Regarding existing IF issues & suggestions to tackle them. - Page 2


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JustMySelf thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
i wish henceforth all new ids are based on ph no.based logging so that using vpn
banned  members for their deplorable conducts dnt get to live a cat's life
via mids.ip based logging is allowing mids to harass members n pollute the
IF environment.

i would also like to suggest that users be given option to choose their own
color n change it as it takes ages to wait for color change otherwise..n some colors
are nt so good either..
annihilation thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: BilliCat.

- Password protected threads for Invites Only Chat Clubs. Stalking incidents are on a rise off late which not all the time leads to correct or genuine reporting (as people tend to report for their own agendas) which in turn leads to warnings or shut downs of CC. Takes away from discussions despite it being a platform for the same. I think this will make the entire forum private forum , which is complete opposite of public forum which IF is. 

I understand that but how else do you curb the stalking issues then? I'm pretty sure the CC's I'm a part of or admin aren't the only ones suffering because of this. There needs to be done something so that the Chat Clubs that are invite only isn't open to everyone out there but is limited to just the members of that CC. May be, implementing IF's own chat messenger or group PM features would solve this issue. But that'd perhaps shut the entire CC section down and I personally don't mind that. 

- Option that enables a topic maker to shut it down temporarily incase the discussion goes haywire and moderators are unavailable around the time. Topics can then be reviewed or closed permanently if required once a Moderator checks it. This feature can be misused . Members might lock their topic whenever they don't want someone to reply and again open it 

I get this too but having said that, by the time Moderators arrive or action is taken against miscreants, the whole issue is done and dusted with. My intention here was to emphasise on the importance of timely action.

- For a greater degree of fairness and effectivenes in the moderation system, when a member is applying to be a moderator, he/she can be asked to choose between the two positions. Either be a moderator or a member but not both at the same time. I feel this will be really unfair to members to become moderators  because as a DT I would love to participate in some of the threads . But in any case biased decision shouldn't be taken . 

Truth to be told, I honestly think the members, especially at this point are the ones receiving the unfair treatement because of the various issues cropping up. Although, I do understand that Moderators would want to participate in discussions as well. Can there be a way they can do shifts? May be, moderate on 3 days out of a week. 3 days of moderation and 4 days of participation as members. Basically, some way to ensure that the decisions taken are fair and square.

Thanks for sharing your views, Billi! ๐Ÿค— thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

1. Delete or suspend your account feature . I feel when this feature will be misused . Members will delete their acc after bashing and then create new acc.

I am thinking of the following procedure. I want to delete my account so I fill in a form. The top level admin checks my entire post history and checks if I am a troublemaker trying to escape. When they are happy my account goes into suspension for two weeks in case I change my mind. Once that time is up then my account is deleted. I can also ask for copies of posts I want to keep or information I want removed because of privacy. This can be implemented and moderators can check. It happens on sites way bigger than IF and it's a feature people expect. If India forums wants to expand it will need to start having features that makes it compatible with others. Also the amount of space unused member accounts hold might help make IF run faster. They can do it if they want to and people will be happy for it. 

2. Remove old threads from the "My Posts" feature, where you posted in a thread ages ago but don't want to see it on my posts again.  Again my posts are necessary when mods need to do check the members previous posts . 
So let the mods see that, not the members. Let the mods see a log of every post a member makes to check if they cause problems.  Why should that be available to any other member? It encourages stalking and it also takes up space. If I want to keep or save a particular post for later, there should be a feature like the watch list we already have. If I posted on a thread a year ago and I don't want to see it again, I don't really want to see it cropping up again all the time until a new thread is made. 

3. Change your username whenever you like so long it's available to use If the members are allowed , members will change the ID daily and it will be difficult for the mods to keep track of problematic members.

India forums has a username change log that tracks the username of a member when they change it. This feature can be used to check any username change. Expand the feature and let the mods see it only. Let the original username be kept on log and then let the software check the username changes that username has made. It can be done and it will be useful else reduce the amount of time you need to wait to change your username. Let the member choose their colour as well and change it. 

India forums needs to have a robust moderation team and procedure in place. It needs investment in it. Make the rules simple. Make the rules the same across every forum with no loopholes. Implement the rules fairly with everyone. Some mods are great, some are impartial, some only cater to certain fan groups, some just go power hungry on everyone. Pick the most suitable neutral mods, give them the right features and give them an incentive to do the best job they can and it will improve the site. I know they work hard and tirelessly to moderate. It's a tremendous amount of work but if they are having trouble and the site doesn't help then it won't make india forums a place people want to come to. This place needs an overhaul and before I leave I wanted to make sure I gave my feedback so the site can become better and the mods are less stressed and rewarded more. 

kchaims thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
@Husna (i hope I got your name right )
The chat feature sounds really good but  having an entire forum with locked threads is might not be so welcoming for new members.

About closing threads : I think the solution is having active DT .

Regarding moderating in shifts , but what if any situation comes up when the moderator isnt moderating . And this will be too complicated, I feel . 
and no problem๐Ÿค— 
If such a feature comes up members will delete their acc without a stop . And it is almost impossible for the mods to go through entire posts. 

Since its an open forum , I feel hiding posts from other member is a good option.

Yes , we do have it ,but you see when I moderate a forum , who are the regular forum trouble makers from their ID even without checking (when there are several reports , this really helps ) 

SilverBell thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 6 years ago
I Think Members Should Also Be Able To Delete Their Posts Too.
When They Make A Topic.
Instead Of Editing It.
SilverBell thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 6 years ago
Also Hiding Posts From Other Members Is A Good Idea Too
Since An Its A Open Forum.
Sevenstreaks thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
1)  an extra feature to choose d colour we like for d our name ...If not pls change Sizzlerz colour ...It actually made me to spam after that I really stopped being active in games forum ...I sticked to chat with my friends and in Regional soap discussions :P
2) there should be some recognition for members who are active for years... I read a post In a forum about completing a decade in IF...After all all those social networks hype about first anniversary...Y not for those members who are  here for years...
3)its annoying as well as sad to see those banned member posts ...deleting / minimize their posts will be appreciated atleast my side lol...
After being an open forum members aren't able to follow  d rules...Hiding posts/password protected will encourage bashing/gossiping/Backbiting...
Edited by -sevenstreaks- - 6 years ago
Nostalgia-02 thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: -Swetha-

Great suggestions by you. Husna! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

@Vijay Sir,
Pls remove the search button below a member's post... coz many ppl make use of this search button to stalk our posts / threads..

Yes Vijay, even I want the search button off, please do it asap, as I have experienced being stalked & being bashed in the better to remove the search button!!
annihilation thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 6 years ago
Some brilliant suggestions over in this thread! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ Good going guys, hopefully this shall help IF become more better. (:

Another suggestion. 

- Can we have a monthly review system for the moderation done? Like for a period of every 3 or 6 months. Members of the concerned forum can fill out a form for each of the DT member of that particular forum or a general vote system that reviews their perform with parameters such as very good, good, average or poor. (Based on how fair moderation is done, how their approach is in dealing with people and so on) They can then be promoted or demoted by including/considering the results of this members review along with the current criteria. 

For instance, there's a voting thread for BilliCat. The options are given as I said above. I'd personally vote a 'good' for her as I think she's one of the good ones we have. The more votes the moderator receives, the better chances of promotion. 
Chemcart_MJ thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 8 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 6 years ago
-would like an automated system which could ban MIDs from same IP address...