Raghvi FF- BROKEN- Chp 9 Updated Pg 9 - Page 5


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Shoshanim thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Waiting for the next chapters ♥️♥️ please write soon

MissMichelle thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago



Raghav stood rooted midway up the steps. He saw her running down. With his mind playing tricks on him these past 2 years, he thought this was his imagination. He stood waiting for the panic attack to start. As she came closer, he saw fear in her eyes. This had him questioning, was this actually real this time. He need not think further, as she ran straight into him, sending the items of the tray in her hand flying into the air.

As soon as his hands wrapped around her, to stop both  from tumbling down the remainder of steps, he felt that electric pull which told him without a doubt she was real. After 2 years, he has finally laid his eyes on her.

He took in her face, covered in sindoor, just as his because he felt the sprinkle of powder fall over him when the tray went up in the air. Her eyes were closed. He felt her fingers pulling at the front of his shirt, as she tried to stable herself.

As her eyes began to flutter open, she started to step back.However, he brought his hand up behind her back to prevent her from moving away. That’s when she raised her head and looked directly at him.

Those eyes he dreamt about for the past 2 years, finally became a reality.  Pallavi was finally standingin front him. He watched as her face went through various emotions. He heard her name being called in the background. Her eyes began to slowly close, her head turning to the direction of a voice that called out “Didi".  In the blink of an eye, she lay limp in his hands.

By this time everyone had gathered around him. He looked atall their shocked faces. Amma and Shardaji came forward caressing her face. He tried shaking her awake, but it didn’t work. He heard the crying of a child and that’s when he noticed the woman and child from earlier.

“You know her Saira?” Raghav asked.

Raghav could see how worried she was. The child, Aryan was crying loudly.

“Yes, we’re here together. She stays at the Ashram with us.”

Raghav felt like he was hit by a truck. He looked at everyone ’s faces, as they register where Pallavi have been living these years.

Farhad came with a bottle of water. Raghav opened it and sprinkled some on her face, but she did not wake.

“Please someone, lend me a phone. I need to call the Ashram and let them know what’s happened to Pallavi Di. She needs to be taken to the hospital. When she faints, they usually take her there. She doesn’t wake on her own ” Saira said frantically.

Raghav looked at her. She looked like she was about to breakout in tears, just like the child. He nodded to Farhad.

“Saira come with us we’ll take her to the hospital. You can inform them on the way” Farhad said.

She looked at him. “I don’t know you people.”

Vijay Deshmuk stepped forward. “Pallavi is our daughter. We have been searching for her for the past 2 years. Let us take her please.”

Harish came running to Raghav. “Anna the car is here.” He said.

Raghav lifted her and started walking towards the car. “Saira come with me.” He said.  She followed without any resistance. He placed Pallavi in the back seat, Saira also getting in the back. He took Aryan from her, the child now quiet looking on.Harish got into the driver’s seat, and Raghav sat in the passenger seat with aryan on his lap.  He took out his handkerchief and cleaned his face.  He took out some tissue and passed to Saira, to clean Pallavi’s face also.

He looked in the mirror and saw Saira caressing Pallavi’s face. “Didi, wake up. I know you hate going to the hospital.”

He felt a tug on his shirt and look down to see Aryan’s curious eyes. “Didi sleeping?” he asked with innocence. Raghav ruffled his hair. “Yes, your Didi is tired” Raghav answered.

“Didi played too much, tired now.” Raghav laughed softly at his response.

“How are you related to Pallavi Di?” Saira asked from the back. He met her eyes in the mirror.  He did n’t want to lie to her. From her reaction earlier, she was unaware of Pallavi’s past.

“I’ll prefer Pallavi explain. All I would tell you is I’m the reason she’s been away from her family.” Raghav answered.

Saira studied the man sitting in front, she is yet to know his name. She can see how disturbed he was. “What is your name?” she asked.

“Raghav Rao" he answered.

“Mr. Rao, can I borrow your phone please?”

Raghav passed the phone to her.  She went ahead and dialed. Raghav listen to the one sided conversation as she passed the message of Pallavi’s situation.  She informed the person on the other line that they were on the way to the hospital.  She ended the call and passed the phone back to Raghav thanking him.

Soon after they pulled up at the hospital.  Raghav lifted Pallavi again and took her in.  He placed her on a gurney and went ahead to get a doctor.  Before he can explain what happened, the doctor, a middle aged man recognized Pallavi.   The doctor went straight to her and started checking her vitals.

“Saira, what happed?” the doctor asked.

“She fainted at the temple after seeing these people Dr. Dev.  They are related to Pallavi Di” Saira explained to the doctor.

The doctor then turned and looked at everyone, who was now gathered together.  Raghav noticed as the doctor eyes remained on him a little more than the others.  This doctor knew of Pallavi’s past. 

“What is wrong with her? Why haven’t she woken till now?” asked Raghav. 

The doctor did not answer right away, but continued checkingPallavi.  A few minutes passed before hedid.

“She suffers from anxiety which leads to these fainting spells.  It often happens when she dwells on certain situation that she suffered in her past.  Her mind needs to calm itself before she wakes.  I have checked her vitals, its almost stable.  She will be awake ina few minutes.  I’ll have her transferred to a room now. However, I suggest you all give her some space, until she has time to come to terms with your arrival. It is not my position to involve myself in family matters, but Pallavi is my patient and I need to protect and keep her safe.  I hope you all understand.” the doctor said.

He then addressed Saira. “Have you informed the Rathore’s?”

“Yes, they are on their way.”

“Ok, tell them to meet me in my cabin when they arrive.  You and Aryan remain with Pallavi.” he then turned to Raghav. “I presume you are Mr. Rao, can I have a word with you and Mr. Deshmuk.”

Raghav was shocked the doctor knew his name.  He looked at Vijay Deshmuk, who was equally shocked as well.  He nodded to the doctor, and followed him to his office.

“You may  be wondering how I know you both. I have been Pallavi’s Psychiatrist for the past 2 years. She was very vivid in her description of the people she left behind . The 2 older women outside must me Mrs Deshmuk and your mother Mr. Rao.”

“You are correct doctor” Vijay Deshmuk answered. He lookedat Raghav who gone a bit pale when the doctor revealed he was Pallavi’s Psychiatrist.

“As her doctor I shouldn’t be talking to you about her medical records, but she means more to me that just a patient. I consider her as my daughter. She has that personality about her, that most people she crosses pathw6ith, regard her as family.  Now, she is a very strong girl, but everyone has a breaking point, as she did 2 years ago. She have come a long way and i would not like her to relapse. Which brings me to why I asked you both to my office. Why are you here. What are your intentions for Pallavi?”

Raghav took in everything the doctor said. If he thought hisg6uilt couldn’t get any worse, it just did. The Pallavi he destroyed 2 years ago, was someone who would’ve never needed a psychiatrist.

“We came here on a visit just for the weekend. We had no idea she was in Bhopal. The meeting at the temple was coincidental. After that night, we have been searching for her. Since you are my daughter’s doctor, you're aware of what happened. As soon as we realized we were wrong, from then till now we never stopped looking for her.” replied Vijay Deshmuk. 

“You are right Mr. Deshmuk, I am aware. That’s why I need to know your intentions now that you have found her” replied Dr. Dev.

“We would like to take our daughter home with us. Both families haven’t been the same since. We all regret what happened. Anger and doubt are two dangerous emotions. When combined it can be very destructive, as was the situation with Pallavi. There isn’t a day that goes by we don’t think about her.” Vijay Deshmuk voice broke on his last words.

“Why did Pallavi need Psychiatric help?” asked Raghav.

The doctor studied him. This was the first words he had spoken since entering the office. Being a Psychiatrist, he can tell from people’s actions their mental stability. This man is definitely fighting his own inner demons.

“She was unable to sleep. She kept having nightmares of that night. It took a toll on her health. Although during these few years, there have been improvement, she still has set backs. She relies on sleeping pills when these episodes happen.”

“Do you think she’ll have a set back after today’s incident?”asked Raghav.

“Most likely, which is why I need to make a request to you all. Give Pallavi some time. I know you all are eager to meet her, but please let us prepare her for that. We don’t want her fleeing again. The people in her life presently care for her a lot. We all want what’s best for her.”

Raghav and Vijay Deshmuk listened to the doctors advise. As much as they wanted to disagree, they knew this is what’s best for Pallavi as the moment.

Vijay Deshmuk spoke. “Would you help us doctor to make amends?”

“Yes, because as her doctor I believe she wants that also. But the hurt she experienced, is stopping her from doing so. Now that she have seen you all, let’s see how she wants to move forward. You’ve waited 2 years, be patient a bit more.”

“Ok. Let’s exchange phone contact. Thank you for everything you are doing for my daughter.”

After the exchange they left the doctors office. They came to the room Pallavi was admitted to. Outside stood everyone. Raghav looked through the glass and saw her lying on the bed still unconscious. Aryan was sitting next to her on the bed while Saira sat on a chair holding her hand. His eyes welled up, but somehow he kept the tears at bay.

He turned to his mother and Shardaji. “The doctor has asked for us to give her some space. We can’t meet her yet. We should leave before she awakes.”

They were about to protest but  Vijay stopped them.

“Raghav is correct. Let’s all leave. We will explain on the way.”

They all spared one final glance at her, before leaving. Each face had a forlorn look. Raghav was the last to move away from the door. As much as he tried to hold it back, one single tear escaped his lid to spill down his cheeks.Just as he turned away, the figure on the bed opened her eyes. Instead of focusing on the person holding her hand, her attention was drawn to the door, where she saw the side view of a person moving away. Due to the increase of her heartbeat she knew exactly who it was. Raghav Rao had finally found her.


shah10 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 2 years ago

Beautiful update! 

Loved it 

Feeling bad for Pallavi 

Avneel07 thumbnail
Anniversary 6 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Such a beautiful chapter. 

Milalal27 thumbnail
Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail Anniversary 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 2 years ago


feeling mixed emotions

superb written. 👏👏

MissMichelle thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Amnnaa

What a beautiful update.

Loved that Pallavi ignored VD and others. Can't wait to see how the meeting between Raghav and Pallavi unfolds.

Will we get more of Farhad and Saira??

Eagerly waiting for next chapter 

Next chapter is up🙂

MissMichelle thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: Medha0609

Like your fan fiction a lot.

The latest update is really amazing. 😁

Waiting for the next update. Hopefully we will get it soon 🥺

Next chapter is up! Hope you enjoy 🙂

MissMichelle thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: ReemShah

I am glad that you have finally updated the chapter

and Raghav and Pallavi's first meeting after 2 years

and she ignored all the calls--looks like Pallavi fainted

I loved how sindoor scene reminded me of Ramaswamy scene

Thank you. Next chapter is up🙂

hatelove2012 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 2 years ago

Beautiful update. Every emotion was written so well. Felt for Raghav and Pallavi. Hope they find their peace. 

Manju2004 thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Nice, Please update 

next chapter soon