my teacher-(I) chap-22 pg 135 LINK fr 23 c index - Page 8


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Posted: 11 years ago
chapter 10

Arjun walked in the lobby with long strides unaware of the eyes that was waiting for him at the end of it.



He stilled at the voice . the memory of the owner kept him awake the whole night . he would crush the pillow with his chest but the comfort would be missing.

He shut his eyes for a fraction of second to control the frenzied thoughts and turned to present the most suave teacher of the earth.


"Hello geet !" he spoke in a calm tone.

"So how's your preparations going ! hope you don't plan to submit the blank paper again ?You did prepare ..didnt you ?"


Geet flinched .for a second she didn't know what was she here for . her eyes widened at the way he spoke without slightest recognition in his voice of what they shared.


he chuckled at her startled face and then said " internal exams ..?starting from this Monday! does that ring a bell?"


Geet didn't know what she would say.she realized she hadn't thought of any excuse to come to him.So she repeated dumbly

" internal exams from Monday!!"


"Yes ! all the best then ." arjun gave her a thin smile and nodding he turned to walk forward.


As geet saw him walk away she knew she had to stop him. break this wall and know what was in it.

"Would not you help me preparing ..?"


The determination in her question scared arjun.. it seemed like she had different question in her mind without having the answer of which she wouldn't buzz.Geet was too straight forward for her own good..he knew that about her.


"I believe you should study alone .that would be much productive at the eleventh hour .but one thing if you need any reference book name it I would bring it to you , um tomorrow at college.."

Arjun replied implying avoidance.


 study alone ? bring it to college ?

There was an awkward silence despite hundreds of students were around them .nothing reached them. absolutely nothing.

He felt her doe eyes were laughing at his guts.!


Why couldn't he just tell her..remind her of the soiled past.

It was not the anger that hindered it  .but it was this fear in his subconscious ..fear of rejection all over again.


"Hope you don't have to hide behind any excuse this time! Submitting blank paper again."

He spoke with a dry sarcasm ..though he didn't understand whom he was mocking at ?geet or himself.



"I don't have to sir. ..thank you  ..!"  she spoke as calmly he did.

Throwing the words geet walked away .

Arjun knew she was trouble. She would not let it go this easily .but however he hoped she wouldn't confront him again after he clearly avoided to meet her alone.


The day after when he was giving a last minute discussion over a  chapter that would come in the exam , every students were jotting down whatever he said. Every student but geet . she sat leaning back staring at him.


he continued lecture even though he had felt her eyes on him challenging him  ,reprimanded himself for the want to just once look at her..but it was drawing his whole existence towards her.

Finally resigned he looked up from the piece of paper he was lecturing from and faced her.


Time stopped at that moment.


It was in her eyes that kept him tied ..crippling down the walls that he had built for years ..his own heart betrayed him. She had made him suffer, She didn't remember the person she shouldn't forget .she had cost him so much. .yet there she was.doe eyes as innocent as ever .questioning him.

He couldn't tear off..


The class started to mutter ..they were looking back and forth between the teacher and the student .


Some started clearing throats , some of them were enjoying the situation. Thankfully vikas was not there to add fuel..

arjun knew he shouldn't ..but just couldn't ..


Sir? dia's voice forced him to tear the gaze and look at the class who had an amused expression .


He had forced a smile and resumed what he was saying . but.the bell rang soon . freeing both of them from the misery .


After the class arjun thought geet would stop and try to talk to him.but she did no such thing .in stead she picked up her bag and walked out .

Geet was mad.she tried hard to forget the life altering almost kiss they shared.but his reluctance and clear avoidance was a huge blow to her ego.

she was geet ..every slip of a boy sought excuses just to talk to her once..but there was that ..arjun singh khurana was no common male.

enigmatic my foot !

monster ! that he is !

She wouldn't talk to him ever again matter how it hurts. She would not ask him for any help. She had promised herself .

But that day when he looked up from the papers and looked  at her ..she couldn't matter how unfazed she represented herself .but only she had known how she had trembled from within .

She was more mad at herself. how the hell he still get to affect her.


mortified at the direct refusal she discarded everything saying that was a fleeting moment of passion .it happens .and it has happened .and it was over now .that's it ! With that she closed the book of arjun in her life . it was just Prof khurana from now on .

She was determined to get sleep tonight .not to think or dream about anyone. .life was too practical to dream. Losing parents at young age she knew that in hard way .


It was the Sunday afternoon she was studying in her own room. not trying to think about what happened earlier that day as in breakfast girls were pulling her leg about the last day's supposed staring contest they shared in class.

Geet had fought the urge to yell on the top of her lungs  "shut up ! "  to the giggling stupid girls who had no idea what she was going through . But in stead she just smeared butter on the toast with that aloofness plastered on her face.


Sunanda entered the room excited .!

"Hey geet ..wassap girl ..?offho '! You are still studying ! give it a rest will you ?"

Geet gave her a small smile and put down the pen from her hand .If only sunanda knew it was the studies that could keep her distracted at that moment !

"Whats cooking in your evil brain.  why are not you studying ?" she had asked in stead .


"dont you know last batch had organized a reunion party ." she made herself cozy in her bed.


"I know . but why are you excited.its only their batch is invited."


"Of ho 'which world do you live in .!" she huffed.


"This I guess! " Geet said amused by her sudden enthusiasm.


sunanda made a face and continued "well they had a problem about the venue and union helped them with it ."


"I know .i did it ."


"Oh ..! then what you don't know that they invited a selected few of us as a thank you ..chal na ..lets go .we would get a change !"


"Have you lost it ?tomorrow's exam ."


" Ofho yaar .you are such a bore. for just 1 hour .as far I know you have completed revision already . dia would be there too .dont you worry .!! " she winked at her "and moreover what would you do by studying more..after you complete your studies your grand pa's gonna marry you off to some rayis jada khandani .where you wouldn't need to work  moreover he would allow you to.have you forgotten what a drama happened when you asked to study at delhi .he didn't even let you go out of ur house "


"Shut up sunanda ". She barked tightening her grip around the pen .. though she knew every bit of which is true. sunanda remain unpurturbed as she knew her quite well to know where her words had hit.


"Don't let your anger get the best of you ..chill out geet ..and come with us.The invitation is for your sake.if you wouldn't go we wouldn't be able to .it would be fun . I have never went to a reunion party before .i heard they have most exquisite arrangements..please yaar chal na..whole night is there to study ."


Sighing geet put down the pen for good. its okay she guessed.they would comeback within eight and study the whole night .

Moreover she needed it she was doing all nighters for last 5 days. She deserved a break .



The venue was decorated eloquently by silver and white exotic like orchids and lilies assorted neatly in magnificent bouquets .fairy lights designed in a manner giving it a beautiful ambience. silver and shiny balloons curled up here and there. dressed butlers wandering with platter of foods and drinks.

Senior  students scattered around everywhere discussing about future ,present and past . some looked contented , some dissatisfied at how their career rolled . some excited at the new ventures of their lives..

at a corner there was a small bar .and opposite to it end a dance floor next to the DJ stand  . everybody was either eating or talking holding a sleek glass between their fingers ,twirling it .


Geet watched everything from a corner with her lazy gaze wandering around .her eyes finally stopping on a form standing facing the back to her.


she had no problem recognizing the figure even if it wasn't facing her .The last man she wanted to see this evening !


But what was he doing here ? he didn't even teach this batch !

 Like I care '! She muttered under her breath . and picked a juice from a waiter.

At that moment the lights dimmed and music changed to a popular dance number..


"have a dance " .vikas spread his hand out .


another time geet would have briskly refused . but not that day . she glanced at arjun who was talking to a group of people oblivious to her presence.Nodding she put her own on his palm. Vikas failed to notice her clenched teeth on which a smile was plastered .


As geet and vikas made their way to the dance floor arjun's body stiffened .

Boy was she so wrong about him not noticing her ..?

Of course he had seen her .he had seen well.and pretended not to.

He couldn't help but stare at her ..dancing fluidly in the crowded floor . the way her pink and white calf length dress flared with each dance step . ..her long hair bellowed behind her .

Vikas had held her by waist and she was dancing fanatically .

His hands on her waist .

His hands on her body '.

arjun couldn't think coherently . He had this desperate urge to throttle vikas then and there. how dare he?

He chugged down the liquid of the glass he was holding.

he was mad mad that he felt like hauling her out of it .fury seeped through his vein .

every fibre of his body coiled like about to pounce on vikas.


A hand on his shoulder felt the tightened muscles ..

"Its just a dance ..!"


Arjun didn't reply to the voice.


"Arjun bhai relax.. please ! " The guy spoke again ..


"so much more it takes to be affect me satya ..!" arjun said in a dangerously low voice picking up another glass from the waiter passing by.


"Excuse me " with that he bolted not wanting to wait to watch the full show ..


After a few minute geet's cheek's  hurt by that extra enthusiastic smile she wore.

She glanced at the corner where she had seen arjun standing .he wasn't there anymore.why continue the show then?


excusing herself she headed back to search sunanda . she wanted to leave now exhausted with all of it .

unable to find her she walked to the exit. Sunanda knows her way back and she had friends with her.


Suddenly a hand grabbed her and jerked her in sideways .She yelped at the pain it caused .

But another hand clasped her mouth tight . she bit on the hand and  violently wriggled to free herself when the shadow came forward and fixed her with his own body to the wall behind .

Her senses numbed when the musky woody smell from him silenced her .


You have quite sharp teeth miss geet !


she immediately froze.

She couldn't breath even after he had taken off his hand from her mouth . his body kept her fixed  with the wall shamelessly .The heart pounded in her chest so hard she felt the ribs would break


What are you doing here..?Arjun growled in a low voice.


she just stared at him..throat parched to dry to utter a word. making no effort to get rid of him.


dont you have to study. ? he hissed again


Geet didn't reply . his face was inches away from her . his eyes had an expression that she saw never before for her.

It had jealousy .

It had authority .

It had possessiveness.

It had that strange emotion that was setting fire in her veins.


cat got your tongue ?

he smirked noticing the effect he had on her. Her rose bud mouth slightly parted as if she felt out of breath .for heavens sake stop looking at me that way . his mind screamed fearing he would loose control and swoop down on her and would take those lips in his mouth .


she swallowed to ease.

"Wh...What are You doing here ..?" she asked back slowly regaining her control .


He almost smiled noticing how she let him hold her.much comfortable there are you geet ?


"That's not the answer " He loomed on her.

His moist warm breath fanned on her lips .her skin burned at the intensity of it.


"You are drunk .!"

Geet whispered shocked . but what she was more shocked at that she was not repulsed. The odour of alcohol mingled with the musky intoxicating scent of his own .it was arousing her. 

"But still in my senses are present .but you clearly lost them."

He didn't tell her that it was her who drove him to the drink . "You should be studying at this hour not dancing !!"

"Why do you care ..?" she hissed . "Now you get to decided whether I should attend a party or not.? Why are YOU here. You don't even know the batch !"


" again that was not the answer " he slowly pulled away from her.


"Tomorrow's exam and I will give it .you don't have to bother."


"Stay away from that boy . friendship with him will cost you !"


"You don't have to worry about that " geet said defiantly. It was his constant change of behaviours that irked her. Switching from cold to hot and all bothered..what did he think of her..he owned her or what?


"Let me go ! " She hissed again .


While he just stared and spoke in a voice so low and so gruff that it resonated within her " I already did ..! " he added after a pause. "a long time ago  ..! "


Geet looked down at herself.. He had indeed. She didn't even notice him parting away from her. She stared at him thinking what to make of this?

his thick dark hair fixed sleekly with gel  ..the black silk shirt was making him ravishingly handsome.he looked irresistible with his brown eyes simmering at her. 

A foot step approached them and stopped behind arjun .geet thanked god they were decent .


"Arjun bhai I was looking for you everywhere . yours key's with me"


Geet shifted her eyes to the man . she knew him .he was the captain of the college cricket team last year .satya awasty .


 "Meet satya .my friends brother. He invited me..hope that answers .Arjun spoke not looking away from her ..


"Geet raichanda 2nd year . English hons." he said not looking away from her knowing fully well satya knew her so very well.


She nodded at him trying to smile but failed miserably then ..excused herself from them .


He stared at her retreating form when satya spoke from behind.

"I presume she doesn't recognize you .!"


"Yeah ..!! she has a funny memory !" arjun let out a bitter laugh.


Satya didn't respond . He knew what hurt was hidden under that smile . satya was the son of nayeb of jaminder anant raichand  . he had been the one who helped arjun to keep tabs on geet ..he is the one informed arjun of this college ..

Satya knew what arjun went through all these year.he knew what geet had cost him.




Geet was walking with eyes fixed up front when arjun grabbed her second time this evening and pulled aside . a car rushed past them in high speed.

"Watch it !!"


"I can take care of myself ..!" she groaned as she felt her how absently she was walking in the highway .the man drove her crazy .

"are you stalking me now ?"


He didn't respond to her question instead said " ..its late .i will walk you to the hostel."


"i can take care of myself."


But he didn't respond to even that.

Geet didn't speak knowing he wouldn't answer .She was tired by all of it . more after not today of all days . she had exam tomorrow and she planned to study


The last bell rang with a harsh sound breaking arjun from his reverie ..he didn't know he was staring blank was raining outside.rain always disturbed him.awakening emotions he wanted to avoid all his life..vulnerability.he hated it.


"Sir. here .." he looked at the voice to find dia holding the answer paper in her hand.


"So how was it'?did your hard work paid off..?"


"i would like to think so".dia grinned .


"Okay party then '!!"  arjun replied arranging the papers that students started submitting one by one.


"first you check the paper..then we will party 'all together . you would give us one .wouldnt you ?"

"Oh ofcourse you deserve a party my dear .!" He forced a enthusiastic smile to her.


Another paper thrust on the table catching their attention word said ..and the student walked out of the class on her heels.


Arjun stared at her retreating form ..unable to gather what dia was saying .


He couldn't remember what exactly happened last night .but he could remember he dragged her to the alley and hauled her up to himself.

Did he kiss her'..?

oh god ..he was way out of his way .but if he had ..he regretted it ..not because he did it but because he couldn't remember it .




Arjun was counting and arranging the papers in his chamber when a pair of porcelain hands thumped a hard-bind book on the table..

"Your book..!"

With that she bolted out through the door just the way she came in.


"Geet wait."

Arjun shouted from her back to which she paid no head instead she kept on walking through the corridor.

But a hand snaked her arm and pulled inside a closet room .


"I thought I asked you to wait.". he groaned grabbing both her shoulders..


She jerked of his hands and snapped "I didn't hear because i dont want to..!! And stop grabbing me like that .."


He stepped back a little at the hiss of her voice. feared she would throw one of her pointy arrows demanding answers about last night.


But she didn't . she stood still defiantly turning away from him .


Arjun didn't know if he was disappointed  that she didn't ask and he didnt get to know what exactly happened. but something snapped inside of him.


"Like what geet ." he murmured inching close to her..

his mind asked him to stop ..dont go are not ready.she is not ready screamed on top his lungs holding back his collar .but he couldnt stop himself.

she didn't respond. If he could see her face he would have seen her eyes misting up

A girl could take this long.!


He noticed at the gap they had.she didn't move away from him ..not an inch. He watched her fuming..she looked more beautiful when she was angry.The lush curves of her body almost trembling in anger.

His heart constricted in his chest.

she was jealous, wasn't she ?


Arjun smiled and touched her arm . the feel of her skin scorched him . the heaving of her body increased as he had touched her . but she didn't shake him away.


"Like what geet..?"


The buttery skin of her long slender neck beckoning him. the tendrils whispering on it was begging for his touch.

blood rushing to his ears..the pheromones driving crazy..


Geet closed her eyes...tears stung in her eyes.

How dare he drive her crazy and not explain a word to her..

she wouldn't respond .she wouldn't turn .she promised herself vehemently as she felt the tug in her arm

The big warm palm on her forearm melting her..she knew it would be a matter of time before she again bent on her knees and let him play her again.


Haan geet..?


His steamy breath was scorching the skin of her nape ..

 enough ..!!

She flung his arms away and turned to face him with a jerk. he was shocked to see her tear strained face.


" this" she pointed at his hands those were about to touch her .

"I m tired sir..i m tired of your antics ..i don't know what they mean .i don't know what do you want ., you did the same last night.." ..she groaned in despair . another drop of tear rolled down from her eye.She was tired of his off and on tenderness.


Arjun had never seen her this vulnerable ,shoulders slumped by her side..she looked defeated. Her usual feisty cheery self was shadowed behind this insecurity . he knew he was hurting her..but didn't know it was affecting her this much.

 He reached out for her and snaked her waist pulling her to him. his arms confident around her.

She was melting his resolve..he knew it..and he let her.

his mind knew endgame would be severe .but he ignored .the feel of her pliant body in his arms was worth it.

She was too tired to protest ..too confused to feel the sudden difference of his touch . trying to control the erupting sobs when she found herself in his strong arms , snaked around her petite waist. she didn't fight back to free herself .


The embrace was cozy, supporting and warm .She couldn't think straight .it was good to have support .it was good to feel cherished.


"I don't remember a thing about last night.." he spoke hushed..almost acknowledging how sorry he was..


Was he sorry for grabbing her that way ? behaving like he owned her?

she couldn't decipher anything but his arms around her.. they told another story altogether.they weren't ashamed to lock her up in them .steady and bold.

"Geet ".his gruff voice tentatively took her name..his eyes were on anything but her eyes. "Did . 'did we ..i mean did anything.."


She was surprised at his faltering voice.

 "No'.u didn't .."

 Surprised at the intensity of heat in the voice arjun looked up


"You didn't kiss me.."


Arjun singh khurana couldn't decide he would laugh or blush. That was one hell of a girl .!

"Do I hear a complain ?


It was her turn to flush all over..darkest shade of crimson adorned her cheeks.She wiggled hard to get out without replying to him.

"Let go of me"  She tried forcing anger on her voice in attempt to conceal the tremor in it.


But arjun strengthened his grip , pulled her flush to him ..

Let go'...her voice almost sounded like pleading .she knew she was in trouble . the sinewy lips curled in that dangerous smile that left her out of breath.

Arjun shook his head, eyes quirking in mirth ..His face dangerously close to her .But he seemed nonchalant of it..


You'you'.. she tried to hiss' but the anger was muffled by the desire he was infusing in her veins.

Geet struggled for word that seemingly disappeared from her head ..


Haan me..?


You'.! She wiggled her finger at him .

She was about to form successful words when he smiled and it took her breath . eyes gleaming in a passion so intense that momentarily her sense eluded her. she abandoned the idea of talking or acting smart.


"Is that blush I can see..?Geet raichanda can blush..! oh my .who would have thought ..?"

That was the last straw.


" Arjun ! Let go.. " she pushed him on his chest .

She didn't seem to notice what she uttered.But it sent thousand volts of current through him . leaving him undone at its wake.


He gazed at her ..his child woman.taking his name like branding him .He had never felt his own name so cherished to his ears.


Suddenly a screeching sound outside not very far from there caught their attention ..


She stilled in his arms.. swiftly he pulled her in a darker corner.both had their eyes locked on the door. But there was not another sound.

Silence prevailed anticipating the next  .


Cat '.

he whispered in her ear ..his unimaginatively soft lips brushed in her ears .

Startled she turned her face to him'

As a result his lips burned its way to her cheek .. the contact set them ablaze.


She couldn't speak '..neither could he..Grasping the tantalizing sweet burn at the contact .

his hand enclosed around hers.. picking it up to his lips he planted a chaste kiss in them. she shivered.and he loved the effect he had on her.


"Say it again."


"W..wh ..what " her voice shaking.his eyes hooded ,blue in desire.


"My name "


She realized her mistake in a flash. "Sir'" she murmured correcting herself


"uhum " he protested ."Say ..! " his voice more of a pleading than a command.


She blushed harder trying to hide herself from his eyes .but a finger on her chin stopped her tilting her face to him.


" 'arjun' "

his geet moaning his name was the last straw to his self control ..before she could finish stammering his name..her lips were captured in a scorching kiss.

his demanding mouth was like molten lava tinged pure masculinity and hers were bliss and honey ..

a gasp erupted from her throat that died on her lips as arjun deepened the kiss taking the chance.

he poured out his years of thirst through that kiss.the love he sought for .the love he wanted to rain down on her .there was nothing tender about the kiss. he said it all through that raw passion .

her arms snaked around his neck for support as her knee's gave away , but arjun pulled her closer .his raking havoc on her back . he couldn't get enough of her.

she pulled him closer as he traced the nooks of the darkest corners of her mouth ..sending her into a whirlpool of emotions..liquid heat spread through her veins humming his name..her long fingers pulled him clutching at his hairs.

he groaned and pushed her to the wall. she was driving him crazy ..her tentative responses arousing him in ways he didn't think was possible. her breasts crushed on his taut chest .he kissed thirstily claiming her branding her her until they were both out of breath.

He pulled off slowly to witness the look on her face..

She was a sight to his sore eyes.

head thrown back eyes shut tight in heady pleasure..cheeks flushed red..lips swollen from his kiss..bosoms heaving against his chest matching the erratic beating of his own heart ..

God he loved her so much ..waited ..battled so much .here she was stirred by all emotions, aroused, awakened and her arms around his neck locked in iron clasp .


Why were her eyes closed..? He need to look in them..need to !


"Geet look at me"

his thumb caressed the cheek bone..he urged  impatient to read her.


Slowly she opened them to find to eager eyes boring in them ..eyes that were  bit scared ..a bit content ..a bit unappeased..


"Why are you so mad at me..? all the time..?haan geet ?"

Before arjun could know he had voiced it out loud .

the vulnerability in his voice made her have this strangest urge to sooth him , cradle his face in her palms and reassure him ..all smirk gone from the molten caramel boring into her for something more than just physical.


instead she looked him in the eye..and pulled him closer by his collar..this time unfazed ..and crashed her mouth on his.

Whatever ambiguity arjun had now gone. she was his.. 'only his'

He closed his eyes and kissed back the love of his life.

next chap


Edited by Amour_Reet - 10 years ago
Padfoot_Prongs thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Are u changing something in the story?????
i have read all parts on previous thread...
Amour_Reet thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
chapter 11

They both broke the kiss breathless..gasping . still unaware of the surroundings lost in world of euphoria they were in. stood there eyes closed still reeling with fervent feelings surging through them .

Geet slowly opened her eyes to find the most handsome face on earth in front of her. messed up locks of hair falling on his forehead  , shirt wrinkled as her fist played havoc on them,buttons undone in their tussle .his dishevelled state , swollen lips told her the most erotic story . slowly the realization dawned upon her what just happened between them .

he was her teacher . she was his student .they couldn't stand each other for god's sake. they just kissed.what now.?


She was glad that his eyes were shuttered close  .she didn't know how to react if he had looked at hers , afraid of what he would find in them.As soon  arjun had slackened his arms around her she bolted out .


Leaving him in the dusty room veiled by cobwebs..

He didn't chase her..

He just stood there leaning on the dusty pillar memorizing every details.



But geet hadn't gone far ..she stood right there outside  the room 'leaning on the wall trying to catch her breath and grasp on the moment that came as a thunder bolt on her.

please let it be true.

That was her first prayer .

Yes it was. The sudden intrusion of arjun in her life had confused her.irked her..irritated her to the core .intrigued her ..made her ingenuously happy and scared of same time ..but above of all ..he was least someone was there for her, thought about her.


He did think about her ..the same way she did..didn't he?

he would have said something .only if she had waited .


She cursed herself for bolting out like that . She should have waited. his hands held her with such tenderness she felt she would melt. the moment was perfect .only before she ran and ruined it all..but no she had to be the geet .. ! she slapped at her forehead.

But that was it .she couldn't handle anymore after that given the past history with arjun ..who had changed his tender care to bleak aloofness in matter of minutes which she couldn't have taken after the that mind numbing kiss.

What She didn't know at that moment the other person was thinking the last kiss they had shared..that was just a brush of lips .but he had branded her through it..puberty knocking at the door ..thudding of heart..the first love ,the first kiss..marking her as his own..

She wouldn't know the person had his eyes filled remembering every details the 13 year olds soft rose petal lips.


No ..dont go '.you have promised.dont go ..maan ..dont go ..

Her incessant hic cups between the sobs he couldn't control.  She wouldn't take any reason .her fear of losing him was most scary to any bribe of Barbie dolls , colour books or chocolates..she didn't care.she just wanted him.

That geet ..that sweet little geet how could she forget him ..


Maan singh khurana was gone ..forever from her arjun had come back .despite what she has done to him, despite what it cost him,he had come back to her again .

How could he not ..she was his geet after all .


He had just changed his name.. ..and his love couldn't recognize him ..

Can love be this frivolous ?



Vikas slammed satya against the wall..

His eyes were burning like coal , his face contorted with anger.

he was bleeding .but vikas didn't care. He even didn't remember why was he beating him.whilst satya was his senior ..he didn't care .satya couldn't have done anything even if he wanted to .

He just needed to beat the crap out of him .

His friends were pulling him off .but he didn't stop .he threw them away and continued  .he was surrounded by the whole pack of students .but he didn't care.

Only one picture was flashing in front of him ..


Geet leaning on the corridor wall heaving for breaths.hyperventilating ..hairs cloths everything messy ..the swollen lips ..the smudged kohl of her eyes .the crimson blush told him what happened after he saw arjun pull geet into that crappy room.

he was about to hit him again when geet entered the union room ..

"What the hell vikas'.! " She shouted on top of her lungs.

Vikas looked at satya then geet . then threw him on the floor .wiped the blood from his lips and simply left like nothing happened..





She looked exotic , he thought standing meters away from her .his hands tucked in his pocket.

sitting alone on the bench under the neem tree ..darkness had draped her in her cozy embrace.she sat there bathed in the moonlight hugging her knees .her eyes had a new shine , her lips wore a shy smile that completed her beauty .

he took his steps towards her .oblivious to his presence she sat there mind drifted to some thought that brought that angelic smile on her face.


"Sitting alone at this hour ?"

he asked as he approached her . startled by his sudden presence she looked back . her surprised eyes caught his gaze .she turned away her face slightly to hide the blush had just crept on her cheeks .

"wonder what had kept you awake so late!"  He rasped as he took the place beside her..and continued after a pause.." or should I say who ?"


She had lifted her head surprised at his words .could not believe he would ask that .Oh how the kiss had changed everything..!She  still didn't know how to behave around him. What to say .how to talk .


"I could ask you the same.."

She asked while trying hard not to give away the effect he was having on her. He looked as handsome as ever .


"Oh I came here to find a certain some one.." he replied . he had noticed she hadn't lifted her eyes once to look at him .her voice had that shakiness that he has come to adore , her shyness around him boosted his ego.


"Who ?" her nose had a scrunch on it.


"who do you think ?"


He stared at her and watched the realization finally dawn upon her.


"How did you know I would be here?" She had whispered.


" just hoped! "


Geet had to look away as she felt voice fill up with such warmth .such tenderness that made her feel so cherished.

He had hoped for her ...

Comfortable Silence prevailed on them once again. Both of them stayed lost in dreams they had never dared to see.Arjun spoke wanting to lighten up the moment.

"So couldn't sleep without me huh ..?"


"What could you just say that ." geet  clearly bowled by his suggestive comment  .


"Oh so you can talk ..i thought  cat sorry arjun got your tongue ..!"


Hawww'! She clasped her mouth scandalized by his comment . arjun gazed her affectionately ..amazed by the way she pouted her lips as she failed to form coherent words.

" you are so ."


"me what ..?"


geet pouted without replying .


Suddenly arjun's chuckle surprised her ..she was about to look at him when he said.

"That is so not you ..never imagined a kiss would shut your ever smart mouth ..if you are this thrown by a kiss wonder what will happen when " he had left his word in mid air ..when a after a pause geet finally got what he said . she was stumped by his out of character flirting.


"You are bad ..very bad '!"  All she could manage.

Arjun let out the bubbling laugh he was holding ..she was a pleasure to rile up.not knowing what to say to stay smart being at the receiving end she decided to escape him.

 "I m going ..! " she huffed and walked past him ..


But she was stopped by a tug on her hand.Surprised she looked back to find he had held at her wrist ,not laughing anymore..

"Don't.." He whispered.

Her heart skipped the beat as she read the look on his face. so intense was his eyes she feared she would loose herself in him . 

His arrogance..his rudeness, , his bluntness , his intense eyes held none of them ..a emotion so strong .older than time ..a pull stronger than gravity .she swallowed with realization she could no longer save herself.protect herself..he had made her his .


"Don't ever go away like that .."


she shuddered..before she could understand she was landed on his lap by a gentle pull of his arm . 

She looked upon the face that she was so crazy about ..Their breaths mingled starting a journey together..


"Kiss me geet ..! make me forget everything "


She could hear thundering of her heart as his heart throbbed against her chest .Slowly lifted her fingers to touch him ..


He shuddered as her fingers caressed his cheek stroking the corner of his lips.He sighed closing his eyes as she bent down to kiss his forehead.  a long forgotten song hummed in his brain.


Don't tear me down for all I need
Make my heart a better place

Give me something I can believe
Don't tear me down

You've opened the door now
Don't let it close

I'm here on the edge again


She kissed his eyes one after another. Then the tip of his nose..then a kiss on either cheek. Her wet lips traced his jaw, as she felt the stubble prick her lips. His breath quickened as she made her way to his neck .he clasped her tighter as she planted a sloppy kiss under his earlobe ..

He pulled away to look at her .she had her eyes downcast as her fingers clasped on the lapel of his shirt ..her lashes hid his way to her eyes. eyes that held that emotion for him , emotion he had longed for.

"look at me geet". he made out a hoarse whisper his fingers stroked her waist ..

he tilted her chin. cheeks graced with the brightest hue of crimson ,she slowly lifted her eyes.

her eyes held that emotion so strong took his breath away ..

Without a warning he pulled her on him and crashed his mouth on hers by a searing toe curling kiss

a shadow watched them from a far lurking behind the trees .none of them noticed the fire in the pair of eyes as they burned hole on their back .fist pumped .teeth clenched but didn't come forward .

next chap

Edited by Amour_Reet - 10 years ago
Amour_Reet thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
hey there ..!

is there anybody to read the brand new chapter 12 ?

i would update on this thread from now on as i have finished re-posting [editing at the same time]

Edited by Amour_Reet - 11 years ago
Amour_Reet thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: mannubhardwaj

Are u changing something in the story?????
i have read all parts on previous thread...

yes dear ..every time i edit the post . i change a few details here and there
honeygrape thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Amour_Reet

yes dear ..every time i edit the post . i change a few details here and there

i am goin bk then to read the whole lot againπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
dqno1 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Amour_Reet

hey there ..!

is there anybody to read the brand new chapter 12 ?

i would update on this thread from now on as i have finished re-posting [editing at the same time]

How could you even ask!!!
daredevilisback thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
u changed story here?? so I will re-read the the story again .πŸ˜ƒ...and waiting for next part !!! plz updateπŸ˜ƒ
Sphinx thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Amour_Reet

hey there ..!

is there anybody to read the brand new chapter 12 ?

i would update on this thread from now on as i have finished re-posting [editing at the same time]

ofcourse yes

PS. since u have edited, will catch up later or r there some major changes
Edited by Sphinx - 11 years ago
honeygrape thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail Networker 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
do you even see me...😭 me n Avi actuallyy...we both have been stalking this thread since how looong, and asking the same question...yess we want πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ