult time not to go too deep into one incident or another. I binge watched all the post leap episodes to look at his character 

I will write more tomorrow on Bondita ⭐️

Do write I'll surely read😳

Itsmesabah thumbnail
Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Visit Streak 30 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Wow Rinn this was soooo beautiful ❤️ right from the quote to the closing statement the entire journey was just heart melting…

 I loved the symbolisms that you used for Bon as Ani’s lighthouse his home his guiding light…the place where you compare Ani’s heart and emotions to the tumultuous sea is just so apt…You described Ani’s dilemma so perfectly of wanting to be with Bon but fearing the outcome of jeopardising the life of his near and dear ones once again… it’s just so thought provoking that a man who once gave so selflessly received so much hatred in return….you are an amazing writer… please keep writing… 🤗

Ayu_12 thumbnail
Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: .Rinnie.

Hullooooo BB Fam 🤗

It's been a really long time since I wrote such an in depth, long detailed analysis on a show but post leap BB has literally consumed me 😆 The characters - Anirudh Roy Choudhary and Bondita Das - are such rich characters strife with beautiful complexities and shades. These characters plus the actors and writers have enraptured my senses with their brilliant performances. 

It would be a pity for me to waste an opportunity to write an analysis on these beautiful creations. Please note, the analysis will be on the post leap story graph of the characters. I'm going to start with my favorite, ARC and then go on to Bondita. Bear with me because this will be long, so, here it goes:

Barrister Anirudh Roy Choudhary

"Oh, What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive"

- Sir Walter Scott

You might be thinking why have I chosen such a quote for Anirudh, for those who might be familiar with the poem will be more confused as the entire poem (Marmion) was about acting dishonestly.

Dishonesty is the last word that one could ever use to describe Anirudh Roy Choudhary. A man who spent his life standing by his principles, never flinching at the face of danger or imminent death for his decisions and would never bend or budge from his stand for what is right and just.

So, what makes me pick a quote that speaks about dishonesty for ARC?

Well, the tangled web began to be woven from the day that changed Anirudh.

The day he saw his father in the hospital room. His father being restrained by doctors and nurses, rambling and screaming out of fear from the torture inflicted by the hands of Krishna Nagar people.

His father, the man whom everyone admired for being the most sophisticated, intelligent and charismatic head of the Roy Choudhary family was reduced to a feeble and weak old man who was consumed by this never ending fear of the one person whom ARC cared about the most in his life.

Was this the fruit of his honesty?

Was this the gift that he received for being a man who advocated peace and love?

That was the day, this man of merely 22 years of age, stood in front of Durga Maa and swore vengeance on the people who bought hell upon his family.

Along with this oath of vengeance, Anirudh Roy Choudhary picked up the gun and a cloak of dishonesty as shield from this cruel world.

Did he gladly accept these unfortunate gifts of fate that had been thrust upon him?


He struggled, oh boy, did he struggle, endlessly.

Day and night, every living and breathing moment was a claustrophobic nightmare for him.

The only respite he found were the letters he wrote to her.


His Bondita.

The guiding light in his journey.

Because, when he sat down to write those letters to her, it became the only moment in this darkness of his life where he could put down the gun and cloak to pick up the pen and paper that once used to be a part of him.

He wrote to her.

His Bondita, the one who would always be the unwavering and steady pillar, his small and bright light house in this turbulent ocean of life.

He had forsaken family, the society, every thing that was known to him to reach her and ensure that her light would never diminish.

She was the light that guided his little ship and would guide many others in this cruel world.

Not only did she guide him, She echoed a call back to his true home.

The home he had found in her companionship, the home they built together within each other fighting the entire world, the home that was beyond the rights and wrongs of this world, the home where he truly felt free.

However, as days past, as the fire of vengeance grew bright and brighter across the horizon, the more the changing winds pushed his sails in the direction of the destructive whirlpool of hatred and further away from her light.

And in this dark journey, he carried himself, his family and every life in Tulsipur that depended upon him for protection from the hateful storm that Thakuma and her family conjured upon them.

Thus, 8 years since that tragic day, he found himself far way in the ocean with no sight of his watch tower. His only companions were the bloody gun had become a part of his body, his right hand and the dark cloak wrapped so tightly around him that it felt like a second skin.

These two objects became the vital instruments of survival and personal justice for Aniruddh Roy Choudhary.

8 years of sailing in this ocean of hate, one fateful day, his ship was pulled by the waves and a light shone  upon his being.

The warmth of that light scorched him and he pulled away almost immediately.

He could not bask in that warmth any longer. So, he retreated, he hastened to set his sails away from the light house that called out to him. He turned his boat and forced himself to push in the opposite direction of the waves that pulled him back to her.

He could no longer go back.

Because on the shores of the light house laid awaiting their enemies, ready to strike and attack again.

He knew there was no longer any path that could lead him back to his light house, to his home because the journey towards the cesspit of hatred and enmity had changed him. If he allowed himself to be pulled back, the light would illuminate him, it would wash off the blood on his hands and remove the cloak from his body.

Going back meant he willingly gave up parts of his body that had become the shield to protect himself and his loved ones, allowing himself to be completely vulnerable to the cruelty of the raging storm between Krishna Nagar and Tulsipur.

He had already paid the price for his vulnerability and he could no longer afford to go back to being her Sakha Babu.

The light house was no longer small, it had grown to a towering monument in the time he had been away, the light shone far brighter than he had ever known.

The light beckoned him, no matter where he turned his ship, she reached out again and again to guide him back.

It frightened him.

It awoke a fear in his heart that he would be pulled back to her, to his home and he would willing give up everything for her yet again because he knew, in the deepest recesses of his mind and heart that she was the only person in this entire universe who could guide him back to being the man he was.

However, the 8 years had changed a lot around him and the Sakha Babu she called out for had been locked away, she could not realize that her Sakha Babu could no longer breathe in this air of enmity.

Mainly, he was no longer just her Sakha Babu, he had become Anirudh Roy Choudhary, the head of the Roy Choudhary family and the sole protector of his village.

Thus, began the web of dishonesty that Anirudh weaved with his own hands to create a cocoon to protect Bondita from the storm around her.  

He fed her lies that he no longer held any ties to her, there was no rishta between them, she was nothing more than a enemy and her significance in his life was nothing more than a "Zimmedari".

He reduced the joy he had always felt at encouraging her to shine bright into a dark stone of burden that he carried because of the integrity of his given word to her.

He repeated these lies over and over again, to her and to himself.

Yes, Anirudh is being dishonest.

He lied to his Bondita, he lied to his family and he lied to the world.

But, most of all, he lies to himself.

He grasps at the cloak like a drowning man to a raft.

This cloak was his unbreakable shield, the protection from the hatred in the air, the chains that would bind him to his promise of vengeance for the grievances of his people. Without this cloak, he would be nothing in front of his enemies, he would be bare once again to their attacks. The moment he sets sail in her direction, he makes the decision to sacrifice the people on his ship to the enemies awaiting at shore.

So, he began weaving a web around her, not realizing he was also weaving it around himself.

He weaves it with his dishonest words and closed off heart, There was no other way he could protect her but by ensuring he stays away from her and leaves her tangled in his web of lies. 

Because, he knows that the light house cannot uproot itself and come to the sea. He could not destroy her light in the darkness of this enmity, he was the ship that needed to sail to her and she was the light that would guide many others lost in this sea, not just him. 

The only control he has is over his own ship, he has no control over the ocean nor the winds, they are similar to his own heart, a heart that beats and yearns for her warmth.

The winds shift his sails and the waves pull him back to her, he keeps teetering at the edge of his control after every encounter with her and finds himself holding onto the cloak.

While doing so, Anirudh does not realize that he was also blinding himself to the more disastrous storm that lie waiting in his path. The storm of his true feelings.

The feelings that he could never acknowledge nor accept, the feelings that had always laid dormant in his heart.

The truth that he loved her beyond all else in this world.

The truth that she was no longer the little girl that he looked on with adoration and pride, but rather a woman who had become a guiding beacon of hope and courage that could also hold him protectively in her heart.

He keeps himself locked away in the memories of the little girl, afraid to even open his eyes to the reality of the woman he has become.

He had always loved her, their bond was not one that could be understood by this societies labels or lens, it was a pure form of love that cherished, nurtured and protected her.

He saw the potential in her light and wanted to make it bright. He kept protecting her, even if her light burnt him at times, he happily received both her warmth and her burn because all he wanted was to give her the energy to shine, even if he had to sacrifice his own life to keep her light from being scorched out.

Such a love could change the course of the universe.

What was the course of a ship towards the light house in comparison to that?

Somewhere deep in his heart, Anirudh knows that when he does untangle himself from this web of deceit, he would have no more any reasons to not set sail towards his light.

He would, himself, turn and rush towards her.

And, no hatred, no storm, nothing in this universe could stop him.

For now, he turns the wheel and directs his ship away from her light, to protect his people... but most of all, to protect himself from truth that this light would show him.

Alas, as they say, even in the most tempestuous of dark seas, the light house will always guide the lost ships back home.

His Bondita had returned after 8 long years and in these years, she had grown from a small light house that could just illuminate the shore to tall light house housing an intense and radiant rays of light that would not just brighten up his path but burn away this ocean of hate to bring him back home.

 I loved it. Thats i can summup from my side.

ishkaraforever thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago