Live In Fantasy Index updated 23/05/16 BUDDY ME FOR PM - Page 4


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SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

The man chuckled seeing his affect on her, some things never change he thought. He scanned the beauty in front of him, from her gorgeous silky hair to her creamy white curved skin. He glanced at her closed eyes and her shivering body, she looked so beautiful, like an angel. His angel. He then let his eyes linger to her lips. They were perfectly shaped and temptingly pink, they were open slightly because of her heavily breathing, the man controlled himself from attacking them with his own. He felt like kissing them madly again and again until they completely swollen. The light shone upon her face making her skin glow irresistibly, she was the most stunning creature he ever came upon. He noticed she still had her eyes closed, and went closer to her until there was an inch between them, he brought his face towards her neck and lingered his breath there. He noticed her shiver, he was losing the control within himself but he would have to wait. He would make her his tonight, but not yet. He went up and blew in her ear, he heard her moan lightly, smiling inwardly he stayed for a few seconds and then finally spoke, "My affect on you will never go away will it?" he whispered huskily in her ear.

She knew that voice. It was his. She opened her eyes only to get lost once again in to his gorgeous enticing blue pearls. His eyes spoke the words they both couldn't. She saw something in them that she always wanted to see, love. And that too, for her.

Nothing else mattered; all that mattered was him and her. Them. "Armaan" She breathed. He closed his eyes hearing his name, it sound so melodious, so sweet coming from her. He felt her hand coming up to his face, he opened his only to see her staring at him lovingly. "Shilpa," He sighed as he felt her fingertips caressing the side of his face, he rubbed his face against it slightly. He felt shivers pass through him feeling her warm palm on his skin. He held her hand and kissed it lightly. She smiled softly closing her eyes, taking in that wonderful feeling his touch gave. He saw her close her eyes once again and couldn't help it but touch this mesmerising angel. He lifted his hand slowly stroking her face. Her skin was so soft, like velvet. He noticed he had flawless features, white creamy skin, big round eyes, long eyelashes, pink flushed cheeks and most of all her rosy pink lips. He had urge an urge to cover them with his and he couldn't control any longer, he lowered his face down to her level and breathed over them. He heard her gasp, parting her lips. She opened her eyes to see his full of passion, desire. She saw him glance at her lips then back to her, she knew what he wanted, she wanted it too. She closed her eyes in acceptance, she couldn't control it any more she wanted him just as badly as he wanted her. He brought his lips towards her soft ones and rubbed mercilessly making her tremble; he smirked knowing the affect his has on her body. He then gently placed his lips on hers and sucked them. Shilpa gasped feelings his rough lips upon her soft ones. They enraged a fire within her. She responded back with equal passion, the kiss started off a small gentle but grew more passionate and violent. Armaan pulled her more towards and slammed her delicate body against the door making her moan in pain, he grabbed her hands placing them at the side of her face entwining his fingers with hers. He kissed her more ravenously, sucking the juice out of those petals ruthlessly. He licked her lower lip urging her to open up, she happily obliged and he explored her mouth with his tongue. She groaned in delight, digging her nails in his knuckles, her saliva mixed with his, he was taking over her mouth and soon her soul. She kissed him too caressing her tongue with his, she felt enchanted by the pleasure she was receiving, she never felt like this form anyone before. He held that kind of power over her. He ran his hands down her face, caressing her neck, then slightly touching her shoulders making her knees go weak, she felt as if she was flying in her own heaven. She didn't think she could hold herself any longer and grabbed his shoulders for balance. Armaan rubbed his hands over her body and groaned feeling her nails scratching his broad shoulders, he sensuously caressed her waist his hand making its way through her top, when their skins met they burned with ecstasy, things were getting wild. Shilpa dug her hands in his hair, stroking them, setting his body on fire. The kiss started to get more urgent and she was out of breath, she tried to break the kiss and Armaan sensed it, he tore his lips away from hers letting her breath, whilst lips trailed a line of kisses down her throat. Shilpa groaned when he bit her hard on her neck, "Armaan!" He kissed the spot, licked it to sooth it down, "Mine, all mine" He whispered possessively whilst imprinting more kisses on her throat. This bought Shilpa back to reality, what was she doing? Just a while back she had decided Armaan Mallik would never be a part of her life and now she was kissing him? What was wrong with her? She had just got engaged to Sid, she was his now not Armaans. When her mind registered that thought she pushed him away hard. Armaan stumbled back and looked at her with dark desire, passion, love, confusion. Shilpa could see all the emotions as if they were laid out in front of her, she shivered inwardly seeing that kind of need form his eyes. She finally composed herself and remembered what had just happened a few moments back. She was angry, at him, at herself.

"What are you doing here? How dare you come here! Get out! Now!" She yelled emphasising every phrase. Armaan just stared at her blankly, she couldn't read his expressions he was hiding them well. After a few seconds he started walking forward towards her. Shilpa grew scared and starting stumbling back wards, "Listen, you better leave now or... or I... I will call the po- police" She fumbled growing more scared seeing his face staring at her blankly but she could read one expression. Want. She gasped as her back hit the wall. She turned to move towards the door but was blocked by his arm; she looked at him before turning to the side to have that blocked as well by him. He drew his body dangerously close to hers making her knees go weak. "I...I will c-call them." She whispered. He lowered his face to hers, so close that their noses were touching. He finally spoke after a long time, "Will you?" He breathed over her face, to make her close her eyes. She opened them once again and they both got lost in each others hypnotising eyes.

Her emeralds were the reason Armaan lived for. They showed what he needed. Love. With her love he didn't need anything else, just her. His eyes were having no less effect on Shilpa, she was losing herself in those ocean blue eyes. Every time she fights it but she loses every single time. She couldn't help it, they were so mesmerising. They offered her what she always craved for from him. Love. His love for her. She only wished he would give it as well as showing it. She sighed knowing the answer to his question would not help her in any way, just make the situation harder for her.

"What do you want Armaan?" She wished defeated. He brushed his lips past hers resting his breath on them before answering "You. I want you Shilpa." He hoarsely breathed on her soft petals. She looked at him in shock. Did he just say he wanted her? How? Why? When? She felt a bubble of happiness explode inside her, he wanted her. But what about Riddhima? Didn't he love her? She grew confused. Armaan saw her looking confused at him, he smiled at her cuteness. "What?" she asked unsure she heard him right. He chuckled, "I said.." he pressed his body more on her making her eyes go wide, "I want you." "Why?" She quietly demanded, she needed to know. She couldn't look at his eyes scared of getting the answer she didn't want. His expressions grew soft and loving. He placed his hand under her chin, lifting her face to meet his gaze. "Because..." He locked his eyes with hers making sure they don't look away so they could see the honesty in his eyes, "I Love You."

Edited by SanKsgian - 9 years ago
SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Shilpa couldn't believe her ears, he just said he loves her. This has to be a dream; it was too beautiful to be true. Her eyes began forming tears when she realised what he said. He loved her. This was what she was waiting for, craving for, for such a long time. She wanted this moment to last for ever. Armaan saw a tear escapes her eye and wiped it with his thumb. "I Love You Shilpa I really do." he looked intently in her eyes to see only love for him just like his showed love for her, he saw happiness in them, relief. She smiled through her tears and slowly brought her hand up to touch his face when reality struck her. She looked at her hand and saw her ring. Her engagement ring, she was engaged to Sid not Armaan. She snatched her hand back and wiped away the tears that had spilled. She looked at him with a painful expression "Let me go Armaan." She spoke gravely yet demanding. Armaan was stunned to see her like this, a second back she was looking at him with such love and now she looked as if she was in pain "Shilpa I..." He was interrupted when she pushed him away and said in an angry voice. "I said let me go! Who do you think you are huh? Do you think you can waltz in here and tell me you love me? Well then let me tell you are mistaken Armaan Mallik coz I don't love you! I love Sid! Yes Siddhant, my fianc. The love of my life! The one who actually loves me coz you don't love me! No you love Riddhima, my best friend and your girlfriend! You just lust for me Armaan, that's how sick you are! Pretending you love me so you can get me in bed again, but you are wrong coz im not falling for it! I hate you Armaan Mallik, you disgust me! I..." "SHILPA!" she stopped her lecture hearing his furious voice. She looked at him and saw him with tears in his eyes. He was hurt badly, she had hurt him, she could see the pure agony in his eyes. He grabbed her by her shoulders harshly jerking her towards him. He stared in her eyes with fury and pain. "How could you even think that?" He whispered over her face, excruciated by her thought. Her words had hit him like a thousand bullets piercing threw his soul. He was hurt about the fact she thought he just wanted to have sex with her but what wounded him more was that she thought he didn't love her. Of course he loved her, more than anything then why didn't she believe him? He would do anything to make her believe him, anything. "Ah Armaan your hurting me!" Shilpa winced at the pain her shoulders were receiving. "And what about my pain huh? What about the pain you just gave me with your words?"He cried out, she looked at him in shock, "Armaan?" she whispered. "What Armaan huh? Why can't you just admit it that you love me? I seen it in your eyes Shilpa, I seen the love that your heart holds for me in them. I seen they way it hurt you when you saw me get back with Riddhima, how it still hurts you now seeing her with me. How you boil in anger when we laugh together, hug or kiss each other. It hurts doesn't it? I know how that feels coz that exactly how I felt seeing Sid with you, seeing him making you smile everyday, the way he put his arm around you like you were his. But you're not. You're my Shilpa! My Shilpa! I was so stupid then I didn't realise what was happening to me. I didn't know I loved you until tonight when Sid proposed to you. I loved you all that time Shilpa it just took me some time to realise it. I don't regret anything that had happened between us, the good and the bad coz it lead me to loving you more, to crave for you and your love. I Love you Shilpa." Both had tears rolling down their cheeks, Armaan kissed one away let his lips linger there for a few seconds making them both tremble. She looked in to his eyes and knew he was telling the truth, he loved her a lot more than anyone possibly could. "But I can't love you Armaan." She sniffed, "Why?" He whispered back huskily locking their eyes together. She broke the eye lock and turned away from him facing the wall. "Because your presence holds no importance in my life." She spoke sternly yet softly. She heard him scoff behind her; she couldn't see his face but knew he wasn't happy. "Oh really? Im not an important part of your life?" She could sense the hint of sarcasm in his voice. She closed her eyes, it hurt her hurting him but she had to do it. "No. You're not." She spoke in finality. Silence. She didn't hear him respond back, did he hear her? She thought. "Really?" she gasped loud feeling his hot breath on her neck from behind; he put his arm round her waist and pushed her back against his chest. He brought his lips near her ear and whispered hoarsely, "if im not important to you then why does my presence invade your mind? Why does it not let you forget about me?" "It doesn't." She managed to breath. "Yes it does Shilpa, all the time. It reminds you of us. It remind you of the first time we met, how we hated each other and used to bicker all the time..." the both smiled slightly at the memory, "It reminds you of what happened to lead us to that night, that beautiful night... remember Shilpa..Remember..." his voice trailed off as she went back to it all...

Shilpa and Sid were dating and Armaan and riddhima were dating each other too but what Armaan and Shilpa hated was that their partners was best friends with their enemies, yes Armaan and Shilpa hated each other, they always argue and fight over little things. They couldn't in the same room without bickering. Sid and Riddhima couldn't understand why they hated each other so much. Sid and Riddhima got on better than Armaan and Shilpa did, they were fairly good friends. One day Shilpa was waiting for Sid to pick her up from college as she stayed behind to catch up on some work, it was starting to get dark and he still wasn't here.

"Uff, where is this larka? Aaj mein usse maar dalungi" Shilpa muttered, waiting impatiently for 10 minutes, it was getting cold and Shilpa had forgotten to bring her jacket with her. "Arggh where are you Sid?" she wrapped her arms around her body and rubbed her arms to keep her warm.

"What you still doing here, Mal-hotra?" Shilpa turned her body towards where the voice was coming from and grimaced seeing the owner of it. Armaan was standing there against his car grinning at her shivering figure. He was going to his car after staying behind for detention, when he noticed her and couldn't help but think to annoy her.

"It's Malhotra you idiot not Mal-hotra, and what do you want Mallik?" She asked angrily, she hated it when he said her name like that. "Uh uh, I asked first. What happened, did you get lost?" He said in a little baby voice taking the mick out of her. Shilpa rolled her eyes at his child-like behaviour, and snapped back, "Not that it's any of your business but im waiting for Sid to pick me up." Armaan came towards her tutting. "Awww bechari, sorry to tell you Mal-hotra but it looks like your boyfriend has forgotten all about you. I think finally my best friend has seen sense and decided to dump you." Shilpa glared at him, "Well it looks like my best friend hasn't seen sense as she is still dating you." It was her turn to smile. "Ouch, that hurt." Armaan pretended to touch his heart with a painful expression. Shilpa just rolled her eyes and started to walk off, Armaan was only a few steps behind though, it was fun for him to see her pissed off. "Where you going Mal-hotra?" he yelled trying to catch up to her. "Somewhere far away from you!" She yelled back at him, increasing the speed of her walk. "Why my presence too much for you is it? Cant control yourself beside me?" He smirked at her flabbergasted expression.

"Puh- leez! I met ten times hotter guys than you; actually one of them is my boyfriend." She scoffed. Armaan grinned and rolled his eyes, "Yeah, girls die to date me." He said proudly popping up an imaginary collar. "Sadly im not suicidal like those girls." She laughed seeing him scowl beside her.

"Whatever" he scoffed. "Now listen Mal-hotra it's getting late now so why don't I drop you off?" Shilpa stopped in her tracks after listening to his words, she turned to him with a shocked expression. "Are, are you okay? Are you ill?" She said putting a hand on his forehead as if checking his temperature. "Ha ha very funny. But don't get too happy, im not doing this for you, im doing this coz my girlfriend aka your best friend, Riddhima and your boy friend aka my best friend Sid will kill me if they found out that I could've saved you from having this painful cold death. I mean come on woman, its dark and you're planning to walk home?! Do you have a death wish?" He asked sarcastically. She scowled listening to his words and said, "Actually I do it's to get away from a freak like you." She humphed and started to walk away. Armaan sighed and grabbed her arm. "You asked for it." Before she could reply, he slumped her body over his shoulder and started walking to his car. "Let me go you asshole! Sid is gonna kill you if he finds out you did this to me! Kutte kamine, Let me go!" She screamed whilst punching him and trying to kick him, Armaan ignored her and opened the car door and dropped her in the seat, he went to his side and sat in his seat starting the car. "Please, youre both gonna be thanking me for doing this later." Shilpa folded her arms across her chest and stuck her tongue out at him. Armaan chuckled at her childishness and started driving.

Even though they lived about half an hour away from the college as it was far away from their hometown the ride went by fast as they spent most of it arguing with each other. Shilpa had told Armaan to drop her off at Sid's house as she wanted to meet him and he had agreed as that was where he was going anyway. They reached Sid's house and Shilpa opened the door as she knew where the spare key was, they walked in and found it empty and quiet. "Where is he?" Shilpa asked confused. Armaan shrugged and said, "Maybe he's in his room." She nodded and they both headed there not knowing they were in for a surprise. Shilpa opened the door with a grin which vanished when she saw the sight before her, her eyes started to produce tears and she gasped in shock. Armaan was confused seeing her expression and thought to see what was happening. He looked inside and his eyes grew wide in shock. "WHAT THE F**K?!!!" He shouted. They saw Sid sleeping peacefully in his bed with his arm around a girl, that girl was not other than Riddhima and they were both draped in sheets, only sheets. They both woke up at the sound of his voice and looked at each other in shock seeing Armaan and Shilpa here. "Ar-armaan t-tum yahan ky-kya kar rahe ho?" Riddhima asked scared holding the sheet closer to her naked body. Armaan fist clenched at seeing the sight before him, his nostrils flared with fury. He marched up to Sid and punched him across the face. "Armaan!" Riddhima yelled trying to stop him by holding his arm. Armaan shrugged it off and punched Sid again making him fall on to the floor with blood coming out his mouth. "You f**king b*****d, you slept with MY girlfriend!" He punched him once more before turning towards Riddhima who looked at him in fear. "You!" he pointed his finger at her. "You b***h! I never want to see you again!" Riddhima started crying, "Armaan please! I'm sorry, it was a mistake!" She tried hugging him but he pushed her off him on to the bed, "Rot in hell Riddhima, both of you can!" he said turning towards Sid, "We are over! I never want to see either of you again!" He stormed out of the house leaving a crying Riddhima, a wounded Sid and a shocked Shilpa. Shilpa stood there not moving an inch, during the whole drama she had not said a word, she didn't have the power to. She was hurt. "Shilpa." Sid said getting up, she looked at him in tears and walked up to him, she stared at his face for a second and then slapped him hard. She had pure hatred in her face, "I hate you! I hate you both! You disgust me!" With that she ran out the house crying leaving both of them feeling guilty.

She was walking down the street of an empty road in the cold dark, she was thinking she was heading home but she wasn't so sure, her mind was in other places at the moment. In one second all her happiness was stolen from her, in just a mere second. Why was God so cruel to her? She was always those sensible, nice types of people. She never did anything wrong or tried to do anything wrong. She loved by most people, never tried to get on the bad side of them. She never wanted to hurt anyone or tried to do it, so then why her? Why was God punishing her by taking away the people she loved? Shilpa was thinking all when it started to rain heavily, but she didn't care. She couldn't feel the rain on her skin when she was feeling all that pain in her heart. She was so in to her thoughts that she didn't realise a bunch of men coming towards, she came in to reality when she felt one of touch her arm. She looked at them in disgust and tried to walk away when one of them grabbed her arm. She winced feeling the pain in her arm and tried to pull away but he wouldn't let go. "What's the rush sweetheart? Why don't we spend the night at my place?" One of men said making tears form in her eyes. "Get off me. I said get off me now!" She cried trying to pull away but the man held on tighter, the others started laughing at her state; tears started rolling down her cheeks thinking how this would end. Suddenly a bright light flashed in front of her, she covered her eyes as it was too bright, then they turned off and she saw a man coming towards her, she got scared thinking it might be one of their lot but she was shocked to see Armaan in front of her. "Armaan." She breathed in relief; she quickly hugged him tightly making them shocked. Armaan wrapped his arms around her gently rubbing her back feeling her shiver. "Shh its okay." He whispered to her feeling her body shake as she silently sobbed. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her body then turned his head up towards the group of men and anger raised in him knowing what must have been happening here, "Is there any problem here?" He growled to them, showing the anger visible to them. The men got scared seeing so much rage in one person so without saying anything they ran off.

Armaan looked at Shilpa who had her head buried in his chest with her eyes closed. "Are you okay?" He asked. She nodded her head in response, she was too shocked of the events happening in one day, and it was clearly shown on her face .He sighed and started walking both of them towards his car, he couldn't so many bad things could be happening to them in one day, after he left Sids house he drove himself somewhere far, unknown. He had reached a cliff and sat on the edge and cried his eyes out, he was heartbroken, the woman he loved had cheated him. After a while he started driving his way back home when he saw a girl being misbehaved by a group of men, what shocked him was that the girl was Shilpa, that made his anger rise and he went towards them. Armaan carefully placed Shilpa in his car and drove towards his house. Unlike other times, this car ride was silent; no one spoke a word they had nothing to say. Shilpa stared out the window, whilst Armaan drove focusing his full vision on the road but they were thinking the same thing. Why them?

Edited by SanKsgian - 9 years ago
SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

Shilpa was brought back to the world when she felt Armaans grip get tighter round her waist. "Remember it all Shilpa...Remember that night, that rainy night, the night we had become one...That beautiful night when we had become soul mates for life... The night when we both felt at heaven...Remember it Shilpa..." Armaan whispered. Shilpas eyes started forming tears remembering it all, her mind flashed back to that night...

Armaan reached his house and helped Shilpa out his car, he lead them both to the door and he opened it with is keys. They entered the house to see it pitch black, Armaan turned on the lights and looked towards Shilpa, she looked up at him before looking away again. There was an awkward silence between them which neither of them wanted to break, but finally Armaan decided to say something, "Err why don't you go freshen up, err youre all wet and errm must be feeling cold." He fumbled scratching the back of his head, Shilpa slightly smiled seeing how uncomfortable he was feeling. "But I don't have any other clothes." She said looking down at her wet body then back up at him. "Don't worry I will lend you some of mine, come I will show you the bathroom." Shilpa nodded and they both proceeded up the stairs, they reached a room and Armaan pointed to the other door inside it which was bathroom. Shilpa smiled slightly to him before she went inside and he went downstairs again.

Shilpa locked the bathroom door and stood in front of the mirror staring at herself. She looked a mess. Her hair was all messy and dripping, her eyes were all red and puffy because of all the crying and her face looked pale and drained. Luckily she didn't have any make up running down her face as she doesn't wear it. She sighed, she was exhausted because of today's events and she just wanted to relax and rest her mind. She turned on the shower and took off her clothes. She sighed as she stepped in to the steaming hot water, it relaxed all her muscles. She arched her head back letting all the water run down her cold body, warming it up. She didn't let her mind wander to Sid or Riddhima; she didn't want to start crying all over again. After about 10 minutes, she turned off the water and stepped out the shower wrapping herself in a towel. She then remembered she had forgotten to ask Armaan to give her his clothes, she cursed herself quietly before opening the door to go ask Armaan to give them to her. When she opened it and stepped in the room, she was shocked to see Armaan already there laying his clothes on the bed for her.

Armaan looked up when he heard the door click and was stunned by the sight in front of him. Shilpa was standing there with her eyes wide in a towel. Only a towel. He eyed her body from head to toe. Her wet shiny hair, dripping water on to her creamy shoulders. Her white face, with red flushed cheeks. Her wide green eyes, her straight nose. He turned his gaze to her lips, parted and red; they were wet because of the drops of water falling on them. He felt an urge run through him, he felt like sucking the water from her lips wildly to make them all swollen, he felt like sucking all the water from her face, from her body. His eyes travelled down her neck, so white and soft, he noticed a droplet run down her neck towards her cleavage with was slightly visible, it disappeared down that valley and he groaned inwardly thinking of digging his head down there too. His eyes went down further to her legs. Long, slender and white, he felt like parting them and wrapping them round his waist whilst making love to her. He came back to the world when he realised what he was thinking. He felt shocked at his own thoughts, he never felt like that with anyone. He looked up and saw Shilpa looking at him nervously playing with her hands.

Shilpa saw him eyeing her body and felt herself shiver at his gaze, she felt nervous, no man had ever seen her like that before. She saw him look at her and gulped seeing the lust in his eyes. Armaan finally got control of himself and looked away, "Err erm heres th-the clothes." He fumbled trying to look anywhere but at her. She smiled, "Thanks." He looked up at her again to see her smiling warmly at him, he smiled back before leaving the room closing the door. Shilpa sighed in relief, she couldn't think she could take his gaze anymore. She went up the bed and quickly changed in to the clothes she was given. It was a long white shirt and a pair of shorts, the sleeves were quite long so she had rolled them up. She looked in the mirror and chuckled, his clothes were massive on her, his shorts were baggy and landed just on top of her knees, and his shirt covered her till her thighs. She laid out her other clothes to dry and then she went downstairs to find Armaan.

She heard some noise in the kitchen and went towards the sound, there she saw Armaan stirring some coffee, she noticed her he had changed his clothes too. Armaan saw Shilpa and couldn't help but eye her body once again, it was becoming a very bad habit of his, she was looking hot in his clothes he thought. And she looked hotter with her hair dripping, he smiled at his thoughts unknowingly only to get a confused look from Shilpa. "Er coffee?" He asked handing her a coffee. Shilpa smiled taking the coffee from him, they both sat on the counter in silence sipping the warm coffee. Armaan glanced at her and noticed she was quiet with no emotions showing on her face. He wanted to know if she was okay or not, so he placed his hand over hers that was on the counter and asked softly, "Are you okay, Shilpa?" He looked at her face to see her reaction only to see her look back him and smile slightly, she knew what he was talking about. "Not really but I will be." She answered honestly making Armaan smile back, "Are you okay?" She asked. Armaan sighed and said, " What do you think?" Shilpa pressed his hand, "I'm sorry Armaan" she said softly, "Yeah im sorry too." He sighed and continued, "But we will get through it." Shilpa nodded her head and she started sipping her coffee again bringing them back to the awkward silence. Suddenly Armaan asked randomly, "Arent you going to cry?" She looked back up at him and laughed slightly, "No I think we both know I cried enough for today and they don't deserve any more tears from me." Armaan squeezed her hand in reassurance, "What bout you?" she asked softly, but seeing his eyebrows raised at her question, she scoffed knowing the answer. "All you boys are the same, you never cry just get angry leaving the crying for us girls to do whilst you guys just take your anger out on us which makes us cry in the first place!" They both looked at each other, and then laughed at her outburst. "Well I have to kinda agree with you on that one, but like you said they don't deserve our tears." he said smiling at her. She thought to change the subject so said, "Hmm, you know I just realised this is the first conversation we ever had without killing each other, congratulations." raising her cup at him, Armaan chuckled listening to her words, "Hmm shocking it is. So friends?" He asked raising his cup. "And why would you think we would become friends?" She asked teasingly. "Well like you said we haven't killed each other yet plus since we are on first name basis I would call that friendship maybe." He replied asking for her hand in friendship. "We will see." She replied smiling widely. "We will see." He repeated, they clinked their cups together and then drank the last of their coffees. They put their cups aside and sat in silence when Shilpa realised that her hand was still stuck underneath his, "Err Armaan," She said. "Yeah?" He asked looking at her. "Err you can take your hand off now." She said hesitantly. He quickly realised it and took his hand off hers. "Sorry." "It's okay." She replied smiling warmly at him. He looked at her and couldn't help but observe her features; she was so beautiful he thought. He didn't know what made him say it but he couldn't help himself, "You're look really beautiful when you smile." He blurted out still staring at her to see her reaction, her eyes went wide hearing his words, he expected her to shout at him but was shocked to see her looking down blushing. He smiled seeing her response and couldn't stop himself and lifted his hand to stroke her red cheek. "Really beautiful." He whispered drawing closer to her stroking her cheek which went redder, she shivered feeling his touch and turned her body towards him to see him staring at her intently, "Armaan." She whispered staring in to his blue eyes, getting lost in them. He drew even closer until their lips were inches apart, he looked in to her eyes and saw innocence in them , also fear and vulnerability, he breathed on her lips making her lips open apart and saw her breathing heavily, her chest was going up and down, he looked there and closed his eyes trying to control himself. He pressed his lips slightly on to hers making her breath his name and he lost it when he felt her breath on his lips. He slammed his lips on to hers and started kissing them wildly. Shilpa moaned at the sudden attack but eventually got in to the moment. They kissed each other wildly not caring about a single thing in the world. He drew even closer leaving no space between them; he moved one his hands to her to her waist and let the other one move down to her legs. Shilpa felt his cold hands on her bare skin and groaned inwardly. She didn't know what was happening but she didn't want it to stop, her mind was going all blurry but she didn't care. Both were not in their senses but both didn't care, they just wanted to let what was happening happen. Armaan lifted her up in his arms, not breaking the kiss and led them to his bedroom. He kicked the door shut and made love to her wildly all night long. They both wanted to forget everything that happened that day and live in the moment'they did exactly that, that night, but what they didn't know was what was coming in store for them the next morning.

SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

"Im so sorry Shilpa." Shilpa was once again brought back from the past to see Armaan in front of her wiping her tears, she didn't realise that she was silently crying. Armaan looked at her with a few tears and a whole lot of love. "Im so sorry for hurting you Shilpa, I was so stupid not to realise it was love for us not lust. Im so sorry for saying what I said to you the next morning, for everything that happened after that." Shilpa looked in his eyes and knew he regretted everything that happened after that night'

The sun was shining early the next morning, Shilpa woke up because of sun rays falling on her face, she blinked her eyes to get to fully wake up and stretched her arms. She moaned in pain as her body felt sore and tried to get up but couldn't because of some huge weight on her. She looked to her side and saw Armaan sleeping there with his arm holding her waist and a smile on his face. She was flabbergasted to see him there. She looked at her body and then Armaans and realised they were both n***d. She gasped as the night before dawned upon her and held the sheet tightly crying silently. Armaan woke up because of some movements and was shocked to see Shilpa there fully n***d crying. He blinked to see if it was all real and then realised what had happened between them. He sat up and ran his hands through his hair, he looked towards her and saw her still crying, he was about to place his hand on her bare shoulder but decided against it."Shilpa." he whispered, she looked up at him with bloodshot eyes and was about to speak when he interrupted her, "Wait. Let me speak first, Shilpa im really sorry about what happened last night. It was all one big mistake, I was angry and upset and I wasn't thinking straight. Im really sorry Shilpa for doing that with you. Can we please forget this and move on? And still be friends?" he said hopefully. Shilpa looked at him blankly, she didn't say a word, she felt hurt somehow, she knew this was all a mistake, but for some reason she didn't want to hear it was a mistake, especially not from Armaan. She thought they had something between them for a moment but now that moment was gone. What was she thinking? They never had any feelings for each other before, so why now? Just because they slept together doesn't mean they love each other right? But she realised after last night that she did have feelings for Armaan but he didn't have any for her so why should he sacrifice his happiness for hers. She took a deep breath and decided to listen to him and forget about everything that had happened between them, heck she will probably lose those feelings she had for him too, maybe it was just because of what happened between them that she thought she felt something between them. She smiled meekly at him, "You're right let's forget about everything that happened and just be friends." It pained so much to say that to him but she knew that pain would go away eventually or she hoped. Armaan smiled widely and nodded his head, but somewhere inside he felt like he had just lost a part him. They both did.

Weeks went by and Armaan and Shilpa had become really good friends, at first it had really been awkward but they soon past that phase. Sid and Riddhima had both apologized to them and requested them to take them back. Armaan had gotten back with Riddhima but couldn't forgive Sid and Shilpa had forgiven Sid but did not want anything to do with Riddhima. Armaan and Shilpa never told them about what had happened between them that night. With the couples back together, Armaan and Shilpa gradually grew apart again but that didn't mean they forgot each other. Whenever Shilpa saw Armaan and Riddhima together she couldn't help but feel a part of her break inside, she knew her feelings for Armaan were not going but she didn't give up. One day she caught them kissing and ran in to the toilets crying, she then realised that she loved Armaan not Sid. Even Armaan felt something when he saw Sid and Shilpa together happily, he felt anger and jealousy burn through him but sadly he didn't realise why. Shilpa couldn't tell him the truth because she knew Armaan didn't love her back, she chose not to tell him hoped that maybe she could move on with Sid which she knew was impossible. A couple of days after her realisation of the love she held for Armaan, she overheard Sid talking to a friend about proposing to her. She ran home and cried all night long knowing there was no going back now, her life was going to change forever, she was going to marry someone who she didn't love. She finally grasped the fact that Armaan didn't love her, she was certain about it now. She would marry Sid, who loved her a lot, and she knew she wouldn't be able to love him as much but hoped she would be able to love him enough.

"Im really sorry Shilpa." He said in tears. It hurt her seeing him in pain but it was too late, she was engaged now to Sid. "Its too late Armaan, we cant be together plus I don't love you so there's no point." She said walking past him looking at the wall in tears. Armaan walked up to her once again and breathed on the back of her neck. "Really?" He breathed hoarsely making the hair on the back of her neck stand up. She started breathing heavily feeling him so close. "Armaan please." She pleaded him helplessly. He turned her towards him so that her back was touching the wall. He buried his head in her hair, breathing in her sweet fragrance. "Say it once Shilpa please." He whispered pleadingly, he had to hear her say it at least once, he knew she loved him but he wanted her to admit it too. "Armaan." She gasped as she felt his lips lightly on her neck. "You love me. Say it." He whispered possessively yet lovingly. "No..I..I don't." She fumbled, it was getting hard for to breath with him so close to her. He chuckled at her stubbornness, she would never change would she? "If you don't love me then why do you shiver at my touch?" He lightly placed his lips on her neck making her tremble, he smirked, "Why does it get so hard to breath when Im so close to you." He whispered, he knew he was winning and she was losing this battle. "Armaan please." She pleaded him with her eyes closed, she knew she couldn't hold herself for much longer, her knees started to buckle. He looked at her face and cupped it with his hands, she opened her eyes to his magical eyes staring at her, "You love me Shilpa, say it please, just once say it." Tears started flowing out of her eyes, "Armaan I'I" She found it hard to breath so how could she say those three magical words. "I love you Shilpa, please say it once." He said moving his face closer to her so that their noses were touching, he closed his eyes wishing they could stay like this forever. Shilpa couldn't stop herself anymore, she finally lost, she touched his face lightly making his eyes flutter open. She smiled seeing all the love his eyes placed for her, she looked at him with tears in her eyes and finally said, "I love you Armaan." Armaan smiled widely at the confession, both stayed in that position savouring the moment, crying silently at their confession which they waited for so long. "I love you too Shilpa, I love you a lot." He whispered, he wiped her tears off her face whilst she did the same for him, they both smiled at each other, and then Armaan leaned down for a kiss, Shilpa closed her eyes accepting the moment, she never wanted it to stop.

Armaan placed his lips on hers and they both gasped at the touch, they felt currents run threw them all over again, it felt like their first time. They kissed each other madly exploring every inch of their mouths. Shilpa placed her arms round his neck bringing him closer whilst Armaan's arms went to her waist inside her top, caressing it softly. They broke the kiss in the need of breath and Armaan lifted her in his arms taking her towards the bed. They stared in to each others eyes full of love, he placed her on the bed and buried his face in her neck. They spent the whole night making love, to make up for all the time they lost, all the time the spent in pain.

Hours later they laid in the bed exhausted, cuddled in each others arms. Shilpa placed her head on his chest smiling, she finally got her love and she couldn't be any more happier. Armaan's wrapped his arms round her bringing her more closer, he never thought he could ever love someone like Shilpa but he had and he didn't regret it one bit. She looked up to see him staring at her frowning. "What wrong?" she asked worried, did he regret everything that happened between them? "I'm sorry Shilpa, for everything, for putting you through all that. I'm such a idiot, I regret doing all that to you, I'm really so.." He was interrupted by Shilpa who placed her finger on his lips to stop him from continuing. She smiled up at him, "Shush okay. You don't need to be sorry coz I don't regret anything that happened between us. Not even what happened after that night because that helped us both realise that we love each other and we cant live without each other, so I'm glad you said all that to me because then we wouldn't be here would we?" Armaan smiled at her explanation, she was right, if they hasn't gone through all that they wouldn't be here. "I love you a lot, you do know that don't you?" He said smiling. Shilpa then thought of something and got a naughty smile on her face, "really?" She asked mischievously, he nodded in reply. "I don't believe you, prove it!" She said trying hard not to laugh, Armaan realised what she was doing and decided to give her what she wanted. "I think I will." He replied growing more closer to her, he pulled the blanket over them and they made love again for the third time.

"""""""""""""""""""""""''''''''''''""" 6 months later''''''''''''"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Armaan and Shilpa never felt happier, they were together and nothing could come between them now. The next day they confronted Sid and Riddhima and told them the whole truth but were shocked to find out that that Sid and Riddhima were together too. Actually what happened was when Armaan and Shilpa had left, Sid was going towards his car when he found Riddhima looking worried. He went up to her and asked what was wrong, but Riddhima ignored him and Sid had gotten frustrated and asked her what her problem was. Riddhima had blasted at him asking him why he cared when he was engaged to Shilpa, Sid got angry and confessed he just did it because he thought they were over and Shilpa loved him but he really loved Riddhima. Riddhima was shocked but relieved that he loved her too, she confessed as well and decided to tell Armaan and Shilpa tomorrow. Both couples were really happy, and forgave each other for their mistakes. Armaan and Sid became best friends again and so did Shilpa and Riddhima. Everyone was happy once again.

Shilpa was sitting on a bench studying for a test but she couldn't help but think about her and Armaan. After that night, they had been closer than ever, there was no more insecurities between them. They had moved in to Armaan's house, he would treat her like a princess, he would bring a different flower every morning with breakfast; make her laugh when she was upset. Whenever they would argue over little things, he would apologize with his cute little pout and she would forgive him and they would end up making love all night. Shilpa blushed remembering those beautiful moments, they would never get enough of each other, even when they weren't together they would still talk to each other on the phone. A second away from each other felt like a year for them. They were deeply in love and nothing could change that. Shilpa broke out of her reverie when she saw Armaan on one of his knees in front of her with a huge grin his face. Shilpa gave him a confused look and raised her eyebrows asking what. Armaan put his hand in his pocket and brought out a box. He looked up at her to see her confused and chuckled; he opened the box to reveal a ring. Shilpa was shocked; this could not be happening she thought. Armaan held her left hand and brought the ring forward, Shilpa was too shocked to say anything she just let Armaan do what he wanted. He cleared his throat and started, "Shilpa when I first met you I have to admit I hated you but I knew there was a spark between us, there always has been. I loved and treasured every moment I spent with you, good and bad because they have gotten us to where we are now. You have changed me Shilpa, in a good way of course, and I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I promise to never hurt you and give you a lifetime of happiness. So Miss Shilpa Malhotra, will you do the honours of becoming Mrs Armaan Shilpa Mallik." He looked at her hopefully to see tears in her eyes, he wiped a tear that slipped and caressed her face. "You know your supposed to say yes, plus my knees are kinda hurting here." he joked, Shilpa laughed between her tears and hugged him tight. He hugged her back happily, "I should take that as a yes then?" he whispered in her ear. She withdrew back sniffing and hiccupping because of the crying, he tucked a hair back behind her ear, and cupped her face. She looked at him with love in her eyes and smiled saying, "Yes, yes I will. I love you Armaan." He placed the ring on her finger and kissed each finger before kissing her. They were so in to the moment they didn't realise that the whole college was there applauding them. They stood up and Shilpa blushed hiding her face in his chest. Armaan chuckled and hugged her back. They looked in each others eyes and knew that this is where they belonged. Together. They both finally got all the answers to their questions. Armaan had changed Shilpa life for the better; he had made it more glorious. And Shilpa had changed Armaan forever for the better; she had made him the most happiest man ever. But one thing they both knew was they didn't love each other for the better. No, they loved each other because they were meant to be together. Life and fate had brought them together. For the better.

SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
..Ramya.. push her coz tanveer come back confess but zoya has lukemia

{AsYa OS: ~|| I Will Love You till my Last Breath ||~


Asad gazed at her face. He couldn't help but notice how ethereal she looked under the rays of the full moon. Despite the tears trickling down her face, she looked like an angel. His angel. He stared at her petite form for a little longer, before taking a step forward. Just as soon as he stepped forward, he stepped back into his original position. What if she rejects you, Asad? What will you do then?, asked his mind. He shook his head, in an attempt to dismiss those thoughts. The very thought made him shudder. She won't reject me, he convinced himself. He slowly took a step forward and sent a silent prayer to Allah to help him. He took his time, in reaching her, for after all, who knows what destiny had in store for both of them? He stopped walking when he was just a metre, or so away from her. She was sitting on the bench with her back faced to him. He didn't know if she'd acknowledged his presence yet, or not. She was just staring at the moon, with salty tears sliding down her cheeks. He didn't think she'd want to face anyone, at that moment, let alone him, but he couldn't hold back for any longer. Not after seeing her after one whole year. His eyes brimmed with tears. Tears of anger and sorrow. If it hadn't been for his irrational thinking, he would have been married to the love of his life, they might have even had a child by that time. He slowly drew the courage to speak to her, he whispered, just about loud enough for her to hear, "Zoya..."
One year ago:
"You bloody murderer!" Zoya stared at him. To say that she was shocked would be an understatement. He had literally killed her. The tears slowly slid down her face. He'd just called her a...murderer. "What did Tanveer ever do to you?! Why the hell did you wanna kill her?! You would have been dead by now, if something had actually happened to her!", he bellowed at her. Her voice cracked as she spoke, "Mr. Khan, I promise you, I didn't do anything like that. Why would I do-" "Why are you even trying to prove yourself? I saw everything with my own eyes. Even a blatant fool won't fall for you explanation!", he screamed at her. "I didn't do anything!", she whispered. Asad glared at her and gritted his teeth. He strode towards her and pinned her against the wall, "Are you trying to say that, that knife you were holding came into your hand out of nowhere? Or are you trying to say that you don't know how Tanveer was assaulted even though you were standing right in front of her, with that knife?", he asked her, sarcasm coating his bitter tone. Zoya whispered again, "I swear on my ammi, I didn't do anything!" Asad let go of her and smirked at her, "Your ammi? You mean Gaffur's second wife?" Zoya's lips quivered, as her eyes filled with fresh tears, again. She stared at him, unable to believe that he had just said that. Tanveer smirked at her, slyly in between the facade she was putting up. Check mate, Zoya. She said in her mind. She hung her head in shame, as she heard the gasps and whispers of people. Asad continued, "I guess, bad blood will always remain bad blood." Zoya's head shot up, she stared at him in shock. Among all the hushed whispers of the guests, she heard someone say, "Besharam ladki. Thank God Asad found out about her true nature." She clasped her mouth and turned around to flee to her room, but she felt a strong grip around her wrist. She turned around and found Asad string at her hatefully with blood shot eyes, "You have an hour." 
"You?", she bit out, anger surfacing her eyes. Asad could clearly notice the obvious bitterness grasping her voice. "What are you doing here? Need to insult me more, do you?", she asked him coldly. Asad bit his lip and tried desperately to stop those damned tears from spilling. It pierced his heart to see the very girl who brought light into his dark life, living a life like his. He was not pained by her harsh words, he was more pained to see that she'd become like how he used to be. An unsmiling, cheerless human being. The only difference was, Zoya was not an arrogant or a judgemental person, like he was. He shook his head slightly, in disagreement what she'd just asked him. Zoya continued staring at him unfazedly. Asad had expected her to scream at him straight away, telling him to go away, but she did nothing of the sort. A whole year of separation, yet she showed no signs of surprise, or shock. He would have rather preferred if she'd screamed at him. He didn't know what to say to her, he knew that apologising was no good, but he did it anyways, "I'm sorry for everything I said and did to you on that day." Zoya's eys brimmed with tears of anger, she whispered, "Sorry's not good enough." Asad hung his head and replied, "I know it isn't, but still I needed to tell you. I needed to let you know that whatever happened on the day of our Jashn-e-Bahaar was an accident." Zoya chuckled, sarcastically, "An accident? That's nice to hear!" Asad squeezed his eyes shut, trying to ignore the fact that she hated him and just try and convince her, he said, "Please, just listen to me for a minute, I-" "Did you listen to me, when I begged you for one single chance to explain myself?", she asked him. Asad stared at her, tears starting to slide down his own face. Even though the answer was a blatantly obvious 'no', he couldn't bring himself to answer her. Zoya continued, her voice wavering due the fact that she was trying to control herself from breaking down, "You insulted me in front of a hundred people and you also manged to insult my dead mother, for no fault of mine. Was that fair?" Asad let out a soft sob and continued staring at the concrete ground. Zoya bit her lip and squeezed her eyes shut, trying to stop the tears from flowing. She looked at the ground and slowly said, choking on her tears, "You trusted Tanveer, more than you trusted me and I guess you still do." "No!", Asad snapped. "I hate her! I frickin' hate her!", he yelled. Zoya stared at him, blankly. Asad clenched his fists tight, as he remembered the very same woman who had managed to separate him from Zoya. He reluctantly started to explain, about how she'd tricked them.
A week after Zoya had left the Khan Villa:
Asad stared at the screen, completely shocked. He replayed the video recording again, just to make sure he'd seen it right. He clenched his fists in anger, as he watched his so called 'best friend', approach Zoya steadily with a knife. His muscles tightened as he watched her smirking at her, the knife readily adjusted in her hand to throw at Zoya. Zoya was standing in front of the fuse box, oblivious to danger creepin up behind her. Just as Tanveer was about to fling the knife at Zoya, the lights came on, she quickly hid behind the curtains and gritted her teeth, her jaws automatically clenching. "That bloody b****", she muttered under her breath. She stared at the knife in her hand and slowly brought it up to he other hand and dabbed the knife into it. Asad gritted his teeth as he realized what Tanveer had done. She continued cutting herself and when she looked assaulted enough, she quickly stepped from behind the curtains and thrusted the knife into Zoya's hand. Zoya stared at her, bewildered for a second. Shock replaced her bewilderment as she saw blood trickling down Tanveer's face, she looked down at the knife that Tanveer had thrusted into her hand, she asked her, "What's all this, Tanveer? How did this..." She stopped as she realized that Tanveer was smirking at her, she scrunched her eyebrows in confusion as she watched Tanveer feign an expression of pity at her. Before she could realize what was going on, Tanveer shrieked, "Ahhh!!! Jammy! Bachao!" 
"I kicked her out, after that. She was a treacherous old witch. I'm ashamed that I ever trusted her." Zoya stared at Asad, with no expression playing up on her face. She'd not taken any sort of liking to Tanveer, from since the day she'd stepped into the Khan Villa, most likely out of jealousy, but still it had took her more than tolerance to put up with her overly sugar coated tone. But none of that mattered to her anymore, she didn't share any sort of relationship with then, neither did she want to. "You trusted her so much, that you insulted me in front of so many people." Asad bit his lower lip hard and took a step forward, he reached out to grab her hand, but Zoya quickly jerked away. "Just go away.", he heard her say. Asad looked into her stony eyes and said, "I shoul'vd told you this a long while ago, but I didn't. I don't know about you, but I know one thing for sure. I love you. I always have and I will do so till my very last breath." Zoya stared at him, shocked by his sudden confession. She sobbed quietly and said, "Please, just leave me alone. Go away." Asad stepped forward and grabbed her by her shoulders, she didn't retaliate. He wiped her tears away with hsi thumbs, he whispered softly, "Just give me this one last chance. Please. I'll never hurt you again." Zoya stared at him for a while, whilst a myriad of emotions played on her face. Asad gazed at her hopefully, definite that she'll agree. Zoya looked away after a couple of minutes and replied blankly, "No." "Please.", Asad begged. "No, go away, just leave me alone. We're just not meant to be.", Asad squeezed her hands and pleaded once again, "No, don't say that! Please, just give me one chance to correct myself. I will never in my life hurt you, again. Trust me, just this once." Zoya gritted her teeth and retorted, "Trust, huh? When has 'trust' ever lasted between us?" Asad face crumpled up, he was at the verge of a break down, he heard her yell at him, "I hate you! Leave me alone! Go away and never, ever come back!"
Asad grabbed her by her shoulders and shook her. "Why?!", he yelled back into her face. Zoya gritted her teeth and tried to shrug his arms off her shoulders, but he gripped on to her firmly. She screamed at him, "Because, we were not meant for each other!" Tears were flowing down both their face, stead fast. Asad loosened his grip on her shoulders and asked, choking on his sobs over and over again, "But why? Why can't you just give me one chance? How do you know that we are not meant for each other?" Zoya stared at him, her whole body gripped with fear. She turned her head away and stared at the ground. Asad tightened his grip, again and shook her, "I asked you something!!! ANSWER ME!!!" She retorted back, "Because, I'm gonna die in like a month!!! Happy?!"

SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Asad stared at her, shocked beyond his wits, a lump had formed in his throat, he asked quietly, "What? Zoya, this is no joke for me. Please, don't say anything like this again." "Its the truth.", she replied bitterly. Asad's face scrunched up in confusion and a gut feeling of terror. Zoya looked away and said, "I have Alzheimer's disease." Zoya turned her head back around and saw Asad go stiff, she turned back away, unable to face him. "Liar.", he mumbled, as if in a trance. Zoya stifled a sob and said, "I'm not lying." "Yes, you are!", he yelled at her. Zoya looked at him and said, "Now, don't you understand why we were not meant to be?" Asad screamed, "No! No! NO!!! You're lying! It can be cured, right? I'm not letting you go anywhere!!!" " Alzheimer's disease can't be cured." Asad stared at her, petrified beyond a point he could imagine. Zoya bit lip and squeezed her eyes shut a her crumbled up, "I'm sorry, Asad. I'm so sorry!" Asad whispered in between his sobs, "You're not dying, I will not let you die. I will not let you die! Do you hear me?! You're not dying!" Asad ranted the same lines over and over again, like a chant. Zoya brought her hands up to his face and caressed his face. She gently wiped away the tears from his cheeks. She looked at him directly in his eyes and said, "I love you." Asad pulled her into his chest and sobbed, he begged, "Please, don't leave me! I can't live without you! Please, I love you! You know that, right?! Then why do you wanna leave me?! You were just joking, right?! Say, yes! Please, just say, yes!" Zoya pulled away and cupped his face, Asad continued crying. She whispered into his face, "Asad, listen to me. You have a whole life ahead of you, you can find someone way better than me, for yourself. I'll always be watching you from above. I know we can't be together, in this life, but I promise. In every single other birth of ours, we will be together, no one will ever separate us. Just remember this, I love you, I always have and always will."

5 years later:
He laid the flowers down on her grave stone and prayed for a little while. He opened his eyes again and smiled slightly. He traced his fingers over the letters engraved on the grave stone. "Zoya Farroqui. 1989-2013. A loving sister, a dutiful daughter and a caring fiancee.", it read. Asad still waited patiently for the day, God would claim him, the day he could be reunited with Zoya. She often came in his dreams, she would say, "I will wait for the day, when you'll come to me. Don't ever forget that I love you." A lone tear slid down his cheek, as her beautiful face flashed in his mind. He took out his wallet from his pocket and opened it to look at the photo of Zoya he'd kept with him ever since Tanveer's truth had come out. He smiled at the serene angel in the photo and said, "I will love you till my last breath."
The End

SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
..-starstruck--A Not So Typical Friday Night ;)
last day in office future mrs aak


It was a typical Friday night. Nothing great about it except for the fact that the next day would be Saturday and that this was my last night in Dilshad constructions as the personal assistant to Mr. Asad Ahmed Khan. Every Friday night we would sit on the comfortable sofa in his office and organize his schedules, his appointments, his meetings, sorting through the invitations and meeting requests. Since I was leaving this company the next day he insisted I made his schedule the last time before the new assistant comes making a mess of his otherwise perfect schedule. I'm going to boast here a bit, I am and will be the best assistant he could ever get.

As per our routine I entered his office with my diary and BlackBerry in hand. I smoothed my black pencil skirt and took a deep breath. He was already sitting on the couch, waiting for me. I groaned, did he have to look so deliciously handsome all the time? His hair was tousled, his jacket on his chair, his shirt sleeves rolled up, the tie was missing and his top two buttons undone. He gave me his cocky crooked smile and I felt I could melt there. I gave him an awkward smile and went to sit beside him.



I was waiting for her to enter my office. I removed my tie and threw it somewhere then I unbuttoned my top buttons with an evil smirk. Today was my assistant Zoya Farooqui's last day in this office so why not make the most of it. I saw her enter with that flushed look on her face and damn she looked hot in that short black skirt and white satin shirt. Her hair was tied in a bun with a few loose tendrils caressing her cheeks.

She smiled at me and took the place beside me, while sitting, her already short skirt ridded up revealing her smooth, milky thighs. One look at her exposed thighs and hello Johnson. I closed my eyes to get myself in control. She spread her diary on the table and began browsing through the reminders on her BlackBerry. I leaned towards her and picked up the file from the table, while taking the file I brushed my fingertips lightly on her thighs, she gasped at the closed proximity and I grinned.



I felt his fingers on my thighs and I gasped. Maybe that was a mistake but when I saw that grin I knew his actions were not pure. I shifted away from him, as far as the couch could allow. That did not deter him, he shifted closer to me.

"Um Mr Khan shall we go over your schedule?" I asked.

"That's what we are here for Ms Farooqui. Or did you have something else in mind? I'm open for any alternatives!" he whispered the last line seductively. I gulped and pushed the stray strand of hair off my face and focused on the memos in front of me. I picked up one paper and began going over his schedule for the week. Boy, was he busy? He had a number of meetings and conferences lined up and this week would be more hectic since he is taking a three weeks holiday later.

"Um sir your new PA will be here tomorrow and I will also be there to explain her, her duties and also the type of coffee you prefer..." I began talking about the new PA who was going to come tomorrow but Asad didn't seem to hear me, he was too busy staring at me, or rather my lips. I blushed and looked down at my diary.

"Ms Farooqui can you get the number of Symbiosis corporations? I think I should personally call them to cancel the meeting with them."

I nodded and walked out of the office towards my desk and searched for the number. I was confused, he never "personally called" anyone just to tell them that he can't make it to the meeting. Something was up in his mind. I wrote the number on a piece of paper and entered back in the office. Once I took my seat beside him he said,

"Ah I don't need the number I think I'll just ask my new PA to tell them."

Aha! I knew it! I narrowed my eyes and then continued with arranging his schedule.  We spent the next hour browsing through his appointments. I could feel his eyes more on me rather than on the memos on the table. He would make up any excuse to touch me. After an hour we were done and I stood up to leave.

"Good night sir." I smiled at him although he didn't reply in fact he just kept staring at me with those intense gray eyes. I felt like I could drown in those beautiful orbs. His gaze had a hypnotic effect on me, I would always find myself staring back at him. I somehow managed to look away and I made my way towards the door however when I tried turning the knob, it wouldn't turn. I frowned and applied more pressure but it refused to budge. So this was why he sent me out to get the number so that he could lock the door. How did he come up with such innovative ideas?

I looked down at my hand where my engagement ring rested on my ring finger and I smiled. Tonight was my last night as Asad's PA, after a week I'll be Asad's wife. I had taken up the job as his personal assistant to get my visa extended. No one could say that we might one day fall for each other and would get married but here we are, engaged and hopelessly in love.

Today being my last day, Asad wanted it to be special and so in the morning he had given me a note which simply said,

1 - Pretend we are not engaged and we share the relationship that of an employer and employee.

2 - Resist him for as long as I could manage.

The note had me blushing scarlet and I thought I would give Najma a run for her money. Asad can be pretty kinky at times and I would blush seven shades of red whenever he asked me to do anything scandalous in that sweet voice of his.

I turned to face him and as expected he had that evil smirk on his face. Time to get the game on.

"Sir, the door seems to be stuck can you open it for me? Please?" I said in a voice dripping with saccharin and fluttered my eyelids at him.

He chuckled then replied,

"Uh, no!"

"But I have to go home."

"I'm sure if one day you reach home late then it won't be much a of a problem, now would it?" he raised his eyebrows.

"Actually it will be a problem so can I get the keys?"

"Come and get it!" he said huskily. When I didn't budge he himself made his way towards me and snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"Mr Khan leave me." I wriggled.

"Why would I hold you if had to leave you." He winked. Gah! He can't expect me to resist him if he continues with this.

"It is inappropriate. Gross moral turpitude." I widened my eyes. He laughed at my explanation.

"Leave me." I tried to wriggle out of his grasp.

"After I took so much trouble to lock you here? Haha I don't think so young lady." He dipped his head and placed feather light kisses on my jaw and the corner of my lips. I inhaled his scent, he smell was a blend of citrus, musk and one hundred percent testosterone.

I pulled his hair so as to get his head off my neck but that only turned him on more. With a growl he pushed me on the couch and I tried to not giggle at his cat-like behavior. He came on top of me and whispered in my ear.

"Resist!" he licked my ear lobe and I moaned. How can I resist him.

"Mr Khan this is wrong." My voice came out breathy.

"Mm!" was all he said while he continued kissing my neck.

"Mr Khan I'll scream." I tried pushing him but he wrapped his hand on my wrist and placed both my hand over my head.

"Oh yes you will. I will make sure you are screaming my name when I'm buried deep inside you." He said boldly. I stared at him. He gave another one of his lop-sided grin and he kissed me. The kiss was passionate and sure to make my lips swollen. I wanted to kiss him back but I had to resist. He pushed his tongue inside me. I bit his tongue but that didn't stop him either, instead he tightened his grip on me and rubbed his erection on my belly.

I tried pushing him with my legs but he put his weight on me to stop me from moving.

"You can't get away from this Zoe!"

His hands made their way under my skirt, when he touched my core I knew I could no longer resist.

"You really think you don't want this?" he challenged.

I only groaned in response. He pushed my panties aside and plunged his index finger inside me. I bucked my hips and moaned.

"You are so hot and wet for me baby." He grinned. I decided to resist him some more. I closed my legs and pulled my hand from his grasp.

"Really? You didn't mind it earlier."

"f**k off." I spat at him and pulled my skirt down to cover myself. With yet another growl he attacked my lips.

"Getting feisty now are we?" he unbuttoned my shirt and the satin slipped out of me. He pinched my breasts and my nipples instantly hardened. He continued teasing my nipples while kissing and sucking the area behind my ears. He trailed kisses on the hollow of my neck to the valley between my breasts. He placed a soft kiss on my lips and then leaned down to take one of my breasts in his mouth. I arched my back with pleasure. He pulled up and divested me of my skirt. His pants and shirt followed next.

"You're so beautiful my Zoya." He whispered. I blushed.

His erection grinded into my heated core and I wrapped my legs around his waist inviting him but he held himself back. I questioned him with my eyes.

"What do you want? Say it!" he commanded.

"You! I want you!" I whispered huskily. That was all he needed to hear. He lifted my hips and thrust into me, we both moaned at the contact. He grounded into me and I met him thrust by thrust.

He thrust harder into me and continued controlling me, driving me towards my climax. He pounded into me again and again.

"Scream my name Zoya!" he commanded into my ear.

"A-A-Asad!" I let out a cry of satisfaction as my orgasm climaxed with an intensity that had the potential to shatter to me. He continued thrusting into me until he came hot and heavy inside me. For a few minutes we stayed still, not ready to move as we tried catching our breath.

"So what do you think how was your last day in Dilshad constructions, future Mrs Zoya Ahmed Khan?" he smiled.

"Oh Asad you rocked my world." We both laughed. After we both dressed up, we headed home to continue with our kinky fantasies there.




SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
come for arranged proposal from a village


Vandana Sharma

I am afraid of heights of all kinds- valleys, mountains, rivers, railway station bridges and even relationships make me sick. And today I am going to experience all of them.

Zoya, come fast, we will miss the train!' Ammi shouts, breaking my train of thought.

I would be glad if I could,' I mutter, putting on my dark brown blazer.

One more addition to my Hate List is this goddamned winter season. I am very sensitive to getting a bad cough in this season and I cannot bear the chill. So I have put as many woolens in my bag as on my body.

Here comes the cab.

come, come, everyone get inside,' Abbu says.

what the hell, Zoya! How many clothes have you stffed in your bag? It is way too heavy! Screams Ayaan, my brother.

Don't worry, I will take my luggage myself. You don't have to bother about it.'

I immediately regret the sentence after saying it. It is heavy. Uff!

Soon we are in front of a big- no actually a monstrously huge- railway bridge.

Okay, I can do this.'

I try to be a brave girl. I am not going to look down. But the combination of loudly hooting trains and my immense fear of heights makes the situation more horrific. When it comes to heights, I can be a total freak.

here are our seat numbers,' says Ammi when we board the train.

I take my laptop and climb on to the upper berth. As it is an all-night journey, everybody will be asleep soon and I am going to watch the Korean movie My Little Bride. I love romantic Korean movies.

By the time it's 3 a.m. I feel sleepy. But first I have to go to the loo, so I just wait for the train to stop at any station. That's one more addition to my list of phobias- I cannot go to the loo when the train is moving. Now u must be getting a clearer idea of my freakishness.

I doze off later. Then suddenly it's raining and I'm all drenched; a wave of water comes to drown me and I'm awake.

Holy shit, Ayaan! Are u out of your mind!' It turns out to be part of a dream, and Ayaan was trying to wake me up by pouring water on my face.

He laughed stupidly and said,' We are almost about to reach Ambala.'

Yes, we are going to our village which is located in Ambala. It's always been very exciting for me to go there but this time it's a little different. I am going to face my fear of relationships.

We are going to meet Rashid Ahmed Khan Uncle and his family. And I am sure of the real reason we are meeting the family- they want me to marry Rashid Uncle's one and only son who lives with them in their farmhouse. Their family is very affluent but I never wanted a man who lives in a remote area and is a farmer. I think he must be barely a graduate- a narrow-minded control freak. Men in villages want housewives, not working girls.

The train arrives at the station. Coolies are competing to get into the train. Everybody rushes out of the train except me. I am struggling with my bag and suddenly I tumble on to the platform, head over heels. Shit! I just fell from the train. God! Can I do this any better? Arghh!!

Before I can manage to get up myself, a hand comes through the crush of bodies to my rescue. Without looking at who it was who offered to help me get up, I grab that hand and pull myself up. Having stood up, I immediately start brushing my clothes. Then I look up to thank the man who helped me...i'm struck dumb. He is dangerously handsome.

thank you.' This is all I manage to say.

He is wearing a white kurta-pyajama. The top buttons of his kurta are unbuttoned. His perfectly trimmed muscles can be seen; his biceps give the perfect shape to his arms. Is he not feeling cold? May be he is already too hot.

Suddenly his voic breaks the spell,' Are you okay?'

Yes, thank you again,' I say, hesitant and embarrassed.

How many times I have to tell you to be careful!' chides Ammi.

Ayaan is laughing as usual. Now he has got my new train scandal' to talk about for at least this month.

I then realize that Rashid uncle's family has been here all this time. And the handsome man is none other than his one and only son. I still don't know his name. now this is more embarrassing.

Please give me your bag,' he says softly.

No, I can manage,' I muttered.

Yes, I have seen that already,' he grins as he almost snatches my bag from me.

Soon we are in their car- an Endeavor. It is cozy inside. He is driving the car and I can feel butterflies in my stomach. I stiil don't know his name.

Finally we have have arrived at the farmhouse. It is beautiful, completely surrounded by nature. The entrance gate is covered with some kind of flowering creeper. There is a nameplate: KHAN"S RESIDENCE. The building itself is breathtakingly gorgeous. Could there be anything else that one can want in life?

We are in our separate rooms now. I am feeling very sleepy so I just snuggle under my quilt and sleep.

When I wake up, it's dark outside. Looking out the window, I'm trying to recollect my thoughts and then I realize that this is not my room. I get up and go outside to the main hall.

Everybody is there having dinner. Crap... I realize I slept all day.

Come, dear, have dinner,' said Dilshad aunty.

She is abeautiful lady and anybody can see where her son gets his good looks from.

Mr. Perfect Ahmed Khan is also there, sitting beside my Ammi and talking about his work. Huh, what attitude... he didn't even notice me? As if I care...

After dinner, we return to our rooms. Now everybody is going to sleep when I'm wide awake...

Thank God I have my laptop with me.

Somebody knocks at the door. May I come in?'

Yes,' I answer.

And here he is- Mr. Perfect.

Mom has aked if u need anything.'

No, thank you,' I say, smiling.

He is about to leave when he suddenly turns and asks,' What are u doing on your laptop?'

Nothing, just watching a movie.'

Can I join you?'

Oh! Okay,' I say. I'm surprised, especially after how he totally ignored me at the dinner table.

Korean movie, haan...that too romantic?' he says, grinning.

I like romantic Korean movies,' I say abruptly.

Don't u have horror movies?'

Okay, I got u. you are trying to flirt with me. Although, I think, he has succeeded to some extent. I am impressed.

Yes, I have them, but it would be better if you don't watch it with me. I scream while watching horror movies although I don't even watch most part of the movie. I cover my eyes all the time so that if anything shitty happens I can close my eyes immediately.'

Okay, then let's watch your romantic Korean movie,' he says, grinning again.

By the way, what is your name?' I ask.

You don't know my name?' now he does not seem very pleased.

We didn't have a moment to get properly introduced before,' I explain.

Hmm...Okay...My name is Asad,' he says, stretching out his hand towards me.

And I am Zoya,' I say, reaching out to shake his hand. As I touch his hand, a quiver runs through my body. His hand is warm, in sharp contrast to my cold hand.

It is always risky to watch romantic movies with parents or with a hot guy like him. Suddenly, the hero and heroine are getting closer on the screen, and I begin to feel very conscious, even embarrassed. I try to move so that I can fast forward the movie, but I just cannot. Now they are kissing each other ferociously. The hero unzips the heroine's skirt and moves his hands all over her thighs. The heroine then helps the hero to unbutton his jeans, after which the hero mounts her, and is then inside her. And after both of them are fully exhausted, they fall into bed and hug each other tightly. The hero kisses the heroine gently on her forehead. Oh...this forehead-kissing scene is my favorite. And thus the movie goes on.

Slyly, I try to peek at Mr. Perfect's face. He is calm but I can see his facial muscles clenching as he tries to hide his smile.

The movie finishes at 1 a.m. He gets up to leave.

Goodnight, Zoya.'

Goodnight, Mr. Perr...errr...Asad.'

Narrowing his eyes, he leaves the room.

The next morning I get out of my room, brush my teeth, pick up my sneakers and head out to the fields. It is a very cold, foggy December morning, so I'm wrapped up in thick woolens.

What was I doing last night? Talking to myself. Even now, my thoughts are focused on him. I know he is handsome but still I'm sure he is a narrow-minded control freak.

As I remain lost in my own thoughts, my foot suddenly slams against a heavy stone. I stumble into a slushy part of the path. Apart from landing like a fool into the slush, I realize I have hurt my foot.

Need any help, Miss?'

Oh, it is him! What is he doing here? Why is he always there to rescue me from my own disasters? Oh!

I clear my throat. I can manage...' I say, trying not to look at his face.

You are very stubborn, Zoya. Just give me your hand.'

I offer my hand heasitantly. He clutches it tightly to help me get up; again I can feel the cold even more...

I stand up, stumbling, holding onto his shoulder for support.

As we enter the house, everybody is surprised to see both of us.

Hey, what happened?' asked Ammi.

Nothing, Ammi. Your dear princess fell again,' he says, grinning. Everybody laughs at this.

Huh! How dare he? And why is he calling my mother Ammi'?

Oh, my suspicion was right!

Or maybe not?

I must know for certain. So the next time I find him alone, I confront him. He is sitting at a desk, doing some accounting work.

I want to talk to you,' I say.

Zoya, I am busy right now. Can we talk later?'

My big negative point is my egoistic attitude.

Why did u call my mother "ammi"?' I ask.

He looks up. Is that a problem?' he asks, keeping his accounting book aside. Standing up, he then comes close to me.

Yes,' I said, stuttering. She is my ammi, so u cannot call her that.'

Oh, really?'

He walks a little closer. Crap! I cannot move...i want to step back but I find myself simply unable to move. I need water; it is getting too hot here.

Suddenly he pulls me into his arms. My mouth is so close to his. He is looking into my eyes. I am trying to look down, afraid that he can read my eyes and can see into my soul. He lifts up my chin and gently runs his thumb over my lips. For that moment I forget everything around us. All I can focus on, apart from the sensation of being held by him, are his dark brown eyes. Oh boy, he is the only man around whom I can feel mushy without even watching a romantic movie.

Zoya...' a voice comes suddenly from another room.

I push him away and manage to calm myself.

It was Ayaan asking me to come to the hall. Ammi is calling you.'

In that moment, my heartbeat thuds very rapidly. I rush to attend to my mother.

Later in the evening, we all make a plan to go to a famous restaurant in the city. As we get ready for the outing, I consciously try to ignore what happened with Mr. Perfect that afternoon. But still I ensure to put on my best dress- and I realize how very pleased I am to have taken the pains of bringing so many dresses with me on this trip.

Am itrying to impress him? No way! Everybody is trying to look their best, so why shouldn't I?

But I find that I'm more nervous than usual.

Soo, everyone is ready and it's time to leave.

You two, go in the other car,' says Ammi.

What?' I am surprised. Ammi is asking me to go alone with a boy! I insist,'No, I will also go with you.'

Yes, Ammi there is no need of another car,' says Mr. Perfect.

Thank God! I cannot bear landing in one more scandalous moment after that afternoon.

No,' says my ammi. You will go in separate car. That's it. No more discussions.'

I know what mom is trying to do. Seriously, Indian mothers can be such a headache sometimes!

We take another car- this one's an Audi!

The streetlamps look beautiful this foggy evening, between the mist and dark night.

Mr. Perfect doesn't say a word. So to end this awkwardness I start a conversation.

how about your higher studies? You don't want to study further?'

Zoya, I have already done my MBA and I have also been a research scientist at the Indian Institute of Agricultural Sciences. So now I am working on increasing crop yield methods while simultaneously learning the ropes of my father's business and also doing some actual farming. What else you want me to do?'

My jaw almost falls to the ground.

Oh!' I said. so you would want a wife who can stay with you? I mean, a housewife.'

Yes, I would definitely want a wife who can stay with me, Zoya.'

I knew it! A narrow-minded control freak. Huh!

But', he continues,' if my wife wants to work, she can work with me in our business.'

He never ceases to surprise me. I am feeling good about it. But still I am confused about why he wants me to marry him? He can get any girl he wants.

Suddenly, the car stops and I notice that we are near a hill.

Where are we? Don't tell me that the car has stopped working.'

No, Zoya. Please stop watching those romantic movies in which the hero-heroine get stuck in a car and then their romance starts,' he says, grinning.

Whatever! Just a thought; it has nothing to do with romantic movies.' I say, annoyed.

Let's go.'


Up there. To the top of the hill.'

Are you kidding me? I'm not going there.'

Huh! Stubborn girl.'

He takes my hand and we move towards the hill. As we reach the top, I can see the river on the other side. This scene is breathtaking. Although it is far below us, the sheer height does not seem to scare me. Instead, I feel great- so amused and thrilled.

A cold breeze blows my hair over my face.

It is so beautiful, nothing can be more beautiful,' I say.

I knew you will like it.'

Suddenly, Mr. Perfect gets down on one knee, pulls out a ring and says the world's most magical words: I LOVE YOU, ZOYA. WILL YOU MARRY ME?

I am dumbstruck at that moment. Here is Mr. Perfect- and that too on his knees, asking me to marry him!

This cannot actually be happening. All this only happens in the movies. I wish I could hold on to this moment forever.

Zoya, please reply, my knees are hurting and it's very cold out here.'

I smile, my eyes wet with tears, and say,' YES!'

Thrilled, he gets up and slips the ring on to my finger. He then hugs me tightly. I can hear his breath in my ears as he says,' I liked you when Ammi showed me you picture...And I liked you even more when you fell from the train.'

Then I should fall every time,' I laughed.

I wanted you right there while watching that movie,' he whispered in my ears. I love you! Be mine. Be my wife.'

I look up at him. His lips come close to mine and then he softly kisses me on my lips.

I love you too,' I responded gleefully.

And, like every other love story with a happy ending,' We lived happily ever after'.

SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
saida pillow borders

AsYa OS: OF Apologies, Ideas and Love

Asad entered his house with a tired look on his face. It had been a long and exhausting day at Dilshad Constructions. With new requirements and a sudden rush of projects, he barely had time to sit down and have a moment of peace.

Zoya is going to murder me, thought Asad as he took a glance at the time - 12:04 a.m.

He walked towards the kitchen, starving, and rummaged through the refrigerator.  His face lit up like a child in a candy store when he found his favorite. The bowl had a note on it with heating instructions. I love you Zoya Begum! After quickly heating it and scarfing down the food, he turned off all the lights, checked the locks and headed towards his bedroom.

Very quietly, he opened the door and found his way about the room in darkness. Dead tired on his feet, Asad untied his tie, removed his shirt and trousers and threw them in the general direction of the settee. He was way too spent to care about his OCD tendencies.

He crawled into their bed and reached out to pull his wife towards himself. Before his hands could touch Zoya, they encountered a line of pillows laid along the length of the bed in the center. Bewildered, Asad was confused for a second before the intent and meaning of the pillow army was clear.


"Zoya! Listen to me, love! I said I am sorry!" Asad pleaded with his wife of ten days as she flitted around the room, gathering pillows.

"No, Mr. Khan! I have had enough. Hamare nikaah ko abhi das din huye hain and app already mujhe ignore kar rahe hain. I wonder what will happen in the future. Allan miyan! Why did I have to fall in love with this Serious Ahmed Khan!"  Zoya kept on mumbling while moving away from Asad's grasp.

Asad pinched the bridge of his nose and said, "I am really very sorry Zoya, par aaj ki meeting bahut important thi. I know I promised that we will go out but you have to understand that sometimes unexpected things come up. And why are you back to calling me Mr. Khan?"

Zoya huffed and said," Theek hai, ASAD."

"What?!" said a surprised Asad. He had not expected his stubborn wife to give up so easily. Well, good for him! He smiled and flashed his dimple at her and approached her. But before he could pull her into an embrace, she moved away and started placing the pillows she had gathered on the bed, making a line in the middle of the bed. 

"What are you doing?" Inquired Asad with his hands on his hips?

SanKsgian thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago

"Placing pillows" Zoya said, nonchalantly.

"I can see that, Zoya. I am not blind. I mean, why are you doing this?"

"Well, you see Asad, since you ignored me today, totally and completely, I am revoking your rights towards my happening body tonight." Zoya answered as if it was not a big deal.

"WH-WHAT?" spluttered Asad. "What do you mean revoking my rights? I am your husband, not an employee or something."

"I know, babe! It's a way of saying that there will be no hanky-panky. That's it." Zoya moved towards the bed and lay down on her side."Oh! And, these are chastity pillows. Okay?"

"Chastity PILLOWS? Are you out of your mind, Zoe? What do you intent on doing with these?" asked a thoroughly confused Asad.

Zoya sat up and crossed her legs. "Well, hubby dear, these are exactly what they sound like. You are not allowed to cross the PBL."


"Pillow Border Line! This line means I am enforcing a no- sex rule." Zoya explained her incredible idea.

Asad's mind boggled by his wife's silly antics. "Zoya, there is no such thing as chastity pillows! Belts, rings, yes but no pillows." said Asad as he moved towards the bed and reached out to remove the pillows.

"Oh, really? You think you know everything, Mr. Encyclopedia Ahmed Khan? But guess what? You are wrong. There absolutely are these pillows." she said and reached out towards her beloved iPad. "Look for yourself. Huh!"

Asad took the device from her hand and looked at the link she opened for him to see. It was an Urban Dictionary link explaining the term "Chastity Pillow". Asad looked up to his smug wife and sighed.

"Zoya, come on! Seriously? You are using these weird terms and concepts?"

"Yes, I am using these and I will bring these out every time you ignore me. Every relation is give and take, Asad. You ignore me, I ignore you. Simple. Now, good night!"

*End of flashback*

Asad groaned as his tired mind made sense of his wife's behavior. These chastity pillows' had not made an appearance again in the eleven months of their marriage. Not in the mood to follow through her ideas, he shoved all the pillows off the bed and pulled a sleeping Zoya towards him. He relished in the fragrance of her hair as he snuggled closer to her. It was only a few seconds before his was asleep.