* || Member in a Million Special || * - Page 8


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OnlyHope thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Go Aanchu 😍
Athough I may just disappear next week then πŸ˜‰
Jenifer. thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 11 years ago
Mwhahaha...(I think no more needs to be said)!
Enjoy these, you scandalous philanderer, and I'll be back to see the fruits of my long rusted torture soon.

Why is an alarm clock going "off" when it actually turns on?

Why does mineral water that has 'trickled through mountains for centuries' go out of date next year?

Are part time band leaders called semi-conductors?

Why are softballs hard?

Why is an electrical outlet called an outlet when you plug things into it? Shouldn't it be called an inlet?

If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is it homeless or naked?

Why does superman wear his underpants on top of his tights?

Why does Goofy stand on two legs while Pluto remains on all fours? They're both dogs!

Why do most cars have speedometers that go beyond the legal speed limit?

Where in the nursery rhyme does it say humpty dumpty is an egg?

Why do they sterilise needles for lethal injections?

Why do banks leave the door wide open but chain the pens to the counter?

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

Why does Donald Duck wear a towel when he comes out of the shower, when he doesn't usually wear any trousers?

Why do people press harder on the remote control when they know the battery is dead?

If an orange is orange, why isn't a lime called a green or a lemon called a yellow?

Why is a professional who invests your money called a 'broker'?

What colour would a smurf turn if you choked it?

Why are hamburgers called hamburgers if there is no ham in them?

Why don't they have mouse flavoured cat food?

Why can't women put on makeup with their mouth closed?

Is a fly without wings called a walk?

Why do we wear a 'pair' of shorts if we are just wearing one?

The more you study the more you know. The more you know the more you forget. The more you forget the less you know. Why study?

If Barbie's so popular why do you have to buy her friends?

|Persephone| thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
^^^ ofcouse jen... you would totally give me questions that require me to think and be witty! lol... 
AwesomeSauce. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
Congrats Guniaa.
Enjoy your time there - on the hot seat!
Love, Aditi
AyushiSinghania thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
MOTW extended ? Does that mean we can put in a bunch of more questions? πŸ˜†
|Persephone| thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
^^^ no ayushi... it means that I get to have more time to finish all the questions you already bombarded me with! lol...
*runs to finish up more questions*
-Jwalamukhi- thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Engager 4 Thumbnail + 9
Posted: 11 years ago
GUN! You are almost at the end of week 2 but yet no answers to my questions.
|Persephone| thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
^^^dude... I've answered like most all of them... deeps set is the one I need to work on... *sigh*
|Persephone| thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: *Shifali*

@ Deeps: I have more :D


1) I prefer to be counseled individually.


2) I need complete quietness to read or study.


3) I usually do things in a planned, systematic way.


4) I prefer to be in a group.


5) I have the ability to listen to music or television and study at the same time.


6) I enjoy doing or learning math.


7) I am absentminded.


8) I prefer to have visual instructions with examples.


9) I prefer to listen to rock music.


10) When I have to assemble something, I read the directions first.


11) I can easily remember verbal material.


12) I enjoy interacting with others.


13) I become uneasy during long verbal explanations.


14) I enjoy joking around.


15) When I set goals for myself, it helps me to keep from procrastinating.


16) I enjoy doing or learning algebra.


17) I am organized.


18) I like to write or read fiction.

19) I organize things to show relation.


20) I like to read.


21) I would choose doing a summary over doing an outline.


22) I do well at geometry.


23) When I experience confusion, I go with my "gut" instinct.


24) If I were a detective, I would do well.

25) I like things such as instructions to be done verbally.


26) When I am giving directions to someone, I prefer to draw them a map than to explain verbally how to get somewhere.


27) It is easy for me to lose track of time.


28) I do well at things involving music such as playing an instrument or singing.


29) I do not like to joke around.


30) I like "well-structured" assignments more than I like assignments that are "open-ended".

31) People consider me absentminded.

32) The things that I have specifically studied are the only things that I will usually remember.

33) I am spontaneous and unpredictable.


34) I enjoy drawing.


35) I can solve problems immediately and not know why my answer is correct.

36) I like to listen to classical music.


37) When I am talking, I use a lot of gestures.

38) I enjoy creating my own drawings and images.


39) When I have to make tough decisions, I write down the pros and cons.


40) Hypnotism does affect me, or I think it would.

41) I have thought of becoming a poet, politician, architect, or dancer.


42) I think that adhering to a schedule is boring.


43) I like getting all of the facts before I make any decisions.


44) I do well at expressing myself using words.


45) I enjoy writing or reading non-fiction.


46) When I am trying to go somewhere, I am usually late.


47) I do not like to follow directions.


48) When I lose something, I retrace my steps and try to remember where I saw it last.

49) I create and keep "to-do" lists.


50) When I forget someone's name, I go through the alphabet until I remember it.


51) I have thought about becoming a lawyer, librarian, mathematician, lab scientist, or doctor.

52) When I look at a person, I am able to tell if they are guilty or not.

53) I like being able to learn through the method of free exploration.

54) I do well at spelling.


Q 55. How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it?  it would shatter... not just crackπŸ˜‰

Q 56. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men to build it? it's already built... so no time!πŸ˜†

Q 57. Approximately how many birthdays does the average Japanese woman have? 1 a year!πŸ˜‰

Q 58. If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in the other hand, what would you have? really large handsπŸ˜†

Q 59. How can you lift an elephant with one hand? by having the elephant be a miniature dollπŸ˜†

Q 60. How can a man go eight days without sleep? he sleeps during the dayπŸ˜‰

Q 61. Why it is impossible to send a telegram to Washington today? because he is dead

Q 62. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what it will become? it will drown as a red stone

Q 63. What often falls but never gets hurt? the temperature

Q 64. What is that no man ever saw which never was but always will be? the future

Q 65. What looks like half apple? the other half

Q 66. What can you never eat for breakfast? dinner

Q67. What gets wet with drying? a towel or dishrag πŸ˜•

Q 68. What 3 letters change a girl into a woman? age πŸ˜†

Q 69. What happened when wheel was invented? we got on a roll πŸ˜†

Q 70. Why is it easy to weigh a fish? cuz it has it has own scales πŸ˜‰

Q 71. Why does a bike rest on its leg? to relieve itself πŸ˜†

Q 72. Bay of Bengal is in which state? its in the ocean :P

73-Last time u literally rolled on the floor? ahem... is this appropriate? πŸ˜†
74-Last time u got wet in rain? prolly the last time I forgot to carry my umbrella πŸ˜†
75-Last time u sang a song? earlier tonight... while watching a movie! 
76-Last time u banged ur head on the wall/desk? I think during finals last semester
77-Last time u said i love u to someone? my sister while I was talking to her earlier tonight
78-Last time u sneezed? a few days ago
79-Last time u typed the word "the"? 7 questions ago πŸ˜›
80-Last time u said bubyee? never... πŸ˜†
81-Last time u spend money on sth? sth? not sure what that even is πŸ˜›
82-Last time u bought something (name it)? 
83-Last time u said idiot?
84-Last time u said dumbo?
85-Last time u said sweets?
86-Last time u ate a chocolate?
87-Last time u went to a party?
88-Last time u felt like dancing?
89-Last time u felt like partying?
90-Last time u felt like going onto the beach?
91-Last time u when felt like watching tom n jerry fight?
92-Last time u wanted to pull ur best friends leg?
93-Last time u wanted to show off?
94-Last time u SMS'd someone (whom - mention)?
95-Last time u called some one (whom - mention)?
96-Last time u checked ur cellphone if u have any SMS or miss call?
97-Last time u slept on ur desk while chatting?
98-Last time u watched TV?
99-Last time u saw any romantic scene of ur fav jodi (Telly/Bolly)?
100-Last time u watched powerpuffgirls?
101-Last time u said _____ (ur fav actor/crush) is mine (urs)?
102-Last time u went for a walk?
103-Last time it rained in ur city (when)?
104-Last time u felt tired and why?
105-Last time u felt like going on a date and with whom? <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->
106-Last time u felt like sending someone on date and whom?
107-Last time u saw SRK?
108-Last time u saw 'Kyunki Saas Bhi Kabhi Bahu Thi'?
109-Last time u dreamed about a bhoot?
110-Last time u used >>πŸ˜‰
111-Last time u used >>πŸ˜ƒ
112-Last time u used >>πŸ˜†
113-Last time u used >>😳
114-Last time u used >>😑
115-Last time u used >>πŸ‘
116-Last time u used >>
117-Last time u used >>πŸ˜•
118-Last time u used >>😊
119-Last time u made a siggy?
120-Last time u looked the calender?
121-Last time u clicked ur pic?
122-Last time u had a haircut?
123-Last time u brushed ur teeth?
124-Last time u brushed ur hair?
125-Last time u wore the color blue?
126-Last time u yawned?
127-Last time u looked at urself in mirror?
128-Last time u fought with ur siblings?
129-Last time u broke ur neighbours heart?
130-Last time u broke cow's heart?
131-Last time u went for a drive?
132-Last time u were pissed off?
133-Last time u felt/ said, "Yes! the whole world is mine"?
134-Last time u felt like flying in the sky?
135-Last time u were happiest the most?
136-Last time u felt like killing someone?
137-Last time u felt like crying ur heart out?
138-Last time u felt like, 'yes its finished...now nothing can happen'?
139-Last time u wore socks?
140-Last time u wore joggers?
141-Last time u wore sandals?
142-Last time u jeans?
143-Last time u felt like beating someone wid sandal?
144-Last time u like beating someone wid danda?
145-Last time u slapped someone?
146-Last time u gave kissie to someone?
147-Last time u said 'Oh No..!!'?
148-Last time u said 'Why me'?
149-Last time u said ' Oh shut up'?
150-Last time u felt like really hugging an online friend?
151-Last time u really felt like giving a tight puppy to an online friend?
152-Am i good at grilling?
153-By now u are grilled like a full chicken roast or a leg piece?
154-Do u agree i am the best griller on I-F?
155-Complete the songs below with your own lyrics:

a) Ankhein mein teri...
b) Jab koi baat...
c) Main agar kahun...
d) Ajeeb dastan hai yeh...
e) Ladki kyun na jaane kyun...
f) Tujhe dekha toe yeh...
g) Tum paas aye...
h) Chura liya hai tumne jo...

156. What are u doing right now?

157. What were u doing before answering my set?
158. What is the time right now?
159. How many windows do u have opened up along with my question set window?
160. How many chat windows do u have opened up at this very moment?
161. What is the color of your mouse pad?
162. Name one thing which is on your right n one on your left at this moment?
163. Get up from where u are sitting...walk five steps to your right...den turn left...move five steps ahead...turn left n cum back to your seat. How much time did u take to perform this task?
164. What is the color of your clothes u wearing right now?
165. If you get kidnapped by DON...whom do u expect to rescue you and how? Scenario to be explained.
166. When u cook chicken in spinach...what does the chicken say?
167. Your favorite possessions?
168. One thing u regret in life?
169. How is life treating u nowadays?
170. At what time did u wake up in the morning today?
171. At what time did u sleep last night?

172. The questions till now I have asked'they seem to be easy kya?

173. Am I bothering you?

174. Are u expecting another set from me?

175. If you boil one egg in 1 minute, how minutes will it take you to boil carrots?
176. If you win a million dollar what would you do?
177. You meet one of your friends from I-F somewhere, how you react and how'd you spend your day? (Name the friend too).
178. Vijay gives you the responsibility to organize a big bash, where all from I-F are invited. What would you do to make it a memorable and enjoyable one? (Explain in more than 200 words).
179. Imagine you are the fairy god mother from Cinderella. You can grant three wishes to anyone whom you like. Who would be the lucky people whom u'd bless with your magic?
180. You are transformed into a pen one day. Whose pen would you like to be and why and which color and wich color ink u'd prefer?
181. Do 10 sit ups. After you are done how do you feel?
182. A GM one fine day bans you from I-F without any explanation. What would you do to get back?

Q. You are transformed into a street cat for a day. Tell how you would spend your day.

Q. Assuming yourself to be Cinderella, who would be your step sisters, the fairy and your prince? Choose from amongst the members on I-F.

Q. Choose 10 members from any forum and assign them one 'emotions' i.e. the emotions/smiley on the left hand side of the Post Reply box.

Q. Choose as many members as you want (has to be more than one) and assign them a new ID that would suit them according to you.

Q. What is the naughtiest thing you have done in life so far?

Q. You get hold of Alladin's magic lamp which has a genie in it. The genie gives you 3 wishes. What would be your 3 wishes?

Q. According to current conditions of this world as a whole. Name 3 things you would like to change on this earth.

Q. Complete the following dialogues in your own style:

- Main tumhare bache ki...
- Bade bade shehron mein aisi choti choti baatein...
- Main tumhe saari zindagi pyaar karunga...
- Kaun kambakht bardasht karne ke liye peeta hai...Hum toh peete hai...
- Arreey Ooo Sambha...
- Dil ki gehraiyon se dekhogi toh tumhe sirf main nazar aaounga...
- Hum toh aise hi hai...

aite... maybe I missed one... but I'm getting there πŸ˜†
Edited by luvya4ever - 11 years ago
|Persephone| thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Deepali88

Real Name (optional you can skip it if you want): Gunia

Nickname: Gun, Gee, Barfi, GGB

Where are you from? USA

Date of birth: August 1st

Zodiac sign: Leo

Hobbies: already answered πŸ˜³

Profession: Student

How you came to IF: already answered πŸ˜³

First forum on IF: Jassi Jaisi Koi Nahin

Your best friends on IF: already answered πŸ˜³

Favorite color: already answered πŸ˜³

Favorite  film actor and actress: already answered πŸ˜³

Favorite telly actor and actress: already answered πŸ˜³

Favorite food: mom's indian food, italian food, thai food

Favorite song: already answered πŸ˜³

Favorite Singer: already answered πŸ˜³

Favorite sports: already answered πŸ˜³

 Favorite player: don't really have one!!!

Favorite holiday spot: already answered πŸ˜³

Favorite television serial: already answered πŸ˜³

Favorite film: already answered πŸ˜³

Forums on IF you visit: EHM, VS, NR, JDJ5, and only read updates in IPK and BV

2nd set of questions


What are your 3 favourite internet sites? FB, I-F, my school websites πŸ˜†

 What was the last thing you ate? a veggie burger

 What's your favourite Nursery Rhyme? twinkle twinkle little star

 What song would you say best sums you up? not sure πŸ˜³

 Have you ever walked out of a cinema before the film was done? yup... went to watch KKHH when younger and the theatre was full of cheap bhaiyyas and my family got up and left

Do you ever laugh at things you shouldn't? all the time πŸ˜†

if you were a fashion designer, what style of clothing or accessories would you design? funky and fun πŸ˜ƒ

What makes you laugh the most? comedy?!

 The last movie that you watched? Magic Mike πŸ˜‰

 What is your favorite song? : already answered πŸ˜³

Is the glass half empty or half full? always half full...

Are you a morning person? heck no

What came first the chicken or egg? the egg... it's officially been decided

 What is most important to you in life? family and friends

Your favorite time of the day? night

What is your mood right now? calm, content, relaxed

Would you rather have a million dollars or instant fame? million dollars and my privacy πŸ˜†

Type of music that you dislike the most? blues and country


ok some more questions since you seem to me free πŸ˜†

 whats your favorite flower: spider lillies

 whats more important in life , fame or money ? neither really... but out of the two I would rather have money... since I would hate everyone recognizing and knowing me

 whats your favorite hang out place with friends ? someone's house... I'm a house party person πŸ˜ƒ

do you have pets ? no

who is your inspiration in life ? not sure

are you interested in politics ?? not at all

if you get 1 million , how willl u spend it ? i'd invest half of it and spend the rest on my college education and my family

ever did bungee jumping ? yes ma'am... one of the best experiences ever!!!

 your fav quote? "When life gives you lemons, _________"

 favorite junk food: taco bell

how long can you sleep ? I think max 12 hours or so... depends how sleep deprived I am!

what do you do to get out of sad or depressed moment? I reflect on why I'm sad and try to fix it... or talk to my mom if she's around

A boy should be? chivalrous 

how does it feel to be MOTW: at this point, tiring... πŸ˜†

how do you react when you are angry with someone? if I am truly angry, I walk away to be alone

do you like flirting: the question is do YOU like flirting... πŸ˜† lol... sometimes

sunrise or sunset: sunset

you active in morning/ day time or at night" night owl baby!

when was the last time you went for a party: last saturday night 

do you do house hold chores: yup... gotta help out!

 last action movie you went to: avengers

 do you like to spend money on books or on cds: I guess music... though no cds anymore... it's all virtual πŸ˜†

Choose just one: 

shorts or skirts? skirts

Shopping or Hanging out with friends? hanging out

Summer or Winter? winter

Spring or Fall? spring

Cell phone or Laptop? argh... hard choice... cell phone I guess

Eye lock or Hug ( your favourite romantic gesture)? hug

Organized or Disorganized? organized

SRK or Salman? salman

Aish and Abhi or Sharukh and Gauri? SRK and gauri

Kareena and Salman or Kareena and SRK? Kareena and salman

Lipstick or Lipgloss? lipgloss

Preity or Rani? rani

Pink or Blue? blue

White or Black? black

Day or Night? night

Juice or Coke? coke... no doubt... *guzzles down some soda sitting next to her*

Cats or Dogs? dogs

Chua yah Billi? ;) chua... I'm allergic to billis

Rani or Kajol? rani

Bollywood or Tellywood? Bollywood

Hollywood or Bollywood? hollywood

Grilled or being grilled? grilled πŸ˜†

More Questions... Oh and here you HAVE to explain why.

Your favorite movie? 
: already answered πŸ˜³ 

Your favorite show? at the moment, EHM because it is awesome! 

Your favorite drink? diet pepsi because it is the perfect blend of fake sugar, carbonation and chemicals AND has no calories πŸ˜†

Your favorite food? mom's indian because I crave it when I'm on my own since I can't cook indian at all!

Your favorite bollywood actress? sonam because she is ishtylish and cute

Your favorite bollywood actor? emraan hashmi because he acts well

Your favorite tellywood actress? mona singh because she is bubbly and awesome and a good actress

Your favorite tellywood actor? karanvir bohra because I had a schoolgirl crush and prem-mukti were awesome!

Your favorite hollywood actress? don't really have one... though I can say I hate kristen stewart because she looks like she's made of wax and has no expressions

Your favorite hollywood actor? at the moment channing tatum because i just watched magic mike πŸ˜† and he's hot and can dance like whoa!!!

Your favorite animal? dogs because they are man's best friends and i'm not allergic to them πŸ˜†

Your favorite channel? HBO because they have some good shows (dexter, true blood, etc) and some awesome movies

Your favorite song? honey singh songs at the moment because I am going through a punjabi phase and his songs appeal to me as someone who's been trained by american music to like good beats and innuendos galore! πŸ˜†

Your favorite color? green cuz I'm a tree hugger πŸ˜³

Your favorite country? america cuz I live here πŸ˜ƒ and it's the land of the brave and free πŸ˜†

Your favorite vacation spot? toronto cuz there is always something to do and someone to visit πŸ˜›

Your favorite forum in IF? NR because I love the people and there is no drama πŸ˜†

Your favorite book? HP because it's a whole new world and very well written!

Your favorite hobby? photography because you see things you would not have otherwise

Your favorite sound? don't really have one

Your favorite emoticon? πŸ˜†  because I like laughing and it's cute

When was the last time you cried? prolly in some movie I would think though I can't remember

When was the last time you got mad? it's kinda personal πŸ˜³

What's your favorite memory? getting into grad school is the most recent one πŸ˜ƒ

1. Which is your favorite bolly jodi? shahid - amrita rao
2. Your favorite telly jodi? nupur-mayank
3. Your favorite off screen jodi?  sanjeeda sheikh-aamir ali 
4. An actor that you think is underestimated: emraan hashmi
5. An actress you think is underestimated: sonam kapoor
6-An actor you think is overestimated: robert pattinson
7- An actress you think is overestimated: kristen stewart
8- Most gorgeous actress of bollywood: deepika padukone
9- Hottest actor of bollywood: ranbir kapoor
10- Most gorgeous actress of Hollywood: emma stone
11- Hottest actor of Hollywood: channing tatum
12- Most gorgeous actress of Tellywood: 
13- Hottest actor of Tellywood:
14- Your favorite bolly movie: already answered 
15- Favorite holly movie: avengers atm
16- All time favorite telly show: geet prolly
17- Current favorite telly show: EHM
18- Favorite show anchor: manish paul
19- All time bolly crush: emraan hashmi
20- Current bolly crush: arjun kapoor
21- All time telly crush: karanbir bohra
22- Current telly crush: kunal karan kapoor
23- Your favorite color: green
24- Your hobbies: already answered
25. Favorite book: HP
26. Favorite color combination : black and anything - white, green, pink, blue, orange etc
27. What was your strangest dream? getting chased by a giant computer
28. Your funniest dream? don't think I've had any
29. Saddest dream? seeing myself die
30. Most memorable moment in real life: already asked
31. Most memorable moment on IF: birthday are pretty memorable
32. The first friend you made on IF : already answered
33. Among your friends, who's the sweetest? prolly fairy
34. Funniest? shifs
35. Craziest? jot
36. Weirdest? khush
37. Most helpful? nadia
38. Smartest? NJ
39. One member you wish you could get to know better? tink
40. Favorite emoticon? πŸ˜†
41. Five words to describe yourself: smart, friendly, laid-back, kind, depedable
42. Your favorite quality about you? my resilience
43. Your least favorite quality about you? being late a lot
44. What are your hobbies? already answered
45. Your favorite thing about IF?  already answered 
46. One thing you want to change about IF:  already answered 
47. What was one thing you really wish you could do? cook well and paint well
48. One decision that you regret? regrets are evil little things, so I try not to have any
49. The greatest coincidence in your life? having the same supervisor in two different jobs
50. Do you believe in destiny? yup
51. Do you believe in soulmates? nope
52. As a child did you like dolls more or teddy bears? teddy bears
53. The most fascinating planet to yu? pluto... 
54. If you discovered a planet, what would you name it? sparky?
55. Do you have braces? nope
56. Do you wear glasses? yup
57. Describe how you feel right now in five words. a bit tired and sleepy

 do you save money : yup

How many liters of Dal can be Made with 5 kg of Dal? as many as your cooker can hold

How many aloo are needed for 1 aloo paratha? as many as you would wanna put and can handle not breaking

Why does the SUN rise from East and Sunset in West ? cuz the west is the party place πŸ˜†

if all the Masala went missing , what would happen to the masala DOSA ? it would be sad :(

What is my shoe size? 7

How tall are you? 5'8"

Fav section on IF: EHM

Fav Sigmaker ( if any): none atm

Fav videomix + maker (if any): none

Fav fanfic writer (if any): there are tons great ones here

how short is Aamir khan ? way too short

Why did aamir khan get married to kiran ? he was delusional in love

what did Priyanka chopra eat for Lunch today ? food πŸ˜†
What did i eat for lunch today? I would hope food

What did you eat for lunch today? chinese πŸ˜›

Why did Shahid Kapoor Cry when Kareena Left him ? tears of joy?

Why is study important . when we all die ? so that we can survive πŸ˜‰
Suppose you fall in love with someone your parents disagree. What will you do? convince 'em

Who do you love the most in this world? mom
Do you believe in god? yes ma'am
Do you believe in love? nope

Arange marriage or love marriage? neither... find someone who I think I can tolerate long term and marry him

Do you have a best friend? yup
What is the one thing that you are afraid of? losing my loved ones
Your all time favorite quote? "When life hands you lemons, bring out the tequila"
One pickup line that you love or use?  none actually

An advice you were given which you can't ever forget? give your 110% and leave the rest to forces that be

Where are u from?? US
 What is your biggest fear or worry? already answered
What is the main thing that makes you unique? my charming personality and big heart πŸ˜†
 If you had to evacuate your house immediately, what is the one thing you would grab on the way out? my family first... but material things would include my cell phone and maybe my laptop
 What is the oldest item you own? a teddy bear from when I was like 10 or so
 If someone was to give you one gift, money is no object, what would you want to receive? they would fund my education for me πŸ˜†
 What does it mean to have courage? to try your best in all situations and not back down
 Do you like your name? yea, it's aite! 
 Do you have a nickname? What is it? Gunia
Do you know how you got your name? I think it was the name of a character in a show my mom used to watch when she was a kid
If you could have any special magic, what would it be? to be able to read people's minds
 If you had three wishes, what would you wish? already answered
 What is your greatest strength? my resilience
If you could predict the future, what would you do with that knowledge? good I would hope
Where do you see yourself in 20 years? in a career I am happy in, with a good family...
Who is the one person that helped to make you who you are today? my mom
 If you were punished for a crime, what type of punishment would you choose? community service?
What makes your family unique from others? not sure... maybe that we are a mishmash between indian and american values and lifestyles
Which is your favorite song? already answered
If you could travel to space, would you go? sure... why not? 
If a friend is being bullied or harassed by someone, what do you do? stand up for 'em 
Who are the people you love the most in ur family? my mom and sis


Coke or Pepsi: pepsi

Sprite or 7UP: sprite

Girls or Guys: both in different aspects

Flowers or Candy: flowers

Tall or Short: tall

Night or Day: night

WHAT IS (your favourite)...

Your Good Luck Charm: don't have one

Best Thing That Has Happened: getting into grad school

Movie: already answered

Cars: i'd like a lexus SUV

Ice Cream: butter pecan or maple walnut

Season: spring

First thing that comes to ur mind when I say:
Ice creams: cold

Chocolates: fattening

IF: addicting

Friends: love

Family: neccesary

Daily soaps: *shudder*

Choose one:

Love or Friendship: friendship

Pizza or Burger: pizza

Pasta or Noodles: pasta

Romantic songs or Hip hop song: hip-hop

Random questions 

Would you rather be rich  and ugly or poor but beautiful? rich and ugly... cuz then I can buy beauty πŸ˜†
Do dentists go to other dentists or do they just do it themselves for a tooth extraction? the ones I know just do it within their practice... with each other or through a dental assistant
If money doesn't grow on trees then why do banks have branches? because they like to spread

What makes you angry? stupidity, ignorance and intolerance
Enjoyeee on the Hot Seat...hope you feel better nowπŸ˜†: oh yea... tons better! not!


*phew* another one mostly done! πŸ˜†  y'all ask the same questions over and over.. not fair πŸ˜›
Edited by luvya4ever - 11 years ago