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|Persephone| thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
 alright... starting on the next set! lol... hopefully will have it done today! may the force be with me! 😆

Originally posted by: *Shifali*

Describe yourself in 8 words .. honest, laid-back, confident, friendly, nice, patient, sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated 😆

One person, you love(d) to hang out with .. my best friend jess, my mom 😃

First person you made friend's with on IF .. pretty sure I've answered this one before 😉

How many friends do you have on IF?? Name them ( if you can ) .. 😆 really? I'll try... fairy, you (though I'm reconsidering this 😉), Jen, NJ, tink, jas, mini, khushi, rosh, nibbles, nadi, gur, jess, hinna, vanshika, taani, deeps, deepali, ayushi (X2 😆)... and a bunch more! though again, my memory sucks! 

Three main goals for your future .. survive graduate school, find a guy/start a family at some point, have some fun - maybe a europe trip 😆

Three main goals right now .. ditto as above... I don't plan too much into the future... more live in the moment kind of gal! 

Ever been in any car accidents?? If so, how many?? What age?? I remember 2 from childhood (5-6 and 8-9) and 1 in adulthood (17)

Most embarassing moment .. had a wardrobe malfunction in high school... nothing too ridiculous but had to borrow gym shorts from a friend

Worst injury .. in one accident when I was young, I managed to fracture both my legs, bruise some ribs and assorted cuts and scrapes elsewhere! 

Describe IF, with your point of view ( How should it change | Not change | Need anything new added? | Suggestions | Comments ) . It's fine for the most part... I just wish there was more inter-forum unity and the ranking system was changed 😆

Would you like to be MOTW again?? heck no 😛

Did you like being the MOTW?? it was okay I guess

How is the experience of being the MOTW so far?? pretty decent... though the ridiculous amounts of questions did give me a few nightmares 

Whom would you say to be (on IF) your bestest friend , pick one ! at the moment it has to be fairy 😳

Do u have any regrets in life? not particularly... 

What would be change if u could rewind time back? maybe picked a different undergrad school... something farther away (maybe even on the west coast) 😉

Favourite location for vacation? you asked me this before 😛

Your favourite movie? K3G and avengers atm

Do you watch Disney movies? yes ma'am! I love their (and pixar's) animated movies!

Who is your all time favourite childhood cartoon? scooby doo!

Who is your favourite Disney character? Donald Duck?

Ultimately, if you had three wishes what would they be? get into a good residency, maintain a simple, drama-free life and have enough money to survive and splurge from time to time

Your fears : being lonely I guess
Your weakness : my family
Goal for today : take a shower soon 😆 accomplished all the other ones already 
Goal for this year : get good grades, make new friends and survive!
Lifetime goal : not disappoint any loved ones (done a pretty good job of this till now)
When do you want to get married? in 5-6 years
and to whom? hopefully someone I would know
Ever been in love? nope... I don't think it really exists 😉
Currently in love? nope
Do you think you are attractive? moderately
Your best physical feature : hair? height maybe?

Have you ever...
eaten Sushi... yes.. don't enjoy it too much though...
been beaten up... punched once, but nothing more 
wanted to kill someone... a few times 😉 😆
gone a week without IF... yup... took a long hiatus
gone a week without TV... all the time! All my entertainment comes from the computer nowadays

What's the last...

Time you cried? tears of joy when I got into grad school
Book you read? And the Band Played On
Store you've been in? Coach yesterday with my mother 😃

Can you...

Act: yes... I'm decent at it
Dance? not really... I dance like a white girl - awkward shuffle from side to side or club dancing 😆
Speak a different language? hindi, punjabi, english and some spanish
Cook? okay enough to feed myself
Write w/ both hands? nope
Whistle? not that good

Do you have any pets? not atm 😭

What color shirt are you wearing? fuchsia 😆 

Name three things that are physically close to you: laptop, headphones and my phones

Are you or were you a good student? yup, definitely kind of a nerd here 😉

Do you enjoy sleeping late? yes ma'am... sucks when I'm trying to get up though

What's the weather like right now? hot... though cold in the house cuz my dad always turns the A/C up way too much

Who tells the best jokes? a funny guy 😆 😉

What was the last thing you dreamed about? ummm... I don't really remember 😳

Do you believe in karma? yup

Do you believe in luck? definitely

Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up? sunny side up 😃

Do you collect anything? If so, what? my mom thinks I collect tech gadgets when in reality I need them ALL 😆 nope... nothing 😛

Are you proud of yourself? on most days... but not in  a bad, egotistical way

Are you reliable? yes ma'am... 

Have you ever had a secret admirer? yup 😳

Do you like the smell of gasoline? absolutely! my mom does too!

Do you like to draw? yup... just still life though... I suck at portraits

What's your favorite invention? the internet 😉

Is your room messy? not really... I just fixed it up recently 😛

What do you like better: oranges or apples?

Do you give in easily? depends on what it is I am giving into and to whom

Are you a good guesser? i'm decent

Can you read other people's expressions? depends on the person... but yes for most people

Are you a bully? i can be when I need something done 😆 😉

Do you have a job? nope... recently unemployed 😛

What time did you wake up this morning? 10 AM

What did you eat for breakfast this morning? a donut - the true american breakfast 😆

When was the last time you showered? 🤣 this morning 😉

What do you plan on doing tomorrow? lazing in bed in the morn and then hanging out with friends in the afternoon and then shopping with mom in the evening 😃

What's your favorite day of the week and why? now its fridays... cuz it's the weekend 😉... in college, I enjoyed thirsty thursdays 


Do you have any nicknames? Gunia, Gun, Barfi, Gee, and a few more depending on who it is 😛

What's your least favorite color? Bright, shiny gold 🤢

Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about? If yes, who? not particularly... 

Would you ever go skydiving? heck yes... it's on my bucket list

What toothpaste do you use? colgate total 😉

Do you enjoy challenges? yuppers... they're fun!

What's the last movie you saw? Magic Mike 😆 and actually watched it today! There is only one reason to watch that movie and it is most definitely not the storyline 😉 


What do you want to know about the future? where I will end up (geographically) and how close my sister and best friend will be 😃

What does your last text message say? "I know you like drama ;) I have known you for a while now Mr. Drama King" 

🤣 you guys got a good one, usually my texts aren't this awesome 😛

Who was the last person you spoke over the phone to? My best friend 

What's your favorite school subject? Biology 😃

What's your least favorite school subject? 

In school, Physical Education and in college, Philosophy 🥱

Would you rather have money or love? I don't believe romantic love exists and why would I want a non-existent thing? So, money I guess 😆

What is your dream vacation? Backpacking through europe with the bestie 😃

What is your favorite animal? dogs!

Do you miss anyone right now? my sis... haven't seen her in a while

What's the last sporting event you watched? in person? a NFL game last season 😃 on TV, we were watching the olympics US gymnastics tryouts or whatever they are

Do you need to do laundry? not atm

Do you listen to the radio? rarely

Have you ever caught a butterfly? I think I have

What's your ringtone? I usually have my phone on vibrate because ringtones annoy me 😆

Who was the last person to make you laugh? friends I saw earlier! 

Do you have any obsessions right now? nope

Do you like things that glow in the dark? sure... they're cool

What's your favorite fruity scent? lemon/citrus

Do you watch cartoons? sometimes

Have you ever sat on a roof? not recently, but when I was younger and in India

Have you ever been to a different country? yup... India, UK, canada, USA, nepal (don't remember this one), costa rica and maybe one or two more that I can't remember?

Name three things in the world you dislike: bad body odor, tomatoes, roadkill 😆

Name three people in the world you dislike: people with bad body odor, people who pretend to be something they are not, people who give me long MOTW question lists 😆 😉

Has a rumor even been spread about you? unfortunately yes

Do you believe in magic? not the HP kind (I wish!)

-If you were to be an object, which object would you be? a search engine as I like to think I am all-knowing 🤣

-Compare any 10 people on IF with a fruit

-From all the members on IF, which one is...
-Most angelic - 
-Most Evil - 
-Most Hyper - 
-Most active - 
-Most chatterbox - 
-Sweetest - 
-Cutest - mini
-Funniest - 
-Most mature - Jen
-Most lovable - fairy
-Most addicted - not sure.. there are way too many 😳
-Most charming - 
-Friendliest - shifali

- Choose a different username for any 6 people on IF. 

-What are you thinking right now? how much I would like to go take my contact off... infact that is what I am gonna go do right now! 😆

-If you had to change your IF ID- what would you change it to? I'd be boring and change it to my name

Edited by luvya4ever - 11 years ago
snowflake. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
What..one more week 😲 Gunia please make the pink girl sit on the hot seat asap.. I badly want to see her PARESHAN face..please please *demand* 🤔

Why should others have all the fun, I'll be back soon with my questions this week! 😈😎
Edited by _Aanchal_ - 11 years ago
|Persephone| thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
^^^ what no?! I promise if you don't have any questions for me... I'll put fairy on the hotseat soon by hook or crook 😆 😉
Roshini1494 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: luvya4ever

^^^ what no?! I promise if you don't have any questions for me... I'll put fairy on the hotseat soon by hook or crook 😆 😉

haha aanchu will do anything for tht...😆
snowflake. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
Umm.. unfair deal...reject 🤣

|Persephone| thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
^^^ it's totally fair dude! how in the world is it unfair? though fine... you can ask me questions... as long as they are under 20 total 😛
Roshini1494 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: _Aanchal_

Umm.. unfair deal...reject 🤣

I thought u will accept it..🤣
snowflake. thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
Rosh unfortunately i wanna see my pink angel suffer *only on the hotseat*.. but you see i am in no hurry, so thought of conducting some warm up sessions with Gunia 🤡

Gunia superb! you mean you're fine with 18 sets comprising 19 questions each.. right?? ⭐️ *runs to google* <3 <3
Roshini1494 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: _Aanchal_

Rosh unfortunately i wanna see my pink angel suffer *only on the hotseat*.. but you see i am in no hurry, so thought of conducting some warm up sessions with Gunia 🤡

Gunia superb! you mean you're fine with 18 sets comprising 19 questions each.. right?? ⭐️ *runs to google* <3 <3

haha warm up sessions with gunia...🤣 Good...and 18 sets comprising 19 questions each...🤣
|Persephone| thumbnail
Anniversary 19 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 11 years ago
OMG aanchal... I think I may have to kill you if that happens!!! *gets a headache just thinking about it*
I think I'm gonna go hide in my bed and not come back to IF for the rest of the week! 😉

and rosh. don't support her! I need your help in maintaining my sanity in here now!