Regarding existing IF issues & suggestions to tackle them.

annihilation thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 years ago
Posting these suggestions here upon Vijay Sir's direction as he asked all those making suggestions for IF's functioning or address issues to make a topic in this section. The following are mine, if other members have their own too, please share them all here so that the Moderators, DT's and Admins can keep a track of them in one place.

These were all thought of keeping in mind the dire need to curb hate & abuse, cyber bullying & harassment, stalking & defamation, fan wars, etc incidents. I understand these will probably be difficult to implement as there'll be programming, networks, technical and other challenges involved but I'll suggest them anyway,

- Password protected threads for Invites Only Chat Clubs. Stalking incidents are on a rise off late which not all the time leads to correct or genuine reporting (as people tend to report for their own agendas) which in turn leads to warnings or shut downs of CC. Takes away from discussions despite it being a platform for the same.

- Hide/unhide & block/unblock features for topics or posts one may or may not want to see in the forums.

- Option that enables a topic maker to shut it down temporarily incase the discussion goes haywire and moderators are unavailable around the time. Topics can then be reviewed or closed permanently if required once a Moderator checks it.

- Reducing the workload on moderators (as its a job without any monetary benefits) by employing more admins from your team to handle serious issues (technical or otherwise) that may require immediate attention. Also, since you happen to be the only admin around and members may want to reach out directly to an authority at the upper level in your absence or unavailability.

- For a greater degree of fairness and effectivenes in the moderation system, when a member is applying to be a moderator, he/she can be asked to choose between the two positions. Either be a moderator or a member but not both at the same time.

- I'd also like to bring to your notice the same issue everyone here seem to be bringing up; Moderation. I'm sure you must be aware of it but since a couple of months (or more), many forums have no active DT's. Now, I very well understand that moderation is a no easy feat as you're required to put in a lot of time, energy and work into something that fetches you practically no returns. 

But I have to admit that since this platform does have such a system, ensuring that at least a handful of moderators are around or at least respond back within 2 days isn't asking for too much. I do personally think that getting rid of the moderation system altogether and let one's own sense of good judgement and conduct prevail would perhaps make everyone's life easier but then I also get that it'd bring down this site's reputation, credibility, reliability and functioning a notch down. Only after multiple requests and complaints was the issues I was pitching reports about was dealt with. While I'm indeed thankful for that, I think we'd all agree that timely action in such cases is of utmost importance.

- Also, I'm not aware if there already is one but could there be a topic opened that keeps a tab on the active moderators that members can check upon when in need of any assistance or to lodge reports/complaints if they're still unresolved after a period of time?


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TomNJerry... thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 6 years ago

1.No moderators available right now???...members keep sending pms to multiple moderators for months and months but not get a single long one can wait to get permission for their pending threads...sorry but in the hour of need even you dont reply back vijay personal experience...then tell us whom to contact for our problems...

2.There are happening personal wars between fandoms in multiple forums to the extreme level and  no one is there to take notice...even after repeated reporting no one takes action...

3.Many forums are totally lawaris...mods tu door ki baat hai they dont even have a chaska meter rating for they never get a chance to come up in the list and no one bothers to visit those forums...only the forum of famous shows get the needed attention...

4.Why cant we have a number list for our buddies so that one can automatically select 50 members while sending a pm...why we have to count fifty each time when we pm multiple people at once...

5.Why one member blocking you affects your whole pm list...why we have to send hundreds of pms separately to trace out which member in the pm list is a troublemaker...

6.Threads automatically get locked up after 3 months...may be the person is having some other important things going on in life and cant be active on the thread at the time...but when after many months or may be years they want to resume their work...their threads no longer remain available to them...and if the poor member requests moderators to open them then he/she will have to wait like forever because no one is gonna reply they themselves are not available...

7.No one knows that luckily which mod is online at a particular time or not...members have no clue whom  to contact in any urgent situation...because lots of people dont know moderators by their why cant we have some sort of attendance page or thread showing which particular moderator is active at a particular will make the life of members much easier...

8.People quote comments like millions of time filling the page with one or two meaningful things in it rest useless stuff then cant the quoting be limited to 3 to 4 times...

9.Whats wrong with uploading profile pic...even after uploading it keeps on showing your old pic and you cant crop the new one...

10.Sometimes you log in to your account with the correct username and password and it keeps showing not happens very often...

11.We keep on posting our suggestions in suggestion section but when we will get a solution...I literally love that mod ''BilliCat'' managing the section she is a her work honestly and regularly...reads all posts and closes them always with a line that the matter will be looked into by higher team members but what next...again your problem never gets sorted out...because higher members are again not there...

These are just a few things from the list ...many more are there to be considered but right now instead of degrading the member's morale by deleting their posts I think the things mentioned above should be sorted out...
Edited by meerab... - 6 years ago thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Some stuff I think would be good
1. Delete or suspend your account feature 

2. Remove old threads from the "My Posts" feature, where you posted in a thread ages ago but don't want to see it on my posts again. 

3. Change your username whenever you like so long it's available to use

4. Get rid of all rankings altogether including the celeb ones because it leads to and encourages spamming to increase ranks. 

5. In each forum have a separate folder / tab / page for fanfictions so that they don't hide discussion threads. So you can have the discussion threads about the show in a different separate to all the fan fiction threads. Makes navigation easier.

6. Use a level tab instead of groups to show how active someone is under their avatar maybe? 

7. A page that is stickied with all available mods who are online that you can contact.

8. Either pay your moderators or pick moderators who don't have exams etc such that their personal life doesn't cause too much hindrance to their job of moderating. Let them have a target on when they must reply by. At the latest 3 days maybe for example.

9. Either keep all old show forums open with one general moderator or close all old show forums after a year or so. Stop being biased as a site and not catering to shows that are not as popular. People liked those shows and still want to visit and discuss them but if you close them because they're not popular enough you stop that. In that case be fair in implementing your rules across the board and extend it to all shows.

10. Quit being biased and in favour of certain shows and celebs. Other shows and celebs exist and if you actually promote them then maybe their forum activity will increase. If people don't know about it then they won't discuss it. The articles in telly Buzz need to be checked and not be an environment that encourages fan wars and cyber bullying and also insulting others. It makes it look like you're doing it on purpose which is wrong. 

11. Get rid of empty forums no one knows about and create a general bigger members lounge/ chat club so members can meet and interact especially if they don't stay on one forum nor are fans of anyone and come to just socialise.

I'll add more but for now it's these.

coolhi1988 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 years ago
PLz dont remove any comment post from ff, os , ss
coz that may be reply of a reader to the writer
not all reader likke to post more then one or two word abt the story
only few of them post like more lines
coz if this one word comments wil be deleted from ff's writer wil get dishearten along with the readers
as this may create a gap between them & this may lead to writer not posting updates or readers not commenting on it which wil infact lead to readers stop reading & writer stop writing 😲
this wil be huge loss to site as well as members
coz i know many of them who are not an fan of some celebrity but are here for reading stories

I request you to remove few threads where people are making threads threatening or announcing that they are leaving forum for they r not liked in forum, their frnds r not talking to them, or something in d show is not gng as per their wish... 
& Then they again make thread that I m back...

I feel these threads r useless & hold no archival value to any forum or hold importance to other members..

But I would to request you to plz.take charge of development team & moderators & if all r not active now u can appoint few for time being so the problems can be solved
As members are loosing interest in certain forums due to lack of gms action plus dt is not being appointed there... Filling form doesn't help & asking gm to do is rejected by them stating v r there to take care but when needed they r absent, which is great disappointment ...

Madhura.. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 6 years ago
A great initiative by Vijay and IF Dev Team, thank you!

Husna, great way to put all under a roof.

Here are few of my suggestions.

Spamming in the CG
This is of two types, the first being some members just come, comment on whole page. Each comment, they address a single creator. This can be done in one post as well. The sole purpose of them is to increase their posts!

The other type of spamming is the one by the creators themselves. Like say, a creator has done ten creations. But he or she makes three posts for them consecutively or within time span of two to three minutes. Which means, they can post all these creations in a single post.

The second issue I would like to address is of celebrity ranking. Members go to extreme limits in this. Like the issue discussed remains at a point and they just mention celebrity's name one time or multiple times for ranking.

In the same reference, there is one more thing, like an article is made and it is a serious one on someone's accident on show X. But in comments people write the celebrity's name of show Y to improve his ranking. If you can do a certain thing for this, will be great! Like limit to only the show which is mentioned.

Also something to stop bashing and personal attacks, been too much. Plus multiple ids thing.

Thank you! Good luck.

Swetha-Sai thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Great suggestions by you. Husna! 👍🏼
@Vijay Sir,
Pls remove the search button below a member's post... coz many ppl make use of this search button to stalk our posts / threads..
kchaims thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
I'll just give my opinion on some of the suggestions . Its just my opinion, so please don't think it won't be implemented , it depends completely on tech DT 😳

Originally posted by: .annihilation.

- Password protected threads for Invites Only Chat Clubs. Stalking incidents are on a rise off late which not all the time leads to correct or genuine reporting (as people tend to report for their own agendas) which in turn leads to warnings or shut downs of CC. Takes away from discussions despite it being a platform for the same. I think this will make the entire forum private forum , which is complete opposite of public forum which IF is. 

- Option that enables a topic maker to shut it down temporarily incase the discussion goes haywire and moderators are unavailable around the time. Topics can then be reviewed or closed permanently if required once a Moderator checks it. This feature can be misused . Members might lock their topic whenever they don't want someone to reply and again open it . 

- For a greater degree of fairness and effectivenes in the moderation system, when a member is applying to be a moderator, he/she can be asked to choose between the two positions. Either be a moderator or a member but not both at the same time. I feel this will be really unfair to members to become moderators  because as a DT I would love to participate in some of the threads . But in any case biased decision shouldn't be taken . 

Originally posted by: meerab...

6.Threads automatically get locked up after 3 months...may be the person is having some other important things going on in life and cant be active on the thread at the time...but when after many months or may be years they want to resume their work...their threads no longer remain available to them...and if the poor member requests moderators to open them then he/she will have to wait like forever because no one is gonna reply they themselves are not available... As per me  the locking is a good thing , if the old threads don't get locked then members might end up discussing in old threads which will get mixed with the present thread . I feel once we have active DTs then it will be easier ,if anyone wants to reopen some fan fiction /Cretion thread , they can PM the mod and thank you for loving me, means a lot 🤗 

Edited by BilliCat. - 6 years ago
kchaims thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by:

Some stuff I think would be good

1. Delete or suspend your account feature . I feel when this feature will be misused . Members will delete their acc after bashing and then create new acc.

2. Remove old threads from the "My Posts" feature, where you posted in a thread ages ago but don't want to see it on my posts again.  Again my posts are necessary when mods need to do check the members previous posts . 

3. Change your username whenever you like so long it's available to use If the members are allowed , members will change the ID daily and it will be difficult for the mods to keep track of problematic members.

Originally posted by: coolhi1988

PLz dont remove any comment post from ff, os , ss 
coz that may be reply of a reader to the writer
not all reader likke to post more then one or two word abt the story
only few of them post like more lines
coz if this one word comments wil be deleted from ff's writer wil get dishearten along with the readers
as this may create a gap between them & this may lead to writer not posting updates or readers not commenting on it which wil infact lead to readers stop reading & writer stop writing 😲
this wil be huge loss to site as well as members
coz i know many of them who are not an fan of some celebrity but are here for reading stories

I think removing +1 posts will encourage the reader to give detailed review . If its one word review then it would be replaced with likes.

Originally posted by: Madhura..

Spamming in the CG
This is of two types, the first being some members just come, comment on whole page. Each comment, they address a single creator. This can be done in one post as well. The sole purpose of them is to increase their posts! You can report such posts 😳 its not allowed.

The other type of spamming is the one by the creators themselves. Like say, a creator has done ten creations. But he or she makes three posts for them consecutively or within time span of two to three minutes. Which means, they can post all these creations in a single post. sometimes if the creator posts 10 creations and posts everything in one post , it doesn't load so posting two posts is okay , I guess. 

Madhura.. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 6 years ago
^^ Thank you for sharing your views. I do report those posts but see no action taken.
kchaims thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
When the member repeats it , they get a warning PM . Mostly if its just a one time thing , then no action is taken . (This is what I do)