A gypsy's fantasy //Arsh/EPILOGUE PAGE 60/ 18/9/14 ;D

FleetingWishes. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
Hello everyone. Long time no see?🤣 I am sorry I know you all probably want to finish my heads off and kill me and then send me to planet of lunatic freaks like me but I am so sorry for disappearing and never reappearing, I'd been so friggin busy with hospitals and clinics and God knows what not. So I hope you all pray for me, coz I really need it. 😳 <<the reason I could not give time writing coz i was roaming and resting ROFL. Anyway I do promise that I will not abandon my works no matter how long it takes, I'll be back to them. I'll complete them, but for now i guess in the coming week I'll give you extended summarising promos if i get time and then i'll take back on them to write on lol
Okay this is not an FF. its just a short SS. It'll be around 4-5 chappys maximum or even less idk, lol, I wanted to write this and it'll be too long for an OS and too short for an FF, so anyhow, i'd have a little break out and I wanted to write down coz it releases all my pent up irritation and makes me happy. I'd been sleeping over a writer's block but now imma getting back. LMFAO I PROMISE TO FINISH THIS IN TWO WEEK. WELL THATS SOMETHING TO BET ON<<<< it'll be short and precise but I do hope you all enjoy it.

Please don't ask me about my other FFs here like I said I will not abondon them,  I'd willingly continue whenever I get the time. 

Thankyou to Rugoo and Zarqay for being the bestest people on Earth <3
and I'd love dedicating this to fizz who is always on a roll wanting to kill me. 

the title, you'll understand why it is that ^^^

Chapter one:

Three years earlier:

Armaan stood leaning over the bar taking his sixth vodka shot. Manners be damned, he thought sourly. It was his second last day in London, and he had mixed feelings about returning to his homeland. He could not wait to see his mother and sister, but he was the least elated about inheriting an empire he had no idea of.  He took another shot, swearing under his breath. He had not planned for his evening to like this, but for some reason he wasn't in his usual self. The swaying bodies and flirtatious invitations were presenting no allure to him, as if he had been frozen in an ice compound.

"Shilps," he turned around annoyed at the disturbingly loud voice, only to follow the gaze of the woman beside him.  He stared for a moment, his eyes searing through the woman descending the stairs. She was clad in a satin green gown, falling into flares as it went down her hips. His gaze took in the shape of her body clad behind the gown that stuck to her body like second skin. He let his gaze scan her. His eyes moved over the bare skin that was revealed in her sleeveless gown.  The dress was gathered across her breasts, letting the slightest of her cleavage reveal, teasing and inviting, not giving and yet leaving one tempted and needy to see beyond it. Her gleaming milk white skin glowed in the illuminating light of the chandeliers. He could trace every single bone etched over her collar, and the hollow dents in her neck. She had a voluptuous body catching the attention of every single man in the room. His eyes traced every single curve until it disappeared behind veil of promising fantasy, the honey brown curls that fell across her face descending all the way down across her breasts, the curvy delicious mouth, the sway of her hips, sensually enticing as she came down the stairs. He wanted to tear off the mask from her face and stare closely at her.

He begun unfastening the ribbons of his own mask then stopped. Everyone had to have the mask on. It was the damnest rule of the party, and he hated it, however having nowhere else to go he sat there nonetheless. He saw her walking to her friends and gritted his teeth in frustration. His body reacted violently to her presence. Not that he was a man who took interest in every single girl like that but something about her unsettled him, unnerved him. He could feel himself hardening, his eyes not leaving her for a moment.

She's just a girl, he told himself silently, trying in vain to rid himself of the urges that consumed

him. She's a girl like any other. But that wasn't true. The strength of his reaction to her alarmed

and startled him. He would give away everything in his power to have her. He was never vulnerable

to sudden impulses, had never been ruled by anything but logic and reason. It seemed that all the

recklessness he had never allowed himself to feel had come over him in one moment.


Armaan moved around the edge of the crowd with the deliberateness of a predator, his gaze

locked on her. He wasn't certain what he intended to do; only that he had to be near her. He wanted to plunder his hands into the honey soft curls of her hair, let his senses be intoxicated by her presence, touch her, taste her. The shock of the sudden impulse that took over him caused his loins to stir painfully. He had to have her.


Armaan woke up to see a warm body pressed to his. He snorted seeing the girl still there. Who was she? He held his head with a growl. It was hurting like the very devil. Not bothering to move away the comforter and look at her he got out of the bed murmuring drowsily, soft curses as he swayed his way across the washroom. He washed his face trying to remember the chronicles of last night but all that came back was memoirs in pieces, like smeared flashes of reality. He remembered gulping down shots after shots, then seeing a woman asking her for a dance, getting one, then challenging her to a drink and then every moment after that was incoherent a blurry bit smashing across his head in no order. He got out of the washroom to look at the woman but she was gone. He knew he had not had sex with her; they had been fully clothed for that. He let out a frustrated sigh. He did not even remember a thing about the girl who had left such an intense effect on him. He shook his head.

Two days later:

Armaan packed his bags getting late for his flight when a parcel arrived. He signed off and tore it in urgency, his eyes falling on the stamp papers and he stared shocked and bewildered. For moments he kept staring and then he cursed. This could not be, he could not have. He cursed under his breath wanting to break things violently. He was married to a woman he had no idea how he got married to. All he knew was it was a legal marriage with the copy of their registered marriage certificate in the court in his hand.

He let go of his baggage and went to Ball's Avenue of the night before inquiring impatiently but no one had any idea who he was talking about. He then rushed to the registrar's office who told him, he did remember him and a girl coming there and getting married. The manager himself had vague details of her but he gave him the address that she had placed in for her copy to be parceled. He thanked the manager driving impatiently to the girl's house and seeing a lock, the neighbors telling him that the girl left two hours ago. And then he stood there. He was married to a woman he had no idea about, did not know who she was, did not even know where she went. All he knew was he was married, and there was no chance of annulment or divorce, for he did not even know who she was.


Three years later:

Shilpa took the glass of orange juice, gulping it down as she proceeded to read her emails. She stopped staring at her sister's name and growing elated to read an email from her after so long.

Dear Shilpa,

I am sorry, I know in past few days I have not picked your calls or replied to your messages. Certain things had been happening and I was rather too busy. You know how much I miss you. After mom and dad's separation, I came with mum and you went with dad, and both of them had condemned us from meeting each other, but you have always been there for me like a big sister.

Shilpa last night I was engaged to Armaan Malik. I know the news must come to you as a complete shock, but it was as startling to me. Mom said she and the Maliks had a betrothal agreement and think it's in all our best benefits if I get married to Armaan Malik. He is really rich, and you know what our mother thinks of such people. I miss you dearly. Everything happened in such haste. I hope you were here, I hope you come here.


Your little sister,


Shilpa read and reread the email. Her fists tightened at her sides. Her parents were absolute animals. They were selfish and greedy, and all in all, their life's biggest mistake had been marriage to each other and producing two daughters named Shilpa and Muskaan. They had suffered due to their parents all their life. Shilpa had been too rebellious to be patted and used by them. She had rebelled and gone out to live with her uncle who adored her very much. But Muskaan was unlike her. Muskaan was a very humble, tamed traditional girl. Shilpa had gone to live with her father after their separation since her mother and she never really got along. Shilpa was exactly the opposite of everything Muskaan was. She was not shy. She was spirited, young, wild and reckless. She was a book worm too, weaving a beautiful world of hope around her. She loved animals, and did everything they said girls could not or should not do.  And Muskaan was a fragile flower, and Shilpa had always taken care of her. Her parents despised her because of her nature but her mother had managed to cower and make Muskaan exactly what she wanted. A dummy in her play. Both her parents wanted to best each other, and they'd used their children, when Shilpa's father had betrothed her to Abhimanyu Modhi, the CEO of one of the leading steel corporations, and she had no choice but to accept it. She had to do it for her father, who unlike her mother at some point had shown a care for her, had left his money over her expense, and he told her he wanted payback in this form and she had thought so be it sourly after useless quarrels with him. She knew exactly what her mother was doing. She was giving Muskaan to this man, who was even more accomplished than Modhi, to best her father, to beat him, chide him. But Muskaan loved Rahul Garewal. He was a school friend of hers, and she had told Shilpa the day they'd confessed to each other.

Muskaan was too obedient to ever go against her mother's wishes. She knew she would have by now cut all contacts with Rahul and there was no way in hell would she let Armaan Malik marry her sister. She'd have enough with men. Vaguely Shilpa thought of that night in London. She was married to some stranger she had no idea of. Her life was a complicated tangled mess. She did not believe in that marriage, and how could she? It was unreal; she did not even know who her husband was. And it was damn likely he did not even remember. Pushing aside the disturbing thoughts she pondered on forming a plan carefully. Of two things she was absolutely certain. Armaan Malik whoever he was, would not get married to her sister whatever she had to do and second she'd not miss the look of defeat on her mother's face for the world.

Armaan poured himself another drink. His life was in the hoes of destruction and he was the one fueling the fire. He was engaged to a woman he had no feelings for, and was to marry her. She was too sweet for him, to a point where her reluctance and shyness irritated him. It was beyond reasoning, but he was to marry the girl. He gave an ironical smile at the mockery of life. He was married to a woman he didn't even know and he was again marrying another he did not want to know. Business association that had been what his mother called it. She was his mother's best friends daughter and her mother expected her to give away her properties and business corporations to Armaan once they were married. His mother had refused to listen to him. She had been adamant that he marry the girl, and later looking at through a business perspective he had given his approval. It was who he was now. A business man. He'd been reduced to an angry, arrogant man from a cheerful reckless boy. He had lost all the looks of the boy he once was. Rough stubble and rugged features highlighted his countenance. He had almost dark shades under his eyes due to excessive work and lack of sleep. His hair had been uncut for long, growing around his neck. They weren't really long, however had grown enough to crowd his nape. He poured himself another glass imagining how life with Muskaan would be, and could not bring himself to think of it.

"Sir there is a lady here expecting to see you. She does not have an appointment however is very persistent on seeing you."

Armaan growled couching over the seat angrily. He was in no mood to meet anyone.

"Tell her to go the hell away." He turned back to the bar.

"Sir she says she is Miss Muskaan's sister and needs to meet you right now."

Armaan lifted his head. Muskaan's damnable sister here? From all he had heard from her mother, they had disowned her because she was a disgrace to them, unlike Muskaan. They'd said so many things about her, but he hadn't paid an ounce of attention.

"Send her in." Armaan got off the bar, adjusting his tie and going into the adjoining room that was his cabin.

Armaan lounged over his seat taking in the woman's presence as she filled the room. He stared at her through veiled inspection.  His face remained expressionless as she confidently walked across his room and stood, bending over his table. Her hair were tied behind in a straight back to back pony against her neck, letting a tress loose as it fell against her face. Her eyes were sharp and a colour of emerald green. They were beautiful he thought as he stared at her. She was clad in a casual formal jeans and shirt, with the sleeves folded back and the first button of her shirt undone. He tried not looking at her, he tried not staring into her beautiful eyes but he could not stop it more than he could have stopped his own breathing. Something about her pulled him in. he took in her sweet and spicy scent, something of a combination of sandalwood and lavender and the earthly feminine scent, hiking up his senses.  He searched maddeningly through his memory to remember where he had seen her, but there was nothing but a formidable tingling feeling of recognition heightening his senses. He felt his whole body jerking in response to her presence.

"Mr. Malik," her voice laced with sweet menace reverberated through his ears calling him back from his fog, "I am Shilpa Malhotra, Muskaan's sister"

"I know." He scoffed, moving back in his chair to stare at her.

"Good then, I may aswell be blunt. I want you to back from this marriage."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," she stopped for a moment taking in his reaction, when his remained impassive she continued, "leave my sister and go find someone else. She won't marry you."

"Excuse me?"

"Are you a fool? You are not going to marry my sister you pompous ass. I WON'T LET THIS WEDDING HAPPEN. You don't deserve her."

"For one, I do not take anybody's orders, for second, I deserve a hell a lot better but your sister will do and third, get out of my office." His voice was stern and his eyes were pools of unfathomable black.

"Alright. I took measures to warn you beforehand. I won't let this marriage happen. Mark my words. You'd rather be happier to back off. I take nasty measures to get what I want Malik."

"The door is behind you." He clipped her.

"Very well." Their gazes clashed and held for an unspeakable moment and then she turned around proceeding out whilst Armaan watched the sway of her hips. He tightened his fists at his side. Celibacy was driving him mad he thought banging his hands over the table.

Muskaan sat with her mother in the parlor of Malik house reading a magazine when suddenly chirping she ran across the room to hug her sister whilst her mother went frozen with a sour twist of her mouth.



"I-I thought I'd never see you, I," her sister burst into overwhelming tears while Shilpa rubbed her back hugging her.

"I'd never leave you, not for hell." Shilpa assured her softly, her gaze at complete odds with her voice, piercing sharply through her mother's.

Muskaan's happiness haze was broken by her mother's cold voice.

"What are you doing here?  Does your good for nothing father know? Or has he sent you to see how big of a catch Muskaan has got hold of, richer than your Modhi."

Muskaan's hold tightened over Shilpa who gave her mother a mocking smile, "Of course dear mother, that is the only thing you can think about, catches and money. After all all of this is nothing but a competition, and my sister is a pawn in your game."

"Mind your language."

"How about you mind yours, and I'll try not speaking the truth."

"Muskaan tell her to leave right now!"

"Mother, please let her stay. She is here to be a part of my happiness. Surely you can allow me that. I promise I'd ask for nothing more, just let Shilpa stay with me until the wedding. This is my earnest request."

"What the hell," Armaan begun cursing angrily then checked himself when he saw the two other ladies with Shilpa in the parlor.

"Hello to you too Mr. Malik."

"You know him?" Muskaan looked back and forth between Armaan and Shilpa.

"No, his manners depicted he must be the chap mother chose for you, after all I trust her taste enough to know she'd chose the worst man alive for you." Muskaan covered her mouth while her mother and Armaan stared at her incredulously.

"I am sorry Mr. Malik she is not my daughter but an ill-tempered girl. I apologize on her behalf. She has always put the family to shame."

Shilpa gave a mocking smile whilst her eyes locked into Armaan's and the searing sense of familiarity with an underlying current lanced through again. Where had she met him?

"Mr. Malik please don't be offended, my sister always only wishes for my wellbeing. I hope you won't deny her staying here until the wedding; she is very dear to me. I won't stay without her.

"But ofcourse hospitality is a rare virtue nowadays. Its okay. It doesn't matter that I am your only sister and how much you love me, Mr. Malik would not let me stay here since its his house. I understand."

"Armaan please. Let shilpa di stay here." Muskaan was now begging him. He gritted his teeth in frustration at her game. She gave him an innocent victimized look sending shots of anger through him.

"Fine. She'll stay. I am tired and I need you all to leave here." Even though displeased Shilpa's mother was the first one to proceed out with Muskaan following. Shilpa took a step when her wrist was snatched by Armaan.

"Just because you got into my house, does not mean you'll do as you please. One wrong move and it'll be enough to throw you out." He turned her around, pulling her closer to face him. Her scent plundered his mind, the soft silk like skin throbbing with a pulse beneath his fingers, tempting him beyond reason. He'd never wanted a girl the way he seemed to want her. And the fact that he hated her all the much. She was so familiar he could almost sense a dejavu, but ever flicker of his memory was a blur.

"My darling Malik. Wait and watch. Will you?"

"Gladly." And he let go off her wrists. She rubbed them softly when his hand took hers back rubbing it and she snatched it back as if his touch burned through her skin.

Her fiery eyes met his and then she left and for an insane unbelievably ridiculous moment he wished he was getting married to her instead of her sister. 

phew. I'll post the second chappy in two days lol. Promise. 


Rida :P


Chapter 1: Page 1

Chapter 2: Page 12

Promo 1 : Page 17

Chapter 3: Page 22

Note : page 31

Chapter 4:page 32

chapter 5: page 46

Chapter 6 page 48

chapter 7 page 52
chapter 8 page 56
Chapter 9 (LAST) Page 57
Epilogue page 60
Edited by -Heart-Hacker- - 9 years ago


Last reply









Frequent Posters

FleetingWishes. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
Reserved for Zarqay
Edited by -Heart-Hacker- - 10 years ago
Waymaker thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 11 years ago

YAHH Dweeb! Thanks for being a generous enough writer to write something for us and swelling our hearts with joy! WE WOVE YOU☺️

Coming from you i better read SS-since the actions take place kind fast and since you update rarely, it's too good a feeling to read a much pace story BUT It still makes us impatient 😳

Oh baby, the concept is just another maddening one. GEE! I ALWAYS LOVE THEM. AND I LOVE ARMAAN ALWAYS😳 It's  a must for me to write it in every read of yours. Not denying that your Shilpa are also different and Happening. Shit you draw them in the best character and making them so super intense-hawt.

I love the whole concept, waiting for the story to unfold[though i already know most *wink wink*] *SMIRK*  And My Goodness, your description about Shilpa in that gown is just so beautiful. I love how you play beautifully with words.
Armaan restless and getting a hard on on her at the first glimpse is 😲  and i was wondering if every girl do make this to their BF? ;o And does their BF wants to bang them already or suddenly? :O will i get such a BF?😲  OKAY I BETTER SHUSH! 😳

You know what is so read-catchy about it all, its that they are already married and knowing you, am waiting to see some hot heated confrontations and make outs☺️ Dont disappoint me baby, DONT!

I Love the difference of Shilpa-Muskaan, you know it! Am swapping their characters as iv seen them in DMG. Gosh it's good to see something different sometimes🤣i can imagine SA fiesty but Muskaan as the noble silent girl 🤣

JEEZ! I LOVE THE Confronts man! 😳 they may do nothing at all, but their angry heated exchange and the way the stares at each is already so SEX! GOSH!! I Love the office and the mansion and OMG The way Armaan wished he was married to her. GAAAH! ME DROOLS😳

Cant wait to read more! its awesome to read one chapter and so many things happening ;D reminds me of Pakistani shows 🤣

Edited by aftermath.. - 11 years ago
Posted: 11 years ago

The comment is posted on Page 2!
Sorry for the double post!😊
Edited by dmegha - 11 years ago
LiveLaughLove.. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail Networker 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
superb job loved it 
hehehe they dont even know each other n r married wow
last part was amazing when he says he wished he marries muskans sister ❤️
Edited by SHWETAKASHLOVER - 11 years ago
Nandini_goyal thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
hum aj itne lucky kaise ho gaye?

Edited by Pious_KaSh - 11 years ago
Nandini_goyal thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

Hello everyone. Long time no see?🤣 I am sorry I know you all probably want to finish my heads off and kill me and then send me to planet of lunatic freaks like me but I am so sorry for disappearing and never reappearing, I'd been so friggin busy with hospitals and clinics and God knows what not. So I hope you all pray for me, coz I really need it. 😳 <<the reason I could not give time writing coz i was roaming and resting ROFL. Anyway I do promise that I will not abandon my works no matter how long it takes, I'll be back to them. I'll complete them, but for now i guess in the coming week I'll give you extended summarising promos if i get time and then i'll take back on them to write on lol

Okay this is not an FF. its just a short SS. It'll be around 4-5 chappys maximum or even less idk, lol, I wanted to write this and it'll be too long for an OS and too short for an FF, so anyhow, i'd have a little break out and I wanted to write down coz it releases all my pent up irritation and makes me happy. I'd been sleeping over a writer's block but now imma getting back. LMFAO I PROMISE TO FINISH THIS IN TWO WEEK. WELL THATS SOMETHING TO BET ON<<<< it'll be short and precise but I do hope you all enjoy it.

Please don't ask me about my other FFs here like I said I will not abondon them,  I'd willingly continue whenever I get the time. 

Thankyou to Rugoo and Zarqay for being the bestest people on Earth <3
and I'd love dedicating this to fizz who is always on a roll wanting to kill me. 

the title, you'll understand why it is that ^^^

as i have already asked before HUM ITNE LUCKY KAISE HO GAYE??
but then everyone have their days,today is ours😃

you started one more thing. who will complete all the pending work hun?

and about summary, we don't need it, we have read all the work a zillion times don't waste time on that.
you have two options to do..
1. rest
2. write
aur tu bhi kya yaad rakhe gi i will give you a third option too'
3. do some masti

kitne ache options gain na? 😆
and you better not complain

and on the last note, bless Fizz for whatever she is doing and next time I see her I will tell her not to stop ⭐️


I have not read the part yet but it has got some content
Edited by Pious_KaSh - 11 years ago
Oishi23 thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 8
Posted: 11 years ago
Nice and interesting start..would love to read
FleetingWishes. thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

as i have already asked before HUM ITNE LUCKY KAISE HO GAYE??
but then everyone have their days'today is ours'😃

you started one more thing'.who will complete all the pending work hun?

and about summary'we don't need it'we have read all the work a zillion times don't waste time on that'
you have two options to do..
1. rest
2. write
aur tu bhi kya yaad rakhe gi i will give you a third option too'
3. do some masti

kitne ache options gain na? 😆
and you better not complain'

and on the last note'bless Fizz for whatever she is doing and next time I see her I will tell her not to stop ⭐️

how much of a kameeni are you? let me rest in peace!🤣 I LOVE THIS IMMA WRITE ON THIS LMFAO! Before my interest fades as you call it. I think I will rather rest! 🤣🤣 on other note, il give up a promo for myself, so i have it in account and remember what I planned coz keeping files on my lappy or anywhere else I FORGOT or keep deleting and God knows what not! 🤣🤣 I HAVE AROUND 5 pending works i havent even posted, some with three chappys some with two, i love writing and scribling whatevr im in the mood at that particulat moment! This one i shall complete and lets see how you reward me!

Posted: 11 years ago
For the update " The one word that can describe the update is...' Incredible '.
I loved the update and enjoyed reading it!
ArSh emotions were portrayed beautifully.😊😃

For ArSh, '" Guys keep taxing you brains, will surely find out that you are married to each other! "🤣

For you, " You're an amazing writer and i love your FF, BTLOO. When are you continuing BTLOD ? 
Keep updating and please update soon. "

The moment i loved the most, " Her fiery eyes met his and then she left and for an insane unbelievably ridiculous moment he wished he was getting married to her instead of her sister. "😉😉

Do update soon and thanks for the PM.