Swasan SS:Mera Pehla Pehla Pyaar Chapter 8 page 13 23/7 - Page 8


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chemgirl thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Thanks dear
chemgirl thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: ria2794

It was a really good update. Cute with the mindset of an teenager and her friends and family. Loved the way Lakshya made her understand. Ragini was like an overprotective elder sister who don't want her baby to get hurt which was most possible scenario in this case. 

thank you dear...glad you like it...I am glad you find it convincing...writing from Swara's perspective is a bit difficult 
chemgirl thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: Nynaeve

Dear Achu,

Eager as I was to read the update, I was saddened to read that you were not keeping well. Please take care and do not worry about updates, I would be around to read them as would others.


IF swallowed the rest of the reply so doing it again😊

Coming to the update, it was a nice slow paced one completely justifying the emotions it dealt with. Finally Swara gets her chance to confess her feelings to Sanskaar, though I guess she does not do it, the beginning did not indicate any embarrassment on her part just an acknowledgement of her feelings. That is what I recall will go back and read😊. Laksh did warn her that the Sunday was "touchy" for Sanskaar which is why I presume she would learn why and hence not tell about her feelings.😕 But then I would wait for you to update.

Take care.


Hi Nyna, 

The constant climatic change is not good for me I guess...there is a bout of dengue all around...mine was viral I think...then also that left me with a pile of assignments and main exams...which end on 30th. 

Glad you liked the update...Swara is not embarrassed about her feelings at all...she feels it is justified considering the person Sanskaar is...at the same time she realizes that her feelings are probably unrequitted...as for what what will happen you will know in the next update. 

Thanks for reading 
chemgirl thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago

Originally posted by: raaz19

Hi lovely...

Sorry to hear tor not keeping well...don't worry recover first and we shall wait...loving all your stories to date...take Al the time you need...

As for the update loved it as always...so she has told her family and they have allowed her to follow her heart and seek that one chance...

Looks like she will meet him but won't get to say what she feels the matter of the heart will remain with her...looks like sanskaar has a sad past as indicted by lucky...? 

Loved the care shown by ragani and the monents they have spent together...

I hope swara is ready for this storm...

Waiting for more already...on all your stories...

Update when time permits...keep happy and healthy alway...

Take care...


Hi Razia, 
Glad to hear from you. 

Your comments mean a lot to me. 

Glad you liked the update.

Will update asap. 
chemgirl thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Hi guys...next update here...pms tomorrow 

Swara tied her into a ponytail. It was a very important day for her. She had been confused what to wear. Finally she had decided on something that she was comfortable in and traditionalenough for a temple. She had borrowed one of Ragini's simple suits. She looked at her hair again and let it loose. That looked more mature. 

She  grabbed her purse and went down to the hall. The house was empty. Laksh and Ragini were out shopping. She doubted if it was to calm Ragini's nerves. Ragini had been worried all day. She locked the door using her spare key and got into a taxi. 

The temple was at quite a distance at from her home. She had never been there before. She climbed the stairs and looked around for him. He wasn't anywhere near the shrine. She wondered if Laksh had got it wrong. Maybe it was some other temple. Just as she turned around to leave she saw a someone standing in the shade of a tree some distance away from the shrine. She looked carefully and saw it was Sanskaar. 

She took a deep breath and went to meet him. He jumped as she touched his shoulder. He looked relieved as he realized it was her. 

"Swara, what are you doing here? " he asked still surprised. 

Before she could answer he smiled and said " Wrong question. I just didn't think you were a temple person. Did you come alone? " he asked 

"Yes. she replied.

"Oh. Go on. " he said gesturing towards the shrine. 

She saw that some puja was going on there. She could see people dressed like her Dadi. Some Marwari family, she thought. 

"Come let's pray. " she said.

He shook his head. 

"It's better I stay here. The place is a bit crowded for me. " he replied looking away.

She looked towards the shrine . It wasn't crowded. Just a few people doing the puja. Probably Just a family. She turned to Sanskaar to ask him why  he thought it was crowded.  But becore she could put forth the question, she noticed the look on his face. He looked like he was in pain. His face looked pale. His eyes were filled with longing as he looked towards the shrine. As he turned to her she saw his eyes looked moist. 

Then it struck her. She recollected what Ragini had told her about his family.

"Thats your family, right? " she asked him.

The next moment she regretted it lest he should get angry. But he only smiled at her sadly and nodded. Then there was absolute silence. Neither of them said a word. Finally he spoke
"Swara go on. Do your prayers and come back. I will drop you home. " he suggested. 

She agreed and went towards the shrine. She stopped just outside it. She said her prayers and went back to him in a little time. They walked out of the temple together in silence. As they got into his car, he asked 

"Do you mind if I stop at a place for just a few minutes? I always go there straight from hereh. " 

"No. That's fine. " she said. 

They drove in silence. A few minutes later he stopped the car. Swara got out of the car confused. It was an old demolished park. She wondered why he had come there of all places and whether she should go with him or wait in the car. She didn't feel this was the right time for what she meant to do but she didn't want to leave him alone. She followed him into the park and he didn't stop her. 

"Have you been here before? " he asked as they sat down on a half broken bench. 

"No. she replied. 

"Hmm. Its a long way from your place. Moreover this park would have been closed by the time you were a toddler. They renovated the other half of it. " he said pointing to some new swings a little away. 
"You used to come here all the time? " she asked a bit reluctant to talk about the past. 

"Yes. My bade papa used to bring me and my cousin here. Every weekend. It is his birthday today. Every year we conduct a puja at the temple on this day. When I was a kid the both of us would come here directly after the puja. " he said smiling. 

"Why-why didn't you go talk to them? " she asked.

"I lost them. All in my own folly in the name of love. " he answered lost in thoughts.

She didn't press any further. But he went on.

"I presume Ragini told you about why I fought with them. I was in Delhi. I met Kavita in college. I was one of the popular guys. I and Laksh. Kavita was our classmate. She was breathtakingly beautiful. We started seeing each other casually but then it for seious. I loved her and thought she felt the same. When I informed my family about us they weren't happy.  My mother felt her she was too below us. Also she wanted a Marwari bahu. The others too kind of felt the same. I talked to my bade papa. I hoped he would understand. But he went to Delhi to meet Kavita and her family without letting me know. Then Kavita called me and informed that he had talked to her and then told her to break up with him. I confronted him. He tried to explain that he had talked to Kavita and felt she was not right for me. I wouldn't listen. I put it down to that she wasn't the kind of meek homely daughter in law he was looking for. I fought with him and told him that he can't always make my decisions. My dad couldn't take it anymore and slapped me. He told me to choose. If I leave I wasn't supposed to come back. And I left. I thought that was the right thing to do. All for love. I went back to Delhi and she kept telling me to talk to my parents. Then one day she told me that her parents were fixing her marriage. I told her that I would meet her parents. She refused. She told me to reconcile with my parents if I wanted to marry her. Her parents would never get her married to me without the Maheshwari tag. I thought she was trying to get me to go home. I thought so until the day she married that guy. "

Swara saw the pain in his eyes. It hurt her.

"Why didn't you go back Home? " she asked. 

"How could I? They would never forgive me. " he replied. 

"But they are your family. " she said.

"Yes but I walked out on them. I chose someone I knew for a few years over them. How can I go back? How can I ever face them? And they haven't forgiven me. They have influence enough to know what happened but they never got in touch with me again. It's better this way I guess. But I have to say love cost me a lot. "he said standing up. He closed his eyes and when he opened it again it, he was his usual calm self, or atleast he pretended to be. 

"So You don't beleive in love anymore? " she asked doubtful if this was the right time for this .

"Of course I do. I mean look at your parents, mine, Ragini and Laksh, all the couple's out there. Yes they are in love and they are lucky. It's just that maybe love wasn't meant for me. " Sanskar said. Then with a smile he added "Come on. I think we should leave. These are not things for you to worry about. "

He started walking away. Suddenly she realized that this was her last chance. If she wanted to tell him, then it had to be now. Or she would end up waiting all over again. 

"Sanskar, wait. I want to tell you something. " she said tugging at his hand.

"I wanna tell you how I feel about you. " she managed to stammer looking down to the ground wondering how to go on.

"I thought I had you dissuaded  with my sad story. But you are adamant. "he said. 

She looked at him confused.

"I know you like me. " he said. 

She looked at him in shock. How did he know? 

"Let me guess. You like me right from the first time we met. " he asked. 

She nodded.

"Swara how do you expect me to react to this? Do I shout at you or talk to you ? I think talking would do. Please do not interrupt me. " he said.

"Swara, no matter what you say you are a child. You have seen nothing of the world. You only think u like me. He told her.

She tried to protest but he stopped her.

"Swara you are infatuated with me. You think of me as some hero. The guy who helped you. A good doctor. A loyal lover. You love all that but there is more to me as a person. You know nothing about that. You have fallen for your idea of me. I know what that's like. Moreover love should be the least of your concerns right now. Swara our lives belong to our family as well. Right now you have a responsibility towards your parents. Make them proud. Make your life. And beleive me, a few years later you will realise I am right. Please understand this. " he told her patiently.

She couldn't argue with him. She remained silent. 

"Don't worry. Everything will change soon. You will be too busy to think about all this. And I won't be around much longer. I will be leaving for London soon. I just got a letter from a hospital there. " he said while she looked on not knowing what to say.

She remained silent. Then she walked ahead.

"I will drop you home. " he offered. 

"No Sanskar. Don't worry about me. I am not going to do anything stupid but I want to be alone for some time. " she said. 

She came back home in a taxi and silently went up to her room after telling Ragini that she wanted to be alone for some time. 

She lay on her bed thinking. She hadn't expected this. She had expected Sanskaar to get angry and shout at her. Expected that he would reject her. Expected that he would let her parents know about it. But she hadn't expected that he would understand and talk to her patiently. She had expected to be heartbroken but she wasn't. She was  a little sad perhaps but not depressed. She felt relieved. He knew. And she knew he was right. Not that it was just her childishness. No ,she knew it was more than that. But she knew that right now this shouldn't be her proiority. She wanted to make her parents proud. 

And then if he belonged to her he would come back to her. Someday. That was hope enough.


Nynaeve thumbnail
Anniversary 8 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Dear Achu,

Waking up to SwaSan updates, best way to do so, I always say that.

So we finally come to know why Sanskaar is estranged from his family, but then the maturity of your characters is amazing (I cannot but help contrast the Swara here, who is very young yet worldly wise to your other Swara (Tere Mere Rishta Purana) who has now decided to get married on a rebound. (well, the circumstances were different, she did think that Sanskaar cheated her by lying about Kavita, but I still felt she is hasty but here, I like her calm acceptance). She is sure that her feelings for Sanskaar are deeper than infatuation and they would survive the test of time but agrees that it is too early for her to only focus on her love for him. I adore your Swara here.

Sanskaar is a classic example of Act in haste, repent in leisure, but then I do feel sorry for him (guess that is the fangirl me😳). He did love Kavita, chose her over his family and when he realised that she would not do the same, he was quite broken, no I think it was disbelief and disappointment, but still believes in love. And I guess, that is what gave courage to Swara, he would come back to her if he belonged to her. 

So this should be more or less the end of the flashback, and soon we would be in the present. Waiting for the updates and of Tere Mere Rishta Purana - who was the person who gave Ragini hope that she could stop her sister from foolishly ruining her life?

phoenix27 thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
loved it dear. So this is the reason there was no awkwardness between them. He had understood her feelings instead of down right rejecting it. 
kojagorimalik thumbnail
Anniversary 7 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
Awesome and the way sanskar handled swara was commendable
raaz19 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 6 years ago
Hi dear...
Thanks for the pm and beautiful update...list say your sanskaar is a gem in this story...loved the way he handled her and her love...

Equally loved swara believe in him and I hope love let's them.meet soon after all destiny can be fickle yr we decide the path we take...

Wonder if he will remember her as she leaves...I can get him after all love failed him once so he has built this wall I just hope he believes I'm faith...

Magical update as always and I hope you are well...just a cheeky request...when are you updating your other story...of course tale your time and.look after yourself too...

Waiting as always and sorry for late reply...

Take care

kritz4ever thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 6 years ago
The convo between swasan was good
Lovely update